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Systematically Adapting Machine Translation for Grammatical Error Correction


Academic year: 2020

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Systematically Adapting Machine Translation for Grammatical

Error Correction

Courtney Napoles∗ and Chris Callison-Burch

Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins UniversityComputer and Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

napoles@cs.jhu.edu, ccb@cis.upenn.edu


In this work we adapt machine transla-tion (MT) to grammatical error correctransla-tion, identifying how components of the statis-tical MT pipeline can be modified for this task and analyzing how each modification impacts system performance. We evaluate the contribution of each of these compo-nents with standard evaluation metrics and automatically characterize the morpholog-ical and lexmorpholog-ical transformations made in system output. Our model rivals the cur-rent state of the art using a fraction of the training data.

1 Introduction

This work presents a systematic investigation for automatic grammatical error correction (GEC) in-spired by machine translation (MT). The task of grammatical error correction can be viewed as a noisy channel model, and therefore a MT ap-proach makes sense, and has been applied to the task since Brockett et al. (2006). Currently, the best GEC systems all use machine translation in some form, whether statistical MT (SMT) as a component of a larger pipeline (Rozovskaya and Roth, 2016) or neural MT (Yuan and Briscoe, 2016). These approaches make use of a great deal of resources, and in this work we propose a lighter-weight approach to GEC by methodically examining different aspects of the SMT pipeline, identifying and applying modifications tailored for GEC, introducing artificial data, and evaluating how each of these specializations contributes to the overall performance.

Specifically, we demonstrate that

• Artificially generated rules improve perfor-mance by nearly 10%.

• Custom features describing morphological and lexical changes provide a small perfor-mance gain.

• Tuning to a specialized GEC metric is slightly better than tuning to a traditional MT metric.

• Larger training data leads to better perfor-mance, but there is no conclusive difference between training on a clean corpus with min-imal corrections and a noisy corpus with po-tential sentence rewrites.

We have developed and will release a tool to au-tomatically characterize the types of transforma-tions made in a corrected text, which are used as features in our model. The features identify gen-eral changes such as insertions, substitutions, and deletions, and the number of each of these opera-tions by part of speech. Substituopera-tions are further classified by whether the substitution contains a different inflected form of the original word, such as change in verb tense or noun number; if substi-tution has the same part of speech as the original; and if it is a spelling correction. We additionally use these features to analyze the outputs generated by different systems and characterize their perfor-mance with the types of transformations it makes and how they compare to manually written correc-tions in addition to automatic metric evaluation.

Our approach, Specialized Machine translation for Error Correction (SMEC), represents a sin-gle model that handles morphological changes, spelling corrections, and phrasal substitutions, and it rivals the performance of the state-of-the-art neural MT system (Yuan and Briscoe, 2016), which uses twice the amount of training data, most of which is not publicly available. The analy-sis provided in this work will help improve fu-ture efforts in GEC, and can be used to inform ap-proaches rooted in both neural and statistical MT.


2 Related work

Earlier approaches to grammatical error correc-tion developed rule-based systems or classifiers targeting specific error types such as prepositions or determiners, (e.g., Eeg-Olofsson and Knutsson, 2003; Tetreault and Chodorow, 2008; Rozovskaya et al., 2014), and few approaches were rooted in machine translation, though some exceptions ex-ist (Brockett et al., 2006; Park and Levy, 2011, e.g.,). The 2012 and 2013 shared tasks in GEC both targeted only certain error types (Dale et al., 2012; Ng et al., 2013), to which classification was appropriately suited. However, the goal of the 2014 CoNLL Shared Task was correcting all 28 types of grammatical errors, encouraging sev-eral MT-based approaches to GEC, (e.g., Felice et al., 2014; Junczys-Dowmunt and Grundkiewicz, 2014). Two of the best CoNLL 2014 systems used MT as a black box, reranking output (Felice et al., 2014), and customizing the tuning algorithm and using lexical features (Junczys-Dowmunt and Grundkiewicz, 2014). The other leading system was classification-based and only targeted certain error types (Rozovskaya et al., 2014). Perform-ing less well, Wang et al. (2014) used factored SMT, representing words as factored units to more adeptly handle morphological changes. Shortly after the shared task, a system combining classi-fiers and SMT with no further customizations re-ported better performance than all competing sys-tems (Susanto et al., 2014)

