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Vertebrate Virus-Encoded MicroRNAs and Their Sequence Conservation


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*Corresponding author: Mailing address: Institute for

Ad-vanced Biosciences, Keio University, Tsuruoka, Yamagata

997-0017, Japan. Tel:

81-235-29-0524, Fax:

81-235-29-0525, E-mail: akio


This article is an Invited Review based on a lecture

presented at the 20th Symposium of the National Institute

of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, May 21, 2010.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the regulatory relationships mediated by miRNA in the genetic information flow between virus and host cell. The flow of genetic information from DNA to protein, which is the central dogma of molecular biology, is shown for both the virus and host cell. A recent study demon-strated that miRNAs are not only encoded in the genomes of host cells, but also by certain viral genomes, and play im-portant roles in their gene regulation. The arrows indicate the regulatory interactions that affect the genetic information flow. Four examples of miRNA-mediated regulatory interac-tions, represented by bold arrow (A–D), are described in the text.

Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 64, 357-366, 2011

Invited Review

Vertebrate Virus-Encoded MicroRNAs and

Their Sequence Conservation

Kahori Takane


and Akio Kanai




Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, Tsuruoka 997-0017; and


Systems Biology Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance,

Keio University, Fujisawa 252-8520, Japan

(Received June 27, 2011)



1. Introduction

2. Vertebrate virus-encoded miRNAs

3. Nucleotide sequence conservation among viral


4. Viral RNAs targeted by viral miRNAs

5. Host mRNAs targeted by viral miRNAs

6. Conclusion


: An increasing number of studies have reported that approximately 400 microRNAs

(miRNAs), encoded by vertebrate viruses, regulate the expression of both host and viral genes. Many

studies have used computational and/or experimental analyses to identify the target genes of miRNAs,

thereby enabling us to understand miRNA functions. Here, we suggest that important aspects become

apparent when we focus on conserved viral miRNAs, although these miRNA sequences generally show

little similarity among viral species. Reliable viral miRNA–target gene pairs can be efficiently identified

using evolutionary information. In this review, we summarize information on (i) the nucleotide

se-quence conservation among viral miRNAs and (ii) the RNAs targeted by viral miRNAs. Recent

ad-vances in these topics are discussed.

1. Introduction

The discovery of huge amounts of noncoding RNAs

(ncRNAs) has indicated the importance of RNA

mole-cules in many steps of gene regulation (1). Among the

ncRNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs) are very small

mole-cules of approximately 20 ribonucleotides, which

func-tion posttranscripfunc-tionally by hybridizing to their target

mRNAs. Typically, miRNAs repress the translation or

trigger the degradation of their target mRNAs (2). An

increasing number of studies have shown that not only

animals and plants but also viruses encode miRNAs,

which target both viral and host mRNAs to control their

expression (3–6). Because an understanding of viral

miRNAs is necessary for both basic science and the

de-velopment of therapeutic agents, we focus on viral

miRNAs in this review. In Fig. 1, we summarize existing

knowledge regarding the regulatory relationships

be-tween viruses and host cells mediated by miRNAs.

Basi-cally, this figure shows the flow of genetic information

from DNA to protein, which is the ``central dogma'' of

molecular biology. It is noteworthy that both viral and

host miRNAs can control the flow of genetic

informa-tion according to the central dogma. As examples,

virus-encoded miRNAs target viral RNAs and host cell

RNAs (regulatory relationships A and B, respectively,

in Fig. 1) (4–6), whereas host cell-encoded miRNAs

tar-get viral RNAs (regulatory relationship C in Fig. 1) (4).

It is also noteworthy that a viral protein can interact

with a host protein (regulatory relationship D in Fig. 1).


Fig. 2. General miRNA processing pathway. Initially, miRNA genes are transcribed to produce primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) in nucleus. RNase III enzyme Drosha and its binding partner DiGeorge-syndrome critical-region protein 8 (DGCR8), also known as Microprocessor, processes pri-miRNAs into precursor pri-miRNAs (pre-pri-miRNAs). After being exported to cytoplasm by a complex of Exportin-5 and Ran-GTP, pre-miRNAs are cleaved into miRNA duplexes by another RNase III enzyme Dicer with its cofactor transactivat-ing region RNA-bindtransactivat-ing protein (TRBP). One strand of miRNA duplexes is incorporated into miRNA-induced silenc-ing complex (miRISC) containsilenc-ing Argonaute 2 (AGO2) for mRNA degradation or translational repression. Triangles in both pri-miRNA and pre-miRNA indicate the cutting sites of RNase III enzymes.

