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Infinitary propositional relevant languages with absurdity


Academic year: 2021

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Department of Knowledge-Based Mathematical Systems Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Abstract. Analogues of Scott’s isomorphism theorem, Karp’s theorem as well as results on lack of compactness and strong completeness are established for infinitary propositional relevant logics. An “interpolation theorem” (of a particular sort introduced by Barwise and van Benthem) for the infinitary quantificational boolean logicLωholds. This yields a preservation result characterizing the expressive power of infinitary relevant languages with absurdity using the model-theoretic rela-tion of relevant directed bisimularela-tion as well as a Beth definability property.

§1. Introduction. In these pages we explore the model theory of a twofold nonclas-sical logic: infinitary relevant propositional logic. By extending the language of relevant logic by adding infinitary conjunctions and disjunctions, we naturally gain some expressive power. Such extensions have been toyed with from time to time in the context of relevant logic in an unsystematic and informal way (cf. [15, 16, 25]). In [25] (p. 336), Routley reports some unpublished (and, according to him, not overly successful) attempts to study infinitary relevant logic.

We will be working in the well-known Routley–Meyer semantics [13, 26–29]. This is the more or less standard nonalgebraic semantics for relevant logic ( [24, 30] are examples of quite recent applications). The reader can find a survey of the alternatives in [13], though.1

Though the heyday of infinitary logic seems to be long gone, important results remain. In the next sections, we will obtain relevant analogues of some of them such as Karp’s theorem or Scott’s isomorphism theorem. Karp’s theorem (Corollary 3.5.3 in [17]) is the claim that for any two models, Lω-equivalence is the same as the existence of a family of partial isomorphisms with the back and forth properties. Scott’s isomorphism theorem (Corollary 3.5.4 in [17]) says that, for denumerable models, making a single special for-mula true suffices to characterize a structure up to isomorphism.

The main problem we will solve here, though, is that of characterizing the expressive power of infinitary relevant logic. This will be accomplished by establishing a generalized interpolation result for the classical infinitary logic Lω, from which the desired char-acterization will follow in the form of a preservation theorem involving relevant directed bisimulations. On a historical note, directed bisimulations were introduced in [20] and

Received: January 26, 2016.

2010Mathematics Subject Classification: 03B47, 03C75.

Key words and phrases: relevant logic, model theory, infinitary logic, interpolation, Routley– Meyer semantics.

1 [21] is a recent contender for the quantificational case, where incompleteness had been found by

Fine [16].


though it was hinted there, it seems like [22] is the first time they were applied to the study of substructural logics in print. Recently, they have been shown to have a fundamental place in the model theory of relevant logic in the Routley–Meyer semantic framework (cf. [2], where the finitary case has been studied) analogous to bisimulations in the Kripke semantics for modal logic.

The results on expressive power in this paper can be seen as a continuation of the work in [2], turning our attention this time to the realm of infinitary languages. There are certain differences in method worth mentioning, though. In [2], there was an appeal to the machin-ery of saturated models in order to establish a preservation theorem characterizing relevant formulas as a fragment of first order logic. This was, in fact, unnecessary for a much more direct proof through a simple application of the compactness theorem of first order logic was possible. It would have simply required the introduction of the notion of a rele-vant directedn-bisimulation, a finite approximation of a relevant directed bisimulation.2 This approach is so basic that it generalizes to logics having some minimal forms of compactness such asLω. That is the main motivation behind our introduction of relevant directedα-bisimulations in Definition 4.3.

In §2, we introduce the Routley–Meyer semantics for infinitary propositional relevant languages with absurdity. In §3, we show that infinitary relevant languages with absurdity are, in general, lacking compactness and most reasonable formal systems based on them are not strongly complete. In §4, we define relevant directed bisimulations establishing some basic propositions, including a relevant Karp theorem while in §5, we prove a relevant analogue of Scott’s isomorphism theorem. In §6, we prove an interpolation theorem for the infinitary quantificational boolean logic Lω which implies a preservation theorem say-ing that the formulas of Lωpreserved under relevant directed bisimulations are exactly infinitary relevant formulas, as well as a Beth definability result. Finally, in §7 we briefly summarize our work.

§2. Routley–Meyer semantics. In this section, we will review the Routley–Meyer semantics for propositional infinitary relevant languages with absurdity and their embed-dability in more traditional infinitary languages.

Let κ be some infinite cardinal. An infinitary relevant language with absurdity Lκω contains a possibly finite listPROPof propositional variables p,q,r. . . and the logical symbols⊥(an absurdity constant),∼(negation),(conjunction),(disjunction), and →(implication). Formulas are constructed as expected:

φ::= p⊥ ∼φ iIφi iIφi φψ,

wherep∈PROPand|I| < κ. The infinitary relevant language with absurdityLωcomes from letting the index I of a disjunction or a conjunction take any cardinality whatsoever. Lωωis just an ordinary finitary relevant language.

A comment on the presence of ⊥in our languages is in place here, given that ⊥is not standardly part of the languages of relevant logic (cf. [1]). The results in these pages cannot dispense with⊥, since languages without⊥have no reasonable model-theoretic characterization. The interested reader is advised to consult §4 in [2].

Note that implications are still finitary in the sense that we can only build formulas of the form

φ0→1→2→(· · · →φλ) . . . )

2 Incidentally, this is how the main result of [3] characterizing the expressivity of propositional


whenλis finite. This is the reason for writingωinLκω, it basically bounds the possible number of iterations of a→ symbol in a formula. This notation should not be confused with the classical notation where the second subscript is used to bound the possible length of a string of quantifiers.3

An example of a connective definable in Lω (but not in Lωω) is −→ω (iterated entailment), which was introduced by Humberstone (see [10], p. 36). The formulaφ−→ω ψ means that for some natural numbern >1,

φ(. . . (φ


ψ) . . . ))

holds. This, of course, boils down to an infinitary disjunction of finitary implications:

n>1φ(. . . (φ nφs

ψ) . . . )).

As we announced in §1, we will be working in the Routley–Meyer semantic framework. In this setting, amodelfor Lκω will be a structure M = W,R,,T,V, whereW is a nonempty set, TW,∗is an operation∗ : W −→ W (the so called Routley star), RW×W×W andVis a valuation functionV :PROP−→℘ (W). In what follows we frequently omit T from the presentation of our models since nothing essential hinges on that (given that we will not be considering any connectives involvingT in its semantics) and the reader can easily fill in the omitted details.