The current leading GEC systems all use MT in some form, including hybrid approaches that use the output of error-type classifiers as MT in-put (Rozovskaya and Roth, 2016) or include a neural model of learner text as a feature in SMT (Chollampatt et al., 2016); phrase-based MT with sparse features tuned to a GEC metric (Junczys-Dowmunt and Grundkiewicz, 2016); and neural MT (Yuan and Briscoe, 2016). Three of these model have been evaluated on a separate test cor-pus and, while the PBMT system reported the highest scores on the CoNLL-14 test set, it was outperformed by the systems with neural compo-nents on the new test set (Napoles et al., 2017).

2.1 GEC corpora

There are two broad categories of parallel data for GEC. The first is error-coded text, in which an-notators have coded spans of learner text contain-ing an error, and which includes the NUS

Cor-pus of Learner English (NUCLE; 57k sentence pairs) (Dahlmeier et al., 2013), the Cambridge Learner Corpus (CLC; 1.9M pairs per Yuan and Briscoe (2016)) (Nicholls, 2003), and a subset of the CLC, the First Certificate in English (FCE; 34k pairs) (Yannakoudakis et al., 2011). MT sys-tems are trained on parallel text, which can be extracted from error-coded corpora by applying the annotated corrections, resulting a clean cor-pus with nearly-perfect word and sentence align-ments.1 These corpora are small by MT

train-ing standards and constrained by the codtrain-ing ap-proach, leading to minimal changes that may re-sult in ungrammatical or awkward-sounding text (Sakaguchi et al., 2016).

The second class of GEC corpora are paral-lel datasets, which contain the original text and a corrected version of the text, without explic-itly coded error corrections. These corpora need to be aligned by sentences and tokens, and auto-matic alignment introduces noise. However, these datasets are cheaper to collect, significantly larger than the error-coded corpora, and may contain more extensive rewrites. Additionally, corrections of sentences made without error coding are per-ceived to be more grammatical. Two corpora of this type are the Automatic Evaluation of Scien-tific Writing corpus, with more than 1 million sen-tences of scientific writing corrected by profes-sional proofreaders (Daudaravicius et al., 2016), and the Lang-8 Corpus of Learner English, which contains 1 million sentence pairs scraped from an online forum for language learners, which were corrected by other members of thelang-8.com online community (Tajiri et al., 2012). Twice that many English sentence pairs can be extracted from version 2 of the Lang-8 Learner Corpora (Tomoya et al., 2011).

We will include both types of corpora in our ex-periments in Section 4.

2.2 Evaluation

GEC systems are automatically evaluated by com-paring their output on sentences that have been manually annotated corpora. The Max-Match metric (M2) is the most widely used, and

calcu-lates the F0.5 over phrasal edits (Dahlmeier and


new metric, GLEU, which has stronger correlation with human judgments. GLEU is based on BLEU and therefore is well-suited for MT. It calculates the n-gram overlap, rewarding n-grams that sys-tems correctly changed and penalizing n-grams that were incorrectly left unchanged. Unlike M2, it

does not require token-aligned input and therefore is able to evaluate sentential rewrites instead of minimal error spans. Since both metrics are com-monly used, we will report the scores of both met-rics in our results. A new test set for GEC was re-cently released, JFLEG (Napoles et al., 2017), Un-like the CoNLL 2014 test set, which is a part of the NUCLE corpus, JFLEG contains fluency-based edits instead of error-coded corrections. Like the Lang-8 and AESW corpora, fluency edits allow full sentence rewrites and do not constrain cor-rections to be error coded, and humans perceive sentences corrected with fluency edits to be more grammatical than those corrected with error-coded edits alone (Sakaguchi et al., 2016). Four leading systems were evaluated on JFLEG, and the best system by both automatic metric and human evalu-ation is the neural MT system of Yuan and Briscoe (2016) (henceforth referred to asYB16).

3 Customizing statistical machine translation

Statistical MT contains various components, in-cluding the training data, feature functions, and an optimization metric. This section describes how we customized each of these components.

