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Differential regulation of two types of intracellular calcium release channels during end stage heart failure


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Differential regulation of two types of

intracellular calcium release channels during

end-stage heart failure.

L O Go, … , B S Fyfe, A R Marks

J Clin Invest.






The molecular basis of human heart failure is unknown. Alterations in calcium homeostasis

have been observed in failing human heart muscles. Intracellular calcium-release channels

regulate the calcium flux required for muscle contraction. Two forms of intracellular

calcium-release channels are expressed in the heart: the ryanodine receptor (RyR) and the inositol

1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R). In the present study we showed that these two cardiac

intracellular calcium release channels were regulated in opposite directions in failing

human hearts. In the left ventricle, RyR mRNA levels were decreased by 31% (P < 0.025)

whereas IP3R mRNA levels were increased by 123% (P < 0.005). In situ hybridization

localized both RyR and IP3R mRNAs to human cardiac myocytes. The relative amounts of

IP3 binding sites increased approximately 40% compared with ryanodine binding sites in

the failing heart. RyR down-regulation could contribute to impaired contractility; IP3R up

regulation may be a compensatory response providing an alternative pathway for mobilizing

intracellular calcium release, possibly contributing to the increased diastolic tone

associated with heart failure and the hypertrophic response of failing myocardium.

Research Article

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Differential Regulation of Two Types of Intracellular Calcium



during End-Stage



Loewe 0. Go, Maria C.Moschella,James Watras,* Kushal K. Handa, Billie S.


and Andrew R. Marks

Molecular Medicine Program and Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, and tDepartment of Pathology, Mount Sinai Schoolof Medicine, New York 10029; and *Departments of Medicine and Physiology, University of Connecticut, Farmington, Connecticut 06032


The molecular basis of human heart failure is unknown. Alterations in calcium homeostasis have been observed in

failinghuman heart muscles. Intracellular calcium-release

channels regulatethe calciumfluxrequiredfor muscle

con-traction. Two formsof intracellular calcium-release chan-nels are expressed in the heart: the ryanodine receptor

(RyR)and the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor


Inthe presentstudy we showed that these two cardiac intra-cellular calcium release channelswereregulatedinopposite directionsinfailinghumanhearts.In theleftventricle,


mRNAlevels were decreasedby 31% (P < 0.025) whereas


mRNA levels were increasedby123% (P<0.005).In situ hybridization localized bothRyRandIP3R mRNAs to humancardiac myocytes. Therelativeamounts of IP3 bind-ing sites increased - 40%comparedwithryanodinebinding

sites in thefailing heart. RyR down-regulation could

con-tribute to impaired contractility; IP3R up regulation may beacompensatory'response providingan

alternative'path-way for mobilizing intracellular calcium release, possibly contributingto theincreased.diastolictoneassociated with heartfailureandthehypertrophic responseoffailing myo-cardium. (J. Clin. Invest. 1995.


Key words:

ryanodine receptor * inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-calcium channel *excitation-contraction




Congestiveheart failure


affects morethan2.3 million

peoplein theUnited States.Approximately 400,000newcases

Addresscorrespondence toAndrew R.Marks, M.D.,Molecular Medi-cineProgram,Box1269,MountSinai School ofMedicine,One Gustave L.LevyPlace, NewYork, NY 10029. Phone: 212-241-0309; FAX:


Receivedforpublication28July1994and in revisedform31 Octo-ber1994.

1. Abbreviationsusedinthispaper:CHF, congestiveheartfailure;1CM,

ischemic cardiomyopathy; IDCM, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy; IP3R,inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphatereceptor; LV, left ventricle; RV, right


are diagnosed each year, and mortality is substantial with 200,000-400,000 deaths per year (1). The risk of death

in-creases with worsening clinical class; patients in New York HeartAssociation class IV CHF havea50-60% one-year mor-tality (2). The magnitude of these numbers underscores the importance of elucidating the mechanisms underlying myocar-dial dysfunction in end-stage CHF in order to provide a frame-work for future diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

Excitation-contraction coupling in the heart requires the activation of the calcium-release channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum(SR) (3). Calcium influx via the voltagegatedcalcium channel of the transverse tubuletriggers' the release of calcium from the SR into the cytosol via the ryanodine receptor (RyR)/ calcium-release channel. This phenomenon is referred to as cal-cium-induced calcium release(4, 5). Cytosolic calciumbinding

totroponinCactivates the contractile apparatus.

