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Latent Multi-Task Architecture Learning


Academic year: 2020

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The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19)

Latent Multi-Task Architecture Learning

Sebastian Ruder,


Joachim Bingel,


Isabelle Augenstein,


Anders Søgaard

3 1Insight Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway

2Aylien Ltd., Dublin, Ireland

3Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark sebastian@ruder.io,{bingel|augenstein|soegaard}@di.ku.dk


Multi-task learning (MTL) allows deep neural networks to learn from related tasks by sharing parameters with other networks. In practice, however, MTL involves searching an enormous space of possible parameter sharing architectures to find (a) the layers or subspaces that benefit from sharing, (b) the appropriate amount of sharing, and (c) the appropriate relative weights of the different task losses. Recent work has addressed each of the above problems in isolation. In this work we present an approach that learns alatentmulti-task archi-tecture that jointly addresses (a)–(c). We present experiments on synthetic data and data from OntoNotes 5.0, including four different tasks and seven different domains. Our extension consistently outperforms previous approaches to learning la-tent architectures for multi-task problems and achieves up to 15% average error reductions over common approaches to MTL.


Multi-task learning (MTL) in deep neural networks is typ-ically a result of parameter sharing between two networks (of usually the same dimensions) (Caruana 1993). If you have two three-layered, recurrent neural networks, both with an embedding inner layer and each recurrent layer feeding the task-specific classifier function through a feed-forward neural network, we have 19 pairs of layers that could share parameters. With the option of having private spaces, this gives us519 =19,073,486,328,125 possible MTL architec-tures. If we additionally consider soft sharing of parameters, the number of possible architectures grows infinite. It is ob-viously not feasible to search this space. Neural architecture search (NAS) (Zoph and Le 2017) typically requires learning from a large pool of experiments with different architec-tures. Searching for multi-task architectures via reinforce-ment learning (Wong and Gesmundo 2018) or evolutionary approaches (Liang, Meyerson, and Miikkulainen 2018) can therefore be quite expensive. In this paper, wejointlylearn a

latentmulti-task architecture and task-specific models, pay-ing a minimal computational cost over spay-ingle task learnpay-ing and standard multi-task learning (5-7% training time). We refer to this problem asmulti-task architecture learning. In contrast to architecturesearch, the overall meta-architecture

Copyright c2019, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.

is fixed and the model learns the optimal latent connections and pathways for each task. Recently, a few authors have con-sidered multi-task architecture learning (Misra et al. 2016; Meyerson and Miikkulainen 2018), but these papers only address a subspace of the possible architectures typically considered in neural multi-task learning, while other ap-proaches at most consider a couple of architectures for shar-ing (Søgaard and Goldberg 2016; Peng and Dredze 2016; Mart´ınez Alonso and Plank 2017). In contrast, we introduce a framework that unifies previous approaches by introducing trainable parameters for all the components that differentiate multi-task learning approaches along the above dimensions.

Contributions We present a novel meta-architecture (shown in Figure 1) that generalizes several previous multi-task architectures, with an application to sequence tagging problems. Our meta-architecture enables multi-task architec-ture learning, i.e., learning (a) what layers to share between deep recurrent neural networks, but also (b) which parts of those layers to share, and with what strength, as well as (c) a mixture model of skip connections at the architecture’s outer layer. We show that the architecture is a generalization of var-ious multi-task (Caruana 1998; Søgaard and Goldberg 2016; Misra et al. 2016) and transfer learning algorithms (Daum´e III 2007). We evaluate it on four tasks and across seven do-mains on OntoNotes 5.0 (Weischedel et al. 2013), where it consistently outperforms previous work on multi-task ar-chitecture learning, as well as common MTL approaches. Moreover, we study the task properties that predict gains and those that correlate with learning certain types of sharing.


Figure 1: A sluice meta-network with one main taskAand one auxiliary taskB. It consists of a shared input layer (bot-tom), two task-specific output layers (top), and three hidden layers per task, each partitioned into two subspacesGthat are enforced to be orthogonal.αparameters control which subspaces are shared between main and auxiliary task, while

βparameters control which layer outputs are used for predic-tion. For simplicity, we do not index layers and subspaces. With two subspaces, each block αAA, αBA, . . . ∈ R2×2.

With three layers,βA, βB ∈R3.