3.1 Training data

A translation grammar is extracted from the train-ing data, which is a large parallel corpus of un-grammatical and corrected sentences. Each rule is of the form

left-hand side (LHS)→right-hand side (RHS)

and has a feature vector, the weights of which are set to optimize an objective function, which in MT is metric like BLEU. A limiting factor on MT-based GEC is the available training data, which is small when compared to the data available for bilingual MT, which commonly uses 100s of thou-sands or millions of aligned sentence pairs. We hy-pothesize that artificially generating transforma-tion rules may overcome the limit imposed by lack of sufficiently large training data and improve per-formance. Particularly, the prevalence of spelling

errors is amplified in sparse data due to the poten-tially infinite possible misspellings and large num-ber of OOVs. Previous work has approached this issue by including spelling correction as a step in a pipeline (Rozovskaya and Roth, 2016).

Our solution is to artificially generate grammar rules for spelling corrections and morphological changes. For each word in the input, we query the Aspell dictionary with PyEnchant2for spelling

suggestions and create new rules for each correc-tion, e.g. publicallypublic ally


Additionally, sparsity in morphological variations may arise in datasets. Wang et al. (2014) ap-proached this issue with factored MT, which trans-lates at the sub-word level. Instead, we also gener-ate artificial translation rules representing morpho-logical transformations using RASP’s morpholog-ical generator,morphg(Minnen et al., 2001). We perform POS tagging with the Stanford POS tag-ger (Toutanova et al., 2003) and create rules to switch the plurality of nouns (e.g., singular ↔

plural). For verbs, we generate rules that change that verb to every other inflected form, specifically the base form, third-person singular, past tense, past participle, and progressive tense (e.g., wake,

wakes, woke, woken, waking). Generated words that did not appear in the PyEnchant dictionary were excluded.

3.2 Features

Each grammar rule has scores assigned by several feature functions ~ϕ = {ϕ1...ϕN} that are com-bined in a log-linear model as that rule’s weight, with parameters~λset during tuning.




In SMT, these features typically include a phrase penalty, lexical and phrase translation probabil-ities, a language model probability, binary in-dicators for purely lexical and monotonic rules, and counters of unaligned words and rule length. Previous work in other monolingual “translation” tasks has achieved success in using features tai-lored to that task, such as a measure of the rel-ative lengths for sentence compression (Ganitke-vitch et al., 2011) or lexical complexity for sen-tence simplification (Xu et al., 2016). For GEC,


Junczys-Dowmunt and Grundkiewicz (2016) used a large number of sparse features for a phrase-based MT system that achieved state of the art per-formance on the CoNLL-2014 test set. Unlike that work, which uses a potentially infinite amount of sparse features, we choose to use a discrete set of feature functions that are informed by this task. Our feature extraction relies on a variety of pre-existing tools, including fast-align for word align-ment (Dyer et al., 2013), trained over the parallel FCE, Lang-8, and NUCLE corpora; PyEnchant for detecting spelling changes; the Stanford POS tag-ger; the RASP morphological analyzer,morpha (Minnen et al., 2001); and the NLTK WordNet lemmatizer (Bird et al., 2009).

Given a grammatical rule and an alignment be-tween tokens on the LHS and RHS, we tag the to-kens with their part of speech and label the lemma and inflection of nouns and verbs with morpha and the lemma of each adjective and adverb with the WordNet lemmatizer. We then collect count-based features for individual operations and rule-level qualities. An operation is defined as a dele-tion, inserdele-tion, or substitution of a pair of aligned tokens (or a token aligned with). An aligned to-ken pair is represented as(li, rj), whereliis a to-ken on the LHS at index i, and similarly rj for the RHS. The operation features, below, are cal-culated for each (un)aligned token and summed to attain the value for a given rule.

• All operations

– CLASS-error(li) for deletions and


– CLASS-error(rj) for insertions

CLASS refers to the broad word class of a

token, such asnounorverb.

• Deletions

– is-deleted(li) – TAG-deleted(li)

TAGis the PTB part-of-speech tag of a token (e.g.,NN,NNS,NNP, etc.),

• Insertions

– is-inserted(rj) – TAG-inserted(rj)

• Substitutions

– is-substituted(rj) – TAG-substituted(rj)

– TAG-substituted-with-TAG(li, rj) Morphological features:

– inflection-change-same-lemma(li, rj) – inflection-and-lemma-change(li, rj)

– lemma-change-same-inflection(li, rj) Spelling features:

– not-in-dictionary(li) – spelling-correction(li, rj)

Counts of spelling corrections are weighted by the probability ofrj in an English Giga-word language model.