We define satisfaction atwinM recursively as follows:

M, w⊥ never

M, wp iff wV(p)

M, w(φ) iff M, wφ

M, w(iIφi) iff M, wφi for everyiI.

M, w(iIφi) iff M, wφi for someiI.

M, wφψ iff for everya,bsuch thatRwab,

ifM,a φthenM,bψ.

Note that as⊥gives us a means to define the empty class of models, =d f (∼ ⊥)allows

defining the class of all models since it is invariably true (for recall that⊥invariably fails atw∗for anyw).

The basic semantic units in relevant logic are (as in modal logic)pointed models, that is, pairs(M, w)wherewis some distinguished element ofW. This is simply due to the fact that formulas are evaluated locally, at worlds.

3 It is opaque whether there is a connection here. For instance,φ(. . . (φ


ψ) . . . )) could be naïvely translated—without the intervention of infinitely long strings of quantifiers— into a “classical infinitary” language with the appropriate signature, using the translation function given below, as ∀y0z0(Rx y0z0 ∧ Tx(φ)y0/x ⊃ ∀y1,z1(Rz0y1z1 ∧ Tx(φ)y1/x

(. . .vu(RzωvuTx(φ)v/xTx(ψ)u/x) . . . ))). The problem is that this is not a formula of

any classical infinitary languageLκλ. The reason is that it violates the well-foundedness of the subformula relation (Lemma 1.3.3 from [12]). To see this note that the collection of formulas ∀yizi(Rzi−1yiziTx(φ)yi/x⊃ ∀yi+1,zi+1(Rziyi+1zi+1∧Tx(φ)yi+1/x(. . .vu(Rzωvu

Tx(φ)v/xTx(ψ)u/x) . . . )))(0<i< ω) has no minimal element according to the subformula


By considering restricted classes of Routley–Meyer structures where the relationRhas certain properties and only some valuations are admitted, we can get classes of models corresponding to a number of formal systems of relevant logic likeB,T, orR. Next we will consider some famous examples from [26].

Consider a relevant language with absurdityL. A structureW,R,,T,Vis called a

B-modelif for anyx,y,z, vW:

(i) RT x x.

(ii) RT xvandRvyzimplies thatRx yz. (iii) x =x∗∗.

(iv) RT x yonly ifRT yx∗.

(v) xV(p)andRT x yimplies thatyV(p).

AnR-modelis aB-model where condition (iv) is strengthened to

(iv) Rzx yonly ifRzyx∗,

and, furthermore (abbreviating the claim that there is a u such that Rx yu and Ruzv as R2(x y)zv, and the claim that there is anusuch thatRxuvandR yzuasR2x(yz)v), for any x,y,z, vW:

(v) R2(x y)zvonly if R2x(yz)v.

(vi) Rx x x.

(vii) Rx yzonly if R yx z.

AnRM-modelis anR-model such that and for anyx,y,zW:

(v) Rx yzonly if eitherRT x zorRT yz.

Whenis the deducibility relation of some formal systemSof relevant logic, a syntactic claim of the formφ ψis to be interpreted on the class of corresponding modelsVS as saying that M,T φonly if M,T ψfor every model MVS. In what follows we will use the symbolVSas a variable for the class of models corresponding to any systemS described in [26] betweenBandRM.4

Next we give an example of the increased expressive power of infinitary relevant

lan-guages. Suppose and are sets of formulas. We speak of the pair ( , )as being

satisfiableorhaving a modelin a classKof pointed models if there is a model(M, w)K

such that M, w φfor eachφ ∈ andM, w ψ for everyψ. These pairs are

calledtableauxin [11] (pp. 37–38).5LetV be a class of pointed models. A class of pointed models KV is said to beaxiomatizableinLωω with respect toV if there is a set of

formulasof Lωω such thatK = Mod()—whereMod()the class of pointed model

satisfying. Let(M, w)be a model for Lωω. We say that(M, w) is inconsistent if for somep∈PROP,M, w(p(p)).

4 A caveat is in place here. Thevariable sharing propertyis a folklore requirement from any formal

system of relevant logic. The property states that wheneverφψ is a theorem thenφandψ must share some propositional variable in common. When our language has ⊥, the principle fails quite easily since⊥ → θ (for arbitraryθ) would be a theorem, tempting one to claim that no system involving ⊥should qualify as a system of relevant logic. However, Yang [31] has suggested recently thestrong implicit relevance propertyas a nice substitute of the variable sharing property that would allow for systems containing⊥.


Inconsistency is definable by a sentence of a propositional relevant language with absur-dity LωωifPROPis finite, for in this casepPROP(p(p))expresses that a model is inconsistent. If the signature is not finite, inconsistency is not in general a property axiomatizable inLωω. This has been pointed out forL P essentially in [14] with an argu-ment using a version of Ło´s’s theorem on ultraproducts.

PROPOSITION2.1. If|PROP|ω, inconsistency is not a property of models

axiomati-zable in Lωωwith respect to any VS.

Proof. Suppose it were. Say the theoryaxiomatizes the class of inconsistent models.

Now, the pair(, )where = {(p(p)): p ∈PROP}is finitely satisfiable inVS. To see this take a finite subset{p0, . . . ,pn} ⊂PROP. Consider the modelW,R,,V,T

(inVSsince it is inVRM) such that

W = {t,s}.

∗ = {t,s,s,t}.

R= {t,t,t,t,s,t,t,s,s,s,t,t,s,t,s,s,s,t,s,s,s}.

T =t.

V(pi)=W (fori=0, . . . ,n).

V(q)= {t}(forq ∈PROP, andq =pi fori =0, . . . ,n).

We see that ifq ∈PROPbutq = pi fori =0, . . . ,n, thenM,t (q(q)). On the

other hand,M,t (pi(pi)) (i =0, . . . ,n)sincet∗=sV(pi), which means that

M,t (pi).

Finally, by Proposition 2.5 of [2], the pair(, )is satisfiable inVS, which is a

contra-diction since by definitionsays that at least one ofφ∈ must hold.

When|PROP| ω, inconsistency is expressible by a single formula in the extension L|PROP|+ω of Lωω. Again,p∈PROP(p(p))expresses that a model is inconsistent.

This fact shows thatL|PROP|+ωis a proper expressive extension ofLωω.

