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Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 3:13 pm

Mga sir share ko lang ung mga reviewer na ito....share nyo din kung mayron din kayo...thnx!


compiled & edited by Arch.Jenaro A.Villamor,uap Definitions ofACOUSTICS:

1.branch ofphysics concerned with sound

2.deals with the production,control,transmission,reception,and effects ofsound Almost allacousticalsituations are described in 3 parts (elements):

1.Sound Source ( e.g.human speech,HVAC equipment) 2.Transmission Path (e.g.air,earth,building materials)

3.Receiver (e.g.humans,animals,sensitive medicalequipment) ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS

1.technology ofdesigning spaces,structures and mechanicalsystems to meet hearing needs

2.effect ofbuilding design on the controlofsound in buildings 3 Aspects ofAcousticalDesign in Buildings

1.Planning to keep noise sources as far as possible from quiet area 2.Internalacoustics ofrooms

3.Structuralprecautions to reduce noise penetrations EssentialElements ofArchitecturalAcoustics:

1.Room Acoustics – the qualities or characteristics ofa room,auditorium,or concert hallthat determine the audibility ofspeech or fidelity ofmusicalsound in it

• Cubic volume (and coupled spaces)

• Shape and proportion (length-to-width,height-to-width) • Finishes (selection and placement)

• Audience layout ( floor slope,speaker-to-listener distances)

• Specialtreatment ( suspended reflectors,resonant absorbers,quadratic-residue diffusers)

2.Sound Isolation – the use ofbuilding materials and construction assemblies designed to reduce the transmission ofairborne and structure-borne sound from one room to another or from the exterior to the interior ofa building (Sound Insulation)


• Site noise characteristics (sound level,character,duration) • Outdoor barriers,nearby buildings,vegetation,and earth berms • Location ofactivities within buildings (zoning,buffer spaces) • Background noise criteria (HVAC system,electronic)

3.Mechanicalsystem noise and vibrations • Equipment noise characteristics

• Location ofmechanicalequipment • Vibration isolation ( springs,pads)

• Air duct and pipe treatment ( linings,mufflers,laggings)

• Background noise from air outlets (coordination with sound isolation) 4.Electronic sound systems

• System compatibility with room acoustics

• Loudspeaker selection,placement and orientation • System components and controls

• Background masking (loudspeaker layout,sound spectra) Definitions ofSOUND 2

1.physicalwave in an elastic medium,usually air

2.the sensation stimulated in the organs ofhearing by mechanicalradiant energy transmitted as longitudinalpressure waves through the air or other medium

3.a vibration in an elastic medium such as air,water,most building materials,and the earth

4.physically,sound is a rapid fluctuation ofair pressure Types ofSound

1.Wanted Sound (speech,music) – heard properly o considered desirable

o heard properly

2.Unwanted Sound (noise) – annoyance o annoyance

o not desired or objectionable Characteristics ofSound

1.Audible 2.Inaudible

Basic Principles ofSound - understanding the characteristics ofsound is essentialin designing for good acoustics)


o sound is generated when an object vibrates,causing the adjacent air to move, resulting in a series ofpressure waves radiating out from the moving object

o Wave – a disturbance or oscillation that transfers energy progressively from point to point in a medium or space without advance by the points themselves,as in the

transmission ofsound or light

o Sound Wave – a longitudinalpressure wave in air or an elastic medium esp.one producing an audible sensation



o the no.oftimes the cycle ofcompression and rarefaction ofair occurs in a given unit oftime (e.g.1000 cycles in the period of1 second = 1000 cps = 1000 Hertz)

o the no.ofcycles per unit time ofa wave or oscillation

o the no.ofcomplete cycles per second (frequency ofvibration)

o the rate ofoscillation ofmolecules by sound (frequency ofvibration) measured in cycles per second (Hertz)

o Pitch – frequency ofsound vibration; the predominant frequency ofa sound as perceived by the human ear

o Vibration – the back and forth motion ofa complete cycle o Cycle – fullcircuit by a displaced particle

o Period – the time required for one complete cycle

o 20 – 20,000 Hz – approx.audio frequency range ofhuman hearing; o 600 – 40,000 Hz – criticalfrequency for speech communication

o Tone – composed ofa fundamentalfrequency with multiples ofthe fundamental, called Harmonics

o Pure Tone – sound composed only of1 frequency o Musicalsounds are combination ofmany pure tones

o Frequency bands – used to express division ofsounds into sections (Octave bands are the most common)

o 9 Octave Bands – 31.5,63,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000 Hz 3


o varies according to the medium oftransmission; approx.1100 fps in air at normal temperature and pressure


o Distance between similar points on successive waves; the distance the sound travels in one cycle

o Relationship between wavelength,frequency,and velocity: Λ = c/f

Λ = wavelength,ft.2 c = velocity ofsound,fps

f= frequency ofsound,Hz (cps)

o Low frequency sounds: characterized by long wavelengths o High frequency sounds: characterized by short wavelengths

o Sounds with wavelengths ranging from ½” – 50’can be heard by humans 5.Magnitude

o Sound power (watts) – amount ofenergy produced by a source o Intensity – describes the energy level; unit is watts/cm2

o Loudness (what is perceived) – related to the Intensity Level(IL) or Sound Pressure Level(SPL)

o The Sound Pressure Level(SPL) is equivalent to the Sound Intensity Level(IL) o Intensity Levelis expressed in decibels


o Decibel– dimensionless unit used to express the ratio oftwo numericalvalues ofa logarithmic scale

Comparison ofdecimal,exponential,and logarithmic statements ofvarious acoustic intensities

Intensity (watts/cm2) Intensity Level

DecimalNotation ExponentialNotation Logarithmic Notation Examples 0.001 10-3 130 dB Painful

0.0001 10-4 120 dB

0.00001 10-5 110 dB 75-piece orchestra 0.000001 10-6 100 dB

0.0000001 10-7 90 dB Shouting at 5 ft. 0.000000001 10-9 70 dB Speech at 3ft. 0.00000000001 10-11 50 dB Average office

0.0000000000001 10-13 30 dB Quiet unoccupied office 0.00000000000001 10-14 20 dB Ruralambient

0.000000000000001 10-15 10 dB

0.0000000000000001 10-16 0 dB Threshold ofhearing

o The fundamentalrelationship that determines the decibellevelis ten times the logarithm to the base 10 ofthe numericalratio ofthe two intensities.For example: IL = 10 log I


IL = intensity level I = intensity,watts/cm2

I0 = reference intensity,10-16 watts/cm2 4

6.Time Characteristics ofSound

o Some sounds remain constant with time (e.g.fan may produce a sound with constant frequency and intensity characteristics – a steady state sound)

o Sounds (traffic,voices,musicalinstruments) vary as a function oftime

o Vehicular traffic sounds: maximum levels/levels exceeded for 90% ofthe time o Speech sounds: 1% peaks

o Orchestra’s sound: long-term average levels Behavior ofSound in a Free Field

• Sound intensity is reduced to one-quarter each time the distance doubles: I1 and I2 are the intensities at distances d1 and d2 from the source

• The intensity ofa sound at a distance from the source is expressed as the power (P) of the source divided by the area over which it has spread (A)

I = P/A

• Ifthe sound radiates freely in alldirections from a source the area is a sphere.The intensity is represented as:


4π r2

P = power in watts

r = distance from source in cm

In English units,the conversion factor is 930 cm2/ft4π r2Using this,the equation for sphericaldirection is:

I = P/930 x 4π r2

As the intensity is reduced to one-quarter with each doubling ofdistance,the sound pressure level(IL) is reduced by 6 dB.Quartering the intensity reduced the intensity levelby 6 dB

• Sound attenuation is due to distance,absorption,or barriers

• Barriers,to be effective must be solid,quite large as compared to the wavelength of sound and near to the source or receiver

• Shrubs,hedges,smallgroves: visualbarriers only; no value acoustically

• Sound Combining.Sounds from separate sources may combine.Two violins produce a louder sound than 1 instrument; 3 violins are louder still.Decibels are not added

directly to make the perceived leveltwice as loud for 2 sources or 3 times as loud for 3. The levelfor combined sources is determined by adding powers,intensities or

pressures; and subsequently converting to decibels.Doubling ofintensities results in a 3 dB increase (e.g.50 dB plus 50 dB is 53 dB,not 100 dB)



Sound Indoors – Acoustics ofRoom

• Sound in an enclosure radiates out from the source untilit hits a surface that reflects or absorbs it

• Ifthe source is continuous,a state ofequilibrium willbe reached

• Levels are constant throughout most spaces except at points very near the source (for a given source,the built-up or reverberant levels willbe highest in a space with a few absorptive surfaces – lobby with marble walls/floors; in a space with large areas of sound absorbing materials,the levels willbe lowest

1.Sound Absorption

• Materials varying sound absorption characteristics Some absorb low frequency energy

Some absorb high frequency energy

Others absorb energy equally over a broad spectrum

• Mechanism ofAbsorption: 3 families ofdevices for sound absorption; alltypes absorb sound by changing sound energy to heat energy

Fibrous materials (Porous materials): absorption provided by a specific material depends on thickness,density,porosity,resistance to air flow (e.g.materials must be thick to absorb low frequency sounds effectively; suspending an acousticalceiling tile a foot below the structure results in better broad band absorption than cementing the tile directly to the structure; “acoustic” paints with sand or walnut shells are useless as sound absorbers


Panelresonators: built with a membrane (thin plywood,linoleum in front ofa sealed airspace); panelis set in motion by the alternating pressure ofthe impinging sound wave; sound energy is converted into heat through internalviscous damping; used where efficient low frequency absorption is required/ mid and high frequency absorption is unwanted; used in recording studios

Volume resonators

• Coefficient ofAbsorption (α): Knowing the amount ofabsorption at different

frequencies for each materialin a room is essentialin designing the room acoustics The absorption coefficient is the fraction ofincident energy that is absorbed by a surface expressed as

α = Ia Ii

Ii= incident energy,watts/cm2 Ia= absorbed energy,watts/cm2 α = absorption coefficient (no units)

Totalabsorption (A) provided by a surface (S) is expressed in sabins A = Sα

A = Totalabsorption,sabins S = Surface area,sq ft α = Coefficient ofabsorption 6

Coefficients ofGeneralBuilding Materials and Furnishings

Coefficients for absorption in auditorium is shown for both empty and occupied seating conditions

• Many products are prefabricated for sound absorbing treatment (suspended ceilings/wallmounted treatments

• 3 kinds ofcustom-designed treatments that are often used in auditoriums/churches (the deep air space insures adequate low frequency performance

2.Noise Reduction by Absorption

• Noise levels in a room are highest for a given source ifthe room’s surfaces are

primarily sound reflecting; lowest ifthere are large areas ofsound absorbing materials (e.g.sound absorbing ceilings

3.Reflections 4.Reverberation


Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by Strykeron FriMay 29,2009 3:18 pm

sir lakitulong neto a...malapit n exam ! salamat s pag share...!

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jhames joe albert infanteon FriMay 29,2009 3:20 pm

hahahaha tndimo ah dito mo pa pnost sir!hhe baka mali.. jenaro


Numberofposts: 3132

Age: 31

Location: sharjah Registration date: 22/01/2009


The Architect

Numberofposts: 1870

Age: 35

Location: Tagaytay City

Registration date: 13/12/2008


Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 3:23 pm

ElectricalNotes: COULUMB (C)

- The SI unit ofelectric charge equalto the quantity ofelectricity transferred along the conductor by a current ofone ampere in one second


- the SI unit equalto one joule per second or to the power represented by a current of one ampere flowing across a potentialdifference ofone volt


- an amount ofpower especially the power required to operate an electricaldevice or appliance,expressed in watts


- a unit ofpower equalto 1,000 watts KILOWATT-HOUR (kWh)

- a unit ofenergy transferred or expanded by one kilowatt in one hour a common unit of electric power consumption

jhames joe albert infante

CGP Expert

Numberofposts: 2733

Age: 28

Location: San Mateo Isabela/Singapore Registration date: 18/11/2008



- the energy per unit charge available for conversion from a chemical,mechanicalor other form ofenergy into electricalenergy or vice versa in a conversion devise as a battery,generator or a motor


- the voltage difference between two points that represents the work involved in the transfer ofa unit charge from one point to the other


- the work required to move a unit charge from a reference point to a designed point VOLTAGE

- potentialdifference or electromotive force expressed in volts: analogous to pressure in water flow


- the SI unit ofpotentialdifference and electromotive force,defined as the difference of electric potentialbetween two points ofa conductor carrying a constant current ofone ampere,when the power dissipated between the points is equalto one watt


- the rate offlow ofelectric charge in a circuit per unit time measured in amperes AMPERE (A)

- the basic SI unit ofelectric current,equivalent to a flow ofone coulomb per second or to the steady current produced by one volt applied to one resistance ofone ohm


- the strength ofan electric current measured or expressed in amperes: analogous to the rate ofwater flow


- the opposition ofa conductor to the flow ofcurrent,causing some ofthe electric energy to be transformed into heat and usually measured in ohms


- the SI unit ofelectricalresistance,equalto the resistance ofa conductor in which a potentialdifference ofone volt produces a current ofone ampere


- that law that for any circuit the electric current is directly proportionalto the voltage and inversely proportionalto the resistance



- the principle that the rate ofproduction ofheat by direct current is directly proportionalto the resistance ofthe circuit and to the square ofthe current RESISTIVITY

- the resistance per unit length ofa substance with a cross sectionalarea.Also called specific resistance


- a measure ofthe ability ofa substance to conduct electric current,equalto the reciprocalofthe resistivity ofthe substance.Also called specific conductance CIRCUIT

- the complete path ofan electric current including the source ofelectric energy SERIES

- an arrangement ofcomponents in an electric circuit in which the same current flows through each component in turn without branching


- the arrangement ofcomponents in an electric circuit in which allpositive terminals are connected to a second conductor,the same voltage being applied to each component BATTERY

- a group oftwo or more cells connected together to produce electric current CELL

- a device for converting chemicalinto electric energy usually consisting ofa receptacle with electrodes in an electrolyte.Also called electric cell


- a non metallic conducting medium in which current is carried by the movement ofions ELECTRODE

- a conductor through which a current enters or leaves a non metallic medium ANODE

- the negative terminalofa primary cellor storage battery CATHODE



- a machine that converts mechanicalenergy into electric energy ALTERNATOR - a generator for producing alternating current ELECTRIC MOTOR

- a machine that converts electric power into mechanicalenergy ARMATURE

-the main current-carrying winding ofa motor or generator in which electromotive force is induced


- an electric current in one direction only having a magnitude that does not vary or varies only slightly


- an electric current that reverses direction at regularly recurring intervals,having a magnitude that varies in a sinusoidalmanner


