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The Use of Short English Video to Improve Students' Vocabulary


Academic year: 2021

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Student of Faculty of Educational and Teacher Training Department of English Language Education




2018 M/ 1440 H



This study is entitled “The Use of Short English Video to Improve Students’ Vocabulary”. This research was conducted at MTsN 7 Aceh Besar. In collecting the data, the writer used pre-experimental research with pre-test, post-test and questionnaires. As a sample, the writer took second years students which consist of 23 students. In this study, the writer used a video from American native speaker while teaching process. The aims of this study are to find out how short English video can improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary and To identify the obstacles faced by the students in improving oral EFL vocabulary by using short English video. The findings of the test result analysis indicates that the mean of post-test is higher than pre-post-test. this difference was proven by significant through t-post-test. this mean that short English video can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Besides thats, the students also have positive opinion about learning vocabulary through short English video which can be seen from the result of questionnaire analysis. They agreed that short English video can improves their vocabulary mastery and they also stated that using a short English video is helpful and interesting a techniques to learn vocabulary.



Alhamdulillah, praised be to Allah, Lords of the world, who has given the researcher

His love and compassion to finish the last assignment in His Peace and salutation may we always grated to the noble Prophet Muhammad SAW whom together with his family and companions has struggled whole heartedly to guide his sunnah to the right path.

First of all, I would like to dedicate my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my beloved supervisor Mr. Drs. Ayyub AR, M.Ag, and Mr.Mulia M.Ed for their valuable guidance, advises, supports, insighful comments, and immense knowledge in completing this thesis entitled : “The use of Short English Video to Improve Students’ Vocabulary”. The researcher is extremely grateful to be supervised by them, if there is a word more honoured thank you very much, I will choose it to express my respects. The meaning and the purpose of the written of thesis is fulfill the requirment to achieve fresh graduate degree of Deparment of English Language Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Ar-Raniry.

Second, I would love to thanks to my parents, my beloved father Mr. Rusman and my beloved mother Mrs. Jumiati whose selfless sacrificial life and their great efforts with pain, tears and unceasing prayers has enabled me to be in this position right now. Next, I also acknowledge my beloved young sister and young brothers Siti Nurhaliza, Muhammad Haris and Muhammad Ghufran for their love, understanding, supports and kindness.

Also, the researcher appreciation is adressed to the Head of English Language Education Department of Faculty of Teacher Training Dr. T.Zulfikar, M.Ed and all staff of English Language Education Department. Furthemore, the researcher deeply thanks to the Headmaster of MTsN 7 Mr. Bambang Irawan Sembiring S.Ag and to the English teacher Mr. Rusman who given permission to conduct my research in his class. Then, researcher deeply



thanks to participants class VII-1 for their time and enthusiasm in learning English with me as a researcher.

The researcher also addresses her thanks to all of my friends in English Education Department unit 01 (2014) and for all of my close friends in English Education Department (2014). Also, my special thanks for Iskandar, Hayatun Nufus, Raudhatul Jannah, who always helps, supported and helped me in writing this thesis that cannot mention one by one.

Banda Aceh, December7 , 2018







LIST OF TABLE ... viii

LIST OF APPENDIXES ... ix CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... 1 B. Research Question ... 5 C. Aim of Study... 5 D. Hypothesis... 6 E. Significances of Study ... 6 F. Terminology... 7

CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW A. Vocabulary in English... 9

1. Definition Of Oral EFL Vocabulary ... 9

2. Types of Vocabulary... 10

3. The Importance of Vocabulary ... 12

4. The Problem in Learning Vocabulary ... 13

B. Short English Video in Oral EFL Vocabulary... 15

1. Definition of Short English Video ... 15

2. Learning Oral Vocabulary by Using Short English Video ... 16

3. Teaching Oral EFL Vocabulary by Using short English Video ... 17

C. Previous Study ... 18

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODHOLOGY A. A Brief Description of Research Location... 20

B. Research Design... 20

C. Population ... 21

D. Sample... 21

E. Method of Data Collection... 22

1. Exprerimental teaching ... 22

2. Test ... 24

3. Questionnaire ... 25

F. Techniques of Data Analysis ... 26



2. T-test ... 28

3. Questionnaire ... 29


1. The Analysis of Test Results... 30

2. The Analysis of Pre-Test Score... 31

3. The Analysis of Post-Test Score ... 34

4. The Analysis of Questionnaire... 37

B. Discussion ... 43


B. Suggestion ... 46 REFERENCES




Table 1: the score of pre-test and post-test of students class VIII...30

Table 2: the frequency distribution of students’ pre-test scores...33

Table 3: the frequency distrubution of students’ post-test scores...35

Table 4.1: English important to learn...38

Table 4.2: Oral EFL vocabulary important to learn...39

Table 4.3: Oral EFL vocabulary easy to understand...39

Table 4.4: Short English video help student on learning Oral EFL vocabulary...40

Table 4.5: Short English video interest students in learning Oral EFL vocabulary...40

Table 4.6: Students’ Oral EFL vocabulary were improve after learning through Short English video... ..41

Table 4.7: Teacher able to use Short English video in teaching Oral EFL vocabulary...41

Table 4.8: Students got some problems in learning Oral EFL vocabulary through short English video...42

Table 4.9: Sometimes learning through short English video is boring...42




Appendix I : Appointment Letter of Supervisor

Appendix II : Recommendation Letter of Conducting Research from Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Appendix III : Confirmation Letter of Conducted Research from MTsN 7 Aceh Besar Appendix IV : Lesson Plan for the Teaching Experiment

Appendix V : Questionnaire

Appendix VI : Sample of Students’ work Appendix VII: Autobiography


1 A. Background of Study

Vocabulary is an element that should be mastered in learning English. Vocabulary, as one of the knowledge areas in a language, plays a great role for learners in acquiring a language (Cameron, 2001). Abdurrahman (2015) states that a language helped the students to develop their internal speech in that language through a series of mental tasks such as parsing, conceptualizing and formulating together with developing conceptual understanding and meanings for the words and sentences, they also developed internal structures in the form of phonemization, speech motor patterns and articulatory motor systems that allowed for a reconstruction or reproduction from the learned phonological inputs received, whether in the form of words or sentences were not acquired whole. Harmon, Wood, &Keser (2009; 58-63) as well as Linse (2005) state that learners’ vocabulary development is an important aspect of their language development. Thus, students need to build their motivation and interest of their language development.