A viral protein has been reported to bind the Argonaute

(Ago) protein, one of the most important factors

involved in the functioning of the RNA-induced

silenc-ing complex (RISC) (7). Based on these findsilenc-ings, the

miRNA regulatory systems of viruses and their host

cells seem to mediate the conflicts between them.

Understanding this complex regulatory relationship is

important for the development of antiviral measures.

In this paper, we review the recent progress in

virus-encoded miRNAs, focusing particularly on vertebrate

viruses, and list the known virus-encoded miRNAs. The

nucleotide sequence features of these miRNAs are then

discussed based on sequence conservation analysis. To

understand the functions of these miRNAs, it is

necessa-ry to identify their target mRNAs. Therefore, we

pro-vide information on the cellular and viral targets of

these viral miRNAs.

2. Vertebrate virus-encoded miRNAs

Five miRNAs encoded by a viral genome were first

reported in the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in 2004 (6),

and 400 viral miRNAs encoded by 22 viruses are

cur-rently registered in miRBase (release 17.0, April 2011).

The miRBase is one of the most useful databases,

providing an integrated interface for comprehensive

miRNA sequence data, annotations, and predicted gene

targets (8). In most cases, just as viral miRNAs are

syn-thesized in host cells, they are thought to be processed

by the host miRNA-processing machinery (9,10). Before

discussing recently reported virus-encoded miRNAs in

detail, we will briefly describe the general miRNA

bio-genesis pathway in host cells (Fig. 2). Generally, several

RNA-processing steps are required to produce mature

miRNAs. Initially, the primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs)

are transcribed from their genes in the nucleus (11).

Pri-miRNAs are processed into approximately

70-nucleo-tide hairpin RNAs by Drosha, a nuclease of the RNase

III family, and DGCR8 (12,13). The processed RNAs

are called ``precursor miRNAs'' (pre-miRNAs), and are

exported to the cytoplasm by Exportin-5, where the

miRNA duplexes produced are cleaved by another

RNase III nuclease, Dicer (14,15). The mature miRNAs

(``guide strands'') are then incorporated into the

miRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC) to play a

role in regulating gene expression, whereas the other

strands (``passenger strands'') are immediately

degrad-ed, although it has also been reported that both the

guide and passenger strands are potentially functional in

some cases (16).

Two approaches are generally used to identify viral

miRNAs. The first involves experimental validation,

such as molecular cloning and nucleotide sequencing of

the small RNA fraction (6), whereas in the second, a

bioinformatics methodology is used. This approach is

based on computational prediction, such as predicting

the secondary structures of pre-miRNAs from viral

ge-nomes, or distinguishing positive from false miRNAs to

identify their nucleotide sequences and structural

char-acteristics using a machine learning technique (17,18). It

has been suggested that high-throughput analyses

com-bined with computational analyses constitute the most

effective approach (19,20). In Table 1, we summarize

the currently known miRNAs encoded by vertebrate

viruses. The number of viral miRNAs ranges from 2 to

68 (approximately 16 per viral genome). Among these

viruses, the


encode large numbers of

miRNAs, and rhesus lymphocryptovirus (RLCV)

en-codes 68 miRNAs. In contrast, only 1–4 miRNAs are

found in the families






, and


. We note that

most viruses encoding miRNAs belong to

double-stranded DNA virus families, such as the






, and



In contrast, there have been no reports of RNA viruses

encoding miRNAs, except for



im-munodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1). This is probably

be-cause the replication systems of the double-stranded

DNA viruses and RNA viruses differ. In general,

double-stranded DNA viruses replicate their genomes in

the host nuclei, whereas RNA viruses replicate their

ge-nomes in the host cytoplasm. As described above, host

nuclear factors such as Drosha and DGCR8 are required

for the pre-miRNA processing step. Therefore, many


Table 1. List of vertebrate virus-encoded miRNAs

Family Subfamily Name No. miRNAs1) Host Reference

Herpesviridae a-Herpesvirinae Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) 25 (16) Human 50–52

Herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) 24 (18) Human 50, 53, 54

Marek's disease virus-1 (MDV-1) 26 (14) Avian 55, 56

Marek's disease virus-2 (MDV-2) 36 (18) Avian 23, 24

Turkey herpesvirus (HVT) 28 (17) Avian 24, 57

Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) 10 (7) Avian 24, 58

Bovine herpesvirus (BHV1) 12 (10) Cattle 59

Herpes B virus (HBV) 3 (3) Simian 60

b-Herpesvirinae Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) 17 (11) Human 17, 61

Mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) 29 (18) Murine 62, 63

g-Herpesvirinae Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) 44 (25) Human 6, 64–66

