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Comparability of functional MRI response in young and old during inhibition


Academic year: 2020

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Comparability of Functional MRI Response in Young and Old during Inhibition

Kristy A. Nielson*†§, Scott A. Langenecker*, Thomas J. Ross†, Hugh Garavan†,

Stephen M. Rao‡, & Elliot A. Stein†

*Department of Psychology and the Integrative Neuroscience Research Center,

Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; Departments of †Psychiatry

and Behavioral Medicine, ‡Neurology, and the §Foley Center for Aging and

Development, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to: Kristy A.

Nielson, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Marquette University, P.O. Box 1881,

Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 (kristy.nielson@marquette.edu), 414-288-5333 fax.

This work was performed at and supported in part by the Foley Center for Aging



An important issue in examining special populations with fMRI is the integrity of the hemodynamic response. Although the application of fMRI to aging issues is growing rapidly, very little systematic study of the

hemodynamic response has been done in older individuals and no studies have examined it using cognitive rather than perceptual or motor tasks. As such, fMRI was employed with 28 healthy young and older adults on an inhibitory control task. The results showed that although older and young adults differed in task performance and activation patterns, they had comparable hemodynamic responses. The results suggest that activation patterns during inhibition, which predominantly showed increased activation in elders, were not due to vascular confounds or specific changes in

hemodynamic coupling.



Cognitive neuroscience research, which focuses on revealing brain-behavior

relationships, is most recently being applied toward understanding age-related

declines in cognitive abilities such as memory and attention. The extant

neuroimaging literature on cognitive aging thus far is small but growing rapidly.

Indeed, although there are some inconsistencies, a common finding is that older

adults activate more regions of the brain during tasks than do young adults, a

finding that is often called “recruitment” 1-5.

One drawback, however, to the use of fMRI to study aging-related cognitive

issues is that because the underlying physiological principle on which fMRI is

based is hemodynamic coupling to neuronal activity 6, generalized cerebrovascular

changes associated with aging could alter one or more parameters of the

hemodynamic response. Indeed, studies evaluating visual cortex response to

passive stimulation reported decreased fMRI signal amplitude in older adults 7,8,

which was suggested could be due to an age-related alteration in functional activity

or hemodynamic coupling 8. Motor cortex response to a 10 s hand squeezing task

also showed altered rise but not fall time in elders, suggesting slowed signal due to

vascular changes 9. These findings are particularly important in light of other

reports that older adults have somewhat noisier signals (i.e., greater variability)

than young adults, which could confound interpretation whenever elders exhibit

reduced activation relative to young 7,10. Importantly, purely sensory or motor

tasks, for which older adults have less acuity and ability 11 could reduce detectable

signal magnitude, which could be exacerbated by increased variability in the


“performance” in the groups, the meaningfulness of the result is unclear and the

issue of hemodynamic integrity remains unresolved. A sensory-motor response

task recently showed marked amplitude reductions in elders in visual cortex, but

comparable signals to young in other regions and when overall relative activation

changes were measured 15. However, no studies have examined whether there

are age-related differences in hemodynamic response properties during cognitive

tasks or under comparable performance conditions.

We therefore used event-related fMRI to evaluate hemodynamic response

parameters in 28 healthy participants, 14 older and 14 young adults during an

inhibition (go/no-go) task. The data are a subset of those used in a previous study


. Only accurately performed trials were included for analysis, essentially equating

the participant groups for task performance. Each response parameter was

computed for all active brain voxels of successful trials for each participant and

then averaged across the clusters of interest. Healthy older and young adults were

expected to exhibit comparable hemodynamic response parameters.

Materials and Methods

Participants. Fourteen young adults (8 M, 6 F) aged 19 to 44 (mean = 29.7;

SD = 8.3) and fourteen older adults (6 M, 8 F) age 60 to 77 (mean = 71.1; SD =

4.3) participated in the study. All older adults had Mini-Mental State Exam 16

scores above 26 (mean = 28.6, SD = 1.5) and Geriatric Depression Scale 17 scores

below 10 (mean = 2.5, SD = 2.3). All participants were right-handed, highly

educated (young = 15.7 years, SD = 1.6; old = 18.2 years, SD = 2.0), and free of


time of testing. The Internal Review Board approved all procedures and written

informed consent was obtained prior to testing.