A second type ofcalcium-release channelhas been identi-fiedontheendoplasmic reticulumof rodent brain and smooth muscle(6, 7), andmostrecently in rodent myocardium (8). This channel is activated by EP3, aubiquitous second messenger (9, 10). I[P3 generatedby phosphoinositide hydrolysis binds-toits intracellular receptor, a calcium release channel on the endo-plasmic reticulum that is structurally related tothe RyR. This type of activation of intracellular calcium release, which stimu-lates among otherthings smooth muscle contraction, is referred

to aspharmacomechanical coupling(11-13).

The structures-of the cardiac RyR and the type 1 inositol

1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) have been determined by cDNAcloning.TheRyR and IP3Rare tetramerscomprisedof four 565-kD subunits (14-16), and four 313-kD (6, 7, 17),


thelargestchannel structures identifiedtodate.

Abnormal calcium homeostasis has been demonstrated in

failing human myocardium (18). Previous studies found that

mRNAlevels of the SRcalcium-ATPaseandDHPR were de-creased in end-stage human CHF (19, 20). Recent work has demonstrated that mRNA levels of theRyRwerealso reduced in the'myopathic left ventriclecomparedwithnormal (21, 22).

To date, IP3R mRNA levels in normal andfailing human hearts havenotbeendescribed. Indeed it isonly recently that IP3R expression in the heart has been appreciated. The de-creased mRNA levels of the excitation-contraction coupling

calcium channelsduringCHF(19-22) and thepossibility that neurohormonal activation could regulate cardiac contractility

(23), ledustocompareRyR and IP3R mRNA levels infailing

human hearts.Wereasoned thatpharmacomechanical coupling

mightassume a moreimportant rolein'regulatingcalcium ho-meostasis


CHF.Thegoalsof the presentstudy, therefore,

888 Goetal.

J. Clin. Invest.

X The AmericanSocietyfor ClinicalInvestigation,Inc.


were to determine: (a) whether the IP3R is expressed in the human myocardium, and (b) whether the levels of IP3R are regulatedduring CHFinthesame manner as the RyR.


Clinical data. For each of the 32 patients, the pretransplant medical

record was reviewed to determine the clinicaldiagnosis, ejection fraction

(based on echocardiography or radionuclide angiography),

hemody-namicparametersobtained as part oftransplantevaluation (cardiac in-dex,pulmonarycapillary wedge pressure,pulmonaryvascularresistance index), and medications taken within the 2-moperiodbefore


Harvesting oftissue and RNA preparation. Thisstudywasconducted

with the approval of the institutional review board at MountSinai Medi-cal Center. Explanted hearts wereobtained prospectivelyintheoperating

room from 32 patients who underwent cardiac transplantation at our center between April 28, 1992 and January 22, 1994.Tissue sections weighing 2 gramswereharvested fromtheleft anterolateral ventricle (LV), right ventricular free wall (RV), andventricularseptum ofeach heart. Scartissue was avoidedas much as possible during sampling. Sections fromsixnormalLVandfivenormal RV and septa were also

collectedas controltissue. (Sources of normal tissuewere trauma

vic-tims who had not consented for organ donationand potential donors rejected due tounderlyingsystemicdiseases.) Samples.-were

immedi-atelyflashfrozen inliquidnitrogen and stored at-800Cuntil use. Total

RNA'wasisolated from thesesamples afterhomogenization,using the standard guanidiniumisothiocyanatelysismethod followed by

centrifu-gation over a cesium chloride cushion(14).

Northern and slot blot analysis. Purified RNA (20pug) was size-fractionated onformaldehyde/agarosegelsand transferred onto nitrocel-lulosefiltersovernight usinglOX SSC{lXSSC=0.15 MNaCJIO.OlSM sodiumcitrate,pH 7.0). Total RNA (12.5,5, and 2.5 sg)wasloaded

onto a slot blot apparatus (GEBCO BRL, Gaithersburg, MD). Filters

were then baked at800Cfor 2 h in a vacuum oven andprehybridized

at420C overnightin buffer with 1XDenhardt'ssolution (0.02%

polyvi-nylpyrrolidone/0.02% FicolJIO.02% bovine serum albumin), SX SSC, 0.025M sodiumphosphate (pH7.4), sonicated calf thymus DNA (50

