Manual ETM
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(2) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &RS\ULJKW. © Copyright 2001 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. Microsoft , WINDOWS , NT , EXCEL , Word , PowerPoint and SQL Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. ®. IBM , DB2 , OS/2 , DB2/6000 , Parallel Sysplex , MVS/ESA , RS/6000 , AIX , S/390 , AS/400 , ® ® OS/390 , and OS/400 are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ®. ORACLE is a registered trademark of ORACLE Corporation. ®. ®. INFORMIX -OnLine for SAP and Informix Dynamic Server Software Incorporated. ®. ®. ®. TM. are registered trademarks of Informix. ®. UNIX , X/Open , OSF/1 , and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Group. ®. HTML, DHTML, XML, XHTML are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C , World Wide Web Consortium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ®. JAVA is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ®. JAVASCRIPT is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., used under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape. SAP, SAP Logo, R/2, RIVA, R/3, ABAP, SAP ArchiveLink, SAP Business Workflow, WebFlow, SAP EarlyWatch, BAPI, SAPPHIRE, Management Cockpit, Logo and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 2.
(3) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. ,FRQV. ,FRQ. 0HDQLQJ. Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 3.
(4) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. CEM - Construction Equipment Management ......................................................................................... 8 Master Data.......................................................................................................................................... 9 CEM Catalog .................................................................................................................................. 10 Creating a Catalog ...................................................................................................................... 12 Importing the Construction Equipment Catalog (to 4.6C1 Incl.) ................................................. 14 Importing Catalogs (from Release 4.6C2 Inclusive) ................................................................... 15 Displaying the Catalog Structure (to Release 4.6C1 Inclusive).................................................. 17 Displaying the Catalog Structure (from Release 4.6C2 Inclusive).............................................. 18 Creating an Entry in a Catalog.................................................................................................... 19 Changing and Displaying a Catalog Entry .................................................................................. 21 Creating a Material Assignment to the Catalog .......................................................................... 22 Changing, Displaying and Deleting a Material Assignment........................................................ 23 CEM Bill of Material (BOM) ............................................................................................................ 24 Creating a BOM .......................................................................................................................... 25 Changing and Displaying a BOM................................................................................................ 27 Displaying the BOM (from Release 4.6C2 Inclusive) ................................................................. 29 Interpolation ................................................................................................................................ 30 CEM Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 32 Creating Equipment .................................................................................................................... 34 Changing and Displaying Equipment.......................................................................................... 36 Flagging Equipment for Deletion ................................................................................................ 38 Equipment Activation and Deactivation ...................................................................................... 39 Activating and Deactivating Equipment................................................................................... 40 Assigning Equipment to an Asset ............................................................................................... 41 Insurance Data............................................................................................................................ 42 Creating, Changing and Displaying Insurance Data ............................................................... 43 Package ...................................................................................................................................... 44 Shipping Package ................................................................................................................... 46 Creating a Shipping Package .............................................................................................. 48 Changing, Displaying and Deleting a Shipping Package .................................................... 50 Settlement Package ................................................................................................................ 51 Creating a Settlement Package........................................................................................... 52 Changing, Displaying and Deleting a Settlement Package ................................................. 53 Price Information......................................................................................................................... 54 Displaying Price Information for the Equipment ...................................................................... 55 Displaying Price Information for the Construction Site............................................................ 56 Owner/Administrator....................................................................................................................... 57 Owner/Administrator Relationship .............................................................................................. 58 Creating an Owner/Administrator ............................................................................................... 59. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 4.
(5) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. Changing and Displaying an Owner/Administrator ..................................................................... 60 Recipient......................................................................................................................................... 61 Creating a Recipient ................................................................................................................... 62 Changing and Displaying a Recipient......................................................................................... 64 Basic Functions .................................................................................................................................. 65 CEM Planning................................................................................................................................. 66 Requisition Note.......................................................................................................................... 67 Creating a Requisition Note .................................................................................................... 69 Changing, Displaying and Deleting a Requisition Note .......................................................... 70 Requirements Overview.............................................................................................................. 71 Changing and Displaying the Requirements Overview........................................................... 72 Graphical Planning Board ....................................................................................................... 73 Editing and Displaying the Graphical Planning Board ............................................................ 74 Creating Shipping Documents from the Planning Board ........................................................ 76 Creating Requirements from the Planning Board ................................................................... 77 Deadline Logic ............................................................................................................................ 78 Deadline Logic (Indicator) ....................................................................................................... 79 Release Notification Limit for Unrestricted Usage .................................................................. 80 Minimum Usage Period for Restricted Usage ......................................................................... 81 Surcharge for Unrestricted Usage........................................................................................... 82 Document Entry.............................................................................................................................. 83 CEM Document Entry - Terminology .......................................................................................... 84 Shipping Document..................................................................................................................... 89 Creating a Shipping Document ............................................................................................... 91 Changing, Displaying and Canceling a Shipping Document................................................... 93 Creating a Shipping Document by Copying from a Template................................................. 95 Parking and Releasing a Shipping Document ........................................................................ 96 Creating a Shipping Document from Confirmed Requirements.............................................. 97 Listing Shipping Documents.................................................................................................... 98 BAPIs to Maintain CEM Shipping Documents ........................................................................ 99 Clearing a Usage Site ........................................................................................................... 100 Shipping of Materials............................................................................................................. 101 Inventory Management.......................................................................................................... 102 Intermediate Recipient .......................................................................................................... 104 Performance-Based Equipment Documents ............................................................................ 106 Entering a PBE Document .................................................................................................... 108 Displaying a PBE Document ................................................................................................. 110 Calendar Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 111 Settlement Calendar ................................................................................................................. 112 Creating a Settlement Calendar ............................................................................................ 114 Releasing Records from the Settlement Calendar................................................................ 116 CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 5.
