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Transformation of Vegetative Cells of Bacillus thuringiensis by Plasmid DNA


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Transformation of Vegetative Cells of Bacillus thuringiensis by




Departmentof Microbiology, University of Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Received 7October 1986/Accepted 9 December 1986

Plasmid DNA-mediated transformation of vegetative cells of Bacillus thuringiensis was studied with the

following two plasmids: pBC16 coding for tetracycline resistance and pC194 expressing chloramphenicol resistance. A key step was the induction of competence by treatment of the bacteria with 50 mM Tris

hydrochloridebuffer (pH 8.9) containing 30% sucrose.Transformationfrequency wasstronglyinfluencedby

culture density during the uptake of DNA and required the presence of polyethylene glycol. Growth in a

minimal mediumsupplemented with Casamino Acidsgave35 timesmoretransformantsthangrowth inarich

medium. The highest frequencies were obtained with covalently closed circular DNA. With all parameters optimized, the frequency was


transformants perviable cellor


transformants per ,ug of DNA. Cells

previously frozen were also used as recipients in transformation experiments; such cells gave frequencies

similartothoseobtained with freshlygrown cells. The procedurewasoptimized forB. thuringiensis subsp.

gekchiae, but B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, B. thuringiensis subsp. galleriae, B. thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis, and B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis were also transformed. Compared with protoplast

transformation,ourmethod ismuchfaster and 3ordersof magnitudemoreefficientpermicrogramof added


Muchofthe recent literature onBacillusthuringiensis has

been focused on the crystalline 8-endotoxin and on the

plasmid patterns (for reviews see references 2 and 7). The

facts that the 8-endotoxin is plasmid encoded and that the genehas beenclonedin Escherichiacoli andBacillussubtilis create aneed for a method to reintroduce cloned material

back into B. thuringiensis. Previously, transfer of genetic material in B. thuringiensis has been achieved by

transduc-tion(3, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20), by transformation of protoplasts, and by a "conjugation-like system" (2, 7). Previously

de-scribed methods for transformation ofB. thuringiensis have been based on a method developed for protoplasts of B.

subtilis (8). Using plasmid pBC16 isolated from Bacillus cereus(4),Alikhanianet al. (1)transformed protoplasts of B.

thuringiensis subsp. galleriae. Plasmid pC194, which

origi-natedfrom Staphylococcus aureus, has beentransferredto

protoplasts ofB. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (15), as well

as to some additional subspecies (9). Another S. aureus

plasmid, pUB110, has also been used to transform protoplasts ofB. thuringiensis subsp. galleriae (16). How-ever, in all cases the numbers of transformants were very

low,and theprocedures were timeconsuming.Moreover, it hasbeen difficultboth to prepare protoplasts and to regen-erate such protoplasts. For this reason we developed a

plasmid transformation method which, compared with

pre-viously described procedures, is much more efficient and

saves time.

Inthispaper we reporttransformation ofvegetative cells

ofB. thuringiensis. We used


pBC16 and


with B. thuringiensis subsp. gelechiae as the recipient and with all parameters optimized obtained transformation

fre-quencies ofup to



to 104transformants per ,ugofDNA).



Bacterial strains, plasmids and media used. The B. thuringiensis strains used inthispaper have beendescribed previously (13). Strain Bt213 (B. thuringiensis subsp.

kurstaki) isaspontaneous streptomycin- and nalidixic acid-resistantmutantofBt2(13). This strainwasselected firston platescontaining100 ,ug of streptomycin per ml and then on

plates containing25


of nalidixic acid per ml. B. subtilis

151,containingplasmidpBC16coding for tetracycline

resist-ance, was provided by W. Goebel. B. subtilis containing plasmid pC194 expressing chloramphenicol resistance was

provided by P. Martin. Bacteria were grown in minimal medium (20) which was prepared withoutglucose and was

supplemented with 0.5% (wt/vol) Casamino Acids (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.). When glucose was used, it was added to the minimalmediumto afinalconcentration of