- a unit ofelectric measurement equalto the product ofone volt and one ampere, equivalent to one watt for direct current system and a unit ofapparent power for alternating current systems


- an electric device consisting oftwo or more winding wound on the same core,which employs the principle ofmutualinduction to convert variations ofalternating current in a primary circuit into variations ofvoltage and current in a secondary circuit


- a transformer having fewer turns in the primary winding than in the secondary, serving to transform low voltage to high voltage


- a transfer having a greater number ofturns in the primary winding than in the secondary,serving to transform high voltage to low voltage


- the voltage supplied by a power line,measured at the point ofuse SERVICE CONDUCTOR

- any ofseveralconductors extending from a main power line or transformer to the service equipment ofa building



- the supply ofutilities,as water,gas and electricity,required or demanded by the public


- operated on power by or transmitting high voltage SUBSTATION

- an auxiliary power station where electricalcurrent is converted,as from DC to AC or where voltage is stepped up or down


- the overhead portion ofservice conductors extending from the nearest utility pole to a building


- the underground portion ofservice conductors extending from a main power line or transformer to a building


- the decrease in voltage between two points on a power line,usually caused by resistance or leakage along the line


- the portion ofa service conductor extending from a service drop or service lateralto the service equipment ofa building


- a meter for measuring and recording the quality ofelectric power consumed with respect to time


- a fire-rated room housing a transformer and auxiliary equipment for a large building, usually located on grade or below ground and ventilated directly to the outside air SWITCHGEAR ROOM - a room containing the service equipment for a large building SERVICE EQUIPMENT

- the equipment necessary for controlling,metering,and protecting the electric power supply to a building,located near the entrance ofthe service conductors and usually consisting ofa main disconnect switch and secondary switch,fuses and circuit breakers



- a generator for providing emergency power during a power outage.Also called emergency generator


- an emergency system designed to provide power automatically and instantaneously upon failure ofthe normalpower supply


- one or a group ofpanels on which are mounted switches,over current devices, metering instruments,and buses for controlling and protecting a number ofelectric circuits called switchgear


- a free standing enclosure housing a disconnect switch,a step-down transformer and switchgear for a number ofelectric circuit


- any ofthe conductors extending from the service equipment to various distribution points in a building


- a pliable metallic strand or twisted or woven assembly ofsuch strands often insulated with a dielectric materialand used as a conductor ofelectricity

CONDUCTOR - a substance,body or devise that conducts heat,sound or electricity INSULATOR

- a materialthat is poor conductor ofelectricity used in operating or supporting conductors to prevent the undesired flow ofcurrent

CABLE - a single insulated conductor or a bound or sheathed combination ofconductors insulated from one another


- electric cable consisting oftwo or more insulated conductors protected by flexible, helically wound metalwrapping.Also called BX


- electric cable consisting ofa tubular copper sheath containing one or more conductors embedded in a highly compressed,insulating refractory mineral


- electric cable consisting oftwo or more insulated conductors enclosed in a non-metallic,moisture resistant,flame retardant sheath.Also called ROMEX


- a cable for transmitting high frequency telephone,digitalor television signals consisting ofan insulated conducting core

SHIELDED CABLE - an electric cable enclosed within a metallic sheath in order to reduce the effects ofexternalelectric or magnetic fields

CONDUIT - a tube,pipe or duct for enclosing and protecting electric wires or cable RIGID METAL CONDUIT

- heavy-walled,tubular steelconduits joined by screwing directly into a threaded hub with locknuts and bushings


- thin-walled,tubular steelconduit joined by compression or setscrew couplings FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT

- flexible,helically wound metalconduit,used for connections to motors or other vibrating equipment.Also called Greenfield conduit

RACEWAY - a channelexpressly designed to hold and protect electric wires and cables SURFACE RACEWAY - a raceway designed to exposed installation in dry,non-hazardous, corrosive locations

MULTI- OUTLET ASSEMBLY - a surface mounted raceway designed to house the electrical wires for a circuit and a series ofreceptacles

DUCT - an enclosed runway for housing conductors or cables

BUS DUCT - a rigid metalhousing for a group ofbuses insulted from each other and the enclosure.Also called busway

CABLE TRAY - an open metalframework for supporting insulated electricalconductors BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE

- the minimum applied voltage at which a given insulator breaks down and permits current to pass


without causing it to breakdown,usually expressed in volts or kilovolts per unit of thickness

DIELECTRIC - a non-conducting substance JUNCTION BOX

- an enclosure for housing and protecting electric wires or cables that are joined together in connecting or branching electric circuits

KNOCKOUT - a panelin a casing or box that can readily be removed,as by punching, hammering or cutting to provide an opening into the interior

GROMMET - a rubber or plastic washer inserted in a hole in a metalpart to prevent grounding ofa wire passing through the hole

BUSHING - an insulating and protective lining for one or more conductors passing through a hole

UTILITY BOX - for lighting outlet and convenience outlet PULL BOX - to facilitate pulling

OUTLET BOX - where cable ends

CUT OUT BOX - metalbox with hinge & enclosure.House or fuse box INSULATOR - used as supports and for additionalprotection for wires GENERAL WIRING

RHW Moisture and heat resistance rubber Dry and wet locations T Thermoplastic Dry locations

TW Moisture resistant thermoplastic Dry and wet locations THHN Heat resistant thermoplastic Dry locations

THW Moisture & heat resistant thermoplastic Dry and wet locations THWN Moisture & heat resistant thermoplastic Dry and wet locations XHHW Moisture & heat resistant cross linked Dry and wet locations SA Silicone asbestos Dry locations

AVA Asbestos and varnished cambric Dry locations only CONDUIT FITTINGS:



a.LB Condulets (angle & bended) b.LR (angle to the right)

c.TF (tee front) CONDUITS:

1.RIGID CONDUITS- cannot be bended metal- RSC/ EMT

non-metal- PVC 2.FLEXIBLE metal- BX

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 3:44 pm





A NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES TITLE 1 - ADMINISTRATIVE jenaro PeterPran Numberofposts: 3132 Age: 31 Location: sharjah Registration date: 22/01/2009


Chapter 1.01 - GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1.01.01: Title

(a) This Act shallbe known as the "NationalBuilding Code ofthe Philippines" and shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Code".

SECTION 1.01.02: Declaration ofPolicy

(a) It is hereby declared to be the policy ofthe State to safeguard life,health,property, and public welfare,consistent with the principles ofenvironmentalmanagement and control; and to this end,make it the purpose ofthis Code to provide for allbuildings and structured,a framework ofminimum standards and requirements by guiding, regulating,and controlling their location,siting,design,quality ofmaterials,

construction,use,occupancy,and maintenance,including their environment,utilities, fixtures,equipment,and mechanicalelectrical,and other systems and installations. SECTION 1.01.03: Scope

(a) The provisions ofthis Code shallapply to the design,location,siting,construction, alteration,repair,conversion,use,occupancy,maintenance,moving,and demolition of, and addition to,public and private buildings and structures.

(b) Additions,alterations,repairs,and changes ofuse or occupancy in allbuildings and structures shallcomply with requirements for new buildings and structures except as otherwise herein provided.Only such portion or portions ofthe existing building or structure which have to be altered to effect the addition,alteration,or repair shallbe made to conform to the requirements for new buildings or structures.Alterations should preserve the aesthetic value ofthe building to be altered.

(c) Where,in any specific case,different section ofthis Code specify different materials, methods ofconstruction,or other requirements,the most restrictive shallgovern.

