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Jay Lehr, Ph.D.

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Jay Lehr, Ph.D.


Jack Keeley

Senior Editor

Janet Lehr

Associate Editor

Thomas B. Kingery III

Information Technology Director

TheWater Encyclopedia is available online at http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/eow/


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Lehr, Jay

Water Encyclopedia: Ground Water ISBN 0-471-73683-X

ISBN 0-471-44164-3 (Set)

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Ground Water

Acid Mine Drainage: Sources and Treatment in

the United States 1

Aquifers 9

Artificial Recharge of Unconfined Aquifer 11 Groundwater and Arsenic: Chemical Behavior

and Treatment 17

Treatment of Arsenic, Chromium, and Biofouling

in Water Supply Wells 22

Artesian Water 29

Modeling Contaminant Transport and

Biodegradation in Groundwater 30

Biofouling in Water Wells 35

In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated

Groundwater 38

Process Limitations of In Situ Bioremediation of

Groundwater 42

Black Mesa Monitoring Program 48

Brine Deposits 51

Connate Water 54

Consolidated Water Bearing Rocks 55

Sensitivity of Groundwater to Contamination 56 Water Contamination by Low Level Organic

Waste Compounds in the Hydrologic System 60

Darcy’s Law 63

Groundwater Dating with Radiocarbon 64

Groundwater Dating with H–He 65

Dating Groundwaters with Tritium 69

Recharge in Desert Regions Around The World 72 Hydrologic Feasibility Assessment and Design in

Phytoremediation 76

Well Design and Construction 87

Physical Properties of DNAPLs and

Groundwater Contamination 91

Water Dowsing (Witching) 92

Subsurface Drainage 94

Drawdown 101

Water Level Drawdown 102

Water Well Drilling Techniques 105

Groundwater Dye Tracing in Karst 107 Earthquakes—Rattling the Earth’s Plumbing

System 111

In Situ Electrokinetic Treatment of MtBE,

Benzene, and Chlorinated Solvents 116

Field Capacity 124

Groundwater Flow Properties 128

Fluoride Contamination in Ground Water 130

Rock Fracture 136

Geochemical Models 138

Geochemical Modeling-Computer Codes 140 Geochemical Modeling—Computer Code

Concepts 142

Geological Occurrence of Groundwater 145

Geophysics and Remote Sensing 145

Geothermal Water 156

Ghijben–Herzberg Equilibrium 158

Groundwater Balance 162

Hydraulic Head 169

The Role of Heat in Groundwater Systems 172 Groundwater Flow in Heterogenetic Sediments

and Fractured Rock Systems 175

Horizontal Wells 177

Horizontal Wells in Groundwater Remediation 178

Head 180

Well Hydraulics and Aquifer Tests 182 Hydraulic Properties Characterization 184 Mobility of Humic Substances in

Groundwater 188

Assessment of Groundwater Quality in District

Hardwar, Uttaranchal, India 192

Irrigation Water Quality in District Hardwar,

Uttaranchal, India 204

Infiltration and Soil Water Processes 210

Infiltration/Capacity/Rates 212

Infiltrometers 214

Summary of Isotopes in Contaminant

Hydrogeology 216

Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology 227 Water-Jetting Drilling Technologies for Well

Installation And In Situ Remediation of

Hydrocarbons, Solvents, and Metals 234

Karst Hydrology 235

Karst Topography 243

Detecting Modern Groundwaters

with85Kr 248

Land Use Impacts on Groundwater Quality 250 Groundwater Contamination From Municipal

Landfills in the USA 253

Metal Organic Interactions in Subtitle D Landfill

Leachates and Associated Ground Waters 258

Leaching 260

Well Maintenance 263

Megawatersheds 266

Mass Transport in Saturated Media 273 Soil and Water Contamination by Heavy

Metals 275

Source, Mobility, and Remediation of Metals 280 Genetics of Metal Tolerance and Accumulation

in Higher Plants 284

In Situ Groundwater Remediation for Heavy

Metal Contamination 290

Methane in Groundwater 293

Fossil Aquifers 294

What is a Hydrochemical Model? 295

Modeling Non-Point Source Pollutants in the

Vadose Zone Using GIS 299

Modeling Techniques for Solute Transport in

Groundwater 305

Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network

Strategies and Design 313

MTBE 318



Limiting Geochemical Factors in Remediation Using Monitored Natural Attenuation and

Enhanced Bioremediation 319

Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater 322 Treatment for Nitrates in Groundwater 323

Nonpoint Sources 331

Organic Compounds in Ground Water 337

Overdraft 340

Chemical Oxidation Technologies for

Groundwater Remediation 344

Particulate Transport in

Groundwater—Bacteria and Colloids 349

Perched Groundwater 352

Permeability 355

Groundwater Vulnerability to Pesticides: An Overview of Approaches and Methods of

Evaluation 357

High pH Groundwater—The Effect of The

Dissolution of Hardened Cement Pastes 362 Phytoextraction and Phytostabilization:

Technical, Economic and Regulatory

Considerations of the Soil-Lead Issue 365 Phytoextraction of Zinc and Cadmium from Soils

Using Hyperaccumulator Plants 369

Phytoremediation Enhancement of Natural

Attenuation Processes 374

Bacteria Role in the Phytoremediation of Heavy

Metals 376

Phytoremediation of Lead-Contaminated Soils 381 Phytoremediation of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl

Ether 385

Phytoremediation of Selenium-Laden Soils 397

Soil Pipes and Pipe Flow 401

Low Flow Groundwater Purging and

Surging 404

Groundwater Quality 406

Radial Wells 407

Recharge in Arid Regions 408

Sub-Surface Redox Chemistry: A Comparison of

Equilibrium and Reaction-Based Approaches 413

Regional Flow Systems 417

Groundwater Remediation by Injection and

Problem Prevention 421

Groundwater Remediation: In Situ Passive

Methods 423

Groundwater Remediation by In Situ Aeration

and Volatilization 426

Remediation of Contaminated Soils 432 Groundwater Remediation Project Life Cycle 436 Innovative Contaminated Groundwater

Remediation Technologies 438

Resistivity Methods 443

Risk Analysis of Buried Wastes From Electricity

Generation 448

Groundwater Contamination from Runoff 451

Saline Seep 453

Groundwater Sampling Techniques for

Environmental Projects 454

Groundwater Sampling with Passive Diffusion

Samplers 456

Specific Capacity 460

Soil Water 461

Soil and Groundwater Geochemistry and

Microbiology 463

Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability 465

Deep Soil-Water Movement 471

Specific Gravity 473

Hot Springs 475

Squeezing Water from Rock 477

Storage Coefficient 480

Qanats: An Ingenious Sustainable Groundwater

Resource System 483

Lysimeters 487

Steady-State Flow Aquifer Tests 491

Tidal Efficiency 497

Combined Free and Porous Flow in the

Subsurface 498

Groundwater Tracing 501

Hydraulic Conductivity/Transmissibility 507 Groundwater Flow and Transport

Process 514

Reactive Transport in The Saturated Zone: Case

Histories for Permeable Reactive Barriers 518 Transport of Reactive Solute in Soil and

Groundwater 524

Water in The Unsaturated Zone 531

Groundwater and Vadose Zone Hydrology 533 Vadose Zone Monitoring Techniques 538 Vapor Transport in the Unsaturated Zone 543 Applications of Soil Vapor Data to Groundwater

