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Focus on “Only” and “Not”


Academic year: 2020

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F()C, I

)N "()NI_X" ANI) "N()T"

A l l a n Ibmlsa.y I)el)l. o1! (2onll)Ul;(+r Sci('nc(:, [)uivcrsit;v (<,ollcgc I)ul)tin,

al lan(~monkey, u c d . i e

lldficld, l)ubliu




[1993j Ires suggesl,exl

t, ha,t

focus should be seen a.s a m~,a,nn of provid- iitg tna.t;eria.] I+(w a. rang,:! of senm.nti,:; a.nd pra.gtna.l, ic ['uuwtit)Jts to v,:ork on+ ra.t, her t h a n a,s a. Slmcili(: senla, nl, ic: or

F,r;t,gtna,tic. finncl.i<m it, sdl'. 'l'he ctnrrent i):-~F, er describes .an iulplemeul;ationl o[' t, his genera.I idea,, :-t.ud a,l)l>lies it 1.o t.he inl,,rF, ret.a.t.ic, n ()[' onlff a.ud ?m:.


B a c k g r o u n d

(]onsidev the ['ollowing sentences:

(1) / o n l y borrow(:d yo+tr ca?"

(2) / o,d!l b o r ~ v , ' c d 9otn' c . r (4) I o n l y bovr:owcd flour ,"av

All of t,h<'m ent.a.il l, he sa.me h,a.sic m(,ssa.ge, na.mely thai: [ b(~rr,r+wc.d yottr Ca.l'. It+ ad(litiou Ic, the l>a- sic, message, however, 1.hey a.lso ca.rry iuroHua.tion a.l)oul, what [ d i d n ' t do. (1) sa,ys tha,t l(li(]nh, })or row a n y of y o u r el, her I)OSSessi(ms, (2) says thM; I didn'l; borrow a.nyoim else's car, and (3) says tit;d. I d i d n ' t do :.;llyt;hing else to y o u r car+ II seems


Ihollg)l t;)le wor(I oTzl.q a.rld the focus tnarl.:er (indi,:'.u.l.(,d here ILy t~rt,d(,rliuliag the str.ess,:u:l w o r d ) coral)the Lo a.dd a,n ext.ra IllessaK(~ a.I)oul, w h a t 1 did n't:


A simila, r l)henolnetum appea.rs Co be takil~g place in t, he next. sol; or selllellC(!S:

(,l) I did?//, .','Zeal f/o+:r car


/ di&*'l sl, cal //otzr (:.r

(6) / d i d n ' l s / c a / yo::: + car

I!;ach of lhese sa.ys t, ha,t l d i d n ' t steal y o u r c;u:, but, again t h e y ea,ch c a r r y some extra, t'llO, SS~,l,~,r(%

('1) says 1.ha.t 1 did st.,...al s o n l e t h i n g which I)el,.:,ngs t:o you. (5) says tha.I; I sl.,:>le s(.n,:fl:,ody's cat:, I)ul.

ltot yours, ~+ll(I


sa,ys that;


did do soJnethilJg to y o u r ca.r (l l)rol>a.bly t)orrowed it, t h o u g h that; is not, m+t,a.iled

l)y (6)).

i(,'ifka, [1993] a,t'g,ies I, hat, in ( I 3 ) a n d (4 6), and inl a. n u m b e r of' el.her s i t u a t i o n s a.s we]l, the I'c, cus marker I is tts,:;,:l t.o exl;ras;t pa.rt; or the iu I, erprct;;-t,l:ion. ()pera.txJrs like +mly gum so-called +'['ocu ssed tm~[a.l;ion" 1,hen cc, m biule l;]l('., ex I.ra.cl.ed element, rff l;he inll:(!rprcd,:-l.l.ion w i t h wha, I, was left: Imhind to ca.try <:omplex nnessage+s of t.he kind dis+ Ctlsse(] ;%l)ove,

T h e ctlrrellt pa.per shows how to impletm;nl. this geuera.l notion, wil, hout following l'(ri[k+Cs

a, na,lysis in ,:let;a.Jl. T h e crucial l>oitll; is 1,he F,r(> vision or some wa.y of st;orinp; the extra:::l.ed p;trt <~[' the interpreta.tion arm makinp( it ~wa.ila.ble wheu required. T h e i td:erprcl.a.l.ioll of ,'ndff and focussed nee;a,I;ion is Ia.irly sl.ra.ight;forward, so long a.s the l.real, ll/ellt; o[' I, he ['~)clissed item itself is coherettl..