In learning vocabulary, there are two ways of transferring the information through language: oral and written. Written vocabulary is words recognized and used in reading and writing, while oral vocabulary is words recognized and used in listening and speaking.

Vocabulary is important for students to master, study and understand in any language learning as it is the basic element of language used in listening, speaking, reading and writing (Markel & Gray, 2013). In other words, vocabulary is the central point to English language teaching, because without sufficient vocabulary, students cannot understand others and express their own ideas either written or spoken form (Willy, 2002).


2 Vocabularies help students with language comprehension. McKeown (2002) argue that vocabulary is the heart of a language comprehension and use. Then, vocabulary helps students with language production. Hubbard (1983) states that the more words a student knows the more precisely they can express the exact meaning they want to. Furthemore, having rich vocabulary knowledge is a key element to be better in speaking ( Hudson, 2007). Thus, students need vocabulary as a tool to communicate with others. Without knowledge of the key vocabulary, students may have serious trouble in understanding English well.

In reality, students face some problems in learning vocabulary especially in oral EFL vocabularies. Most students lack of interest and motivation in building up their oral EFL vocabulary mastery. Based on the interviews that have been done to one of English teachers of MTsN in Aceh Besar in December 2017, he said that students have passion to learn English, but students lack on mastering oral EFL vocabularies. Students have difficulties in speaking English because lack on mastering oral EFL vocabularies. This case happened because the use of Achenese language takes dominant place in daily life and in teaching process. As a result, students are not familiar with English language and when their teacher speaks English, they can not understand well. Thus, the teacher must communicate in English to students in order they familiar with speaking English and then students can increase their oral EFL vocabularies, the teacher also should use a creative material and an intresting technique and make students engaged in learning English.

One of the alternatives in coping with this issue is by using a short video in teaching vocabulary. Short videos are advantageous and effective in learning vocabulary because through video students can improve their communicative skills and also provide a chance for the learners to use the target langauge (Sorayaie & Azar, 2012).


The implementation of a short video in teaching vocabulary has been supported by the findings of some previous studies. The first previous study was conducted by Devi (2011) entitled “Animation video to improve students’ vocabulary mastery”. She took sixth grade students of MIN Nglunggle, Polanharjo as the sample. The findings of this research suggested that animation video can improve students’ vocabulary. It could be seen from these indicators : (a) students could spell the vocabulary words;(b) most students were able to pronounce words correctly; (c) students could recognize vocabulary words. In line with her result, she suggests that animation video is one of effective techniques in presentations to increase the students’ enthusiasm and their achievement in learning vocabulary.

Furthemore, there was a research in Pekanbaru by Andriani (2010) entitled “the use of interactive video multimedia in improving students vocabulary mastery. As the sample, she took the second years students of MTsN Pekanbaru. As the findings, she concluded that the use of interactive video multimedia could better improve students’ ability in vocabulary mastery. The improvement was shown by the increasing of students’ ability in vocabulary mastery.

Then next research was carried out by Kayaoglu (2011) entitled “ A small scale Experimental study: Using Animation to learn vocabulary”. In his thesis, he stated that using multimedia such as animation contribute to students’ achievement in vocabulary learning. The participant in his study were the English prepatory class students at pre-intermediate level attending School of Foreign Languages in Karadeniz Technical University in the academic year 2009-2010. Two pre-intermediate classes were randomly selected as the experimental group (17 students) and control group (20 students).


4 And the last research was conducted by Abdurrahman (2015) entitled “ The use of NSVC ( native speaker video clips ) and their effect on SRL (self regulated-learning), Learning strategies, and oral production. In his journal, he took 23 EFL students from two-credit vocabulary and pronounciation course of 2013 as his participants. His research study focuses on the learning strategies and SRL strategies employed by the students, and whether there were improvements on oral performance in terms of motivational beliefs, student goals, learning strategies, SRLs and duration and frequency in activating the students’ oral vocabulary. As the findings, The results proved that the medium achievement students regulated the ranks of use in all HSRL (home self regulated-learning) factors such as motivational beliefs, students goals, SRL and duration and frequency of repeats after getting the feedback in each COP (classroom oral production) except for learning strategy in term of elaboration and organization factors, since rehearsal factor started improving.

The findings of the discussed previous studies suggest that the implementation of a short video may be as the solution to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Thus, in this research, the researcher uses a short English Video as a media and a technique to improve students’ vocabulary. In this study, researcher focuses on oral EFL vocabulary as a way to transfer infromation through language. The reason choosing this media is because it brings benefit for young learners in learning English. Therefore, corresponding to the fact above, the researcher is highly motivated to conduct a study on “The Use of short

English Video to Improve Students’ Vocabulary” to the second years students of MTsN 7 Aceh Besar.


B. Research Question

Based on the background mentioned above, there are some questions to be deal with : a. How does English video improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary ?

b. What obstacles are faced by the students in improving oral EFL vocabulary by using short English video?

C. The Aims of Study

a. To find out how short English video can improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary. b. To identify the obstacles faced by the students in improving oral EFL vocabulary

by using short English video. D. Hypothesis

After considering the problem of the study above the writer would like to draw the hypothesis that are:

a. Ha : the use of short English video improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary

b. Ho : the use of short English video does not improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary

By using short English video in improving student’s oral EFL vocabulary, researcher believes that short English video is benefit for learners in learning oral EFL vocabulary. Then, short English video can help students to find their interesting way to learn English.