Investigations 548

Groundwater Velocities 554

Viscous Flow 555

Vulnerability Mapping of Groundwater

Resources 561

Water/Rocks Interaction 566

Ground Water: Wells 571

Well Screens 572

Well TEST 574

Safe Yield of an Aquifer 575

Specific Yield Storage Equation 576

Microbial Processes Affecting Monitored Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the

Subsurface 578

Groundwater Vulnerability to Pesticides:

Statistical Approaches 594

Groundwater—Nature’s Hidden Treasure 599 Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic

Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams 605 The Environmental Impact of Iron in

Groundwater 608

Groundwater and Cobalt: Chemical Behavior

and Treatment 610

Groundwater and Cadmium: Chemical Behavior

and Treatment 613

Groundwater Modeling 619

Groundwater and Benzene: Chemical Behavior

and Treatment 626

Groundwater and Nitrate: Chemical Behavior

and Treatment 628

Groundwater and Perchlorate: Chemical


CONTENTS vii Groundwater and Vinyl Chloride: Chemical

Behavior and Treatment 634

Groundwater and Uranium: Chemical Behavior

and Treatment 640

Groundwater and Mercury: Chemical Behavior

and Treatment 642

Groundwater and Lead: Chemical Behavior and

Treatment 645

Laminar Flow 649

Finite Element Modeling of Coupled Free and

Porous Flow 655

Unconfined Groundwater 662

Modeling of DNAPL Migration in Saturated

Porous Media 668

The Use of Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) for Monitoring, Exposure, and

Toxicity Assessment 672

River-Connected Aquifers: Geophysics, Stratigraphy, Hydrogeology, and

Geochemistry 677

Index 689



Throughout history, groundwater has played a major role in providing the resource needs of the world. It accounts for 97% of the world’s freshwater and serves as the base flow for all streams, springs, and rivers. In the United States, one half of the population relies on groundwater for its drinking water and is the sole source of supply for 20 of the 100 largest cities. Well over 90% of rural America is totally dependent on groundwater. An inventory of the total groundwater resources in the United States can be visualized as being equal to the flow of the Mississippi River at Vicksburg for a period of 250 years.

One of the first groundwater scientists was a French engineer who was in charge of public drinking water in Dijon. In 1856, Henri Darcy conducted experiments and published mathematical expressions describing the flow of water through sand filters. His work remains one of the cornerstones of today’s groundwater hydrologists. At about the same time, a Connecticut court ruled that the influences of groundwater movement are so secret, changeable, and uncontrollable that they could not be subject to regulations of law, nor to a system of rules, as had been done with surface streams.

In this volume of the Water Encyclopedia, we have attempted to erase the ignorance that existed in the early years of groundwater science by presenting the most current knowledge on the subject as provided by authors from around the globe. In addition to excellent articles

from many American scholars, equally superb writings from such diverse countries as England, Nigeria, India, Iran, Thailand, and Greece are provided.

As the origins of the selected articles are diverse, so are the subjects of discussion. Along with straightforward descriptions of basic groundwater concepts (drawdown around pumping wells, hydraulic head, field capacity, and flow), the reader is introduced to more complex subjects (isotope technologies, aquifer tests, in situ remediation, tritium dating, modeling, and geophysical properties). There are also articles for more practical applications (well maintenance, subsurface drainage, nitrate contamination, tracer tests, well yields, and drilling technologies). Of course, for the more fanciful reader, we have selected articles that remind us of the way windmills sounded at night, the ancient use of qanats in Persia to provide sustainable groundwater resources, and the development of Darcy’s Law.

In the end, we feel that the information provided will afford an educational home for readers approaching the Water Encyclopedia from a variety of needs as well as different levels of scientific acumen. We are also confident that many readers will simply be expanding their knowledge base by these sets of enjoyable reading.

Jay Lehr Jack Keeley



Segun Adelana, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, Summary of Isotopes in Contaminant Hydrogeology, Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology Mohammad N. Almasri, An-Najah National University, Nablus,

Palestine, Groundwater Flow and Transport Process

Tom A. Al, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick,

Canada, River-Connected Aquifers: Geophysics, Stratigraphy,

Hydroge-ology, and Geochemistry

Larry Amskold, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New

Brunswick, Canada, River-Connected Aquifers: Geophysics,

Stratigra-phy, Hydrogeology, and Geochemistry

Ann Azadpour-Keeley, National Risk Management Research Laboratory,

ORD, U.S. EPA, Ada, Oklahoma, Microbial Processes Affecting

Monitored Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the Subsurface, Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater

Mukand Singh Babel, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani,

Thailand, Groundwater Velocities, Groundwater Flow Properties, Water

in The Unsaturated Zone

Philip B. Bedient, Rice University, Houston, Texas, Transport of Reactive Solute in Soil and Groundwater

David M. Bednar, Jr., Michael Baker, Jr. Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana, Karst Hydrology, Karst Topography, Groundwater Dye Tracing in Karst Milovan Beljin, Cincinnati, Ohio, Horizontal Wells

Craig H. Benson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, Reactive Transport in The Saturated Zone: Case Histories for Permeable Reactive Barriers

Robert A. Bisson, Alexandria, Virginia, Megawatersheds

William J. Blanford, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Vadose Zone Monitoring Techniques

Thomas B. Boving, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode

Island, Organic Compounds in Ground Water, Innovative Contaminated

Groundwater Remediation Technologies

Richard C. Brody, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, Connate Water Kristofor R. Brye, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas,

Lysimeters, Soil and Water Contamination by Heavy Metals

Gunnar Buckau, Institut f ¨ur Nukleare Entsorgung, Karlsruhe, Germany,

Mobility of Humic Substances in Groundwater

Bureau of Indian Affairs and Arizona Department of Water Resources—U.S. Geological Survey, Black Mesa Monitoring Program

Karl E. Butler, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick,

Canada, River-Connected Aquifers: Geophysics, Stratigraphy,

Hydroge-ology, and Geochemistry

Herbert T. Buxton, United States Geological Survey, Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams

Natalie L. Capiro, Rice University, Houston, Texas, Transport of Reactive Solute in Soil and Groundwater

Harendra S. Chauhan, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and

Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India, Steady-State Flow Aquifer Tests,

Subsurface Drainage

Bernard L. Cohen, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Risk Analysis of Buried Wastes From Electricity Generation

David P. Commander, Water and Rivers Commission, East Perth,

Australia, Water Dowsing (Witching), Artesian Water

Dennis L. Corwin, USDA-ARS George E. Brown, Jr., Salinity Laboratory,

Riverside, California, Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability, Modeling

Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone Using GIS, Groundwater Vulnerability to Pesticides: An Overview of Approaches and Methods of Evaluation

Colin C. Cunningham, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,

Scotland, United Kingdom, In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated


William L. Cunningham, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, Earthquakes—Rattling the Earth’s Plumbing System

Uwe Dannwolf, URS Australia Pty Ltd., Turner, Australia, Groundwater and Vadose Zone Hydrology

Diganta Bhusan Das, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, Viscous Flow, Finite Element Modeling of Coupled Free and Porous

Flow, Combined Free and Porous Flow in the Subsurface, Modeling Techniques for Solute Transport in Groundwater

