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Dynamics of R&D Collaboration in IT Industry


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Dynamics of R&D Collaboration in IT Industry

Nobuyuki Hanaki

Ryo Nakajima

Yoshiaki Ogura


April 12, 2007

(Preliminary Draft)


This paper provides an empirical analysis of evolving networks of successful R&D collaborations in the IT industry in the United States between 1985 and 1995. We first show that the network has become more extensive, more clus-tered, and more unequal in the sense “stars” have emerged in the network. We then perform regression analysis in which we control for firm similarity, includ-ing unobserved similarities that we infer from the community structure of the network. The results indicate significant triadic closure as well as preferential attachment biases.

Keywords: Dynamic networks, R&D partnerships

We thank Gueorgi Kossinets for comments and suggestions. Financial support from the Japan

Securities Scholarship Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.

University of Tsukuba,hanaki@dpipe.tsukuba.ac.jp University of Tsukuba, nakajima@dpipe.tsukuba.ac.jp §Hitotsubashi University, ogura@ier.hit-u.ac.jp


I. Introduction

The inter-firm positive spillover of research and development (R&D) activities is widely accepted as an empirical stylized fact in the R&D literature. The existing empirical studies have found that this spillover effect is stronger among firms in a technological or geographical neighborhood (Jaffe 1986, Jaffe, Trajtenberg and Hen-derson 1993), among firms that invest in R&D enough to maintain the absorptive capacity for external knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal 1989), and among collaborat-ing firms than competcollaborat-ing firms (Branstetter and Sakakibara 2002, Gomes-Casseres, Hagedoorn and Jaffe 2006). These studies implicitly or explicitly recognize that knowledge exchange among innovative firms is the key element of the R&D spillover. In response to the recent surge of R&D collaborations in high-tech industries (Hage-doorn 2002), many theorists have analyzed inter-firm knowledge spillovers through R&D collaborations in network setting by applying the network formation theory (e.g., Goyal and Moraga-Gonzalez 2001, Goyal and Joshi 2003, Cowan and Jonard 2004, Meagher and Rogers 2004). There is ample evidence that the positioning of firms in R&D collaboration network substantially affect their productivity for new knowledge, which is embodied in artifacts such as patents and new products (e.g., Powell, Koput and Smith-Doerr 1996, Ahuja 2000, Schilling and Phelps 2007).

Given the importance of network architectures in innovation performance, it is natural that innovative individuals and firms may want to form R&D collaborations strategically to control the knowledge spillovers. In fact, the importance of strategic formation of R&D alliance has been widely recognized in the literature.1 In recent

years, theoretical analysis of network formation is a very active area of research, not only in the context of R&D (e.g., Goyal and Moraga-Gonzalez 2001), but also in other contexts as reviewed in Jackson (2006). These studies introduced individual incen-tive to derive strategically stable network architecture, and analyzed the efficiency


characteristics of the network. Yet, the empirical analysis of network formation have been underrepresented in the literature.

The determinants of R&D collaborations between firms have been thus far in-vestigated by industrial organization economists. They have found that the firm’s “absorptive capacities” (Cohen and Levinthal 1989) such as their R&D size and in-tensity significantly influence the likelihood of forming R&D alliance (e.g., R¨oller, Tombak and Siebert 1998, Hern´an, Mar´ın and Siotis 2003). While those exogenous factors may suffice to explain which types of firms are likely to collaborate, they may not provide enough cues to understand how firms interact with each other. For example, if the number of pathways for communication increases among firms, the enhanced flow of knowledge becomes an attraction, and thus one collaboration may guide further collaborations of others. This implies that externality from network structure in place influences how new collaboration links are formed. The existing empirical studies, however, do not address such recursive and inductive nature of R&D network formation. Therefore, our questions that addressed in this paper are as follows: How do the collaborations of firms of one kind influence the actions of another kind? What structural properties are more likely to enhance further R&D collaborations?

The goal of this paper is to study the endogenous development of R&D network in the field of U.S. Information and Technology industry by showing how firms have established new R&D collaborations with each other. We construct a panel data of collaborations between innovative firms by making use of granted patent information. Based on individual firm-level data of R&D collaborations, we are able to estimate the conditional probability of new collaboration formation between any pair of firms in the industry given the structure observed in the previous period. In particular, we measure the impact of certain kinds of network topologies, such as cycle and star, on R&D collaboration formation.


Given the complexity of the subject, the empirical analysis of R&D network forma-tion has been hampered by scarcity of alliance data and their members’ informaforma-tion. The existing empirical studies (e.g., Hagedoorn 2002, Schilling and Phelps 2007) on this subject have relied on “publicly-reported alliance counting method” (Hagedoorn 2002) for data collection; that is, the information on announced inter-firm R&D col-laboration is collected from various source of published resources, such as newspaper, journal article and books. Although such literature-based data collection may be extensive, only publicly announced alliances are included in the dataset so that the sources are likely to be incomplete.2

In this paper we take a different approach. We collect the information of inter-firm collaborations by compiling the NBER Patent Data File (Hall, Jaffe and Trajtenberg 2001). Since the pioneering work of Scherer (1965) and Schmookler (1966) appeared, the patent data have been used in a number of empirical studies on research collab-orations among innovative firms (e.g., Singh 2005, Cantner and Graf 2006).

The main idea of using the NBER patent data is that it provides the information about all researchers that were involved in the creation of the innovation, along with information on the patenting firm, geographic location, and technology types. The names of researchers are recorded with the name of the corporate assignee claiming each patent. We match the lists of inventors’ names across different assignee com-panies to see if they are connected via common researchers. If there are common researchers who work on the same research projects between two innovating firms, we ascribe it to R&D partnership and identify that those firms are collaborated with each other through the researchers. A longitudinal data of evolving R&D network is created by collecting instantaneous networks that are snapshotted yearly.