Consider an infinitary language with equality and boolean negation admitting conjunc-tions and disjuncconjunc-tions of size at most κ (the standard reference for the study of such languages is [12]) and quantifications over at most finitely many variables that comes with an individual constant symbolT, one function symbol∗, a distinguished three place relation symbol R, and a unary predicate P for each p ∈ PROP. Following the tradition in modal logic, we might call this a correspondence language Lcorrκω for Lκω (cf. [9]). Now we can read a model M as a classical model for Lcorrκω in a straightforward way: W is taken as the domain of the structure, the constant T denotes the obvious distin-guished world, V specifies the denotation of each of the predicates P,Q, . . ., while ∗ is the denotation of the function symbol∗of Lcorr, and R the denotation of the relation


κω .

Wheretis a term in the correspondence language, we writeφt/x for the result of replac-ingx witht everywhere in the formulaφ. As expected, it is easy to specify a translation from the formulas of the basic relevant language with absurdity to the correspondence language as follows: Tx() = ¬Rx x x∧Rx x x. Tx(p) = P x. Tx(φ) = ¬Tx(φ)x/x. Tx( iIφi) = iITx(φi). Tx( iIφi) = iITx(φi). Tx(φψ) = ∀y,z(Rx yzTx(φ)y/xTx(ψ)z/x).


The symbols ¬and⊃appear here representing boolean negation and material implica-tion in quantificaimplica-tional infinitary logic (which should not be confused with the relevant


The following proposition gives a bridge between the satisfaction relationfor rele-vant propositional languages we just defined and the standard satisfaction relationfrom classical logic (where whenφis a classical formula, we writeM φ[w] to mean that the objectwsatisfiesφin the usual Tarskian sense).

PROPOSITION2.2. For anyw, M, wφif and only if M Tx(φ)[w].

Proof. We simply need to note that, according to the Routley–Meyer semantics, each

propositional relevant formula φ says the same aboutw as Tx(φ)does in the Tarskian


The existence of a satisfaction preserving translation function allows us to study relevant languages with absurdity as fragments of model-theoretically better understood creatures.

§3. Failure of compactness and strong completeness. In this section, we study briefly a phenomenon pervasive in infinitary logic even at the propositional level: the loss of compactness. This quickly leads to a loss of strong completeness for any reasonable in-finitary formal system (cf. [18]). Such seems to be the price to pay for having infinitely long conjunctions and disjunctions around. Here we will focus our attention on specific classes of models since we will be discussing questions sensitive to the choice of formal system such as incompleteness.

DEFINITION3.1. Let Lκω be a relevant language with absurdity, K a class of Routley–

Meyer structures for it and( , )a pair of collections of relevant formulas. Lκωis said to

beλ-compact with respect to Kif for every 0⊆ and0⊆such that| 0|,|0| < λ,

the pair( 0, 0)has a model in K only if( , )has a model in K .

PROPOSITION3.2. Let|PROP|κ. Lκωisκ-compact with respect to some VSonly if

κis a regular limit cardinal.

Proof. Supposeκis a sucessor cardinalξ+1. Without loss of generality, assumePROP

is composed of double indexed propositional variablespλγ (λ < ξ+1, γ < ξ). Consider the set of formulas

= γ < ξpλγ :λ < ξ+1∪ {pλγpμγ → ⊥:μ=λ, μ, λ < ξ+1, γ < ξ}.

Take any 0 ⊂ such that |0| ξ. By the axiom of choice, there is a one-to-one

mapping f from the set of allλsuch thatpλγ for someγappears in a formula of0intoξ.

We build the model where W = {t}, R = {t,t,t},∗ = {t,t}, and we define V as follows:V(pλf(λ))=W, andV(pλγ)= ∅ifγ = f(λ). It is clear thatM,tγ < ξ pλγ

for all disjunctions in0withγ < ξ+1. Now take anypλγpμγ → ⊥ ∈0such that μ=λ, μ, λ < ξ+1,andγ < ξ. Since f is an injection we have that f(μ)= f(λ), so pλγ andpμγ will never hold simultaneously at any world inW by our definition ofV. Hence, M,t pλγpμγ → ⊥by antecedent failure. However,itself has no model, contradictingκ-compactness.

Suppose on the other hand thatκis singular. In [12] (p. 85) it is noted that the infinitary languages Lκω where κ is singular are exactly as expressive as languages Lκ+ω. The argument holds forLκωas well. Hence, without loss of generality, we can take


to be a perfectly good collection of formulas ofLκω. As before every subset0⊂such

that|0| < κhas a model inVSbutdoes not.

A Hilbert-style formal systemHfor a languageLκωwith respect to the class of models for a standard system for relevant logic will be formed by a set of formulas ofLκωtaken as the collection of axioms and a collection of rules of inference each with less than κ premises. Ifis a collection of formulas of Lκω andφa formula of Lκω, we will write

H φif there is a sequence of formulasSof length less thanκ such that every formula

inSis either an axiom, one of the formulas inor it follows from previous formulas inS using one of the inference rules.

PROPOSITION3.3. Let|PROP| κ+. Let H be a formal system for Lκ+ω sound with

respect to some VS. Then H is not strongly complete.

Proof. Takein the proof of Proposition 3.2. Since every0⊆with|0| < κhas

a model inVS, by the soundness ofH, we see that0H ⊥, but that means thatH ⊥.

Howeversemantically implies⊥overVS, since it has no model.

§4. Relevant directed bisimulations and Karp’s Theorem. In this section, we in-troduce relevant directed bisimulations, establish some basic facts that will be needed in §6 and prove the relevant analogue of Karp’s theorem. The present section as well as §6 focuses on the infinitary relevant language with absurdityLω.

DEFINITION4.1. The degreeof an infinitary relevant formulaφ, in symbols, dg(φ), is

defined inductively in the following way:

dg() = 0, dg(p) = 0, dg(iIφi) = sup{dg(φi):iI}, dg(iIφi) = sup{dg(φi):iI}, dg(φ) = dg(φ), dg(φψ) = sup{dg(φ),dg(ψ)} +1.

We will say that two formulasφandψareequivalentif for any model(M, w),M, w

φiffM, wψ.

PROPOSITION4.2. For each ordinalα, there are only set-many nonequivalent formulas

of Lωwith degreeα.

Proof. Consider firstLcorrω. Define the quantifier rank of a formula ofLcorrω following [4]

(Definition 10. 4) which deals appropriately with the presence of functions in the language. According to Corollary 10.9 in [4], forκsome fixed point of the functionwith cardinality bigger than the cardinality of the signature ofLcorrω (there is always some suchκgiven that

is normal), every formula ofLcorrω with quantifier rankαis equivalent to a disjunction of size smaller than κ of formulas of a certain classwith fewer thanκ nonequivalent members. Clearly, there are only set-many nonequivalent such disjunctions. Hence, there are only set-many nonequivalent formulas ofLcorrω with quantifier rankα.

