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Better People Better Communities Better World HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT. Outward Bound. How you can support Outward Bound 1


Academic year: 2021

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Better People Better Communities Better World


Outward Bound




What is OutWard BOund? ...1

help us cOntinue tO Be

a turning pOint in peOple’s lives ... 2

MeMbership... 2

Foundation.pathway... 2


setting.up.a.scholarship... 4

donations... 5




Better People Better Communities Better World


our.courses.are.for.people.of.all.ages,. all.ethnicities,.all.socio-economic. groupings.and.abilities.


continue to grow and manage the Foundation so that it provides an income stream to ensure financial stability and longevity.

enhance and manage our relationships with our stakeholders and funders so that they see themselves as part of an organisation that is making a significant contribution to the development of New Zealand as a nation.

acknowledge that our alumni are one of our key strengths; we will develop programmes and strategies for the efficient and effective utilisation of this resource.



Lord Cobham in his address at the opening of the Outward Bound New Zealand at Anakiwa in 1962 stated





Feedback from our students and their parents,

teachers and employers consistently tells us that

an Outward Bound course teaches people about

themselves and gives them the confidence to go

beyond their limits and expand their horizons.

To achieve this outcome Outward Bound employs

experiential learning, to effect strong positive

changes in students with regards to maturity and

emotional intelligence.

hOW is OutWard BOund Funded?

the trust receives no direct government funding.

We charge fees for our courses, based on our operational overheads, which not only include our staffing costs but also maintenance and gear replacement.

Participants are expected to actively fundraise within their local communities. Many community and service organisations provide financial assistance to help with the cost of a course. We have a 3 step strategy of “self, community, and Outward Bound” that we work through with those needing help. Did you know that approximately 60% of all Outward Bound participants need support? This is where you can help. In addition Outward Bound also receives grants and donations from funding organisations and Charitable Trusts to assist financially disadvantaged people.

In 2002 the Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand Foundation was formed, the purpose of which is to keep a secured value of investment (Endowment), with only the income generated from that endowment being made available for financial assistance of students to attend Outward Bound. As we grow this fund it enables us to become less reliant on certain types of insecure community funding.

What dO We need suppOrt FOr? There are 3 main categories –

student schOlarships

We remain dedicated to provide opportunities for all ethnic and socio economic communities and abilities. In addition to supporting the many young people who just need a small ‘hand up’ with their fundraising, we also work with schools and community partners to provide opportunities for their young people to come to Outward Bound, most of who would financially be unable to fund an Outward Bound experience.

saFety and gear rOllOver

Safety is our number 1 priority. Ensuring our students are safe relies on us keeping our operational gear in top condition. With nearly 2,000 people coming through Anakiwa each year, we need to replace between $35,000-$60,000 of operational safety gear and equipment on an annual basis.

capital prOjects

We have a long term capital replacement plan. Each year we are challenged to find between $100,000-$300,000 to replace and upgrade our essential operational capital equipment.















of our course mix

is provided by community partners,

many of whom are fully funded.

This equates to $1.5 million per annum.

Both the Trust and the Foundation are registered under the Charities Act 2005.

charities registratiOn (trust): cc34682 charities registratiOn (FOundatiOn): cc22777





Financial members play an important part in

Outward Bound’s governance structure. Each year our

membership base elects up to 30 members to our

Members Council, whose role is to ensure our Board

continues to run Outward Bound under the ethos of

Kurt Hahn.

Membership has charitable status, so you are able to claim

1/3 back from Inland Revenue.

Donations received from membership are held in a Membership Scholarship Fund and are used to financially support young people coming to Outward Bound. • Annual Donation $80 ($54 once rebate claimed) • Life Donation $1,000 ($670 once rebate claimed) iF yOu’d like tO suppOrt OutWard BOund By BecOming a memBer


FOrm a




leave yOur legacy at OutWard BOund

With your gift of $140 your brick will become part of

Outward Bound’s Foundation Pathway. The pathway

links the Watchhouses and helps students on their

journey of personal development and self discovery.

Help Outward Bound build a pathway for people

from all walks of life.

Your donation covers the laying and engraving of your paving brick with your name or inspirational words of your choice. The remainder is held by the Outward Bound Foundation as a legacy for student scholarships.