(6) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. Entry List................................................................................................................................ 118 Filler Calendar for Performance-Based Equipment.................................................................. 119 Creating a Filler Calendar for Performance-Based Equipment............................................. 120 CEM Settlement ........................................................................................................................... 121 Stock Control ............................................................................................................................ 122 Performing Stock Control ...................................................................................................... 123 Location Setup .......................................................................................................................... 124 Executing a Location Setup .................................................................................................. 125 Filling of Performance-Based Equipment Reports ................................................................... 126 Filling PBE Documents.......................................................................................................... 127 Example 1 (With Shipping Document)............................................................................... 129 Example 2 (Without Shipping Document).......................................................................... 131 Example 3.......................................................................................................................... 132 Example 4 (Special Case) ................................................................................................. 133 Example 5.......................................................................................................................... 134 Example 6.......................................................................................................................... 135 Example 7 (Retirement)..................................................................................................... 136 Example 8 (Retirement Date Not Set in Recipient 100050) .............................................. 137 Example 9 (Acquisition Date Not Set in Recipient 100004) .............................................. 138 SD Order Generation ................................................................................................................ 139 Settlement of Activity and Delivery........................................................................................ 140 Settlement of Time-Based Equipment............................................................................... 141 Settlement of Performance-Based Equipment .................................................................. 144 Settlement PBE as TBE .................................................................................................... 146 Settlement of a Settlement Package ................................................................................. 147 Settlement for Multipart Equipment ................................................................................... 148 Settlement of Materials ...................................................................................................... 149 Settlement Across Different Company Codes....................................................................... 150 Example: Settlement Across Different Company Codes Using EDI ................................. 151 Recipient Data Check............................................................................................................ 155 Checking a Recipient......................................................................................................... 156 Generating SD Orders........................................................................................................... 157 CEM Test Settlement Run..................................................................................................... 159 Changing and Displaying SD Orders .................................................................................... 160 Displaying the Settlement Run Log (to Release 4.6C1 Inclusive) ........................................ 161 Displaying the Settlement Run Log (from Release 4.6C2 Inclusive) .................................... 162 Input Postprocessing............................................................................................................. 163 SD Order Check .................................................................................................................... 164 Checking SD Orders.......................................................................................................... 165 Settlement List .......................................................................................................................... 166 CEM Inventory.............................................................................................................................. 167 CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 6.
(7) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. Editing the Stock List ................................................................................................................ 168 Determining Quantity ................................................................................................................ 169 Initial Entry of Inventory Data.................................................................................................... 170 Entering stock........................................................................................................................ 171 Changing Stock ..................................................................................................................... 172 Displaying Stock.................................................................................................................... 173 Checking Stock Data ................................................................................................................ 174 Displaying Counted Stock Without Equipment Number ........................................................... 175 Displaying Counted Stock With Equipment Number ................................................................ 176 Generating Stock Differences ................................................................................................... 177 Valuing Stock Differences......................................................................................................... 178 Resetting Generated Stock Differences ................................................................................... 179 Writing Off Differences for Multipart Equipment ....................................................................... 180 Archiving of CEM Data ................................................................................................................. 181 . CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 7.
(8) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &(0&RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW. 3XUSRVH. Construction Equipment Management (CEM) deals with issues that secure an optimal process flow in enterprise areas of construction firms or equipment rental companies in aspects such as planning, processing, settlement and evaluation of resources (materials and equipment). ,QWHJUDWLRQ. If you want to use CEM, you must have the application components Sales and Distribution (SD), Plant Maintenance (PM), Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO). To make full use of the integrative nature of SAP R/3, it is also advisable to use the application components Asset Accounting (AA) and Project System (PS). )HDWXUHV. •. Representation of various catalogs containing construction equipment, machinery, tools, construction accessories and attachments and so on. •. Catalog BOMs (bills of material). •. Shipping and settlement packages. •. Relationships between owners and administrators of equipment. •. Shipping and performance-based equipment (PBE) documents. •. Settlement Calendar. •. Filler Calendar for Performance-Based Equipment. •. Time-based or performance-based settlement. •. Inventory management. •. Equipment planning. •. Evaluations and reporting functions (settlement lists, statements of usage, stock lists for construction sites and so on). CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 8.
(9) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. 0DVWHU'DWD. •. CEM Catalog [Seite 10]. •. CEM Bill of Material [Seite 24]. •. CEM Equipment [Seite 32]. •. Owner/Administrator [Seite 57]. •. Recipient [Seite 61]. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 9.
(10) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &(0&DWDORJ 'HILQLWLRQ. A CEM catalog is a structured, hierarchical list of different types of machinery (for example, equipment, machines and vehicles) and is based on the SAP standard Classification System. Every CEM catalog is assigned to a Class [Extern] within a Class Type [Extern]. This means that all the numbers in the catalog are also assigned to this class or class type. The characteristics used in characteristic value assignment are assigned to the class. 8VH. Before you can reference to a CEM catalog, it must have been defined in Customizing [Seite 12] for CEM. CEM catalogs can be specific to a company, region or country and form the basis for pricing in settlement accounting. By assigning bills of material (BOMs) to equipment, you can link to the CEM catalog, and therefore also to catalog valuation.. There are the following hierarchy levels in the “Baugeräteliste 1991” or “BGL 91” (German equipment rental compilation or construction equipment specifications list): 6WUXFWXUH . Main equipment group. Lifting appliances and transportation equipment. . Equipment sub-group. Cranes and attachments. . Equipment category. Diesel-hydraulic driven two-engine rubber-mounted cranes with steel-latticed boom. . Equipment type. Diesel-hydraulic driven two-engine rubber-mounted cranes with steel-latticed boom, maximum load moment 165tm. . Attachments. Booms for cranes etc.. &. Extras. Non-interchangeable equipment items such as diesel or gasoline engines. 'DWD7UDQVIHU. Every catalog has to be purchased from the appropriate publisher as a compact disc (CD) or as discs. CEM has a batch-input session.. We recommend that equipment be entered in separate lots according to main group. In this way, you can check and control the data transfer more easily. You can use the Procedure for the BGL [Seite 14] when you import data from the list of construction accessories, material and tools (for example, the “Bauaustattungsliste” or “BAL” in Germany).. CEM catalogs are client-dependent. This means that you can import a different catalog into each different client in the same system. If you want to use the same catalog in more than one client, you have to define in which logical system the original catalog is stored. You can do this under Creating a Catalog [Seite 12]. ,QWHJUDWLRQ. Catalog entries can be entered in CEM BOMs [Seite 24]. They then form the valuation basis for settlement accounting. New catalog entries can also be interpolated [Seite 30] directly in the catalog. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 10.
(11) SAP Online Help. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 12/11/2001. 46C2. 11.