The two networksAandBshare an embedding layer asso-ciating the elements of an input sequence, in our case English words, with vector representations via word and character embeddings. The two sequences of vectors are then passed on to their respective inner recurrent layers. Each layer is divided into subspaces (by splitting the matrices in half), e.g., for networkAintoGA,1andGA,2, which allow the sluice network to learn task-specific and shared representations, if beneficial. The subspaces have different weights.

The output of the inner layer of networkAis then passed to its second layer, as well as to the second layer of network

B. This traffic of information is mediated by a set ofαand

βparameters similar to the way a sluice controls the flow of water. Specifically, the second layer of each network receives a combination of the output of the two inner layers weighted by theαparameters. Importantly, these αparameters are trainable and allow the model to learn whether to share or to focus on task-specific features in a subspace. Finally, a weighted combination of the outputs of the outer recurrent layers G·,3,· as well as the weighted outputs of the inner layers are mediated throughβ parameters, which reflect a mixture over the representations at various depths of the multi-task architecture. In sum, sluice networks have the capacity to learn what layers and subspaces should be shared, and how much, as well as at what layers the meta-network has learned the best representations of the input sequences.

Matrix Regularization We cast learning what to share as amatrix regularizationproblem, following (Jacob et al. 2009; Yang and Hospedales 2017). AssumeM different tasks that are loosely related, with M potentially non-overlapping

datasetsD1, . . . ,DM. Each task is associated with a deep neural network with K layers L1, . . . LK. For simplicity, we assume that all the deep networks have the same hyper-parameters at the outset. LetW ∈ RM×D be a matrix in

which each row i corresponds to a model θi with D pa-rameters. The loss that sluice networks minimize, with a penalty termΩ, is then as follows:λ1L1(f(x;θ1), y1) +. . .+

λMLM(f(x;θM), yM) + Ω. The loss functionsLiare cross-entropy functions of the form−P

yp(y) logq(y)whereyi are the labels of taski. Note that sluice networks are not restricted to tasks with the same loss functions, but could also be applied to jointly learn regression and classification tasks. The weightsλidetermine the importance of the dif-ferent tasks during training. Weexplicitlyadd inductive bias to the model via the regularizerΩbelow, but our model also

implicitlylearns regularization through multi-task learning (Caruana 1993) mediated by theαparameters, while theβ

parameters are used to learn the mixture functionsf(·), as detailed in the following.

Learning Matrix Regularizers We now explain how up-datingαparameters can lead to different matrix regularizers. Each matrixW consists ofM rows whereM is the number of tasks. Each row is of lengthDwithDthe number of model parameters. SubvectorsLm,kcorrespond to the parameters of networkmat layerk. Each layer consists of two subspaces with parametersGm,k,1andGm,k,2. Our meta-architecture is partly motivated by the observation that for loosely related tasks, it is often beneficial if only certain features in specific layers are shared, while many of the layers and subspaces remain more task-specific (Søgaard and Goldberg 2016). We want to learn what to share while inducing models for the different tasks. For simplicity, we ignore subspaces at first and assume only two tasksAandB. The outputshA,k,tand

hB,k,tof thek-th layer for time steptfor taskAandB re-spectively interact through theαparameters (see Figure 1). Omittingtfor simplicity, the output of theαlayers is:







hA,k>, hB,k>


whereehA,kis a linear combination of the outputs that is fed to thek+1-th layer of taskA, anda>, b>

designates the stacking of two vectorsa, b∈RDto a matrixM ∈R2×D.

Subspaces (Virtanen, Klami, and Kaski 2011; Bousmalis et al. 2016) should allow the model to focus on task-specific and shared features in different parts of its parameter space. Extending theα-layers to include subspaces, for 2 tasks and 2 subspaces, we obtain anαmatrix∈ R4×4that not only

controls the interaction between the layers of both tasks, but also between their subspaces:

  e


.. .


hB2,k 


 

αA1A1 . . . αB2A1


. . .. ...

αA1B2 . . . αB2B2

 


>, . . . , h




wherehA1,kis the output of the first subspace of thek-th

layer of taskAandehA1,k is the linear combination for the

first subspace of taskA. The input to thek+ 1-th layer of taskAis then the concatenation of both subspace outputs:


ehA1,k, ehA2,k

. Differentαweights correspond to different matrix regularizersΩ, including several ones that have been proposed previously for multi-task learning. We review those in Section 3. For now just observe that if all

α-values are set to 0.25 (or any other constant), we obtain hard parameter sharing (Caruana 1993), which is equivalent to a heavyL0matrix regularizer.