Bricks are generally laid once a year with the close off each year on 30th June, being our year end.

iF yOu’d like tO suppOrt OutWard BOund By Buying a Brick in Our pathWay


FOrm B















marilyn piersOn, m531



For 50 years now Outward Bound has changed the

lives of over 54,000 New Zealanders – helping them

reach their full potential through challenge and

adventure in the outdoors.

all dOnatiOns make a diFFerence

We developed the Outward Bound Supporters Programme so that anyone can make a regular donation (the minimum donation is $5 per month). Combined together, these

donations make a huge impact on the safety and quality of our courses, as well as providing opportunities for young people to attend Outward Bound.

You can specify how your regular donation is to be used, ie scholarships, safety and gear rollover or capital projects. At the end of the tax year we will send you a receipt for donation purposes, along with an outline as to how your donation has contributed to Outward Bound during the year.

Help us continue to be a turning point in people’s lives by supporting our OB Supporters programme, this in turn ensuring our financial stability and independence.

iF yOu’d like tO BecOme an OutWard BOund suppOrter


FOrm c





Claire Anderson

Outward Bound was always a dream of mine but was financially out of my reach. In September 2004 this barrier was overcome by my employer sponsoring me on a Navigator course.

My time at Anakiwa turned my life around by helping me find the nuts and bolts that were missing from my life by providing a clearer understanding of my values, what was important to me, and what I wanted to achieve in life.

In 2009 I made the decision to ‘pay it forward’ by setting up a scholarship for young people to Outward Bound. Personal savings, funds I raised while completing Ironman in 2009, and the proceeds from the sales of my memoir ‘One Step At A Time’ have all contributed to my scholarship fund. I will always be grateful for my Outward Bound experience, and I feel very privileged to be able to provide this scholarship opportunity to other New Zealanders.






emma mccallum, leaps & BOunds april 2011







“With Claire’s generous support, I was able to

attend Outward Bound. I learned a lot about

myself and what kind of person I am, which

helped develop my personal well being.”


Better People Better Communities Better World


I have been involved with Outward Bound since 1962 when my husband Bob set up an Outward Bound committee in Tauranga. I found the whole concept to be quite marvellous. Right from the beginning when the first Bay of Plenty students attended Anakiwa they, on return, and in person, reported their experiences to Bob. It was so heart-warming to hear how much they had been impacted, particularly as a number of them had difficult and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Since then Outward Bound has gone from strength to strength and changed many lives, including those of my children and grandchildren.

I consider it a privilege to have been able to setup the “Bob Granger Scholarships” to help give youngsters the Outward Bound experience. It is a great memorial to Bob, who was a devoted and active member of the Trust until his death in 2000.


Mrs Rosmund Granger


Many people wish to set up their own community

related scholarship programme. It is best to do

this in conjunction with Outward Bound as not

only can there be tax benefits to donating the

money directly to us, we may already be working

with community groups that you may be able to

link up with. Our Trust Management policies and

procedures will protect any donation you wish to

make for scholarships, until such time as the funding

is required.

When setting up a scholarship you should consider

the following:

• What is the value OF the schOlarship? Often people think they need to provide a full scholarship, however, we believe that the recipient of any scholarship should contribute something towards their course. Although this might not be achievable in all cases, encouraging young people to fundraise can ensure their commitment. Many of our scholarship programmes are for $1,500-$2,500 only, or full scholarships sometimes are split between two or more recipients.

• What is the prOFile OF the recipient OF the schOlarship?

Do you have any criteria that you would like to add to the scholarship? We can assist you to define this profile should you need help with it.

• WhO Will select the recipient OF the schOlarship?

We are often working with young people who could fit your criteria. If you wish to select your own recipient(s) please contact our Finance & Funding Manager on

04 495 1762 or email fundraising@outwardbound.co.nz to discuss how we can help you to help others.




maxWell O’dOWd, mind BOdy sOul june 2010








“Thank you so much! Without the help and

support of people like you, our community would

not get to take up opportunities such as this.

for me, Outward Bound reminded me to take a

minute each day to reflect on all the great things I

have achieved so far, and will continue to achieve.

I find this helpful in keeping a positive attitude

when things get a little tough.”

leanne smith, classic, july 2010





ann michelle, masters july 2010




Sir David Levene


Supporting Outward Bound since 1962 as a donor, Trust Director, Foundation Trustee, and as current Patron has been, in reflection, very personal and satisfying. This involvement has provided the opportunity to help many young people turn around their lives and go on to achieve greatness in our communities.