Rupali Datta, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, Remediation of Contaminated Soils, Genetics of Metal Tolerance and Accumulation in Higher Plants, Phytoextraction of Zinc and Cadmium from Soils Using Hyperaccumulator Plants, Phytoremediation of Selenium-Laden Soils, Phytoextraction and Phytostabilization: Technical, Economic and Regulatory Considerations of the Soil-Lead Issue

Ali H. Davani, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, Remediation of Contaminated Soils

L.C. Davis, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of

Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Phytoremediation of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl


Melissa R. Dawe, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New

Brunswick, Canada, River-Connected Aquifers: Geophysics,

Stratigra-phy, Hydrogeology, and Geochemistry

Steven A. Dielman, ENVIRON International Corporation, Arlington,

Virginia, Hydraulic Conductivity/Transmissibility

Craig E. Divine, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, Ground-water Sampling with Passive Diffusion Samplers, Detecting Modern Groundwaters with85Kr, Groundwater Dating with H–He

Shonel Dwyer, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley, California, Groundwater and Perchlorate: Chemical Behavior and Treatment Aly I. El-Kadi, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii,

Unconfined Groundwater

Environment Canada, Groundwater—Nature’s Hidden Treasure L.E. Erickson, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of

Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Phytoremediation of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl


Thomas R. Fisher, Horn Point Laboratory—UMCES, Solomons,

Maryland, What is a Hydrochemical Model?

Craig Foreman, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley, California, Groundwater and Cadmium: Chemical Behavior and Treatment Devin L. Galloway, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado,

Earth-quakes—Rattling the Earth’s Plumbing System

Lorraine Geddes-McDonald, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill

Valley, California, Groundwater and Nitrate: Chemical Behavior and


M ´ario Abel Gon ¸calves, Faculdade de Ciˆencias da Universidade de Lisoba,

Lisoba, Portugal, Metal Organic Interactions in Subtitle D Landfill

Leachates and Associated Ground Waters, Geochemical Modeling-Computer Codes, Geochemical Models

Jason J. Gurdak, U.S. Geological Survey, Lakewood, Colorado and

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, Groundwater Vulnerability

to Pesticides: Statistical Approaches

Navraj S. Hanspal, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United

Kingdom, Modeling Techniques for Solute Transport in Groundwater,

Viscous Flow, Laminar Flow, Finite Element Modeling of Coupled Free and Porous Flow

Thomas Harter, University of California, Davis, California, Specific Yield Storage Equation, Vulnerability Mapping of Groundwater Resources, Aquifers

Blayne Hartman, H&P Mobile Geochemistry, Solana Beach, California, Applications of Soil Vapor Data to Groundwater Investigations Joseph Holden, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom,

Infiltrom-eters, Soil Pipes and Pipe Flow, Infiltration and Soil Water Processes, Darcy’s Law, Infiltration/Capacity/Rates

Ekkehard Holzbecher, Humboldt Universit ¨at Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Groundwater Modeling, Ghijben–Herzberg Equilibrium

Paul F. Hudak, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, Mass Transport in Saturated Media

John D. Humphrey, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, Groundwater Dating with H–He

S.L. Hutchinson, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control

of Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Hydrologic Feasibility Assessment and

Design in Phytoremediation

Th.A. Ioannidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,

Greece, Phytoremediation of Lead-Contaminated Soils



Jahangir Islam, City Design Limited, Auckland, New Zealand, Sub-Surface Redox Chemistry: A Comparison of Equilibrium and Reaction-Based Approaches

Irena B. Ivshina, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms

of the RAS, Perm, Russia, In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated


James A. Jacobs, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley,

Cali-fornia, Groundwater and Cobalt: Chemical Behavior and Treatment,

Limiting Geochemical Factors in Remediation Using Monitored Nat-ural Attenuation and Enhanced Bioremediation, The Role of Heat in Groundwater Systems, Horizontal Wells in Groundwater Remediation, Groundwater Flow in Heterogenetic Sediments and Fractured Rock Systems, Groundwater and Cadmium: Chemical Behavior and Treat-ment, Groundwater and Benzene: Chemical Behavior and TreatTreat-ment, Groundwater and Lead: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, Groundwa-ter and Nitrate: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, GroundwaGroundwa-ter and Uranium: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, Groundwater and Mer-cury: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, The Environmental Impact of Iron in Groundwater, Water Well Drilling Techniques, Water-Jetting Drilling Technologies for Well Installation And In Situ Remediation of Hydrocarbons, Solvents, and Metals, Source, Mobility, and Remediation of Metals, Particulate Transport in Groundwater—Bacteria and Col-loids, Groundwater and Arsenic: Chemical Behavior and Treatment,

In Situ Groundwater Remediation for Heavy Metal Contamination,

Groundwater Remediation by In Situ Aeration and Volatilization, MTBE, Phytoremediation Enhancement of Natural Attenuation Pro-cesses, Groundwater Remediation by Injection and Problem Prevention, Chemical Oxidation Technologies for Groundwater Remediation, Phys-ical Properties of DNAPLs and Groundwater Contamination, Process Limitations of In Situ Bioremediation of Groundwater, Water Contam-ination by Low Level Organic Waste Compounds in the Hydrologic System, Applications of Soil Vapor Data to Groundwater Investi-gations, Groundwater Remediation Project Life Cycle, Groundwater Remediation: In Situ Passive Methods, Groundwater and Vinyl Chlo-ride: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, Groundwater and Perchlorate: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, Groundwater Sampling Techniques for Environmental Projects, Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Surging

Hamid R. Jahani, Water Research Institute, Hakimieh, Tehran, Iran, Groundwater Tracing, Resistivity Methods

Chakresh K. Jain, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India, Assessment of Groundwater Quality in District Hardwar, Uttaranchal, India, Nonpoint Sources, Fluoride Contamination in Ground Water, Irrigation Water Quality in District Hardwar, Uttaranchal, India John R. Jansen, Aquifer Science & Technology, Waukesha, Wisconsin,

Geophysics and Remote Sensing

Anthea Johnson, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, Bacteria Role in the Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals

Silvia Johnson, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley, California, Groundwater and Mercury: Chemical Behavior and Treatment Tracey Johnston, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio,

Texas, Phytoextraction and Phytostabilization: Technical, Economic and

Regulatory Considerations of the Soil-Lead Issue

Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, Ground-water Flow and Transport Process

A. Katsoyiannis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,

Greece, The Use of Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) for

Monitoring, Exposure, and Toxicity Assessment

Jack Keeley, Environmental Engineer, Ada, Oklahoma, Nitrate Contam-ination of Groundwater

David W. Kelley, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, Leaching Lisa Kirkland, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley, California,

Groundwater and Lead: Chemical Behavior and Treatment

Dana W. Kolpin, United States Geological Survey, Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams

C.P. Kumar, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India, Groundwater Balance

Maria S. Kuyukina, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms

of the RAS, Perm, Russia, In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated


Kung-Yao Lee, Horn Point Laboratory—UMCES, Solomons, Maryland, What is a Hydrochemical Model?