mg/ml), 0.1% SDS, and 50% (vol/vol) formamide. The filters were

hybridizedto cDNA probesovernightat420Cin the same buffer mixture

followedbywashing in 0.2X SSCat550Cfor 15 min (22).Filterswere exposed on aStoragePhosphorScreenand on x-ray film at-800Cwith asingle intensifyingscreen. The presence of a single band on northern blot analysis for each of the mRNAs examined permitted further quanti-fication byslot blot analysis.Relativeamounts ofmRNA were deter-mined with the Phosphorimager using Imagequant software.

cDNAprobes. Two cDNA probes were used for Northern and slot blotanalyses: HCRCl-a580bpEcoRI and BamHI fragment corre-sponding to nucleotides 5027-5647 of the rabbit cardiac RyR cDNA

(22); and R-IP3RI-a 1.7-kb EcoRI fragment of rat aortic smooth muscle cDNAcorrespondingtonucleotides987-2705of rat brainIP3R

cDNA sequence (8). All cDNA probes were uniformly labeled with random primers using Klenow anda-p32dCTP to a specific activity of > I09


Tissuedistributionandspecificityof these cDNA probes were assessed using rabbit tissue Northern blots. For internal control andnormalization ofmRNAPhosphorimagerscores, a synthetic 28 S cDNA oligonucleotide based on the human28 S ribosomal RNA se-quence was used after exchange labelingwith polynucleotide kinase andy-p32ATP.

In situ hybridization. Tissuesamplesfromhuman hearts were fixed in4%paraformaldehydein 0.1 M PBS overnight,cryoprotected in0.5 and 1 M sucrose in 0.1 M PBS for 30-45 min, and then frozen in Cryo-Embed compound in liquid nitrogen andstoredat-80°C until use.


thick sections were obtained by using anIBHIcryostat andcollected

ontocoatedslides. Sections'wererefixedwithparaformaldehydefor20 min,incubated for 30 min withproteinase K(3 mg/mlin0.1 MTris, pH7.5; 0.01 MEDTA), in 0.2MHCO for 20 min, and treated with

aceticanhydride (0.25% in 0.1 Mtriethanolamine buffer, pH 8.0) for 10 minat roomtemperature. Threemillioncpmof sense and antisense cRNA [35 ]CTP-labeled probes, transcribedfromlinearized HCRC1and

R-IP3R1 cDNA, wereapplied toindividual slides. Hybridizationwas

performedin 50%formamide,0.3 MNaCl,10% dextransulfate,2 mM

EDTA, IX Denhardt's,0.01 M TrisHCl, pH 8,0.05M DTT for 16-20 h. Washingconditions included 2X SSPE in presence of 10 mM DTT for 1 hatroomtemperature followedby treatment with 20mg/ ml RNasein 4X SSPE and 10 mM DTT for 30 minat 370C.Slides

werefurther washedat60Cfor 1 h in50% formamide,2XSSPE and 10 mMDTT,transferredto0.3 M ammonium acetateand1%glycerol beforedippinginNT`B2 autoradiographicemulsion. Slides were

devel-oped in Kodak D-19 (Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY) after 2-wkexposures. Specimenswerephotographed using aZeiss Axiophot microscopeequippedwith a darkfield condenser(8).

Radioligandbindingassays. 50/ugofmembraneswereincubated

inappropriateconditions:(a) ryanodine binding 37°Cfor 1 h with 10 mM[3H]ryanodine in buffer(0.5M KCl,5 mMHepes, 0.1 mMCaCI2,

10 mMATP,pH 7.4) (24); (b)1P3 binding-onicefor 10 min with 10 mM[3H]IP3inbuffer(0.1MNaCI,5 mMHepes, 1mMEGTA, 1 mMDTT,2 mMEDTA, pH 8.3) (25). Bound radioactivitywaspelleted by ultracentrifugationand measuredusingaliquidscintillationcounter.

Nonspecific binding was measured by incubating with a >100-fold excess of therespective unlabeled ligand, and specific bindingcalculated


Statistical analysis.Alldataareexpressed asmean±standarderror

(SE). Differences were assessed with the use of unpaired two-tailed

Student'sttest and consideredsignificant ifP< 0.05.


