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Morning key skills. Choice of activities


Academic year: 2021

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Week beginning 1


March 2021

Dear year one parents,

Welcome to the last week of home learning. It is really important that you establish back to

school routines with your child and it will help enormously if they could be used to getting up

at the time they would to come to school, getting dressed and having breakfast. A morning

of maths, phonics and writing before some less structured activities in the afternoon will

help them be ready for the next weeks learning.

We would desperately love to see what your child has been working on during lockdown and

ask that you take photos throughout the week and send them in in order for us to see what

they can do as well as what they are finding difficult.

All of this work and the links is also available on google classrooms. If you have not managed

to log on yet, please try to do so, there is a phone app and this also works on tablets, laptops

and PCs.

Kind regards,

Mrs. Barham, Mr. Pygott, Mrs. M, Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Taylor.

Morning key skills

(please try to spend approx. 30 mins on these

activities every day with breaks in between)

Choice of activities

(pick one or two daily)


We are now on week 7. (This is one week

behind). See link for home learning clips:


Please watch the video clips and try the

activities and worksheets below. Please email

us completed work or submit via google


Monday – Count in 2’s activity

Tuesday – Count in 2’s

Wednesday – count in 5’s activity

Thursday – count in 5’s

Friday – Using counting in 2’s and 5’s

PE See the PE activity card below. We are thinking about our balances, See video link

for demonstration: s RE The Prodigal son: forgiveness Talk about what forgiveness is and why is important to forgive. Give concrete examples. Read or watch the story and enjoy sequencing the story! https://www.dl tk-kids.com/bible/ cv/lost_son.ht m


In this

lesson, we

will be


how sound


fit into a

pulse, the


between a

ta and ti-ti

pulse and

how to

change the

way we


pulse in a













Go to


every morning

at 9:30am to find the youtube links to

watch a live phonics lesson. These are

only available for 24 hours. Explore this

website for printable activities linked to

the lesson some of which will be attached


Children should have completed set 1 and

set 2 now. Please revisit sounds your child

is unsure of and continue to practice

sounds using the sound chart.


We are looking at aerial views this

week. Google earth is great for views of our

town and even our house but what would it look like if we took the roof off our home and saw an aerial view of

a room in our house? See

attached example and have a go at making an

aerial map of your own.


The weather is warmer now and

we are heading into spring. Can you go for a walk

and find some signs that the seasons are changing. Look

at the temperature, plants, weather and animal life. Please record your ideas on the

writing frame below. DT We have been reading Hansel and Gretel. Please try one or both of these linked activities: - decorate some cakes or biscuits like the roof

of the witches house. - build a den out of cushions and blankets for the children to hide in as they run away from the witch. Remember to talk about what you need to do this? What works best? What doesn’t work as well? What would you do differently next time?


Including lots of speaking and listening tasks Monday

Watch the video clip / power point of Hansel and Gretel retold by Rachel Isadora. Pause often to talk about what is happening in the story and what might happen next. We chose this book in part because of the lovely African forest in which it is set, what animals might you see if you were there? How would you feel?


We are going to use adjectives or describing words to describe some of the characters in the story. Use the sheets attached to help you think about how they look and act.


We are thinking about verbs or doing words today and the actions they describe. We will be thinking about saying that someone has done something in the past by adding –ed. see attached sheet, Thursday

We are going to describe the witches cottage in the woods. If you can make your own decorated cakes or biscuits to help with your descriptions we would love to see them. If not, see pictures below. Friday

We are going to retell the story using the pictures and all of the lovely words we have used this week. Can we try to tell an adult the story remembering to include all of our new words? We would love to see photos and video clips of you doing this at home. If you would like to write your own story or part of the story that would be amazing and we will be asking Ms. Jarvis to look at these to go into the golden book as soon as you come back!


some university students are making a fairytale book to go in the outdoor classroom. Please can you make a picture from a fairytale

for them. It should be carefully draw in

pencil first then coloured in.