Adding Inductive Bias Naturally, we can also add ex-plicit inductive bias to sluice networks by partially con-straining the regularizer or adding to the learned penalty. Inspired by work on shared-space component analysis (Salz-mann et al. 2010), we add a penalty to enforce a division of labor and discourage redundancy between shared and task-specific subspaces. While the networks can theoret-ically learn such a separation, an explicit constraint em-pirically leads to better results and enables the sluice net-works to take better advantage of subspace-specificα-values. We introduce an orthogonality constraint (Bousmalis et al. 2016) between the layer-wise subspaces of each model:

Ω = PM



k=1kGm,k,1>Gm,k,2k2F, where M is the number of tasks,K is the number of layers,k · k2

F is the squared Frobenius norm, andGm,k,1andGm,k,2are the first and second subspace respectively in the k-th layer of the

m-th task model.

Learning Mixtures Many tasks form an implicit hierarchy of low-level to more complex tasks, with intuitive synergies between the low-level tasks andparts ofthe complex tasks. Rather than hard-coding this structure (Søgaard and Gold-berg 2016; Hashimoto et al. 2017), we enable our model to learn hierarchical relations by associating different tasks with different layers if this is beneficial for learning. Inspired by advances in residual learning (He et al. 2016), we employ skip-connections from each layer, controlled usingβ param-eters. This layer acts as a mixture model, returning a mixture of expert predictions:

eh>A= "β


· · ·



hA,1>, . . . hA,k>


wherehA,kis the output of layerkof modelA, whileehA,t is the linear combination of all layer outputs of modelAthat is fed into the final softmax layer.

Complexity Our model only adds a minimal number of additional parameters compared to single-task models of the same architecture. In our experiments, we addαparameters between all task networks. As such, they scale linearly with the number of layers and quadratically with the number of tasks and subspaces, whileβparameters scale linearly with the number of tasks and the number of layers. For a sluice network withM tasks,Klayers per task, and 2 subspaces

per layer, we thus obtain4KM2additionalαparameters and

KM β parameters. Training sluice networks is not much slower than training hard parameter sharing networks, with only a 5–7% increase in training time.

Prior Work as Instances of Sluice Networks

Our meta-architecture is very flexible and can be seen as a generalization over several existing algorithms for transfer and multi-task learning, including (Caruana 1998; Daum´e III 2007; Søgaard and Goldberg 2016; Misra et al. 2016). We show how to derive each of these below.

• Hard parameter sharingbetween the two networks ap-pears if allαvalues are set to the same constant (Caru-ana 1998; Collobert and Weston 2008). This is equivalent to a mean-constrained`0-regularizerΩ(·) = | · |w¯i

0 and


iλiLi <1. Since the penalty for not sharing a parame-ter is 1, it holds that if the sum of weighted losses is smaller than 1, the loss with penalty is always the highest when all parameters are shared.

• The`1/`2group lassoregularizer isPGg=1||G1,i,g||2, a weighted sum over the`2norms of the groups, often used to enforce subspace sharing (Zhou, Jin, and Hoi 2010; ´Swirszcz and Lozano 2012). Our architecture learns a

`1/`2group lasso over the two subspaces (with the same degrees of freedom), when allαABandαBA-values are set to 0. When the outer layerα-values are not shared, we get block communication between the networks.

• The approach to domain adaptation in (Daum´e III 2007), commonly referred to as frustratingly easy domain adaptation, which relies on a shared and a private space for each task or domain, can be encoded in sluice net-works by setting allαAB- andαBA-weights associated withGi,k,1to 0, while setting allαAB-weights associated with Gi,k,2 to αBB, and αBA-weights associated with

Gi,k,2toαAA. Note that Daum´e III (2007) discusses three subspaces. We obtain this space if we only share one half of the second subspaces across the two networks.

• Søgaard and Goldberg (2016) propose alow supervision

model where only the inner layers of two deep recurrent works are shared. This is obtained using heavy mean-constrainedL0regularization over the first layerLi,1, e.g.,

Ω(W) = PK

i ||Li,1||0with PiλiL(i) < 1, while for the auxiliary task, only the first layerβparameter is set to 1.