E. Significance of Study

Hopefully the research can be useful in many ways. First, practically, this research can help students to improve oral EFL vocabulary in learning spoken EFL through using short English video as a media in learning process. Second, practically short English video can be used as a model to improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary in English class and it may


6 guide, help and encourage the students during learning spoken EFL in the class. Third, theoretically the finding of the research can be a good educational contribution to the school in teaching and learning course. And last, theoretically, the result of this research is useful either for the writer or others.

F. Terminology

a. Short English Video

Short english video is one of a media that we use in learning or teaching English (Jewitt, 2012). As Harmer (2001) revealed ‘‘Video is a form of multimedia that conveys information through two simultaneous sensory channels.from the definition above, the writer define if short English Video is one of media that people can use to improve student knowledge and vocabulary. In this study, the researcher uses one short American Native speaker video as a media in learning spoken EFL. The video played by the researcher in class, and the duration of this video between 2-3 minutes.

b. Improve

Improve means to make better in quality or to make more productive (Hornby, 2000). Then, according to (Landau ; 1995) improve means to make a better quality and condition. In this study, improve is students percentage to measure their understanding of Oral EFL vocabulary in learning spoken EFL. To determine whether students get improved, the researcher will administer a pre-test and post-test.Then, improve in this study means to make learners able to add (enrich) Oral EFL vocabulary.

c. Oral EFL Vocabulary

Oral EFL vocabulary refers to words that we use in speaking or recognize in listening. Vocabulary is a list or a set of words for particular language or a list of set


words that individual speakers of language might use (Hatch & Brown, 1995;1). Vocabulary is the important component in learning language beside grammar. Vocabulary cannot be separated from language teaching and learning process. From the definition above, the writer defines oral EFL vocabulary is one of ways to transfer the information of language in learning spoken EFL. In this study, the researcher uses a short English video as a media to help students in improving their oral EFL vocabularies in learning spoken EFL.




A. Vocabulary in English

1. Definition of Oral EFL Vocabulary

Grave (2002, as cited in Njorge, Ndung’u and Gathia 2013;314) defines that vocabulary as the entire stock of word belonging to a branch of knowledge or known by an individual. Stahl (2005) states that vocabulary knowledge is knowledge, the knowledge of a word not only implies a definition but also how that word fits into the world. According to Lehr (Unknown) define that vocabulary is knowledge of words and words meaning, words comes in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary include those words that recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words that recognize and use in writing and reading. “Oral vocabulary is very important to reading comprehension; readers need to know the meanings of individual words to understand the text as a whole” (Schickedanz & Collins, 2013, p. 11). Wasik and Newman (2009 ; 307) state that oral language and vocabulary are predictor of reading ability and includes a range of skills. It refers to expressive skills, such as the ability to comprehend vocabulary, along with expressive abilities in putting words together to form grammatically appropiate phrases and sentences, and combining words together in meaningful ways.

To conclude, it has two forms: oral and print. Oral EFL vocabulary is words that recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary is words that recognize and use in reading and writing. Therefore, oral EFL vocabulary needs to be


mastered by the students in order for them to be easy to express ideas or something they want to express.

2. Types of Vocabulary

Pikulski and Templeton (2004 : 2) stated that vocabulary types devided into the following scheme


Picture1. Vocabulary Types

The scheme above clearly shows that the vocabulary is divided into four types: Oral vocabulary, Expressive vocabulary, Written vocabulary and Receptive Vocabulary.

a. Oral Vocabulary means the vocabulary which is used in spoken. The actions are used in speaking, in producing the sound and hearing a sound from the speaker.


Vocabulary VocabularyExpressive

Writing Listening Reading Speaking Oral Vocabulary Written Vocabulary


10 b. Expressive vocabulary is the vocabulary which is used to express something. When it used in speaking it express a thing. Then writing, the expression used to express something in the text.

c. Written vocabulary is the vocabulary which is used in write a thing. The action of it is used in writing and reading. In writing it used by the writer or author. Then the vocabulary in reading is used by the reader in reading something. d. Receptive vocabulary is the vocabulary which is used in reading and listening

activity. In this type a person receives all the vocabulary without giving any feedback to the author or speaker. All of four types above are interconnected in our daily life.

Then according to Jiangwen and Bimbim (2014) that “it is essential to distinguish between different types of vocabulary, because different types of vocabulary need different focus and treatment or some type of vocabulary will be given priorities and emphases in teaching and learning according to learner’s different aims of learning.

In conclusion as we know most of experts divided vocabulary into two big types, oral and written vocabulary.Snow, Burns & Griffin (1998:108) state that written vocabulary is the vocabulary which is used in written texts and books. Then oral vocabulary is the vocabulary which is used in speaking or making conversation and used in oral communication learners able to add ( enrich ) their English vocabularies from watching short English video.

3. The Importance of Vocabulary

The fact that learning vocabulary is crucial in learning a languages has been supported by some experts. According to Burns and Broman (1975) to know how well the society of someone it can be show by the knowledge of the words and how to use that in an appropriate place, time, and situation. The next researcher who explained the importance of vocabulary is


Wilkins (1982), he said that without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It has to be realized that the student ability to read. To write, to listen, and to speak is conditionally by their vocabulary. In reading ability, vocabulary helps learners in comprehending the text. In writing, vocabulary helps them expand their ideas based on the text. In listening, they can understand what other person speaks. In speaking ability, vocabulary gets the learners to explain their ideas ability.

In addition, Coady and Huckin (1997) argue that vocabulary has an important role to communicate in a foreign language, so that it becomes the basic element to master four language skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Without enough vocabulary, a language learner will not be able to master a language. Meanwhile, in other view expresses by Gough (2001), learning vocabulary is important because vocabulary in a language means what the meaning of a word and without the understanding of the words, we do not know of what we want to say.

4. The Problems in Learning Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is learning the definition of words. However, it is hard for learners to remember all vocabularies instantly. (Kayaolgu, 2011) claimed that is not easy to memorize a large number of vocabulary, learning new vocabularies and remember them in mind and recall them when needed. It is hard for students to get all of the words in listening and speaking, especially in foreign languages.