SECTION 1.01.04: Application

(a) This Code shallapply to allbuildings and structures constructed and any change or repair made thereon after the approvalofsaid Code.Buildings or structures constructed before the approvalofthis Code shallnot be affected thereby; Except,where their

continued use or occupancy is dangerous to life or limb; or where alterations,additions, conversions,or repairs are to be made thereon,this Code shallapply only to such

portions ofthe buildings or structure which have to be altered in order to effect such damages or repairs.


districts with a population ofat least two thousand (2,000) inhabitants,and to barrios ofurban areas with a population ofat least two thousand (2,000) inhabitants.This Code shallalso apply to any area where there are fifty (50) or more families per hectare. (c) This Code shalllikewise apply to any area proposed for or being developed into a new town site,residentialsubdivision,commercialor residentialsite,schoolsite, housing project,and similar construction projects where five or more buildings not covered by paragraph (d) ofthis Section willbe constructed even ifthe poblacion or barrio population is less than two thousand (2,000) or the density ofpopulation is less than fifty (50) families per hectare.

(d) The design and construction requirements ofthis Code shallnot apply to any traditionalindigenous family dwelling costing not more than five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) and intended for use and occupancy ofthe family ofthe owner only.The traditionaltype offamily dwellings are those that are constructed ofnative materials such as bamboo,nipa,logs,or lumber,wherein the distance between verticalsupports or suportales does not exceed 3.00 meters (10 feet); and ifmasonry walls or socalos are used,such shallnot be more than 1.00 meter (3 feet,3 inches) from the ground:

Provided,however,That such traditionalindigenous family dwelling willnot constitute a danger to life or limb ofits occupants or ofthe public; willnot be fire hazard or an

eyesore to the community; and does not contravene any fire zoning regulation ofthe city or municipality in which it is located.

(e) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) ofthis Section,this Code shallapply to Group A dwellings produced on a commercialscale and intended for use by the generalpublic. SECTION 1.01.05 Building Use Affecting Public Health and Safety

(a) Any building or structure,or any ancillary or accessory facility thereto,and any alteration or addition to any building or structure already existing,shallconform in all respects to the principles ofsafe construction,shallbe suited to the purpose for which the building is designed,and shall,in no case contribute to making the community in which it is located at eyesore,a slum,or a blighted area.

(b) Adequate environmentalsafeguards shallbe observed in the design,construction, and use ofany building or structure for the manufacture and production ofany kind of article or product which constitutes a hazard or nuisance affecting public health and safety,such as explosives,gas,noxious chemicals,inflammable compounds,or the like. SECTION 1.01.06: Maintenance

(a) Allbuildings or structures,both existing and new,and allparts thereofshallbe maintained in a safe and sanitary condition.Alldevices or safeguards,which are


required by this Code in a building or structure when constructed,altered,or repaired, shallbe maintained on good working order.

SECTION 1.01.07: Insanitary,Unsafe,Hazardous,or Dangerous Sites

(a) The land or site upon which willbe constructed any building or structure,or any ancillary or auxillary facility thereto,shallbe sanitary ,hygienic or safe.Where the land or site is polluted,insanitary,unhygienic,unsafe,or hazardous,conditions contributing to or causing its being polluted,insanitary,unhygienic,unsafe,or hazardous shallbe reasonably improved or corrected,or proper remedialmeasures shallbe prescribed or incorporated in the design or construction ofthe building or structure in accordance with the provisions ofthis Code.

(b) The land or site upon which be constructed a building ofstructure or any ancillary or accessory facility thereto,for use ofhuman habitation or abode,shallbe at a safe

distance from streamers or bodies ofwater and/source ofair considered to be polluted, volcano or volcanic site,and building or structure considered to be a potentialsource of fire or explosion,such as ammunitions factory or dump and storage place for highly inflammable material.

SECTION 1.01.08: Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures

(a) General.- The provisions ofthis Code shallapply to alldangerous buildings,as herein defined,which are now in existence or which may hereafter be constructed,as wellas to ruinous buildings as defined in Article 482 ofthe CivilCode ofthe Philippines. (b) Dangerous Buildings Defined.- Dangerous buildings are those which are structurally unsafe or not provided with safe egrees,or which constitute a fire hazard,or are

otherwise dangerous to human life,or which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare,by reason ofinadequate maintenance, dilapidation,obsolescence,fire hazard,or abandonment; or which otherwise contribute to the pollution ofthe site or the community to an intolerable degree.Any building or structure which has any or allofthe conditions or defects hereinafter described,or conditions or defects similar thereto,shallbe deemed to be dangerous building: Provided,That such conditions or defect exists to the extent that the life,health, property,or safety ofthe public or its occupant are endangered:

(1) Whenever any door,aisle,passageway,stairway,or other means ofexist is not of sufficient width or size,or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of exit in case offire or panic;

(2) Whenever the stress in any materials member or portion thereof,due to alldead and live loads is more than one and one-halftimes the working stresses or stresses


allowed in this Code for new building ofsimilar structure,purpose,or location: Provided, That in determining working stress,the working stress method ofanalysis shallbe used, and in the case ofengineering "overstress",the ultimate strength method;

(3) Whenever any portion thereofhas been damaged by fire,earthquake,wind,flood,or by any other cause,to such an extent that the structuralstrength or the stability

thereofis materially less than it was before such catastrophe and is less than the

minimum requirements ofthis Code for new buildings ofsimilar structures,purpose,or location;

(4) Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereofis likely to fall,or to become detached or dislodged,or to collapse and thereby injure persons or damage property;

(5) Whenever any portion or member or any appurtenance or ornamentation ofthe exterior thereofis not ofsuch sufficient strength or stability,or is not so anchored,

attached,or fastened - place so as to be capable ofresisting a wind pressure ofone-half ofthat specified in this Code for new buildings ofsimilar structure; purpose,or location without exceeding the working stresses permitted for such buildings;

(6) Whenever any portion thereon has wracked,warped,buckled,or settled to such an extent that walls or other structuralportions have materially less resistance to winds or earthquake than is required in the case similar new construction;

(7) Whenever the building or structure,or any portion thereof,because of: (i) dilapidation,deterioration,or delay; (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement,or instability ofany portion ofthe ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (iv) the deterioration,decay,or inadequacy ofits foundation; or (v) any other cause,is likely to partially or completely collapse;

(8) Whenever,for any reason,the building or structure,or any portion thereof,is manifestly unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used;

(9) Whenever the exterior walls or other vertica structuralmembers list,lean,or buckle to such an extent that the structure falls within the condition described in the preceding subparagraph (2),above,or whenever any portion thereofsuffers a materialreduction ofthe fire and weather resistance qualities ofcharacteristics required by this Code for newly constructed buildings oflike area,height,and occupancy in the same location; (10) Whenever a building or structure,used or intended to be used for dwelling

purposes,because ofinadequate maintenance,dilapidation,decay,damage,faulty construction or arrangement,inadequate light,air,or sanitation facilities,or otherwise, is found to be unsanitary,unfit for human habitation,or in such a condition that is likely


to cause sickness or disease;

(11) Whenever any building or structure,because ofobsolescence,dilapidated, condition,deterioration,damage,inadequate exists,lack ofsufficient fire-resistive construction,or other cause,is found to be a fire hazard;

(12) Whenever any portion ofa building or structure remains on a site after demolition or destruction ofthe building or structure is abandoned for a period in excess ofsix months,so as to constitute a nuisance or hazard to the public;

(13) Whenever any building or structure is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance defined in Article 694 and 695 ofthe CivilCode ofthe Philippines.

