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The Influence






on Growth

Roberto Rueda-Williamson, M.D., M.Sc., and Hedwig E. Rose, M.B., Ch.B.

From tiac Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, tile Child Health Dicision, Children’s

hospital Medical Center, and tile Department of Nutrition, Harcard School of Public Health

(Submitted for publication June 20, 1961; accepted June 19, 1962.)

Supported in part l)\ grants-in-aid from the Nutrition Foundation, New York, and the Fund for Research and Teaching, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health.

R. R-W. is holder of a Fellowship from Cyanamid International Lederle Division.

PRESENT ADDRESS: I)epartamento de Nutricion, Escuela de Salud Publica. Universidad Nacional de

Go-lombia, Bogota, Colombia, South America.


PEDIAi’sucs, October 1962


ROWTH and nutritional requirements

have been extensively investigated.’

However, apart from those carried out

tin-(icr hospital conditions, growth and

nu-trition studies of tile first year of life ilave

been either separate investigations of one

Or other of tilese two parameters or

insuffi-ciently detailed to permit close analyses of

tile inteITelationsilips between food intake

and the progress of morphological growth

of individual infants. The present

longitudi-nal study of 67 infants from 2 to 15 months

of age relates growth and nutrient intake


Stuart et al. in the Longitudinal Studies

of Child Health and Development,

consid-ered nutrition as well as several aspects of

growtil, but description of dietary intake

during the first year of life was limited to

the statement tilat “approximately 66 of

the infants were breast fed during a

vary-ing number of months after h59 Beal

published detailed studies of the nutrient

intake of 46 children during tileir first 5

years of life.1h1

Mn in Africa and

Perez-Nava-rrete’ in Mexico studied tile growth of

groups of infants in tilese countries. They

analyzed the weight curves in relation to

the local feeding practices, quality of

sup-plementary feeding, social conditions, and

incidence of disease, and found that a

defi-nite slow-down in the rate of growth

oc-curred after 6 months due to difficulties

which arose over mixed feeding, weaning,

and intere’ ‘rrent infections. Jelliffe’

re-viewed several similar investigations of

growth in relation to group feeding

prac-tices. Others have reviewed tile

compara-tive studies of infants’ progress on breast

versus nonbreast feeding’ and on early

versus late introduction of “solids.” These

studies all suggest that, provided basic

re-quirements are met, infants do equally well

on different feeding regimens. However,

none of them provide data on tile diet and

progress of the individual.


It seemed worthwhile, therefore, to study

concomitantly the growth and nutrient

in-take of individual, home-dwelling infants

whose physical and developmental status

and life experiences were regularly

docu-mented in sufficient detail to permit

corn-parison of the progress of individual

in-fants under differing circumstances.

The infants studied were from the same

geograpilic area and mainly from the same

ethnic group as those who participated in

tile Harvard Longitudinal Studies of Child

Health and Development of approximately

30 years ago.5 Comparative study of tile

tvo groups would, therefore, indicate

\viletiler changes in growth, whicil might

be related to alterations in feeding

pat-terns, had occurred.

Other objectives were to establish and

correlate growth and food intake patterns;

to examine tile influence of activity, illness,

and environment on tilese; to correlate iron






and protein intake to serum cholesterol

1ev-els; and to compare present nutrient

con-sumption with that of other studies and

with the Recommended Allowances of the

National Research Council.


The infants in this study were regular

attendants at two well-baby clinics, The

Child Health Division of the Children’s

Hospital Medical Center and the Bromley

Park Clinic, a Boston Health Department

clinic associated with the Department of

Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, and

the Department of Maternal and Child

Health, Harvard School of Public Health.

The first clinic serves the area described

by Stuart,8 the second a similar but slightly

more depressed area.

Infants under 3 months of age were

en-rolled without selection until a total of 83

babies was obtained. Five of these left the

area; one left the clinic, while remaining

in the area; four did not attend regularly;

and five mothers of six infants did not

co-operate. This paper deals with the 67

healthy, full-term infants, 25 males and 42

females, who remained in the study until

15 months of age. Most of the parents were

of low socioeconomic groups, and 88% were

of North European stock.


Physical Growth

The study of physical growth embraced

a series of monthly anthropometric

meas-urements of recumbent length, naked

weight, circumference of head, chest, and

arm; width of hip and thickness of

skin-folds of abdomen, inferior angle of scapula

and anterior and posterior arm. All physical

measurements were made by the same

ob-server (RRW). The recumbent length was

measured on a board with one fixed and

one sliding upright.8 It was taken at the

be-ginning and repeated at the end of each

observation. The skinfolds were measured

with a Franzen type spring caliper. The

circumferences were taken with a narrow

width metal tape. Measurements were

made, as far as possible, exactly at the end

of each month of life. When this could not

be done, measurements were calculated by

linear interpolation between actual

meas-urements made during the months. In the

rare instances in which a month’s

meas-urements were missed altogether, the linear

interpolation was made between the

pre-ceding and following month’s


The physical growth was assessed against

Stuart’s percentiles and also on the

corn-bined chart of one of the authors (RRW).