5g/liter. Other growth mediaused were LB broth(13)and, for some experiments, brain heart infusion medium


Ltd.,London, England).LBPmediumwas amixture(1:1) of phosphate buffer (0.2 M sodium-potassium phosphate, pH 6.4) and double-strength LB medium. The plates used for selection of transformants were LA plates (11) containing

eithertetracycline (25 ,uglml) orchloramphenicol (5


Trishydrochloride bufferwas prepared from Trizma


ChemicalCo., St. Louis, Mo.). Phosphate bufferanda40% polyethylene glycol 6000 solution (BDH Chemicals


Poole, England)werepreparedasdescribed

previously (19).

Isolation ofplasmidDNAfrom B.subtilis. Cultures(200


were grown overnight in LB medium



tetracycline (25






Cells wereharvestedbycentrifugation,washedoncewith TES


mM Tris


5 mM disodium


50 mM

NaCl, pH 8.0), and suspended to a total volume of 8 ml in TES. Tothissuspensionwereadded 1.0 ml of TES


ing 5 mg offreshly dissolved lysozyme and 0.4 ml of TES

containing 0.8 mg of preboiled RNase. The mixture was

incubated for 30minat 37°C. The bacteriawere lysed bya

60-min incubationat37°C with 1.4 ml of 8%(vol/vol) Triton X-100 and 0.6 ml of TES containing 3 mg of pronase K

(predigested for 60 minat37°C). Ethidium bromide (0.6 ml; 10mg/ml) and solid CsClwereaddedtothelysate togivea

final refractive index of 1.391. The DNA was purified by ultracentrifugation, and the concentration was determined

by UV(260-nm) spectrophotometry. Generally,about100to 200 jigofpurified plasmid DNAwasobtained froma200-ml


PlasmidpBC16 DNAwascleaved with BamHI andligated

with T4ligase accordingto theinstructions of the manufac-turer(New EnglandBioLabs, Inc., Beverly, Mass.).

Standard procedure for transformation of B. thuringiensis by plasmid DNA. A 0.3-ml inoculumofanovernightculture was addedto 10 ml of minimal medium supplemented with 0.5%Casamino Acids. Thebacteriawere grownwith shak-ingat37°C until midorlatelogarithmic phase (80to175 Klett turbidity units, which corresponded to 1 x 107 to5 x 107

CFU/ml).Thebacteriawerecollected in a12-mlglass tube by centrifugation at3,700rpmfor 10 min atroom tempera-ture. All of the centrifugation procedures described below

were carried out in the same way. The cells were washed

with 5 ml of 50 mM Tris hydrochloride buffer (pH 7.5)and suspended in 50 mM Tris hydrochloride buffer containing 30% (wt/vol) sucrose (pH8.9) to adensity between 60 and 120 Klett turbidity units. A5-ml portionof this suspension

was transferred to a 50-ml Erlenmeyer flask and incubated

for 35minwith slowshakingat37°C.Thebacteriawerethen collectedby centrifugationandsuspendedin0.5 ml of LBP medium. Plasmid DNAdissolvedin 100,ul ofa 1:1 mixture of TE buffer (50 mM Tris hydrochloride, 20 mMdisodium EDTA, pH 8.0) and LBPmediumwasaddedtothis

suspen-sion. Aftertheaddition of1.5 ml ofpolyethylene glycol6000 (40%,wt/vol)andgentlemixing,thebacteriawereincubated for 10 min with slow shaking at 37°C. The cells were

centrifuged, suspendedin 1 mlof LBmedium,andincubated forphenotypic expressionat37°Cwith slowshakingfor 1.5 h. To isolate transformants, samples (0.02 to0.2 ml) were

spread in softagarontoLAplates containingeither tetracy-cline(25


orchloramphenicol (5


Ifphenotypic expressionwasdeterminedonregularLAplates,anoverlay

ofsoftagarcontaining the appropriate antibioticwasadded

afterincubation for 2.5 hat37°C. Colonieswerescored after

incubationfor 15 hat 37°C.