Finally since relevant formulas of degreeαcan be seen via the translation as formulas ofLcorr

ω with quantifier rankβ for sufficiently bigβ, we have established the result.

Relevant directed bisimulations—as bisimulations in modal logic—are “nonclassical” analogues of back and forth games from classical model theory. In this sense, the next definition introduces the analogue of Definition 5.3.3 from [12].


DEFINITION4.3. Let M1= W1,R1,∗1,V1and M2= W2,R2,∗2,V2be two models.

Arelevant directedα-bisimulationforPROPbetween M1and M2is a system of pairs of

nonempty relationsZ01,Z02, . . . ,Zα1,Zα2where

Zβ1⊆WW2and Zβ2⊆WW1 (0βα)

such that

Zα1⊆ · · · ⊆ Z01

2⊆ · · · ⊆ Z02

and when i,j ∈ {1,2},0β < αand0γ α,

(1) x Zγiy only if yjZγjxi

(2) If x Z+1)iy and Rjybc for some b,cWj, there are b,cWisuch that Rixbc,

b Zβjband cZβic.

(3) If x Zγiy and p∈PROP,

Mi,x p only if Mj,yp.

PROPOSITION4.4. Let(M1, w1)and(M2, w2)be two arbitrary Routley–Meyer models,

αan ordinal and i,j ∈ {1,2}. Then,(i)for each relevant formulaφof Lω with degree

α, Mi, wi φonly if Mj, wj φiff(ii)there is a relevant directedα-bisimulation

(Zβi,Zβj)βαsuch thatwiZβjwj for eachβ α.

Proof. (ii)(i): Assume that (ii). We argue for (i) for all α simultaneously, by

induction on the complexity ofφ.

The atomic cases as well as⊥are obvious from (3) in Definition 4.3 and the fact that ⊥ is never true. For negation, letφ = (ψ) and suppose that Mi, wi (ψ), so

Mi, wii ψ. ButwjjZαjwii by (1) in Definition 4.3 sincewiZαjwjby assumption, and,

by inductive hypothesis,Mj, wjj ψ, soMj, wj (ψ)as desired. Conjunction and

disjunction are routine exercises.

The only remaining case is whenφ = ψχ. By Definition 4.1, say thatdg(φ) =

β +1 α, whereβ = sup{dg(ψ),dg(χ)}. Suppose that Mi, wi ψχ, which

means that if Riwibc for some b,c, and Mi,b ψ, then Mi,c χ. Now, let

Rjwjbcfor arbitraryb,c. We need to show thatMj,bψonly ifMj,cχ. To get the

contrapositive, we will suppose that Mj,c χ. By the assumption (ii),wiZβ+1iwj, so

using property (2) in Definition 4.3, there areb,csuch thatRiwibc,b Zβjb, andcZβic.

Note that Z0i,Z0j, . . . ,Zβi,Zβj is a directed β-bisimulation between Mi and Mj.

This follows readily from our assumption that Z0i,Z0j, . . . ,Zαi,Zαj is a relevant

directed α-bisimulation between Mi and Mj by verifying (1)–(3) in Definition 4.3. By

inductive hypothesis, sinceMj,cχ anddg(χ) β,Mi,c χ. Given that Mi, wi

ψχ, it must be thatMi,b ψ. But by inductive hypothesis again using the fact that

b Zβjbanddg(ψ)β,Mj,bψ. Hence,Mj, wj ψχ.

(i)(ii): For a modelS, and worldwfromS, we denote byr elγ-t pS(w)the relevant

type up to degreeγ ofw, i.e., the set of all infinitary relevant formulas such thatS, wφ anddg(φ)γ. We claim that, on the assumption that (i), the following system of relations defines a relevant directedα-bisimulation betweenMi andMj:

x Zβiyiffr elβ-t pMi(x)r elβ-t pMj(y)(0βα)(i = j,i,j ∈ {1,2}).

Let us first note that Zαm ⊆ · · · ⊆ Z0m (m ∈ {1,2}). By the asumption (i), Zαi is

nonempty, sincewiZ0iwj, but the latter also implies thatwjjZαjwii as we will see below,


Let 0 β α,i,j ∈ {1,2}. If x Zβiy, i.e., r elβ-t pMi(x)r elβ-t pMj(y), we

see thatr elβ-t pMj(yj)r elβ-t pMi(xi), i.e., yjZβjxi. It suffices to show that if

Mj,yj φthenMi,xi φfor everyφwithdg(φ)β. We prove the contrapositive.

Suppose that Mi,xi φ, soMi,x (φ)and sincedg(φ) = dg(φ)andr elβ

-t pMi(x)r elβ-t pMj(y), also Mj,y (φ). Consequently, Mj,yj

φ as we

wanted. This takes care of (1) in Definition 4.3.

For clause (2) in Definition 4.3, suppose that x Z+1)iy +1 α), i.e.,r elβ+1

-t pMi(x)r elβ+1-t pMj(y), and Rjybc for some worlds b,c from Mj. Where

Fmla(Lω) stands for the class of propositional relevant formulas ofLω, consider

nr elβ-t pMj(c)= {φ: Mj,cφ, φ∈Fmla(L→∞ω),dg(φ)β}.

By Proposition 4.2 we see thatr elβ-t pMj(b)as well asnr elβ-t pMj(c)can be taken

as sets. It is clear that

Mj,yr elβ-t pMj(b)

nr elβ-t pMj(c)

sinceRjybc,Mj,br elβ-t pMj(b)butMj,c

nr elβ-t pMj(c). Observe that dg(r elβ-t pMj(b)nr elβ-t pMj(c)) =sup{dg(r elβ-t pMj(b)),dg( nr elβ-t pMj(c))} +1, but dg(r elβ-t pMj(b))=sup{dg(δ):δr elβ-t pMj(b)}β and dg(nr elβ-t pMj(c))=sup{dg(σ ):σnr elβ-t pMj(c)}β, so dg(r elβ-t pMj(b)nr elβ-t pMj(c))β+1.

Thus, sincer elβ+1-t pMi(x)r elβ+1-t pMj(y), contraposing,


r elβ-t pMj(b)

nr elβ-t pMj(c),

which means that there are b and c such that Rixbc, Mi,b

r elβ-t pMj(b),


nr elβ-t pMj(c). Hence,r elβ-t pMj(b)r elβ-t pMi(b), i.e.,b Zβjb.

On the other hand, we have that if Mj,c φ then Mi,c φ wheneverdg(φ) β.