The latter assessment will be presented

elsewhere as a demonstration of the use and

advantages of the Combined Auxornetric

Method”2#{176} developed by its author as a

step toward the establishment of a

univer-sal auxometric system. It includes a weight

on length regression standard, similar to

that of Wetzel2l and others, over which the

weight and length deviations of De Toni22

are applied for measuring position and

speed of growth in units of equal

signifi-cance regardless of the age at which they


Food Intake

The longitudinal dietary survey was

con-ducted by the same person throughout


No attempt was made to prescribe

feeding, but minor modifications to the diet

were suggested when necessary in the

in-terest of the child. Food intake was

re-corded in terms of feeding patterns,

in-eluding kind and quantity of food taken at

and between meals, and also in terms of

quantity of specific items of food consumed.

The information was obtained from dietary

histories and records, and from personal

oh-servations in the ilomes. Dietary histories

were taken twice a month during the first

5 or 6 months, and montilly thereafter.

Ad-ditional histories were taken when changes

in feeding could be expected, namely,

dur-ing and after illness and at times of other

stresses, including social problems. They

were mostly obtained during clinic visits in


follow-up, but some were taken in the

homes. This afforded an opportunity to

oh-serve mother and child in their natural

en-vironment, to see \vilat and how the cilild

was eating, and to become acquainted Witil

tile usual food supplies in the home and

vith the sizes of cups, dishes, and spoons

in common use. The tecilnique, although

basically the same throughout, varied from

case to case, depending on the personality

of the informant and circumstances of the

moment. The informant, usually the mother,

was encouraged to talk freely and to

pre-sent her information in iler own way.

From tile histories taken and observations

made during each month, the average daily

food intake for that month was estimated.

The daily nutrient intake was calculated

from tilis, using food composition tables

based on information from infant food

man-ufacturers, milk companies, and the

Agri-culture Handbook No. 323 Average daily

ilutrient intakes per kilogram of body

weight (actual and expected#{176}) were

cal-culated, using tile interpolated mid-month

weight as denominator.

Activity, Illness, and Environment

A general ilistory was taken concurrently

\Titil the diet history. A record was kept of

each cililds health and developmental

sta-ttis, moods and temperament, sleep and cry

rhythm, exercise and behavior patterns,

ill-ness experience, family relations, and

phys-ical and emotional environment. Activity

was assessed, not merely on degree of

phys-ical exercise, but also on sleep, cry, and

tempo of movements.

Tile observer, as the child’s pediatrician,

Ilad tile benefit of the trust and confidence

usually placed in a physician. She also

profited from consultation and discussion

with the Department of Nutrition and with

the multidisciplinary teams of the broadly

oriented clinics before mentioned. These

0 “Expected” weight was taken to be that

weight which would give a child the same percen-tile position in weight as he has in length; i.e., standard weight for length on the regression line of the Wetzel channel system.”

benefits gave tile study some of the

advan-tages of multidisciplinary approach without

the disadvantages of a direct team approacil

in which a mother has no one particular

person to whom she can relate.

Blood Components

Three times during the year cholesterol

and hemoglobin levels in serum were

de-termined. Hemoglobin was measured on

the Evelyn photoelectric hemoglobinometer.

Cholesterol was estimated by the method of

Carpenter et al.24 Blood was collected from

the big toe.


The infants and their parents are

gen-erally representative of the clinic

popula-tion, since they were enrolled without

selec-tion. The mothers were no more nor less

intelligent or conscientious than tile

aver-age. They co-operated well, some

sponta-neously and others only with considerable

encouragement and persuasion, because

they received, in return, free individual and

special attention from the physician

inves-tigator. In view of this and the fact that no

feedings were prescribed, the growtil and

feeding patterns of the study infants can he

considered to be generally representative of

these patterns in the areas, as a whole.