(12) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &UHDWLQJD&DWDORJ 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. If the catalog records are valuated or should have values and you want to use dependencies and interpolate, the classes, class types, characteristics, and dependencies to be used must be created in Customizing or in the Application Menu under /RJLVWLFV→&HQWUDO)XQFWLRQV→&ODVVLILFDWLRQ 6\VWHP. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for CEM under /RJLVWLFV*HQHUDO → &(0→ &(00DVWHU'DWD → &DWDORJV → 3UHUHTXLVLWHVIRU&DWDORJV. You must have a comprehensive knowledge of the classification system if you want to create catalogs that do not reference to existing classes and class types. 3URFHGXUH. Create the catalogs in Customizing for CEM. 1. Choose &(0→0DVWHU'DWD →. &DWDORJV. →. 'HILQH&DWDORJ&RGH. 2. Execute this Customizing activity. (See the system documentation.) 3. Select the catalog that you want to copy. 4. Choose (GLW→ &RS\DV Enter the target catalog and make your changes. 5. Choose (QWHU, save your entries and choose %DFN. 6. Choose Customizing for &(0→ &(00DVWHU'DWD→ &DWDORJV → &DWDORJ&RVWLQJ and execute the 'HILQH)RUPXOD3DUDPHWHUVIRU&RVWLQJand 0DLQWDLQ)RUPXOD'HILQLWLRQVIRU&RVWLQJ Customizing activities. (See the system documentation.) 7. Save your entries. Return to the application menu and add new entries to the catalog (see: Creating an Entry in a Catalog [Seite 19]). 8. Save your entries. 5HVXOW. You have created a new catalog.. ([DPSOHRID1HZ&DWDORJ &DWDORJ. BGLXY. &DWDORJGHVFULSWLRQ. Test catalog. 3XEOLVKHURIFDWDORJ. Test. (GLWLRQ\HDU. 1991. &ODVVW\SH. 600. &ODVV. SAPJ_3GBGL91. 7HPSODWH. NNNN-NNNN-XX. +LHUDUFK\OHYHOV. 1. 7HFKQLFDOVL]HVWDWLVWLFV. 4. +LHUDUFK\OHYHOIRUFDWDORJJURXS. 2. +LHUDUFK\OHYHOIRUFDWDORJJURXS. 3. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 2. 46C2. 3. 4. 5. 12.
(13) SAP Online Help. 3HUFHQW. 12/11/2001. 20.00. 2QO\FDWDORJYDOXHV /RFNDJDLQVWFDWDORJPDLQWHQDQFH &DWDORJXVH. S. ,QGH[VHULHV /RJLFDOV\VWHP. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 13.
(15) 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. For each main equipment group, a standard text processing program should provide a text file with catalog texts and a text file with catalog values, for example, .$77;7.$77;7. 3URFHGXUH. 1. Choose 7RROV→ $%$3:RUNEHQFK→ 'HYHORSPHQW → $%$3(GLWRU from the R/3 initial screen. The $%$3(GLWRU,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter program 6$3&(0%, (equipment values) in the 3URJUDP field. 3. Execute this program. Enter the catalog and the file path where the data to be imported can be found, for example, F?%*/?.$7W[W! on the %DWFK,QSXWIRU&DWDORJV screen. You can also enter a file type.. If you want to update the descriptions that are already in the system or import texts in a further language, set the 2QO\UHDGWH[WV indicator. The catalog values remain unchanged when this indicator is set. 4. Choose ([HFXWH 5. Repeat this procedure for program 6$3&(07(;7 (equipment texts). 5HVXOW. After these programs have been imported, the catalog structure [Seite 17] is available with all its values and texts.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 14.
(17) 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. To directly input a catalog a catalog must be defined in the IMG under 'HILQHFDWDORJFRGH. Catalogs with value assignment characteristics must exist in the catalog class with the associated characteristics and the class or class type must be entered in the above-mentioned IMG activity. The data can be provided by a suitable tool such as EXCEL (for example, in the case of your own catalogs) or by a data preparation program (report /SAPCEM/INPUT_BGL91 for data from BGL91, report /SAPCEM/INPUT_BAL90 for data from BAL90). A file must exist for data transfer and it must have the following attributes:. •. The data is saved in ASCII format and separated by the tabulator in a record (*.txt).. •. There are three data types in a data record: #1. Catalog data. #2. Text data. #3. Characteristic data. •. You must specify data type #1, the others are optional. Within the data type structures the optional data is highlighted. •. Data type #1: One entry exists per data record with the following structure #1 Structure / catalog number ,QWHUSRODWLRQLQGLFDWRU. •. (empty = interpolation, ‘X’ = no interpolation). Data type #2: Any number of entries with the following structure can exist per data record #2 Language indicator (for example D for German, E for English) Catalog text %20WH[W. , only for CEM BOM catalogs. •. In the case of the catalog text this is the descriptive text assigned to the number in the catalog in the catalog structure display. •. In the case of BOM text this is an abbreviated number-in-catalog description that is visible from within the BOM. •. For the actual catalog structure only the catalog text has to be defined It is not necessary to define a catalog structure for a catalog, however it helps for clarity. •. When converting BGL91 the catalog text for catalog entries is either copied from the provided text file or, if not available, from the BOM text. •. In the case of your own CEM BOM catalog you should define catalog entries, catalog text, and BOM text. Entry of a text after the language indicator is viewed as catalog text, subsequent text is BOM text. •. Data type #3: Any number of entries with the following structure can exist per data record #3 Characteristic name Characteristic value. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 15.
(18) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. 3URFHGXUH. 6. Choose 7RROV→ $%$3:RUNEHQFK→ 'HYHORSPHQW → $%$3(GLWRU from the R/3 initial screen. The $%$3(GLWRU,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 7. In the 3URJUDP field enter 6$3&(0,1387B%$/, 6$3&(0,1387B%*/ or 6$3&(0&$7$/2*8(B,1387. 8. Execute the program. The &RS\'DWDIURP&DWDORJ,QSXWscreen appears. 9. Enter the catalog code and the file path on which the data for import is held. Choose an activity mode or copy type (, ,QVHUW0 0RGLI\).. If you set the 7HVWUXQ indicator, the system performs a data test and returns data errors or data information if successful. If you do not set this indicator the data is updated. 10. Choose ([HFXWH 5HVXOW. After importing the program(s) the catalog structure is available in the system.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 16.
(19) SAP Online Help. 'LVSOD\LQJ. 12/11/2001. WKH. &DWDORJ. 6WUXFWXUH. WR. 5HOHDVH. &. ,QFOXVLYH
(21) . 2. Enter a catalog code in the &DWDORJ field. 3. Choose ([HFXWH to display the complete catalog structure. 4. You can display additional information for an entry by double-clicking on it. Choose 9DOXH DVVLJQPHQW to display the characteristic assignment.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 17.
(24) . 6. The &DWDORJ6WUXFWXUH'LVSOD\ZLWK9DOXHVDQG8VDJH screen appears. 7. Enter the catalog code or choose one from the list. 8. Choose (QWHU. 9. The catalog appears on the left in a tree structure. 10. Navigate through the structure to the desired node. You can use the functions ([SDQGDOO and &ROODSVHDOO. Using the function 'HWDLOYLHZ you can branch to the master data of the catalog record. In an equipment group if you want to branch to the next higher level in the hierarchy choose 3UHYLRXVKLHUDUFK\OHYHO. 11. On the top right you can see the existing characteristic value. 12. On the bottom right you can see whether the equipment item is used in another BOM. 13. In this transaction you can change the catalog or number in the catalog.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 18.