Clinical and hemodynamic characteristics ofpatients. The clini-caldiagnosis of the 32cardiac transplant patients were as fol-lows: 15 had ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM),14had idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM), 2 had hypersensitivity

myo-carditis, and 1 had sarcoidosis. The clinical and pretransplant hemodynamic characteristics of the patients arelistedin Table

I.There were22 malesand 10females, and themean age was

47±2.3yr.The degree of heart failure in this group of patients

was severe as gauged by ejection fraction (14±1.1%), cardiac index (2.2±0.1 lier/min per


pulmonary capillary wedge

pressure (23±1.7 mm/Hg), and pulmonary vascular resistance

index(5.5±0.5 Wood units-M2). Within thetwomonthsbefore

transplantation, all patients were taking digoxin, diuretics, angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors, and antithrombotic/ anticoagulant medications.22patientswere onintravenous pos-itiveinotropes and'sixpatients were on,6-adrenergic blockers

atthe time of transplantation. None of the patients weretaking calciumchannelblockers.

Tissuedistribution and specificity ofcDNA probes. Northern

blot analysis of rodent tissue RNA hybridized to either the HCRC-1 orR-IP3R1 cDNAprobe is shown in Fig. 1. HCRCl identifiedasingle - 16-kb mRNA species representing the

car-diac isoform of the RyR in both rabbit heart and brain; no

signalsweredetected inskeletal muscle, uterus, and kidney (the

latter two rich in smooth muscletissue). On the other hand,

R-IP3R1 identified asingle -10-kb mRNA species representing

the type 1 isoform of the IP3R in all rodent tissues except

skeletal muscle. Thesignalwasstrongest in rat heart,

intermedi-ate in rabbit brain, and'weakest in rabbit uterus and kidney. Nonspecific hybridization (e.g., to ribosomal RNAs) was not observed.

Calcium-release channel mRNA levels in human hearts.


TableL Clinical Characteristics of Patients with End-Stage Heart Failure

Patient Age Sex EF CI PCWP PVRI

% L'min/m2 mm Hg Wood U/r2



Br Sk Ut



Ht Ki Ut Sk Br

64 45 52 58 42 48 51 59 45 46 62 52 56 39 45 45 60 58 63 59 14 13 54 63 43 48 45 42 18 40 43 45 47±2.3 M M M M M M F F M F M M F M M M F F F M M M M M F M M M M F M F 18 2.1 2.1 15 2.6 2.2 4 2.1 6 2 12 1.8 20 1.6 9 1.9 15 1.6 2.1 11 2.1 10 2.6 14 3.7 20 1.9 22 2.4 14 2.2 15 1.9 15 2.6 2.6 10 1 5 2 15 1.8 1.6 16 3 1.9 16 2.4 9 1.8 24 1.4 23 3.6 6 2.4 15 2.5 14±1.1 2.2±0.1 26 14 18 26 26 29 29 18 30 23 42 33 6 10 9 9 23 38 26 27 30 28 38 30 20 18 8 23 34 16 16 8 23±1.7 4.7 8.1 8.3 6.6 6.2 5.5 6 S 5.6 7.5 4.8 4.8 3.1 1.9 5.3 3.3 5.4 3.6 3.5 3.5 S 5.6 8.7 3.8 3.3 4.7 16.9 6.8 9 2.2 3.3 3.2 5.5±0.5

EF, ejectionfraction; CI,cardiac index; PCWP, pulmonarycapillary

wedge pressure;PVRI,pulmonaryvascular resistanceindex;ICM,

isch-emiccardiomyopathy; IDCM, idiopathic dilatedcardiomyopathy; SE, standarderror.

analysiswith thesamecDNAprobes,HCRC1 detecteda


16-kb RyR mRNA while R-IP3R1 recognized a distinct

- 10-kb IP3R mRNA; no other signals were detected. Fig. 2

showsrepresentative lanes from Northern blotanalysisof RNA prepared from the differentregionsof normal andfailinghuman ventricles, hybridized to probes for the cardiac RyR, aortic smoothmuscle IP3R,and28S. Inboth normal and

cardiomyo-pathic tissue, the RyR mRNAwas much more abundant than IP3RmRNAinallregions. However,theintensityof themRNA

signals variedaccordingtotheregionfrom which itwas


theamountof RNA presentasindicatedbythe28 S ribosomal

RNA signal,andwhetheror notthetissuewascardiomyopathic.