We start with empirical examination of the macro-dynamics properties of R&D network structure. Several interesting features of the R&D collaboration network are

2Another problem is that the termination of R&D collaboration is not usually published system-atically, this holds in particular for the licensing and customer-supplier relationships.


found. The first finding is that the size of R&D network has expands substantially over time. We can see that the number of nodes has increased substantially, and at the same time, the number of links per node has steadily grown. We also find that the network has been getting more connected, and the giant connected component has emerged and grown, which is the second set of our findings. The third finding is that the average distance between nodes is becoming small although the network size is getting large. The fourth finding is that two given connected nodes tend to be lined to a common third-party. The tendency to form local circle was significant in nineties. Given these findings, we can say that the R&D network is an emerging “small world”. Our final finding concerns the distribution of R&D collaborations. We find that network has been getting more uneven. It is interpreted that R&D network exhibits core-peripheral structure with connected firms getting more connected.

These findings lead us to a utility-based empirical model of joint R&D collabora-tion formacollabora-tion. While agents behave non-strategically, the model enables us to boil down the issues of collaboration formation back to the welfare of the agents. Our model, though simple, exhibits two types of joint collaboration mechanism – random collaborations and network-based collaborations, which is analogous to the model of Jackson and Rogers (2007). In random collaboration setting, a pair of firms meets uniformly at random, and collaborates with each other by chance, once the pairs’ characteristics are controlled for. On the other hand, in network-based collaboration setting, new link formation is dependent on the exiting network structures that are observed by firms in advance.

We consider two structures are important in the network-based collaboration pro-cess. First, we focus on cyclic structure. High search cost for collaborating partners may facilitate R&D alliance through intermediate collaboration partners, and enhance local collaboration chain of neighborhoods. Second, we focus on star structure. Indi-rect benefit through spillovers may facilitate a positive feed-back loop whereby firms


tend to connect with a handful of super-connected stars that become even more con-nected. The empirical model incorporating those features can be shown compatible with the macro empirical findings that are described above.

To gain more insight into the circumstances under which R&D collaboration oc-curs, we estimate the empirical model after a number of firms’ background character-istics are controlled. The estimation results show that the similarities of production process and research activity positively influence the probability of forming R&D collaboration. By contrast, similarities of the firm scale and R&D size reduce the likelihood of R&D collaboration. We find that there is a significant relation be-tween network structures and R&D collaboration formation. It is found that firms with many collaborators are likely to attract further collaborations in the next pe-riod, suggesting significant preferential attachment in collaboration formation. At the same time, significant cyclic closure effect is found so that firms are willing to collaborate with firms that are within a chain of few intermediates.

These empirical findings have implications for our understanding of R&D collab-orations. It is suggested that IT companies may maximize the incoming spillovers from partners, and at the same time, minimize outgoing spillovers to non-partners in order to manage the external information effectively.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The data is described in Section II. Section III discusses the evolution of structure of networks over time. Section IV shows the framework of our statistical analysis. The empirical results are discussed in Section V, and Section VI concludes.

II. Network Data

The data used for this study are drawn from the NBER patent data. We restrict our attention to the subsample of the firms in Information and Technology (IT) industry.3

3According to the classification of Hall et al. (2001) the information and technology sector in-cludes the following sub-categories: Communications; Computer Hardware & Software; Computer


The industry provides an interesting context for the current study because firms in the industry actively patent their intellectual property (Levin, Klevorick, Nelson and Winter 1987). It is also noted by Hagedoorn (2002) and others that the IT industry has been one of the most active industries in making R&D alliance. In fact, IT industry is the industry with the highest share of newly established R&D partnership among high-tech industries from the latter half of 1980s. Thus a sufficient number of R&D collaborations can be observed.

We use data on patents that were applied for at the US Patent and Trademark Office and were disclosed between 1985 and 1995. We choose 1985 as the initial year of our data sample because the number of R&D collaborations established before 1985 is so small that the resulting R&D network becomes sparse.

A. Network Construction

We consider an undirected graph to represent an R&D network, which is a collection of innovating firms (nodes) together with a collection of joint collaborations (links) among them. In what follows, network nodes consist of independent firms. Sub-sidiaries firms are not included as network nodes because the contribution of intra-firm R&D collaboration is considered different from inter-intra-firm R&D collaboration in nature. We thus construct network data taking subsidiary firms as parts of the parent firm.

We follow Cantner and Graf (2006) to construct the adjacency matrix of the undirected network graph of R&D collaborations. Assuming that group-based inven-tors are involved in joint R&D project, a collaboration link is identified between two companies if there is at least one common inventor listed in the patents owned by them.4

Peripherals; Information Storage.

4We distinguish different researchers by their last name, first name, and the initial of the middle name. This procedure is common in constructing co-authorship network, (Newman 2004, Goyal, van der Leij and Moraga-Gonz´alez 2006). It is not perfect, of course, as Trajtenberg, Shiff and Melamed


The following example presents an introduction to the methodology. Suppose that four patents are owned by three corporate assignees with five inventors, which is shown in Table 1. It is illustrated, for example, that the patent P1, which is owned

by the assignee company A1, is invented by two researchers R1 and R2, and so on.

Table 1. An example of raw data.

Patent Assignee Researchers

P1 A1 R1, R2

P2 A2 R1, R3, R4

P3 A1 R1, R4

P4 A3 R2, R5

Define an n × m matrix X where n is the number of companies and m is the number of researchers in the data. Using the example shown above, we have

X =       1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1      .

The adjacency matrix Γ, which summerize all the collaboration relationship between the assignee firms, is then given by

Γ = XX0 =       3 2 1 2 3 0 1 0 2      .

The diagonal element of Γ represents the number of common inventors involved in the collaboration activities between firms. So, the larger value of the element implies the more intensity in R&D collaboration.

(2006) points out, two different researchers may have the same last and first name as well as middle name initial.


Like the most of the existing literature on network formation, the following statis-tical analysis does not utilize the information regarding the intensity of collaboration relationship. We thus focus on the unweighted adjacency matrix G whose off-diagonal elements are either zero or one, given as follows:

G =       0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0      .