Task. The go/no-go inhibition task is described in detail elsewhere 5,18. It

presented a serial stream of letters, one each 500 ms with a 0 ms interstimulus

interval, with intermittent semi-random targets requiring response (average every

3.5 sec; 150 total) and lures (response to be inhibited) quasi-randomly and rarely

(>15 second inter-lure interval; 25 total).

Neuroimaging. Whole-brain fMRI imaging was conducted on a 1.5T GE

Signa scanner with a 30.5 cm i.d. 3-axis local gradient coil and an endcapped

quadrature birdcage radio-frequency head-coil 19, 7mm contiguous sagittal slices, a

blipped gradient echo-planar pulse sequence (TE = 40 msec; TR = 2000 msec;

FOV = 24 cm; 64 x 64 matrix; 3.75 mm x 3.75 mm in-plane resolution), and spoiled

GRASS anatomic images for anatomical localization 20. Analysis was performed

with AFNI v. 2.2 21. Functional images were modelled with a γ-variate function

using non-linear regression (NLR) optimization5,18. The model, y = ktre -t/b, allowed

the scaling parameter, k, to vary freely, constrained onset time (t or t0) to within 4

sec of lure events, and constrained the exponential parameters, r (largely

representing rise time) and b (largely representing fall time), to a range similar to

previously published estimate 22: 8 ≤ r ≤ 9, 0.15 ≤ b ≤ 0.45. Parameters and

derived quantities, such as response magnitude, computed as % area under the

curve (AUC), were smoothed (4.2 mm full-width-at-half-maximum isotropic

Gaussian filter) and stereotaxically normalized prior to group analyses. Separate,

voxel-wise, one-sample t-tests were then performed for old and young groups


contiguous, significant voxels. A Monte-Carlo randomization procedure

established a false-positive statistical threshold for clusters or regions of interest

(ROIs), accounting for multiple comparisons (t = 4.22; p < .001) 5. These clusters

were then combined and compared between groups by t-test (p < .01 criterion) 5.

Hemodynamic parameter analysis. The four parameters (t0, k, r, b) were

each averaged across all voxels of each significant cluster for each subject,

followed by t-tests between groups for each averaged cluster parameter value (p <

.01 criterion). The large number of comparisons increased the false positive

likelihood, but this risk was deemed acceptable because of the hypothesis of no

differences. A second analysis with less Type I error risk, averaging the

parameters across the ten largest clusters, was also used.


Behavioral data. Overall, participants in both groups performed well on the

task (O = 98.1% (SD = 1.2), Y = 99.1% (SD = 1.7), t(26) = 1.8, p > .05). However,

older adults were slower to respond to targets (O = 505.4 ms (SD = 58.6), Y =

459.6 ms (SD = 46.0), t(26) = -2.3, p < .03) and had fewer “successful inhibitions”

(O = 79.1% (SD = 14.8), Y = 92.6% (SD = 4.1), t(26) = 3.3, p < .01) than young

adults. This finding is consistent with the larger data set from which the current

data were taken 5.

fMRI data. The activated clusters and their group differences are presented

in Table 1. There were no significant group differences in right prefrontal clusters,

but several left hemisphere clusters, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, were


with the larger dataset already published 5. Young adults demonstrated greater

activation than older adults only in two clusters: right postcentral gyrus and left

fusiform gyrus.

The hemodynamic response parameter averages for each cluster by group

are listed in Table 1. Significant between-groups differences in hemodynamic

response parameters were infrequent and limited to the domain of magnitude with

the exception of three clusters. The differences with respect to magnitude were

consistent with the %AUC analysis results. Figure 1 depicts modeled response

curves in the three largest clusters: right parietal, right middle frontal, and left

inferior frontal areas. Clusters in left and right thalamus and one in left premotor

area were different between groups in rise time, where older adults had faster (i.e.,

smaller) rise times than young adults.



