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Existence of Equilibrium in Single and Double Private Value Auctions


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Matthew O. Jackson

CaliforniaInstitute of Technology

JeroenM. Swinkels

WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis

Forthcoming: Econometrica

1 8 9 1


























Private Value Auctions

MatthewO. Jackson Jeroen M. Swinkels Forthcoming: Econometrica


We showexistence of equilibriaindistributional strategies fora wide classof private

value auctions, including the rst general existence result for double auctions. The set

of equilibria is invariant to the tie-breaking rule. The modelincorporates multiple unit

demands, all standard pricing rules, reserve prices, entry costs, and stochastic demand

and supply. Valuations can be correlated and asymmetrically distributed. For double

auctions, we show further that at least one equilibrium involves a positive volume of

trade. The existence proof establishes new connections among existence techniques for

discontinuous Bayesian games.

JEL classi cation numbers: C62,C63,D44,D82

Keywords: Auctions,DoubleAuctions, Equilibrium,Existence, Invariance,Private


Private Value Auctions 

MatthewO. Jackson Jeroen M. Swinkels Forthcoming: Econometrica

1 Introduction


Auctionsaregenerallymodeledbyallowingplayers tochoosefromcontinuumbidding

spaces. However, players' payo s in auctions are discontinuous at points of tied bids;

which in the face of continuum bidding spaces makes existence of equilibrium diÆcult

to prove. Much of what is known about existence of equilibrium in auctions comes

from exhibiting equilibrium strategies in symmetric settings (for instance in Milgrom

and Weber [23]) or relying on monotonicity arguments (e.g., Athey [1] or Maskin and

Riley [22]). This leaves open the question of existence of equilibria in many auction

settings, such as those where distributions fail to satisfy nice monotonicity properties,

and settingsincludingthe importantclass of doubleauctions.

Sincethe fundamentaldiÆculty inthese proofs revolves aroundthe continuityof the

bid space,one mightwellask why one bothers toimpose suchan assumption. After all,

one could argue that all true bid spaces are in fact discrete. However, continuum bid

spaces are averyuseful approximationasthey simplifythe analysis;allowing,for

exam-ple, one to use calculus to characterize equilibria. Thus, almost all models of auctions

use continuum bid spaces and so it is important to understand when equilibria exist in

such models. Moreover, discrete bid spaces can introduce some pathological equilibria.


JSSZ)showexampleswherethegamewith nitebidspaceshasanequilibrium,whilethe

Wethank LeoSimon, BillZame,MarkSatterthwaite andPhilRenyforhelpful conversations. We

also thankKimBorder,Martin Cripps,JohnNachbar,AndyPostlewaite,LarrySamuelson,Tianxiang

Ye, three anonymous refereesand theeditor for helpful commentsand suggestions. Financial support

from theNationalScience Foundationunder grantSES-9986190andfrom theBoeingCenter forT

ech-nologyandInformationManagementisgratefully acknowledged.


This paper supersedes the second part of Jacksonand Swinkels [13]. That paperwassplit: The

results on existenceof equilibria in Bayesiangames with type-dependent sharingwere combined with

Simon andZame[33] tobecomeJackson,Simon, Swinkels,andZame[11]. The resultson existenceof


onone bid, whileanother concentrates onthenext availablebid. This doesnotstrikeus

aswhat wehadinmindwhen discussingequilibrium. Existenceof equilibriumwith

con-tinuumbidding spaceshelps toestablish the existenceof a non-pathologicalequilibrium

in the discrete versions of these auctions. 2;3

Thispaperhasthreemainresultsabout equilibriainauctions: Existence,Invariance,

and Non-Triviality. By existence, of course we mean that the set of equilibria is

non-empty. By Invariance, we mean that the set of equilibria of auctions in our class does

not depend on the precise tie-breaking rule. Invariance actually plays a key role in our

existence proof. And, by non-triviality, we mean that in the set of equilibria there is

always one inwhich trade occurs with positive probability.