Physical Growth

The weight and length values of the study

infants are summarized in Table I. Their

patterns of growth in these dimensions are

similar to those of Stuart’s infants of about

30 years ago (Fig. 1). The median boy’s

weight lies on Stuart’s 50th percentile at 2

months, follows his 75th percentile from 3

to 6 months, and his 50th percentile from

7 to 12 months. The median girl’s weight

lies on Stuart’s 2th percentile at 2 months,

reaches the 50th percentile at 4 months,

remains approximately on this line until 10

months, and then deviates toward but does

not reach the 25th percentile. The 10th and

90th percentile weight values for girls are

very close to Stuart’s corresponding values,







10 25 50 7#{244} 90 High






0 1.99 ‘2.61 ‘2.84 3.10 3.47 3.89 4.06 4’2 3.09 3.4

‘2 4.00 4.’20 4.39 4.69 5.04 5.50 6.60 4’2

3 4.40 4.90 5.’21 5.48 5.95 6.’20 7.90 4’2 5.54 5.6

4 5.’2’2 5.65 5.87 6.’25 6.70 7.05 8.’25 4’2

5 5.70 6.10 6.43 6.81 7.2’2 7.80 9.30 4’2

6 6.07 6.40 6.73 7.’25 7.74 8.46 10.’20 4’2 7.35 7.9

7 6.40 6.85 7.10 7.6’2 8.’21 8.75 10.50 4’2

8 6.60 7.15 7.43 8.03 8.65 9.07 11.15 4’2

9 6.70 7.30 7.73 8.33 8.88 9.55 11.47 4’2 8.46 8.9 10 6.9’2 7.57 7.94 8.80 9.36 9.85 11.78 4’2

11 7.45 7.80 8.’25 9.04 9.63 10.50 1’2.03 4’2

U 7.63 8.15 8.63 9.’25 10.20 11.05 1’2.38 4’2 9.41 9.9

15 8.’29 8.84 9.43 9.81 10.75 11.90 13.40 4’2 10.1’2



Boys’ Weight, in Kilograms

Cases Stuarts


(no) Mean

0 .58 .73 2.73

3.75 4.03 4.47

S 4.75 4.96 5.45

4 5.15 5.49 6.87

5 6.10 6.41 7.00

6 6.80 7.16 7.50

7 7.55 7.76 8.05

8 8.00 8.13 8.3

9 8.50 8.57 8.70

10 8.75 8.88 9.05

11 9.03 9.08 9.30

12 9.5 9.31 9.60

15 9.70 9.73 10.00

8.38 3.81 4.14 4.40 5.15 5.70 6.10 6.18 6.0 6.60 6.80 7.00

6.90 7.7 7.70 8.00

7.50 8.07 8.60 8.80

7.98 8.45 9.11 9.70

8.30 9.10 9.80 10.45

8.75 9.40 10.48 11.05

8.95 10.00 10.88 11.35

9.45 10.45 11.38 F1.05

9.90 10.90 11.84 1L35 10.15 11.30 1I.31 1.50 11.5 1.70 13.10 13.40

25 3.’32

5 6.03


5 8.0

‘25 ‘25

25 9.41 ‘25


‘25 10.44

‘25 11.34

Girls’ Weight, in Kilograms

Boys’ Lengths, in Centimeters

‘2 53.6 54.6 55.3 57.6 59.5 60.7 61.4 ‘25

3 56.6 56.7 58.1 60.7 6’2.7 63.6 63.8 ‘25 60.5 60.4 4 58.7 59.9 60.5 63.0 64.8 66.! 66.5 ‘25

5 6’2.0 6’2.4 63.0 65.3 67.0 68.3 68.5 ‘25

6 64.3 64.5 65.’2 67.’2 68.8 69.9 71.5 ‘25 67.’2 67.0

7 65.5 66.5 67.’2 69.0 70.’2 71.4 7’2.5 ‘25

8 67.0 68.0 68.4 70.6 7’2.4 73.7 74.6 ‘25

9 67.9 69.0 69.5 71.5 73.5 74.3 76.’2 ‘25 71.5 71.5 10 69.9 70.1 70.9 7Q.8 75.0 75.4 78.0 ‘25

11 70.9 71.1 7’2.4 74.0 76.’2 77.1 79.’2 ‘25

1’2 71.8 7’2.0 73.9 75.0 77.5 78.1 80.6 25 75.4 75.5 15 75.0 75.9 77.0 77.7 80.4 8’2.3 88.8 ‘25 78.7

Girls’ Lengths, in Centimeters

‘2 51.7 53.8 54.7 56.0 57.6 58.4 60.3 4’2

3 54.8 56.0 57.5 58.9 60.5 61.8 64.0 4’2 58.9 59.4 4 57.7 58.3 59.7 61.1 6’2.6 64.0 67.4 4’2

5 59.6 61.’2 61.7 63.4 65.8 66.5 69.0 4’2

6 61.1 6’2.7 63.7 65.’2 66.6 68.5 71.0 4’2 65.3 65.7

7 6’2.3 63.8 65.5 67.1 68.4 70.1 73.3 4’2

8 64.4 65.3 66.8 68.1 70.4 7’2.’2 75.5 4’2

9 65.9 66.6 68.1 69.7 71.4 73.6 76.9 4’2 69.9 70.1 10 66.7 67.6 69.3 71.1 7’2.9 75.0 78.’2 4’2

11 67.7 68.9 70.6 7’2.1 74.0 76.4 80.0 4’2

1’2 70.0 70.3 71.4 73.4 75.0 77.8 8’2.0 4’2 73.7 74.3



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I #{149}I,5 .