To examine the variability in the hemodynamic responses for lure trials

between subjects rather than simply between groups, we calculated average

waveforms for each subject with 95% confidence intervals calculated from the

group SD for each parameter under both extremes (i.e., all high/early or low/late

values). The result of this analysis using the ten largest clusters (using all clusters

produced nearly identical results) is shown in Figure 2, which shows that older and

younger participants had comparable averages and comparable variability of

responses. However, the high confidence interval shows the possibility of slightly




The purpose of this study was to examine the integrity of the hemodynamic

response in older adults as compared to young adults on an inhibition task.

Analysis of the hemodynamic response parameters revealed no significant

between-groups differences in onset, rise or fall parameters for any of the activated

regions, except in two thalamic clusters and one premotor cluster for rise, which

had a smaller (i.e., earlier) rise for older subjects. In addition, the cluster-averaged

waveform (Figure 2) suggested that older and younger averages and variability

were comparable, with the exception of slightly earlier and more robust k

parameter at the high end for older participants. This latter finding could be due to

somewhat more extreme responses at the high end by older subjects. In contrast

it could simply be due to the larger number and size of the clusters with greater

magnitude of response produced by older participants. Overall the averages and

variability were quite comparable and well within expected ranges for normal

hemodynamic responses. These findings support the hypothesis and are generally

consistent with the findings of Buckner et al. 15 and D’Esposito et al. 10, suggesting

that the group differences in activation were not due to age-induced hemodynamic

factors. The present findings, in fact, call into question whether such changes

occur in healthy aging. Indeed, the current results suggest that the hemodynamic

differences previously reported 7-9 might have been exacerbated by group

differences in sensory-motor acuity. Furthermore, the results clearly indicate that

the parameters of the general hemodynamic model used to analyze these data


optimization procedure used arrives at the best-fitting function for each voxel time

series, while also allowing significant variability within the data and maintaining a

hemodynamic waveform, which appears optimal for comparing groups expected to

differ on behavioral or functional dimensions, such as old and young. Finally,

because young adults exhibited some degree of activation in many of the same left

prefrontal regions that were significantly more activated by older adults (Figure 1),

the results suggest that left prefrontal regions may be available to participate in

inhibition, when or if needed, with those on the right 23.


In sum, elders, as compared with young adults, had comparable

hemodynamic response properties, increased magnitude of activation, and a more

bilateral activation pattern for an inhibition task. The results suggested that

age-related difficulty with inhibition is not associated with changes in response functions

or hemodynamic coupling. Furthermore, evaluations of healthy older and young

subjects in interaction with various cognitive task conditions would not be generally





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Table 1. Clusters of statistically significant (p < .001) contiguous activation associated with response inhibition in either the

young or older group shown with group differences and average hemodynamic response parameters.