Toquantifythesesignalsmoreprecisely,slot blot analysiswas


Resultsofquantitativeslot blotanalysisof human myocar-dial RNA using HCRC1 probe are summarized in Fig. 3 A.

IP3R *.











Figure 1. Northernblotanalysisdemonstratingspecificity and tissue

distribution ofcDNAprobes.20pgoftotalRNAisolatedfrom rabbit brain (Br), mixed skeletal muscle(Sk),uterus (Ut), kidney (Ki), and either rabbit or ratheart(Ht) tissue was subjected toformaldehyde/

agarosegel electrophoresis, transferredtonitrocellulose filters,and hy-bridizedtorandom-labeled cDNA probes. The 28 S RNA is shown as

size marker. (A) HCRC1 identifiedasingle 16-kb mRNA species representing thecardiac isoformof the RyR in both rabbit heart and

brain; nosignalsweredetectedinskeletalmuscle,uterus,andkidney. (B)On thisblot,Ht represents ratheart,while the rest representrabbit tissues. R-IP3RI identified asingle - 10-kb mRNAspecies representing

the type 1 isoform oftheIP3Rinalltissuesexceptskeletalmuscle. Thesignal was strongest in heart, intermediateinbrain, and weakest in uterusandkidney.

Consistent with previous findings (22), cardiac RyR mRNA

levels werereduced in the LV ofcardiomyopathicpatients by

31% (P< 0.025) compared with normals. CardiacRyR mRNA levels were also decreased in the septum ofcardiomyopathic

patients by37% (P<0.05)comparedwithnormals. The

differ-ences weresignificantinsubgroup comparisons of normal pa-tients with ICM andIDCM patients (datanot shown). In the




LV RV Septum Figure 2. Representative


NL CM NLCM NL CM calcium-release channel




- normal andmyopathic

human hearttissue.20

utgof total RNAprepared


_U,, from different regions of


the heart obtained from normal(NL)patientsand

patientswithcardiomyopathy(CM)wassize-fractionatedon formalde-hyde/agarose gelsandblottedtonitrocellulosefilters.Foreachregion,

thesameblotwasusedtohybridizewitheach random-labeled cDNA

probeatseparatetimes. Blotswereexposedtox-ray films foreither 1

wk(R-IP3R1)or3 d(HCRC1).The 28S ribosomal RNA is shownas a measureoftotalRNAloading.Inallsamples,theHCRCI probe

detected the 16-kbRyRmRNAwhile theR-IP3R1 probe recognized the - 10-kb IP3R mRNA.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Mean+SE









z E











140 120 100

80 60

40 20




150 100 50

Left Ventricle RightVentricle Septum

p40.005 p40.001







Left Ventricle Right Ventricle Septum

Figure 3. Relative normalizedRyR andIP3RmRNAlevels in different

regionsof normal andmyopathichumanhearttissue. TotalRNAisolated fromhearts of normal (NL) andcardiomyopathy (CM)patients was blotted to nitrocellulose filtersin serial dilutionsby loading onto slot blot apparatus, andhybridizedtothe(A)HCRC1 and (B)R-IP3R1

cDNAprobe.Calcium-release channel mRNA levelswerequantified with aPhosphorimager and normalized to 28 S ribosomal RNA levels. (A) Cardiac RyR mRNA levelswerereduced in the myopathicleft

ventricle by 31% (P<0.025) and septum by 37% (p < 0.05) compared with NL. In contrast, theRyR mRNA levels were nonsignificantly ele-vated in themyopathic rightventriclecomparedwith NL. (B) TheIP3R

mRNAlevels wereincreased in themyopathic left ventricle by 123% (P<0.005), right ventricle by96%(P<0.005), and septum by 123% (P< 0.001) compared with NL.

myopathicRV, RyRmRNAexpression was increased by 27% compared with normals, although the difference was not statisti-cally significant (P = 0.38).