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Fic. 1. Percentile weight and length positions of 67 infants (25 boys and

42 girls). The fiftieth (x) tenth, and ninetieth percentile values are plotted on a condensed form of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston Anthropometric Chart. The percentiles of this chart are based on Stuart’s


ilis 10th and 25th and his 90th and 97th

percentiles respectively. This latter

sug-gests a tendency for male infants in the

present study to be heavier than those of

Stuart’s study. However, the actual weight

differences are small and were not

consid-ered to be significant in view of the small

sample size and the fact that the means of

the two studies were very similar. The

lengtil percentiles of the present study are

generally very close to those of Stuart’s


The Iowa babies46 wilose food intake









60--Study Infonts




- --* Iowa Infants

‘I Stuart’s Mean

1 Study


4 . . . . . .


I I I 1 1




FIG. 2. s1edian 2-to-6-month weights and lengths of the 67 study infants and the 18 Iowa infants who were followed for more than 60 days in the studies of Fomon and Mav.4


The protein intakes of the Boston






this study had from 2 to 6 months lower

median weight values than our infants,

despite tlleir higher median length values

in the 3-to-6-month age period (Fig. 2).

Food Intake

More than 50 different foods and food

combinations are available as “baby food”

and in regular use. However, milk was

usu-ally the main source of nutrients until 9

months, and in many cases it continued to

be so, even up to 15 months. Few of the

many brands of milk and milk substitutes

on the rnarket2 were in common use. Only

3 of the 67 babies in the study were breast

fed for longer than 3 months.

Approxi-mately 80% of them had whole cow’s milk

or the equivalent in evaporated milk, and

95% consumed some “solid” food before 3

months of age. This is consistent with

cur-rent pediatric practice throughout the

United States.26 About 60% of the infants

were on “demanding feeding,” 35% on a

flexible schedule, and 5% on a fairly rigid

schedule. Although new foods, including

whole egg, and many kinds of cereal and


fruit were introduced early and suddenly,

definite allergic reactions were observed in

one case only. A child with mild chronic

atopic dermatitis ilad severe and repeated

reactions to egg, both yolk and white.


Table II and Figure 3 present, for

corn-parison, the Recommended Allowances of

the National Research Council27 and the

average daily calorie per kilogram intakes

of the Denver (Beal, 19461951)1th1 and the

present study (Boston, 1959-1960) infants.

The 50th percentile values of Boston are

slightly above, and those of Denver are

slightly below, the Recommended

Allow-ances. Both the highest and the lowest

Bos-ton values are usually above the Denver

highest and lowest values. The 50th

per-centile intake of the Iowa infants (Fomon

and May, 1958) is well above the

Rec-omrnended Allowances at 6 weeks and well

below them during the sixth month (Fig. 3).




.V.ILC. ,

\ umber of (uses


Ih’(il 1(11. Be(l1

Calories per Kilogram of Body Weight

Lowest .50th Pereentile

1’LR. Real


I?.!?. Real 11.11.

3 1() 6 67 8!) 90 119 1’24

3-4 U() 29 67 92 89 110 117

4-3 Ho ‘28 67 83 85 104 114

5-6 1() 67 75 S’2 10’2 115

6-7 10() . . 67 . . 83 .. 114

7-H 100 . 67 .. 81 .. 114

8-9 10(1 . 67 8(1 108

9-1(1 10(1 . 67 . . 78 109

10-li 10(1 . . 67 . 73 .. 107

11-’?1 1(8) .. 67 . . 73 .. 104

6-9 lOt) 3() 67 6.5 81 101 1l’2

9-H 1(11) ‘31 67 74 7.5 101 107

1’-i5 .. 33 67 73 73 103 106

141 140



153 15’2

159 156 146 163 166


15’2 15’2 140 150 157 152






(“0 \



I 20

I-I 0 ‘U











0. (S

‘U 0


4 I.)



-I I


U Modifi#{149}d cow’s milk

D Srsost milk





ent study) and the Denver (Beal) infants

were both very high at all ages (Table III,

Fig. 4). Tile highest intakes (6.7 gm/kg to

8.3 gm/kg) exceeded by more than 100%

tile considered allowances of tile National

Research Council. #{176}They were four to five


-times higher than both minimum

require-ments as estimated by Hegsted2s and mean

0 “Levels of intake of 3.5 grams per kilogram

from age 1 month to 6 months, and of 3.0 grams

per kilogram during the remainder of the first year, are undoubtedly well in excess of minimum

require-I,,’, -S _


50th p.rwitlle - RUEDA-ROSc

‘4#{149}.-- OU FOMONM RcommIIId.d Allo.o,c..-N.R.C.