Rhesus lymphocryptovirus (RLCV) 68 (36) Simian 64, 67, 68

Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) 25 (12) Human 17, 65, 69, 70

Rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (RRV) 11 (7) Simian 71

Mouse gamma herpesvirus-68 (MHV68) 28 (15) Murine 17

Polyomaviridae — Simian virus 40 (SV40) 2 (1) Simian 18

Simian agent 12 (SA12) 2 (1) Simian 72

Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV) 2 (1) Human 73

BK polyomavirus (BKV) 2 (1) Human 74

JC polyomavirus (JCV) 2 (1) Human 74

Murine polyomavirus (PYV) 2 (1) Murine 75

Papillomaviridae Bandicoot papillomatosis carcinomatosis virus

type 1 (BPCV1) 1 (1) Bandicoot 76

Bandicoot papillomatosis carcinomatosis virus

type 2 (BPCV2) 1 (1) Bandicoot 76

Adenoviridae — Human adenovirus (AV) 3 (2) Human 77

Retroviridae Lentivirinae Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) 4 (3) Human 21, 22

1): Number of precursor miRNAs is shown in parentheses.

Table 2. Nucleotide sequence conservation of viral miRNAs in miRBase

No. of combinations (without considering seed sequence match)

No. of combinations (with complete match of seed sequence) Total 79,800 79,800 Æ30z 56,083 90 Æ40z 19,078 89 Æ50z 3,390 72 Æ60z 277 50 Æ70z 67 34 Æ80z 34 22 Æ90z 17 14 100z 4 4

Numbers of combinations of conserved viral miRNAs in various viruses are shown with their similarities. In the left column, only the sequence similarity is considered, whereas in the right column, both the sequence identity and the seed sequence match-es are considered (nucleotidmatch-es 1–7, 2–8, or 3–9 from the 5?end of the miRNA).

viral miRNAs may be found in double-stranded DNA

viruses. However, miRNAs have been reported in

HIV-1 of the family


(21,22). This

retro-virus can integrate into the host nuclear genome as

double-stranded DNA using the virally encoded

en-zymes RNA reverse transcriptase and integrase.

There-fore, miRNAs are produced from the genome of this

retrovirus as they are from double-stranded DNA


3. Nucleotide sequence conservation among

viral miRNAs

As discussed above, the number of studies on viral

miRNAs is increasing. Recent studies have also reported

that viral miRNA sequences are less similar to one

another than are nonviral miRNAs, although the

genomic locations of the viral miRNAs are often

con-served (23,24). However, some questions remain

regard-ing how many viral miRNA sequences are conserved in

the same viruses or individual viruses, and whether any

sequence characteristics exist in these miRNAs. To

ad-dress these questions, we comprehensively analyzed the

nucleotide sequence conservation among viral miRNAs.

For this purpose, we first aligned the 400 viral

miRNA sequences registered in miRBase in all

combina-tions (79,800 pairs in total). The levels of conservation

among these pairs are listed in Table 2. The sequence

similarities of the 79,800 miRNA pairs were calculated.

The ``seed'' sequences include nucleotides 2–8 from the


end of the miRNAs, and are important for target

recognition (25). Therefore, we considered two sets of

data: the degree of similarity between sequence pairs

when the seed sequence matches were not considered

and the degree of similarity in sequence pairs when their

seed sequences showed complete matches. As is evident


Fig. 3. Secondary structures of virus-encoded pre-miRNAs shar-ing the same mature miRNA sequences. (A–D) All pairs of pre-miRNAs with 100zidentical mature miRNA sequences are shown. The mature miRNA sequences are shown in bold up-percase letters. Notably, both the secondary structure and nucleotide sequence of the precursor miRNA differ slightly, despite the complete match of the mature miRNA sequences in these four pairs. bkv, polyomavirus BK; jcv, polyomavirus JC; ebv, Epstein-Barr virus; rlcv, rhesus lymphocryptovirus; hvt, turkey herpesvirus; bpcv1, bandicoot papillomatosis cinomatosis virus type 1; bpcv2, bandicoot papillomatosis car-cinomatosis virus type 2.

Fig. 4. Three examples of highly conserved miRNAs encoded by viruses. (A–C) Nucleotide sequences of mature viral miRNAs with Æ80zconservation are aligned. Conserved nucleotide residues are indicated with an asterisk. Gaps are inserted for maximum homology. The miRNA seed region is bracketed. Note that the miRNA sequences differ in their seed regions but possibly bind the same target mRNAs when G–U wobble pairs are permitted. See the text for details. ebv, Epstein-Barr virus; mdv1, Marek's disease virus 1; hsv1, herpes simplex virus 1.

from this table, the numbers of conserved miRNA pairs





sequence similarity) are relatively small.

