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o Advantages of scripting languages o Scripting Language Category Server Side Scripting Languages Client Side Scripting Languages


Academic year: 2021

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Course Content

Chapter 1 - Introducing Course

About Sahosoft

Basic Recursion

Course Introduction

Course Overview

Where to find the Course Source Code Chapter 2 - Introducing React JS

What is React JS | React JS Introduction

What is a scripting language?

o Advantages of scripting languages

o Scripting Language Category

Server Side Scripting Languages

Client Side Scripting Languages

o Scripting Vs Programming

What is JavaScript

o What is JavaScript used for?

What is JavaScript library

What is the difference between JavaScript library and framework?

React JS vs Angular

Why React?

Advantages of React JS | Features of React

Disadvantages of React JS | Limitations of React

Where to use react JS

What is single page application

You should have a basic understanding to learn React Chapter 3 - Setup Environment

How to Setup React JS Project using CDN Links

Basic Requirement to setup development environment

o Text Editor/Source Code Editor

o Web Brower

o React Developer tool


o Webpack


o Babel

Complete Visual Studio Code

Complete NPM

How to Install React Developer tool Chapter 4 - Setup/Create React JS Project

How to Setup/Create React JS Project using NPM

o Using the create-react-app command

o Using the NPM command (Using Webpack and Babel)

React JS Folder Structure

DOM VS Virtual DOM

How is Virtual DOM faster?

How does React Use Virtual DOM?

Strict mode in React JS

Extends and Implements in React JS

render() Methods

React elements

o createElement() Methods

ReactDOM.render() Methods

JSX (Javascript XML)

Chapter 5 - Module Import - Export

What is Module

What is Export

Module - Export

o Types of Export

Default Export

Named Export

o Module - Default Export

o Module – Named Export

Module – Import

o Types of Import

Default Import

Named Import

o Module - Importing Default

o Module - Importing Named

Module - Importing All

Module - Importing default & named


Chapter 6 – Basic JavaScript

The HTML DOM (Document Object Model)

o HTML DOM getElementById() Method

o HTML DOM getElementsByTagName () Method

o HTML DOM getElementsByClassName () Method

o HTML DOM getElementsByName () Method

o HTML DOM querySelector () Method

o HTML DOM querySelectorAll () Method

o HTML DOM innerHTML Property

o HTML DOM innerText Property

o HTML DOM textContent Property

o Differences between innerText, innerHTML and textContent

o outerHTML in javascript

o outerText in javascript

o Changing the Value of an Attribute

o JavaScript is Case Sensitive

The JavaScript Console

o JavaScript console.log()

o JavaScript warn.log()

o JavaScript console.error()

o JavaScript console. clear()

JavaScript Debugging

o The console.log() Method

o Setting Breakpoints

o The debugger Keyword

JavaScript var

JavaScript Arrays

Declare Array with Keyword new

JavaScript Avoid new Array()

Use [] instead new Array()

o Access the Elements of an Array

o Changing an Array Element

o Access the Full Array

o How to Recognize an Array

o Array Properties and Methods

o Looping Array Elements

o JavaScript Array push() Method

o JavaScript Array pop() Method

o JavaScript Array unshift() Method


o JavaScript Array shift() Method

JavaScript Objects

o Creating Objects in JavaScript

By object literal

By creating instance of Object directly (using new keyword)

By using an object constructor (using new keyword)

JavaScript undefined

JavaScript Empty Values

JavaScript Null Values

Difference between null, undefined in JavaScript

JavaScript Functions

o Why Functions?

o How to Create a Function in JavaScript?

o Invokes the Function

o JavaScript Function with Parameters

o Function Parameters and Arguments

o Parameter Rules

o Function Argument Missing in JavaScript

o Default Parameter in a Function

o arguments object in JavaScript function

o Rest parameter in JavaScript function

o Difference between Rest Parameter and Arguments Object in JavaScript

o Passing a function as a parameter in JavaScript

o Functions Used as Variable Values

o Functions Can Be Used as Values

o JavaScript Function Invocation

JavaScript dialog boxes

o Alert Dialog Box

o Confirmation Dialog Box

o Prompt Dialog Box

JavaScript Page Redirection

o What is Page Redirection?