• Misra et al. (2016) introducecross-stitch networksthat haveαvalues control the flow between layers of two con-volutional neural networks. Their model corresponds to setting theα-values associated withGi,j,1 to be identi-cal to those forGi,j,2, and by letting all but theβ-value associated with the outer layer be 0.

In our experiments, we include hard parameter sharing, low supervision, and cross-stitch networks as baselines. We do not report results for group lasso and frustratingly easy domain adaptation, which were consistently inferior, by some margin, on development data.1



Figure 2: The relative importance of the auxiliary task (αBA αAA) over number of training instances. With more data, the net-work learns notto share, when auxiliary task is randomly relabeled (Random).


A synthetic experiment Our first experiment serves as a sanity check that our meta-architecture learns reasonable sharing architectures by learningαweights. We also want theαto adjust quickly in order not to slow down learning. We contrast two partially synthetic pairs of target and aux-iliary data. In both cases, our target dataset isninstances (sentences) from our part-of-speech tagging dataset (see de-tails below). In the first scenario (Random), the auxiliary dataset is a random relabeling of the sameninstances. In the second scenario (Copy), the auxiliary dataset is a copy of the


ForRandom, we would like ourαparameters to quickly learn that the auxiliary task at best contributes with noise in-jection. Initializing ourαparameters to equal weights (0.25), we therefore hope to see a quick drop in the relative impor-tance of the auxiliary task, given by αBA

αAA. Seeingntraining in-stances, we expect this number to quickly drop, then stabilize to a slow decrease due to the reduced need for regularization with larger sample sizes.2

ForCopy, in contrast, we expect no significant change in the relative importance of the auxiliary task overntraining instances. We use the same hyperparameters as in our subse-quent experiments (see below). The parameter settings are thus realistic, and not toy settings.

See Figure 2 for the results of our experiment. The two curves show the expected contrast between an auxiliary task with an all-noise signal (Random) and an auxiliary task with a perfect, albeit redundant, signal (Copy). This experiment shows that our meta-architecture quickly learns a good shar-ing architecture in clear cases such asRandomandCopy. We now proceed to test whether multi-task architecture learn-ing also leads to empirical gains over existlearn-ing approaches to multi-task learning.

for MTL.


The quick drop is the meta-architecture learning that the auxil-iary data is much less useful than the target data; the slight decrease after the first drop is the reduced need for regularization due to lower variance with more data.


bc bn mz nw pc tc wb

Train 173289 206902 164217 878223 297049 90403 388851 Dev 29957 25271 15421 147955 25206 11200 49393 Test 35947 26424 17874 60756 25883 10916 52225

Table 1: Number of tokens for each domain in the OntoNotes 5.0 dataset.

WORDS Abramov had a car accident





Table 2: Example annotations for CHUNK, NER, SRL, and POS.

Data As testbed for our experiments, we choose the OntoNotes 5.0 dataset (Weischedel et al. 2013), not only due to its high inter-annotator agreement (Hovy et al. 2006), but also because it enables us to analyze the generalization ability of our models across different tasks and domains. The OntoNotes dataset provides data annotated for an array of tasks across different languages and domains. We present experiments with the English portions of datasets, for which we show statistics in Table 1.

Tasks In MTL, one task is usually considered the main task, while other tasks are used as auxiliary tasks to improve per-formance on the main task. As main tasks, we use chunking (CHUNK), named entity recognition (NER), and a simpli-fied version of semantic role labeling (SRL) where we only identify headwords3, and pair them with part-of-speech tag-ging (POS) as an auxiliary task, following (Søgaard and Goldberg 2016). Example annotations for each task can be found in Table 2.

Model We use a state-of-the-art BiLSTM-based sequence labeling model (Plank, Søgaard, and Goldberg 2016) as the building block of our model. The BiLSTM consists of 3 layers with 100 dimensions that uses 64-dimensional word and 100-dimensional character embeddings, which are both randomly initialized. The output layer is an MLP with a dimensionality of 100. We initializeαparameters with a bias towards one source subspace for each direction and initialize

β parameters with a bias towards the last layer4. We have found it most effective to apply the orthogonality constraint only to the weights associated with the LSTM inputs.