Leo S. Leonhart, Hargis Associates, Inc., Tucson, Arizona, Recharge in Arid Regions, Perched Groundwater

Scott M. Lesch, USDA-ARS George E. Brown, Jr., Salinity Laboratory,

Riverside, California, Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability

Len Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, Reactive Transport in The Saturated Zone: Case Histories for Permeable Reactive Barriers

Keith Loague, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Groundwater Vulnerability to Pesticides: An Overview of Approaches and Methods of Evaluation, Modeling Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone Using GIS

Walter W. Loo, Environmental & Technology Services, Oakland,

California, Treatment for Nitrates in Groundwater, Treatment of

Arsenic, Chromium, and Biofouling in Water Supply Wells, In Situ Electrokinetic Treatment of MtBE, Benzene, and Chlorinated Solvents, Hydraulic Properties Characterization

Kerry T. Macquarrie, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New

Brunswick, Canada, River-Connected Aquifers: Geophysics,

Stratigra-phy, Hydrogeology, and Geochemistry

Mini Mathew, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, Modeling of DNAPL Migration in Saturated Porous Media

S.C. Mccutcheon, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control

of Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Hydrologic Feasibility Assessment and

Design in Phytoremediation

John E. McCray, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, Groundwater Vulnerability to Pesticides: Statistical Approaches M.S. Mohan Kumar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India,

Modeling of DNAPL Migration in Saturated Porous Media

John E. Moore, USGS (Retired), Denver, Colorado, Well Hydraulics and Aquifer Tests, Drawdown, Groundwater Quality, Hot Springs, Overdraft, Saline Seep, Geological Occurrence of Groundwater

Angela Munroe, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley, California, Groundwater and Vinyl Chloride: Chemical Behavior and Treatment Jean-Christophe Nadeau, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton,

New Brunswick, Canada, River-Connected Aquifers: Geophysics,

Stratig-raphy, Hydrogeology, and Geochemistry

NASA Earth Science Enterprise Data and Services, Squeezing Water from Rock

Vahid Nassehi, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United

King-dom, Combined Free and Porous Flow in the Subsurface, Viscous Flow

Sascha E. Oswald, UFZ Centre for Environmental Research,

Leipzig-Halle, Germany, Modeling Contaminant Transport and Biodegradation

in Groundwater

Timothy K. Parker, Groundwater Resources of California, Sacramento,

California, Water Contamination by Low Level Organic Waste

Compounds in the Hydrologic System

Jim C. Philp, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom,

In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated Groundwater

Laurel Phoenix, Green Bay, Wisconsin, Fossil Aquifers

Nitish Priyadarshi, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India, Geothermal Water, Rock Fracture, Consolidated Water Bearing Rocks, Groundwater Contamination from Runoff, Groundwater Dating with Radiocarbon, Methane in Groundwater, Permeability

S.N. Rai, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India, Artificial Recharge of Unconfined Aquifer

Todd Rasmussen, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Head, Deep Soil-Water Movement, Soil Water, Specific Gravity, Tidal Efficiency Hugh H. Russell, CHR2Environmental Services, Inc.,, Oilton, Oklahoma,

Microbial Processes Affecting Monitored Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the Subsurface

Philip R. Rykwalder, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio,

Texas, Vadose Zone Monitoring Techniques

Bahram Saghafian, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management

Research Institute, Tehran, Iran, Qanats: An Ingenious Sustainable

Groundwater Resource System

C. Samara, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, The Use of Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) for Monitoring, Exposure, and Toxicity Assessment

Dibyendu Sarkar, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio,

Texas, Remediation of Contaminated Soils, Genetics of Metal Tolerance

and Accumulation in Higher Plants, Phytoextraction of Zinc and Cadmium from Soils Using Hyperaccumulator Plants, Phytoremediation


CONTRIBUTORS xiii of Selenium-Laden Soils, Phytoextraction and Phytostabilization:

Technical, Economic and Regulatory Considerations of the Soil-Lead Issue

J.L. Schnoor, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of

Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Phytoremediation of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl


Guy W. Sewell, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, ORD,

U.S. EPA, Ada, Oklahoma (formerly with Dynamac Corporation),

Microbial Processes Affecting Monitored Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the Subsurface

Raj Sharma, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, Laminar Flow

Caijun Shi, CJS Technology, Inc., Burlington, Ontario, Canada, High pH Groundwater—The Effect of The Dissolution of Hardened Cement Pastes

Naresh Singhal, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, Bacteria Role in the Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals, Sub-Surface Redox Chemistry: A Comparison of Equilibrium and Reaction-Based Approaches

V.P. Singh, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Artificial Recharge of Unconfined Aquifer

Joseph Skopp, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, Field Capacity Jeffrey G. Skousen, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West

Virginia, Acid Mine Drainage: Sources and Treatment in the United


Ricardo Smalling, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley,

California, Groundwater and Uranium: Chemical Behavior and


James A. Smith, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, Vapor Transport in the Unsaturated Zone

Stuart A. Smith, Smith-Comeskey GroundWater Science LLC, Upper

Sandusky, Ohio, Well Maintenance, Biofouling in Water Wells, Soil and

Groundwater Geochemistry and Microbiology

Michelle Sneed, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, Earth-quakes—Rattling the Earth’s Plumbing System

Roger Spence, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, High pH Groundwater—The Effect of The Dissolution of Hardened Cement Pastes

Kenneth F. Steele, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Soil and Water Contamination by Heavy Metals

Mark D. Steele, MDC Systems, Inc., Berwyn, Pennsylvania, Water Level Drawdown

P. Takis Elefsiniotis, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, Bacteria Role in the Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals

Henry Teng, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, Water/Rocks Interaction

Stephen M. Testa, Mokelumne Hill, California, Dating Groundwaters with Tritium, Brine Deposits

Geoffrey Thyne, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, Detecting Modern Groundwaters with85Kr, Geochemical Modeling—Computer Code Concepts

Fred D. Tillman, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, Georgia, Vapor Transport in the Unsaturated Zone

David J. Tonjes, Cashin Associates PC, Hauppauge, New York, Ground-water Contamination From Municipal Landfills in the USA

Douglas C. Towne, Phoenix, Arizona, Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network Strategies and Design

Michael D. Trojan, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, St. Paul,

Minnesota, Land Use Impacts on Groundwater Quality, Sensitivity of

Groundwater to Contamination

Kristine Uhlman, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Recharge in Desert Regions Around The World

Matthew M. Uliana, Texas State University—San Marcos, San Marcos,

Texas, Regional Flow Systems, Hydraulic Head, Storage Coefficient

David B. Vance, ARCADIS G&M, Inc., Midland, Texas, Groundwater Remediation by In Situ Aeration and Volatilization, Source, Mobility, and Remediation of Metals, Particulate Transport in Groundwater—Bacteria and Colloids, The Environmental Impact of Iron in Groundwater, Groundwater Remediation by Injection and Problem Prevention, Chemi-cal Oxidation Technologies for Groundwater Remediation, PhysiChemi-cal Prop-erties of DNAPLs and Groundwater Contamination, Process Limitations of In Situ Bioremediation of Groundwater, Phytoremediation Enhance-ment of Natural Attenuation Processes, Groundwater and Arsenic: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Surging, The Role of Heat in Groundwater Systems, Horizontal Wells in Groundwater Remediation, Groundwater Flow in Heterogenetic Sed-iments and Fractured Rock Systems, Limiting Geochemical Factors in Remediation Using Monitored Natural Attenuation and Enhanced Bioremediation