Meanwhile, knowing the words without understanding the meaning is not enough in learning oral EFL vocabulary. It because oral EFL vocabulary more complex than simply memorizing definition of words. It involves seeing, hearing, and using words in meaningful context (William, 2011). It is hard for students to remember the meaning of word without


12 listening and using the words in their life. In other words, they need to know when and where the vocabularies are used.

There are many problems found in teaching learning process, especially in learning oral EFL vocabulary, students who lack of vocabulary tend to be failed in learning target language. Taitague (2008; 54 ) claimed that students who lack of vocabulary tend to be failed in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Besides that, using inappropriate media in learning vocabulary such as giving definition of words by opening dictionary makes student feel bored.

Abdul Ghafar (2013) defines that most student learn vocabulary passively due several factors first, they consider that the teacher’s explanation for meaning or definition, pronounciation, spelling and grammatical functions as a boring task. Second, students only think of vocabulary in learning as knowing the primary of new words. Therefore, they ignore all the function of the words. Third, students usually only acquire new vocabulary through new words in their textbooks or when it is given by the teachers during classroom lesson. For example, learners find many new words in a text and then ask the teacher to explain their meaning and usage. Fourth, the students do not want to take any risk in applying what they have learnt. They may recognize a word, but they may not be able to use that word properly in different context or pronounce it correctly.

Considering these problems, increasing students’ vocabulary is important to obtain the target language. Besides, less frustrating and more enjoyable way should be considered in teaching learning process.


B. Short English Video in Oral EFL Vocabulary 1. Definition of Short English Video

The first step to introduce short English video is to know the definition. The word of “short video” is consist of two words; “short” and “video”. A S Hornby (200) defined that short is measuring a small distance from end to end, small in height. Then, video is the recording reproducing or broadcasting of moving visual images (A S Hornby, 2000). From the definition above, short video is a video that no more than 10 or 7 minutes, it depend on the level of students learning. In this case, researcher use short English video for 3 minutes in teaching and learning process.

Cooper (1991) defined that video as a tool of communication and medium of information that package with messages, images, and ambiguity and present a rich content in learning oral vocabulary. Video can be one of good alternative media to support student interest in the learning and teaching classroom, it related with the statement by Hammer (2003, p.290) that video can enhance simulations because it provides feedback to help students feel more realistic. Video is a great medium to tell the story. Through video people can gain a visual adaptation and the personal connection that video offers. The use of good video as a learning tool for the students should appropriate to educational content that student learned in the teaching and learning oral vocabulary. Video can help to take our story from merely “telling” to “showing” and can be a powerful tool in learning process Littlefield ( 2009).

Mayer (2001) stated that video is a form of multimedia that conveys information through two simultaneous sensory channels, aural and visual. Video communicates the same information to students through simultaneous learning modality and can provide students with “multiple entry point” (Gardner, 2006). Video must have standards, calculations, rating


14 which measures the quality of the video. Video need evaluate because it is important to preview the videos with the teacher goals (Tucker, 2013).

Video has come a long way as teaching and learning tool that shows and represent information in the set of images. It is an excellent way to demonstrate the procedure or gain an understanding of learning in action includes motivating students, more memorable for students see the shape of language (Greene & Crespi, 2012). Video represents language of context life. It show students how the language used naturally in realistic setting. Students can see facial expressions, gestures, and whether the speaker is hesitant or not about particular subject. Students can observe the body language, how the characters react to emotional situation-information that is difficult to get from a book and audio tape through video.

2. Learning Oral Vocabulary by Using Short English Video

There are three kinds of media in teaching learning process, those are audio media, visual media, and audiovisual media (Aswan, 2002). Audio media is aid that focuses on sound only such as cassette recorder. Audio media is not appropriate for a deaf. On the contrary, visual media only focuses on scene such as a picture and painting without any music or sound. Audiovisual media is the combination of two aspects above. It includes scene and sound. One example of this audiovisual media is short English video.

Learning foreign language using short English video is believed can be more effective and encouraging for students to improve their oral EFL vocabulary. It is because short English video provide both audio and visual aspect in learning. Paivio (2006) identified that processing language in both verbal and visual make learning effective. Besides, using video interactively contributes to students’ autonomous learning because it is one of media that


simultanouesly involved listening, seeing and reflecting. This kind of multimedia tool is considered as one aid of language learning especially in learning oral EFL vocabulary.

Short video is combining text with visual aspect. Since, it is more effective in facilitating vocabulary learning than providing only definition of words (Yuksel, 2007). Besides, short video can help students to catch oral vocabulary from the context. Students will know about using terms based on context and the way to pronoun the word.

Based on the explanation above, short English video can be concluded as one of medias in learning. It also helps student to find their interesting way to learning.

3. Teaching Oral EFL Vocabulary by Using Short English Video

Based on the explanation above, the researcher would do the research and applied the short English video that had taken from Youtube to the students. The researcher would teach them directly by using short English video. The researcher believed it would be benefit for the learners in learning English oral vocabulary by using short English video. The assumption base on the fact that young learners like watching video.

The researcher was held four meetings in giving them the treatment in having good understanding in mastering the oral vocabulary through short English video. This techniques was expected in this research which can improve the ability of students’ in mastering oral EFL vocabulary

C. Previous Study

The implementation of short video in teaching vocabulary has been supported by the findings of some previous studies. The first previous study was conducted by Devi (2011) entitled “Animation video to improve students’ vocabulary mastery”. She took sixth grade students of MIN Nglunggle, Polanharjo as a sample. The findings of this research suggested


16 that animation video can improve students’ vocabulary. It could be seen from these indicators: (a) student could spell the vocabulary words;(b) most student were able to pronounce words correctly; (c) student could recognize vocabulary words. In lin ewith her result, she suggests that animation video is one of effective techniques in presentations to increase the students’ enthusiasm and their achievement in learning vocabulary.