Fig. 3Bshows the results ofquantitative slot blot analysis

usingR-IP3R-1 probe.Unlike RyR mRNA levels which were downregulated, IP3RmRNAlevels were increased inthe LV ofcardiomyopathic patients by 123% (P < 0.005) compared with normals. IP3RmRNAlevels ofcardiomyopathicpatients

werealsoincreased in theRVby96% (P < 0.005) and in the septumby 123% (P < 0.001) compared with normals. These differences remained significant even in subgroup comparisons of normal patients with ICM and IDCM patients (data not


Radioligand binding assays were performed on selected

patientsamplestodetermine whether changes in mRNA levels

were paralleled by changes in high affinity binding sites for


and[3H]IP3.High affinity



sites were decreased by 30% in the myopathic LV (n = 4) compared with normals (n=3), but the level of [3H]IP3 binding sites (n= 4) was unchanged compared to normals (n = 3).

Localization of calcium-release channelmRNA incardiac myocytes. The myocardium is comprised of multiple cell types (e.g., cardiac myocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, endothe-lial cells), all of which could express and potentially regulate RyRand IP3R channels. To determine the cellular location of the mRNA signals, in situ hybridization was performed on a

subset of normal and myopathic tissue sections. Fig. 4 shows

representative results of in situ hybridization using specific cRNA probes on the myopathic LV. Hybridization with the IP3R antisense probe demonstrated that the IP3R mRNA is present not only in the vascular smooth muscle surrounding intramyocardial arteries, but also within the cardiac myocytes in a patchydistribution (Fig.4C);higher magnification revealed that the patchy appearance was due to clustering of granules within pleomorphic nuclei. Adjacent sections hybridized with senseprobe didnotshowsignals above background distribution

asexpected (data not shown).In situhybridization using cardiac RyR antisense probe revealed abundant RyR mRNA signals within cardiac myocytes, but not in vascular smooth muscle cells (Fig.4D).


The present study demonstrates that: (a)twodifferent types of calcium-release channelsareexpressed inthenormal and failing humanmyocardium-the RyR and the IP3R, and (b) distinct andopposite regulation of each type of calcium-release channel

mRNAoccurs during end-stage CHF.

Although the dominant mechanism of excitation-contrac-tion coupling in cardiac muscle is calcium-induced calcium release viathe RyR (4, 5), evidence has accumulatedsupporting

arolefor IP3-induced calcium releaseaswell. Functional stud-ies on isolated animal ventricular fibers have shown that IP3

triggers calcium release from the SR (26)and potentiates the effects of caffeine-induced calcium release(27). Northern blot analyses using the cloned murine IP3RcDNA as aprobe have identified the - 10-kb IP3R mRNAin various mouse tissues,

including the heart (7, 28). Recently, our laboratory showed thatthe IP3R isexpressed inratcardiac myocytesby immuno-histochemistry and in situ hybridization (8). Using Northern blotanalysis andin situhybridizationin the presentstudy, we

have now conclusively demonstrated that the IP3R mRNA is alsoexpressed in both normal and diseased human cardiac myo-cytes, albeit in relatively low amounts compared with the RyR (Fig. 2 and 4).

Previous studieson humanCHF have demonstrated down regulation of the mRNAs encodingtheexcitation-contraction

couplingcalcium channels inmyopathicLVtissue. ThemRNA levelof SRcalcium-ATPase has beenshownto be reducedby 35-55% in end-stage CHF (19-22). Likewise, mRNA levels of thevoltagegated calcium channelDHPR weredecreased in myopathic LV by 47% (20). Our group and others have also shown that RyRmRNAexpressionin theLV wasdecreased in

cardiomyopathy patients (21, 22).

Thecurrentstudyextends these observations.Notonlywas


Figure 4. In situhybridization demonstrating specificity ofthe cRNAprobes andlocalizingcalcium-release channel mRNA incardiocytes.Antisense

andsense35S-labeledcRNAprobeswereusedonparaformaldehyde-fixedcardiac tissuespecimens obtained from patientswithcardiomyopathy.

