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Access h15. Access h10. Access h14. Access 2007 (UK) 58 4h42. ACDSee h35. Acrobat Pro Extended h36


Academic year: 2021

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Access 2013 55 4h15

Access 2010 55 4h10

Access 2007 36 2h14

Access 2007 (UK) 58 4h42

ACDSee 15 37 3h35

Acrobat Pro Extended 9 30 2h36

Acrobat Reader Pro XI 56 6h06

Adobe Reader X 19 1h33

Android 4.1 41 4h06

Antidote HD v6 26 2h11

Aperçu (Lion) 22 2h03

Aperture 3 51 3h31

Apple Remote Desktop 3 25 2h02

Audacity 2 24 2h01 AutoCAD 2015 62 5h54 Avast 7 20 1h31 AVG Anti-Virus 2013 16 1h20 Avira AntiVir 2013 15 1h23 Basecamp 41 2h55 Bento 3 38 2h29


BitDefender Total Security 2013 30 2h37

Blogger 40 3h19

Buffer 11 1h00

Carbonite 4 10 0h42

Carnet d'adresse (Lion) 16 1h14

Carnet d'adresse (Tiger) 11 0h33

Ccleaner 3.19 10 0h45

Chatter 23 2h04

Ciel Gestion Commerciale 2012 33 2h28 Ciel Comptes Personnels 2010 25 2h05

Conférence Orange Pro 20 1h30

Cyberduck 3.3 8 0h38 Dailymotion 21 2h07 Dreamweaver CS5 48 2h59 Dropbox 35 3h06 Eset NOD32 5 30 2h14 Evernote 4.6 57 5h38 Excel 2013 194 15h57 Excel 2011 93 6h33


Excel 2010 160 12h21

Excel 2008 71 3h43

Excel 2007 72 4h32

Excel 2007 (UK) 100 7h04

Excel 2003 24 2h42

Excel pour iPad 59 5h10

Excel Online 96 8h02

Excel - les macros 51 5h18

Expert PDF 7 Professional 20 1h25 Facebook 2014 66 6h47 Feedly 10 1h01 FileMaker Pro 11 50 3h25 FileZilla 3.3 18 0h59 Firefox 12 33 2h17 Flickr 31 3h03 FreeMind 0.9 31 2h07

G Data EndpointProtection (Business) 19 1h14

G Data TotalCare 2011 19 1h38


Galerie de photos Windows Live

(Seven) 19 1h06

GIMP 2.6.7 30 2h07

GIMP 2.8.8 93 8h29

Gmail 73 6h11

Google - Les services 40 3h20

Google Chrome 37 42 3h11

Google Dessins 18 1h21

Google Documents 67 4h59

Google Drive 24 2h08

Google Earth 5 20 1h02

Google Feuille de Calcul 121 9h59

Google Formulaires 19 1h12 Google Présentations 57 4h54 iCal (Lion) 17 1h22 iChat 4 18 1h01 iDVD '09 15 0h54 Illustrator CC 122 12h01 Illustrator CS6 111 11h03 iMovie '11 31 2h55


iMovie '09 21 1h26

InDesign CS6 111 11h30

InDesign CC 112 11h35

InfoPath 2010 16 1h22

InkScape 70 6h59

Internet Download Manager 5 12 0h41

Internet Explorer 10 33 3h19

Internet Explorer 9 34 3h12

iOS 7 (iPad / iphone) 59 6h15

iOS 6 (iPad / iPhone) 51 4h45

iPhoto '11 42 4h05 iPhoto '09 38 2h33 iTunes 11 41 3h23 iTunes 10 44 2h56 iWeb '09 20 1h08 IziSpot 4.3 16 1h12 Jimdo 32 2h39 Joomla! 3.2 55 5h49

Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 34 2h52


LibreOffice Base 3.5 30 2h32 LibreOffice Calc 3.5 91 6h24 LibreOffice Impress 3.5 74 5h29 LibreOffice Writer 3.5 86 6h07 Linkedin 35 3h14 Linux Ubuntu 94 5h45 Lotus Notes 8.5 53 4h20 Lync 2013 39 3h15 Lync 2010 6 0h24

Mac OS X Mountain Lion 135 11h42

Mac OS X Lion 124 10h47

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 86 5h58

Mac OS X Leopard 30 1h33

Mac OS X Tiger 37 2h03

Magix Vidéo Deluxe 2014 30 2h58

Magix Vidéo Deluxe 16 22 1h09

Mail (Lion) 44 4h06

Mail (Leopard) 27 2h13


Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 34 3h16 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 15 1h06 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 15 1h07 Migration Office 2003 - 2010 50 4h36