Freezingofbacteriatobeused intransformation. By using

a rotatory shaker at 37°C bacteria were grown to late logarithmic phase (140to 190 Klettturbidity units) in mini-malmediumsupplemented with 0.5% Casamino Acids. The culture was centrifuged for 10 min at 3,700 rpm, and the bacteriawere concentrated about five times inLB medium

containing 10% (vol/vol) glycerol. Samples (1.5 ml) were

frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70°C. Before the bacteriawereused intransformationexperiments, theywere

washed once toremove the glycerol.

DetectionofplasmidDNA intransformants. Plasmid DNA

wasisolatedbyamodification of the protocol of Hansenand Olsen (10). Bacteriaweregrown in10 ml of LB medium at

37°Ctostationary phase, washedonce in TEbufferatroom

temperature, andsuspended in 0.3 ml of TE buffer contain-ing 25% (wt/vol) sucrose(pH 8.0). To these cells we added 0.2 ml ofTE buffer containing 1 mg offreshly dissolved

lysozyme and 50 U of mutanolysin (Sigma). The suspension

was incubated for 40 min at room temperature. After the

TABLE 1. EffectsofpHanddivalentcationson


pHof Tris Divalent cation Transformation

hydrochloride- addition frequencya

20 sucrose 7.50 None <1.0 x 10-8 8.00 None 5.0 x 10-7 8.45 None 1.6 x 10-6 8.75 None 2.8 x 10-6 8.90 None 5.1 x 10-6 9.50 None 2.3 x 10-6 8.90 20 mMMg2+ 2.1 x 10-8 8.90 20 mM


<4.0 x 10-8

aTherecipient was strainBtl3,and the DNA used wasplasmid pBC16

codingfortetracyclineresistance. Thetransformationfrequencywas calcu-lated as the number of transformants perviable cell. In each transformation mixture there was 2 x 107 CFU, and 5 ,ug of pBC16 DNA was used. In experiments in which the pHwas7.50orthebufferwas supplemented with

Mg2+,108 viable cellswereused.

addition of 0.2 ml of 250mM disodium EDTA (pH 8.0), the mixture was put on icefor 10min. The bacteria werelysed

byadding 0.5 ml of 15% sodium dodecyl sulfate andheating

for 5 minin a55°C water bath with gentle inversions of the tube. After treatment with RNase (final concentration, 50

p.g/ml)for 5 minat roomtemperature,themembrane-bound chromosomal DNA was precipitated with 0.5 ml of 5 M NaCl, and the mixture was kept on ice overnight. The precipitated chromosomal DNA was spun down, and the supernatant, containingmainly plasmid DNA,was concen-tratedby addingpolyethylene glycol 6000(42%,wt/vol, in 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0) to a final concentration of 10%. The mixture was left on ice for at least 6 h, after which the DNAwas collected bycentrifugation and suspended in 25 ,ul of water. Plasmid DNA was analyzed on a 0.6% (wt/vol) agarose gel.


Needfor a Tris-sucrose treatment. Except when otherwise stated, in all transformation experiments we used plasmid

pBC16, which codes for tetracycline resistance. The

recipi-ent, B. thuringiensis strain Btl3, was first treated with Tris

hydrochloride buffer as describedby Takahashi etal. (19), but with a reduced incubation time. This procedure gave

only a few tetracycline-resistant transformants. When the pH wasvaried, thehighesttransformationfrequency, 5.1 x 10-6transformantper viable cell(transformationfrequency was always calculated as the number of transformants per

viable cell),was obtained atpH 8.9 (Table 1), a somewhat

higher pH than that used for transformation of Bacillus brevis (19). The increase in frequency was not due to a decrease in the numberof viable cells, whichwas the case for B. brevis. When the bacteria were treated with Tris hydrochloride buffer containing 20 mM MgCl2 or 20 mM

CaCl2, the transformationfrequencydecreasedby 2 orders ofmagnitude.