Contraposing,r elβ-t pMi(c)r elβ-t pMj(c), i.e.,cZβic.

Condition (3) in Definition 4.3 follows given that atomic formulas have degree 0. DEFINITION4.5. Let M1= W1,R1,∗1,V1and M2= W2,R2,∗2,V2be two models.

A relevant directed bisimulation for PROP between M1 and M2 is a pair of nonempty


Z1⊆WW2and Z2⊆WW1

such that when i,j ∈ {1,2},

(1) x Ziy only if yjZjxi

(2) If x Ziy and Rjybc for some b,cWj, there are b,cWi such that Rixbc,

b Zjband cZic.

(3) If x Ziy and p∈PROP,


Next we show an analogue of Karp’s celebrated theorem characterizing Lω -equivalence in terms of partial isomorphisms. The corresponding result for modal logic is regarded as a “folklore” theorem.

THEOREM4.6 (Relevant Karp’s Theorem). Let(M1, w1)and(M2, w2)be two models and

i,j ∈ {1,2}. Then the following are equivalent:

(i) for every formulaφof Lω, Mi, wi φonly if Mj, wj φ.

(ii) there is a relevant directed bisimulationZi,Zj between M1 and M2such that


Proof. (ii)(i): This direction follows from Proposition 4.4, and the facts that

Zi,Zjcan be taken to be a relevant directedα-bisimulation for any αand that every

formula ofLωhas some degreeα.

(i)(ii): We claim that

x Ziyiffrel-tpMi(x)rel-tpMj(y)(i = j,i,j ∈ {1,2})

defines a relevant directed bisimulation whererel-tpMi(x)(i =1,2) is the collection of all

formulas ofLωholding atxinMi.

For clause (1) in Definition 4.5, suppose x Zβiy, i.e.,rel-tpMi(x)rel-tpMj(y). We

have that that rel-tpMj(yj)rel-tp Mi(x

i), i.e., yjZβ

jxi. It suffices to show that if

Mj,yj φthen Mi,xi φ for everyφ. We prove the contrapositive. Suppose that

Mi,xi φ, soMi,x (φ)and sincerel-tpMi(x)rel-tpMj(y), alsoMj,y(φ).


φas we wanted.

Now we have to take care of clause (2) in Definition 4.5. Assume that x Ziy, i.e.,

rel-tpMi(x)rel-tpMj(y), andRjybcfor some worldsb,cfromMj. Suppose for reductio

that there are nob,cWi such thatRixbc,b Zjb(i.e.,rel-tpMj(b)rel-tpMi(b)) and

cZic(i.e.,rel-tpMi(c)rel-tpMj(c)). We first notice that{b,cWi :Rixbc} = ∅, for

otherwiseMi,x → ⊥, soMj,y → ⊥, which implies thatMj,c⊥, which is

impossible. Now, for anyb,cWi such thatRixbcthere are formulasφb andφc such

that either (i)Mj,bφb andMi,b φb or (ii)Mi,c φc andMj,cφc. For any

b,cWi such thatRixbcdefine the transformationτ as follows:


if (i) does not hold,

φb otherwise.


⊥ if (ii) does not hold,

φc otherwise.

Next, it suffices to consider the formula ∃vRxbv b∈Wi τ(φb )vRi xvc c∈Wi τ(φc).

A moments reflection shows that

Mj,yvRi xbv b∈Wi τ(φb)→ ∃vRi xvc c∈Wi τ(φc) but Mi,xvRi xbv b∈Wi τ(φb)→ ∃vRi xvc c∈Wi τ(φc),

contradicting the assumption thatrel-tpMi(x)rel-tpMj(y).


Theorem 4.6 is nothing but the infinitary version of Theorem 13.5 from [22]. Quite frequently in infinitary logic we are able to obtain counterparts to results provable for finitary languages with the restriction that the models under consideration be finite.

§5. Scott’s theorem. Next we establish a result implying a corollary analogous to Scott’s isomorphism theorem in classical infinitary logic. The corresponding theorem for modal logic was proven in [8].

Since finitary relevant logic is considerably weaker than first order logic and modal logic in terms of expressive power, it only seems natural that to get a version of Scott’s isomorphism theorem one has to go beyond the expressive power gained by merely adding countable conjunctions. In fact, Corollary 5.2 requires us to add conjunctions of cardinality at most|2ω|.

There is another difference between the following result and Scott’s isomorphism the-orem or van Benthem’s modal version of it. Scott’s thethe-orem gives a formulaφM

charac-terizing up to isomorphism a given countable model M among the class of all countable models, so Scott’s formula only depends on the model M. In contrast, we give a formula that implies that there is a relevant directed bisimulation between two arbitrary countable models but which depends on both. This difference is due to the nature of relevant directed bisimulations. Contrary to isomorphism or bisimulation, a relevant directed bisimulation betweenM1andM2demands things from both models. Recall that it is not a relation from

WW2but a pair of relations fromWW2andWW1respectively.

THEOREM5.1. Let(M1, w1)and(M2, w2)be two models in some K such that KVB

the least infinite cardinalsup{|W1|,|W2|}, andλ=sup{|PROP|,2κ}. Then, when i,j

{1,2}, there is a formulaθwi of Lλ+ωsuch that(1)Mi, wi θwi, and(2)Mj, wj θwi iff

there is a relevant directed bisimulation(Zi,Zj)between Miand Mj such thatwiZiwj.

Proof. We start by defining for each worldaof Mi the formulaφηMaj—simultaneously


i forbWj—by induction on the ordinalη < λ

+as follows: φ0a

Mj = the set of all literals satisfied by(Mi,a), φηa Mj = ξ < ηφξMaj ifηis a limit ordinal, φη+1a Mj = φ ηa Mjb∈W j, XWi, Mi,aφηMibd∈XφηM jd φηb MidXφη d Mjb∈W j, X⊆Wi, Mi,a((φηMibd∈XφηM jd)) ((φηb MidXφη d Mj)).

Observe that whenγ < β < λ+,

Mj,aφβMaj implies that Mj,a

φγa Mj.

This can be seen by induction onβ. The case whenβ =0 is true by antecedent failure. Ifβ =η+1, eitherη=γorγ < η. If the first, since

Mj,aφγMajb∈W j, X⊆Wi, Mi,aφγb MidXφγ d Mj φγb MidXφγ d Mj implies that Mj,a φγa Mj, we have that Mj,aφβMa j implies that Mj,a φγa Mj.


If the second, since

Mj,aφβMaj implies that Mj,aφηMaj,

and, by inductive hypothesis,

Mj,aφηMaj implies that Mj,aφγMaj,

we get what we needed.