The entry takes one if the corresponding entry of the weighted adjacency matrix Γ is greater than zero. The unweighted adjacency matrix represents whether the collaboration relationship exists or not between a pair of firms. It should also be noted that the diagonal elements of G are set to zero because a firm collaborating with itself is not considered.

In order to conduct the dynamic analysis of R&D alliance network, a panel data is required. For that purpose, we “slice” the collaboration data into several snapshots. One issue is that, although we know that a joint research project exists in the year when the patents were applied, we cannot get information about the starting and termination dates of the project. Given that R&D collaboration typically lasts for more than one year, we take a conservative approach and assume that R&D partner-ship lasts for three years, as was assumed by the previous studies (e.g., Schilling and Phelps 2007).5 In other words, we assume that the instantaneous network of year t

includes all R&D collaborations as embodied by patents applied during year t − 1 and year t + 1. Using the design of a window of three years, we obtain ten waves of instantaneous networks from 1985 to 1995.6

5The three-year window may be justified by the data. For example, based on the survey to

top-managers of 52 firms in biotechnology industry supplemented by Bioscan, Deeds and Hill (1998) find that the average years of R&D collaboration is 3.47.

6As discussed above, since we take three year moving windows, the network for 1985 is based on the granted patents that have been filed between 1984 and 1986.


It should be mentioned that, given the way we construct our network, we may have risk to create a spurious collaboration link between two companies. This hap-pens because researchers may switch their jobs and work for distinct companies. For example, if a researcher who was an inventor of a patent owned by a company moves to another company and invents a new patent there, we end up with spurious collab-oration link between those companies that in fact do not collaborate.

Because there are no comprehensive databases that track the researchers’ affilia-tion, we are unable to avoid this type of error due to inventors’ mobility. However, some of the potential error might be mitigated by taking short years of the window for snap-shooting the network. Given empirical evidence that researchers typically stay at one company more than several years,7 the three-year window seems sufficiently

short to control the noise caused by job-switching. Furthermore, even if job-switch occurs in the three-year period, it seems unlikely that the job-switcher, who is new to the research team, is listed as one of the inventors of the patent that comes out of the existing research project. Thus, spurious link between before-job-switching and after-job-switching companies may be controlled to some extent in our network data. Based on the network construction described above, we find that the total num-ber of companies is 7773, while the numnum-ber of observed collaborations between the companies is 9234. It is observed that the average number of researchers involved in one R&D collaboration activity, is 4.61.

Figure 1 presents visualizations of a small selection of these network to highlight both the evolving topology of the R&D networks and the processes by which new links are added. Each presented network shows the largest cluster of companies that are linked directly or indirectly with each other through the chain of R&D collaborations.

7We infer this from the survey conducted by Almeida and Kogut (1999), which illustrates that 428 inventors switched their job 335 times during 20 years from 1974 to 1994. This implies each inventor experienced 1.82 jobs during the period, and thus the average staying period in one company is 11.05(= 20/1.82) years. Another support is from the employment tenure statistics available from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. We find that the median years of tenure of engineers is 6.7 years, and that of mathematical and computer scientists is 4.2 years at the time of 1991.


A quick inspection of the figures reveals that the network has grown over time. The detailed network statistics are studied in the section that follows.

(a) 1990 (b) 1993 (c) 1995

Figure 1. Evolution of IT R&D Network

III. Dynamics of the R&D Network

We study the following network statistics. Let N be the set of independent companies in the R&D network for a given year. The number of companies, n, is defined by

n = |N|. Recall that the collection of all R&D collaborations are represented by an

adjacency matrix G, that is, for two companies i and j, Gij = 1 represents the R&D partner relationship.

Let N(i) be the set of firms collaborating with the firm i. The number of all collaborators of company i is referred as the degree of company i, and defined by

η(i) = |N(i)|. We call firms that have no collaborators as isolated nodes, and call

firms that have at least one collaborators as linked nodes. Thus, η(i) = 0 if i is an isolated node, and η(i) ≥ 1 if i is a linked node. In what follows, we use subscript l to denote linked nodes. Thus, Gl ⊂ G denotes its network. We use nl to denote the number of linked nodes. We measure the fraction of the linked nodes to the entire nodes, which is given by nl/n.


The average degree of a network G is thus defined by η(G) = Pi∈Nη(i)/n. We

say that there is a path between firms i and j if it is directly connected, Gij = 1, or if there is a set of distinct intermediate collaborators k1, k2, · · · , km such that

Gik1 = Gk1k2 = · · · = Gkmj. Two companies are connected if there is a path between them. A connected component is a set of companies that are connected with each other. Among connected components, we focus on the giant component of a network, which is the largest connected component in the network. The giant component is denoted by Gg ⊂ G, and the number of member node is denoted by ng. We measure the size of a giant component by the fraction of the member companies to the linked network, which is given by ng/nl.

We compute the clustering coefficient (Watts and Strogatz 1998) of company i, which is defined by Ci(G) = P j∈N (i) P k∈N (i)Gjk ηi(ηi− 1) .

We set Ci(G) = 0 if η(i) ≤ 1. It can be interpreted as the percentage of a company’s collaborators who are collaborating with each other. For a network G, we can compute the average clustering coefficient, which is denoted by C(G). Let dij denote the distance between two companies i and j in a network G. The dij is the shortest path length between them. For a network G we compute the average distance, which is given by d(G) = P i∈N P j∈Ndij n(n − 1) .


We also compute a nodal centrality (Bonacich 1987) measure defined by8

φi = X


(a + bφj)Gij

where a is a normalization scale factor such that Piφ2

i = 1, and b is a decay factor that scales down the relative weight of longer paths.9 As seen from the definition

above, the centrality of a node is recursively related to the sum of centralities of the other nodes with which it is connected. Thus, a node that is connected with many nodes that are themselves well-connected is assigned a high degree of centrality, while a node that is connected with only isolated nodes is assigned a low degree of centrality. Table 2 shows the basic statistics that describes the structure of R&D collabo-ration networks. We can see that the number of nodes has steadily grown, which implies that the number of firms that applied patents increases. The number more than doubled in 10 years of the observation period under study.