Our existence and invariance results apply to auctions that can be single or double

sided, includingsettingswhereplayers areunsureatthetimethatthey bidwhether they

willbenet buyersornetsellers. Thepricingrulecanbequitegeneral,includingboththe

uniformand discriminatory cases,all pay features,entry costs, reserve prices, and many

other variations. Demands and supplies may be for multiple units, and valuations can

beasymmetricallydistributedand followverygeneralcorrelation patterns;neither

inde-pendencenor anyformof aÆliationisassumed. Finally,inadditiontocoveringstandard

tie-breaking rules we also cover more general tie-breaking rules, including allowing the

auctioneer to use information in breaking ties that he is typically not assumed to have,

such as the true values of the players.

In double auctions, showing that an equilibriumexists does not close the issue. The

diÆculty is that double auctions have a degenerate equilibriumin which all buyers bid

0, and all sellers bid v; the upper bound of values. 4

Our second main result establishes

existenceofanon-degenerateequilibriumforeachauctioninourclass; thatis,one where

trade occurs with positiveprobability. So, our results are not vacuous in settings where

there exist degenerateno-trade equilibria. Taken together, these two results providethe

rst generalexistence result of any formfor the double auction setting. 5



doesnot knowthat they correspond to analogs in the continuum, because absent an existence result

for the continuum case, there is no assurancethat the equilibrium does notdepend on theparticular

discretization chosen. Forexample,itmightbecriticalwhether di erentplayer'savailablebidsoverlap



The underlying existence theorems used (either JSSZ orReny), include an upperhemi-continuity

result. Hence,thefact(whichweestablish)thatallequilibriaofthecontinuumgamearetie-freeimplies

theexistenceofalmosttie-freeequilibriain gameswithsmallbidincrements.


Such no-tradeequilibria arenotoriouslydiÆcultto overcomein someother settings. Forinstance,


andSpear [25].


Williams [37] shows existence in the particular case that the price is determined by the lowest

winning buybid. Thiscaseiseasier,because(a)thesellersthenhaveasaweaklydominantstrategyto




First,letusdiscussinvariance. Letanomniscienttie-breakingrule beamapfrombids

and values to distributions over allocations that respects the order of bids. Such maps

include standard tie-breaking rules where ties are broken by some simplerandomization

or xed priorities,but alsoinclude weirderrules, suchas ones wherethe auctioneer uses

other information such as players' types and, for instance, breaks ties eÆciently. Say

that a tie-breakingrule istrade-maximizingif ties between buyers andsellers are broken

in favor of buyers. Then, the invariance result states that if a strategy pro le forms an

equilibrium forone omniscienttie-breaking rule, itremains anequilibriumfor any other

trade-maximizing omniscient tie-breaking rule. Two ideas underlie this result. First,

regardless of the tie-breaking rule, given the continuous distribution over types players


that abuyerand aseller maybetied provided tradeoccurs between them),asotherwise

some player should bene t from raising or lowering his bids contingent on some types.

So, changing tosome other trade-maximizingtie- breakingrule doesnot change payo s

undertheoriginalstrategypro le. Second,ifaplayerhasanimprovingdeviationrelative

to some strategy pro le and tie-breaking rule, then there is a slight modi cation of the

deviation that is stillimprovingand alsoavoid ties. But then, any improving deviation

atone tie-breakingruleimpliesanimprovingdeviationunderany othertie-breakingrule

as well. Hence, replacing one tie-breaking rule with another does not change the best

replies of the players atthe equilibrium. 6

With the invariance result in hand, there are at least three ways to complete the

proof of existence. First, one can use the main result of JSSZ. They prove existence of

equilibria in Bayesian games in which tie-breaking is allowed tobe \endogenous" in the

sense that it is determined as part of the equilibrium and can depend (in an incentive

compatible way) on the private informationofplayers. A fortiori this is anequilibrium

with omniscient tie-breaking, and hence, by the invarianceresult the strategies involved