We also calculate the following rule-level features:

– character Levenshtein distance(LHS, RHS)

– token Levenshtein distance(LHS, RHS)

– # tokens(RHS)# tokens(LHS)

– # characters(RHS)# characters(LHS)

In total, we use 24 classes and 45 tags. The to-tal number of features 2,214 but only 266 were seen in training (due to unseen TAG-TAG sub-stitutions). We additionally include 19 MT fea-tures calculated during grammar extraction.3

Pre-vious MT approaches to GEC, have included Lev-enshtein distance as a feature for tuning (Felice et al., 2014; Junczys-Dowmunt and Grundkiewicz, 2014, 2016), and Junczys-Dowmunt and Grund-kiewicz (2016) also used counts of deletions, in-sertions, and substitutions by word class. They ad-ditionally had sparse features with counts of each lexicalized operation, e.g. substitute(run, ran), which we avoid by abstracting away from the lem-mas and instead counting the operations by part of speech and indicating if the lemmas matched or differed for substitutions. An example rule with its feature values is found in Table 1. For artificially generated rules, the MT features are all assigned a 0-value rather than estimating what that value should be, since the artificial rules are unseen in the training data.

3.3 Metric



argued that→may argue that


(, may), (argued, argue), (that, that)

Feature Value

Verb error 2

Substituted 1

Inserted 1

MD inserted 1

VB is substituted 1

VBD substituted with VB 1 Inflection change, same lemma 1

Token LD 2

Character LD 5

Table 1: An example rule from our grammar and the non-zero feature values from Section 3.2.

2016). Fundamentally, MT metrics do not work for GEC because the output is usually very sim-ilar to the input, and therefore the input already has a high metric score. To address this issue, we tune to GLEU, which was specifically designed for evaluating GEC output. We chose GLEU in-stead of M2 because the latter requires a token

alignment between the input, output, and gold-standard references, and assumes only minimal, non-overlapping changes have been made. GLEU, on the other hand, measures n-gram overlap and therefore is better equipped to handle movement and changes to larger spans of text.

4 Experiments

For our experiments, we use the Joshua 6 toolkit (Post et al., 2015). Tokenization is done with Joshua and token-level alignment with fast-align (Dyer et al., 2013). All text is lowercased, and we use a simple algorithm to recase the output (Table 2). We extract a hierarchical phrase-based transla-tion model with Thrax (Weese et al., 2011) and perform parameter tuning with pairwise ranked optimization in Joshua. Our training data is from the Lang-8 corpus (Tomoya et al., 2011), which contains 1 million parallel sentences, and gram-mar is extracted from the 563k sentence pairs that contain corrections. Systems are tuned to the JFLEG tuning set (751 sentences) and evaluated on the JFLEG test set (747 sentences). We use an English Gigaword 5-gram language model.

We evaluate performance with two metrics, GLEU and M2, which have similar rankings and

1. Generate POS tags of the cased input sentence 2. Label proper nouns in the input

3. Align the cased input tokens with the output 4. Capitalize the first alphanumeric character of

the output sentence (if a letter).

5. For each pair of aligned tokens (li,rj),

capital-izerj ifliis labeled a proper noun orrj is the token “i”.

Table 2: A simple recasing algorithm, which re-lies on token alignments between the input and output.

match human judgments on the JFLEG corpus (Napoles et al., 2017). We use two baselines: the first has misspellings corrected with Enchant (Sp. Baseline), and the second is an unmodi-fied MT pipeline trained on the Lang-8 corpus, optimized to BLEU with no specialized features (MT Baseline), and we compare our performance to the current state of the art, YB16. While we train on about half a million sentence pairs, YB16 had nearly 2 million sentence pairs for training.4

We additionally report metric scores for the hu-man corrections, which we determine by evaluat-ing each reference set against the other three and reporting the mean score.