The patterns of connection between nodes is presented in Table 2. From the reported fraction of linked nodes, (nl/n), we can see that the fraction substantially

grew from about 10 percent to about 20 percent in 10 years. As for the average degree,

η(Gl), which is computed for the linked nodes, it has been increasing significantly in 1990’s. It is thus suggested that firms tend to collaborate with more firms over time. Looking at the growth of the connected component, measured by the fraction of the giant component, (ng/nl), we find that it has expanded substantially in the 1990’s. In fact in the 1980’s the giant connected component was only less than 20 percent of the linked nodes, but about 60 percent of linked nodes were included in the giant component in 1995. These observation leads to the fact that the firms

8Ballester, Calv´o-Armengol and Zenou (2006) has recently demonstrated a relationship between Bonacich centrality measures and Nash equilibrium action of a player in a certain class of network games.

9The decaying factor b can be any value between 0 and 1.0. But it is common (e.g., Haynie 2001) to set it to 0.1. So, we use the value (b = 0.1) as a decay factor in this paper. With different values of b, the reported results do not change significantly.


Table 2. The evolution of the R&D collaboration network structure

year network linked node average giant average clustering variance

size fraction degree component distance coefficient centrality

fraction t n nl/n η(Gl) ng/nl d(Gg) C(Gl) Var(φ) 1985 1919 0.10 1.45 0.18 5.03 0.10 0.31 1986 2088 0.11 1.41 0.13 3.77 0.04 0.36 1987 2282 0.12 1.49 0.24 5.45 0.12 0.37 1988 2500 0.14 1.51 0.26 5.56 0.05 0.44 1989 2705 0.14 1.43 0.21 5.49 0.03 0.47 1990 2874 0.15 1.45 0.25 4.67 0.05 0.58 1991 2981 0.15 1.64 0.42 4.96 0.08 0.69 1992 3126 0.17 1.69 0.41 4.79 0.08 0.72 1993 3499 0.18 1.76 0.41 4.71 0.08 0.78 1994 4011 0.19 2.03 0.55 4.77 0.13 0.85 1995 4607 0.21 2.35 0.60 4.36 0.15 0.85

Gl represents the network of linked nodes.

Gg represents the network of the giant connected component.

are increasingly being connected with more than a half of the entire firms connected through collaboration chains.

We now turn to the average distance between the nodes in the giant component, which is given by d(Gg). It is found that the average distance declined from 5.56 in 1988 to 4.36 in 1995. It thus implies that the average distance decline by about 20 percent in this period. This declining trend in the average distance is consistent in the 1990’s. While the size of the giant components grew substantially, the average number of links required to connect all the members become shorter. Thus, we can say that R&D network is expanding, but at the same time it is becoming smaller in distance, and most of innovating firms are connected by just a few collaboration links.

The degree of interconnectedness of collaboration is measured by the clustering coefficient. We report the clustering coefficient of the linked node, C(Gl). The clus-tering coefficients reported in Table 2 are computed for linked nodes. The clusclus-tering


0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 2 3 4 5 6+

distance between firms

probability of new collaboration

Figure 2. Empirical Probability of Collaboration Conditional on Distance

coefficients are much higher than expected if the connections are made randomly among the existing nodes in the network.10 We also find that the clustering

coeffi-cient is high as a whole and exhibits an increasing trend since the year of 1990, which suggests that the firms tend to collaborate with other firms that are located in local circle.

The tendency of local connectedness is also apparent from Figure 2, which presents the average empirical probability of a new collaboration link formation between two nodes as a function of their network distance. It is implied that firms that are close to each other have more opportunity to make collaboration than those that are far apart in the R&D network. For example, firms that are connected with distance 2 are about four times more likely to collaborate with each other than those that are connected with distance 3.

Given the fact that the R&D network satisfies the properties of (i) the relatively shorter distance of the giant component and (ii) the larger clustering coefficient, we

10The clustering coefficient for random graphs with the same number of linked nodes are less than 0.002 for all the years.


can say that the network exibits becomeing small world, as was observed in vari-ous social networks, such as collaborations among economists (Goyal et al. 2006) or researchers in other fields (Newman 2004).

We can explore the core-peripheral structure of network by looking at the variance of nodal centrality, Var(φ), which is reported in the last column of Table 2. It is presented that the variance of centrality has been increasing substantially over time in the sampled period. The low variance of centrality implies that the relative positions of nodes are similar to each other, whereas the high variance of centrality implies that there are small numbers of super-connected “center” firms, and at the same time there are large numbers of “peripheral” firms with less connections. Thus, we can say that, as collaborations have become more common, a few star firms have emerged in the network.

In summary, the key empirical regularities of R&D network are as follows. First, R&D network has become more extensive. The numbers both of nodes and links have grown substantially. Second, innovative firms are getting more connected through R&D collaborations, with shorter average distance between them. Third, R&D al-liance has become locally clustered, and firms tend to connect in local dense neighbor-hood circles. Fourth, R&D network has become uneven, and core-peripheral structure have emerged.

IV. Statistical Model

In this section we turn to statistical analysis of R&D collaboration formation. We focus on newly established collaborations between firms that did not collaborate thus far, and formulate the probability of new link formation between those firms conditional on the network structure in place at each date. The firms’ decisions concerning to the maintenance of the existing link are not studied in this paper.


formation between companies. We assume that the latent utility of company i from collaboration with company j at time t + 1 is given by the following linear function:

uij = α + β1Xi(t) + β2Xj(t) + γZij(t) + X


ρkdk−1ij (t) + εij(t). (1)

The first component incorporates the systematic utility from collaboration where

Xi and Xj are the background characteristics of company i, and Zij is the common background characteristics of company i and j that will control the congruence of the partners’ backgrounds. The second component involves the kth cyclic closure preference. We define dk−1ij as the dummy variable that takes one if the shortest distance between i and j is equal to k and zero otherwise. If ρk> 0, then the company

obtains a positive utility by forming the cycle of length k. So the parameter ρk measures the degree of the tendency to form kth cyclic closure. The third component is an idiosyncratic random error shock εij. As in the standard random utility model, we assume that the random errors εij(t)s are independent across companies and over time, and are identically distributed from the logistic distribution.