The invarianceresultcan alsobe usedtoestablishexistence viathe theorem ofReny

[27] (henceforth Reny). We know of twosuch approaches. In one approach,one uses an

auxiliary resultof Reny's (Proposition3.2), involvinga conditioncalled reciprocal upper

semicontinuity (due to Simon [31], who generalizes Dasgupta and Maskin [7]). This

requires that if one player's payo jumps down at a discontinuity, some other player's

payo jumpsup. Understandardtie-breaking,thisconditionisnotsatis ed(seefootnote

13 of Reny). However, if tie-breaking is chosen to maximize the sum of player payo s,

thenreciprocaluppersemicontinuityissatis ed(as isthestronger conditionofDasgupta

and Maskin). Since such tie-breaking is among the omniscient tie-breaking rules, this

(coupled with invariance)again implies the result.



theorem. We thinkthis approachillustratesanimportantway ofapplying Reny'sresult

more generally,and thatithintsatadeeperconnectionbetween Reny andJSSZ.Reny's

basic condition, better-reply-security, requires checking that there are paying deviations

not just relativeto payo s actually available atnon-Nash strategy pro les,but also

rel-ative to all payo s that can be generated as a limit of near-by strategy pro les. The

deviation must pay not only relative to the original strategy pro le, but to small

per-turbations. The rst part of applying Reny thus involves the potentiallydaunting task

of characterizing the set of payo pro les available from such limitsat any given point,

which inparticular can be quitecomplicated at pointsof discontinuity such as ties. We

show, however, that any such payo pro le can be induced by an appropriately chosen

omniscient tie-breaking rule. Then,using the rst idea underlying our invariance result,

that players will play so as toavoid being involved in ties regardless of the tie-breaking

rule, establishes the desired condition. We nd it illuminatingthat all three routes to

existence rely onsome form of omniscienttie-breaking. 7

The lastpieceof the puzzleis toshowthat there are non-degenerate(positivetrade)

equilibria in settingssuch as the double auction. Our approachis to \seed" the auction

with a non-strategic player who is present with small probability, and who then makes

buy or sell bids uniform over the range of values. With this extra player present, it no

longer makessenseforbuyers toalways o er0,orsellerstoalwaysask v;sincesuchbids

never trade, while one could bid more generously, and sometimes pro tably trade with

the non-strategic player. What isless clear is that this impliesan amount of trade that

does not vanish as the probability of the non-strategic player being present goes to 0.

The key is to show that once the non-strategic player is present, competition to trade

with himwillpush the bids of buyers with high values well above0 and sellers with low

values well below v: Essentially then, the extra player sets o a cascade, resulting in a


Section 2 discusses related literature. Section 3 presents our private-value auction

setting. Section4.1 shows that the set of equilibria insuch auctionsare invariant tothe

tie-breaking rule. In Section 4.2, we show how invariance impliesexistence of equilibria

for the auctionsinour class. Section5shows thatthese equilibriacan bechosen tohave

non-degenerate tradeinauctionenvironmentswhereno-trade equilibriaareapossibility,

such as doubleauctions. An appendix contains the proofs.

2 Related Literature

The methodof proofwe use forour rst result, ofdemonstratingexistence withan

non-standard tie-breaking rule and then showing that the tie-breaking can be changed to

a standard one, is reminiscent of Maskin and Riley [22]. 8

The strategy of Maskin and


This isalso trueofLebrun[18]andMaskinandRiley[22].