Besides that, there was a research in Pekanbaru by Andiriani(2010) entitled “The use of interactive video multimedia in improving students vocabulary mastery. As the sample, she took the second years students of MTsN Pekanbaru. As the findings, she concluded that the use of interactive video multimedia could better improve students’ ability in vocabulary mastery. The improvement was shown by the increasing of students’ ability in vocabulary mastery.

Then, last research was carried out by Kayaoglu(2011) entitled “A small scale Experimental study: Using Animation to learn vocabulary”. In his thesis, he stated that using multimedia such as animation contribute to students’ achievement in vocabulary learning. The participant in his study were the English prepatory class students at pre-intermediate level attending School of Foreign Languages in Karadeniz Technical University in the academic year 2009-2010. Two pre-intermediate classes were randomly selected as the experimental group (17 students) and control group (20 students).

The findings of the discussed previous studies suggest that the implementation of a short video may be one of the solutions to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Thus, in this research, the researcher uses a short English Video as a media and techniques to improve students’ vocabularies. In this study, researcher focuses on oral EFL vocabulary as a way to transfer infromation through language.




This chapter deals with research methodological procedures. This includes a brief description of research location, research design, population and sample, techniques of data collection.

A. A Brief Description of Research Location

This research was conducted in MTsN 7 Aceh Besar. It is located at street Lamceu, Kuta Baro, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. The new headmaster of this school is Mr. Bambang Irawan Sembiring S.Ag who has good control and discipline to the students and teachers in the school.

MTsN 7 is one of the junior high schools in Aceh Besar which is under the regulation of Ministry of Religious Affairs. The process of learning at MTsN 7 starts from 7.35 am until 1.35 pm. The term of facilities there are 14 classrooms, a library, a computer laboratory, a mushalla, a canteen, and a football field. Another important element of the school is the teachers. There are 52 teachers work at MTsN 7 Aceh Besar. There are 4 English teachers, and one of them is assigned for each level.

B. Research Design

Every research should have certain methodology. Morrison (2000) states that methodology is some techniques used in explaining and finding answers to the research problems, to gain a valid data, the appropriate methodology should be applied in conducting research. In the line with the research problems, the researcher used pre-experimental research with pre-test and post-test. There is only one class to be study to know the improvement of students’ oral EFL vocabulary before and after treatment. If the score of post-test higher than pre-test, it show improvement of students’ oral EFL vocabulary. This


18 mean that it is applicable to use the technique applied in the treatment to improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary mastery.

The researcher conducted an experimental teaching at MTsN 7 Aceh Besar and took one class as participants. The researcher took this school because students’ in MTsN 7 have a good eager in learning English but they are lack in oral EFL vocabulary mastery. In this class, the researcher applied a short English video as a technique in teaching oral EFL vocabulary. Besides that, the researcher distributed questionnaire during the last meeting to questions the students’ obstacles and opinion in learning vocabulary through short English video.

C. Population

Creswell (2012) defines that population is a group of individual who have the same characteristic. Therefore, the total population of this research is the first, second and third years students at MTsN 7 Aceh Besar which consist of 398 students.

D. Sample

Creswell (2012) states that the sample is the group participants in a study selected from the target population from which the researcher generalizes to the target population. sample is the smallest part of population which taken for representative all of the population becoming the object of the research. This sampling was done by using cluster random sampling. Cluster random sampling is a sampling method used when there are some groups which represent characteristic the researcher wish to measure, then he/she would make random sampling from those groups as the sample for his/her research. Arikunto (2008) said that if the subject less than 100 persons, better to take all of subjects, but if the subject more than 100 persons, better to take 10-15% or 20-55%. Thus, to limit the research, researcher took 10% subject which second years as a sample especially class VII-1 which consist of 23 students.


E. Method of Data Collection

To collect the data, the researcher used experimental research. The experimental research was carried by applying some techniques namely, experimental teaching, test and questionnaire.

1. Experimental Teaching

The experimental teaching was conducted during four meetings, including the meeting for pre-test and post-test. The time allocation for each meeting was 90 minutes. The researcher came to school twice a week on every Wednesday and Thursday at 10.45 am until 12.15 pm. In this experimental teaching, the researcher applied a short English video as a technique to improve students’ vocabulary.

a. The first meeting

The first meeting was conducted on Wednesday, October 31 2018. During the meeting, the researcher introduced herself to the students and explained about her research purposes in the classroom. Then, researcher checked the students’ attendance list. Later, researcher gave a pre-test which is a short English video by American Native about Simple Present. The video was played for 3 times repeatedly. Then, students must represented what native talked by their own way in English.

b. The second meeting

The second meeting was conducted on Thursday, November 01 2018. Before attending the class, the researcher prepaired some materials to teach students using short English video, they are; proyector cable, a speaker, and a laptop. In this meeting, all students attended the class. After greeting the students, the researcher explain what will students learn and the learning process will use video as a


20 media. Researcher show short English video about simple present “Daily Activities”, the video take duration arround 3 minutes. Researcher gave a clues that students must listen carefully. Then, they must to representing the content of video by their own words. Students are not memorizing all of words from American native speaker but they represented the native talk by their own (monologue). Researcher will evaluate them with 3 steps which is basic pronounciation, stress, and fluency . the video will plays for 3 times. Then, after the video playing for 3 times, one by one of students represented the sentence of “daily Activities” used their own words. Researcher also helped students in pronounce the word correctly.

c. The third meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Wednesday, November7 2018. During the meeting, all of the students attended the class. Researcher continued to use a short English video. Researcher played the same video for 3 times. Students who have not represented the video would do it today. they represented again about the “daily activities” monologue. After 90 minutes teaching English, researcher asked students to remember the right pronounciation and stress which researcher said. d. The fourth meeting

The fourth meeting was conducted on Thursday, November 8 2018. In this meeting all students attended the class. For this last meeting, researcher gave a post-test which is the same video “daily activities”. Students must represented again (monologue) the content of video with 3 steps (basic pronounciation, stress, and fluency). After represented, each of them must filled the questionnaire as a feedback while researcher taught them, and their respons of using a short English video as a media.