The underlying mechanism of the R&D collaboration is a random matching pro-cess with local search for the collaboration partner. This is reminiscent of Jackson and Rogers (2007), which assumes a random matching process and network-based

matching process for network formation. Suppose first that a firm meet with another

collaborator-to-be at random at each date, and makes decision whether to collaborate or not with each other. The chance of joint collaboration is considered purely ran-dom, and independent of the rest of the structure of the network, being other things equal. This corresponds to collaboration formation through random matching where random shock εij in the utility plays a role for joint collaboration.

On the other hand, the existing network architecture can influences firm’s willing-ness to collaborate with a potential partner. If the parameter of closure preference,


ρk, is significant, the firm finds it beneficial to pursue a local search, and collaborate with a local partner within a network distance of k. This is an example of collabo-ration formation through network-based matching. Once this happens, the scope of new collaborations remain locked in a local chain of the existing collaborators.

We also consider another network-based collaboration mechanism. It is expected that knowledge spillover allows for indirect benefit from collaborations. Thus, firms might be more willing to collaborate with firms that have more collaborations. This type of network externality is called “preferential attachment” in the sense of Barab´asi and Albert (1999). Suppose that firm i’s utility from collaboration with firm j is proportional to the number of the existing collaborators of the potential partner. Noting that the number of collaborators of firm j at time t is given by the degree,

ηj(t), a simple variant of Equation (1) is given by

uij = α + β1Xi(t) + β2ηj(t) + γZij(t) + X


ρkdk−1ij (t) + εij(t). (2)

Note that firm j’s background characteristics Xj(t) other than ηj(t) are suppressed for simplicity. In the specification above, the parameter β2 measures the degree of

preferential attachment preference.

Without the loss of generality, the utility from no collaboration can be normalized to be zero. Thus, if uij > 0, the company i is willing to collaborate with company j at time t + 1. Using Equation(1) as the utility, the probability is written by

Prob(uij > 0) = F " α + β1Xi(t) + β2Xj(t) + γZij(t) + X k≥3 ρkdk−1ij (t) # , (3)

where F is the cumulative distribution function of the logistic distribution.

Consider the collaboration formation between two companies, i and j, which are

not connected at time t. We assume that the joint R&D collaboration actually arises


time. Let Gij(t) denote the R&D collaboration between company i and j at time t. The conditional probability that company i and j will initiate collaboration at time

t + 1 given that they do not collaborate at time t is presented by

Prob(Gij(t + 1) = 1|Gij(t) = 0) = Prob(uij > 0) · Prob(uji > 0) (4)

The equality follows from the assumption that εij(t) and εji(t) are independent. The possibility that the random shocks are correlated will be discussed later.

The conditional likelihood that currently unconnected companies initiate the R&D collaboration in the next period is given by

L(θ) =Y


Prob(Gij(t + 1) = 1|Gij(t) = 0), (5)

where θ is the vector of parameters such that θ = (α, β, γ, ρk). The product Q is taken over all possible pairs of (i, j) such that i < j. Because of Equation (5), the conditional likelihood can be rewritten as

L(θ) =Y

i Y


Prob(uij > 0). (6)

Thus the total log-likelihood function over the sample periods is presented by

`(θ) = X t X i X j6=i ln F " α + β1Xi(t) + β2Xj(t) + γZij(t) + X k≥3 ρkdk−1ij (t) # . (7)

The structural parameter θ is estimated from the log likelihood function. Since the F is the cumulative distribution function of the logistic distribution, the standard logistic regression method is used for estimation.

One final note concerns the identification of parameters. It is found that two parameters β1 and β1 cannot be separately identified from the data. The reason is


simple: Since these parameters are symmetric in the log likelihood function, any two sets of symmetric values of (β1, β2), such as (b1, b2) and (b2, b1), yields the same log

likelihood value for equation (7). Thus in the empirical analysis below, we simply report β = (β1 + β1)/2. The parameter β can be interpreted as the average effect

between own and other’s background characteristics on link formation.

V. Empirical Results

We included a number of independent variables that are thought to influence the firm’s decision to form R&D collaborations. Table 3 presents the definitions of the variables that we used in the estimation.

Table 3. Description of Variables

Variable Definition

Sale size Firms’ sales in 106 US dollars.

R&D size Firms’ R&D expenditure in 106 US dollars.

R&D intensity R&D expenditure share in total sales.

Number of current collaborations Number of R&D collaborations.

Similarity of production process A dummy variable that takes one if the 5-digit NAICS

codes match between firms, and zero otherwise.

Similarity of research activity Sample correlation of subcategories of applied patents

between firms. All patents applied in the sample period are used to compute the similarity measure.

Similarity of sale size = 1/(1 + difference in sale size).

Similarity of R&D size = 1/(1 + difference in R&D size).

Same state dummy A dummy variable that takes one if the firms are located

in the same state, and zero otherwise.

Same county dummy A dummy variable that takes one if the firms are located

in the same county, and zero otherwise.

Time trend Time trend starting from 0 if the observation is in 1985,

up to 9 if the observation is in 1995


ij (dummy variables) = 1 if the shortest distance btween inovating firm i and

j is equal to k where k = 2, 3, 4, 5.

The first set of such variables contains information on firms’ characteristics. These include firms’ sales, R&D expenditures, and R&D intensity defined by the share of to-tal R&D expenditures in toto-tal sales. These variables concerning firm size were shown


to affect cooperation in R&D in previous literature, e.g., Colombo and Garrrone (1996), and Hern´an et al. (2003), which argue that they will increase the “absorptive capacity” (Cohen and Levinthal 1989) of new innovation. In addition, as argued in the last section, we also included the number of R&D collaborations of the poten-tial partner, ηj(t), as a predictor of new collaboration in the next period. The term captures the preferential attachment effect in collaboration formation.