(25) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &UHDWLQJDQ(QWU\LQD&DWDORJ 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. At least one CEM Catalog [Seite 12] must exist. Before you can create an entry (number) in the catalog, you must know the following: •. in which CEM catalog you want to create the number. •. whether this number already exists in the catalog. 3URFHGXUH. 1. Choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ 0DVWHU'DWD→ &DWDORJV→ 1XPEHU LQ&DWDORJ→ &UHDWH. 2. The &UHDWH1XPEHULQ&DWDORJ,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 3. Enter a catalog code in the &DWDORJ field. 4. Enter the number you want to create in accordance with the template. 5. Choose (QWHU. 6. Enter a catalog text (the text that you want to appear when the catalog structure is displayed) or a BOM text (text that you want to appear when the BOM is displayed).. You have to set the 1RLQWHUSRODWLRQ indicator if either more than one technical size is required to classify the equipment correctly or when you are defining special equipment or equipment items. For more information, see Interpolation [Seite 30]. If you create a catalog structure and non-valuated equipment you can enter a catalog text but not a BOM text. The indicator 1RLQWHUSRODWLRQ and the function 9DOXDWLRQ do not appear (depending on the Customizing settings under &(0→ 0DVWHU'DWD→ &DWDORJV → 'HILQH&DWDORJ&RGH → 2QO\FWOJYDOXH and &WOJPDLQWEON). 7. Choose 9DOXHDVVLJQPHQW. You can now make the entries you require on the &UHDWH&DWDORJ(QWULHV&KDUDFWHULVWLF 9DOXH$VVLJQPHQW screen.. The values you enter here form the basis for pricing in CEM Settlement [Seite 121]. 8. Choose %DFN and save your entry.. &DWDORJ%*/ 1XPEHULQ&DWDORJIRUH[DPSOH
(30) . CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 19.
(35) . 1.60 %. 5HSDLU DVDQDPRXQW
(36) . 3,870.00 UNI. :HLJKW. 38,580.90 lb. 'HSUHFLDWLRQDQGLQWHUHVW DYHUDJH
(37) . 5 330 UNI. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 20.
(38) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &KDQJLQJDQG'LVSOD\LQJD&DWDORJ(QWU\ 3URFHGXUH &KDQJLQJD&DWDORJ(QWU\. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ &DWDORJV→ 1XPEHULQ&DWDORJ→ &KDQJH.. →. 0DVWHU'DWD. 2. The &KDQJH1XPEHULQ&DWDORJ,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 3. Enter the catalog code and the catalog number that you want to change. 4. Choose ([HFXWH 5. Make your changes. 6. Choose 9DOXHDVVLJQPHQW. A dialog box appears. Choose <HV if you want to change the existing catalog values.. If you want to change a catalog structure or non-valuated equipment you can change the catalog text but not the BOM text. The indicator 1RLQWHUSRODWLRQ and the function 9DOXDWLRQ do not appear (depending on the Customizing settings under &(0→ 0DVWHU 'DWD→ &DWDORJV→ 'HILQH&DWDORJ&RGH → 2QO\FWOJYDOXH and &WOJPDLQWEON). 7. You can change the mode using 'LVSOD\ <-> &KDQJH. 8. Choose %DFN to exit the change screen and save your entry. 'LVSOD\LQJD&DWDORJ(QWU\. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ → &DWDORJV→ 1XPEHULQ&DWDORJ→ 'LVSOD\.. 0DVWHU'DWD. 2. The 'LVSOD\1XPEHULQ&DWDORJ,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 3. Enter the catalog code and the catalog number that you want to display. 4. Double-click on the entry that you want to display and choose &RQWLQXH.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 21.
(39) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &UHDWLQJD0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQWWRWKH&DWDORJ 8VH. You use a material assignment if you want value assignment for materials to take place using CEM Catalogs [Seite 10]. 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. •. The CEM catalog must exist in Customizing for CEM.. •. The materials must have been created.. 3URFHGXUH. 1. Choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ 0DVWHU'DWD→ &DWDORJV → 0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW→&UHDWH. The &UHDWH0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter a material. Choose 2YHUYLHZ if you want to display a list of materials with or without a catalog assignment. You can branch to the material master record by double-clicking on the appropriate material. 3. Enter the material number and the appropriate catalog. You can only enter materials with a material type that has been defined as allowed and entered in Customizing for CEM. 4. Choose (QWHU. 5. Enter the number in the catalog that you would like to assign the material to. 6. Save your entry. A message confirming that the assignment has been created successfully appears at the bottom of the screen.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 22.
(40) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &KDQJLQJ'LVSOD\LQJDQG'HOHWLQJD0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW 3URFHGXUH &KDQJLQJD0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW. 1. Choose /RJLVWLFV→&RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→0DVWHU'DWD→&DWDORJV→ 0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW→&KDQJH. The &KDQJH0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter the material that you want to change the assignment for and choose Enter. 3. Save your entries. 'LVSOD\LQJD0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW. 1. Choose /RJLVWLFV→&RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→0DVWHU'DWD → &DWDORJV → 0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW → 'LVSOD\. The 'LVSOD\0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter a material and choose (QWHU. 'HOHWLQJD0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW. 1. Choose /RJLVWLFV→&RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→0DVWHU'DWD→&DWDORJV→ 0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW→'HOHWH. The 'HOHWH0DWHULDO$VVLJQPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter the material that you want to delete the assignment for. 3. Choose (QWHU. 4. Choose 'HOHWH and then <HV in the confirmation prompt. A message confirming that the assignment has been deleted appears at the bottom of the screen.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 23.
(41) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &(0%LOORI0DWHULDO %20
(42) 'HILQLWLRQ. A CEM bill of material (BOM) is a list of parts (for example, machines, equipment, interchangeable items and attachments) that, together with a description and quantity, forms the CEM Equipment [Seite 32]. The parts are referred to as items. Each item has a value. The cumulated values of the items form the equipment valuation (value assignment for the equipment). 8VH. Any number of CEM BOMs can be assigned to a piece of CEM equipment. However, there can only ever be one active CEM BOM per CEM Catalog [Seite 10]. The value assignment for the active BOM is the total of all the individual BOM items and forms the basis for CEM Settlement [Seite 121]. CEM BOMs are time-dependent. In other words, you can trace which BOM was active with which value when the settlement run took place. 6WUXFWXUH. Übersicht Stückliste 1 Status aktiv Kat.-Nr.. Bezeichnung. 3110-0050 Raupenseilbagger 3110-0050-A1 Fahrwerk. Equipment Equipment Bagger Bagger##4711 4711 Katalog KatalogBGL91 BGL91 Stückliste 2 Status inaktiv Kat.-Nr.. Bezeichnung. 3110-0075 Raupenseilbagger 3110-0075-F1 Winde. Positions-Merkmalsbewertung Abschreibung 8Jahre Mittlerer Neuwert DM 242.000,Reparatur DM 3.870,Abschr.+Verzinsung u. DM 5.080,Positions-Merkmalsbewertung Abschreibung 8Jahre Mittlerer Neuwert DM - 12.100,Reparatur DM 194,Abschr.+Verzinsung u. DM 254,-. Stückliste 3 Status inaktiv Kat.-Nr.. Bezeichnung. 3110-0100 Raupenseilbagger 3110-0100-A1 Fahrwerk 3110-0100-I1 Zusatzballast 3110-0100-P1 Kabinenschutzbelüftung. Aktuelle Equi-Bewertung DM 498.250,Aktuelle Equi-Bewertung DM 393.300,-. Aktive Equi-Bewertung DM 229.900,-. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 24.