All systems outperform both baselines, and the spelling baseline is stronger than the MT baseline. The spelling baseline also has the highest preci-sion except for the best automatic system, YB16, demonstrating that spelling correction is an impor-tant component in this corpus. There is a disparity in the GLEU and M2 scores for the baseline: the

baseline GLEU is about 5% lower than the other systems but the M2is 30% lower. This can be

at-tributed to the lesser extent of changes made by the baseline system which results in low recall for M2 but which is not penalized by GLEU, which

is a precision-based metric. The human correc-tions have the highest metric scores, and make changes to 77% of the sentences, which is in be-tween the number of sentences changed by YB16 and SMEC, however the human corrections have a higher mean edit distance, because the anno-tators made more extensive changes when a sen-tence needed to be corrected than any of the mod-els.

Our fully customized model with all modifi-cations, Specialized Machine translation for


ror Correction (SMEC+morph), scores lower than

YB16 according to GLEU but has the same M2

score. SMEC+morph has higher M2 recall, and

visual examination of the output supports this, showing many incorrect or unnecessary num-ber of tense changes. Automatic analysis re-veals that it makes significantly more inflection changes than the humans or YB16 (detected with the same method described in Section 3.2), from which we can conclude that the morphological rules errors are applied too liberally. If we re-move the generated morphological rules but keep the spelling rules (SMEC), performance improves by 0.4 GLEU points and decreases by 0.1 M2

points—but, more importantly, this system has higher precision and lower recall, and makes more conservative morphological changes. Therefore, we consider SMEC, the model without artificial morphological rules, to be our best system.

The metrics only give us a high-level overview of the changes made in the output. With error-coded text, the performance by feature type can be examined with M2, but this is not possible with

GLEU or the un-coded JFLEG corpus. To investi-gate the types of changes systems make on a more granular level, we apply the feature extraction method described in Section 3.2 to quantify the morphological and lexical transformations. While we developed this method for scoring translation rules, it can work on any aligned text, and is sim-ilar to the forthcoming ERRANT toolkit, which is uses a rule-based framework for automatically cat-egorizes grammatical edits (Bryant et al., 2017). We calculate the number of each of these trans-formations made by to the input by each system and the human references, determining significant differences with a paired t-test (p < 0.05). Fig-ure 1 contains the mean number of these trans-formations per sentence made by SMEC, YB16, and the human-corrected references, and Figure 2 shows the number of operations by part of speech. Even though the GLEU and M2 scores of the two

systems are nearly identical, they are significantly different in all of the transformations in Figure 1, with SMEC having a higher edit distance from the original, but YB16 making more insertions and substitutions. Overall, the human corrections have a significantly more inserted tokens than ei-ther system, while YB16 makes the most substitu-tions and fewer delesubstitu-tions than SMEC or the hu-man corrections. The bottom plot displays the

Deleted Inserted

SubstitutedDiff inflection

Diff token, same POS Diff token & POS


2 0 2 4 6

Human SMEC YB2016

Figure 1: Mean tokens per sentence displaying certain changes from the input sentence.

mean number of operations by part of speech (op-erations include deletion, insertion, and substitu-tion). Both systems and the human corrections display similar rates of substitutions across differ-ent parts of speech, however the human references have significantly more preposition and verb op-erations and there are significant differences be-tween the determiner and noun operations made by YB16 compared to SMEC and the references. This information can be further analyzed by part of speech and edit operation, and the same infor-mation is available for other word classes.

5 Model analysis

We wish to understand how each component of our model contributes to its performance, and therefore train a series of variations of the model, each time removing a single customiza-tion, specifically: the optimization metric (tun-ing to BLEU instead of GLEU; SMEC−GLEU),

the features (only using the standard MT fea-tures; SMEC−feats), and eliminating artificial rules (SMEC−sp). The impact of training data size will


M2 Edit distance

System GLEU P R F0.5 Sents. changed (tokens)

Sp. Baseline 55.5 57.7 16.6 38.4 42% 0.8

MT Baseline 54.9 56.7 14.6 36.0 39% 0.7

SMEC+morph 57.9 54.7 44.2 52.3 88% 2.8

SMEC 58.3 55.9 41.1 52.2 85% 2.5

YB16 58.4 59.4 35.3 52.3 73% 1.9

Human 62.1 67.0 52.9 63.6 77% 3.1

Table 3: Results on the JFLEG test set. In addition to the GLEU and M2 scores, we also report the

percent of sentences changed from the input and the mean Levensthein distance.