The second set of control variables reflects similarities between firms. We expect that the firms share many of the characteristics are more likely to cooperate with each other than those are not. We computed similarity measure of firms’ production processes using sub-industry grouping system by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System). The similarity index takes one if two firms fall into the same five-digit NAICS sub-industry class, and zero otherwise. As an alternative similarity measure, we also computed non-centered correlation coefficients of the technological portfolios of applied patents between firms. We used a citation-probability-adjusted version of the correlation coefficient defined by Jaffe (1986).11 It can be considered

to measure a similarity or closeness among technological categories of firms’ research activity. We also considered the similarities of firms’ potential capacity. The similarity indices are computed from firms’ sale size and R&D sizes, respectively.

In addition to these similarity indices, we included measures of geographical prox-imity between firms. We expect that the firms that are located in the same state or county are more likely to form R&D collaboration than those that are not.

11The correlation coefficient is defined by

Similarity of research activityij

fiW fj0

[(fiW fi0)(fjW fj0)]1/2

where fiis a row vector of the number of patent applications in each technological subcategory taken

out by firm i, and W is the citation probability matrix among each technological subcategories that are computed from the entire U.S. patent citation data from 1981 to 1999. The citation probability matrix instead of the identity matrix is used as a weight so that the similarity measure can pick up the similarity or closeness among technological categories. By doing so, we coped with the problem of a potential discrepancy between the artificial classification and the true linkage among technologies.


Table 4. Descriptive Statistics of Variables

min max mean standard


Sale size 0.000060 152.172000 4.719287 12.648110

R&D size 0.000051 7.035800 0.209263 0.622785

R&D intensity 0.002682 24.650000 0.108906 0.596994

Number of current collaborations 1 55 1.431433 2.171766

Similarity of production process 0 1 0.050838 0.219668

Similarity of research activity 0.000000 1.000000 0.237604 0.243423

Similarity of sale size 0.006529 1.000000 0.427505 0.322739

Similarity of R&D size 0.124444 1.000000 0.849150 0.200142

Same state dummy 0 1 0.093057 0.290512

Same county dummy 0 1 0.028806 0.167261

d2 0 1 0.002737 0.052243

d3 0 1 0.005495 0.073922

d4 0 1 0.005465 0.073726

d5 0 1 0.004103 0.063925

Finally, we included the cyclic closure preference to measure tendencies for local clustering. To capture the k-th cyclic closure preference, we computed the shortest (geodesic) path between innovating firms in R&D collaboration network, and con-struct a dummy variable dk−1

ij , which takes one if the shortest-distance between a pair of firm i and j is k − 1, and zero otherwise. Since the pairs of firms that are connecting with more than 5 distances are very rare, we included up to 6-th cyclic closure preference in the estimation below.

Because the background characteristics are not available for all firms, we restrict our attention to the subsample to the innovating IT companies that are listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX in the sampling period. The data for these compa-nies are obtained from S&P’s COMPUSTAT. We find that there are 478,654 possible collaborations among those stock-market-listed firms, while only 288 collaborations (0.06 percent) are newly formed in the sample period. It should be noted that, al-though the sample are restricted by the stock-market-listed firms, the network related measures, such as the shortest distance, are calculated based on the full sample.


A. Baseline Estimation Result

Table 5 reports the results of estimating alternative specifications for the empirical model using the logit estimation technique. The specification (1) and (2) provide the baseline estimates of the structural parameters. The difference between these two specifications is whether the liner time trend variable is included or not. The estimation results present that the time trend coefficient is positive and statistically significant, and thus suggests that the growth of R&D collaborations might be ex-plained by a secular technological progress in the sampling period.

Not surprisingly, we found that the similarities of firms’ production process and research activity have highly significant and positive effect on the likelihood of R&D collaboration. This suggests that the similar firms in line of industry are more likely to cooperate in R&D activity, as is consistent with our prior expectation.

Different results, however, are reported for firm size similarities. The estimated coefficients of similarities in sale size and R&D size are both negative at the 1 percent significance level. These results indicate that the firms that are asymmetric in size have strong incentive to participate in R&D cooperation.

We also found that geographical proximities matter for forming new R&D col-laborations between innovating IT firms. The result suggests that the firms that are located in the same county and same state are more likely to collaborate with each other than those that are not.

An interesting difference emerges between the effects of firm’s sizes, measured in terms of sales and R&D expenditures, on R&D collaboration formation. The estima-tion result indicates that R&D expenditure has significantly positive impact on R&D cooperation.12 On the contrary, the estimated effect of sales on R&D cooperation is

negative and statistically significant. Yet, as indicated by the estimates, the R&D size

12As discussed in Section IV, the estimated coefficients are average effect of own and other’s characteristics.


Table 5. Baseline Estimation Results of Logit Regression for R&D Collaboration Variable or Parameter (1) (2) (3) Constant −7.3459*** -13.8774 -13.8516 (0.2724) (2.4210) ( 2.3732) Time trend 0.0722*** 0.0699*** (0.0265) (0.0262)

Similarity of production process 0.8693*** 0.8567*** 0.8605***

(0.1623) (0.1620) (0.1625)

Similarity of research activity 3.7343*** 3.7139*** 3.7868***

(0.2391) (0.2377) (0.2374)

Similarity of sale size −1.1538*** −1.1774*** −1.1292***

(0.3669) (0.3677) (0.3575)

Similarity of R&D size −2.4467*** −2.3904*** −2.2932***

(0.3921) (0.3926) (0.3466) Same state 0.696*** 0.6717*** 0.6744*** (0.2121) (0.2124) (0.2126) Same county 0.4726* 0.4713* 0.5206** (0.2486) (0.2487) (0.2479) Sale size −0.0246*** −0.0255*** (0.0091) (0.0090) R&D size 0.3123** 0.3479** (0.1502) (0.1509) R&D intensity 0.0489 (0.1378)

Number of current collaborations 0.0470*** 0.0418*** 0.0391***

(0.0068) (0.0070) (0.0058) ρ3 2.5436*** 2.4268*** 2.4946*** (0.1811) (0.1843) (0.1829) ρ4 1.6534*** 1.5224*** 1.5533*** (0.2234) (0.2271) (0.2267) ρ5 1.5355*** 1.4009*** 1.4059*** (0.2693) (0.2724) (0.2725) ρ6 1.1188*** 0.9964** 1.0236** (0.4206) (0.4222) (0.4219) χ2 1335.71 1343.34 1333.19 log − likelihood −1692.4 −1688.58 −1693.65 Pseudo R2 0.283 0.285 0.282 N 425084 425084 425084

Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses.