Now let us define a map f :WW2−→λ+in the following way:


the least ordinalξ < λ+such thatM2,aφξMa2 if there is some,

0 otherwise.

Given that|W1×W2| =κ < cf+)=λ+, we see that there must beξ0 < λ+such that

the range of f is a subset ofξ0. Consequently, for everyβ such thatξ0 < β < λ+,


2 implies that M2,a φβa


for otherwise we have that there is an ordinalγ withξ0 < γ β which is the smallest

ordinal such thatM2,aφMγa2, contradicting the fact that the range of f is a subset ofξ0.

Similarly, we defineg:WW1−→λ+as


the least ordinalξ < λ+such thatM1,aφξMa1 if there is some,

0 otherwise,

and obtainξ1 < λ+such that the range ofgis a subset ofξ1. As before, for everyβsuch

thatξ1 < β < λ+,


1 implies that M1,a φβa


Chooseξto be sup{ξ0, ξ1}. By the above, whenξ < β < λ+,

M2,aφξMa2 implies that M2,a φβa M2, and M1,aφξMa1implies thatM1,a φβa M1.

We claim that the relationsu Z1viff M2, v φMξu2 andu Z2viff M1, v φ ξu

M1 satisfy all

clauses in Definition 4.5.

For (1) in Definition 4.5, we will show by induction that wheni,j ∈ {1,2}, for allβ, ifuis a world ofMi andMj, v φMβuj thenMi,ui φβv

∗j Mi . In particular, ifu Ziv, i.e., Mj, vφξMuj thenMi,ui φξv∗j Mi , i.e.,vjZ jui.

Letβ =0, and assume that Mj, v φ0Muj. We need to show that every literal satisfied

byvj atM

j is also satisfied byui atMi, that is: (a) Mj, vj ponly ifMi,ui p,

and (b) Mj, vj (p)only if Mi,ui (p). To prove the contrapositive of (a)

assume that Mi,ui p, soMi,u (p), but Mj, v φ0Muj, hence Mj, v (p),

i.e, Mj, vj p. Now, for the contrapositive of (b) assume that Mi,ui (p), so

Mi,uii pbutuii =u, soMi,u p. However,Mj, v φ0Muj, which implies that

Mj, v p, i.e.,Mj, vjj p, henceMj, vj (p)as desired.

Ifβ is a limit ordinal andMj, v φβMuj, then Mj, v φγMuj for allγ < β, and by

inductive hypothesis,Mi,ui φγ v ∗j

Mi for allγ < β, which implies thatMi,u

i φβv∗j Mi .


Ifβ=γ+1 andMj, v φγM+j1u,Mj, v φγMuj, and by inductive hypothesis,Mi,ui φγ vMi∗j. Recall that φγ+1v∗j Mi = φ γ v∗j Mib∈Wi, X⊆W j, M j,vjφγM jbdXφγMid φγb MjdXφγ d Mib∈Wi, X⊆W j, M j,v∗j((φγM jbdXφγMid)) ((φγb MjdXφγ d Mi)).

Hence, it remains to show that (a)Mj, vj φγMb j

dXφγ d

Mi for some worldbof Mi

and XWj only if Mi,ui φγMbjdXφγ d Mi, and (b) Mj, vj ((φγb MjdXφγ d

Mi)) for some world b of Mi and XWj only if Mi,u

i ((φγb Mj

dXφγ d

Mi)). These two follow similarly to (a) and (b) in the case whenβ=0.

The proof of (2) in Definition 4.5 requires us to notice first that fori ∈ {1,2},Mi,u


Mj for allβ. We argue by induction onβ. The caseβ =0 is trivial. Ifβis a limit ordinal

and, by inductive hypothesis, Mi,u φγMuj for allγ < β, then clearly Mi,u φβMuj.

Finally let β = γ +1. By inductive hypothesis, Mi,u φγMuj. But trivially both (a)

Mi,u φγMb


dXφγ d

Mj for some world b of Mj and XWi only if Mi,u

φγb MidXφγ d Mj, and (b) Mi,u ( γb MidXφγ d

Mj))for some worldb of Mj

andXWi only ifMi,u((φγMbidXφγ d

Mj)). Hence,Mi,uφ βu Mj.

Now, suppose that u Ziv, i.e., Mj, v φMξuj, which implies that Mj, v φ ξ+1u Mj by

choice of ξ. Assume further that Rjvbc and consider the disjunction

dXφξ d Mj where

dWi is such that Mj,c φMξdj. By a previous observation, Mj,b φξMbi and clearly

Mj,c dXφξMd j, so Mj, v φ ξb MidXφξ d

Mj. Hence, given thatMj, v φ ξ+1u Mj , Mi,u φξMbidXφξ d

Mj. Thus, there areb

,c W i such that Riubc,Mi,bφξMbi, i.e.,b ZibandMi,c dXφξ d

Mj. The latter means that ifdWiandMj,cφ ξd Mj then


j. Again by a previous observationMi,c


Mj, so we see thatMj,cφ ξc Mj

contraposing the previous sentence, i.e.,cZic.

Clause (3) in Definition 4.5 follows as ifi,j ∈ {1,2}andu Ziv, i.e.,Mj, v φξMuj then

Mj, vφ0Muj, so every propositional variable satisfied atuinMiis also satisfied atvinMj.

The right to left direction of the theorem follows since if Mj, wj φξwiMj then Z1and

Z2are both nonempty, so we have the required relevant directed bisimulation betweenMi


For the other direction if there is one such relevant directed bisimulationMj, wj φβwiMj

for allβ, so in particular,Mj, wj φξwiMj . This can be be seen by recalling that for anyβ,

Mi, wi φβwiMj and sincewiZiwj by assumption, Mj, wj φβwiMj since all formulas of

Lλ+ωare preserved under relevant directed bisimulations.

COROLLARY5.2 (Relevant Scott’s Theorem). Let(M1, w1)and(M2, w2)be two


variables. Then, when i,j ∈ {1,2}, there is a formulaθwi of L|2ω|+ωsuch that Mj, wj

θwi iff there is a relevant directed bisimulation(Z

i,Zj)between Mi and Mj such that


§6. Interpolation, preservation, and Beth definability. In this section, following the analogous case for modal logic [5, 7], we obtain a preservation theorem for relevant infini-tary formulas as a corollary to a generalized interpolation result. Interpolation theorems have a history of implying preservation results (some examples in infinitary logic can be found in [19]).