(43) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &UHDWLQJD%20 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. You must know the following before you can create a CEM BOM: •. for which equipment master record you want to create the BOM and whether this equipment master record already exists.. •. for which CEM Catalog [Seite 10] you want to create the BOM.. •. as of when you want the BOM to be valid.. 3URFHGXUH. 1. Choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ 0DVWHU'DWD→ &DWDORJV→ %LOORI 0DWHULDO→ &UHDWH. 2. The &UHDWH&(0%20,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 3. Enter an equipment number and the appropriate catalog and choose the number in the catalog from the catalog structure. 4. You can display the catalog entry by double clicking on it. 5. Select the entry and choose &KRRVHHQWU\ to copy the catalog entry to the entry screen. 6. Enter the date as of which you want the BOM to be valid in the 9DOLGIURP field. The date cannot be before the date in the (TXL6JPQWVIURPfield.. The catalog number that you have chosen is automatically copied as the first item in the BOM. 7. Enter all the additional items that you want the equipment to consist of. 8. If a catalog number does not exist, a dialog box will appear and you will have to decide whether you would like to add this number to the catalog or whether you want to interpolate [Seite 30]. How the system reacts depends on the Customizing settings for the indicators 2QO\FWOJYDOXH and &WOJ PDLQWEON in &(0→ 0DVWHU'DWD→ &DWDORJV→ 'HILQH&DWDORJ&RGH. Choose 1R (,QWHUSRODWLRQ) if you want this number to be interpolated for this BOM only. If interpolation is not possible you must perform manual classification. Choose <HV if you want to add this number to the catalog. You branch to transaction J3GK01 (Create Number in Catalog). 9. Enter a structure text and a BOM text and select 1RLQWHUSRODWLRQ if the equipment has more than one technical size or when you are dealing with a special piece of equipment. 10. Choose 9DOXHDVVLJQPHQW to branch to a view for entering characteristic value assignments. 11. Enter the appropriate values. 12. Choose %DFN and save your entries. 13. Choose ([HFXWH The system writes a default value into the fields for the quantity and the description/short text. If necessary, you can change these values. 14. Choose 6DYHDQGDFWLYDWH. If an active BOM already exists, a dialog box appears. If you wish, you can then deactivate the active BOM. If you save (without activating), this dialog box does not appear.. You cannot activate BOMs with items or a 9DOLGIURP date in the future. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 25.
(44) SAP Online Help. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 12/11/2001. 46C2. 26.
(45) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &KDQJLQJDQG'LVSOD\LQJD%20 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. •. You can only change BOM items for which the 9DOLGWR date lies in the future.. •. You can change quantities and short descriptions, and you can add and delete items.. •. You can change the value assignment of existing items.. 3URFHGXUH &KDQJLQJD%20. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ &DWDORJV→ %LOORI0DWHULDO → &KDQJH.. →. 0DVWHU'DWD. 2. The &KDQJH&(0%20,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 3. Enter at least the (TXLSPHQW number and the appropriate CEM FDWDORJ and choose 2YHUYLHZ. A screen displaying an overview of all CEM BOMs that exist for this equipment appears. 4. Choose ([HFXWH 5. You can choose an entry by double-clicking on it. 6. Choose ([HFXWH 7. If you want to add an item, place the cursor in the next available item line. If you want to delete an item, select it and choose 'HOHWH. In a CEM BOM an item can already be completed (depending on the settings completed items have a different color). This means that you can display this item but you can no longer make any changes to it. 8. Choose either 6DYH or 6DYHDQG$FWLYDWH. 'LVSOD\LQJD%20. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ &DWDORJV→ %LOORI0DWHULDO → &KDQJH.. →. 0DVWHU'DWD. 2. The 'LVSOD\&(0%20,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 3. Enter an equipment number and the appropriate catalog code and choose $FWLYH%20 to display the BOM that is currently active. If you just enter an equipment number (and do not enter a catalog code) and choose $FWLYH %20, a dialog box appears, provided that more than one CEM catalog exists. Choose the appropriate CEM catalog by double-clicking on it. 4. If you want to display the value assignment for a specific item, select this item and choose 9DOXH DVVLJQPHQWIRULWHP. 5. If you want to display the value assignment for the active equipment BOM, choose 9DOXH DVVLJQPHQW±DFWLYH%20IRUHTXLSPHQW. 6. If you want to display the value assignment for the BOM item that is currently displayed, choose 9DOXHDVVLJQPHQW%20IRUHTXLFXUUHQWO\GLVSOD\HG.. The values assigned to the DFWLYHBOM for the equipment may be the same as the values assigned to the equipment BOM that is FXUUHQWO\GLVSOD\HG. This is the case when the BOM that is currently being displayed is the active BOM.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 27.
(46) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. If you choose a BOM using the 2YHUYLHZ function, you can enter a date in the ,WHPVIURP field to display the items that are contained in the BOM on this key date. On the initial screen if you choose Active BOM you branch to the BOM display (Displaying a BOM [Seite 29]). The selection fields (TXLSPHQW, &DWDORJ, 1XPEHULQFDWDORJ, 1XPEHU, .H\GDWH cannot be input.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 28.
(47) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. 'LVSOD\LQJWKH%20 IURP5HOHDVH&,QFOXVLYH
(48) 3URFHGXUH. If you want to display a BOM proceed as follows: 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ 0DVWHU'DWD→ &DWDORJV→ %LOORI0DWHULDO→ 'LVSOD\ 1HZ
(49) or enter transaction 16$3&(06+2:B%20. 2. The %LOORI0DWHULDO'LVSOD\ screen appears. 3. On the initial screen enter an equipment number, CEM catalog and the number in the catalog and choose (QWHU. 4. At the top you see the actual BOM data and the associated item, bottom left you see the total evaluation of the BOM and bottom right the evaluation of the selected item. 5. You have a variety of standard display and sort functions and you can change the BOM within the transaction.. You branch to this transaction if you choose the &(0%20 function in the equipment master record.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 29.