∗ Significant at the 10-percent level. ∗∗ Significant at the 5-percent level. ∗ ∗ ∗ Significant at the 1-percent level.


has far larger impact on joint R&D participation than the sale size does. All these results seem to suggest that the R&D expenditures is critical in building absorptive capacity.

It should be noted that the alternative specification (3) presents that R&D inten-sity, which is widely used in the previous literature (e.g., Colombo and Garrrone 1996) as a proxy for absorptive capacity, is insignificant. This suggests that the absolute level of R&D expenditure level, rather than relative level of R&D expenditure, might be relevant to a firm’s absorptive capacity.

The estimated coefficient of the number of current collaborations is positive and statistically significant. It should be noted that this is after controlling for firm’s absorptive capacity by R&D size or R&D intensity. Therefore, we can attribute this result to the existence of “preferential attachment, that is, firms try to collaborate with others that currently have many collaborating partners in order to gain access, although indirectly, to the novel information and technology pooled therein to increase incoming spillovers as much as possible. This preference explains why we observe a few “star” companies emerging in the R&D network.

The estimates of the closure preference are reported in the bottom rows of Table 5. The cyclic closure preference are all positive and statistically significant. This implies that innovating IT firms are willing to form new R&D collaboration with firms that are inside the circle of their current partners, i.e., within a chain of few intermedi-aries. It should be noted that the strength of the cyclic closure preference decrease monotonically with distance between firms. Hence, two innovating firms with shorter chain of intermediates are more likely to cooperate in R&D research activities. This provides a reason why the R&D network clusters locally.

The results on cyclic closure preference shed light on how firms are managing the pattern of spillovers “to maximize the incoming spillovers from partners and nonpartners, while at the same time minimizing spillovers to nonpartners”


(Cassi-man and Veugelers 2002) in addition to the preferential attachment discussed above. Coleman (1988) argues that the closing the local cycles promotes the cooperative behavior, in our context, lowers the possibility of outgoing spillovers, because such closure raises reputation costs of inappropriate behavior and creates a possibility of collective sanctioning. Ohta and Sekiguchi (2006) analyzes such mechanisms in sus-taining cooperative behavior in the context of repeated game where behaviors of a player in one relation is not directly observable in other relationships with the player. The finding that estimated coefficients become smaller as the distance between two firms increases shows that firms try to collaborate locally and reduce the possibility of outgoing spillovers by relying on the possible reputation or sanction mechanisms that dense local interactions create.

B. Estimation Result Controlling Unobserved Common Factors

While there are evidences of strong cyclic closure preference in firms’ R&D collabora-tions, there is a possible source of omitted variables problem. If there is unobserved common factors that affect the collaboration decisions of a group of firms in the R&D network, the effect of those omitted factors might not be separately identified from the cyclic closure preference. As illustration, suppose that research managers of com-panies were former colleagues at a company or former classmates at a business school and were in close promixity. Then their companies may be more likely to cooperate in R&D activities due to their personal association (see Saxenian 1994). If we cannot observe such common predisposition of research managers that leads their companies to collaborate, we may mistakenly attribute the effect to a cyclic closure preference.

To examine the possibility of omitted variables problem described above, we added to the model dummy variables that explicitly accounts for unobserved factors that are common to all companies in proximity in the R&D network. Two types of dummy variables are considered. First we include a dummy variable that takes value one for


a pair of innovating firms that belong to the same connected subnetwork. Second we include a dummy variable that takes value one for a pair of innovating firms that belong to the same community subnetwork.

The primary assumption of the empirical strategy is that a common factor, which is unobservable to researchers, affects all firms in the same connected or community subnetwork. Thus the latent utility model of R&D collaboration formation is modified as follows:

uij = α + β1Xi(t) + β2Xj(t) + γZij(t) + X


ρkdk−1ij (t) + δgij + εij(t). (8)

where gij is either a connected subnetwork dummy variable or community subnetwork dummy variable, which takes value one if i and j belong to the same connected or community subnetwork. We expect that δ ≥ 0 and thus the unobserved common factor facilitates R&D collaborations between firms that belong to the same connected or community subnetwork. The factor gij yields correlation in the neighborhood of the network if it is not taken into account. In that case, the unobserved error term, (δgij+εij(t)), is correlated between innovating firms that belong to the same connected or community subnetwork due to the common factor gij.

To find community structure, we use a network partition method proposed by Girvan and Newman (2004). Roughly speaking, a community is a subset of nodes within the network (i.e., subnetwork) such that connections among them are denser than connections with the rest of the nodes in the network. Their community detec-tion algorithm is based on the idea of “betweenness” of links in the network, where betweenness of a link is a measure that favors links that lie between communities.13

Thus, if the links with high betweenness scores are removed, the community

subnet-13The betweenness of a link, or “edge betweenness” is measured by counting, among the shortest-path between all the pairs of nodes that are connected, the number of shortest-shortest-path going through the edge under consideration. Since a path between two nodes that belong to different communities must go through edges that lies between these communities, the edge betweenness of such edges will be higher.


works are left behind out of the entire network.14

Given that the utility is specified by Equation (8), we can employ the same es-timation method as we did for the baseline empirical model. We assumed the new R&D collaboration is formed between firm i and j only when both firms agree to do so. Thus the conditional likelihood is represented by Equation (6) with different uij that is specified above.

Table 6 reports the estimation results. We used the best-fit-specification (the specification (2) in the previous table) for selecting the independent variables. We include the connected subnetwork dummy variable to control for the unobserved group heterogeneity, which is presented by the specification (4).