eventof atie, aVickrey auctiontakesplace. Forthe auctionsthey consider, the Vickrey

auctionisenoughtoguarantee thatpayo s arepreserved inthelimitasthe nitegridof

bidsgrows ne. Theythenarguethatthesetieswouldneveroccurinequilibriumanyway,

and so the equilibrium is in fact a standard one. So, like them, we show existence in a

game where one does something strange in the event of a tie and then work backward

to show that in many cases of interest this was irrelevant, in our case, by applying our

invariance result. Within the class of private value auctions, we cover a substantially

broader set ofcases than those ofMaskinand Riley,essentially becauseour tie-breaking

methodsallowforpotentiallystranger rules. This allowsus tohandleequilibriumwhere

biddingisnot monotoneintype,and thustocoverawidevariety ofauctionformatsand

informationstructuresnothandledinthepreviousliterature. On theotherhand,Maskin

and Riley'sresultshold for somenon-private value auctions(withaÆliatedtypes) while

our result does not. It is an open question how far techniques like those in this paper

extend beyond private value auctions.

As discussed above, the idea of getting existence in games with augmented message

spaces is also related to Lebrun [18], who looks at rst price single unit private value

auctions in which bids are augmented by messages which turn out to be irrelevant. He

notesthat inaugmenting thegame,andlettingtie-breakingdependonthemessagesent,

he isdoingsomething reminiscentof whatSimonand Zame[32]doingamesofcomplete

information. 9

Thus, in the speci c setting he studies, Lebrun's technique parallels the

one weuse here.

This paper is also related to the literature on existence in games with continuum

type spaces,including, for example,Dasgupta and Maskin[7], Simon[31], and of course

Reny [27]. Reny shows that his condition applies in a multiple unit, private value, pay

your bids auction, a case for which we also prove existence (see his Example 5.2). A

recent working paper by Bresky [4]uses a di erent lineof attack to apply Reny's result

to private value auctions. Neither paper covers the class of settings covered here.

Of course, none of the previous literature has anything to say about the problemof

no-trade equilibriain doubleauctions.

Thuswe move beyond the previous literature infour ways:

1. Weshow abroad invarianceproperty across tie-breaking rules for the equilibriaof

private value auctions.

2. Weshowthattheinvariancepropertyandconsiderationofnon-standardtie-breaking

allowsforthestraightforwardapplicationofeitherJSSZorReny. Thewayinwhich

these resultscanbeleveragedshouldbeinteresting initsown rightandpotentially

of wider applicability.

auctionwithstandardtie-breaking(seetheirExample 3).


Theideaofusing messagesto restorelimitcontinuityin a nite approximationsettingshouldalso


more ground than previous results,even in the single auctioncase.

4. Finally,weshowtherealwaysexistsanequilibriuminwhichthereisapositive

prob-ability of trade. This overcomes the problem of no-trade equilibria, and provides

the rst existence result ofany formfor double auctions. 10

Anumberofpapers approachtheexistencequestion insingleunit auctionsby

exam-iningtheassociatedsetofdi erentialequations. Astrengthofthisapproachascompared

to ours is that it allows for interesting comparative static and uniqueness results. Such

anapproachrequires muchmorestructure regardingthe distributionsofvaluationsthan

we require here. For some leading examples, see Milgrom and Weber [23], Lebrun [19],

Bajari[2], and Lizzeri and Persico [17].

Athey [1] considers conditions on games such that a monotone comparative statics

result applies to the best bid of aplayer as his signal varies. Essentially, one imposes a


response in increasing strategies. A strength of Athey's resultis that itdoes not rest on

private values. It does however, require a single dimensionaltype space with something

akin to the monotone likelihood ratio property (MLRP, see Example 1). Recent work

byMcAdams [20] andKazumori [15] extendsthis toa multipledimensionalsettingwith

independent types, inthe former case with a discrete bid space, while in the later, with

a continuum.

Each of the auction papers mentioned above derives the existence of pure strategy

equilibria, while in general we show only the existence of equilibria in distributional

strategies. Thisispartlyduetothe methodsweemploy,butmostly duetothebroadness

of the class of distributions of valuations that we admit. In particular (see Example 2

below) not all auctionsin our setting have such pure strategy equilibria,and so aresult

covering these auctions can at most claim existence of mixed strategy equilibria. In

some settings with positively related valuations, one can start from our existence result

and then independently deduce that all equilibria must be in increasing (and therefore

essentially pure) strategies. We present one such result, generalizing McAdams and

Kazumori for the case of private values. 11

See Reny and Zamir[28] and Krishna[16] for

other interesting recent work onpure strategy equilibria.