A b s t r a c t i o n a n d F o c u s

T h e g,~mera.I aim of ISis l)a.l~er is to show h()w t,o use locus I;o decotnpose the ii~l, erpreL:.~t, ioJl of a. phra, se iul;o two) pa..rl, s, where, oue pa, rt is I, he iit- tez'prel;.;:d, ion ,.ff I, he ['o,::t+ssed item a,n(l the or;her is sotn,:; o1:,],::,,::1; w i t h w h i c h this ca.n comlJine. Sup-- pose, ['or exa.ml>le, we t.h(+ughl, l.ha, t; the V P ./., a pea.oh shoutd Im iul:;rF, reted ~ts:

A47v(.+;,,,z(Y) A



Ap,":,s/(Y) A affe?zl.(Y, +4)

AJX(v,~.,,/,( X ) n

.b.#:::l(Y, x)))

In o t h e r words, this VP is au M>str~tction over

( W e l l l , S w h e l ' ( ) S O l l l e l ) o f [ y ,Fbl, e a [)ea,(;h. :l'hen we w,mhl w~-/,tl [ the two objed, s c o r r e s p o n d i n g to 1,he in terpl'eLal, iolt o[ a/,c a l)Cac/z to be somet h ing ]ike:

A Z i : a c h (Z)

l'l'h(! Lcrl[l loO(',US h~l,,'4 b(!(!ii used J:tt a, w[(le v~u'i(,.ly (;[

WayS. In tJl(: i)rescnt, p;tpel: I simply use. it, t,o d¢m+)l,e t h e [)a,l:l~(s) Of a.II II|.I.CI'II,11C(~ [C) which attention is drawn I)3' stress


a, nd

~p~A_-]Y(,+,,,~,,,z(Y) A tsm<,(Y, cot)

Apa.vt (Y)


ogc,,l( Y,


A~X P.X A ob.~ct(Y, N)))

llere w0 ha, ve extra,cto(I th(: (hmotatiotl of peach a,s tim i)rol)erty of heing a I)each, and (:onv(u't(~d tho int(u'l)reta,tion o[ t.h(> VI ) to an al)sl,:ra,(:l;iOli which will (:onil)hm a, pl)rol)ria,tely w i t h this t)rol)el:ty to r(;l)roduce tile orJgit:ia,1 ilito.riJr(%i~tioll 2

~ ; l l e r e 0.Is(; do we see it. p[lenon~enon o[ this kind? CoJisi(ler l, he [ol[owing 17)hra,ses:

(7) lhe m a n w h o s t o l e y o u r bike

(8) the m a n a,,h,o l w a n l M ;~jo'ts to meal

l:n (7) Irh(} i)roperl;y o[' being it illa,ll combhlos wil, h l,h(~ l)IX)liorl;y o[' boing SOllIOOtle w h o sto[o .yoII 1' })i ke to (:onst ru(% ~ c o n t e x t ually . f i n i m a] u niq uo (: har-

a,(:lerisai;ion of i;hc' I'Ol(wa;iil; i n d i v i d iial, an(t silni-

]a, rly in (S). 'Po a, chi(;v(~ this> wc need (o hit;orpl:ot tl:to rc]~tive pl;O:llOUllS in the t w o rcla.tivo clauses a,s leaving a holo ill th(; int(u'iireta,tlon ()[' claltso and ilion ++bstrax:l;hlg w i t h rosl)ocl0 to t h a t hoh~. T h i s is clea, r rot

(8), b.t

it, also holds for (7) ir we


to int(;rp:r('A; a, S(~l]l,oli('(~ lik(; a m a n ,</,olc o bide a,s

A]Z(,nan( Z) A

age'nl( Y,

Z ))

A~X(bike(X) A obj,sct,(Y,


wh(we 1,ho qua,ntifier i n t r o d u c e d I)y tho su[)ject does uol; in fa,(:l; ha.v(', m a x i m a l SCOl)e (an axlaly- sis l ha,re argued for e]sewhere [l{~uilsa,y 1992a,]).