In addition, we also included the community subnetwork dummy variable, which is presented by the specifications (5) and (6). To determine the community structure of the R&D network, we employed both the unweighted adjacency matrix G, which represents collaboration links as binary variables, and the weighted adjacency matrix Γ, where its collaboration links are weighted by the number of common researchers between firms. In other words, we took into account of the “strength” of the collabo-ration for identifying distinct communities in the R&D network.15 The specification

(5) and (6) present the estimation results for unweighted and weighted community structure respectively.

We found that the connected subnetwork dummy variable is positive and statis-tically significant for all the specifications. On the other hand, the community sub-network dummy variable is not significant for the specification using the unweighted

14How many communities should we expect in a network? This is a difficult question to answer without some prior knowledge about how the network is formed. Girvan and Newman (2004) proposes the use of modularity measure, and defines the community when the measure is the highest. The modularity measures the difference between the fraction of the edges in the network that connect nodes within the same community and the expected value of the same quantity with the same community division but connections between the nodes are random. They demonstrate that this procedure works very well for the network with a priori known community structure.

15For the weighted network, the “edge betweenness” is calculated reflecting the weight on edges. Namely, the distance between two directly connected nodes are defined to be 1/Γij, and shortest-path


Table 6. Results of Logit Regression for R&D Collaboration; Including Subnetwork Dummies Variable or Parameter (4) (5) (6) Constant −13.4373*** −13.3891*** −13.6332*** (2.4382) (2.4469) (2.4379) Time trend 0.0667** 0.0662** 0.0688** (0.0267) (0.0268) (0.0267)

Similarity of production process 0.8285*** 0.8278*** 0.8368***

(0.1625) (0.1626) (0.1626)

Similarity of research activity 3.6939*** 3.6947*** 3.6887***

(0.2386) (0.2387) (0.2384)

Similarity of Sale size −1.1560*** −1.1569*** −1.1656***

(0.3692) (0.3692) (0.3701)

Similarity of R&D size −2.3758*** −2.3732*** −2.3637***

(0.3941) (0.3942) (0.3955) Same state 0.6830*** 0.6836*** 0.7076*** (0.2126) (0.2126) (0.2126) Same county 0.4524* 0.4514* 0.4001 (0.2488) (0.2488) (0.2501) Sale size −0.0249*** −0.0249*** −0.0246*** (0.0091) (0.0091) (0.0091) R&D size 0.3358** 0.3356** 0.3304*** (0.1513) (0.1514) (0.1517)

Number of current collaborations 0.0425*** 0.0423*** 0.043***

(0.0070) (0.0070) (0.0070)

Connected subnetwork dummy 1.7151*** 1.7159*** 1.7084***

(0.3064) (0.3064) (0.3065)

Community subnetwork dummy −0.0768 0.4797**

(0.3114) (0.2372) ρ3 0.78600** 0.8036** 0.6114* (0.3359) (0.3432) (0.3490) ρ4 −0.1174 −0.1092 −0.2041 (0.3607) (0.3622) (0.3643) ρ5 −0.2392 −0.2343 −0.2739 (0.3909) (0.3914) (0.3915) ρ6 −0.6467 −0.6452 −0.6748 (0.5073) (0.5073) (0.5078) χ2 1363.82 1363.89 1367.75 log − likelihood −1678.3363 −1678.3055 −1676.3755 Pseudo R2 0.2889 0.2889 0.2897 N 425084 425084 425084

Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses.

∗ Significant at the 10-percent level. ∗∗ Significant at the 5-percent level. ∗ ∗ ∗ Significant at the 1-percent level.


adjacency matrix (specification (5)), while it is positive and statistically significant for the specification using the network structure weighted by the number of common researchers (specification (6)). This result may reflect the fact that the more accu-rate community structure can be identified by using the information of the strength of R&D collaborations. We expect that the stronger the R&D collaboration between firms, or, equivalently saying, the more researcher are involved in the R&D projects between firms, the closer the connection becomes between them. Thus, those firms having closer connections with each other are more likely to belong to the same com-munity subnetwork.

As far as the firms’ individual and common background characteristics are con-cerned, the point estimates in Table 6 are very similar to those in Table 5. All signs of the estimates are as before, and the variables that are significant in Table 5 are also significant in Table 6.

Interestingly, all the estimates of cyclic closure preference become significantly smaller if the unobserved subnetwork factors are controlled for. For example, the estimate of the triadic closure preference ρ3 decreases from 2.4268 for the specification

(2) in Table 5 to 0.6114 for the specification (6) in Table 6. Yet, it is important to keep in mind that the estimates the triadic closure preference is still positive and statistically significant at least at the 10 percent significance level. On the other hand, the cyclic closure preference with more than the third degrees become negative but statistically insignificant once the subnetwork dummy variables are included. These results suggest that at least some closure preference is not mainly driven by unobserved group factors. The evidence can be interpreted in favor of positive triadic closure preference in forming new R&D collaboration as its effect on limiting the outgoing spillover through reputation and sanction mechanisms is the greatest.


VI. Conclusion

In this paper we have studied the evolution of successful R&D collaboration in the U.S. IT industry between 1985 and 1995 using the information contained in the granted patent in the U.S. The descriptive statistics of collaboration network suggest that the collaboration patterns have become more extensive, more locally clustered, and more unequal in the sense stars have emerged in the network. The regression analysis reveals that there is significant triadic closure preference and preferential attachment in the choice of collaboration partners even after controlling for characteristics of firms as much as possible, including some unobserved similarities between firms that we infer from the community structure of the network. The triadic closure and preferential attachment can be seen as firms trying to maximize incoming spillovers from partners and non-partners while minimizing out-going spillovers to non-partners in their search of collaborating partners.

While focusing on the evolution of the structure of collaboration networks, we have not addressed other interesting questions such as: How are such dynamics of collaboration network related with the dynamic patterns of knowledge flows among firms? What is the relationship between a firm’s position in collaboration network with its R&D productivity? We await for future research to answer these questions.



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