Since the rst writingof this paper(1999), others havealso looked at existence of equilibrium in

double auctions. Fudenberg, Mobius, and Szeidl [9] show existence of equilibrium in double auctions

withsuÆcientlymanyplayers. PerryandReny[26]addressexistenceindoubleauctionswithadiscrete

bid space. These papers all work in asymmetric aÆliatedor conditionally independent setting, and

deriveincreasingequilibria. OursettinghasneithersymmetrynoraÆliation,butdoesnotruleoutthat



With independenttypes, these paperscandeal with interdependent values,which we donot. We

would like to be clear that while our basicexistence results for equilibria in distributional strategies



Webeginbypresenting ourmodelof privatevalue auctions. The modeltreatssingleand

double auctions (as wellas hybrids) in asingle framework.

3.1 The Setting

Let us rst describe the setting in terms of the players, objects, valuations, and



Thereare players N =f1;;ng, alongwith anon-strategic\player" 0,whocan act

as the seller, for example, ina single sided auction.

Objects and Endowments

There is ` < 1 such that each player i 2 N [ f0g has an endowment of e

i 2

f0;1;:::;`g indivisible objects. Objectsare identical. Lete=(e

0 ;e 1 ;:::;e n ) denotethe vector of endowments. Valuations

Eachplayer i2N desires atmost ` objects. Player i'svaluations are represented by

v i =(v i1 ;:::;v i`

). The interpretation isthat ihas marginalvalue v


for anh th


Assumption 1: (PrivateValues)Playerireceivesvalue P


h=1 v



Forhe i ; we say that v ih is asell value. Forh>e i , we say that v ih isa buy value. Letv =(v 1 ;:::;v n

)bethe vector of valuations of the players.

Types We say that  i =(e i ;v i

)is the type of player i,and let =(e;v) denotethe vectorof

types of allplayers. Let


f0;1;:::;`gIR `

bethe space ofpossibletypes forplayer

i. 12 Let= 0  n

be the space of typevectors.

Assumption 2: (Compact TypeSpace) is compact.



Letvbe such that f0;1;:::;`g [ v;v] .


The vector  2 is drawn according to a (Borel)probability measure P on. The

marginal of P on


isdenoted P


; i 2f0;:::;ng. Without lossof generality, take 

i to

bethe support of P

i .

Assumption 3: (Imperfect Correlation) P is absolutely continuous with respect to



i=0 P


; with continuous Radon-Nikodymderivative f.


i andv




ih andv

ih 0

forany given player. Itsimplyimposesthat (e

i ;v i )and(e j ;v j )are

not too dependent. Forinstance, in atwo-player, one-objectauction, if P were uniform

onthediagonalfv j v 11 =v 21 g;thenv 1 andv 2

wouldbeperfectlycorrelatedandP would

not beabsolutelycontinuouswithrespect toP

1 P


(theuniformdistributionon[0;1] 2


On the other hand, under A3 types can be \almost perfectly correlated" in the sense

that P can place probability one onsome smallneighborhood of the diagonal.

Assumption 4: (Atomless Distributions) P

i (fv


=xg) = 0 for all i 2 N, h 2

f1;:::;`g, and x2[ v;v]:

This assumptionrulesout that particular valuesoccurwith positiveprobability.It is

stronger thanjust assumingthat P


isatomless asitrules out, for example,that v

i1 1

while v


is distributeduniformlyon[0;1]. Itallows, however, v

ih =v


0 with probability


WeemphasizethatwehavenotimposedanysortofaÆliationamongdi erentplayers'

values and sothe following exampleis withinour setting. Because this auctiondoesnot

haveanequilibriuminnon-decreasing strategies,it isnot covered by any previouspaper

on existence inauctions.