(c) Abatement ofDangerous Buildings.In allcases ofdangerous buildings,except those covered by Article 482 and 694 to 707 ofthe CivilCode ofthe Philippines,the Building Officialshallorder their repair,vacation,or demolition in accordance with the following procedure:

(1) Where the dangerous building can reasonably be repaired such that it willno longer be dangerous,it shallbe ordered repaired;

(2) Where the dangerous building is such that to repair it would cost more than 50 per cent ofthe current to replacement cost ofthe building,it shallbe repaired or

demolished at the opinion ofthe owner;

(3) Where the dangerous building poses an immediate threat to life,limb,or property, it shallbe vacated immediately,then repaired or demolished in accordance with

subparagraphs (1) or (2) herein. jenaro PeterPran Numberofposts: 3132 Age: 31 Location: sharjah Registration date: 22/01/2009


Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 3:44 pm

SECTION 1.01.09.Alternate or new Design,Material,Method ofConstruction,or Workmanship; Tests

(a) Any design,material,method ofconstruction,or workmanship not specifically included in this Code may be used: Provided,That such alternate or new design, material,method ofconstruction,or workmanship is at least the equivalent ofthose prescribed in this Code in effectiveness.

(b) Tests for design,materials,method ofconstruction,or workmanship shallbe prescribed by the Secretary ofPublic Works and Communication in appropriate rules and regulations therefor.

SECTION 1.01.10: Municipaland ProvincialOrdinances and Regulations

(a) Localordinances should conform to the Code and suppletory requirements hereto shallin no case diminish minimum requirements embodied in this Code.The Secretary ofPublic Works and Communications or,in the proper case,the Secretary ofJustice shalltake any and allappropriate steps in cases where localordinances conflict with the Code.

SECTION 1.01.11: Definitions and Tables

(a) The definitions in Annex A and the Tables in Annex B ofthis Code are hereby adopted as part thereof.

SECTION 1.01.12: Separability Clause

(a) If,for any reason,any section or provision ofthis Code shallbe declared

unconstitutionalor invalid,no other section or provision ofthis Code shallbe affected thereby.

SECTION 1.01.13: Repealing Clause

(a) Any and allstatutes,orders,ordinances,rules and regulations or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions ofthis Code,are hereby repealed or modified



(a) This Code shalltake effect upon its approvalwithin the Greater Manila Metropolitan Area and in other areas where there are already existing localbuilding codes,and four (4) years thereafter,in allother areas in the Philippines: Provided,however,That this provision shallnot prevent any city or municipalcouncilor board from adopting this Code immediately upon its approval.

Chapter 1.02 - ENFORCEMENT

SECTION 1.02.01: Joint Building and EnvironmentalPlanning Research and Standards Commission

(a) Membership.There is hereby created a Joint Building and EnvironmentalPlanning Research and Standards Commission composed oftwo Senators,two Congressmen,and five other members to be appointed by the President ofthe Philippines.The members shallelect a Chairman from among themselves.

(1) The President ofthe Senate shalldesignate the chairman ofthe Committee on Housing,Urban Development and Resettlement and one Senator from the minority party as members ofthe Commission.

(2) The Speaker ofthe House ofRepresentatives shalldesignate the Chairman ofthe Committee on Housing and one Congressman from the minority party as members of the Commission.

(3) The President ofthe Philippines shallappoint two architects,two engineers,and one building contractor chosen from those officially recommended by their respective

nationalprofessionalorganizations,to serve for four years or untiltheir successors shall have been duly appointed and qualified.

(4) The members thereofshallserve without compensation: except,That the members from the professionalorganizations may receive a per diem ofone hundred pesos

(P100.00) each per meeting actually attended: Provided,That the totalper diem the members may receive shallnot exceed six hundred pesos (P600.00) per month.A

monthly transportation allowance oftwo hundred fifty pesos (P250.00) shallbe granted each ofthe members from the professionalorganizations.

(b) Duties and Responsibilities.The Commission shallhave the following duties and responsibilities:

(1) Conduct or cause to be conducted continuing research and studies on building, housing,and environmentalplanning standards and requirements to safeguard life or limb,health,property,and public welfare;


(2) Prepare a draft ofa uniform code ofcriteria,standards,and detailed specifications covering design,construction,and other related matters suited to localneeds and indigenous conditions for adoption by localgovernments to supplement the minimum standards provided in this Code;

(3) Pre pare drafts ofenvironmentalplanning,management and controlcodes, subdivision policies and standards,zoning regulations and other codes for legislative enactment; and recommend,from time to time,changes in this Building Code for submission to Congress; and

(4) Transmit appropriate recommendation to the Secretary ofPublic Works and

Communications as a basis for the promulgation by the Secretary ofthe necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions ofthis Code.

(c) TechnicalStaff.The Commission shallbe assisted by a TechnicalStaffwhich shallbe headed by an Executive Director and an Assistant Executive Director.Allpersonnelshall be appointed by the Chairman subject to civilservice laws,rules,and regulations.

(d) Appropriations.The amount oftwo hundred and fifty thousand pesos (P250,000) or such amount thereofas may be necessary for the operation ofthe Commission is hereby authorized to be appropriated out ofany funds not otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30,1973.Such sums may be necessary for the operating expenses of the Commission in succeeding fiscalyears shallbe included in the annualGeneral

Appropriations Act.

SECTION 1.02.02: Secretary ofPublic Works and Communications and Building Officials (a) The Secretary ofPublic Works and Communications,hereinafter referred to as the "Secretary",shallpromulgate such rules and regulations necessary to enable the Building Officialto enforce the provisions ofthis Code.

(b) In municipalities,the MunicipalEngineer shallbe the Building Official; Provided, That when there is no such MunicipalEngineer,or a duly licensed engineer performing the duties ofa MunicipalEngineer,or a Land and Building Official,the Provincial

Engineer,or in the absence thereof,the Public Works Engineer within whose jurisdiction the municipality falls shallbe the Building Official.In case ofcities,the City Public Works Supervisor shallbe the Building Official: Provided,That when there is no such City Public Works Supervisor,the City Engineer shallbe the Building Official.For the purpose ofthe enforcement ofthe provisions ofthis Code,the Building Officialshallbe under the supervision ofthe Secretary ofPublic Works and Communications,any


(c) Subject to the approvalofthe MunicipalMayor,City Mayor,or ProvincialGovernor in the proper case,and other civilservice laws and rules,the Building Officialmay appoint such number ofofficers,inspectors,assistants,or other employees possessing the

necessary qualifications and competency as may be authorized by the MunicipalCouncil, City Council,or ProvincialBoard,as the case may be.He may deputize such technically qualified employees as may be necessary to carry out the provisions ofthis Code.For purposes ofthis Subsection,the terms "necessary qualifications and competency" and "technically qualified" shallmean that the person to be deputized shallhave passed the highest grade ofexamination called for in the applicable law regulating the practice of the branch ofengineering or architecture related to or associated with the duties and powers which the person to be deputized shallassume.

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 5:13 pm

Stryker wrote:

sirlakitulong neto a...malapit n exam !salamat s pag share...!

God Bless sa exam nyo sir!painom kayo ha! jenaro


Numberofposts: 3132

Age: 31

Location: sharjah Registration date: 22/01/2009


Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by bokkinson FriMay 29,2009 7:06 pm

Astig to bro.Thanks for sharing Jenaro!