Training and Evaluation We train our models with stochastic gradient descent (SGD), an initial learning rate of 0.1, and learning rate decay5. During training, we

uni-3We do this to keep pre-processing for SRL minimal. 4

We experimented with different initializations forαand β

parameters and found these to work best.



In-domain results

System bc bn mz nw pt tc wb Avg


Single task 90.80 92.20 91.97 92.76 97.13 89.84 92.95 92.52 Hard sharing 90.31 91.73 92.33 92.22 96.40 90.59 92.84 92.35 Low supervision 90.95 91.70 92.37 93.40 96.87 90.93 93.82 92.86 Cross-stitch nets 91.40 92.49 92.59 93.52 96.99 91.47 94.00 93.21

Ours Sluice network 91.72 92.90 92.90 94.25 97.17 90.99 94.40 93.48

Out-of-domain results


Single task 85.95 87.73 86.81 84.29 90.91 84.55 73.36 84.80 Hard sharing 86.31 87.73 86.96 84.99 90.76 84.48 73.56 84.97 Low supervision 86.53 88.39 87.15 85.02 90.19 84.48 73.24 85.00 Cross-stitch nets 87.13 88.40 87.67 85.37 91.65 85.51 73.97 85.67

Ours Sluice network 87.95 88.95 88.22 86.23 91.87 85.32 74.48 86.15

Table 3: Accuracy scores for chunking on in-domain and out-of-domain test sets with POS as auxiliary task. Out-of-domain results for each target domain are averages across the 6 remaining source domains. Error reduction vs. single task: 12.8% (in-domain), 8.9% (out-of-domain); vs. hard parameter sharing: 14.8% (in-domain).

formly sample from the data for each task. We perform early stopping with patience of 2 based on the main task and hyper-parameter optimization on the in-domain development data of the newswire domain. We use the same hyperparameters for all comparison models across all domains. We train our models on each domain and evaluate them both on the in-domain test set (Table 3, top) as well as on the test sets of all other domains (Table 3, bottom) to evaluate their out-of-domain generalization ability. Note that due to this set-up, our results are not directly comparable to the results reported in (Søgaard and Goldberg 2016), who only train on the WSJ domain and use OntoNotes 4.0.

Baseline Models As baselines, we compare against i) a single-task model only trained on chunking; ii) the low super-vision model (Søgaard and Goldberg 2016), which predicts the auxiliary task at the first layer; iii) an MTL model based on hard parameter sharing (Caruana 1993); and iv) cross-stitch networks (Misra et al. 2016). We compare these against our complete sluice network with subspace constraints and learnedαandβ parameters. We implement all models in DyNet (Neubig et al. 2017) and make our code available at https://github.com/sebastianruder/sluice-networks.

We first assess how well sluice networks perform on in-domain and out-of-in-domain data compared to the state-of-the-art. We evaluate all models on chunking with POS tagging as auxiliary task.

Chunking results We show results on in-domain and out-of-domain tests sets in Table 3. On average, sluice networks significantly outperform all other model architectures on both in-domain and out-of-domain data and perform best for all domains, except for the telephone conversation (tc) domain, where they are outperformed by cross-stitch networks. The performance boost is particularly significant for the

out-of-domain setting, where sluice networks add more than 1 point in accuracy compared to hard parameter sharing and almost .5 compared to the strongest baseline on average, demonstrating that sluice networks are particularly useful to help a model generalize better. In contrast to previous studies on MTL (Mart´ınez Alonso and Plank 2017; Bingel and Søgaard 2017; Augenstein, Ruder, and Søgaard 2018), our model also consis-tently outperforms single-task learning. Overall, this demon-strates that our meta-architecture for learning which parts of multi-task models to share, with a small set of additional parameters to learn, can achieve significant and consistent improvements over strong baseline methods.

NER and SRL We now evaluate sluice nets on NER with POS tagging as auxiliary task and simplified semantic role labeling with POS tagging as auxiliary task. We show results in Table 4. Sluice networks outperform the comparison mod-els for both tasks on in-domain test data and successfully generalize to out-of-domain test data on average. They yield the best performance on 5 out of 7 domains and 4 out of 7 domains for NER and semantic role labeling.