Example 1 Consider a two-player, private-value, rst-price auction. Values are

uni-formly distributed over the triangle

f(v 1 ;v 2 )jv 1 0;v 2 0;1v 1 +v 2 g:

Here, higher values of v


correspond to lower expectations of v


, and vice versa. This

auctionhasnonon-decreasingpurestrategyNashequilibrium. Toseewhynot,supposeto


1 ();b


()exists. Letus rstarguethatv

2 b 2 (v 2 ) for all v 2

2[0;1). Suppose not, sothat b

2 (v 0 2 )>v 0 2 for some v 0 2 2[0;1). Then,since b 2 is non-decreasing, b 2 (v 2 ) > v 2 for all v 2 2 (v 0 2 ;b 2 (v 0 2

)): But, then, since P(vjv

1 < v 2 ; v 2 2


(v 2 ;b 2 (v 2

)))> 0; it must be that there is a positive probability that at least one of the

players wins with a bid above value, 13

and so would do strictly better to lower his bid

to value. This contradicts equilibrium. Now consider a bid by bidder i when his value

is above 1 ". He knows that the other bidder's value is below ", and thus so are the

other bidder's bids. Thus, i's bids should be no more than ", and so i's bids for values

near 1 are near 0. Therefore, the only possible equilibrium innon-decreasing strategies

is b 1 (v 1 )=b 2 (v 2 )=0 for all(v 1 ;v 2

);which isclearly not anequilibrium.

Assumption 5: (Non-Increasing MarginalValuations)


ih v



A5simplystatesthateachplayer's marginalvaluationsforobjectsarenon-increasing

inthenumberofobjects. Thismakesourlifeeasierintermsofkeepingtrackofincentives.

Inparticular,withincreasingmarginalvaluations,aplayermight ndhimselfsubmitting

the same rst and second bids, and simultaneously wishing he could lower his rst bid

becausehe dislikeswinningone object,but raise hissecondbid becausehe likeswinning

two objects. A related and fuller discussion follows Assumption 9. Whether equilibria

still existin suchsituationsis an open question.

3.2 The Class of Auctions

We consider auctions where each player submits a vector of bids, one for each potential

objectthat they may buyorsell. Of course, the auctionmechanismmay ignore someof

this information,but we allowfor the possibility that itis used.

Bidding and Reserve Prices

For each i 2 f0;:::;ng, a bid b

i 2 IR


is a non-increasing vector of ` numbers. We

assume that there existreal numbers b< 

b such that the set of allowable bid vectorsfor

iis B i =[b ;b] ` :

Let B denote the set of admissiblebid vectors, B=B

0 B 1 B n .

The requirement that bid vectors be non-increasing is simply a labeling statement,

as bids can always be re-orderedin this manner. It willbeconsistent with howauctions

process bids, inthe sense that higherbids are given priority.



2 2( v 0 2 ;b 2 (v 0 2

))orelse player1mustbeoutbidding




2 .


i i

bids outside ofthat range are weakly dominated. Forexample, indiscriminatoryas well

as uniformprice auctions, a bid b


above v


is weaklydominated by a bidat v


. In an

allpay auction,a bidabove v


isweakly dominatedbybidding0. Inthese settings,one

is making no extra restriction on bidder's behavior in imposing the existence of b . 14


settings where there is a highest sensible bid for a buyer, allowing sell bids above that

amount is a convenient way to let a seller \sit out" of the auction, and similarly when

there is a lowest sensible bid for sellers.