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 7:41 pm

SECTION 1.02.03: Building permits

(a) Any person,firm,or corporation,including any department,office,bureau,agency of instrumentality ofthe government intending to construct,alter,repair,move,convert or demolish any building or structure,or cause the same to be done,shallobtain a

building permit from the Building Officialfor whichever ofsuch work is proposed to be undertaken for the building or structure,before any such work is started.

(b) Appropriate rules and regulations shallbe set by the Secretary concerning: (1) Forms for application for building permits;

(2) Procedures to be observed in securing such permits;

(3) Procedures to be observed in the issuance,suspension,and revocation ofsuch building permits; and



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Numberofposts: 10011 Registration date: 18/09/2008


(4) Type,nature,and scope ofplans and specifications,and other requisite documents, which shallbe prepared and designed by a licensed architect or engineer.

(c) When authorized by the Building Officialin accordance with the provisions ofthis Code,plans and specifications need not be submitted for the following:

(1) Group A traditionalindigenous type ofdwelling construction costing not more than three thousand pesos (P3,000.00); and

(2) Group J Division 1 Occupancy ofType 1 conventionalwood frame construction or of the traditionalindigenous type ofconstruction costing not more than three thousand pesos (P3,000.00).

(d) The applicant for a building permit for private buildings or structures after having complied with allthe requirements prescribed therefor in accordance with the provisions ofthis Code,shallbe issued a building permit within fifteen (15) days from the date of payment ofthe permit fee for Groups A and J Occupancies and within thirty (30) days from the date ofpayment ofthe permit fee for other Group Occupancies,unless the Building Officialor his Deputy authorized to issue the permit shallinform the applicant in writing why the permit should not be issued,and shallindicate thereon the particular provisions ofthe Code violated by the applicant or the particular requirements not

complied with.Within fifteen (15) days from the date ofreceipt by the applicant of advice from the Building Officialor his Deputy authorized to issue the permit why the building permit should not be issued,or why the building permit is suspended or

revoked,the applicant may appealthe non-issuance,suspension,or revocation thereof, to the Mayor ofthe chartered city or municipality,or the Governor ofthe province where the building or structure for which the permit is being applied for is located.Said appeal shallbe decided within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof,otherwise,the applicant may bring the matter to the proper Court ofJustice for finaldisposition.

(e) Allpublic buildings shallconform to the provisions ofthis Code and the Building Officialofthe city or province where the public building is located shallissue the building permit therefor,stating in writing that such public building conforms to the requirements ofthe Code.For nationalpublic buildings,the Secretary ofPublic Works and Communications shallissue a certification that such a building conforms to the Code.Public buildings shallbe exempt from payment ofbuilding permit,inspection, another fees.

SECTION 1.02.04: Fees

(a) Regulations on building permit,inspection and other fees,and for compliance with the same shallbe covered by city and municipalordinances: Provided,That Traditional indigenous family dwellings under Section 1.01.04 (d) shallbe exempt from payment of building permit fees.


SECTION 1.02.05: Inspection ad Certificates ofOccupancy

(a) Inspection.The duly licensed architect or engineer engaged by the owner to undertake inspection and detailed supervision ofthe construction shallperiodically certify that the construction conforms to the plans and specifications submitted in the application for a building permit.Upon submission ofsuch periodic certifications during the progress ofconstruction,the Building Officialshallperiodically issue the required authority to continue with the subsequent phases ofconstruction,without prejudice to his right to conduct on his own initiative any inspection ofthe said construction.Upon completion ofthe construction,the said duly licensed architect or engineer shallsubmit to the Building Officialthe finalcertification that the building conforms to the provisions ofthe Code and with the detailed plans and specifications submitted.

(b) Certificates ofOccupancy.The proper Certificate ofOccupancy shallbe issued to the applicant within seven (7) days from completion ofthe requirements for inspection and occupancy and payment ofany and allfees therefor,unless the building Officialor his Deputy issuing the Certificate shallshow cause in writing why the Certificate should not be issued and shallindicate thereon the particular provisions ofthe Code violated or the particular requirements not complied with.Within fifteen (15) days from receipt by the applicant ofthe advice from Building Officialor his Deputy authorized to issue the certificate why the certificate should not be issued,or why the certificate is suspended or revoked,the applicant may appealthe non-issuance,suspension,or revocation thereof,to the Mayor ofthe chartered city or municipality,or the Governor ofthe

province where the building for which the certificate is being applied for is located.Said appealshallbe decided within fifteen (15) days from receipts thereof,otherwise,the applicant may bring the matter to the proper Court ofJustice for finaldisposition.The building may be occupied only upon issuance ofthe Certificate ofOccupancy.

SECTION 1.02.06: Violations ofThis Code Covering Designs,Materials,Methods of Construction,and Workmanship

(a) In allcases ofviolation ofthis Code covering design,materials,methods of construction,and workmanship,the Building Officialshallobserve the following procedure in ordering the alteration to conform to this Code or demolition ofthe building or portion thereof:

(1) Where the building is in the process ofconstruction,the construction ofthe portion or portions in violation ofthis Code shallbe stopped untilthe same shallhave been altered to conform to this Code,unless such partialviolation willimpair the stability and safety ofthe whole or part ofthe structure,in which case,the whole construction shall be stopped.


(2) Where a building or portion thereofhas been constructed,the following procedure shallbe observed:

(2.1) In case it can be reasonably altered to conform to the requirements ofthis Code, it shallbe altered accordingly;

(2.2) In case the lateration willcost more than 50 per cent ofthe current construction cost ofthe building,it shallbe altered to conform to this Code or demolished at the option ofthe owner;

(2.3) In case the building or portion thereofposes an immediate danger to life,limb,or property,the same shallbe vacated immediately,then altered to conform to the

requirements ofthis Code or demolished in accordance with subparagraphs (1) and (2) herein.

(3) Ifthe owner,after receipts ofthe order ofalteration or demolition fails to comply with such order within a period ofone year,said construction shallbe declared a nuisance and be abated in accordance with the provisions ofArticle 699 ofthe Civil Code ofthe Philippines.

(b) This Code shallnot be construed to deprive any person the right to availhimselfof any and alljudicialproceedings or remedies available under existing laws.

(c) Nothing in this Chapter is intended to diminish the powers vested in the different Boards ofExaminers ofthe various architecturaland engineering professions as

provided for in existence laws regulating the practice ofarchitecture and engineering, nor to restrict the designing engineering or architect in the exercise ofhis professional discretion within the basic minimum standards and requirements embodied in Section 1.01.02 ofthis Code. jenaro PeterPran Numberofposts: 3132 Age: 31 Location: sharjah Registration date: 22/01/2009


Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 7:42 pm


(a) Fire Zones Defined.Fire zones are areas within which only certain types ofbuilding are permitted to be constructed based on their use,occupancy,type ofconstruction, and resistance to fire.

(b) Building Located in More Than One Fire Zone.Ifa building or structure is located in more than one fire zone and more than one-third ofits totalfloor area is in a more restricted fire zone,then the entire building shallconform to the requirements for the more restricted area.

(c) Moved Building.Any building or structure moved within or into any fire zone shallbe made to comply with allthe requirements for buildings ofthat fire zone.

(d) Temporary Buildings.Temporary buildings or structures conforming to the requirements ofthis Code,used for the protection ofthe public around and in

conjunction with construction work may be erected in any ofthe fire zones: Provided, that such work is allowed by specialpermit from the Building Officialand such is used only for a limited period oftime.