Keith Villiers, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc., Mill Valley, California, Groundwater and Benzene: Chemical Behavior and Treatment Nikolay Voutchkov, Poseidon Resources Corporation, Stamford,

Con-necticut, Well Design and Construction

Atul N. Waghode, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United

Kingdom, Finite Element Modeling of Coupled Free and Porous Flow

Roger M. Waller, U.S. Geological Survey,, Ground Water: Wells Lise Walter, Environmental Bio-Systems, Mill Valley, California,

Groundwater and Cobalt: Chemical Behavior and Treatment

J.W. Weaver, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of

Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Hydrologic Feasibility Assessment and

Design in Phytoremediation

Jason J. Wen, City of Downey, Downey, California, Treatment for Nitrates in Groundwater, Treatment of Arsenic, Chromium, and Biofouling in Water Supply Wells

Dennis E. Williams, Geoscience Support Services, Claremont, California, Well TEST, Radial Wells, Well Screens

Eric S. Wilson, E. L. Montgomery & Associates, Inc., Tucson, Arizona, Safe Yield of an Aquifer, Specific Capacity

S.K. Winnike-McMillan, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and

Control of Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Phytoremediation of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether

Q. Zhang, (from Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of

Contaminants, Wiley 2003), Phytoremediation of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl


A.I. Zouboulis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, Phytoremediation of Lead-Contaminated Soils






JEFFREYG. SKOUSEN West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia

Acid mine drainage (AMD) occurs when metal sulfides are exposed to oxidizing conditions. Leaching of reaction products into surface waters pollute over 20,000 km of streams in the United States alone. Mining companies must predict the potential of creating AMD by using overburden analyses. Where a potential exists, special handling of overburden materials and quick coverage of acid-producing materials in the backfill should be practiced. The addition of acid-neutralizing materials can reduce or eliminate AMD problems. Placing acid-producing materials under dry barriers can isolate these materials from air and water. Other AMD control technologies being researched include injection of alkaline materials (ashes and limestone) into abandoned underground mines and into buried acid material in mine backfills, remining of abandoned areas, and installation of alkaline recharge trenches. Chemicals used for treating AMD are Ca(OH)2, CaO, NaOH, Na2CO3, and NH3,

with each having advantages under certain conditions. Under low-flow situations, all chemicals except Ca(OH)2

are cost effective, whereas at high flow, Ca(OH)2 and

CaO are clearly the most cost effective. Floc, the metal hydroxide material collected after treatment, is disposed of in abandoned deep mines, refuse piles, or left in collection ponds. Wetlands remove metals from AMD through formation of oxyhydroxides and sulfides, exchange and organic complexation reactions, and direct plant uptake. Aerobic wetlands are used when water contains enough alkalinity to promote metal precipitation, and anaerobic wetlands are used when alkalinity must be generated by microbial sulfate reduction and limestone dissolution. Anoxic limestone drains are buried trenches of limestone that intercept AMD underground to generate alkalinity. Under anoxia, limestone should not be coated with Fe+3 hydroxides in the drain, which decreases the likelihood of clogging. Vertical flow wetlands pretreat oxygenated AMD with organic matter to remove oxygen and Fe+3, and then the water is introduced into limestone underneath the organic matter. Open limestone channels use limestone in aerobic environments to treat AMD. Coating of limestone occurs, and the reduced limestone dissolution is designed into the treatment system. Alkaline leach beds, containing either limestone or slag, add alkalinity to acid water. At present, most passive systems offer short-term treatment and are more practical for installation on abandoned sites or watershed restoration projects where effluent limits do not apply and where some removal of acid and metals will benefit a stream.

Acid mine drainage (AMD) forms when sulfide minerals deep in the earth are exposed during coal and metal mining, highway construction, and other large-scale excavations. Upon exposure to water and oxygen, sulfide

minerals oxidize to form acidic products, which then can be dissolved in water. The water containing these dissolved products often has a low pH, high amounts of dissolved metals such as iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al), and sulfate.

The metal concentrations in AMD depend on the type and quantity of sulfide minerals present, and the overall water quality from disturbed areas depends on the acid-producing (sulfide) and acid-neutralizing (carbonate) minerals contained in the disturbed rock. The carbonate content of overburden determines whether there is enough neutralization potential or base to counteract the acid produced from pyrite oxidation. Of the many types of acid-neutralizing compounds present in rocks, only carbonates (and some clays) occur in sufficient quantity to effectively neutralize acid-producing rocks. A balance between the acid-producing potential and neutralizing capacity of the disturbed overburden will indicate the ultimate acidity or alkalinity that might be expected in the material upon complete weathering.

Approximately 20,000 km of streams and rivers in the United States are degraded by AMD, but sulfide minerals occur throughout the world causing similar problems. About 90% of the AMD reaching streams originates in abandoned surface and deep mines. No company or individual claims responsibility for reclaiming abandoned mine lands and contaminated water flowing from these sites is not treated.

Control of AMD before land disturbance requires an understanding of three important factors: (1) overburden geochemistry, (2) method and precision of overburden handling and placement in the backfill during reclamation, and (3) the postmining hydrology of the site.

OVERBURDEN ANALYSES, HANDLING, AND PLACEMENT Premining analysis of soils and overburden are required by law (1). Identifying the acid-producing or acid-neutralizing status of rock layers before disturbance aids in developing overburden handling and placement plans. Acid-base accounting provides a simple, relatively inexpensive, and consistent procedure to evaluate overburden chemistry. It balances potential acidity (based on total or pyritic sulfur content) against total neutralizers. Samples containing more acid-producing than acid-neutralizing materials are ‘‘deficient’’ and can cause AMD, whereas those rock samples with the reverse situation have ‘‘excess’’ neutralizing materials and will not cause AMD. Rock layers with equal proportions of each type of material should be subjected to leaching or weathering analyses (2). Kinetic tests such as humidity cells and leach columns are important because they examine the rate of acid-producing and neutralization reactions. This information from kinetic tests can supplement information given by acid-base accounting and help regulators in permitting decisions (3).

The prevailing approach to control AMD is to keep water away from pyritic material. Once overburden materials have been classified, an overburden handling and placement plan for the site can be designed. 1


2 ACID MINE DRAINAGE: SOURCES AND TREATMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Segregating and placing acid-producing materials above

the water table is generally recommended (2,4). Where alkaline materials overwhelm acid-producing materials, no special handling is necessary. Where acid-producing materials cannot be neutralized by onsite alkaline materials, it is necessary to import a sufficient amount to neutralize the potential acidity or the disturbance activity may not be allowed.

Postmining Hydrology

The hydrology of a backfill and its effect on AMD are complex. Generally, the porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the materials in a backfill are greater than those of the consolidated rock overburden that existed before mining, and changes in flow patterns and rates should be expected after mining (5). Water does not move uniformly through the backfill by a consistent wetting front. As water moves into coarse materials in the backfill, it follows the path of least resistance and continues downward through voids or conduits until it encounters a barrier or other compacted layer. Therefore, the chemistry of the water from a backfill will reflect only the rock types encountered in the water flow path, and not the entire geochemistry of the total overburden (6).