T h e t rc, i~t men t o1' (8) c l e a d y req ui r e s m u ch t he s a m o me(:hanism as we will r e q u i r e i[' w(:, w a n t to d(>a,I w i t h f()(:us ~'ts outline(I above, a.ud tills ma.y or m a y n o t a, lso hold rot (7). A n y serious NI,] ) systom will inelu(l(; s o m e w~y of (h~a, lii~g with


iut(u't)retation oi' ca,sos like (8), a,nd almost a, ny such :mech<~nism should I)e Ol)Cn 1o a,da, t)tation to dea,] w i t h focus a,long l;he suggesl, e(l lines. ()no 811c[i a,l)l)roa,(:]i is outline(t bolow.

2you eali/lot [reciy mix A-(:a,l(:ulus and the trui;h [un(> tionM conne(:tivcs o[ pr(xlical,e cal(:uhls as wc li~vc }icr(~ wil, hout rlll/llillg inl,o I,[ic pa,radoxes o[sclf-rcl'or(uicc [{/is sc,.l/'s p;n'adox, tim ],i;tr, and so on. Tim nolal.ion used in this paper looks, for lJie s;tkc of [a.miliarity, llke a. comb[ n,~tion of X-calculus ;tnd pl:edlcate c~dcuhls, but is hi ['act

t l u r n c r s[1987] grounded in the l:evlsion4)~sed semantics o . . . .

Pll.O Pl",ll.ri'Y '['H[']()I[Y.


Quantlfica ran,

P r e s u p p o s i -

tion, A b s t r a c t i o n and Focus

W(t (;x])(;cl; to inl;(wpret rcla,tJve (l~u,qes (un(:onlro- versbdly) a,,(I phra,ses w i t h f'ocu,<~,sed (:onstituonts (more co:nt rov(',rsia,lly) a,s a, bstra,ctions over the in- 1;erprel;a,tions o[' simple senl,(;n(:es. ]n ord(',r to cot> struct intc'rl)rotations or the ldn(Is of ol)je(t,~ wo ~{ire int(;resl,(xl ]ll~ then, we l]a,v(~ l,o sl;a, rl; I)y look- ing; a,~ sire pie sen fence's. T h e analyses l)l:ese:l:ll;ed in this paper sta,rl; [rom th(; ['ollowing obs(wvath)ns, most of w h M i a,re [;-t,irly o r t h o d o x :

I n d e f i n i t e N1)s shouhl t)e viewed a,s a, way o1" introdu('ing itoms (or prefc>d)ly sets o1' i t e m s ) inl, o t Ne disco,, rse. U niv('.rsa Ily (1" a,n- tifi(;d Nl)s sa,y theft


it(.ms o[ t h e


type sa, Lis[~y soul(; I)rOl)(wty.

V P s should be viewed a,s a wa,y of i n t r o d u c iug o v e . t s or possibly sets of (;vents into tim (I isco. rse.

I f you c o n s t r u c t i,~t(~ri)r(;l~tions by i)ara,- i)hrasil:lg N], s(,ntenco, s Lnto a, [ornia,[ hu~ gun,g(, which e×tell(I,q i)redicat;(, c~dculu,~, you haw~ to r(~aliso tha,t t h e s(:OD(; o1' qua, ntifi(~rs iN you r para, i)h rases m a y not l)e (h'l,(;rmi.cd by shnl)l(; stru(;tu:ral prop(+rt;ies o[' t h e sol, r(:(; text.