The non-strategic player moves rst, and the remaining players then move

simulta-neously. So, attime 0,b


isannounced,then attime 1eachplayeri2N observes 

i and submits a bid b i . 15;16;17 Payments

The payment that a player makes or receives depends on the number of objects

boughtorsold. Werequirethatconditionalonthenumberofunitsthatiisallocated,and


vectorofsubmittedbids. Thus, therearecontinuousfunctionst


:f0;:::;`g n+2

B!IR ;

such that i's payment is t


(h;e;b) in the case where the bid pro le is b; the endowment

vector is e, and he receives h objects. 18


Foranexamplein which optimalbuy bidsmaynotbebounded fromabove,consider athird price

auction with three players. Suppose that player3 happens to alwaysbid between 0and 1, and that

player1and2havevaluesthatarealwaysatleast2. Then,eachofplayer1andplayer2wouldlikeany

bidhemakestoalwaysexceedanybidbytheotherplayer. So,optimalbids(atleastinsomescenarios)

are unbounded.

Foranexamplein which optimalbuy bids may notbebounded from below, consider anauction in

whichplayerseachdemandtwounits,andinwhichkunitsareforsale. Thepriceisaconvexcombination


averagebid. Then,abidderwithalowsecondvaluemightwell nditoptimaltosubmita rstbidnear

his rstvalue,but makehissecondbidarbitrarilynegative.


Whiletreatedidentically to otherbidvector's,b


canbethoughtof as0'sreservepricevector. In

order to have player0 notparticipate in theauction at all (forinstance in a double auction) we can

simplyset e









Note that we are considering the game having xed b


, and not the game in which b


is chosen

strategically. ItfollowsfromTheorem2ofJSSZthatthesetofequilibriaofthegamede nedbyb

0 with



:ByTheorem 9below,everysuchequilibriumis

an equilibrium under standardtie-breaking. Hence,theset of Nashequilibria of thegameinduced by



is upperhemi-continuous. Itfollowsthat thereis alsoan equilibriumof thegame in which buyer0





Thewayin whichwehavede ned t includes aspeci cationof paymentsforb and hwherein fact


present in an auction setting. This is because t


(h;e;b) only says what i would pay if i

were to receive h objects. A change in bids can still change how many objects i gets,

say from h toh+1, and thus can still lead to adiscontinuous change in payments. For

example, in a rst price auction, t


(1;0;b) = b

i and t


(0;0;b) = 0; both of which are

clearly continuouseven thoughthepaymentasafunction ofbids accountingfor tiesand

changesin the numberof objectsreceived isnot continuous.

Typically (but not always, as illustrated by Example (4) below), t


(h;e;b) will have

the same sign asi's net trade, h e

i .



Players evaluate the outcome of the auction via von Neumann-Morgenstern utility

functions. This allows for risk-averse, risk-loving, or any of a variety of other sorts of


Assumption 6: (Expected Utility) Player i 2 N has a von Neumann-Morgenstern



overhernet payo . U


iscontinuous,strictlyincreasing andhasa rst

derivative that is bounded away from 0and 1.

A6 impliesthat there exists <1 such that U 0

(x)=U 0

(y)< for allx and y:

So, a player's utility when receiving h objects in the nal allocation when the bid

vector is b and the endowment is e isdescribed by

U i 0 @ 0 @ X h 0 h v ih 0 1 A t i (h;e;b) 1 A ; where U i

is acontinuous vonNeumann-Morgenstern utility function.

3.3 Examples and a Preview of Our Results on a Narrower

Class of Auctions


handled andtheattentionpaidtoallocationsandtie-breakingrules. Thus, weo ersome


An importantpointaboutthewayinwhichwehaveformulatedthepaymentruleisthatplayeri's

paymentcan depend on his ownallocation but doesnot further depend on other players'allocations,

such as which players other than i won. Without this assumption, an entirely new and tricky set of

discontinuitiesarise. Forexample,eventhoughplayeri mighthappennottobeinvolvedinatie,small

changes in his bid mighta ect which of two opponentswins a tie (rememberthat anomniscient

tie-breakingruleallowsforthispossibility). Ifthisresultsinachangeinthepaymentruleifaces,thenhis


fora narrower class of auctions. This class stillincludesmost standard auction formats.

Although our statements here should be clear, we refer the reader tothe subsequent

sectionsfor the formaland more general statementsof our results.