Diverting surface water above the site to decrease the amount of water entering the mined area is highly recommended. If it cannot be diverted, incoming water can be treated with limestone to improve water quality. Under certain conditions, pyritic material can be placed where it will be rapidly and permanently inundated, thereby preventing oxidation. Inundation is only suggested where a water table may be reestablished, such as below drainage deep mines (seeWET COVERS).


Acid mine drainage control can be undertaken where AMD exists or is anticipated. Control methods treat the acid-producing rock directly and stop or retard the production of acidity. Treatment methods add chemicals directly to acidic water exiting the rock mass. Companies disturbing land in acid-producing areas must often treat AMD, and they face the prospect of long-term water treatment and its liabilities and expense. Cost-effective methods, which prevent the formation of AMD at its source, are preferable. Some control methods are most suited for abandoned mines, and others are only practical on active operations. Other methods can be used in either setting.

Land Reclamation

Backfilling (regrading the land back to contour) and revegetation together are effective methods of reducing acid loads from disturbed lands (7). Water flow from seeps can be reduced by diversion and reclamation, and on some sites where flow may not be reduced, water quality can change from acid to alkaline by proper handling of overburden. Diverting surface water or channeling surface waters to control volume, direction, and contact time can minimize the effects of AMD on receiving streams. Surface diversion involves construction of drainage ditches to move

surface water quickly off the site before infiltration or by providing impervious channels to convey water across the disturbed area.

Alkaline Amendment to Active Disturbances

Certain alkaline amendments can control AMD from acid-producing materials (8–11). All alkaline amendment schemes rely on acid-base accounting or kinetic tests to identify the required alkalinity for neutralization of acidic materials. Special handling of overburden seeks to blend acid-producing and acid-neutralizing rocks in the disturbance/reclamation process to develop a neutral rock mass. The pit floor or material under coal is often rich in pyrite, so isolating it from groundwater may be necessary by building highwall drains (which move incoming groundwater away from the pit floor) or placing impermeable barriers on the pit floor. Acid-forming material can be compacted or capped within the spoil (12). If insufficient alkalinity is available in the spoil, then external sources of alkalinity must be imported (13,14). Limestone is often the least expensive and most readily available source of alkalinity. It has a neutralization potential of between 75% and 100%, and it is safe and easy to handle. On the other hand, it has no cementing properties and cannot be used as a barrier. Fluidized bed combustion ashes generally have neutralizing amounts of between 20% and 40%, and they tend to harden into cement after wetting (15). Other power-generation ashes, like flue gas desulfurization products and scrubber sludges, may also have significant neutralization potential, which make them suitable alkaline amendment materials (16). Other materials, like kiln dust, produced by lime and cement kilns, or lime muds, grit, and dregs from pulp and paper industries contain neutralization products (10). Steel slags, when fresh, have neutralizing amounts from 45% to 90%. Slags are produced by several processes, so care is needed to ensure that candidate slags are not prone to leaching metal ions like Cr, Mn, and Ni. Phosphate rock has been used in some studies to control AMD. It may react with Fe released during pyrite oxidation to form insoluble coatings (17), but phosphate usually costs much more than other calcium-based amendments and is needed in about the same amounts (18).

Alkaline Recharge Trenches

Alkaline recharge trenches (19) are surface ditches or cells filled with alkaline material, which can minimize or eliminate acid seeps through an alkaline-loading process with infiltrating water. Alkaline recharge trenches were constructed on top of an 8-ha, acid-producing coal refuse disposal site, and after 3 years, the drainage water showed 25% to 90% acidity reductions with 70% to 95% reductions in Fe and sulfate (20). Pumping water into alkaline trenches greatly accelerates the movement of alkalinity into the backfill and can cause acid seeps to turn alkaline (21).

Dry Barriers

Dry barriers retard the movement of water and oxygen into areas containing acid-producing rock. These ‘‘water


ACID MINE DRAINAGE: SOURCES AND TREATMENT IN THE UNITED STATES 3 control’’ technologies (4) include impervious membranes,

dry seals, hydraulic mine seals, and grout curtains/walls. Surface barriers can achieve substantial reductions in water flow through piles, but generally they do not control AMD completely. Grouts can separate acid-producing rock and groundwater. Injection of grout barriers or curtains may significantly reduce the volume of groundwater moving through backfills. Gabr et al. (22) found that a 1.5-m-thick grout wall (installed by pumping a mixture of Class F fly ash and Portland cement grout into vertical boreholes near the highwall) reduced groundwater inflow from the highwall to the backfill by 80%, which results in some seeps drying up and others being substantially reduced in flow. At the Heath Steele Metal Mine in New Brunswick, a soil cover was designed to exclude oxygen and water from a tailings pile (23). It consisted of a 10-cm gravel layer for erosion control, 30-10-cm gravel/sand layer as an evaporation barrier, 60-cm compacted till (conductivity of 10−6 cm/sec), 30-cm sand, and pyritic waste rock. This barrier excluded 98% of precipitation, and oxygen concentrations in the waste rock dropped from 20% initially to around 1%. At the Upshur Mining Complex in West Virginia, Meek (12) reported covering a 20-ha spoil pile with a 39-mil PVC liner, and this treatment reduced acid loads by 70%.

Wet Covers

Disposal of sulfide tailings under a water cover, such as in a lake or fjord, is another way to prevent acid generation by excluding oxygen from sulfides. Wet covers also include flooding of aboveground tailings in ponds. Fraser and Robertson (24) studied four freshwater lakes used for subaqueous tailings disposal and found that the reactivity of tailings under water was low and that there were low concentrations of dissolved metals, thereby allowing biological communities to exist.

Alkaline Amendment to Abandoned Mines

Abandoned surface mines comprise huge volumes of spoil of unknown composition and hydrology. Abandoned underground mines are problematic because they are often partially caved and flooded, cannot be accessed, and have unreliable or nonexistent mine maps. Re-handling and mixing alkalinity into an already reclaimed backfill is generally prohibitively expensive.

Filling abandoned underground mine voids with nonpermeable materials is one of the best methods to prevent AMD. Underground mine voids are extensive (a 60-ha mine with a coal bed height of 1.5 m and a recovery rate of 65% would contain about 600,000 m3 of voids), so

fill material and the placement method must be cheap. Mixtures of Class F fly ash and 3–5% Portland cement control subsidence in mined-under residential areas and these slurries are generally injected through vertical boreholes at between 8- and 16-m centers. Pneumatic (air pressure) and slurry injection for placing fly ash in abandoned underground mines can extend the borehole spacing to about 30 m (25). On reclaimed surface mines still producing AMD, researchers in Pennsylvania saw small improvements in water quality after injecting coal combustion residues into buried pods of pyritic materials.

Remining and Reclamation

‘‘Remining’’ means returning to abandoned surface or underground mines for further coal removal. Where AMD occurs, remining reduces acid loads by (1) decreasing infiltration rates, (2) covering acid-producing materials, and (3) removing the remaining coal, which is the source of most of the pyrite. Hawkins (26) found contaminant loads of 57 discharges from remined sites in Pennsylvania to be reduced after remining and reclamation. Short-term loads were sometimes increased during the first six months after remining and reclamation, but reduction in loads after six months resulted from decreased flow rather than large changes in concentrations. Ten remining sites in Pennsylvania and West Virginia were reclaimed to current standards (which included eliminating highwalls, covering refuse, and revegetating the entire area), and all sites had improved water quality (15).