Do you have a toy you can move by programming it to go forwards or to turn? If not ask a parent to be the

robot and give them directions around the room making sure they do not bump into anything. You might sat forward

2 steps, quarter turn, forward 1

step, three quarters turn…


As well as reading books you may have at home, try these sites for free books to read


The Booktrust



Oxford Owl



Monday – Count in 2’s activity

Aim: We will be able to add 2 each time as a strategy to count in twos and use this to help is count

how many socks we have by counting each pair as 2 (eg 2,4,6,8,10…). We will begin to spot the

patterns in the ones digit (eg counting in 2’s always ends in 0,2,4,6 or 8). Children should colour in the

numbers they land on counting in twos to reinforce this pattern. See below for guidance:

Can you carry on counting in twos and colour in all the numbers you land on? Remember to use a pale

colour so that you can see the number still.

Do you notice any patterns?

Use this number grid to help you count things you find around the house in pairs. Maybe you could

count socks? Gloves? Trainers? Could you put two lego bricks together to count the pairs of bricks?

What else can you count in pairs?

Tuesday – Count in 2’s

Aim: We are continuing counting in 2’s as yesterday but instead of practically counting things around

the house to count in 2’s we are counting pictures. Try to remember to count in pairs using the


Wednesday – count in 5’s activity

Aim: As on Monday when we counted in 2’s, we are practising counting in 5’s by looking for patterns

and recognising the end digit. When we count in 5’s the end digit is always a 0 or a 5 which will help

children when checking their work. Can they draw round their hands and count fingers in 5’s or maybe

count the hands of people in the house?

Can you carry on counting in fives and colour in all the numbers you land on? Remember to use a pale

colour so that you can see the number still.


Thursday – count in 5’s

Aim: We are continuing counting in 5’s as yesterday but instead of practically counting things around

the house to count in 5’s we are counting pictures. Try to remember to count in fives using the

number square you coloured in yesterday to help you. Try NOT to count each one on its own.


Friday – Using counting in 2’s and 5’s

Aim: We have practiced counting in 2’s and 5’s this week and are going to use today to think about

this again but answering maths problems. Please pick the questions you feel most confident trying to

answer and work on them for about 30 mins. If you would prefer to carry on practicing counting

that’s OK!



Aim: To draw a picture to illustrate a favourite fairytale using sketching to draw the outline of the picture and to colour in carefully using a range of appropriate colours.


We would love for you to try to create some drawings to go inside our fairytale books in the

woodland area. You are welcome to use paint or coloured pencils to help with creating

these drawings.

We will select as many of these as we can to go into the book.

Thank you for your help! We look forward to seeing your drawings😊 

Please do your illustration inside the box so that it is the right size to fit in the books!


Aim: To think about aerial maps as a birds eye view and to explore our neighbourhood using google earth or other aerial maps.

To think about what a room in your house might look like as an aerial view.

This is an aerial view of our school.


Can you see the car park? Playground? Field? Trim trail on the field?

Can you tell which parts of the map are road, grass, playground, roof or trees?

These are some views of two children’s bedroom from above. Can you draw a room in your

house from above? What shape is the room? Where are the doors and windows? Where does

all the big furniture go? You don’t need to worry about things like toys or books – just the

toy box or bookcase where they live.


See video notes below:



We are going to use adjectives or describing words to describe some of the characters in the story. Use the word bank to help you write some sentences to help you think about how they look and act.

Hansel Gretel Witch
































We are thinking about verbs or doing words today and the actions they describe. We will be thinking about saying that someone has done something in the past by adding –ed. Can you copy each word and put the –ed ending on. Talk to your adult about what each word means as you write it. Can you put it into a sentence?


(action word)


(the action has already happened it’s in

the past tense)















We are going to describe the witches cottage in the woods. If you can make your own decorated cakes or biscuits to help with your descriptions we would love to see them. If not, see pictures below for ideas.

Can you describe the witches house using ‘and’ to join ideas in your writing? Example:

The roof was made of small chocolate chip cookies


striped candy canes. In front of the house is a path made from colourful jelly beans


sticky toffee,


How many of these signs of spring can you see on a walk?

How do you know winter is passing and the seasons are changing from winter to spring?

Buds on flower bush

crocus flowers

birds singing

fluffy white clouds


new leaves on trees

daffodils in flower




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