(e) Center Lines ofStreets.For the purpose ofthis Chapter,the center line ofan

adjoining street or alley may be considered an adjacent property line.Distance shallbe measured at right angles to the street or alley.

SECTION 2.01.02.Designation ofFire Zones

(a) The Secretary shallclassify each type offire zone in accordance to use,occupancy, type ofconstruction,and resistance to fire subject to the provisions ofthis Code.

(b) Based on the classification offire zones,City Counsels or MunicipalBoards,by

resolution,shalldivide cities and municipalities into fire zones.Such division shallbe in accordance with the localphysicaland spatialframework plans or the recommendation ofthe localcity or municipaldevelopment body.



SECTION 2.02.01: Fire-Resistive Requirements

(a) Exterior bearing and nonbearing walls ofTypes II and III constructions shallhave one-hour fire-resistive rating; while those oftypes IV and V shallhave four-hour fi re-resistive rating.

(b) Interior bearing walls,permanent partitions,floors,and roofs ofTypes II to IV constructions shallhave one-hour fire-resistive rating; while those ofType V shallhave three-hour fire-resistive rating for walls,one-hour fire-resistive rating for partitions,and two-hour fire-resistive rating for verticalopenings,floors,and roofs.

(c) Structuralframes ofTypes II and III constructions shallhave one-hour fire-resistive rating; those ofType IV shallhave two-hour fire-resistive rating; and those ofType V shallhave three-hour fire-resistive rating.

(d) Exterior doors and windows shallhave three-fourths-hour fire-resistive rating for all types ofconstruction.

SECTION 2.02.02: Fire-Resistive Standards

(a) General.Materials and systems offire-resistive purposes shallbe classified

according to their fire-resistive ratings as determined by internationally accepted testing methods,subject to the provisions ofthis Section.

(b) One-Hour Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating

(1) The following walls and partitions shallhave a one-hour fire-resistive rating: Solid masonry,10 centimeters (4 inches) thick; hollow unit masonry,15 centimeters (6 inches) thick; solid concrete,10 centimeters (4 inches) thick; stud walls covered on each side with 1.9 centimeters (3/4 inch) lath and plaster,1.6 centimeters (5/8 inch) of vermiculite gypsum board,or 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) ofgypsum board; and 5

centimeters (2 inches) nominalthickness tongue and groove wood,or two layers of1.9 centimeters (3/4 inch) tongue and groove wood separated by sheet metalor asbestos paper and treated on each side with a fire-retardant coating having a flame-spread rating of50 or less.Square-edged boards may be used is the layers are laid at right angles with each other.

(2) The following floors shallhave a one-hour fire-resistive rating: masonry or concrete, 10 centimeters (4 inches) thick; wood joists having two layers offlooring above and a plaster or gypsum board ceiling,1.9 centimeters (3/4 inch) in thickness - the two layers offlooring shallbe separated by sheet metalor asbestos building paper; 6.3


centimeters (2-1/2 inches) net thickness tongue and grooved wood floors covered with 1.9 centimeters (3/4 inch) wood flooring laid at right angles thereto.The supporting beams for such floors shallbe not less than 15 centimeters (6 inches) in minimum dimension.

(3) The following protections for metalstructuralmembers shallhave one-hour fi re-resistive rating: 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) ofconcrete; 3.8 centimeters (1-1/2 inches) of masonry; and metallath and 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) ofplaster.

(4) The following shallalso have a one-hour fire-resistive rating; wood colums,20

centimeters (8 inches) or more in least dimension; and wood beams,15 centimeters (6 inches) or more in least dimension.

(c) Two-Hour Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating

(1) The following partitions,walls,and floors shallhave a two-hour fire-resistive rating: solid masonry,15 centimeters (6 inches) thick; hollow unit masonry,20 centimeters (8 inches) thick; and solid concrete,127 centimeters (5 inches) thick.

(2) The following protections for metalstructuralmembers shallhave a two-hour fi re-resistive rating.3.8 centimeters (1-1/2 inches) ofconcrete; 5 centimeters (2 inches) of masonry; and two layers ofmetallath and plaster with 1.9 centimeters (3/4 inch) air space between and having a totalthickness of6.3 centimeters (2-1/2 inches).

(d) Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating

(1) The following partitions,walls,and floors shallhave a three-hour fire-resistive rating: solid masonry,17.8 centimeters (7 inches) thick; hollow unit masonry,25.4 centimeters (10 inches) thick; and solid concrete,15 centimeters (6 inches) thick. (2) The following protection for metalstructuralmembers shallhave a three-hour fire resistive rating: centimeters (2 inches) ofconcrete; 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) of masonry.

(e) Four-Hour Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating

(1) The following partitions,walls,and floors shallhave a four-hour fire resistive rating: solic masonry walls,20 centimeters (8 inches) thick; hollow unit masonry,30

centimeters (12 inches) thick; and solid concrete,17.8 centimeters (7 inches) thick. (f) SteelJoists.Steeljoist floors shallhave from one to four-hour fire-resistive rating


based on internationally accepted standards ofengineering.

(g) Flame-ProofMaterials.Materials required to be flame-proofed shallbe treated with a flame-retardant having flame-spread rating of50 less as determined by the "Tunnel Test".

SECTION 2.02.03: Interior Walland Ceiling Finish

(a) General.Finishes for interior walls and ceilings ofany building shallbe classified according to their flame-spread characteristics using the internationally accepted "TunnelTest" or other equivalent test for fire protection.The class ofmaterials

according to flame-spread characteristics shallbe determined for each occupancy group. The smoke density shallnot be greater than that obtain from the burning ofuntreated wood under similar conditions when tested in accordance with the "TunnelTest" in the way intended for use.The products ofcombustion shallbe no more toxic than the burning ofuntreated wood under similar conditions.

(b) Interior Finish Materials.Interior walls and ceiling finish shallmean interior

wainscoting,paneling,or other finish applied structurally or for decoration,acoustical correction,surface insulation or similar purposes.Requirements for finishes shallnot apply to trim,doors,and windows or their frames,nor to materials which are less than one millimeter (0.039 inch) in thickness cemented to an incombustible backing.Interior finish materials applied to walls and ceilings shallbe tested as specified herein and

regulated for purposes oflimiting flame-spread.

SECTION 2.02.04: Promulgation ofFire-Resistive Regulations

(a) The Secretary shallpromulgate appropriate standards and regulations on the testing ofmaterials for flame-spread characteristics; application ofcontrolled interior finish; finishes based on occupancy; materials and tests on fire dampers,fire tests ofbuilding construction and materials,fire tests ofdoor assemblies,tin-clad fire doors,fire test of window assemblies,installation offire door and fire windows,and smoke and fire

detectors for fire protective signaling systems; fire-resistive protection ofstructural members; fire-resistive walls and partitions; fire-resistive floor-ceilings or roof-ceilings; fire-resistive assemblies for protection ofopenings; and fire-retardant roofcoverings.


Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

by jenaroon FriMay 29,2009 7:46 pm



SECTION 3.01.01: Occupancy Classified

(a) Building proposed,for construction shallbe identified according to its use or the character ofits occupancy and shallbe classified as follows:

(1) Group A - Residential: Dwellings.Group A Occupancies shallinclude dwellings. (2) Group B - Residential: Hotels and Apartments.- Group B Occupancies shallinclude boarding or lodging houses,hotels,apartment houses,convents,and monasteries (each accomodating more than 10 persons).