We also note that the numbers of conserved miRNA

pairs differ depending on whether we ignore the seed

sequence matches or consider the completely matched

seed sequences. The number of conserved miRNA pairs





sequence similarity) is considerably larger when

we do not consider the seed sequence matches than

when we consider the completely matched seed

se-quences. Assuming that the seed sequence is important

for the recognition of target mRNAs, the large numbers

of pairs with only 30




sequence similarity are

considered to be false-positive pairs.

Therefore, we focus on the evolutionarily conserved

miRNAs in this review and describe the importance of

analyzing pairs with high sequence similarity. For

exam-ple, when considering the seed sequence matches, the

number of miRNA pairs with more than 70


, 80



and 90


sequence similarities are 34, 22, and 14,

re-spectively (Table 2). Notably, among the same or

relat-ed viruses, the viral miRNA sequences are 100


identi-cal for four pairs (bkv-miR-B1-3p and jcv-miR-J1-3p,

ebv-miR-BART1-3p and rlcv-miR-rL1-6,

hvt-miR-H9-3p and hvt-miR-H12-hvt-miR-H9-3p, and bpcv1-miR-B1 and

bpcv2-miR-B1), although the pre-miRNA sequences are not

completely conserved (Fig. 3). This strongly suggests

that both these miRNAs and their possible targets have

been highly conserved, and have influenced viral

func-tion throughout viral evolufunc-tion. For instance, the

identi-cal miRNAs of the polyomaviruses (bkv-miR-B1-3p and

jcv-miR-J1-3p) have functions that allow the viruses to

evade immune cell attack (26). Specifically, these two

miRNAs target the 3?

untranslated region (3?-UTR) of

ULBP3 mRNA, which encodes a stress-induced ligand

recognized by the killer receptor NKG2D of natural

killer (NK) cells. Focusing on the conserved miRNA–

target gene pairs is also very important for an

under-standing of the evolution of miRNA-mediated

regula-tion. Recently, we reported that miRNA–target gene

pairs can be effectively identified based on the

evolu-tionary analysis of bilaterian animals (27).

Let us examine the characteristics of miRNA pairs

with more than 80


sequence similarity. Twenty-two

pairs with this degree of this similarity have completely

matched seed sequences, whereas 34 pairs have this

degree of this similarity if we do not consider the seed

matches (Table 2). Therefore, 12 pairs have




quence similarity but incompletely matched seed

se-quences. Three representative examples of these 12 pairs

are illustrated in Fig. 4. We have identified a rule for the

pattern of nucleotide sequences in the seed region. As

shown in Fig. 4, these miRNA pairs contain nucleotide

mismatches in the seed region. When G–U wobble pairs

are permitted, it is conceivable that these pairs recognize

identical or orthologous target mRNAs. Indeed, it has

been reported that miRNA sequences that form G–U

pairs recognize target mRNAs and reduce their


expres-sion (28). It is noteworthy that this pattern of nucleotide

sequences associated with G–U pairs was observed in 11

of the 12 pairs. Among these 11 pairs, four pairs are

en-coded by the genomes of related viruses (two by herpes

simplex virus 1 [HSV-1] and herpes simplex virus 2

[HSV-2], and two by EBV and RLCV). Moreover,

seven pairs are encoded by the genomes of identical

viruses (a pair each in EBV, HSV-1, HSV-2, and

Marek's disease virus 1 [MDV-1], and three pairs in

tur-key herpesvirus [HVT]). When these conserved miRNA

pairs are encoded in the genomes of the same viruses,

they may play a role in a backup system, or may be

use-ful in avoiding host cell attack. If these pairs recognize

the same target sites, the part of nucleotide sequences on

the target sites are restricted to ``G'' or ``U'' (Fig. 4).

Therefore, it is presumed that reliable target sites can be

extracted using this conserved miRNA sequence


It has also been reported that one mRNA can have

several different miRNA-binding sites. For instance,



p20 (LIP) mRNA, which encodes a negative

transcriptional regulator of specific cytokines, including

interleukin 6 (IL6) and IL10, has target sites for two





miRNAs (miR-k12-3 and miR-k12-7) (29). These

miRNAs control the expression of LIP mRNA,

result-ing in the induction of cytokine (IL6 and IL10) secretion

by macrophages. In this situation, IL6 and IL10 play

important roles in KSHV-associated cancer (30,31).