])efinite N1)s and o t h e r i)resuppositio.a,1 con s t r u c t i o n s pl~w.c (:onstra, ints on the discourso,

so tlitLt a. s(mtelice conta,iHing the 1)hrtuse the man will I)e u n h , t o r p r e t a b l e i:N ('ontexts not conta,iNing a. imi(lu(,, illa.li (a. vorsion or this

i)oint h~s I)(,.on maxle [ % a.motig otliers, liar

wise ,~

p(,.,:y [Jgsa], l(~t,,p [l~s.l],

(:;,.,),~- nendijl~ ,t~ S t o k h o f [:1987]).

Thor(; a, rc intera, c t i o . s of scope I)etweoll (leF inite NI)s a,n(I o t h e r t,yl)oS o[ exl)ression: i~l I:,'ach ma~, kill,~ t/u: U~,ing hc love,s, the pre supposition:d ( ' o , s t r u c t I, he thing h~ /o~c,~ re- (luires I;hc (~xiston(t(~ o[ a single ta, l:gd, oF air Fe(:tion per man.




tbllows l;his Lr(m,t;lllen{, I)llI, (,xi;e:n(ls il, I)y inl, rod i l ( ; i l l g (luantifier-lik(~ onl;il;ies [or dealin<n; w]l, ii [)resUl)l)osii;i()na, l il;olns ,<4tlCii zl,,s (l(:[init,(~ Nl>s

(,so(~ I{a.l]i,sa..y [19921>, 19!),l] [or a. [(>rln;-i.[ ;-i.('(;Olliil

O[ Sll(:]l CONSTRAIN'?S 011 wh(~tll(H' a H(UIL(HI(;(~ iS

Inea.liin'~[)ll wit. h I'eSl)e(:l, 1,o :.1. ,sil, uat.i,:m). /\s a,n oxa.r11[)Io, the S(Hit.('.i1('.(~ I,]Z(: tv(mzalt .+~O/C a [)71C(! iS iill;(,rl)rel.(,d as

L]A ,.'1 < now

A ~t~ : (V(,' m ~ m b c r ( C , / ~ ) ~ w o m a n ( f : ) A Inl :- I)

i]19 Vlq ~m'mb,Ye( l',', I)) -~ bik~( I;')

A Inl =,,


A si~nple(/1, Al" r m n l ( l " ) A Z!IP<( I", sZcal)

A CU, l~ l ( l " , B) A obj, cl(l", I)))

T h i s sa,ys thai: t, lm relal, ioushil) ,d'mpb' holds I>~, lw('en som('~ I:.a,,sl; in,sl, a, iil. A a, nd I;h(~ i)r,,]l:.erl,y ~fl I)ein K a, ('erLaiN sort o [ eveld,. \VhaJ; sort, d ' ewulI,? O n e w h e r e a I)i],:e is stolen ILy somenl~e (or r a l h e r , w h e r e a, siuglel, on set o1' bikes is si:olen). W r i t - in K s o m ( q h i n g l i b , ~,11 : (VC 'mcmb~ r( (.', H) - .

.,o,,,,,.,.(c) A I n l - ~)~¢'. ',vhcre M," lll;/,y (t()l,|;,~/,il,

occurrences o [ /], sa,.ys 1;ha, i, I'V holds I'~r' I, he cou texl;ua.lly u n i q u e i n d i v i d u M /, ~ which sa,l, isfies the

i:esl, r'i(:l,i(m l.ha.t, l] is a w ( m l a n (is :-/. singletou set,



[[' 1,his r e s l , r h t i o l i fails lx) pick out, ~/

u n i q u e in(livi(ll:la.I the whole (,Xllressioli is III0~I,11 il]gless in the c, o n l e x l , .

Mosl, o f Lhis a.na,ly,qs is rairly o r l ; [ I o d o x . T h e l;wo ma.in l)oini, s l;hal, m i g h t i'(,quir(~ S()ll10 (]('['OAI('(' axe llle a, na,lysis o f asp(,d, in LerI11B oi";-I rda,tinrmllip I)el;ween t(,nl l)Ol'a,I ol)j('ct:s a n(I (v,,el[t; I yllOS, W h ich is discussed ill [R.a.msay 1,093], mid l;l,e l;r(41.t, lu(mt,

of (le[inile I'(;['01'(}[]C(} ill L(?I'[IIR o r ('(>nstrn,int, s o n mea,ningrulnoss. Neii, h(;r or these is crucial t;o t i m renm,ind(,r o f i, he pa, i)er, b u l if you (hm'l, like t, hem you w i l l have I:() rel)la,(:e t h e m wiI, h som('l, hiuK I>el, t;er, and w ) n a,:re u n l i k e l y Lu find SOLn¢'lhi~i K whi('h is b o t h I)elter ml(I s i m p l e r .