(50) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. ,QWHUSRODWLRQ 8VH. Interpolation offers you the possibility of referencing to an equipment number in a CEM BOM [Seite 24] or in a CEM Catalog [Seite 10] when this number does QRW actually exist, as such, in the CEM catalog. The interpolated catalog values are derived from the catalog items situated above and below the equipment number you wish to interpolate and are used to calculate values for the new items. You have two options as far as interpolation is concerned. One the one hand, you can interpolate when you enter the CEM BOM. This interpolation is then only valid for this one BOM. On the other hand, you can interpolate an entry directly in the CEM catalog. This makes a permanent change to the CEM catalog. You can also use interpolation to change existing catalog values. You can only interpolate if the catalog item that is to be interpolated lies between two existing adjacent equipment sizes (technical statistics). The average value when new, monthly repair costs and monthly depreciation and interest rate can then be determined with sufficient exactness. 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. The number logic for the numbers in the catalog has to be subject to encoding. ([DPSOHRI,QWHUSRODWLRQ ([LVWLQJFDWDORJQXPEHU &DWDORJQXPEHU. &KDUDFWHULVWLF. 3110-0050. Average value when new: 242 000 DM Monthly depreciation and interest, lower value 5 080 DM Monthly repair costs 3 870 DM. ,QWHUSRODWHGFDWDORJQXPEHU &DWDORJQXPEHU. &KDUDFWHULVWLF. 3110-0060. Average value when new: 297.200 DM Monthly depreciation and interest, lower value 6 240 DM Monthly repair costs 4 760 DM. ([LVWLQJFDWDORJQXPEHU &DWDORJQXPEHU. &KDUDFWHULVWLF. 3110-0075. Average value when new: 380.000 DM Monthly depreciation and interest, lower value 7.220 DM Monthly repair costs 5.320 DM. ([DPSOH:LWK7ZR,QWHUSRODWLRQV ([LVWLQJFDWDORJQXPEHUV &DWDORJQXPEHU. &KDUDFWHULVWLF. 3110-0220. Average value when new: 100 000 DM. 3110-0280. Average value when new: 200 000 DM. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 30.
(51) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. )LUVWLQWHUSRODWLRQIRUFDWDORJQXPEHU. Calculation formula: difference of 100 000 DM x 4/ + 100 000 DM = average value when new of 106 670 DM) &DWDORJQXPEHU. &KDUDFWHULVWLF. 3110-0220. Average value when new: 100.000 DM. 3110-0224. Average value when new: 106.670 DM. 3110-0280. Average value when new: 200 000 DM. 6HFRQGLQWHUSRODWLRQIRUFDWDORJQXPEHU. Calculation formula: difference of 93 330 DM x 26/ + 106 670 DM = average value when new of 150 000 DM) &DWDORJQXPEHU. &KDUDFWHULVWLF. 3110-0224. Average value when new: 106 670 DM. 3110-0250. Average value when new: 150 000 DM. 3110-0280. Average value when new: 200 000 DM. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 31.
(52) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &(0(TXLSPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ. CEM equipment encompasses objects such as vehicles, equipment, machinery, scaffolding, shuttering and tools that have to be sent and managed. These objects can belong to all branches of industry.. Engineering, construction, aircraft and road traffic objects and so on. 8VH. Equipment can be classified as Performance-Based Equipment or Time-Based Equipment [Seite 84] .. Generally speaking, pieces of equipment that are expensive and managed in asset accounting are defined and managed as equipment items. Bulk products and less expensive equipment are defined and managed as multipart equipment. Once defined, you should not try to alter the above-mentioned definitions for equipment since any changes that you make may have a negative effect on CEM-Settlement [Seite 121] (multipart equipment Å equipment item). Create an equipment master record if: •. you want to add equipment to stock for the first time.. •. you want to manage CEM-specific data for the equipment.. You can perform the following activities for equipment: •. send it directly from a warehouse/storage location to a usage site (construction site). This is referred to as an acquisition.. •. send it from usage site to usage site.. •. change the activity type of the equipment (equipment remains on the same usage site).. •. withdraw the equipment from usage (retirement). You may want to do this, for example, if the equipment is sold, if the rental agreement has expired or if the equipment is scrapped.. The commissioning time of equipment at one usage site is documented using Shipping and Performance-Based Equipment Documents [Seite 83]. 6WUXFWXUH. The equipment master record contains several types of data: •. General data Fixed, time-independent data that tends not to change with time, for example, equipment category or equipment type.. •. CEM-Specific Data Time-dependent data that can change throughout the period of time that the equipment is in use, for example, owner or administrator, the PM order (that acts as cost collector or account assignment object for the equipment). If you want the historical data to be updated, you have to make the appropriate Customizing settings under 3ODQW0DLQWHQDQFHDQG&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH→0DVWHU'DWDLQ3ODQW0DLQWHQDQFH DQG&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH→7HFKQLFDO2EMHFWV→(TXLSPHQW→(TXLSPHQW8VDJH3HULRG → 8VDJH+LVWRU\8SGDWH and 'HILQH+LVWRU\5HODWHG)LHOGV or under 3ODQW0DLQWHQDQFH→ (TXLSPHQWDQG7HFKQLFDO2EMHFWV→ 7HFKQLFDO2EMHFWV→(TXLSPHQW→ (TXLSPHQW8VDJH 3HULRG→ 8VDJHKLVWRU\XSGDWHDQG'HILQHKLVWRU\UHOHYDQWILHOGV.. •. Assignment of CEM BOMs [Seite 25].. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 32.
(53) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. •. Assignment of Insurance Data [Seite 43].. •. Assignment of Packages [Seite 44].. •. Assignment to Planning [Seite 66] using classification.. •. Storage of master operators (partner roles).. ,QWHJUDWLRQ. If you want to be able to create equipment, the Owner/Administrator [Seite 57] and the Owner/Administrator Relationship [Seite 58] must have been defined in Customizing. If the owner and the administrator are the same, you do not need to define a relationship. You can use workflows to minimize the amount of time and effort you have to spend on maintaining equipment master data. For further information, please see the IMG for CEM under /RJLVWLFV*HQHUDO → &(0→ &(00DVWHU'DWD→ :RUNIORZ,QWHJUDWLRQ),$$&(0. For further information on equipment in the standard R/3 System, please see Equipment [Extern].. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 33.