2. Test

To measure the students’ vocabulary, the researcher needed to test them. A test is a set of question or exercise to measure skill, knowledge and intelligence in an individual or groups (Daryanto,2005). In this research, a test was given to measure the students’ ability in acquiring vocabulary.

There were two kinds of tests administered in this research, namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was implemented in order to gain the data of the students’ knowledge and it was given before the teaching experiment. Meanwhile, post-test is a test given after finishing teaching learning process in order to evaluate students achivement in mastering oral vocabulary through short English video.

According to Coombe (2010), there were a lot of vocabulary exercise types, including multiple chioce question, matching items, fill in gap items, and translations. In this research, the researcher used translations and matching items because they are appropiate to be applied for beginers since they have to know the meaning of the words in their mother tounge. Then, they have to write, spell and pronounce the words correctly.

3. Questionnaire

To obtain the additional data, the researcher also distributed questionnaire for students. Questionnaire is the list of questions which is given to the students to get their responses about the teaching-learning process. In this research, the researcher used closed ended questionnaire.

In this questionnaire, the researcher provided ten questions related to the use of a short English video in learning oral vocabulary. The questions are mainly about students’ obstacles and opinion in learning vocabulary by using short English video.


22 D. Techniqeus of Data Analysis

Data analysis is needed to know the result of a research. After getting the data, the researcher would analyze each type of the data through some techniques, as follows: 1. Test

In analyzing the result of the test, the researcher used statistical formula in order to find the range of the data, the space of interval class, to make table of frequency distribution with the meaning of table. According to Sudjana ( 2002), the following is the set of formula used to anaylze the result of the test:

a. The first step is finding the range of post-test and pre-test by using the following formula:


Which means:

R = the range of score H= the highest score L= the lowest score

b. The second step is determining the interval which refers to the amount of class, and the following formula is used to find the score:

I = 1 + (3,3) log n Which means:

I : the number of interval class N : the number of sample

c. After finding the number of interval class, the next step is finding the space of interval class. Interval class is the number of score that has been grouped based on the expected interval, and the formula is :


P =

Which means : P : interval space R : the range of score

I : the amount of interval class

d. And the last step is making a table of frequency distribution. The formula required dealing with the data in the table as follows.

Fi =

Which means: Fi : frequency

Xi: middle score of interval class

Fixi : the amount of multiplication between frequency and middle scores of interval class.

e. To find the mean of table presented, the formula is:


= ∑

Which means :

∑fixi : the entire score

Fi : the number of the test taker

In analyzing the test results, the researcher uses several fomulas. The formulas are necessary for finding out the mean score, standard deviaton and t-score.


24 2. T-test

The researcher used t-score to find out whether pre-test and post-test have a significant difference. The formula for t-score was taken form Sudijono (2011).

T = √

− ( − 1)

D =

Which means :

D : average score difference Sd : standard deviations N : total students 3. Questionnaire

The data obtained through the questionnaire were analyzed by the following formula :

P = 100 % Which means: P = precentage f = frequency N = number of respondents 100% = constant value




This chapter mainly deals with data analysis which comprises the analysis of test result and the analysis of the questionnaires. The findings of these analyses are then brought into further discussion as an attempt to answer the proposed research questions.

A. The Data Analysis

The source of the data required for these study are test result and questionnaire.

1. The Analysis of Test Results

The results of the tests are as in the following table.

No Students’ Initial Pre-test score Post-test score The difference of score (x- ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AAL CAM FRZ IA IN IA II MZN NRN NW NR NS NI NAA NI RA 33 40 53 72 40 86 46 46 86 40 86 53 20 20 70 33 72 86 92 100 86 100 86 100 92 86 92 72 100 86 90 86 39 46 39 28 46 14 40 54 6 46 6 39 80 66 20 53 9.48 101.60 9.48 62.75 101.60 480.48 16.64 326.88 895.20 101.60 895.20 9.48 1943.05 904.80 7.82 291.72 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 S SM SM SIS SNA SZ YK 53 20 100 40 72 33 46 72 86 100 86 100 86 86 39 66 0 46 28 53 40 9.48 904.80 1290.24 101.60 62.75 291.72 16.64 Total 1,188 2,042 894 7838.21



The average of pre-test score :

: 51.6

The average of post-test score:


The average of scores’ differences (D) :

: 38.86

2. The Analysis of Pre-Test Score

To make it clear, the researcher conducted the students’ pre-test by arranging from the lowest to the highest score. It can be seen in the following arrangement :

20 20 20 33 33 33 40 40 40 40 46 46 46 53 53 53 70 72 72 86 86 86 100

To analyze the data of pre-test, the following calculations are required :

First, the range (R) determined by the formula :

R = H – L

The highest score of pre-test is 100 and the lowest score is 20. Thus, the range is 100 – 20 = 80

After finding the range, the researcher calculate the amount of interval as the following :

K = 1 + 3.3 log n

= 1 + 3.3 log 23


= 1 + 4,488

= 5.448 (taken 5)

Next, by knowing the number of interval, the researcher indentify the class interval score as follows :

P =

P =


P = 14,59 (taken 14)

From the result, the frequency distribution table is

Class Interval Fi Xi Fixi

11-25 26-40 41-55 56-70 71-85 86-100 3 7 6 1 2 4 18 33 48 63 78 93 54 231 288 63 156 372 N = 23 333 1,164 Where : Fi : frequency

Xi : the middle of interval class

Fixi : the amount of multiplication between the frequencies middle scores of interval class

Based on the frequency distrubution above, the researcher determined the mean score by using the following formula :




= ∑

X =

X = 50.16

3. The Analysis of Post-Test Score

To make it clear, the researcher displays the students’ post-test by arranging the lowest to the highest score. It can be seen in the following arrangement :

72 72 72 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 90 92 92 92 100 100 100 100 100 100

Since the highest score from the post test scores is 100 and the lowest score is 72, the range (R) can be identified as in the following.