LetMbe a structure for a languageLω, ifX ⊆dom(M)andXis closed under all the functions in the signature ofM, then [X]M is the submodel obtained by restricting all the relations in the signature of M to X. Note that if X fails to be closed under the required functions, then [X]M is not defined.

LEMMA6.1 (Relativization Lemma). Let Lωbe a language with a unary predicate P.

Then for any formulaφ(x)Lω not containing P there is a first order formulaφP such

that if M is a structure where[PM]Mis defined then for every sequence a of elements from


M φP[a]iff [PM]M φ[a].

Proof. This is just Theorem 5.1.1 from [17].

Given a languageL, by11(L)and11(L)we will mean the languages resulting from admitting, respectively, second order existential quantifications in front of a formula of L and second order universal quantifications in front of a formula ofL.

LEMMA6.2. If Lω has a signature containing a binary symbol<,φ(x)andψ are

formulas of Lωand11(Lω)respectively such that for each ordinalαthere is a model

M such that<M is a linear ordering onφ(M)in order typeα, thenψhas a model N

such that<Nis a linear ordering onφ(N)which is not well-ordered.

Proof. This is essentially Theorem 11.5.4 in [17] or Theorem 1. 8 in [6].

Lemma 6.2 is known as the property of the model-theoretic language Lω of being

bounded, a substitute for compactness when establishing that a property is not expressible

inLω([17], p. 581). It is a useful property that can be seen to characterizeLωin terms of expressive power via a Lindström theorem (cf. [4]).

LetR,S be a pair of binary relations between two structures M1 and M2, while φ

andψ are formulas of Lcorrω. Following [5, 7] we say thatφ implies ψ alongR,S if whenever M1R M2,M1 φonly ifM2 ψ and ifM2S M1, M2 φ only ifM1 ψ.

This can be seen as a generalization of the usual notion of consequence (note that standard consequence is the case when R andS are the identity). When the relation in question is relevant directed bisimulations,φimpliesψalong relevant directed bisimulations if when Z1,Z2is a relevant directed bisimulation between two models M1 and M2, anda Zib

(i,j ∈ {1,2}) for elementsa,bof the domains ofMi andMj respectively, thenMi φ[a]

only ifMj φ[b].

Ifφis a formula ofLcorrω, we will writePROPφfor the collection of predicates appearing inφcorresponding to propositional variables inPROP.

LEMMA 6.3. Let φ, ψ be formulas of11(Lcorrω), 11(Lcorrω)respectively. Supposeφ

impliesψalong relevant directed bisimulations forPROPφ∩PROPψ over some class of


αsuch that for every M,NK if M φ[w]and u satisfies in N all the infinitary relevant

formulas of degreeαsatisfied bywin M, then N ψ[u].

Proof. Suppose for reductio that for eachαthere are(M1, w1)and(M2, w2)such that

M1φ[w1] andM2ψ[w2] whilew2satisfies inM2all the infinitary relevant formulas

of degreeαsatisfied byw1inM1. Hence, by Proposition 4.4, there is a relevant directed α-bisimulation(Zβ1,Zβ2)βαsuch thatw1Zβ1w2for eachβ α.

Suppose for simplicity that PROPφ ∩PROPψ has a single nonlogical symbol p. So the correspondence language Lcorr

ω has signature K = {∗,R,P,Q0,Q1, . . .}where Qi

(i =0,1, . . .) are the predicates corresponding the propositional variables not inPROPφ∩ PROPψ. Expand this signature by adding the set of symbols{U1,U2, <,O,B1,B2,I,G},

whereU1,U2, ,B1,B2andOare unary predicates,<andI are binary predicates, while

Gis a ternary predicate.

Consider the infinitary formula, where is the theory containing the following formulas:


“There arex,ysuch thatU1x,U2y, φU1x,¬ψU2yand for allz,usuch thatO z,B1u

andI zu, we have thatGuxy

<is a discrete total ordering with first and last elements” “Ois the field of<

“IfUix, thenUix∗” (i ∈ {1,2})

“IfUixandRx yz, thenUiyandUiz” (i ∈ {1,2})

“IfBiz,Ou,I uzandGzx y, thenUixandUjy” (i ∈ {1,2})

“For allzsuch thatO z, there isuwithBiuandI zu” (i ∈ {1,2})

“If Biz,Ou,I uz and Gzx y, then there is v such that Bjv,I uv, andGvyx∗”

(i ∈ {1,2})

“IfBiz,Ou,I uzandGzx y, then P xonly if P y” (i ∈ {1,2})

“IfUix,Ujy,Ujb,Ujc,O z,I uz,Biz,Gzx y,R ybc,Ovandv <u, then there are

w, w such that Ivw,Ivw,Bjw,Biw and there are bc such that Uib,Uic,

Rxbc,GwbbandGwcc” (i ∈ {1,2}).

The last three classes of sentences described in our presentation ofare simply restate-ments in first order logic of conditions appearing in the definition of a directed


For each ordinalα,has a modelMαsuch that the ordering<Mα onOMαhas order

typeα. To see this consider(M1, w1)and(M2, w2)as given by our reductio assumption,

that is, M1 φ[w1] andM2 ψ[w2] while there is a relevant directedα-bisimulation (Zβ1,Zβ2)βα such thatw1Zβ1w2for eachβα.

We can suppose without loss of generality that W1∩W2 = ∅(if this is not the case

already simply take isomorphic copies of M1andM2satisfying the proviso). Let be

any modelM3such that:

W3=W1∪W2∪α+1∪ {Zβi :β α,i∈ {1,2}}, R3=R1∪R2, ∗3= ∗1∪ ∗2, UM3 i =Wi (i∈ {1,2}), PM3 =PM1∪PM2,


QM3 i =Q M1 iQ M2 i (i =0,1, . . .), BM3 i = {Zβi :β α} (i ∈ {1,2}), OM3 =α+1,

<M3 is the natural ordering onα+1,

IM3βyiffβαandy=Zβ i for somei ∈ {1,2}, GM3xabiffx=Z ∈ {Zβ i :β α,i∈ {1,2}}anda Z b. It follows thatM3

. The sentencesσU1,σU2hold inM

3by Lemma 6.1, the fact that

bothM1andM2makeψtrue, and that [U1M3]M3 =M1and [U2M3]M3 =M2.

Since for each ordinalα,has a modelMαsuch that the ordering<Mα onOMαhas

order type α, by Lemma 6.2,has a model M4such that<M4 is a linear ordering

which is not well ordered. This means thatOM4 being the field of<M4 contains an infinite

descending sequence:

() . . .e3 <M4 e2 <M4 e1 <M4 e0.

