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Executive Directors Teija Lahti-Nuuttila & Reijo Kangas


Academic year: 2021

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Copyright © Tekes

Executive Directors

Teija Lahti-Nuuttila &

Reijo Kangas

01-2013 DM


Tekes focus areas crystallise future potential


Value creation based on service solutions and intangible assets

Business in global value networks

Renewing services and production by digital means

Natural resources

and sustainable







Teija Lahti-Nuuttila

Reijo Kangas


Application driven materials R&D

- from deep science

to real business

Dr. Markku Heino

Spinverse Oy

Programme Coordinator

Tekes Functional Materials Programme


Programme Overview

Programme includes

Over 100 companies and all relevant Finnish research organizations

International collaboration with

40 countries in the top Germany, Japan, Sweden, UK and USA

Duration: 2007-2013

Programme volume:

ca. 150M EUR, of which Tekes accounts for 70 M EUR

Project portfolio as of 01.01.2013

31 (56) research projects

26 (80) company projects

The Functional Materials Programme aims to develop

new applications and competive advantage through

materials technology for the Finnish industry

Renewing Finnish industry & creating new competences

More information: www.tekes.fi/en/materials

Materials Processing Applications


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Environmental and

life cycle issues

Value Chains

Key elements

02-2013 MH

Functional Materials Programme -


Functional Materials - Four Focus areas

Based on strategy work done 2009-2010

Biomaterials for medical use

- Close to market

Material and processing solutions

leading to cost-effective

mass-manufacturable intelligent structures

Responsive materials

Externally controllable materials enabling

new applications

Novel materials for energy technologies

Materials for solar energy, batteries and



Copyright © Tekes

Our application driven materials research

is renewing the Finnish industry

High level results achieved already on a wide front!

- and new ones are emerging!

• Scientific novelties created

• Research results transferred to industry

• Significant new competences created

• New businesses started

...and the work is going on!

02-2013 MH Coatings



Solar energy


Bio-based materials Bio-medical Smart materials


Functional Materials – renewable energy

Examples of projects on SOLAR ENERGY

”Solar III-V: Development of dilute nitride semiconductor materials for multi-junction solar cell systems” , Tampere Univ. of Technology, M. Guina

 Characterization and Modeling for Functional Sensor Materials, Aalto, H. Savin

(WP1 Solar cells)

 Robust dye solar cells printed on metal, Aalto, J. Halme

 “Materials for metallic energy roof”, Aalto, E. Haimi

”SOLARCO, Solar Thermal Collectors”, Savo Solar

 Diffuusionesto- ja adheesioteknologioiden parantaminen vaativiin lämmön- ja

sähkönjohtosovelluksiin, Aurubis Finland Oy

 Uuden sukupolven aurinkokeräin, PolarSol Oy

”TCO (transparent conductive oxide) coatings for photovoltaics”, Beneq

”Roll-to-Roll Atomic Layer Deposition (for photovoltaics)”, Beneq


Copyright © Tekes

Functional Materials – renewable energy & sustainability


 New batteries and capacitors

• ”Active Nanocomposite Materials (for Li ion batteries)”, U. Eastern Finland • “Novel Electrode Materials for Li-ion Battery”, Aalto Univ.

• “High Performance Lithium Ion Battery Anodes based on Novel Nanocarbons”, Aalto • ”Printed supercapacitors”, Aalto, VTT, Åbo

• “Novel methods to formulate polymer nanocomposites and tailor their dielectric properties for power capacitors”, Tampere Univ. of Technology • “Commercialization of green, bio-based galvanic skin treatment”, VTT • Next Generation Lithium-ion Battery Cathode and Precursor Materials

+ Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, OMG Kokkola Chemicals Oy • e.g. “High Energy Large Scale Lithium-ion ironphosphate battery” ,

+ 2 other projects European Batteries

• ”Recycling process for batteries”, Akkuser

 “Improved energy efficiency by modifying the surface properties of material”,

Univ. of Oulu, VTT

02-2013 MH


SPRING: Solar Energy, 11.2.2013,

Wanha Satama

SUMMER: Biomaterials, 23.5.2013,

Startup Sauna, Otaniemi

AUTUMN: Advanced materials, 03.09.2013,



Key events

– save the date & join us!

11.2. SPRING Workshop



11.-13.9. ICFPE conference,

(Printed electronics) Jeju, Korea

18.-20.6. EuroNanoForum, Dublin, Ireland

16.-18.4. Partnering event Akron, USA (Bio & Printed int.)

23.5. SUMMER Workshop


11.12. WINTER Workshop

Theme: Coatings & manufacturing

3.9. AUTUMN Workshop


Programme Manager

Pia Salokoski

Groove – Growth

from Renewables


Copyright © Tekes

Activities in Groove Programme

 Financing for Small and Medium Size Companies

 Joint Call with Germany 2012-13, co-operation continues

 Joint Call with Jiangsu Province in China, deadline for pre-

proposals 15th March

• Renewable energy and related technology: wind energy, solar energy, bioenergy • Water treatment and environmental related technology: waste recycling, water

treatment, soil improvement, air quality measurement, environmental monitoring • Energy saving related technology: Energy efficiency in industry and buildings,

smart grid

 Coaching services for Businesses

• Business advice to address the challenges caused by international business and growth

• Coaching the company’s management to prepare the necessary strategic policies, plans and reports

01-2013 DM


Groove is supporting the development of:

Know-how / technology

/ products / services

”Develop a competitive solution”

Business models

”Plan a strategy for your growth”

Commercialization of innovations

”Create a competent organization”

Companies to operate in

global market

”Know the market, customers

and their needs”


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