R = H – L

R = 100-72

R = 28

The class interval is identified by using following formula :

Where : Nn = number of students = 1 + (3.3) log n = 1 + (3.3) log 23 = 1 + (3.3) ( 1.36) = 1 + 4,488


= 5,448 ( taken 5)

Next, by knowing the number of interval, the researcher found class interval score by using formula :

P =

P =


P = 5.14 (taken 5)

From the result, the frequency distribution table of post test score can be formulated as follows : Score Fi Xi Fixi 71-85 86-100 3 20 78 93 234 1860 N = 23 171 2094 Where : Fi : frequency

Xi : the middle score of interval class

Fixi : the amount of multiplication between the frequencies middle scores of interval class

Based on the frequency distribution above, the researcher determined the mean score by using the following formula :


= ∑

X =


30 After all necessary statistical count and procedures have been carried out for the result of pre-test and post-pre-test, the mean of each pre-test result can be identified. The analysis shows that the mean of post-test is higher than pre-test. However, to confirm whether the differences between the mean of each test is significant, another test called t-test is necessary to be conducted.

In order to conduct the t-test, it is required to identify the standard deviation of the test as follows:

The standard deviation of the test can be found by using the following formula :

SD = ( )

=√ .


SD = 18,86

Next, after finding standard deviation, we can continue to analyze the T-test. The researcher calculated it by using the following formula :

t =

/√ ~ t (n-1)

D = −

Which means :

D = average score difference Sd = standard deviation N = total students


t = ,

, /√

= ..

= 8.0

After finding the t-score, we need to find the degree freedom.

Df = n – 1

= 23-1

= 22

The result showed the different mean score between pre-test and post-test. The differences between the score before and after giving treatment were showed in the data which the mean score of pre-test 50.16 while mean score of post-test is 91.4. Before giving a treatment, the result showed that 20 students got failure in the pre-test and only three students got good score. It is showed that 87% students failed in test and just 13% passed the pre-test. On contrary, 10 students have excellent score, 10 students have very good score, and 3 students have good score. It means that 45% students excellent score, 45% students good score and only 10% got low score.

4. The Analysis of the Questionnaire

The data obtained through the questionnaire that was administered at the end of the field work is analyzed by using following formula:

P = x 100%

Where :


32 F = frequency

N = the number of sample

100% = constant value

The students in class VII-1 consist of 23 students. Which are :

Male Femal

Table 4.1 : English important for students to learn.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 6 0 0 0 12 5 0 0 18 5 0 0 78% 22% 0 0 Total 100%

The table explains that 100% of the students were strongly agree or agree if English important to learn. And not one of them said disagree or strongly disagree.

Table 4.2 : Oral EFL vocabulary is the important subject to learn deeply.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 1 3 2 0 9 5 3 0 10 8 5 0 43% 35% 22% 0 Total 100%

The table indicates that 78% of the students were strongly agree or agree in learning oral EFL vocabulary is important. Only 22% of them were disagree in learning Oral EFL vocabulary. But none one of them said strongly disagree.


4.3 : Oral EFL vocabulary make students easy to understand well.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 1 5 0 0 2 5 7 3 3 10 7 3 13% 44% 30% 13% Total 100%

The table explains that 57% of students’ thought that Oral EFL vocabulary was easy to understand, thus they choose strongly agree or agree, meanwhile 43% of the students’ stated that vocabulary was disagree or strongly disagree if oral EFL vocabulary easy to understand.

4.4 : Short English video help student on learning Oral EFL vocabulary in English subject.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 4 2 0 0 14 3 0 0 18 5 0 0 78% 22% 0 0 Total 100%

Based on the table above, 100% stated strongly agree and agree that a short English video help students in improving their Oral EFL vocabulary. Meanwhile, there’s none of students choose disagree or strongly disagree.

4.5 Short English video more interest for students in learning Oral EFL vocabulary.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 4 1 1 0 2 3 5 0 13 4 6 0 57% 17% 26% 0 Total 100%


34 The table shows that 74% of students choose strongly agree or agree if learning Oral EFL vocabulary interest students through using short English video. Mean while, 26% of students choose disagree and none of students choose strongly disagree if learning Oral EFL vocabulary interest students through using short English video.

4.6 Students’ Oral EFL vocabulary are improve after learning through a short English video as a media during learning process.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 4 2 0 0 6 8 3 0 10 10 3 0 43% 43% 14% 0 Total 100%

Based on the table above, almost all of students which 86% of them stated strongly agree and agree that they got much improvement after learning vocabulary through short English video. Meanwhile, only 14% of them stated disagree that they got less improvement, and none of them stated strongly disagree after treatment.

4.7 The students believe if the teacher are able to use short English video in teaching Oral EFL vocabulary.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 3 2 1 0 12 5 0 0 15 7 1 0 65% 31% 4% 0 Total 100%

Based on the table above, 96% of students said strongly agree and agree that teacher really able in teaching Oral EFL vocabulary by using a short English video, meanwhile one


student said disagree that teacher not able and none of them said strongly disagree if teacher not able in teaching oral EFL vocabulary by using short English video.

4.8 Students got some problems during learning Oral EFL vocabulary by using a short English video.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 3 1 1 1 2 4 2 9 5 5 3 10 21% 21% 14% 44% Total 100%

The table explains that 58% of students disagree and strongly disagree if sometimes they got some problems in learning oral EFL vocabulary through short English video. Meanwhile, 42% students strongly agree and agree if they got some problems in learning oral EFL vocabulary.

4.9 Some students state that sometimes learning through short English video is boring.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 4 0 0 2 5 0 0 12 9 0 0 14 39% 0 0 61% Total 100%

The table shows that 61% of students said strongly disagree if they got bored in learning through short English video. Meanwhile, 39% of them strongly agree if they got bored and none of them choose agree and disagree if in learning though short English video make bored.