If AMD problems develop during mining or after reclamation, a plan to treat the discharge must be developed. A water treatment system consists of an inflow pipe or ditch, a storage tank or bin holding the treatment chemical, a valve to control its application rate, a settling pond to capture precipitated metal oxyhydroxides, and a discharge point. At the discharge point, water samples are analyzed to monitor whether specified parameters are being attained. Water discharge permits (NPDES) on surface mines usually require monitoring of pH, total suspended solids, and Fe and Mn concentrations. The type and size of a chemical treatment system is based on flow rate, pH, oxidation status, and concentrations of metals in the AMD. The receiving stream’s designated use and seasonal fluctuations in flow rate are also important. After evaluating these variables over a period of time, the operator can consider the economics of different chemicals.

Six chemicals treat AMD (Table 1). Each is more or less appropriate for a specific condition. The best choice depends on both technical (acidity levels, flow, and the types and concentrations of metals) and economic factors (chemical prices, labor, machinery and equipment, treatment duration, and interest rates). Enough alkalinity must be added to raise pH to between 6 and 9 so insoluble metal hydroxides will form and settle out. Treatment of AMD with high Fe (ferric) concentrations often affords coprecipitation of other metals with the Fe hydroxide, thereby removing them from AMD at a lower pH. Limestone has been used for decades to raise pH and precipitate metals in AMD. It has the lowest material cost and is the safest and easiest to handle of the AMD chemicals. Unfortunately, it is limited because of its low solubility and tendency to develop an external coating, or armor, of Fe(OH)3 when added to AMD. Fine-ground

limestone may be dumped in streams directly or the limestone may be pulverized by water-powered rotating drums and metered into the stream. Limestone has also treated AMD in anaerobic (anoxic limestone drains) and aerobic environments (open limestone channels).



Table 1. Chemical Compounds Used in AMD Treatment

2000 Costc $ per Mg or L

Common Name Chemical Name Formula

Conversion Factora


Efficiencyb Bulk <Bulk

Limestone Calcium carbonate CaCO3 1.00 30% $11 $16

Hydrated Lime Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 0.74 90% $66 $110

Pebble Quicklime Calcium oxide CaO 0.56 90% $88 $264

Soda Ash Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 1.06 60% $220 $350

Caustic Soda (solid) Sodium hydroxide NaOH 0.80 100% $750 $970

20% Liquid Caustic Sodium hydroxide NaOH 784 100% $0.06 $0.16

50% Liquid Caustic Sodium hydroxide NaOH 256 100% $0.29 $0.33

Ammonia Anhydrous ammonia NH3 0.34 100% $330 $750

aThe conversion factor may be multiplied by the estimated milligrams acid/yr to get milligrams of chemical needed for neutralization per year. For liquid

caustic, the conversion factor gives liters needed for neutralization.

bNeutralization efficiency estimates the relative effectiveness of the chemical in neutralizing AMD acidity. For example, if 100 Mg of acid/yr was the amount

of acid to be neutralized, then it can be estimated that 82 Mg of hydrated lime would be needed to neutralize the acidity in the water (100(0.74)/0.90).

cPrice of chemical depends on the quantity being delivered. Bulk means delivery of chemical in a large truck, whereas < Bulk means purchased in small

quantities. Liquid caustic prices are for liters. Others in milligrams.


Hydrated lime is common for treating AMD. As a powder, it tends to be hydrophobic, and extensive mechanical mixing is required for dissolution. Hydrated lime is particularly useful and cost effective in large-flow, high-acidity situations where a lime treatment plant with a mixer/aerator is constructed to help dispense and mix the chemical with the water (27). Hydrated lime has limited effectiveness if a very high pH (>9) is required to remove ions such as Mn. Unfortunately, increasing the lime rate increases the volume of unreacted lime that enters the floc-settling pond.

Pebble quicklime (CaO) is used with the Aquafix Water Treatment System using a water wheel concept (28). A water wheel is turned based on water flow, which causes a screw feeder to dispense the chemical. This system was initially used for small and/or periodic flows of high acidity because CaO is very reactive, but water wheels have been attached to large silos for high-flow/high-acidity situations. Tests show an average of 75% cost savings over NaOH systems and about 20% to 40% savings over NH3systems.

Soda Ash

Soda ash (Na2CO3) generally treats AMD in remote areas

with low flow and low amounts of acidity and metals. This choice is usually based on convenience rather than on chemical cost. Soda ash comes as solid briquettes and is gravity fed into water through bins. The number of briquettes used per day is determined by the rate of flow and quality of the water. One problem is that the briquettes absorb moisture, expand, and stick to the corners of the bin and will not drop into the stream. For short-term treatment, some operators use a much simpler system that employs a wooden box or barrel with holes that allows water inflow and outflow. The operator simply fills the barrel with briquettes on a regular basis and places the barrel in the flowing water. This system offers less control of the amount of chemical used. Caustic Soda

Caustic soda (i.e., lye, NaOH) is often used in remote low-flow, high-acidity situations, or if Mn concentrations

in the AMD are high. The system can be gravity fed by dripping liquid NaOH directly into the AMD. Caustic is very soluble, disperses rapidly, and raises the pH quickly. Caustic should be applied at the surface of ponds because the chemical is denser than water. The major drawbacks of using liquid NaOH for AMD treatment are high cost and dangers in handling.


Ammonia compounds (NH3 or NH4OH) are extremely

hazardous. NH3is compressed and stored as a liquid but

returns to the gaseous state when released. Ammonia is extremely soluble, reacts rapidly, and can raise the pH of receiving water to 9.2. At pH 9.2, it buffers the solution to further pH increases, and therefore very high amounts of NH3must be added to go beyond 9.2. Injection of NH3into

AMD is one of the quickest ways to raise water pH, and it should be injected near the bottom of the pond or water inlet because NH3is less dense than water. NH3is cheap,

and a cost reduction of 50% to 70% is usually realized when NH3 is substituted for NaOH (29). Major disadvantages

of using NH3 include (1) the hazards; (2) uncertainty

concerning nitrification, denitrification, and acidification downstream; and (3) consequences of excessive application rates, which cause toxic conditions to aquatic life.

Costs of Treating AMD

Costs were estimated for five treatment chemicals under four sets of flow and acid concentration conditions [Table 1 from Skousen et al. (30)]. Na2CO3 had the highest labor

requirements (10 hours per week) because the dispensers must be filled by hand and inspected frequently. Caustic had the highest reagent cost per mole of acid-neutralizing capacity, and Na2CO3 had the second highest. Hydrated

lime treatment systems had the highest installation costs of the five chemicals because of the need to construct a lime treatment plant and install a pond aerator. However, the cost of Ca(OH)2was very low, and the combination of

high installation costs and low reagent cost made Ca(OH)2

systems particularly appropriate for long-term treatment of high-flow/high-acidity conditions.


ACID MINE DRAINAGE: SOURCES AND TREATMENT IN THE UNITED STATES 5 For a 5-year treatment, NH3 had the lowest annual

cost for the low-flow/low-acid situation. Pebble quicklime had about the same cost as the NH3 system, but slightly

higher installation costs. Caustic was third because of its high labor and reagent costs, and Na2CO3was fourth

because of high labor costs. Hydrated lime was the most expensive because of its high installation costs. At high-flow/high-acidity, the Ca(OH)2 and CaO systems were

clearly the cheapest treatment systems (annual costs of about $250,000 less than NH3, the next best alternative).