Sucrose added to the Tris hydrochloride buffer increased thetransformationfrequency from2.5 x 10-8toabout 2 x


transformant per viable cell (Fig. 1). A plateau was reached when thefinalsucrose concentration was over 25%.

Microscopic observations showed some protoplast forma-tion aftercentrifugation of theTris-sucrose-treatedcells. In 20% sucrose there were about 15% protoplasts, compared with 5%protoplasts in30% sucrose.


-2 I n a 0 c E 0 li a 10 -6 10 0 10 20 30 40 Concentrationof sucrose (%)

FIG. 1. Effect ofsucroseoninduction ofcompetence. Bacteria

were treated for 35 min with Tris hydrochloride buffer (pH 8.9)

containing different concentrations ofsucrose.The recipient, strain Btl3, had been grown in minimal medium contairiing 0.5% Casamino Acids. In each transformation mixture 5 jig ofp13C16 DNA, which conferred tetracycline resistance, was used. Each


The optimum time of incubation in Tris hydrochloride buffercontaining 30% sucrose was35 min (Fig. 2).

Experi-ments performed with bacteria previously frozen gave a

similaroptimum. '0, -4 ~i o 10 Go ..5. . 20 40>6 8 00~~~~~ E E ~ ~ o o 000

Incubation time in Tris-sucrose (mlin)

FIG. 2. Timedependencefor inductionofcompetenceby treat-ment withTris hydrochloride buffer (pH 8.9) containing 30% su-crose.TherecipientwasstrainBt13,whichwaseitherfreshlygrown in minimal mediumconitaining0.5%Casamino Acids(-0)orfrozen beforebeingtreated with Tris-sucrosebuffer(O). Ineach transfor-mation mixture 5jiwgofpBCl6 DNA,which conferredtetracycline resistance,wasused.

TABLE 2. Effect ofDNAconfigurationonthe transformation frequencya

pBC16 DNA No. of transformants Transformation

per 5 ,ug of DNA frequency

CCC 854 2.0 x 10-5

Multimers 114 2.7 x 10-6

Linear 8 1.9 x 10-7

No DNA 2 4.8 x 10-8

aTherecipient was strainBtl3,and the totalnumber of viable cells in each

transformation mixture was 4.2x10'. Thebacteria were grown in LBmedium and were treated with Trishydrochloride buffer (pH 8.9) containing 20% sucrose. The transformation frequency was calculated as the number of tetracycline-resistant transformants per viable cell. Plasmid pBC16 (CCC form) was linearized by cleavage with endonuclease BamHI.

Transformation frequency depends on DNA concentration and configuration. There was a linear dependence over a

20-fold concentrationrangeof added plasmid DNA.

Satura-tionwasslowly approachedwith 10 ,ugof pBC16 DNA (data not shown). Based on these results, we used in all

subse-quent transformation experiments 5 ,ug of DNA in a total

volume of0.5 ml. Table 2 shows that the highest transfor-mation frequency, 2.0 x 1i-0 transformant perviable cell, was obtained with covalently closed circular (CCC) DNA.

Linear plasmid pBC16 cleaved with BamHI endonuclease had almost no transformation activity. BamHI cleaves this

plasmid at only one site,wh'ichisoutside the gene coding for

tetracycline resistance (17). The religated plasmid DNA,

which contained a majority of multimeric forms (as judged

byagarosegel electrophoresis), showeda10-folddecrease in transformation frequency compared with the CCC DNA.


experiments performed with chromosomal DNA in which we selected forresistance to streptomycin andrifampingave notransformants (datanotshown).

Effect of growth medium on transformation frequency. When recipientstrainBt13 wascultivated inLBmediumor

brain heart infusion medium, the transformation frequency was


transformant per viable cell (Table 3). Minimal

medium supplemented with Casamino Acids gave a fre-quencywhichwas atleast 1 order of magnitudehigher. Not

onlythefrequenciesbut also the numbers of transformants were clearly higher (about 35 times) whenthe bacteria were grown in


medium. Addition ofglucose to minimal

medium decreased the frequency by about 2 orders of

magnitude compared with medium withoutglucose.