--60 . . . - - -4 1il I I I I . . I 11

Birth 2 4 6 S 10 (2 4 6 IS


---. Highist OvId Iosst vslvis- RUEDA-ROSE group ‘----K #{149} #{149} #{149} . - SEALS

Ftc. .3. Average daily calorie intake per kilogram of actual weight of three groups of infants as compared with the Recommended Allowances of the National














-I 4


4 U.




0 -I

U’ a.

I U’


a. U.







4,, 4*,

*-FOMON-MAY\ ,,1-,, ,#{149} 0


,.:---i.. ,

-?--1/ ---4--K

A 0 ‘----;r Recommended Allowances-N.R.C.



‘4;w:4_._,Q__ . Theoretical Minimum Requirements - HEGSTED

I I I I I 1 ;__a__I#{149}.__.r_..._r.h!_r__..I__.._r.._i.__i_I04I I I

4 6 8 0 2 14 6 lB


‘4. --0 Highst oiid lowest volues - RUEDA-ROSE group

5.4--K #{149} #{149} #{149} . - SEALS group

FIG. 4. Average daily protein intake per kilogram of actual weight of three groups of infants as compared with Recommended Allowances of National Research

Council and Hegsted’s minimal requirements.

Birth 2





intake of tile Iowa infants fed human milk4

(Fig. 4). The 50th percentile values of both

studies range from 5.1 gm/kg during the

third month to 4.4 gm/kg during the

9-to-12-month period, but the Boston values are

slightly higher during the intervening

months. They exceed the Denver values by

0.5, 0.6, 0.5, and 0.3 gm/kg during the

fourth, fifth, and sixth months and the

6-to-9-rnonth period, respectively. The mean

protein intake of the human milk-fed

in-fants of Iowa4 is almost identical with the

estimated minimum requirements of

Heg-sted, while that of the modified cow’s

milk-fed infants of Iowa6 is close to the

sug-gested allowances of the National Research


ments and afford ample allowances to meet the needs of healthy infants. Allowances for the arti-ficially fed infant may lie in the range of 2.5 to 3.5 grams per kilogram from 2 to 6 months, and 2.0 to 3.0 grams per kilogram during the remainder of the first year. In current practice, diets furnishing 3.5 grams of protein and more per kilogram are in

common use.

FOMON-MAY S Modifisd cow’s milk

C Breast milk

Iron Intake and Hemoglobin Level

Table IV gives the average hemoglobin

levels of the infants in the present study at

three age periods. They are within the

nor-ma! range, 10.5 to 12.5 gm/100 ml.29 Very

few infants had hemoglobin levels below

10.5 and only one had levels below 9.3 grn/

100 ml (a twin girl with 8.5 gm/100 ml at

4 months and 8.9 gm/100 ml at 7 months).

The iron intake of these infants was

gen-erally comparable with that of infants with

higher hemoglobin levels. Table V presents

the daily iron intakes. The median intake

during the third month (2.47 mg) was

be-low the recommended allowances (5 mg).

At all other periods it was higiler than these

allowances, usually by 50%. Individual

in-takes two or three times higher than

rec-ommended were not uncommon.

The wide range of iron intake, from 0.5

to 9.7 mg/day, during the third and from

2.2 to 31.9 mg/day during the ninth

month, was related to the wide range in





Total Grams per Kilogram of Body Weight

N.R.C. $

\ 0. of ( uses

Cons. _41l.

lieu! B-k

Lowest ,501h Percentile

Real B-Il ..lg’. (mo) 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-1’2 6-9 9-1’2 1’2-15 highest Real B-Il Ilegsted’s Mi,m. Req. I. 1,5 I.S I .4 I ‘3 1.3 I .3 1.’2 1.’2 1.2 1.3 1.2 Real Il-Il ‘2.5-3.5 ‘2.5-3.5 ‘2.5-3.5 ‘2.5-3.5 ‘2.0-3.0 ‘2.0-3.0 ‘2.0-3.0 ‘2.0-3.0 ‘2.0-3.0 ‘2.0-3.0 ‘2.0-3.0 ‘2.0-3.0 26 67 29 67 28 67 ‘29 67