Side/ Lobe - BA


(µµl) X Y Z t


r b t0 k


r b t0 k

Right Frontal- 10 460 39 51 1 -2.6 6.82 .156 .752 298.7 5.66 .151 .630 650.6

10/46 206 42 40 -1 1.0 7.69 .198 .825 717.2 7.93 .197 .838 350.5

8/9/46 3664 37 26 31 .96 8.09 .186 .955 752.7 7.99 .187 .918 579.9

6 725 30 -5 57 -1.3 8.27 .192 .953 246.3 7.98 .188 .868 668.4

6 353 32 4 38 .30 8.39 .191 .932 533.8 8.33 .188 .882 569.9

10 103 22 52 19 -1.5 8.29 .192 1.03 611.0 7.49 .191 .918 602.2

6 335 30 15 52 -1.4 7.85 .186 .900 440.5 7.39 .181 .892 412.5

6 136 50 1 32 -1.5 8.23 .189 .922 287.2 8.31 .190 .963 803.9

13 1524 39 14 3 1.5 8.04 .19 .917 856.6 8.23 .191 .843 573.3

Parietal- 40/7 4597 42 -51 41 -.15 7.91 .186 .917 611.5 7.82 .185 .852 618.1

31/7 438 1 -54 33 -3.3* 8.43 .195 .921 -127.1* 8.33 .191 .940 660.7*

19 301 41 -69 39 -1.8 6.57 .150 .753 96.9 5.73 .146 .626 711.2

5 142 55 -13 23 2.8* 8.06 .186 .992 556.2 8.38 .190 1.01 406.9

Occipital- 18 646 39 -77 0 1.5 7.61 .179 .952 571.6 7.28 .166 .753 430.7

Temporal- 19 106 40 -68 -13 -.48 8.11 .190 .894 314.8 6.37 .160 .803 659.1

22/39 517 44 -42 3 -2.0 8.38 .193 1.03 280.4 8.32 .188 1.01 483.7

DMT 470 8 -16 8 -3.6† 8.42* .197 .959 321.9* 8.29* .198 .877 920.0*




5073 -43 9 31 -6.1† 8.18 .191 .923 233.6 7.92 .186 .837 635.0

6 206 -4 -6 49 -1.9 8.40 .178 1.01 42.7 8.36 .186 .889 449.7

6 359 -33 -1 55 -1.4 8.23 .191 1.05 403.9 7.45 .187 .881 543.4

6/4 1135 -16 -2 58 -2.1 8.38 .195 1.01 189.1 8.29 .192 .93 484.1

6 136 -28 -15 59 -2.1 8.37 .196 .978 48.6 8.29 .192 1.03 305.0

6 325 -7 16 62 -5.3† 8.04* .191 .960 -314.2* 5.95* .164 .738 470.4*

6 112 -5 28 55 -2.5 8.29 .196 1.01 257.8 6.33 .171 .717 474.5

4 157 -17 -26 58 -3.1* 8.38 .193 .986 -251.3† 8.32 .189 .910 519.1†

13 241 -32 12 8 -2.4 8.37 .194 .984 224.3 8.32 .188 .875 749.0

Limbic- 32 1458 -1 17 42 -.05 8.37 .195 .973 672.0 8.34 .195 .857 585.8

Parietal- 19 261 -25 -67 35 1.2 8.39 .197 .990 207.4 8.32 .196 .988 548.3

40 3189 -42 -53 37 -2.3 8.24 .190 .917 307.3 8.01 .188 .918 627.8

Occipital- 18 108 -40 -82 -10 2.4 8.16 .194 1.01 365.0 6.21 .138 .704 447.1

Temporal- 19 320 -43 -62 -13 2.9* 8.37 .199 1.04 573.5 7.01 .151 .715 369.8

21 303 -54 -28 -7 -2.3 8.06 .187 .903 258.3 7.98 .151 .860 899.9

VAT/DMT 453 -12 -10 11 -2.9* 8.40* .201 .977 65.0* 8.29* .171 .866 772.2*

*p < .01; † p< .001. BA = Brodmann area; DMT = dorsomedial thalamus; VAT = ventral anterior thalamus; r = rise time; b =

fall time; t0 = onset time; k = magnitude. Coordinates are in mm from the anterior commissure 20 with positive is right (X),


Figure Legends

Figure 1. Models of hemodynamic response during successful inhibitions (lures; “No-go”)

for both young and older adults in the three largest activation clusters: right inferior parietal

lobule (a), right middle frontal gyrus (b) and left inferior/middle frontal gyrus (c). The plotted

symbols are for visual distinction only and do not represent actual datapoints. The groups

did not significantly differ on any parameter in these clusters except in magnitude for c (old

> young, p≤ .01). Overall the response parameters were predominantly comparable (see

Table 1).

Figure 2. Models of hemodynamic response during successful inhibitions averaged across

the ten largest clusters, separately for older and younger participants, including confidence

intervals and high and low parameters. The plotted symbols are for visual distinction only


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Signal Intensity (arbitrary units)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Young Old

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Signal Intensity (arbitrary units) 0

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Young Old

Time post-stimulus (seconds)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Signal Intensity (arbitrary units)


-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

Time post-stimulus (sec)

Signal Intensity (arbitrary units)


Table 1.  Clusters of statistically significant (p < .001) contiguous activation associated with response inhibition in either the


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