Influenceof culture density and growth phaseon the trans-formation frequency. The culture density was varied be-tween 15 and 300 Klett turbidity units during the Tris-sucrose treatment (Fig. 3). Early and late logarithmically growing bacteria were used. When these cultures were

TABLE 3. Effect of thegrowth mediumonthe transformation frequency

No. of




per5,ugof frequencya


Minimal 0.5% Casamino Acids 10,500 1.5 x 1O-4 Minimal 0.5% Casamino Acids 830 4.4 x 10-6

and 0.5%glucose

Brain heart None 318 1.0 x 10-5


LB None 288 9.0 x 10-6

aTherecipientwas strainBtl3, and the plasmidused waspBC16. The

transformation frequency was calculated as the number of

tetracycline-resistant transformantsperviable cell.



CV t-Go c co E 0 c D .O-0 az z c 3 0 -0 (a 0 3 0 'I' CDcn o 0 z 10 30 100 300 10 30 100 300

Culturedensity during Tris treatment (Klettunits)

FIG. 3. (A) Effect of culture density on induction of competence by the Tris-sucrose treatment. The recipient was strain Btl3. Early-log-phase bacteria (0)wereharvestedat60Klettturbidityunits.Late-log-phase bacteria (A)wereharvested between 120 and 175 Klett

turbidity units. The density of stationary-phase bacteria (A)was240 Klettturbidity units.(B) Number of tetracycline-resistanttransformants per5,ug of pBC16 DNA. Eachvalue is theaveragefrom threeexperiments.

adjustedtothe different densities, asharp peakwasobtained with a maximum transformation frequency of 2 x 10-3

transformant per viable cell at 35 Klett turbidity units. If stationary-phase bacteriaweretreatedinthe sameway,the maximum was around 60 Klett turbidity units. The highest

number of transformants(1.3 x


transformantsper5,ug of DNA)wasobtained iflate-log-phase bacteriawereadjusted

todensities between35 and 120 Klettturbidity units. Trans-formation ofan overnight culture of strain Btl3 gave less than 10 transformants per p.gofpBC16 DNA.

Importanceof low culturedensity during DNA uptake. We determined whether the culturedensity wasimportant

dur-ing the Tris-sucrose treatment orduring some later step in the transformation protocol (Table 4). Regardless of the densities usedduring the Tris-sucrose treatment,thehighest transformation frequencies were obtained if the culture

density during DNA uptake waslow. Higher densities

de-creased the frequency by 2 orders of magnitude. These experimentswereperformed with cells thatwerepreviously

frozen. Compared with freshlygrown cells, where a maxi-mum transformation frequency was obtained at a density

correspondingto35Klettturbidityunits(asshown inFig. 3),

no such maximum was found for frozen cells. Instead, a

plateauwasreached when the culturedensitywasdecreased

further(datanotshown). Varying the culture density during phenotypic expression had no effect on the transformation

frequency (datanotshown).

If thepolyethylene glycol wasomitted, notransformants were obtained (data not shown). The length oftreatment with polyethylene glycol was not critical. Similar transfor-mationfrequencieswereobtained with bacteria incubatedin polyethylene glycol from5 up to30min.

Phenotypic expression onLA plates. The selected marker onpBC16 was tetracycline resistance, which requires time

for phenotypic expression. For this purpose we normally

usedliquid medium in which the shortest time for obtaining optimal transformation frequency was 1 h (Fig. 4).

Trans-formantscould also be obtained afterphenotypic expression

on regular LA plates. In this case the time needed for

expression of antibiotic resistancewas2 h (Fig. 4).