- . 67

. . 67

-. 67

.. 67

.. 67

.. 67

30 67 31 67 33 67 ‘2.7 1.6 ‘2.6 1.6 2.4 1.7 ‘2.3 ‘2.5

.- ‘2.9

-. 3.0

.- 3.1


.. ‘2.8

.. ‘2.8

3.3 ‘2.9 2.9 ‘2.8 2.9 3.’2 5.1 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.3 5.1 5.’2 5.1 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.7 4.4 4.4 6.0 7.3 6.3 7.’2 5.7 6.8 6.4 7.9

-- 8.8

-- 6.9

-. 6.7

.. 7.7

.. 6.1

.. 6.7

5.8 8.1

5.9 7.7

6.2 6.0

mg of iron per tablespoonful. The studies

of Schulz and Smith#{176} indicate that iron

absorption from fortified cereal was as good

as that from otiler sources. The correlation

coefficients of iron intake to hemoglobin

levels were extremely low possibly because

iron intake was high and hemoglobin

1ev-els were good. They were not significant.

Cholesterol Levels

Three times during the year cholesterol

levels in serum were determined for most

of the infants in the study. The mean

val-ues were 147 ± 26 mg/100 ml at 3 to 5

montilS (55 infants); 144 ± 24 mg/100 ml

at 6 to 8 months (41 infants); and 162 ±

28 mg/100 ml at 9 to 12 months (41 infants).

The 3-to-5-month value (147 mg/100 ml) is

very close to the mean value (140 mg/100

ml) of the 6-day-old infants of Rafsted and

Swahn.3’ It is lower than the mean

choles-terol value (187 mg/100 ml) of the infants



Age, in Months

.3to5 6to8 9to12

Mean values (gm/ lOOmloiblood)

Per cent cases

be-low 10.5 gm/100 ml


11 9 17





Age, in Months

3-,4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10

Mediall #{149}‘2.5 5.9 7.8 8.3 10.5 11.1 10.9 10.1

Mean 3.3 6.4 8.3 9.8 11.5 11.7 11.4 11.’2

Lowest 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.’2 1.’2 1.0 ‘2.’2 ‘2.6

Highest 9.7 16.’2 ‘21.4 27.3 ‘28.9 30.6 31.9 ‘23.7





Calories Proteins Length








Calories per Day

2toJ StoG 8to9



Proteins 0.83t


levels 0.13

I.engt Ii

increment 0.16


increment 0.31t

* Cumulative values from ‘2 to 10 months.

t Significant at the 1% level.

fed with cow’s milk and higher than the

mean cholesterol level (128 mg/100 ml) of

the SMA fed infants of Porneranze et

at 3 to 4 months. Most of our infants were

receiving “solid” food supplementation at

that age. The cholesterol levels of the cow’s

milk fed and the SMA fed infants of

Pom-eranze et al. began to approximate each

otller at 4 and 5 months, when cereal and

meat were added to their diet.

Tile association between cholesterol

1ev-els and calorie, protein, and fat intake

dur-ing tile previous 2 months were computed

for the tilree age periods. The correlations

(r 0.01 to 0.27) were not significant. The

correlation between body shape and

choles-terol level in serum at 9 months was equally

low (r = 0.12).

Association s between Growth Increments

and Food Intakes

Table VI presents the correlation

coeffi-cients among five variables : increments of

lengtll, weight, and morphological level

from 2 to 10 months, and average daily

calorie and protein intakes during those 8

months. Their values are all very low, the

highest being 0.31 for calories against

weight, significant at the 1% level. The

cor-relation coefficients of weight gain to

pro-tein intake (0.11) and length gain to calorie

(r 0.16) and to protein (r 0.07) intake

are not significant. In the 9-to-15-rnonth

age period there was a similar lack of

cor-relation, the only significant value being

r 0.33 for weight increment against

cal-one intake. At 2 to 3 months, 5 to 6 months,

and 8 to 9 months, body shape (measured

in units of weight deviation from standard

weight for length)’5#{176} was correlated to

av-erage daily calorie intake: total, calories per

kilogram of actual weight, and calories per

kilogram of expected weight. All values are

-- very low, and only three are statistically

significant: the correlation coefficients

be-0.56t tween weight deviation and calorie intake

per kilogram of actual weight at the third

and the ninth months (0.40 and 0.28,

re-spectively); and between weight deviation

and calorie intake per kilogram of expected

weight at tile sixth month (0.38) (Table


This general lack of correlation was also

evident in the different and sometimes

para-doxical behavior of individual growth

curves in relation to food intake.