(A) Left ventriclesection stained withhematoxylin and eosincontainingboth cardiac tissue(asterisk) andvascular smooth muscle tissue around

bloodvessels (arrow). (B) Theareasurrounding the asterisk inAismagnified furtherunderphasecontrast, toshow thestriations whicharetypical

of cardiac fibers. (C)Darkfieldview ofthe samesectionasinA,hybridizedtothe IP3R antisenseprobe, showingthatIP3RmRNA is present in vascular smoothmuscle(arrow) and moreimportantlyin cardiac myocytes. (D)Darkfieldviewofanadjacent sectionhybridizedtothe RyR

antisense probe, showingabundantRyRmRNAincardiac fibersbut not in vascular smoothmuscle (arrow).Bars: (A, C,andD)80




whether the tissuewas obtained from 1CM orIDCMpatients (Fig. 3 A).Interestingly, therewas anopposite trend of increased RyR mRNAlevels in myopathic RV compared with normals, albeit the increasewasstatistically nonsignificant. The absence ofasignificantdifference in RyR mRNA levels between normal andmyopathicRVmay bepartly duetothevaryingdegree of RVfailure present among thepatients.

Moreimportantly,thisstudyreportsforthefirsttimeanup regulation of the IP3R mRNA levels in the ventricles of patients withend-stageCHFcomparedwith normalpatients,incontrast toother calciumchannels whicharedown regulated (Fig. 3 B). Levels of IP3R mRNA were markedly increased in the myo-pathic LVby 98% in ICM andby143% in IDCM (P < 0.005 for both), and in the myopathic RV by 80% in ICM and by 110% in IDCM (P < 0.005 for both), compared with normal tissue. IP3RmRNAlevelswerealsosignificantlyupregulated in the myopathic septum by 122-124% (P< 0.001), whether


Recent studies examining protein levels of SR

calcium-ATPase in human CHF have produced conflicting results: one

reported reduction of SR calcium-ATPase protein levels by 36% infailing myocardium (29) while another didnotfind any

differ-encebetween nonfailing andfailing human myocardium (30). With regard to the present study, we sought to determine whether levels of ryanodine and IP3 binding sites were regu-lated during CHF similartomRNA levels. The level of high

affinity [3H]ryanodinebinding sites was decreased by 30%in

the myopathic LVcomparedwith normals whereas the levelof

[3H]IP3 binding sites remained unchanged, consistent withthe

dataonmRNAlevels of RyR, butnotIP3R.Bindingsiteswere

calculated asthemoles ofradioligandbinding per mg of total protein in each sample, which in effect expresses the absolute number of ryanodine and IP3 binding sites relative to much

more abundant proteins that may be regulated during CHF. Directcomparison of ryanodinetoIP3binding sites reveals that therelative amount of IP3 binding sites increased 43%

com-892 Goetal.



pared with ryanodine binding sites in the failing heart. Thus although the absolute level of IP3binding siteswas notaltered during CHF, the ratio of LP3R to RyR quantifiedby binding studies was higherinfailingversus normal humanmyocardium. In the tissues comprising the myopathic LV chamber, the simultaneously reduced RyR and elevated IP3R mRNA levels argueagainstauniversal decreaseorincrease ineither cardiac geneexpression or number of myocytes astheexplanation for these findings. Recent animal studies havereproduced this find-ing of decreased RyR calcium-release channel expression in CHFusing various animal models suchaschronic doxorubicin cardiomyopathy in rabbits (24) and rapid ventricular pacing

induced or spontaneous CHF in dogs (31). Our preliminary studies using rats with acute doxorubicin-induced

cardiomyopa-thy also showeddown-regulation of RyRmRNAlevels,aswell

asupregulation ofLP3RmRNAlevels(32). That various

pro-cesses leading to CHF manifest similar changes in calcium-release channelregulation suggest that thesechangesare funda-mental to thepathophysiology of CHF andnotmerely dueto

theeffects of individualpharmacologic agentsor entities. Itis evidentthatregulation of calcium channelmRNAlevels vary depending on the channel type (Fig. 3, A and B). The decreasedexpression in myopathic hearts oftwochannels in-volved in excitation-contraction coupling, theDHPR and the RyR,implies that intracellular calcium regulationby this path-way may be impaired and could contribute to compromised cardiac contractility. Support for this concept isprovidedbya

study which reportedprolonged contractions and calcium

tran-sients infailinghearts, then proceededtodemonstrate that

vera-pamil and ryanodine togetherabolished the abnormal calcium transients(18). Clinical trials have documented further deterio-ration of CHF inpatients treated with organic calcium channel blockers including diltiazem (33) and nifedipine (34), sug-gesting that the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism may bealready jeopardized in themyopathic heart.