4. Viral RNAs targeted by viral miRNAs

Recent reports have suggested that viral miRNA

gets can be categorized into two classes: viral RNA

tar-gets (regulatory relationship A in Fig. 1) and cellular

mRNA targets (regulatory relationship B in Fig. 1),

which are described in this section and in Section 5 of

this review, respectively. Viral RNAs regulated by viral

miRNAs are listed in Table 3. Currently, 21 viral

mRNA targets have been experimentally identified, and

this number is increasing. Viral miRNA functions are

categorized into five groups: (I) latent and lytic viral

in-fection, (II) immune evasion, (III) prevention of

apo-ptosis, (IV) viral replication, and (V) others.

More than half of these viral miRNAs are associated

with latent and lytic viral infections (group I). For

in-stance, infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) miR-I5

targets the transcriptional activator ICP4 mRNA, which

is essential for viral growth and is repressed during

la-tent infection. Therefore, miR-I5 is involved in

modulating the balance between the lytic and latent

sta-tus of the virus (32). miR-I5 is located antisense to the

ICP4 mRNA in the ILTV genome. With the complete

hybridization of miRNA–mRNA pairs, miR-I5

regu-lates ICP4 mRNA in an siRNA-like manner, cleaving

ICP4 mRNA rather than inhibiting its translation. In

another example, KSHV-encoded miR-k12-9*

suppress-es the exprsuppress-ession of the viral replication and

transcrip-tion activator (RTA), which is the major lytic switch

protein, by hybridizing directly with the 3?-UTR of its

mRNA to regulate lytic reactivation (33). A recent

report mentioned that miR-k12-7-5p also targets the

3?-UTR of RTA mRNA to prevent the production of

progeny virus (34). These findings suggest that KSHV

miRNAs play important roles in the maintenance of

viral latency.

miRNAs involved in the avoidance of the host

im-mune system are classified in group II. An example of

this is polyomavirus simian virus 40 (SV40) miRNA

(sv40-miR-S1) downregulation of the expression of the

viral T-antigen, which is a target of the cytotoxic

T-lym-phocyte response. sv40-miR-S1 accumulates during the

late stages of infection and targets early viral mRNAs

for cleavage, resulting in the reduced expression of the

viral T antigen (18). One possible function of

sv40-miR-S1 is to allow the virus to escape from the host immune

system, increasing the probability of successful


The group III miRNAs are related to the regulation of

cellular apoptosis, limiting host cell death during viral

proliferation. It has been reported that overexpression

of the EBV


gene promotes host cell apoptosis

(35). These authors showed that three EBV miRNAs

(miR-BART1-5p, miR-BART16, and miR-BART17-5p)

target the 3?-UTR of


mRNA and downregulate

the expression of LMP1 protein, reducing the

proapo-ptotic effect. Therefore, EBV miRNAs have an impact

on the host cell-death pathway, enhancing viral


Viral miRNAs associated with the control of viral

replication are classified to group IV. EBV expresses

different replication systems during latent and lytic

in-fection (36). The authors reported that cellular

replica-tion factors are recruited during latent infecreplica-tion,

whereas viral replication factors, including viral

poly-merase BALF5, are required during lytic infection. It

has been shown that miR-BART2 regulates the

transi-tion from latent to lytic viral replicatransi-tion (6,81). During

latent infection, EBV miR-BART2 cleaves the 3?-UTR

of the BALF5 mRNA, whereas induction of the lytic

replication cycle causes a reduction in miR-BART2

lev-els. Another example is the HIV-1 protein Nef. The

viral miRNA miR-N367 suppresses Nef expression

through the regulatory U3 region in the 5?

long terminal

repeat (5?-LTR) (22). Because Nef is considered a

regulatory factor for HIV-1 replication, miR-N367 may

control viral replication by limiting Nef expression.

Among other HIV-1 miRNAs, TAR miRNA is thought

to be processed from the HIV-1 TAR element by the

Dicer enzyme in host cells (21,37). Although the

func-tion of TAR miRNA is unclear, it is believed to repress

viral gene expression through the viral LTR (group V).

5. Host mRNAs targeted by viral miRNAs

In this section, we focus on recent research that has

described the regulation of cellular mRNAs by viral

miRNAs. Thirty-two cellular mRNA targets of viral

miRNAs are listed in Table 4. The cellular mRNAs

regulated by viral miRNAs can be categorized into six

groups: (I) latent and lytic viral infection, (II) immune

evasion, (III) prevention of apoptosis, (IV) viral

replica-tion, (V) cell cycle, and (VI) others. This classification is

essentially the same as that in Section 4, except for

group V.