36 4.10 students’ expectation about using a short English video in future learning process.

NO Options Male Female Frequency Percentage (N) 1 a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 6 0 0 0 13 4 0 0 19 4 0 0 83% 17% 0 0 Total 100%

The table explains that 100% of students said strongly agree and agree to use short English video in future learning. And none of them said disagree or strongly disagree to use short English video in future learning.

B. Discussion

The aim of this research is to investigate the use of short English video in improving students vocabulary by analyzing the quantitative data. In this section the findings are discussed to identify how they contribute to provide the answers to the proposed of questions.

The first research question of this research is “How does English video improve students’ oral EFL vocabulary ?” this question can be answered by referring to the findings of the analysis of test result. The findings of the test analyze show that the mean of students’ pre-test was 50.16 while that post test was 90.4. its show the difference between the results. English video improve student when students saw a video with duration 3 minutes. After that, students take a note the words they do not know and from the word the make a sentence and pronounce the sentence. After that, the other people must write their friend’s sentence and also pronounce it. In other hand, researcher conducted another test that called t-test to prove the difference of mean in two test. the t-score was identified as much 8.0. Since the t-test is higher than t-table, it indicates that the hypothesis (Ho) stating “the use of short English video does not improve students oral EFL vocabulary” is rejected. Meanwhile, hypothesis (Ha)


stating “the use of short English video improve students vocabulary” is accepted. Thus, this study has proved that the use of short English video can Improve student oral EFL vocabulary.

The second research question is “what obstacles are faced by the students in improving oral EFL vocabulary by using short English video?” this question can be answered by reffering to the questionnaire result. Then, the writer also asked the students to write their obstacles during learning video by using short English video. From the result of the questionnaire, some students show negative responses toward using short English video to improve students oral EFL vocabulary. They thought that using short English video is bored. Also, some students said that they have obstacles in catching the new vocabulary in the video. They argue that some parts of video are fast for them.

Overall, according to findings of both the data, result of test analysis and questionnaire analysis, it can be concluded that short English video is an applicable technique for second years junior high school students to improve students Oral EFL vocabulary.




This chapter describes the conclusion and suggestion that are drawn and made based on the result of data analysis and discussion in previous chapter. The further explanations are as follows.

5.1. Conclusion

The main purpose of this research is to find how short English video can improve students’ Oral EFL vocabulary. Also, to identify students’ obstacles in improving oral EFL vocabulary by using short English video. Based on the result and discussion and previous chapter, the researcher would like to summarize some conclusion as follows :

a. Teaching Oral EFL vocabulary using short English video can be one of an effective ways to increase students’ Oral EFL vocabulary to second years students of MTsN 7 Aceh Besar. It can be seen from the result of the post-test was higher than pre-test. The score of pre-test was 46, while the post-test was 80.

b. Students of MTsN 7 Aceh Besar are interested in learning oral EFL vocabulary by using short English video. It can be proved by the result of questionnaire. They agree that short English video can motivate them in learning oral EFL vocabulary well and easily. But some students found obstacles in learning Oral EFL vocabulary through short English video such as lack of understanding Oral EFL vocabulary and the native of video speak fast. It happened because they rarely use video as a media in learning English. Then, some students also got bored in watching short English video for three meetings.



In order to complete this research, thera are some suggestions that can be considered to make students more interested in learning Oral EFL vocabulary through short English video, as follows:

a. For the teacher

In teaching Oral EFL vocabulary through short English video, teachers should create an enjoyable classroom atmosphere in order to make students more interested in learning English. Teachers also should bring a media to support learning process, such as a laptop, a speaker, etc. Teachers should motivate students to learn English and tell English. At the end of the class, teachers does students would keep their words .

b. For the student

In learning Oral EFL vocabulary, students should be active to ask question to their teachers when they got confused about the material or ask teachers to repeat their explanation if students do not understand yet. Then, students must be dilligent to study and to keep practicing in daily life




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School : MTsN & Aceh Besar Subject : English

Level : VII_1

Time : 4 x 45 minute ( 4 meeting ) A. Standard Competence

1. Understanding the meaning of a very simple verbal functional text to communicate with the intermediate enviroment and/or in academic context.

B. Basic Competence

1. Understanding the explecit meaning correctly in verbal functional speech acts to communicate with the intermediate enviroment and/or in academic context.

C. Indicators

1. The students are able to increase their Oral EFL vocabulary 2. The students respond to the activity from the task

3. The students are able to speak clearly in front of the other students. D. Goal

1. At the end of learning process, students are expected to be able to the influence on students mastery in oral EFL vocabulary by the using short English video as a techniques.

E. Method/ Technique

1. Method : Direct Method 2. Technique : individual F. Class Activities

Meeting 1 ( pre-test) - Pre activities

1. Greeting

2. Intoducing self and starting the goal of the class 3. Checking the students’ attendance

- Main activities

1. Teacher give pre-test in order to measure their profanely in mastery Oral EFL vocabulary and writer explain the material from the pre-test 2. Students perform pre-test base on the video and monologue


- Post activities

1. Complimenting students’ performance 2. Give comment and critic to the student 3. Greeting

Meeting II - Pre activities

1. Greeting

2. Intoducing self and starting the goal of the class 3. Checking the students’ attendance

- Main activities

1. Teacher show the short video about daily activities 2. Teacher ask students to pay attention to the video - Post activities

1. Teacher ask students to representing the video monologue 2. Teacher motivate students to master the given vocabulary  Meeting III

- Pre activities 1. Greeting

2. Intoducing self and starting the goal of the class 3. Checking the students’ attendance

- Main activities

1. Teacher show the short video about daily activities 2. Teacher ask students to pay attention to the video - Post activities

1. Teacher ask students to representing the video monologue 2. Teacher motivate students to master the given vocabulary  Meeting IV ( post-test )

- Pre activities 1. Greeting

2. Intoducing self and starting the goal of the class 3. Checking the students’ attendance


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