Transformation with pC194 DNA and transfer of pBC16 DNA to different B. thuringiensis subspecies. We also

per-TABLE 4. Transformation frequencyas a function of culture densityduring Tris-sucrose treatment and during uptake of DNA'

Culturedensity during Transformationfrequencyas afunction ofculturedensity duringDNAuptakeb

Tris-sucrose treatment

(Klettunits) 12 Klett units 60 Klett units 300 Klett units

12 9.3 x 10-4(495)C NTd NT

60 1.3 x 10-3 (918) 8.9 x 10-5(340) 3.0 x 10-6(48)

300 1.6x 10-3 (835) 3.4 x 10-5(583) 5.1 x 10-6(108)

aThe recipient, strainBtl3,was frozen before Tris-sucrose treatment. Thetransformationfrequency was calculated as the number of tetracycline-resistant


bDifferentcelldensitieswere obtained by either diluting or concentrating the culture to the Klett unit values indicated.

cThe numbers in parentheses are numbers of transformants per 5 ,ug of pBC16 DNA.


formed transformation experiments with plasmid pC194 by using5 ,ug ofpC194DNA andstrain Bt13astherecipient.In one experiment 1.5 x 104 transformants were obtained,

whichcorrespondedto afrequency of 1.8 x


transform-ant per viable cell. Preparation oftotal plasmid DNA from

six of these


transformants and electrophoretic analysis on agarose gels revealed the

2.7-kilobase band corresponding to pC194. The plasmid was stably maintained and could be detected in transformants

grown in the absence ofchloramphenicol (datanot shown).

Transformation frequencieswere alsodeterminedfor four

other subspeciesof B. thuringiensis (B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, B. thuringiensis subsp. galleriae, B. thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis,and B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis)



The frequency obtained for strain Btl3 (B.

thuringiensis subsp. gelechiae) was 2 to 3 orders of

magni-tude higher than the frequencies obtained for the other

subspecies tested. Strain Bt213 (B. thuringiensis subsp.

kurstaki) gave the highest transformation frequency' with Trishydrochloride buffer containing35% sucrose.StrainBt3

(B. thuringiensis subsp. galleriae) was grown in minimal medium supplemented with both Casamino Acids and 2%

(vol/vol) LB


To demonstrate the presence ofpBC16 in transformants fromthedifferent subspecies, plasmid-enrichedDNAs were

isolated from four different strains and compared with'a sampleof purified pBC16DNAbyusing agarose gel



not shown). The recipient strains of B.

thuringiensissubsp. gelechiae, B. thuringiensis subsp.

gal-leriae, B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, and B. thuringi-ensissubsp.kurstaki lacked the 4.2-kilobase band of pBC16, whereasin the four transformants fromthese



bandwas clearlypresent. Plasmid pBC16was stably

main-tained and was also detected in transformants which were grownwithout'tetracycline (datanot shown).


The method which we describe for transformation of

vegetativecellsof B.thuringiensisrequires


of a

numberof different parameters.One of these is the induction

-4 10 cultures .0 0E -6 r-0 10 -7 I 10 I 0 30 60 g0 120 150 180

Time forphenotypic expression (mmn)

FIG. 4. Transformation frequency as a function of time for phenotypic expressioninliquidLBmedium(0)or onLAplates(A). Therecipient strainwasBtl3, andin eachtransformationmixture 5


ofpBC16DNA wasused.

TABLE 5. Transformation of different subspecies ofB. thuringiensisa

Strain Subspecies Transformation


Bt13 B. thuringiensis subsp. gelechiae 1.5 x 1O-3 Bt213 B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki 7.3 x 10-5 Bt3 B. thuringiensis subsp. galleriae 3.8 x 10-5

Bt4 B. thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis 4.1 x

iO-Btal B. thuringiensissubsp. israelensis 6.7 x 10-7

aThetransformationfrequencywascalculated asthe number of

tetracy-cline-resistant transformants per viable cell. In each transformation mixture 5 ,ugof pBC16 DNA was used.

of competence by treatment of the bacteria with

Tris-sucrose. In B. brevis treatment with Tris buffer without sucrose induces competence due to the removal of two

crystalline protein layers (S layers) fromthe outside ofthe

cell wall(21). However, in B.


no S layers are

found (12). Thus, the mechanisms by which Tris treatment induces competence are differentinthe two species.