T h e a, na,lysi,s a,I)ove wa,s obl;a,ined in a, fra,nle- worl,: w h e r e qua.nl:ifier SCOl)(t is (hfl;ermillo(t on the I)a,sis o [ informa,Lion e x l ) l i c i t l y associa,l;(,(I wil, h a.

['()rill 0[' C O O P E R . S T O I I , A G F , ([(.',O0[)Cl: ],()S;I]), u s - i n g al)stra,cl, ioti Ol)era, I;ors of the [orm AIV~JXI'V, ,\I'I"V.\" 14/" ~I" ,\i.'V~X : I M V whic]l can he ~q>l>NOd

1]() ~r fl)rmula, t o hind its fr(~(~ varia,t)te:L W i t h i n lifts ['ranmwurk, it; is perR~(;I;ly o;+sy l o deal w;I, tl ca,ses like (S) hy a l l o w i n g t],~ r01aJ;iw! p r o n u u l l Lo ~uld I.h(' exl)rcssion , \ I V , \ X W 1.o th(' qua.ui.ilier stor('.,

a,n nol;a,t, ed i;o speci(y 1,ha,i, t, his expression ]la,s 1[la.x--

iula,] sc(>pe. If Lhis expression is ~-Lp[)lied t o a, for mula, ,:;(ml;:.l,il]in g a, ['rn<, o c c i i r l ' e [ i c ( ~ o[' ],~ ]1; w i l l re- t;lll']/ a,l/ a,I)sLra,cl;ion w i t h respocI, to X exacl;ly w h a t we wa, rll,. T i l e re<luir(;metll, Lh:d; l;h]s should ha, w', ma,xima.I SCOlm w i l l ensure 1,ha, t, X is l;he la.si;

I!l:ee va, riMfle in W.

But, if we ca,n use I;his m e c h a n i s m 1;o conslru,::l: 4,1] aJ)slA'a,(:l~ioll a,s |,}le itil;el;J:,l'(!l, aLiO]l 0[' a rela,tive Cla, LlSe~ WC' (;all a l s o u s e il; Lo ('O[iSLI:LI(',L ~t, tl a, bsl;l:a.c- Lion ,a~s the inl;ei:l)r(;t, aA, ion o[' a phra,se con La,hfing a, fo<:ussed iI,enl. T h e o n l y exi;ra, w o r k we ha,ve I,u i)er[brnl is I, lla,I; we ha,v(, 1;(, [iHd som(,wh(,re to iml; l, he int,(,rl)r++l;a.l, init (ff Lh(' foclmsed itx, m Jtsel['. 'l!(i <1(> this. all I,[HI,I, is n e e ( l e d is aJl (!xi, ra, ['c,:M, ur(! f o c u s ill the descriptions oflinguisl, ic hxmu~. T h e wilue

o[ f o c u s is lhe ['ucussexl il,eln itsd[, f o c u s hehaw:s

Nko a, G I ' , ~ ( ; F o o t FEATURE.~ ill I;[la~t a,I, I11(),S[ t)llC (l~~ughl;el: of a n il;(:l[l (:a, ll h a , r e a, N o t [ VaCttOUS v a l u e for f o c u s , ~m(l Lha.l; i[' an il, en) do(,s llame exaci, ly ono daughl;or w i t h a, n(m-w1.(wolts vallie for (his fea.ture i,h(;n (,he it(m) w i l l share this vn, IIm w i t h I;[IM, (la, ughi;er, f o c u s is thus v e r y like l, he sl,a.n.- dard I'eat;ure z]_ash which is us(,d l'()t' (h;alillg w i t h left; ext, ra, i)osil, ion it, is a, fool, ['ea, lwre whose va,luo is s(>mc item w h i c h is s o m e l ] o w "'ouL (*i' t>().. ,sii;ion".