Finding a String in a String

Searching for a String in a String

Extracting String Parts

o The slice() Method

o The substring() Method

o The substr() Method


Replacing String Content

The concat() Method


Extracting String Characters

o The charAt() Method

o The charCodeAt() Method

o Property access []

Converting Arrays to Strings

o toString()

o join()

Deleting Elements from Array

Converting a String to an Array

Splicing an Array

Merging (Concatenating) Arrays

Slicing an Array

Sorting an Array

Reversing an Array

The History Object

o History back() Method

o History forward() Method

o History go() Method

o History length Property

Numeric Sort

o The Compare Function

o Find the Highest (or Lowest) Array Value

Sorting Object Arrays









Using Math.max() & Math.min() on an Array

JavaScript Array includes() Method

Array valueOf() Method

JavaScript Array fill() Method

The toString() Method

Converting Variables to Numbers


o The Number() method

o The parseInt() method

o The parseFloat() method

JavaScript JSON

o JavaScript JSON parse() Method

o JavaScript JSON stringify() Method

HTML Attributes

o HTML DOM setAttribute() Method

o HTML DOM getAttribute() Method

o HTML DOM hasAttribute() Method

o HTML DOM removeAttribute() Method

Chapter 7 – Advance JavaScript

How JavaScript Works

What is Execution Context

What is Execution Stack

What is Creation Phase

What is Execution Phase

Phase of execution context

o Creation Phase

o Execution Phase

Property of execution context

o Variable Object

o Scope Chain

o 'this' Variable

Function Hoisting in JavaScript

Variable Hoisting in JavaScript

Scope Chain & Lexical Scoping in JavaScript

this in JavaScript

JavaScript Object

o JavaScript Objects Are Mutable

o JavaScript Object Properties

o Accessing JavaScript Properties

o JavaScript Object Loop

o Adding/Deleting New Properties in Object

o JavaScript Object Methods

Accessing Object Methods

Adding a Method to an Object

o JavaScript Object.values()


o JavaScript JSON.stringify()

o JavaScript Stringify Functions/Array

JavaScript Object Accessors

o JavaScript Accessors (Getters and Setters)

o Why Using Getters and Setters?

JavaScript Object Constructors

JavaScript Object Prototypes

JavaScript Data Types

o Primitive data type

o Non-primitive (reference) data type

Pass by Value Vs Pass by Reference in JavaScript

Shallow copy and Deep copy in JavaScript

Functions is First Class Citizens

Callback Function in JavaScript

Higher Order Function in JavaScript

Immediately Invoked Function Expression - IIFE

o Advantages of IIFE

Closure in JavaScript

Call Method in JavaScript

Apply Method in JavaScript

The Difference Between call() and apply()

Bind Method in JavaScript

forEach() Method in JavaScript

for of loop in JavaScript

for in loop in JavaScript

localStorage and sessionStorage in JavaScript

o What is HTML Web Storage?

o What is localStorage?

o What is sessionStorage?

o Set/Updating Entries

o Deleting Entries

o Clearing Everything

o Storing Json Objects

o Checking for Items

o Checking for Support

o Iterating Over Items

What is Synchronous Programming in JavaScript

What is Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript

Why Asynchronous?


Event Loop in JavaScript

Chapter 8 – ES6/ES7/ES8

What is ECMAScript?

ECMAScript Editions

var, let & const

Template Literals in JavaScript

Template literals (template strings) Method

Array Destructuring

Object Destructuring

Default Parameters

Rest Parameters

Fat Arrow Function

Spread Operator



Exponentiation Operator

Numbers & Global Methods

o isFinite() Method

o isNaN() Method

o Number.islnteger() Method


Callback hell in JavaScript

Promises in JavaScript

Async Await in JavaScript

Generators in ES6 JavaScript

o What are normal function?

o What are Generators?

Chapter 9 – JSX in Depth (Complete JSX)

JSX in Depth

o Using JSX: Single Element

o Using JSX: Nested Elements

o Expressions in JSX

o Elements Must Be Closed

o Attributes

As string literals

As expressions

o The style attribute changes its semantics



o Comments

o JSX not allow to use if-else statements

o camelCase is the new standard

o Naming Convention

o How to loop in JSX

Chapter 10 – Babel and webpack in React JS

Babel in React JS

What is Babel?

o Transform syntax

o Polyfill features that are missing in your target environment

o Babel convert JSX syntax.

Webpack in React JS Chapter 11 –React JS

Components in React JS

o Types of components

Functional Components

Class Components

o Create a Function Component

o Create a Class Component

o Component Constructor

o Components in Components

Props in React JS

o Props data types







o Props in Function-Based Component

o Props in Class-Based Component

o Pure function VS Impure function

o Props are Read-Only

o Passing data from Parent component to Child Component

o Props in the Constructor

o Default Props


o Children Props (Props.children)

PropTypes in React Js

o any

o Boolean

o String

o Number

o func

o array

o object

o symbol

Props Validation

o Flagging Props as Mandatory

o Specifying a Range of Valid Prop Values

o Specifying a set of types for the prop

o Set Default Prop Values

o PropTypes.shape

o Requiring Single Child

o PropTypes: Shape and Types validation



o PropTypes: instance validation

o An object with warnings on extra properties

Fragments in React Js

State in React Js

o Creating the state Object

o Way to initialize state

Directly inside class (Without Constructor)