High concentrations ofsucrose duringtheTristreatment are necessary for a


transformation frequency (Fig'. 1).

Sinceincubation of bacteria inanisotonicmedium has been reported to result in formation of protoplasts (2), we

sus-pectedthat we might have protoplast transformation. How-ever, this possibilitywasruledoutforthereasonsdescribed below. (i) Optimal transformation frequency was obtained with 30% sucrose, despite the fact that 20% sucrose gave

somewhat more protoplasts. (ii) There was no increase in

transformation frequency if experiments were performed with an osmotic support during the uptake of DNA and

during phenotypic expression (data not shown). (iii) We

obtained efficient transformation after phenotypic

expres-siononregularLAplates (Fig. 4), conditions which do not

allow protoplast regeneration. (iv) Transformants on LA



be scoredafter7 to 8 hof incubation, whereas

protoplast regeneration


requires 2 to 3 days


For the reasons described above we are confident that we

transformedvegetative cells.

The addition ofglucosetothe minimalmedium decreased the transformation frequency by 2 orders of magnitude compared with medium without glucose. This suggests that

inB. thuringiensisthesynthesis ofsomefactor(s)of impor-tance for competence is repressed by glucose. The occur-rence of glucose in the LB medium could alsoexplain why this mediumwasless efficientthanminimalmedium contain-ing Casamino Acids.

Table 4 shows that the same degree ofcompetence was



of cell density during the Tris-sucrose treatment. These dataalso showthat itwascrucialto use a

lowculturedensityduringtheuptake ofDNA. The decrease in number oftransformants with higher cell densities could havebeen dueto anobserved


ofbacteria, which could have influencedthe


of DNA.

In B. subtiliscompetence can onlybe inducedduringlate

log phase(5), whereasinB. thuringiensistherewasabroad

optimum between


and late

logatithmic phases


3A). However, the


number of transformants was



culturewas used

(Fig. 3B).

Transformation ofB. subtilis by




multimeric forms, and CCC DNA was inefficient


We found that theCCCformof


DNAwas moreefficient than linear forms ofDNA


2). Chromosomal



which is always linear, gave notransformants. The 10-fold decrease in frequency for the multimeric DNA probably

reflectsthe lowernumber ofmoleculescompared with CCC DNA. The transformation protocol worked well for two

differentplasmids, and the methodispotentially suitable for

cloning experiments.

Thetransformation ofvegetative cells of B. thuringiensis was optimized for B. thuringiensis subsp. gelechiae. For B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, B. thuringiensis subsp. gal-leriae,and B. thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis we obtained

frequenciesbetween 4 x


and 7 x



viable cell, (Table 5), results which probably can be

im-proved by further study of the transformation protocol.

These results were all obtained with cells which had been frozen. We observed that B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki frozencells survivedtheTris-sucrosetreatment betterthan freshlygrowncells.

Protoplasttransformation ofB. thuringiensis isvery

inef-ficient, with about 10 transformants per ,g ofplasmid DNA (1, 9, 15, 16). With our method for transformation of vege-tative cells, we obtained about 1,000 times more transform-antspermicrogram of DNA, whichmeansthatour frequen-ciesaresimilartothose obtained for B. subtilis and B. brevis (6, 19). In additiontothe highfrequencies, ourmethodhas

the advantage of being time saving because transformants canbe scored after only 7 to 8 h and because frozen cells can be used.


This work was supported by grant BU2453 from the Swedish NaturalScience ResearchCouncil.


An efficient transformation ofprotoplasts of B.

thuringi-ensis subsp. israelensis was recentlyreportedby Loprasert

etal.(J. Invert. Pathol. 48:325-334, 1986). LITERATURE CITED

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