One of the roles of viral miRNAs is the maintainance

viral latency via repression of the cellular factors

in-volved in viral lytic reactivation (group I). It has been


Table 3. Summary of viral mRNA targets of viral miRNAs Virus

Viral miRNA Viral mRNA target Group1) Host Reference

Family Subfamily Name Name Possible function

Herpesviridae a-Herpesvirinae HSV-1 miR-H2-3p ICP0 Transcriptional activator: thought to have a role in reactivation

I Human 51

HSV-1 miR-H6 ICP4 Transcriptional activator: required for expression of most HSV1 genes during productive infection

I Human 51

HSV-2 miR-I, II ICP34.5 Neurovirulence factor: required to control viral replication in neuronal cells

I, IV Human 53, 78

HSV-2 miR-III ICP0 Transcriptional activator:

important for HSV reactivation I Human 53 MDV1 miR-M4 UL28 DNA packing protein: involved

in cleavage/packing of herpesvirus DNA

I Avian 49

MDV1 miR-M4 UL32 DNA packing protein: involved in cleavage/packing of herpesvirus DNA

I Avian 49

ILTV miR-I5 ICP4 Transcriptional activator: essential for viral growth and repressed during latency

I Avian 32

b-Herpesvirinae HCMV miR-UL112-1 IE1/IE72 Transcriptional activator: critical for gene expression and required for viral replication

I, IV Human 79

HCMV miR-UL112-1 UL114 Uracil DNA glycosylase:

important for viral replication I, IV Human 80 g-Herpesvirinae EBV miR-BART2 BALF5 DNA polymerase: required for

lytic viral replication I, IV Human 6, 81 EBV miR-BART22 LMP2a Latent membrane protein:

potent immunogenic viral antigen recognized by cytotoxic T cells

II Human 82

EBV miR-BART1-5p, miR-BART16, miR-BART17-5p

LMP1 Latent membrane protein:

induces cell growth III Human 35

KSHV miR-k12-9*,

miR-k12-7-5p RTA Lytic switch protein: controlsviral reactivation from latency I Human 33, 34

Polyomaviridae — SV40 miR-S1 LT-Ag Antigen protein: involved in signaling, cell cycle, and viral replication. Target of cytotoxic T lymphocyte response

II Simian 18

JCV miR-J1 LT-Ag Antigen protein: involved in signaling, cell cycle, and viral replication. Target of cytotoxic T lymphocyte response

II Human 74

BKV miR-B1 LT-Ag Antigen protein: involved in signaling, cell cycle, and viral replication. Target of cytotoxic T lymphocyte response

II Human 74

PYV miR-P1 LT-Ag Antigen protein: involved in signaling, cell cycle, and viral replication. Target of cytotoxic T lymphocyte response

II Murine 75

Papillomaviridae — BPCV1 miR-B1 LT-Ag Antigen protein: involved in signaling, cell cycle, and viral replication. Target of cytotoxic T lymphocyte response

II Bandicoot 76

BPCV2 miR-B1 LT-Ag Antigen protein: involved in signaling, cell cycle, and viral replication. Target of cytotoxic T lymphocyte response

II Bandicoot 76

Retroviridae Lentivirinae HIV-1 miR-N367 NEF Accessory protein: important, but not essential for viral replication

IV Human 22

HIV-1 miR-TAR LTR Important for viral replication V Human 37

For abbreviations, see Table 1.

1): Roman numerals indicate the following possible functions: (I) latent and lytic viral infection, (II) immune evasion, (III) prevention of


Table 4. Summary of cellular mRNA targets of viral miRNAs Virus

Viral miRNA Cellular mRNA target Group1) Host Reference

Family Subfamily Name Name Possible function

Herpesviridae a-Herpesvirinae MDV1 mdv1-miR-M3 SMAD2 A critical factor in the transforming growth factorb signal pathway

III Avian 83

MDV1 mdv1-miR-M4 PU.1 — VI Avian 49

MDV1 mdv1-miR-M4 GPM6B — VI Avian 49

MDV1 mdv1-miR-M4 RREB1 — VI Avian 49

MDV1 mdv1-miR-M4 c-Myb — VI Avian 49

MDV1 mdv1-miR-M4 MAP3K7IP2 — VI Avian 49

MDV1 mdv1-miR-M4 C/EBP — VI Avian 49

b-Herpesvirinae MCMV miR-M23-2 CXCL16 Chemokine expressed in both soluble and transmembrane forms

II Murine 42

HCMV miR-US25-1 CCNE2 G1/S cyclin E2 V Human 47

HCMV miR-US25-1 H3F3B H3 histone, family 3B VI Human 47

HCMV miR-US25-1 TRIM28 Transcriptional silencer VI Human 47

HCMV miR-UL112-1 MICB Stress-induced ligand of the natural killer cell activating receptor NKG2D