A p p l i c a t i o n s

o f F o c u s

Once we ha,w; t;his ]neclm, llism, we ca, n /IHO j| J,o construcl, inbu'l)rei,a,l,i<m,s of'sentences l i k e ( ) (6).

( l o n s i d e r , ['or insL;mco, the exa.nH)le:

(9) I only bm'rolvcd a car

,ml;q(A4 cc~r(A ), AI; -J(/ G' < 'now

A ~11) V/',' ~n~mbcr(l'/, I)) ~ ILl,;


I Z)l

= l

A I,l" : (V(;~mm~b~!','((,', l")

• > ,sp,:ak<v((i)


I N - ~


.~rm, p l d ( ; , l~)))

w h e r e /q is A l l c v ( ~ d , ( l l ) A t y p c ( l l , b o r r o u : ) A a,g(!'n.t(H, I,')A ob.jt~cl,(ll, I ) ) ( t h i s has I)een ('.x- Ir'ax;ted from tim di,~pla,yed ['ornluh~. to get, it in- sido Lhe a, va,ilable M>a.ce il, is in [a, ct l)a, rI, ¢~[' t,h&e f o r m ulay.


very much unless we spell o u t the c o n d i t i o n s un der which this rel~tti(mship holds. T h e tbllowing mea.ning postub~te does j u s t t h a t :

VPVQ(o,dy(l', (2) ~ Q.t' A ( V P ' ( @ I "

-+ P' = P)))

In o t h e r words, i['

o n l y ( P , Q)

holds then t ' s~l;is:lies (2 and n o t h i n g else (It)ks. In ~he present ('a.se, the first of th(;se consequences lnea.ns t h a t I did indeed bo]H'()w & C&l':

:JC C < ~ww

A ~ z ) w , : ,,,,(~,.,,z)~,,(zs', p ) - , .,,,.(zc) A

IZ)l ~

A ~,F : (VG

morn.bet((;, t") ~ speaker(C)

A Iv'l =


simple(C, K ) ) )

where K =

A H c ' v ( n t ( I I ) A Z'ype(ll,borrow) A


F) A

o~,.jec~( n,

z)))) h , s ~,,~,~.i, I,ee~, e >

tra.cted to sa.ve spa.ce. This was ol)ta.ined from t h e mea.ning :l)ostul~te I)y s u b s t i t u t i n g k A e a ' r ( A ) ) for

, ~,.,,d ,,si~g (,X,~,'~,'(~4)).~': =_ ,:o,,'(lC).

T h e second eonsequen('e of t h e MI ) for

m d y

s~.ys thaJ, t h e r e is no o t h e r (;~ttegory o[ i t e m which sat islies the ~bstra.(:tiou tha.t the only t h i n g ] bor-

I ' o w e d w;-l,s a, Cai'.

[[ we put t h e Ibcus s o m e w h e r e else, we get a n o t her h l t e r l ) r e t a t i o n :


I only borrowed a car

o~d~(),A AB M / e v e n t ( C ) A



A ILkl)(agent((;, I)))


A.k[';(objec*(C, [,:)),

ki,' ~(;' G < now

A qlY gI member(l, [I) -~ car(l)





A ~,1 :(VKmcmbcr(k-, ,1)





.,im#4c;, K))

whe,'e * , ' : (*,:M~(~,.H)).AM(M.,J)))

T h i s s~ws theft


holds b e t w e e n ~ descrip- tion e l ' t h e t y p e of e v e n t C where s o m e b o d y h' bor- rows s o m e t h i n g A, ~tnd ~u-, a.bsiraction over situa.- tions in which I did s o m e t h i n g 1o some (-a.r. T h e n t h e first c o n s e q u e n c e of


sa.ys tha.t w h a t I (lid to this c~u' was


l)orrowed it: s u b s t i t u t i n g the de- scril)tion of t h e e v e n t t y p e tbr t h e abstra.cted va.ri- ~l)l(,.