(54) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &UHDWLQJ(TXLSPHQW 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. Before you can create equipment, you must know the following: •. whether you are dealing with an equipment item or multipart equipment.. •. whether you are dealing with Performance-Based or Time-Based Equipment [Seite 84].. •. for which document categories the equipment is allowed.. •. whether the equipment has been bought or whether it is being rented.. •. whether the equipment is to be managed centrally or decentrally (CEM Planning [Seite 66]).. •. whether loading and unloading costs or provision fees are to be charged for the equipment.. 3URFHGXUH. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ (TXLSPHQW→ &UHDWH.. →. 0DVWHU'DWD. 2. The &UHDWH(TXLSPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 3. If external number assignment has been set in Customizing, enter an equipment number here. If internal number assignment has been set in Customizing, a dummy is used as default in the views that follow. An internal number then replaces this dummy when you save the master record. 4. Enter the date on which you are creating the equipment in the 9DOLGRQ field. If you want to enter shipping documents and performance-based equipment (PBE) documents for the equipment in retrospect, you must back-date the equipment number accordingly, otherwise you will not be able to enter any documents (see: Document Entry [Seite 83]).. You can enter a user-specific validity date on the tabstrip 3DUDPHWHUV under 7RROV → $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ→ 8VHU0DLQWHQDQFH→ 8VHUV. Enter the parameter ID from the F1 help of the appropriate data field in the 3DUDcolumn and the value that you want to appear as default in the form YYYYMMDD in the 9DOX column. 5. Enter an equipment category. The equipment category controls which views and entry screens appear in the equipment master record. In Customizing for CEM, check which equipment category is specific to CEM. 6. If you want to use another equipment as a template to copy from when you create the new equipment, enter the equipment number of the equipment you want to copy from in the (TXLSPHQW field in the area of the screen entitled 5HIHUHQFH. 7. Choose (QWHU. A dialog box appears from which you can choose which data you want to be copied from the template equipment to the new equipment. Choose(QWHU. The &UHDWH(TXLSPHQW*HQHUDO'DWDscreen appears. 8. Make the necessary entries on this screen.. You do not have to enter an HTXLSPHQWW\SH or REMHFWW\SH but we recommend that you do so since the equipment type has a central control function and exerts an influence on pricing. 9. Choose the &(0GDWD view. You must enter an owner/administrator [Seite 59].. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 34.
(55) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. Open a second session and create a PM order with the order type for owner (PM order) or administrator (PM order) in the 3ODQW0DLQWHQDQFH application component (Creation of an Order [Extern]). Enter this owner order/administrator order as the account assignment object (cost collector) in the 30RUGHURZQHU or 30RUGHUDGPLQ field on the &(0GDWD tab page in the equipment master record. The /HDVLQJW\SH field is filled in accordance with the settings for the Owner/Administrator Relationship [Seite 58] in Customizing. However, you can change it, if necessary. You can link to workflows (SAP Business Workflow) to minimize the amount of time you have to spend on maintenance tasks when you create master records. For more information, see Customizing for CEM under 0DVWHU'DWD→ :RUNIORZ,QWHJUDWLRQ),$$&(0. 10. Enter the control parameters as required. 11. On the screen area 3ODQQLQJGDWD in the field 3ODQQLQJ*URXS you can define the assignment planning group <-> equipment from the equipment master record. 12. On the screen area 6HWWOHPHQW7\SH only the indicators :LWK6KLS'RF and :LWK3%('RFhave an effect in the new settlement logic.. If you set the indicator :LWK6KLS'RF you can determine that equipment is only settled by commissioning or on the basis of shipping documents. If you set the indicator :LWK3%( 'RF you can determine that equipment is only settled by activity or on the basis of performance-based equipment (PBE) documents. If you set both indicators you can settle equipment on the basis of its shipping documents and PBE documents. If you do not set either of the indicators the equipment is not settled. 13. Using the menu path ([WUDV→ &(0 you can go to a list of shipping documents and PBE documents and a list of the total equipment costs. 14. If you double-click (or press F2) in the field &XUUHQWORFWQ you can go to the corresponding shipping document. 15. Create an actual or calculated measuring point for the equipment by choosing ([WUDV→ 0HDVXULQJSRLQWVFRXQWHUV. This measuring point is used in accordance with the settings in Customizing when you create performance-based equipment documents (see: Entering a PBE Document [Seite 108]). Ensure that the 7 (transfer measurement reading) and &RXQWHU indicators are flagged. You can find further information under Entering Measurement and Counter Readings [Extern]. 16. Choose %DFN. 17. Choose 3DUWQHUV if you want to enter the partner function and personnel number of the operator who is responsible for the equipment. A default value is entered for this partner in accordance with settings in the Requisition Note [Seite 67] (planning) but you can change this value if you wish. 18. Save the master record. A message confirming that the equipment/equipment number has been created appears at the bottom of the screen.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 35.
(56) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &KDQJLQJDQG'LVSOD\LQJ(TXLSPHQW 3URFHGXUH &KDQJLQJ(TXLSPHQW. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ (TXLSPHQW → &KDQJH.. →. 0DVWHU'DWD. The &KDQJH(TXLSPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter the (TXLSPHQWQXPEHU and choose (QWHU. The &KDQJH(TXLSPHQW*HQHUDO'DWDscreen appears. 3. Make all the necessary changes. If you want to make further changes, choose the appropriate tab page. 4. Choose (GLW→ &KDQJHFDWHJRU\ if you want to change the equipment category. You can also change the maintenance plant by choosing (GLW → &KDQJHPDLQWHQDQFHSODQW and the views that are displayed by choosing (GLW → 9LHZVHOHFWLRQ A message informing you of differences in the two types may appear. Be aware of the effects that these changes have on other functions! 5. If you want to change the 9DOLGIURP date for equipment in retrospect, start report 6$3&(0&+$1*(B(48,B'$7(by choosing 6\VWHP→ 6HUYLFHV→ 5HSRUWLQJ.. Be aware of the effects that these changes have on other functions! 6. You can display any Packages [Seite 44] that have been created for the equipment under ([WUDV → &(0→ (TXLSPHQW3DFNDJH. Likewise, you can choose ([WUDV → &(0 → 8VHGLQSDFNDJH to display the packages in which this equipment has been included. 7. Save your changes. A message confirming that the equipment/equipment number has been changed appears at the bottom of the screen. 'LVSOD\LQJ(TXLSPHQW. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ (TXLSPHQW → 'LVSOD\.. →. 0DVWHU'DWD. The 'LVSOD\(TXLSPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter an equipment number and choose (QWHU. The 'LVSOD\(TXLSPHQW*HQHUDO'DWDscreen appears. You can display further information for the equipment using the menu bar and the function keys.. If necessary, you can branch to the change mode from the display mode. To do this, on the 'LVSOD\(TXLSPHQW,QLWLDO6FUHHQ screen choose (TXLSPHQW→ 'LVSOD\→&KDQJH. 3. The &XUUHQWORFWQ field displays the current usage site for equipment items. This field remains empty for multipart equipment since there may be several usage sites. You can display all the usage sites in list form by choosing /RJLVWLFV→&RQVWUXFWLRQ (TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ 7UDQVDFWLRQ'DWD→ (QYLURQPHQW→&XUUHQW6WRFN→ (TXLSPHQW 6WRFNor+LVWRULFDO6WRFN→ (TXLSPHQW6WRFN.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 36.