II Human 39

g-Herpesvirinae EBV miR-BHRF1-3 CXCL11 CXC chemokine ligand for

CXCR3 II Human 41

EBV miR-BART2-5p MICB Stress-induced ligand of the natural killer cell activating receptor NKG2D

II Human 40

EBV miR-BART5 PUMA Induces apoptosis in response to

a wide variety of stimuli III Human 43 EBV miR-BART6 Dicer RNase III enzyme, which is a

component of the miRNA processing pathway

I Human 84

KSHV miR-k12-1 P21 A key inducer of cell-cycle arrest V Human 46 KSHV miR-k12-1 IkBa An inhibitor of the NF-kB

complex IV Human 45

KSHV miR-k12-3 NFIB Activates the promoter of the

viralRTAgene I Human 38

KSHV miR-k12-7 MICB Stress-induced ligand of the natural killer cell activating receptor NKG2D

II Human 40

KSHV miR-k12-4-5p Rbl2 A known repressor of DNA methyltransferase 3a and 3b mRNA

VI Human 48

KSHV miR-k12-10a TWEAKR Tumor-necrosis-factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis receptor

III Human 85

KSHV miR-k12-11 Fos — VI Human 86

KSHV miR-k12-11 BACH1 Transcriptional repressor of heme oxygenase 1, which promotes cell survival

VI Human 87

KSHV miR-k12-3,

miR-k12-7 C/EBPb(LIP) p20 An isoform of C/EBPbto function as a negativeknown transcriptional regulator

VI Human 29

KSHV miR-k12-1, miR-k12-6-5p, miR-k12-11

MAF Cellular transcription factor, which has a role in tissue specification and the terminal differentiation of a wide variety of cell types

VI Human 88

KSHV miR-k12-5, miR-k12-9, miR-k12-10

BCLAF-1 Bcl2-associated transcription

factor VI Human 89

KSHV miR-k12-1, miR-k12-3-5p, miR-k12-6-3p, miR-k12-11

THBS1 Potent inhibitor of blood vessel

growth VI Human 90

Polyomaviridae — BKV miR-B1-3p ULBP3 Stress-induced ligand recognized

by the killer receptor NKG2D II Human 26 JCV miR-J1-3p ULBP3 Stress-induced ligand recognized

by the killer receptor NKG2D II Human 26

Retroviridae Lentivirinae HIV-1 TAR miRNA ERCCI Involved in

serum-starvation-induced apoptosis III Human 44

HIV-1 TAR miRNA IER3 Involved in

serum-starvation-induced apoptosis III Human 44

For abbreviations, see Table 1.

1): Roman numerals indicate the following functions: (I) latent and lytic viral infection, (II) immune evasion, (III) prevention of apoptosis,


reported that the KSHV miRNA miR-k12-3 targets the

3?-UTR of nuclear factor I/B (NFIB) mRNA and

down-regulates its expression (38). NFIB enhances the

promoter activity of the viral


gene, which is

in-volved in KSHV reactivation. Therefore, miR-k12-3

stabilizes viral latency through the regulation of NFIB.

In Section 4, we described how KSHV miRNAs

(miR-k12-9* and miR-12-7-5p) directly target and suppress

the expression of viral RTA. These data together

sug-gest that KSHV miRNAs suppress both viral and

cellu-lar RTA-mediated factors to maintain viral latency.

As mentioned in Section 4, some viral miRNAs can

potentially allow the virus to evade the host immune

sys-tem by targeting viral mRNAs. It is also true that

cellu-lar mRNAs are targeted by viral miRNAs for the same

purpose (group II). In fact, translation of the mRNA of

MICB, which is the stress-induced ligand recognized by

NKG2D on NK cells, is repressed by viral miRNAs,

al-lowing the virus to evade the host immune response

(39,40). It is noteworthy that the downregulation of

MICB expression mediated by viral miRNAs has been

confirmed in three types of herpesviruses (HCMV

miR-UL112-1, EBV miR-BART2-5p, and KSHV

miR-k12-7), although these three miRNAs have no nucleotide

se-quence conservation. In another example, polyomavirus

miRNAs are able to evade the host immune system by

targeting the ULBP3 ligand, as described Section 3 (26).

The chemokines CXCL11 and CXCL16 are also

sup-pressed by EBV miR-BHRF1-3 and mouse

cytomegalo-virus (MCMV) miR-M23-2 miRNAs, respectively

(41,42). These studies indicate that the targeting of

ligands by viral miRNAs is a major viral strategy for

avoiding the host immune system, at least in the

poly-omaviruses and herpesviruses.