Mindjet 2012 88 6h49

Nero 2014 52 4h22

Nero 11 53 3h38

Nero 10 25 2h19

Norton Internet Security 2013 32 2h37

Numbers '09 46 2h42

Office sur iPhone 18 1h24

OneDrive (Particulier) 37 3h03 OneDrive Entreprise 29 2h28 OneNote 2013 59 5h00 OneNote 2010 29 2h08 OpenOffice Base 3.1 22 1h15 OpenOffice Base 3.4 31 2h39 OpenOffice Calc 3.1 50 3h43 OpenOffice Calc 3.4 92 6h31


OpenOffice Calc 2.4 10 1h04 OpenOffice Impress 3.1 51 3h50 OpenOffice Impress 3.4 75 5h37 OpenOffice Impress 2.4 8 0h42 OpenOffice Writer 3.1 49 4h07 OpenOffice Writer 3.4 87 6h17 OpenOffice Writer 2.4 25 2h02 Opera 12 33 2h47 Outlook 2013 90 7h08 Outlook 2011 50 3h13 Outlook 2010 90 8h37 Outlook 2007 42 3h10

Outlook Web App 59 5h01

Oulook.com 56 4h58

Pages '09 49 2h51

Paint Windows 8 18 1h23

Paint.Net 3.3 11 0h43

Paint.Net 3.5.11 18 1h34


PDF Creator 0.9.8 6 0h32 PhotoFiltre Studio 10 31 2h26 Photoshop CC 157 14h11 Photoshop CS6 Extended 145 12h57 Photoshop CS5 82 5h10 Photoshop CS4 78 4h52 Photoshop Elements 12 77 6h56 Photoshop Elements 11 76 6h40 Photoshop Elements 10 73 5h33 Photoshop Elements 9 64 5h28 Photoshop Express 32 1h40 Photoshop Lightroom 3 46 3h43 Picasa 3.6 31 1h45 Pinterest 13 1h13 PowerPoint 2013 110 11h28 PowerPoint 2011 69 4h34 PowerPoint 2010 110 10h42 PowerPoint 2007 57 4h14 PowerPoint 2007 (UK) 63 6h06


PowerPoint 2003 44 3h53

PowerPoint pour iPad 31 2h36

PowerPoint Online 40 3h11 Premiere Elements 12 46 3h55 Premiere Elements 11 45 3h44 Premiere Elements 10 44 3h06 Premiere Elements 9 42 3h19 Project 2013 78 7h57 Project 2010 38 3h15 Publisher 2010 14 1h03 Publisher 2007 27 2h17 Real Player 16 15 1h18 Roxio Creator NXT 27 2h13 Safari 6 32 2h30 Salesforce CRM 45 4h08 Scribus 1.4.3 72 6h28 SharePoint 2013 88 7h38 SharePoint 2010 43 3h35 Skype 5.9 21 1h43


Stockage pro par SugarSync 26 2h23 Thunderbird 12 54 3h15 Toast Titanium 11 20 1h52 TOWeb 3 13 1h08 TuneUp Utilities 2012 15 1h05 Twitter 37 3h37 Viadeo 35 3h33 Visio 2013 63 5h57 Visio 2010 28 2h42 VLC Media Player 2 19 1h35 WebEasy 8 30 2h30 WebEx 22 1h42 Windows 8 120 9h10 Windows 7 110 7h09 Windows Vista 87 4h47 Windows XP 52 2h48 Windows live 31 1h39

Windows Live Mail (Seven) 27 1h34

Windows Live Messenger 2011 32 2h21


Windows Mail (Vista) 21 1h19

Windows Media Player 12 20 1h12

WinRAR 5 18 1h47 WinZip 15 17 1h26 Word 2013 141 11h31 Word 2011 93 5h53 Word 2010 135 9h32 Word 2007 67 4h09 Word 2007 (UK) 83 7h29 Word 2003 43 4h01

Word pour iPad 52 4h06

Word Online 42 3h11 WordPad (Windows 8) 24 1h46 WordPress 3.4 59 5h09 Works 9 30 2h07 Yammer 27 2h38 YourCegid 10 0h58 YouTube 30 3h05 Zimbra 80 7h02


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