Inside the constructor (With Constructor)

o Using the state Object

o Changing the state Object

The setState() Method

setState accepts a function as its parameter

setState accepts a callback

setState is asynchronous (*)

reconciliation process

Call super(props) before using this.props

Never call setState() inside constructor()

Difference between State and Props

React Events


o Adding Events

o Event Handlers

Event declaration in plain HTML

Event declaration in React

Prevent the default behavior

o Bind this

o Passing Arguments

o React Event Object

o Why we need to bind() event handlers in Class Components in React

Blame JavaScript, Not React

o Using Arrow Functions to avoid binding `this` in React

o Supported Events in React JS

How to access child's state from parent component in React

How to update parent state from child component in React

Passing data from child components to parent components

Composing Components

Extracting Components

Updating the Rendered Element

React Conditional Rendering

o If

o Element Variables

o logical && operator

o Ternary operator

o Preventing Component from Rendering

o Switch case operator

o Conditional Rendering with enums

React Lists

React Keys

o Using an id as the key

o Using the index as the key

Nesting Lists in JSX

Looping Over an Object Instead of an Array

Extracting Components with Keys

Embedding map() in JSX

React Components Styling

o Inline CSS

o Normal CSS (External Stylesheet)

o CSS Modules

o Multiple classnames with CSS Modules in React


o CSS in JS

React Sass

o What is Sass

o Can I use Sass?

o Create a Sass file

How to Add Google Font into React Applications

How to Type Emoji in VS Code in 2020 | VS Code Emoji Extension

How to Add Font Awesome Icon in React App

How to Install and Use Bootstrap in React JS

How to use Material UI Icons in React App

How to use Material UI in React App

ES7 ReactReduxGraphQLReact-Native snippets

Phase of Component

Phase of Component

o Mounting

o Updating

o Unmounting

Component lifecycle hooks or lifecycle methods


o constructor()

o getDerivedStateFromProps()

o render()

o componentDidMount()


o getDerivedStateFromProps()

o shouldComponentUpdate()

o render()

o getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()

o componentDidUpdate()


o componentWillUnmount

React Component API

o setState()

o forceUpdate()

o findDOMNode()

Hooks in React JS

o When to use a Hooks

o Pre-requisites for React Hooks

o Rules of Hooks

o What exactly is a Hook?


o Advantages of Hooks

o Built-in Hooks




o Custom Hook in React JS

Higher order components or HOC in React JS

Context in React JS (Context API)

useContext hook and multiple context in React JS

useReducer hook in React JS

Context with useContext and useReducer for state management in React JS

Form in React JS

o Creating Form

o Handling Forms

o Submitting Forms

o Types of component

Uncontrolled component

Controlled component

o Handling Multiple Inputs in Controlled Component

o Difference table between controlled and uncontrolled component

o React Refs

How to create Refs

How to access Refs

Refs current Properties

Add Ref to DOM elements

Callback refs

Pass ref from a parent component to a child component using callbacks

The ref attribute as a string

Forwarding a ref from one component to another

Using ref for form validation

React with useRef()

o Form with custom inputs in React JS

o Images/Assets in React JS

Inside Public Folder

When use Public Folder

Inside src Folder

o Form Validations in React JS


React Router

o Need of React Router

o React Router Installation

o What is Route?

o Adding Navigation using Link component

o What is < Link> component?

o What is < NavLink> component?

o active styles using NavLink

o React Router Switch

o What is a 404 page?

o How to add a 404 page in react?

o Url Parameters

o Nested Routing in React

o Path and match




o Programmatically navigate

What is Programmatic navigation?

How to Navigate Programmatically in react-router?

o How to Set React Router Default Route Redirect to /home

o Protected Routes

o withRouter

o Custom Routes

o Consuming APIs in React

Consuming APIs Using the Fetch API

Consuming APIs with Axios


o Fetch Vs Axios Chapter 12 –React Redux

Introduction to redux

Why should I use Redux

What is React Redux

o What is Actions

o What is Reducers

o What is Store

o What is Dispatch

o What is Connect


o What is Action Types

o What is Action Creators

Redux dependencies

o Redux

o React Redux

o Redux Thunk

o Redux DevTools Extension

What is Provider

Extending Redux functionality

Combine more than one reducer in redux

useSelector and useDispatch hooks in react redux Chapter 13 – Third Party Packages Implementation

React Table





React Feather Icons


React Count To

React Google Charts



React Multilingual with redux


React Sticky Box



Stripe payment gateway in react js

Chapter 14 – Overview of JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

JSON Web Tokens

How JWT Tokens Are Used

Adding JWT to HTTP Header

How The Server Makes Use of JWT Tokens?

Chapter 15 – Live Project Training


e commerce Project (Like FilpKart, Amazon)


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