Viral miRNAs involved in the resistance to cellular

apoptosis are classified in group III. A recent study

demonstrated that miR-BART5 targets and represses

the expression of proapoptotic PUMA (p53 upregulated

modulator of apoptosis) mRNAs, protecting the virus

from cellular apoptosis (43). HIV-1 TAR miRNA is also

reported to attenuate host apoptosis (44). Briefly, TAR

miRNA downregulates the expression of both ERCC1

(excision repair cross complementing group 1) and IER3

(intermediate early response 3) mRNAs, the products of

which are known to induce apoptosis in response to

se-rum starvation.

Viral replication is regulated by viral miRNAs of

group IV via the cellular NF-


B pathway. It has been

shown that the deletion of the KSHV miRNA cluster

reduces NF-


B activity, resulting in increased lytic

repli-cation. Detailed research has shown that miR-k1, in

particular, represses the expression of I





which encodes an inhibitor of the NF-


B complex (45).

The host cell cycle is regulated by the viral miRNAs of

group V. KSHV miRNA attenuates p21-mediated

cell-cycle arrest and miR-k1 represses p21 mRNA, a key

in-ducer of cell-cycle arrest (46). Another example of host

cell-cycle regulation is HCMV miR-US25-1 targeting

and downregulation of the expression of cyclin E2

(CCNE2) mRNA (47). Cyclin E protein is expressed in

the G


phase, and binds to and activates CDK2 protein,

resulting in progression to the S phase. Therefore, the

inhibition of CCNE2 mRNA by miR-US25-1 may block

cell-cycle progression.

Finally, the ``others'' of group VI include an

interest-ing example. Viral miRNA regulates DNA methylation

at several sites in both the viral and host genomes. Viral

genomic methylation by viral miRNA has been

de-scribed. The KSHV miRNA miR-k12-4-5p reduces the

expression of retinoblastoma (Rb)-like protein 2 (Rbl2)

mRNA. Rbl2 is a repressor of DNA methyltransferases

3a and 3b (DNMT); consequently, this miRNA

in-creases the number of methylated DNA sites in the viral

genome (48). The promoter region of the viral


gene is methylated, which helps to maintain the latent

status of the virus.

In Sections 4 and 5, we discussed viral and cellular







However, it should be noted that the same viral miRNA

sometimes targets both viral and cellular mRNAs. For

instances, the MDV1 miRNA miR-M4, which is known

to be an orthologue of the host miR-155, targets cellular







MAP3K7IP2, and C/EBP) and viral RNAs (of UL28

and UL32) (49). Furthermore, HCMV miR-UL112-1

regulates both viral RNAs (IE1/IE72 and UL114) and a

cellular mRNA (MICB), as described above (39,40).

Be-cause the number of virus-encoded miRNAs is generally

small, it is conceivable that the same viral miRNAs have

evolved to regulate both host and viral genes for

ef-ficient viral infection. However, this is observed in a

minority of cases, with only a dozen miRNA target

genes having been identified to date. With advances in

molecular virology, it is probable that more examples of

miRNAs that target both viral and cellular mRNAs will

be identified.

6. Conclusion

To determine the functions of viral miRNAs, it is

important to consider the following two characteristics:

(i) the nucleotide sequence conservation among viral

miRNAs, and (ii) the target mRNAs of the viral

miRNAs. By focusing on the miRNA sequences that are

highly conserved among these viruses, reliable miRNA–

target genes can be identified. It is noteworthy that

different miRNAs can bind to the same mRNAs.

There-fore, it is necessary to consider not only the highly

con-served miRNAs but also other miRNAs that may bind

to the same mRNAs. Viral miRNAs tend to regulate

functions important for viral survival, such as the

eva-sion of the host immune system and the regulation of

viral replication, by targeting both host and viral

mRNAs. Furthermore, one viral miRNA can regulate

both host and viral mRNAs because there are only a

limited number of viral miRNAs. Finally, we proposed

that these two characteristics could contribute to the

de-velopment of therapeutic applications. Developing

drugs from these conserved miRNAs could allow us to

(a) target several viruses by antagonizing these

con-served miRNAs, and (b) effectively repress viral growth

by targeting genes essential for viral survival.


The authors would like to thank the members of the RNA Group at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, Japan, for their helpful discussions.

K. Takane was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. This work was also supported by


research funds from the Yamagata Government and Tsuruoka City, Japan.

Conflict of interest

None to declare.


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