The up regulation of IP3R mRNA levels and increased IP3R/RyR ratio are novel findings and may provide further insights into the molecular basis underlying different aspects of chronic CHF. For example, hypertrophy is an early response of the myocardium to the increased wall stress produced by ventriculardilatation and peripheral vasoconstriction (23), and thisenduringresponse manifestedby the gross biventricular and microscopic myocyte hypertrophy and enlarged pleomorphic nuclei whicharecharacteristic of explanted hearts from patients with end-stage CHF (35). Multiple growth factors have been showntocausecardiac myocyte hypertrophy with DNA replica-tion (polyploidy) in in vitro studies (36), and some of these factorsexerttheir effects via theIP3/calciumsignalingpathway, suchasangiotensin II (37, 38)orendothelin (36, 39). Increased IP3Rexpressioninventricular myocytesduring CHF is

consis-tentwith the up regulation ofa signaling pathway mediating thehypertrophic response.

The IP3R could participateinregulatingcontractility in the failing heart by analogytoits roleincontrolling smooth muscle contraction via pharmacomechanical coupling (10, 12). CHF is

adisorder of thecirculation characterized by elevated neurohor-monal activity (23). Studies using intracoronary infusions of

adrenergic agonists in patients with CHF have demonstrated both


receptor-mediated lusitropy and a-adrenergic

receptor-mediatedinotropy in such patients (40). Such modula-tion of contractility by adrenergic agents can be carried out




intracellular calcium release


41), with up regulation of IP3R as a mechanism to increase sensitivity in the failing myocardium.

Inaddition toregulating contractility andfacilitating hyper-trophy in the failing myocardium, the IP3/calcium signaling pathway mayplay apathological role in cardiac arrhythmogen-esis (4). Delayed afterpotentials in hypertrophied and failing myocardium have been attributedtoabnormaltransient inward currents which occur during diastole; if large enough, these afterdepolarizations can reach threshold andtriggerarrhythmias

(42). Development ofhigh myoplasmic calcium level during

diastole (> 500 nM) due to intracellular calcium oscillations appeared to induce this inward current (43, 44). Recent data from skinned cardiac fibers demonstrated that IP3 enhanced suchcalcium oscillations from the SR(45). Thus,the increased EP3Rexpression in myocardium ofpatients withend-stage CHF couldpotentially explainwhy these patients are so susceptible


In view of the decreased expression in cardiomyopathic

tissue of the calcium channels involvedinexcitation-contraction coupling, the alternativepathway ofregulatingintracellular cal-cium via the EP3R calcal-cium-release channel may provetobe a

significant compensatory mechanism in thefailinghuman heart. Therapydesigned to enhancepharmacomechanicalcoupling by targetingtheIP3Rmightprove efficacious.However,this spec-ulation should be tempered as we did not examine inositol

polyphosphate hydrolysispersein oursamples by membrane bound phospholipase C, which in turn is dependent upon G-protein coupled receptors, tyrosine kinase coupled receptors, and mechanical deformation for its activation (9, 10, 37, 38).

Insummary, differentialregulationof calcium-release chan-nel mRNA levels occurs during end-stage CHF according to

channel type. RyR mRNA levels in the myopathic LV and septum is downregulatedcomparedtonormal. Incontrast,there

is a consistent trendof increased IP3R mRNA levels infailing

humanmyocardium comparedtonormal. Suchanalteration in calcium handling may be a molecular mechanism underlying

impaired excitation-contraction coupling, enhanced pharmaco-mechanicalcoupling, compensatory hypertrophy, and increased

arrhythmia susceptibility which are observed in progressive

myocardial dysfunction. Theseinsights into the molecular basis of CHF should providenewdirections forfuturediagnosticand

therapeutic approaches.


Wethank Drs.Valentin Fuster and Richard Gorlin for helpful comments andforsupport, Dr. Alan Gass andMaryCourtney,R.N., forproviding

clinicaldata,Dr.StevenLansmanforprovidingaccess totheexplanted hearts,and Dr.LuyiSen forprovidingthree of the normal heartsamples.

This work was supported in partbygrants from the National

Insti-tutes of Health (NS-29814) and the American Heart Association (to A. R.Marks). A. R.Marks is aBristol-Meyers/Squibb Established

In-vestigator of the American Heart Association. L.0.Go is an American

CollegeofCardiology/MerckResearch Fellow.


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