Activity, Illness, and Environment

The influence of these factors on the

re-lationship between rate of physical growth

and quantity of calories consumed was

in-vestigated by analyzing individual growth

curves in relation not only to infant’s food

intake but also to his general ilistory,

en-vironmental experiences, and clinical

find-ings. Comparative study of these analyses

indicate that variations in energy

require-ments for illness and physical activity were



-1ge, in i1OflthS

Total 0.17 0.07 0.’23

Per kilogram actual weight 0.40* 0.l’2 0.‘1St Per kilogram expected

weight 0.11 0.38* 0.’2’2

* Significant at the 1% level.



often directly responsible for the low growth

increment-calorie consumption correlations,

wilile physical and human environment

fac-tors seemed to be indirectly involved

inas-much as they modified degree of activity.


Tile study of infants in the first year of

life has two advantages. First, it considers

tile period of most rapid growth. The child

grows during his first year as much as he

does during 6 to 8 years in any period of

prepubertal childhood. Secondly, some of

the difficulties encountered in evaluating

nutrient intake are minimal during most

of this period since intakes are essentially

in ounces of milk and jars of food of

estab-lished nutrient values.


The general pattern of growth in length

and weight of tile 67 study infants during

their first year of life was similar to tilat

re-Ported by Stuart et al. for infants in the

same area about 30 years ago. This suggests

that despite change in feeding practices

from predominantly breast to predominantly

artificial feeding, there has been no

remark-able change in rate of physical growth of

2-to-12-rnonth-old infants in an area in

\vhicil infants have had regular health

so-pervision throughout this 30-year period.

The difference between the growth

pat-terns of the study infants and the Iowa

in-fants could indicate, especially if the small

sample size and the environmental

differ-ences involved are disregarded, that infants

gain more wilen “solids” are added to their

diets before 6 months of age. Such

addi-tions permit greater calorie intake without

increase of volumetric intake, an important

consideration if there is a limit to the

vol-ime which can be comfortably consumed.

This may account for the lower calorie

in-take of tile Iowa infants who received only



Most infants ill tile present study

con-stirned calories slightly in excess of

recom-mended allowances. The highest intakes

(150-160 cal/kg) exceeded these allowances

by 50%. Some intakes were even higher

when expressed in calories/kilogram

“ex-pected” weight. One infant had an intake of

188 cal/kg “expected” weight for length.

It cannot be stated at present that such high

calorie consumption in infancy always

con-stitutes “overfeeding” or that it is harmful;

fleitiler does it necessarily cause obesity

since the extra calories may be utilized for

greater physical activity. However,

atten-tion is drawn to the trend toward

ever-increasing concentrations of proteins in

in-fant formulas and foods and to the

gener-ally high calorie intakes since “overeating”

with decreased activity could result in

obes-ity in infants and may set a pattern for

obesity in later life. It is known that this is

a public ilealth problem in the well-fed

western societies. Actuarial data 5110w that

it is commonly associated with decreased

life expectancy.34’35 Evidence has

accumu-lated in tile last decades, implicating

nutri-tion as an important associative factor in

atilerosclerosis and other degenerative

dis-eases in man.3’35 Ross39 demonstrated in

experimental studies with rats that excess

intake of protein and/or calories was

asso-ciated with decrease in lifespan and a

sig-nificant increase in the incidence of

spon-taneous tumors. Silberberg and Silberberg#{176}

found tilat epiphysial aging was accelerated

in mice by lifelong feeding of a fat rich

diet. This was due in part to high calorie

intake. McCay et al.” found a definite

di-rect relationship between retarded groWtil,

as a result of food restrictions, and

longev-ity. The idea that bigger animals are better

ones is no longer an axiom in biology, and

the e(uatiflg of optimum nutrition with one

giving maximum size has also been



Protein consumption was very high. The

median intakes exceeded the amount

con-sidered adequate by the National Research

Council2? by about 60%, and the higilest






Whether or not these high protein intakes

represent a metabolic burden of any

signif-icance remains to be seen. Holt et al.2

pointed out that high protein intake in early

infancy could force chemical maturity and

accumulation of tissue reserves of labile

protein, which may or may not be desirable

at this age. Infants often have to excrete

more nitrogen under conditions of increased

protein intake. Either process might require

an adaptive increase of enzyme levels and

subject young infants fed on high protein

diets, such as undiluted cow’s milk, to a

metabolic strain not encountered by

breast-fed infants. The authors suggest that, while

a return to the undue and exaggerated fears

of overfeeding of two or three decades ago

is not justified, “safe allowances” might be

advantageously re-evaluated, bearing in

mind that suboptimal nutrition might occur

not only at deficiency but also at still

un-determined excessive levels of intake. The

main factors contributing to high protein

feeding were the use of high concentration

of evaporated milk, even whole milk and

the use of “high protein” foods. High total

food intake was frequently related to the

substitution of a bottle for some other

at-tention which the child was seeking. This

was done in the guise of “demand feeding.”