LetM4|K be the restriction ofM4to the signatureK. Now, sinceM4makes


there are aUM4

1 andbU M4

2 such that M4 φU1[a] (i.e., [U M4

1 ]M4|K φ[a]),

M4ψU2[b] (i.e., [U2M4]M4|K ψ[b]) and for allz,u such thatzOM4,uB M4 1 and

M4 I[zu], we have thatM4G[uab].

The pairZ1,Z2defines a relevant directed bisimulation forPROPφ∩PROPψbetween


1 ]M4|K and [U M4

2 ]M4|K where

x Z1yiff there isen (nω) in the sequence()such that there isuB1M4,M4

I[enu] andM4G[ux y],

x Z2yiff there isen (nω) in the sequence()such that there isuB2M4,M4

I[enu] andM4G[ux y].

First note thatZ1 = ∅ = Z2. For alluand arbitraryen such thatuB1M4 andM4

I[enu], we have that M4 G[uab], and given that there is such au, we have thata Z1b.

But one of the formulas inimplies that there is alsovBM4

2 such M4 I[env] and

M4G[vb∗4a∗4]. Hence,a Z1bandb∗4Z2a∗4, i.e.,b

∗ [UM4 2 ]M4|KZ2a ∗ [UM4 1 ]M4|K.

To show (1) in Definition 4.5 suppose that i ∈ {1,2}and x Ziy. By essentially the

argument in the above paragraph it follows thaty

∗ [UjM4]M4|K Zjx ∗ [UM4 i ] M4|K .

For clause (2) in Definition 4.5, suppose thati ∈ {1,2}andx Ziy, so there isen(nω)

in the sequence()such that there isuBM4

i ,M4 I[enu] andM4 G[ux y]. Now


[UM4 j ]M4|K

ybcfor someb,cUM4

j , i.e.,R4ybcby Lemma 6.1. But sinceen+1<en,

there is formula inwhich implies that there arew, wsuch thatM4 I[en+1w],M4

I[en+1w], wBMj 4, wBiM4 and there arebcsuch thatb,cUiM4,R4xbc(so, by

Lemma 6.1, R

[UM4 i ]M4|K

xbc),M4 G[wbb] and M4 G[wcc] (hence b Zjb and


Condition (3) in Definition 4.5 follows as ifi ∈ {1,2}anda Zib, there is formula in

implying that M4 P[a] only if M4 P[b], and, by the Lemma 6.1, [UiM4]M4|KP[a]

only if [UM4

j ]


Finally, since the pair Z1,Z2 defines a relevant directed bisimulation for PROPφ

PROPψ between [UM4 1 ] M4|K and [UM4 2 ] M4|K with a Z 1b, [U2M4]M4|K ψ[b] and [UM4


relevant directed bisimulations. Also, [UM4 1 ]

M4|Kand [UM4 2 ]

M4|Kare in the class of models

K sinceψholds in both by Lemma 6.1.

THEOREM6.4 (Interpolation). Letφ, ψbe formulas of11(Lcorrω),11(Lcorrω)respectively

and K a class of Routley–Meyer structures axiomatizable by some formulaσ of Lcorrω.

Then,φimpliesψalong relevant directed bisimulations forPROPφ∩PROPψ over K iff

there is a relevant interpolantθforφandψover K according to the standard consequence

relation, with propositional variables inPROPφ∩PROPψ.

Proof. For the right to left direction of the theorem suppose that there is a relevant

infinitary interpolantθforφandψoverKwith propositional variables inPROPφ∩PROPψ. Thatφimpliesψalong relevant directed bisimulations forPROPφ∩PROPψoverKfollows from Theorem 4.6 and the fact thatθ is an interpolant forφandψaccording to the usual consequence relation.

For the converse, by Lemma 6.3, we know that there is an ordinalαsuch that for every M,NK ifM φ[w] andu satisfies inN all the infinitary relevant formulas of degree

α satisfied by w in M, then N ψ[u]. Consider the disjunction Mφ[w]

(r elα(M, w)), wherer elα is the set of all translations of formulas ofLω of degree

α with propositional variables in PROPφ ∩PROPψ. The class of all nonequivalent formulas of Lω of degree α is a set according to Proposition 4.2. Thus,Mφ[w]

(r elα(M, w))is a perfectly good formula ofLcorrω. This formula is the desired inter-polant ofφandψ. It is easy to see thatφimpliesMφ[w](r elα(M, w)), while the

latter impliesψby choice ofα.

COROLLARY6.5 (Preservation). Letφbe a formula of Lcorrω and K a class of Routley–

Meyer structures defined by some formulaψof Lcorrω. Then,φis preserved under directed

bisimulations in K iffφis equivalent to an infinitary relevant formula over K .

Proof. Right to left follows from Theorem 4.6. For the converse, just setφ = ψ in

Theorem 6.4.

COROLLARY6.6 (Beth definability). Let P be a unary predicate not in Lcorrω,φ(P)a

formula of Lcorrω∪{P}and K a class of Routley–Meyer structures defined by some formula

ψof Lcorrω ∪ {P}. Then the following are equivalent:

(i) There is a relevant formulaθ(x)of Lcorrω such thatθ(x)P x is a logical

conse-quence ofφ(P)in the standard classical sense.

(ii) If(M1, w1,PM1)and(M2, w2,PM2)are models ofφ(P)such thatZ1,Z2is a

relevant directed bisimulation between the restrictions(M1, w1)and (M2, w2)of

(M1, w1,PM1)and(M2, w2,PM2)to Lcorrω, thenZ1,Z2 is a relevant directed

bisimulation between(M1, w1,PM1)and(M2, w2,PM2).

Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii): It suffices to show that when (M1, w1,PM1)and (M2, w2,PM2)

are models of φ(P)such thatZ1,Z2 is a relevant directed bisimulation between the

restrictions (M1, w1) and (M2, w2) of (M1, w1,PM1) and (M2, w2,PM2) to Lcorrω, if

xPMi and x Z

iy then yPMj. The result follows by the assumption (i) and the

easy direction of Proposition 4.4.

(ii)⇒(i): It is enough to establish that∃P(φ(P)P x)implies∀P(φ(P)P x)along relevant directed bisimulations forPROPP(φ(P)P x)∩PROP∀P(φ(P)P x) over K, since

then, by Theorem 6.4, it follows that there is a relevant formulaθ(x)ofLcorrω which is an interpolant for∃P(φ(P)P x)and∀P(φ(P)P x)overK according to the standard


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