After chemical treatment, the treated water flows into sedimentation ponds so metals in the water can precipitate. All AMD treatment chemicals cause the formation of metal hydroxide sludge or floc. Sufficient residence time of the water (dictated by pond size and depth) is important for adequate metal precipitation. The amount of metal floc generated depends on water quality and quantity, which in turn determines how often the ponds must be cleaned. Knowing the chemical and AMD being treated will provide an estimate of the stability of metal compounds in the floc. Floc disposal options include (1) leaving it submerged indefinitely, (2) pumping or hauling it to abandoned deep mines or to pits dug on surface mines, and (3) dumping it into refuse piles. Pumping flocs onto land and letting them age and dry is a good strategy for disposal, because they become crystalline and behave like soil material.

Each AMD is unique, requiring site-specific treatment. Each AMD source should be tested with various chemicals by titration tests to evaluate the most effective chemical for precipitation of the metals. The costs of each AMD treatment system based on neutralization (in terms of the reagent cost, capital investment, and maintenance of the dispensing system) and floc disposal should be evaluated to determine the most cost-effective system.


Active chemical treatment of AMD is often an expensive, long-term proposition. Passive treatment systems have been developed that do not require continuous chemical inputs and that take advantage of natural chemical and biological processes to cleanse contaminated mine waters. Passive technologies include constructed wetlands, anoxic limestone drains, vertical flow wetlands (also known as SAPS), open limestone channels, and alkaline leach beds (Fig. 1). In low-flow and low-acidity situations, passive systems can be reliably implemented as a single permanent solution for many AMD problems.

Constructed Wetlands

Wetlands are of two basic types: aerobic and anaerobic. Metals are retained within wetlands by (1) formation of metal oxides and oxyhydroxides, (2) formation of metal sulfides, (3) organic complexation reactions, (4) exchange with other cations on negatively charged sites, and (5) direct uptake by living plants. Other beneficial reactions in wetlands include generation of alkalinity caused by microbial mineralization of dead organic matter, microbial dissimilatory reduction of Fe oxyhydroxides and SO4, and dissolution of carbonates.

Aerobic wetlands consist of relatively shallow ponds (<30 cm) with wetland vegetation. Aerobic wetlands promote metal oxidation and hydrolysis, thereby causing precipitation and physical retention of Fe, Al, and Mn oxyhydroxides. Successful metal removal depends on dissolved metal concentrations, dissolved oxygen content, pH and net acidity of the mine water, the presence of active microbial biomass, and detention time of the water in the wetland. The pH and net acidity/alkalinity of the water are particularly important because pH influences both the solubility of metal hydroxide precipitates and the kinetics of metal oxidation and hydrolysis. Therefore, aerobic wetlands are best used in conjunction with water that contains net alkalinity to neutralize metal acidity.

Anaerobic wetlands consisting of deep ponds (>30 cm) with substrates of soil, peat moss, spent mushroom compost, sawdust, straw/manure, hay bales, or other organic mixtures, often underlain or admixed with limestone. Anaerobic wetlands are most successful when used to treat small flows of acidic water. Anaerobic wetlands use chemical and microbial reduction reactions to precipitate metals and neutralize acidity. The water infiltrates through a thick permeable organic subsurface that becomes anaerobic because of high biological oxygen demand. Other chemical mechanisms that occur in situ include metal exchanges, formation and precipitation of metal sulfides, microbial-generated alkalinity, and formation of carbonate alkalinity (because of limestone dissolution). As anaerobic wetlands produce alkalinity, they can be used in net acidic and high dissolved oxygen (>2 mg/L) AMD. Microbial mechanisms of alkalinity production are critical to long-term AMD treatment. Under high acid loads (>300 mg/L), pH-sensitive microbial activities are eventually overwhelmed. At present, the sizing value for Fe removal in these wetlands is 10 gs per day per meter squared (31).

Sorption onto organic materials (such as peat and sawdust) can initially remove 50% to 80% of the metals in AMD (32), but the exchange capacity declines with time. Over the long term, metal hydroxide precipitation is the predominant form of metal retention in a wetland. Wieder (33) reported up to 70% of the Fe in a wetland to be composed of Fe+3oxyhydroxides, whereas the other 30% is reduced and combined with sulfides (34).

Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) reactors have been used to generate alkalinity by optimizing anaerobic conditions. Good success has been noted for several systems receiving high and low flows (35,36).

Anoxic Limestone Drains

Anoxic limestone drains are buried cells or trenches of limestone into which anoxic water is introduced. The limestone raises pH and adds alkalinity. Under anoxic conditions, the limestone does not coat or armor with Fe hydroxides because Fe+2does not precipitate as Fe(OH)2at

pH 6.0. Faulkner and Skousen (37) reported both successes and failures among 11 anoxic drains in WV. Failures resulted when ferric iron and Al precipitate as hydroxides in the limestone causing plugging and coating.



Figure 1. Diagram of possible passive treatment systems to treat mine water based on water flow and chemistry.

Determine flow rate analyze water chemistry

calculate loading

Net acidic water Net alkaline water

Determine do, ferric iron, al Do < 1 mg/L and ferric < 1 mg/L and al < 1 mg/L Settling pond Net alkaline water Anoxic limestone drain Net acid water Settling pond Sulfate reducing bioreactor Anaerobic wetland Saps Open limestone channel Slag or ls leach bed Settling pond Settling pond Settling pond Settling pond Settling pond Aerobic wetland Meet effluent standards? Meet effluent standards? Re-evaluate design No No Yes Discharge Yes Do > 1 mg/L and ferric > 1 mg/L and al > 1 mg/L

Longevity of treatment is a major concern for anoxic drains, especially in terms of water flow through the lime-stone. Selection of the appropriate water and environmen-tal conditions is critical for long-term alkalinity generation in an anoxic drain. Eventual clogging of the limestone pore spaces with precipitated Al and Fe hydroxides, and gyp-sum is predicted (38). For optimum performance, no Fe+3, dissolved oxygen, or Al should be present in the AMD. Like wetlands, anoxic limestone drains may be a solution for AMD treatment for specific water conditions or for a finite period after which the system must be replenished or replaced.

Vertical Flow Wetlands

In these modified wetlands [called SAPS by Kepler and McCleary (39)], 1 to 3 m of acid water is ponded over an organic compost of 0.2 to 0.3 m, underlain by 0.5 to 1 m of limestone. Below the limestone are drainage pipes

that convey the water into an aerobic pond where metals are precipitated. The hydraulic head drives ponded water through the anaerobic organic compost, where oxygen stripping as well as Fe and sulfate reduction can occur before water entry into the limestone. Water with high metal loads can be successively cycled through additional wetlands. Iron and Al clogging of limestone and pipes can be removed by flushing the system (40). Much work is being done on these wetlands presently, and refinements are being made for better water treatment.

Open Limestone Channels

Open limestone channels are another means of introducing alkalinity to acid water (41). We usually assume that armored limestone ceases to dissolve, but Ziemkiewicz et al. (42) found armored limestone to be 50% to 90% effective in neutralizing acid compared with unarmored limestone. Seven open channels in the field reduced acidity


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