Punctuation Determiner Preposition

Noun Verb

0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Human SMEC YB2016

Figure 2: Mean number of operations (deletions, insertions, and substitutions) per sentence by part of speech.

SMEC−GLEU, with a 60% lower edit distance than

SMEC, and at least 50% fewer of almost all trans-formations. The GLEU score of this system is nearly 1 point lower, however there is almost no change in the M2score, indicating that the changes

made were appropriate, even though they were fewer in number. Tuning to BLEU causes fewer changes because the input sentence already has a high BLEU score due to the high overlap between the input and reference sentences. GLEU encour-ages more changes by penalizing text that should have been changed in the output.

Removing the custom features (SMEC−feats)

makes less of a difference in the GLEU score, however there are significantly more determiners added and more tokens are substituted with words that have different lemmas and parts of speech. This suggests that the specialized features encour-aged morphologically-aware substitutions,

reduc-ing changes that did not have semantic or func-tional overlap with the original content. Removing the artificially generated spelling rules (SMEC−sp)

had the greatest impact on performance, with a nearly 4-point decrease in GLEU score and 9.5-decrease in M2. Without spelling rules,


signifi-cantly fewer tokens were inserted in the correc-tions across all word classes. We also see a signif-icantly greater number of substitutions made with words that had neither the same part of speech or lemma as the original word, which could be due to sparsity in the presence of spelling errors which is addressed with the artificial grammar.

Table 5 contains example sentences from the test set with system outputs that illustrate these ob-servations. These ungrammatical sentences range from one that can easily be corrected using min-imal edits; to a sentence that requires more sig-nificant changes and inference but has an obvious meaning; to a sentence that is garbled and does not have an immediately obvious correction, even to a native speaker. The reference correction contains more extensive changes than the automatic sys-tems and makes spelling corrections not found by the decoder (engy→energy) or inferences in the instance of the garbled third sentence, changing

lrenikg→Ranking. SMEC makes many spelling corrections and makes more insertions, substitu-tions, and deletions than the two SMEC varia-tions. However, the artificial rules also cause some bad corrections, found in the third example chang-ingstudens→stud-ens, while the intended word,

students, is obvious to a human reader. When optimizing to BLEU instead of the custom met-ric (SMEC−GLEU), there are fewer changes and

therefore output is less fluent. In the first exam-ple, SMEC−GLEUapplies only one spelling change




SMEC −GLEU −feats −sp

GLEU 58.3 57.6 58.1 54.4

M2 52.2 44.9 47.7 42.7


Edit dist −60% −11%

Deleted −51% −7% −4%

Inserted −46% −24%

Substituted −37% +9%

Diff inflection −53%

Diff token −18% +9%

Diff token&POS −29% +24% +31%

Spelling −35% +8%

Determiner −51% −7%

del −47% −5%

ins −70% +39% −30%

sub −56%

Preposition −52%

del −51%

ins −45% −10% −22%

sub −42%

Noun −40% −6% −10%

del −45% −9% −12%

ins −38% −7% −13%

sub −30%

Verb −57% −5% −11%

del −61% −6% −7%

ins −53% −13% −40%

sub −50%

Punctuation −52%

del −47% −5%

ins −84% −30%


Table 4: Modifications of SMEC, reporting the mean occurrence of each transformation per sen-tence, when there is a significant difference (p <

0.05 by a pairedt-test). We report the difference with percentages because each transformation oc-curs with different frequency.

same pattern is visible in the other two examples. Finally, without the artificial rules, SMEC−spfixes

only a fraction of the spelling mistakes—however it is the only system that correctly changes stu-dens → students. Independent from these mod-ifications, the capitalization issues present in the input were all remedied by our recasing algorithm, which improves the metric score.