The launch of the Outward Bound Foundation in 2001 has been instrumental in starting on the path to strong financial viability, and over the last 10 years the Foundation has provided support worth in excess of

$1.5 million to over 750 young people, most of who

would otherwise not have had the opportunity to experience Outward Bound.

It is encouraging to see support for Outward Bound continue to grow, and with your help we can continue to be that turning point in many young New Zealanders lives. By donating, whether by way of membership, setting up a scholarship scheme, or making a contribution to our Foundation, you can be assured Outward Bound will use your support for the maximum benefit of New Zealand youth.


Making a donation towards

scholarships, gear rollovers

or capital projects

We can protect your donation to ensure it is used

for the purpose you wish. There are two options

depending on the value of your donation, and how

you would like us to use it.

1. Where you wish the donation to be fully expended within a specific timeframe.

Donations of this classification are held in the Trust (under our Trust Management policies and procedures) until they are used. These funds are audited annually to ensure they have been used for the purpose they were gifted, and we can, if required, provide you with a balance on the fund periodically during the year.

2. Where you wish your donation to become a legacy, with only the income generated from investment being made available for use (generally for amounts exceeding $50,000) Donation of this classification are held in trust with the Foundation.


Better People Better Communities Better World


A bequest or legacy is a gift of money or assets that

you bequeath (leave) in your will.

There are three ways to think about making a bequest. It is best to discuss your needs with us prior to seeing your solicitor, so that we can talk through the options available, and can prepare with you a Memorandum of Understanding so that you can be assured we will use your gift the way you have intended.

You can protect the base fund and use any income that is generated for the purpose of either providing scholarships, gear rollover or capital projects, around the criteria you designate. In this case the donation would be left to the Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand Foundation. The principal sum would generally need to exceed $50,000.

You can expend the amount directly into scholarships, gear rollover, capital projects or our general purposes (we would use the bequest for the project with the greatest need, but have a general focus of scholarships).

Living Gifts are made while the donor is still alive. You can make Endowment type gifts over a period of time, these gifts would generally sit in the Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand Foundation.

Once you have decided on what will work best for you please contact your solicitor to arrange.


From time to time we run campaigns specific

to major capital projects from our capital

replacement plan.

If you are interested in setting up a Bequest or

contributing to a Major Gift Campaign please contact our Finance & Funding Manager on 04 495 1762 or email









helen thOmas, discOvery june 2011







Outward bound Foundation

The Foundation is vital to securing Outward Bound’s long term

financial viability. Income streams generated by these funds are applied to:

• The provision of scholarships so that the Outward Bound experience is available to all New Zealanders irrespective of their individual circumstances;

• Supporting capital projects undertaken by the Trust; and • The provision of grants to support the operating

expenditure of the Trust, such as the annual replacement of equipment.

We have signiFicant FlexiBility in the Way any dOnatiOn tO the FOundatiOn can Be made and accOunted FOr

• It can be made either via a lump sum or through a series of pledged payments;

• For donations in excess of $50,000, scholarships awarded from the income generated from the donation can be named in recognition of the donor and can be awarded annually through a nationwide application process or, if preferred, targeted to a specific region; and

• Scholarships can also be targeted at specific groups such as lower socio economic, future leaders or disability groups. Your donation can therefore be targeted towards any area of the community that you may wish to support. By making such a donation you are helping us make the Outward Bound experience accessible to more New Zealanders irrespective of their individual circumstances.


will cost you no set up fee, and 100% of income is available for use as we do not charge any set up or ongoing administration fees.


Name of Bank ... Phone ... Branch ... Address ... Name/s of Account Holder/s ...

accOunt details


Bank Branch Number Account Number Suffix

details to appear on my/our Bank statement

Particulars Code Reference

FreQuency and amOunt

First Payment Date ... Last Payment Date... OR Until Further Notice TICK BOx Weekly Fortnightly Four Weekly Monthly Annually

Fixed amount Amount $ ... Amount in Words... Complete if applicable (TICK ONE BOx ONLY)

variable First amount Amount $ ... Amount in Words...

variable last amount Amount $ ... Amount in Words...

authOrisatiOn details

1. Please make this automatic payment as detailed by debiting my/our account.

2. I/We understand and accept that the Bank accepts this authority only on the conditions on the reverse of this form. Name of Account (customer to complete)

Customer’s Signature ... Contact Telephone Number ... Date ... IMPORTANT PLEASE TICK

This is a new authority OR

As from / / (first payment date), this authority replaces existing authorities for $ in favour of the same payee.

payee details pay to the credit of:

Name of Bank Branch

account details

Name of Account Bank Branch Number Account Number Suffix

details to appear on Outward Bound Bank statement (OUTWARD BOUND TO COMPLETE)

Particulars Code Reference

natiOnal Bank WellingtOn cOmmercial

0 6 0 5 0 1 0 0 5 9 3 1 8 0 0 4 d u t W a r d B O u n O u p p O r t e r s



1. The Bank will use reasonable care and skill to give effect to the directions given to it in this authority.

2. Where the directions given in this authority have been given by me/us for the purposes of a business, the Bank accepts those directions without any responsibility or liability for any refusal or omission to make all or any of the payments or for late payment or for any omission to follow such directions.

3. The Bank accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information contained in the payment information

fields on this authority.

4. I/We undertake to advise the Bank immediately of any information about payments shown on bank statements which is incorrect.

5. This authority is subject to any arrangement now or hereafter subsisting between myself/ourselves and the Bank in relation to my/our account.

6. The Bank may in its absolute discretion conclusively determine the order or priority of payment by it of any monies pursuant to this or any other authority or cheque which I/we may now or hereafter give to the Bank or draw on my/our account.

7. The Bank may in its absolute discretion refuse to make any one or more payments pursuant to this authority when there

are insufficient funds available in my/our account.

8. This authority may be terminated or reduced by the Bank or the payee without notice to me/us in respect of the payments detailed above.

9. This authority will remain in force and effect in respect of all payments made in good faith not with-standing my/our

death or bankruptcy or any revocation of this authority until notice of my/our death or bankruptcy or other revocation is received by the Bank.





Name ... Phone ...

Address ... Town/City ... Postcode ... I have completed an Outward Bound course YES NO If yes, course details... Course Date ...

tick hOW yOu’d like tO help us:

YES I want to be an Outward Bound supporter and would like to make a regular donation of $... per week/fortnight/month/year.

I enclose the completed Outward Bound Automatic Payment Authority (please send the Automatic Payment Authority back to us, we will forward it to your bank on your behalf once we have updated our records)

YES I want to receive updates and information on how my gift is helping Outward Bound I’d like to make a further donation and I would like this donation tagged to:

Scholarships Gear Rollover/Safety

payment details:

I enclose a cheque (donation only) Amount $ ... I’d like to pay by credit card (donation only)

Credit Card details Mastercard Visa Amex

Card Number ... Expiry date ... Cardholder’s name ... Cardholder’s signature ... / FOLD FOLD /

tick hOW yOu’d like tO help us:

I’d like to become a Life Member ($1,000) $ ... I’d like to become an Annual Member ($80) $ ...

Membership runs from 1st July to 30th June

I’d like to make a further donation and I would like this donation tagged to: Scholarships Gear Rollover/Safety

CAPEx General purposes Amount $ ... TOTAL $ ...

I would be interested in finding out more about the role of Members Council

payment details:

I enclose a cheque Amount $ ... I’d like to pay by credit card

Credit Card details Mastercard Visa Amex

Card Number ... Expiry date ... Cardholder’s name ... Cardholder’s signature ... Name ... Phone ...

Address ... Town/City ... Postcode ... I have completed an Outward Bound course YES NO If yes, course details... Course Date ...

( )






Name ... Phone ...

Address ... Town/City ... Postcode ... I have completed an Outward Bound course YES NO If yes, course details... Course Date ...

tick hOW yOu’d like tO help us:

I’d like to purchase a paving brick ($140 per brick) $ ...

inscription details - will be centred on the brick Up to 2 lines, 16 characters (including spaces) per line

I’d like to make a further donation and I would like this donation tagged to: Scholarships Gear Rollover/Safety

CAPEx General purposes Amount $ ... TOTAL $ ...

payment details:

I enclose a cheque Amount $ ... I’d like to pay by credit card

Credit Card details Mastercard Visa Amex

Card Number ... Expiry date ... Cardholder’s name ...

Cardholder’s signature ...


OutWard BOund trust OF neW Zealand pO BOx 25 274

panama street WellingtOn 6146

aFFix stamp here

www.outwardbound.co.nz 080 0 O UTW aRd PO B Ox 2 527 4 • PA NA MA ST REE T • W ELL IN GTO N 6 146 p: (04 ) 472 3 440 F: (04 ) 472 8 059 e: go ver nan ce@ out war dbo und .co .nz

Better people, Bet

ter c

ommunities, Better w




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