Relationship between Physical Growth

and Food Intake

Analysis of group data gave useful

in-formation on the general trends in growth

and nutrition and enabled calculation of

correlations between these two parameters,

but separate case studies were prerequisite

to the understanding of the individual’s

progress and to appreciation of the many

interacting factors which interfere with a

direct correlation between growth

mere-ments and nutrient intakes. Every child has

his own personal and peculiar growth curve

which demonstrates graphically the extent

to which he succeeds or fails in his attempt

to maintain equilibrium at his own level.

The study of separate growth curves in

relation to food intakes suggested that

in-fants have genetically or physiologically

predetermined maximums of statural growth

which they could not exceed no matter how

much they increased calorie or protein

in-take. The consumption of calories in excess

of what was required to maintain good

physique for this “maximum” stature

re-sulted almost invariably in greater weight

gain, even to levels of marked obesity,

with-out further increase of length.

These studies also demonstrated the

in-accuracy of evaluating all intakes in

rela-tion to actual weight. Comparison of the

correlations between weight increments and

cal/kg of actual weight and weight

mere-ments and cal/kg of “expected” weight did

not show this, probably because “expected”

weight was based on actual length alone.

This would seem to have been appropriate

when length positions maintained their

1ev-els. However, it appears, in retrospect, that

declines in length positions often reflected

suboptimal growth and, therefore, that

when such declines occurred, intakes would

have been more accurately assessed in

re-lation to length or weight which the child

could be expected to have considering his

previous performance rather than to either

actual length or weight.

The study of individual growth curves in

relation to general history as well as to food

intake4l indicated that the relationship

be-tween growth increments and calories

con-sumed was often directly modified by

ill-ness and activity. It was indirectly

info-enced by physical and human

environ-mental factors inasmuch as these modified

activity. The latter, it seemed, could be

either increased or decreased by a specific

environmental factor depending on previous

conditioning, the total constellation and the

personalities involved. For example, one

infant became restless, cried more, and

slept less when her mother took on full-time

work outside of the home, while another

became apathetic, slept more, and played

less when his mother did likewise. The

fam-ily structures of these two infants were

en-tirely different; so were the personalities of

the parents and the temperaments of the




variables interacted to an extent which

made it difficult to single out any one as

having a predictable and uniform effect on

activity and therefore on growth relative to

food intake. Further study of the

relation-silip between environment, especially

ho-man, and degree of physical activity may

lead to better understanding of the influence

of environmental factors and experiences

on growth and dietary requirements.

In tile present study “bigger babies” were

not always “better babies”42, 43; neither did

their size necessarily result from greater

calorie and protein intakes than that

con-sumed by smaller infants. These

observa-tions indicate that nutrient requirements

should be, as advocated by Burke and

Stuart,44 computed on individual basis and

that besides actual and expected weight

many other factors, especially physical

ac-tivity, should be taken into account.


A longitudinal study was conducted on

growth and food intake of 67 unselected

healthy, full-term infants from 2 to 15

montils of age. The length and weight

prog-ress of infants in the study was, during the

first year of life, very similar to progress as

reported in an earlier study by other

in-vestigators, indicating that no striking

change in size of 2-to-12-month-old infants

had occurred in this area during 30 years,

despite changes in feeding practices. The

study infants had high calorie and very

high protein intakes as compared with

Rec-ommended Allowances of the National

Re-search Council. The question of whether

some of the very high intakes seen in this

study could be potentially harmful or at

least beyond the range of optimum

nutri-tion was raised. The desirability of

estab-lishing nutritional ceilings was considered.

The correlation between length increment

and calorie or protein intake was not

sig-nificant. The correlation coefficients between

weight increments and calorie intake were

significant but low, indicating that other

variables beside food intake influenced size

and speed of growth. The correlations

be-tween iron intakes and hemoglobin levels

and between fat, protein, and calorie

in-takes and cholesterol levels were not

sig-nificant. Individual case studies indicated

that the most important variables in the

energy balance, beside food intake and

growth, were illness and physical activity.

Environment affected the balance indirectly

inasmuch as it influenced physical activity.


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This study was the result of the combined effort,


grateful to the staff of both clinics and to the moth- Center for their encouragement, advice, and

assist-ers of the infants. ance. We thank Miss Mary McCann for evaluating

We are especially grateful to Drs. Fredrick J. the diets.

Stare, D. Mark Hegsted, Martha F. Trulson of the We are indebted to Cyanamid International,

Led-Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public erie Division, for granting a fellowship to one of us




Roberto Rueda-Williamson and Hedwig E. Rose

Factors on Growth

GROWTH AND NUTRITION OF INFANTS: The Influence of Diet and Other


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Roberto Rueda-Williamson and Hedwig E. Rose

Factors on Growth

GROWTH AND NUTRITION OF INFANTS: The Influence of Diet and Other


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