5.1 Impact of training data

Lang-8 is the largest publicly available parallel corpus for GEC, with 1 million tokens and approx-imately 563k corrected sentence pairs, however this corpus may contain noise due to automatic

44 46 48 50 52 54 56 57 60

GLEU FCE (21.2k)

NUCLE (21.8k) FCE+NUCLE (42.8k) Lang-8 (43k) Lang-8 (563k)

no spelling rules with spelling rules

Figure 3: GLEU scores of SMEC with different training sizes, with and without artificial rules.

alignment and the annotators, who were users of the online Lang-8 service and may not necessarily have provided accurate or complete corrections. Two other corpora, FCE and NUCLE, contain an-notations by trained English instructors and abso-lute alignments between sentences, however each is approximately 20-times smaller than Lang-8. We wish to isolate the effect of size and source of training data has on system performance, and therefore randomly sample the Lang-8 corpus to create a training set the same size as FCE and NU-CLE (43k corrected sentence pairs), train a model following the same procedure described above. We hypothesized that including artificial rules may help address problems of sparsity in the training data, and therefore we also train additional models with and without spelling rules to determine how artificial data affects performance as the amount of training data increases. Figure 3 shows the rel-ative GLEU scores of systems with different train-ing data sizes and sources, before and after addtrain-ing artificial spelling rules.

[image:8.595.] [image:8.595.308.525.65.198.2]

Orig Unforturntly , almost older people can not use internet , in spite of benefit of internet . Human Unfortunately,mostolder people can not usetheinternet , in spite ofbenefitsofthe

internet .

SMEC Unfortunately,mostolder people can not usetheinternet , in spite ofthe benefitsof theinternet .

SMEC−GLEU Unfortunately, almost older people can not use internet , in spite of benefit of internet .

SMEC−sp Unforturntly ,2 older people can not use theinternet , in spite ofthe benefitsofthe

internet .

Orig becuse if i see some one did somthing to may safe me time and engy and it wok ’s i will do it .

Human BecauseifIseethat someonedidsomething thatmaysaveme time andenergyand it works Iwillalsodo it .

SMEC BecauseifIsee2one didsomething2maysaveme time andedgyand2work2, I will do it .

SMEC−GLEU BecauseifIsee some one didsomethingto maysaveme time andedgyand it wok ’sI

will do it .

SMEC−sp BecauseifIsee2onesomthings2maysaveme time and engy2work2Iwill do

it .

Orig lrenikg the studens the ideas have many advantegis : Human Rankingthestudents ’2ideashasmanyadvantages. SMEC Linkingthestud-ens2ideas have manyadvantages: SMEC−GLEU Linkingthestud-ensthe ideas have manyadvantages:


SMEC−sp Lrenikg2students2ideas have2advantegis :

Table 5: Example corrections made by a human annotator, SMEC, and two variations: trained on BLEU instead of GLEU SMEC−GLEUand without artificial spelling rules (SMEC−sp). Inserted or changed text

is inboldand deleted text is indicated with2.

as much data as the version used in this work, to determine whether performance continues to im-prove. For all models, adding artificial spelling rules improves performance by about 4 GLEU points (adding spelling rules to FCE training data only causes a 2-point GLEU improvement). The amount of performance does not change related to the size of the training data, however the consis-tent improvement supports our hypothesis that ar-tificial rules are useful to address problems of data sparsity.

6 Conclusion

This paper has presented a systematic investiga-tion into the components of a standard statistical MT pipeline that can be customized for GEC. The analysis performed on the contribution of each component of the system can inform the design of future GEC models. We have found that extending the translation grammar with artificially generated rules for spelling correction can increase the M2

score by as much as 20%. The amount of training

data also has a substantial impact on performance, increasing GLEU and M2scores by approximately

10%. Tuning to a specialized GEC metric and using custom features both help performance but yield less considerable gains. The performance of our model, SMEC, is on par with the current state-of-the-art GEC system, which is neural MT trained on twice the training data, and our analy-sis suggests that the performance of SMEC would continue to improve if trained on that amount of data. In future work we will test this hypothesis with the larger parallel corpus extracted from ver-sion 2 of the Lang-8 Learner Corpora. Our code will be available for automatic feature extraction and edit analysis, as well as more details about the model implementation.5


We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their detailed and thoughtful feedback.



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Table 2:A simple recasing algorithm, which re-lies on token alignments between the input andoutput.
Figure 1:Mean tokens per sentence displayingcertain changes from the input sentence.
Table 5 contains example sentences from the
Table 4:Modifications of SMEC, reporting themean occurrence of each transformation per sen-tence, when there is a significant difference (p<0.05 by a paired t -test)


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