( ( , \ A , \ l l , \ C e v e n t ( C )

A tvpe(C',


A I:}.A

l)(age'nJ((;, ])))

A A.~\



,~i'm, plc,

a,nd this i:educes to A C e ' v e n l ( C ) A

t y p e ( C , b o r r o w ) A a, g c n t ( C , J ) ) k o b j e c t ( C , II),

which is wha.t we w a n t . T h e second sa.ys tha.t I d i d n ' t do m t y t h i n g else to it.

Much t h e s~/.ltle will h a p p e n with

(] ])

I didn't ,s'teal it

A lLAI)(agent(C, I)))


A,AJC(obi~ct((:', l,:)),

A t" _~(,' (7 < now

At, l]


m, ember(l, ll) ~ 7~euter(l)

/, IHI = 1)



w.cmbcr( K, J)

--~ specl~:cr( k')


= I)

,,,i,~/.e.( (;, l~') )


t~" = / , ' . , \ / ; ( ~ . / ~ ) . A ~ ' V I ( A 4 . a ) ) )

l l e r e we ha.ve a, 2-pla.(e rel;-/.tiol]


wh'lch ]8 ba.cked tip by the following M P:

w ' v o ( , , o ~ ( P , O) - , ( ~ 0 . / '


~ ~"((,8. l,')))

This sa.ys t hat this Ibrm of negation holds b e t w e e n / ) ~;LI/(I Q if Q does not hold of P, b u t does hold lbr so:me o t h e r e n t i t y P'. In the present case, this [l:le.a.ns tha.t I did do seine.thing; to it (wha.tever "il" is), I)ut w h a t I did wa.s not stea.ling.

This c o n t r a s t s with simple :negation, with :no fb(:ussed item, a.s ix,:



didn't steal it

~(3A A < now

A td.¢

: (VC

rnc~nber((7, B ) - ~ neuter((;')

A Ilq :




member(f;, 1))

-+ spe,/,:er( l';)



where K --

,\l,'cvent(l/) A type(la,.steol) A

,,.g~,,,~( ,,; D) A obj~,.Z( /,;

, ) ) )

This s h n p l y says Lh~tt it is uot the c~se tha.t there is a 1)a.st stea.ling e v e n t inw~lvh~g me a.nd it. T h e choice I)etween the two is forced by l, ho presence or ~bsence of" a foeusse(I item.

As a finaJ exa.mpte, consider a. s e n t e n c e which (;outa.ins ~ focussed item I)tlt lie o p e r ~ o r for using it up:

(13) A m a n ate i/



~(; VI) mo,~n6~r(I),C) . A.])

A I(:1-- l

A t, lU : (VI" ~m!mbcr(I",/d) ~e',Zer(I")

A I/':1-= :l)

,~implc( H, h')

w i t h k' :: A(;cvc'n,t(i(; )

A I, ypc((;,~:at) A




~,.n(i with the r,,,:,,,~

seL a,s l;he descril)l;ion ( i n c h l ( t i n g l,[l('~ s(,nia, iiLic a, ua,l.ysis) of I, he [()cussed i:llira,s(! ml'U~. T h i s is


the ki lid o f o l ) j e c t r(;( I Lli re(I ['or a, (Jiscou I;S(; Ol)(H'~¢t(ir

,Sli('.h ;,I,s (tolll;l';-/,si; 01; (4a, i)ora,tiou exa,ci, ly w h M / Sli(-li ()l)0ra,l, or is a,i)t)rol)rial,e (lel)etids oii f;-i,(;LOl','4

ii()l, visible iu ( l ' l ) itsolf, bill, wha,1;ev(~r ii, i,:; ii; will require a, l)~ir of


i, his kind.