(57) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. The 6WRFN/LVW³&XUUHQW6WRFN´ displays which equipment and materials, for example, in which quantity and with which unit of measure and activity type are on which usage site. It does not, however, tell you since when the equipment has been on the usage site or with which shipping document the equipment was sent. You can display information of this nature using the 6WRFN/LVW³+LVWRULFDO6WRFN´.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 37.
(58) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. )ODJJLQJ(TXLSPHQWIRU'HOHWLRQ 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. You should be aware of all the effects and repercussions of deleting equipment before you flag equipment for deletion. For further information, please see: Deletion Flag for Master Records [Extern]. 3URFHGXUH 6HWWLQJWKH'HOHWLRQ)ODJ. 1. Access the equipment master record in change mode. 2. Choose (TXLSPHQW→)XQFWLRQV→'HOHWLRQIODJ→6HW. The system sets the 'HOHWLRQIODJ status for this equipment master record. 3. Save the master record. &DQFHOOLQJWKH'HOHWLRQ)ODJ. 1. Access the equipment master record in change mode. 2. Choose (TXLSPHQW→)XQFWLRQV→'HOHWLRQIODJ→5HVHW. The system cancels the 'HOHWLRQIODJ status for this equipment master record. 3. Save the master record. You can find further information about archiving equipment data under CA - Archiving and Deleting Application Data [Extern].. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 38.
(59) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. (TXLSPHQW$FWLYDWLRQDQG'HDFWLYDWLRQ 8VH. You use this function if equipment has been sold or scrapped, but you nevertheless wish to retain the master data in the system (for example, for statistical reasons). )HDWXUHV. You can activate or deactivate equipment at any time you like. Generally speaking, if you inactivate a master record you can still maintain the master data but you can no longer enter any new transaction data for the equipment.. You can no longer enter any new shipping documents or performance-based equipment documents. However, you can still create a CEM BOM for this equipment (see: Creating a CEM BOM [Seite 25]) and activate it. SD orders can still be created for the Shipping and Performance-Based Equipment Documents [Seite 83] and then also be included in the settlement run.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 39.
(60) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. $FWLYDWLQJDQG'HDFWLYDWLQJ(TXLSPHQW 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. Before you deactivate equipment, you should be aware of the effects and repercussions of your actions. 3URFHGXUH 'HDFWLYDWLQJ(TXLSPHQW. Perform the following three steps if you wish to deactivate equipment: 1. Access the equipment master record in change mode. 2. Choose (TXLSPHQW→)XQFWLRQV→$FWLYH!,QDFWLYH→'HDFWLYDWH. The system sets the 2EMHFWLQDFWLYH status. 3. Save the master record. $FWLYDWLQJ(TXLSPHQW. Perform the following three steps if you wish to activate equipment: 1. Access the equipment master record in change mode. 2. Choose (TXLSPHQW→)XQFWLRQV→$FWLYH!,QDFWLYH→$FWLYDWH. The system cancels the 2EMHFWLQDFWLYH status. 3. Save the master record.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 40.
(61) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. $VVLJQLQJ(TXLSPHQWWRDQ$VVHW 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. The asset must have been created in a company code under $FFRXQWLQJ→ )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ→ )L[HG$VVHWV→ $VVHW→ &UHDWHbefore you can reference to it in the equipment master record. 3URFHGXUH. 1. Access the equipment master record in change mode. To do this, choose /RJLVWLFV→ &RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→ 0DVWHU'DWD→ (TXLSPHQW→ &KDQJH from the R/3 initial screen. 2. Enter the equipment number and choose /RFDWLRQGDWD. 3. On the /RFDWLRQ tab page under $FFRXQWDVVLJQPHQW, enter the appropriate asset number (main or sub-number) and the company code.. You can link to workflows (SAP Business Workflow) to minimize the amount of time you have to spend on maintenance tasks when you create master records. For further information, please see: Customizing for CEM under &(00DVWHU'DWD→ :RUNIORZ,QWHJUDWLRQ),$$ &(0.. 4. Save your changes. A message confirming that the equipment/equipment number has been changed appears at the bottom of the screen.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 41.
(62) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. ,QVXUDQFH'DWD 8VH. You can store any amount of insurance data for equipment, for example, vehicle tax, vehicle insurance, insurance against fire. ,QWHJUDWLRQ. You can maintain a link to standard FI (financial accounting) using recurring entry documents. 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. The equipment must exist as a master record.. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 42.
(63) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. &UHDWLQJ&KDQJLQJDQG'LVSOD\LQJ,QVXUDQFH'DWD 3UHUHTXLVLWHV. The equipment must exist in a master record. 3URFHGXUH &UHDWLQJ,QVXUDQFH'DWD. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→&RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→0DVWHU'DWD → (TXLSPHQW→ ,QVXUDQFH'DWD→ &UHDWH. The &UHDWH7D[,QVXUDQFH'DWD,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. On the initial screen enter an equipment number, insurance type and registration date and choose (QWHU. 3. Enter the required data on the detail screen. 4. Choose 5HFXUULQJGRFXPHQW. You can then enter the appropriate recurring document for the transaction here. If you wish to display recurring documents in the financial accounting module (FI), choose /RJLVWLFV→ )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ→ *HQHUDO/HGJHU→ 'RFXPHQW→ 5HIHUHQFH GRFXPHQWV→ 5HFXUULQJGRFXPHQW→ 'LVSOD\. 5. Save the master record. A message appears at the bottom of the screen confirming that the data for equipment/equipment number has been saved. &KDQJLQJ,QVXUDQFH'DWD. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→&RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→0DVWHU'DWD → (TXLSPHQW→ ,QVXUDQFH'DWD→ &KDQJH. The &KDQJH7D[,QVXUDQFH'DWD,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter an equipment number, insurance type and registration date and choose (QWHU. 3. Make your changes. 4. Save your entry. 'LVSOD\LQJ,QVXUDQFH'DWD. 1. On the initial screen choose /RJLVWLFV→&RQVWUXFWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW→0DVWHU'DWD → (TXLSPHQW→ ,QVXUDQFH'DWD→ 'LVSOD\. The 'LVSOD\7D[,QVXUDQFH'DWD,QLWLDO6FUHHQ appears. 2. Enter an equipment number and insurance type on the 'LVSOD\7D[,QVXUDQFH'DWD,QLWLDO6FUHHQ and find the appropriate registration date using F4 help (matchcode).. CEM - Construction Equipment Management. 46C2. 43.
(64) SAP Online Help. 12/11/2001. 3DFNDJH 'HILQLWLRQ. A Shipping Package [Seite 46] is a list of Equipment [Seite 32] and/or materials. A Settlement Package [Seite 51] is a list of equipment that is always sent and settled in its entirety. Amongst other things, it serves to allocate costs to different equipment (objects). 6WUXFWXUH. Z\[]_^a`]cbT^adfeM^agf]. 6KLSSLQJGRFXPHQW.
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