Joint model Most work on MTL for NLP uses a single auxiliary task (Bingel and Søgaard 2017; Mart´ınez Alonso and Plank 2017). In this experiment, we use one sluice net-work to jointly learn our four tasks on the newswire domain and show results in Table 5.


Named entity recognition

System nw (ID) bc bn mz pt tc wb OOD Avg


Single task 95.04 93.42 93.81 93.25 94.29 94.27 92.52 93.59 Hard sharing 94.16 91.36 93.18 93.37 95.17 93.23 92.99 93.22 Low supervision 94.94 91.97 93.69 92.83 94.26 93.51 92.51 93.13 Cross-stitch nets 95.09 92.39 93.79 93.05 94.14 93.60 92.59 93.26

Ours Sluice network 95.52 93.50 94.16 93.49 93.61 94.33 92.48 93.60

Simplified semantic role labeling


Single task 97.41 95.67 95.24 95.86 95.28 98.27 97.82 96.36 Hard sharing 97.09 95.50 95.00 95.77 95.57 98.46 97.64 96.32 Low supervision 97.26 95.57 95.09 95.89 95.50 98.68 97.79 96.42 Cross-stitch nets 97.32 95.44 95.14 95.82 95.57 98.69 97.67 96.39

Ours Sluice network 97.67 95.64 95.30 96.12 95.07 98.61 98.01 96.49

Table 4: Test accuracy scores for different target domains with nw as source domain for named entity recognition (main task) and simplified semantic role labeling with POS tagging as auxiliary task for baselines and Sluice networks. ID: in-domain. OOD: out-of-domain.


Single task 89.30 94.18 96.64 88.62 Hard param. 88.30 94.12 96.81 89.07 Low super. 89.10 94.02 96.72 89.20

Sluice net 89.19 94.32 96.67 89.46

Table 5: All-tasks experiment: Test accuracy scores for each task with nw as source domain averaged across all target domains.

tasks, except chunking and achieve the best performance on 2/4 tasks in this challenging setting.


To better understand the properties and behavior of our meta-architecture, we conduct a series of analyses and ablations.

Task Properties and Performance Bingel and Søgaard (2017) correlate meta-characteristics of task pairs and gains compared to hard parameter sharing across a large set of NLP task pairs. Similarly, we correlate various meta-characteristics with error reductions andα, βvalues. Most importantly, we find that a) multi-task learning gains, also in sluice networks, are higher when there is less training data; and b) sluice networks learn to share more when there is more variance in the training data (cross-taskαs are higher, intra-taskαs lower). Generally,αvalues at the inner lay-ers correlate more strongly with meta-characteristics thanα

values at the outer layers.

Ablation Analysis Different types of sharing may be more important than others. In order to analyze this, we perform an ablation analysis in Table 6. We investigate the impact of

i) theαparameters; ii) theβparameters; and iii) the division into subspaces with an orthogonality penalty. We also eval-uate whether concatenation of the outputs of each layer is a reasonable alternative to our mixture model. Overall, we find that learnableαparameters are preferable over constant

αparameters. Learnedβparameters marginally outperform skip-connections in the hard parameter sharing setting, while skip-connections are competitive with learnedβvalues in the learnedαsetting.

In addition, modeling subspaces explicitly helps for almost all domains. To our knowledge, this is the first time that sub-spaces within individual LSTM layers have been shown to be beneficial.6. Being able to effectively partition LSTM weights opens the way to research in inducing more structured neural network representations that encode task-specific priors. Fi-nally, concatenation of layer outputs is a viable form to share information across layers as has also been demonstrated by recent models such as DenseNet (Huang et al. 2017).

Analysis ofαvalues We analyze the finalαweights in the sluice networks for Chunking, NER, and SRL, trained with newswire as training data. We find that a) for the low-level simplified SRL, there is more sharing at inner layers, which is in line with Søgaard and Goldberg (2016), while Chunking and NER also rely on the outer layer, and b) more information is shared from the more complex target tasks than vice versa.