C o n c l u s i o n s

T h e discussion ~d)ove shows wlia~ ca.li I)(~ a(:hieved I)y 1,rea, l, ing focus a,s a ,~ynl, acl;i(; nia,rl,;er whi('}l llla, i,;es illFOrlll:g,l;]Oll availa, l)le 1,o a v a r i e t y of Ol)- er:q,l,Ol;,q. T h e 1]/o(;ha, iliSJll [I,)l' d o i n g ttlis i n v o l v e s i l i t r O d l l C i l l g :<i, ['ooi, ['O~/,I, IIIX~ [,O (u/,rry the ['O(:llss(xl

il;eli/ a, rC~llnd, aild covlst;rucl, ing a,i)l)roliria, l,e ~tl)

sl, ra,ctions l)y u,gin<K i, he si;a, nlJ;-l.r(I qu:aul, iiier stop. in<K nlecha, nisul w h i c h is required [llr ol, h(;r t)lie- ilOlli()lia ;l l i .V w :46,. I)i[[hrenl, N I,I > ,s.7,sl,(!lihS will dea, i wil, h i;he S.ylil, a,x a, il(I ,Seliialil;ics or t)h0nonl(ui;-i, sucli a,s left; a, nd righl;+exLra>l)(isiLion in (]ifl'or(uit wa,ys. \&/ha,l; [ h;-wo :+~i'glmd is l, ha{ aln/o,sI; a, lly a,pl)ro~ch Lo l;hese p h e n o n m n a , (;;-/,li I)0 a,(h~jfl;od to deal wil, h ['ocus :-is w(~ll. '['he exa,nil)les iu ,'-JectiOl[ 4 siiowed h i i w VOll (t:rt, il COlllllill(~ tllese an:4,l,ys(~,~ o[ ['oIHIS w i t h ~c va, riel;y o[ ol)et'a,l;ors 1,o ('ouvey a, I';-i.lig(~ oF iill, ei'- [)l'(H, al, ioll,S o [ t i m s{/[l}(~ SO(lll(ql(:O ()[ w o r d s . II, is ilill)()l'l,a,]ll; 1,o reca,II ;-i,I, this I)oiuL |;hal: 1;he ilil,or. i)l;ela.iion la, nt~;u~<Ke lining used here i,', ,~i, hi<Khiy iu I;ensiona,I logic w h i c h imrinil, s qua,ntilica, t, lou o w w a, rlfil;ra,ry kinds o [ i u d i v ] d u a , I, i n c l u d i n g qua,uti[i- c a l i o n ove:r I)roperl;i0s ,:l, lid proposil, ions. I h:+l, vo a,l'gu(xl elsowhere l;h:a,l; ,such a, f~-~ilp~lla,ge is r('quired I'()r a, w i d e va, rieLy of iihell(line~i;-i. 'l'he ilil, erl)l'el;:+/,- l, ion i,)l" locus is j u s t :,'ln(~l;her exa,:Uil)ie.


h n p l e m e n t a t i o n

All Lhe a,nalyses in this i);,i,l)(U ' wer(~ liro(llJ(X,d> and /\-i;0(lllC,(x[ (a,n(I 1,Urlle(I i l t l o I~'I'I,;XI), by a, v('r,sion of l, he sy,sl,eu:i (lescrilmd in [l{,antsa,y


'l'liis con,sisi, s o[' a, h i g h l y l e x i c M glu-i, tilllHtr wil, h a, ('(llil- I ) o s i l i o n a l s(~lrlalil;](',<-;~ I)a,i:~ed via a I)i-dir('ctionaJ

hea.d-dr]ven chm'l pa.rser. 1 b('fieve it is vh'tua]ly

iiupossil)le to do this Idnd of w o r k w i t h o u t em-

h¢)dyi[Ig it; in a. win'king system. 5g)u simply can- n o t e x p l o r e i;he consequences or d o i n g s o m e t h i n g one wa.y ra.ther tha,n a n o t h e r , or of com l)iniag a.n

a.nalysis of this wigh au a.na,lysis o[' Lha.1,, unless

a,ci:ivities such a,s (;oinl)Osil, ionaJ co:n,qtru(:tion and ,subseClllCUll, )~ i'(Xiil(',t, iciii o[ i:llt(3ri)reb:4{ioll,<-; is (Iol](; ['or ,yOII by nlax;hine.

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7'o'wa, rd,w

a Composigional

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