(3) Group C - Education and Recreation.Group C Occupancies shallbe any building used for schoolor day care purposes more than eight hours per week,involving assemblage for instruction,education,or recreation,and not classed in Group I or in Divisions 1 and 2 ofGroup H Occupancies.

(4) Group D - Institutional.Group D Occupancies shallinclude: Division 1 - Mental hospitals,mentalsanitariums,jails,prisons,reformatories,and buildings where

personalliberties ofinmates are similarly restrained; Division 2 - Nurseries for full-time care ofchildren under kindergarten age,hospitals,sanitariums,nursing homes with non-ambulatory patients,and similar buildings (each accommodating more than five persons); Division 3 - Nursing homes for ambulatory patients,homes for children of kindergarten age or over (each accommodating more than five persons); Provided,That Group D Occupancies shallnot include buildings used only for private residential

purposes or for a family group.

(5) Group E - Business and Mercantile.Group E Occupancies shallinclude: Division 1


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Gasoline filling and service stations; storage garage and boat storage structures where no work is done except exchange ofparts and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding,or the use ofhighly flammable liquids; Division 2 - Wholesale and retailstores, office buildings,drinking and dining establishments having an occupant load test than 100,printing plants,municipalpolice and fire stations,factories and workshops using materials not highly flammable or combustible,storage and sales room for combustible goods,and paint stores without bulk handling,and Division 3 -Aircraft hangars where no repair work is done except exchange ofparts and maintenance requiring no open flame,welding,or the use ofhighly flammable liquids; open parking garages and heliports.

(6) Group F - Industrial.Group F Occupancies shallinclude: Ice plants,power plants, pumping plants,cold storage,and creameries; factories and workshops using

incombustible and non-explosive materials; and storage and sales rooms of incombustible and non-explosive materials.

(7) Group G - Storage and Hazardous.Group G Occupancies shallinclude: Division 1 -Storage and handling ofhazardous and highly flammable or explosive materials other than flammable liquids; Division 2 - Storage and handling offlammable liquids; dry cleaning plants using flammable liquids; paint stores with bulk handling; paint shops and spray painting rooms,and shops; Division 3 - Wood working establishments,

planning mills and box factories,shops factories where loose,combustible fibers or dust are manufactured,processed or generated; warehouses where highly combustible

materialis stored; Division 4 - Repair garages; and Division 5 - Aircraft repair hangars. (8) Group H - Assembly Other Than Group I.Group H Occupancies shallinclude:

Division 1 - Any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load ofless than 100 in the building; Division 2 - Any assembly building without a stage and having an occupant load of300 or more in the building; Division 3 - Any assembly building

without a stage and having an occupant load ofless than 300 in the building,including such buildings used for schoolpurposes less than eight hours per week; and Division 4 -Stadiums,reviewing stands,amusement park structures not included within Group I or Divisions 1,2,and 3,Group H Occupancies.

(9) Group I - Assembly Occupant Load 1000 or More.Group I Occupancies shallbe any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of1000 or more in the building. (10) Group J - Accessory.Group J Occupancies shallinclude: Division 1 - Private

garages,carports,sheds,and agriculturalbuildings; Division 2 - Fences over 1.80 meters (6 feet) high,tanks,and towers.

(b) Other subgroupings or divisions within Groups A to J may be determined by the Secretary.Any other occupancy not mentioned specifically in this Section,or about


which there is any question,shallbe included in the Group which its use most nearly resembles based on the existing or proposed life and fire hazard.

(c) The Building Officials shallidentify and indicate in the Certificate ofOccupancy the appropriate classification to which a building or structure to be constructed belongs. SECTION 3.01.02: Change in Use

(a) No change shallbe made in the character ofoccupancies or use ofany building

which would place the building in a different division ofthe same group ofoccupancy or in a different group ofoccupancies,unless such buildings is made to comply with the requirements for such division or group ofoccupancy: Except,That the character of occupancy ofexisting buildings may be changed subject to the approvalofthe Building Officialand the building may be occupied for purposes set forth in other Groups without conforming to allthe requirements for those Groups,provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous,based on life and fire risk,than the existing use.

SECTION 3.01.03: Mixed Occupancy

(a) General.When a building is used for more than one occupancy purposes,each part ofthe building comprising a distinct "Occupancy" shallbe separated from any other occupancy.When a building is used for more than one occupancy purpose,it shallbe subject to the most restrictive requirements for the occupancies concerned: Except, -(1) When a one-story building houses more than one occupancy,each portion ofthe building shallconform to the requirements for the occupancy housed therein,and the area ofthe building shallbe such that the sum ofthe actualareas divided by the

allowable area for each separate occupancy shallnot exceed one; and (2) Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than 10 per cent ofthe area ofany floor ofa

building,nor more than 10 per cent ofthe basis are permitted in the occupancy

requirements.The major use ofthe building shalldetermine the occupancy classification provided the uses are separated in accordance with requirements for occupancy


(b) Forms ofOccupancy Separation.Occupancy separations shallbe verticalor

horizontalor both,or when necessary,ofsuch other form as may be required to afford a complete separation between the various occupancy divisions in the building.

(c) Types ofOccupancy Separation.Occupancy separations shallbe classed as "One-Hour Fire-Resistive" "Two-Hour Fire-Resistive","Three-Hour Fire-Resistive",and "Four-Hour Fire-Resistive".

(1) A "One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separations" shallbe ofnot less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.Allopenings in such a separations shallbe protected a


fire assembly having a one-hour fire-resistive rating.

(2) A "Two-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation" shallbe ofnot less than two-hour fire-resistive construction.Allopenings in such separation shallbe protected by a fire assembly having a one and one-half-hour fire-resistive rating.

(3) A "Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation" shallbe ofnot less than three-hour fire-resistive construction.Allopenings in walls forming such separation shallbe protected by a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating.The totalwidth of allopenings in any three-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wallin any one-story shallnot exceed 25 per cent ofthe length ofthe wallin that story and no single opening shallhave an area greater than 10.00 square meters (107.1 square feet).Allopenings in floors forming a "Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation" shallbe protected by verticalenclosures extending above and below such openings.The walls ofsuch verticalenclosures shallbe ofnot less than ten-hours fire-resistive construction,and all openings therein shallbe protected by a fire assembly having one and one-half-hour fire-resistive rating.

(4) A "Four-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation" shallhave no openings therein and shallbe ofnot less than four-hour fire-resistive construction.

(d) Fire Ratings for Occupancy Separation.Occupancy separations shallbe provided between various groups,subgroupings,or divisions ofoccupancies.The Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations for appropriate occupancy separations in buildings of mixed occupancy: Provided,That where any occupancy separation is required,the minimum shallbe a "One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation"; and where the occupancy separation is horizontal,structuralmembers supporting the separation shall be protected by equivalent fire-resistive construction.



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Age: 31

Location: sharjah Registration date: 22/01/2009


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The Fashion Suite is an intimate layout of a bedroom, reading room / work area and living room that opens through large French doors onto a private terrace.. It is situated in

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Wide range of genetic variability, moderate to high heritability and high genetic advance for yield and its component traits was observed in drought tolerant accessions evaluated

INDIAN LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH - 115 North Main, Lakeview, across the street from Bailey’s Landing. INDIAN LAKE COMMUNITY CHURCH - 120 Orchard Island Rd.,


The most appropriate way to support banking stability is to ensure that new capital and liquidity requirements are designed to constrain activities that are inherently more

Esta argumentación es presentada por Goodman respecto a las reglas y prácticas deductivas, pero – según este autor – “se aplica igualmente a la inducción” (cfr. Por