Analysis ofβ values Inspecting theβ values for the all-tasks sluice net in Table 5, we find that all all-tasks place little emphasis on the first layer, but prefer to aggregate their rep-resentations in different later layers of the model: The more semantic NER and chunking tasks use the second and third



Task sharing Layer sharing bc bn mz nw pt tc wb Avg


Concatenation 86.70 88.24 87.20 85.19 90.64 85.33 73.75 85.29 Skip-connections (β= 1) 86.65 88.10 86.82 84.91 90.92 84.89 73.62 85.13 Mixture (learnedβ) 86.59 88.03 87.19 85.12 90.99 84.90 73.48 85.19


Concatenation 87.37 88.94 87.99 86.02 91.96 85.83 74.28 86.05 Skip-connections 87.08 88.62 87.74 85.77 91.92 85.81 74.04 85.85 Mixture 87.10 88.61 87.71 85.44 91.61 85.55 74.09 85.73 Mixture + subspaces 87.95 88.95 88.22 86.23 91.87 85.32 74.48 86.15

Table 6: Ablation. Out-of-domain scores for Chunking with POS as auxiliary task, averaged across the 6 source domains.

layer to a similar extent, while for POS tagging and simpli-fied SRL the representation of one of the two later layers dominates the prediction.

Related Work

Hard parameter sharing (Caruana 1993) is easy to imple-ment, reduces overfitting, but is only guaranteed to work for (certain types of) closely related tasks (Baxter 2000; Maurer 2007). Peng and Dredze (2016) apply a variation of hard parameter sharing to multi-domain multi-task sequence tagging with a shared CRF layer and domain-specific projec-tion layers. Yang, Salakhutdinov, and Cohen (2016) use hard parameter sharing to jointly learn different sequence-tagging tasks across languages. Mart´ınez Alonso and Plank (2017) explore a similar set-up, but sharing is limited to the initial layer. In all three papers, the amount of sharing between the networks is fixed in advance.

Insoft parameter sharing(Duong et al. 2015), each task has separate parameters and separate hidden layers, as in our architecture, but the loss at the outer layer is regularized by the current distance between the models. Kumar and Daum´e III (2012) and Maurer, Pontil, and Romera-paredes (2013) enableselective sharingby allowing task predictors to select from sparse parameter bases for homogeneous tasks. Søgaard and Goldberg (2016) show that low-level tasks, i.e. syntactic tasks typically used for preprocessing such as POS tagging and NER, should be supervised at lower layers when used as auxiliary tasks.

Another line of work looks into separating the learned space into a private (i.e. task-specific) and shared space (Salz-mann et al. 2010; Virtanen, Klami, and Kaski 2011) to more explicitly capture the difference between task-specific and cross-task features. Constraints are enforced to prevent the models from duplicating information. Bousmalis et al. (2016) use shared and private encoders regularized with orthogo-nality and similarity constraints for domain adaptation for computer vision. Liu, Qiu, and Huang (2017) use a similar technique for sentiment analysis. In contrast, we do not limit ourselves to a predefined way of sharing, but let the model learn which parts of the network to share using latent vari-ables, the weights of which are learned in an end-to-end fash-ion. Misra et al. (2016), focusing on applications in computer vision, consider a small subset of the sharing architectures that are learnable in sluice networks, i.e.,split architectures,

in which twon-layer networks share the innermostklayers with0≤k≤n, but learnkwith a mechanism very similar toα-values.

Our method is also related to the classic mixture-of-experts layer (Jacobs et al. 1991). In contrast to this approach, our method is designed for multi-task learning and thus encour-ages a) the sharing of parameters between different task “ex-perts” if this is beneficial as well as b) differentiating between low-level and high-level representations.


We introduced sluice networks, a meta-architecture for multi-task architecture search. In our experiments across four multi-tasks and seven different domains, the meta-architecture consis-tently improved over strong single-task learning, architecture learning, and multi-task learning baselines. We also showed how our meta-architecture can learn previously proposed architectures for multi-task learning and domain adaptation.


Sebastian is supported by Irish Research Council Grant Num-ber EBPPG/2014/30 and Science Foundation Ireland Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289, co-funded by the European Re-gional Development Fund.


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Figure 1: A sluice meta-network with one main task AWith two subspaces, each blockWith three layers, andone auxiliary task B
Table 1: Number of tokens for each domain in the OntoNotes5.0 dataset.
Table 5: All-tasks experiment: Test accuracy scores for eachtask with nw as source domain averaged across all targetdomains.
Table 6: Ablation. Out-of-domain scores for Chunking with POS as auxiliary task, averaged across the 6 source domains.


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