We emphasize that in all of the examples that follow there is no assumption about

symmetry ofthedistributionofthe players' endowments, valuations,orutilityfunctions.

(1) A standard rst price single unit auction.

In terms of our de nitions and notationthis is expressed as follows. There is one

objectsold by player0,and so` =1 andthe distributionoverendowmentsis such

that Pr(fe=(1;0;:::;0)g)=1. The paymentsare suchthatanagentpayshisbid

if he wins an object (t


(1;e;b) = b


) and nothing otherwise (t

i (0;e i ;b) =0). The reserve price is b 01 =0. Let C  fi2N jb i1  b j1

for all j 2 N [f0gg(the set of

players who submitted the highestbid). Then, the allocationrule gives the object

to playeri 2N with probability 1=#C if i is in C and 0 otherwise. If C is empty

(so that noplayerother than 0 bids at least 0),then player0 retainsthe object.

Note thatbecausethe sellersubmits abid at0;a negative bid by any otherplayer

neverwins. Hence,suchbidsare simplyawayforplayerstoexpressthatthey have

no interest inwinning.

(2) A standard rst price single unit auctionwith a known reserve price, r0.

This isthe same as Example (1), except that player0 sets a reserve priceb

01 =r.

(3) A singleunit Vickrey (second price) auction.


t i (1;e;b) =b 2 , where b 2

is the second highest bid submitted (including the reserve

price b

01 =r).

(4) An unfairauction.

This is the same as any of the above examples except that some players pay only

some fraction of the payments indicated abovewhen they win while otherplayers'

payments are unchanged.

(5) An auction with entrycosts (and areserve price).

Let c0bethe entry cost incurred by a playerwishing to makea bid, where the

decision of whether and how to bid is made without knowing other players' entry

decisions. This is handled in our modelas follows. The settingis as in(1), (2), or

(3), except that t i (0;e;b)=cminfb i1 +1;1gand t i (1;e;b)=cminfb i1 +1;1g+b i1

for the rst priceversion (witht




+1;1g+b 2




assumptions. E ectively, sending a bid of 1 means that the player stays out of

the auctionand doesnot pay the cost c, whereas sendingany bid b


0 incursthe

cost c of participating. The remainingbids between -1 and 0 are bids that would

neverbeused inequilibriumsince they cannotwin anobject(given areserveprice

of r  0) and yet would incur some bidding cost. Thus, the presence of the bids

that lie above -1and below0 isjust a technical device in this example.

(6) An all pay auction(and various implementations of the warof attrition).

A rst priceallpayauctionisthesameasin(1)exceptthatt

i (0;e;b)=t i (1;e;b)= b i

. In the standard war of attritionthe winnerpays the second highestbid and so

t i (1;e;b) =b 2 asin (2), while t i (0;e;b)=b i .

(7) A rst-price procurement auction.

Here `=1and player0 has e


=0:Thus, setting b


>0 representsthe maximum

amount that 0 will pay for an object. Each player i > 0 has e


= 1. The lowest

bidder amongi>0sellsanobject toplayer0provided the bid isnomorethan b


(with ties among players i > 0 broken in any way). The payment if an object is

sold by ito 0is t


(0;e;b)= b


. That is,the buyerpays b


tothe winning seller.

Otherwise payments are 0. The obvious variation leads to a second-price version

of a procurementauction. 20

(8) A multi-unitdiscriminatory(pay-your-bid)auction

Take ` > 1 and Pr(fe = (`;0;:::;0)g) = 1. The top ` bids are declared winners,

and payments are t

i (h;e;b)= P h w=1 b iw .

(9) A multi-unituniform price auction

As in (8), except that winning players pay the `+1-st highest bid for each unit

they acquire, sot i (h;e;b)=hb `+1 , where b `+1

is the `+1-th highest bid. 21;22

(10) A standard doubleauction.

Players 1 through n


are potential buyers having e

i = 0. Players n b +1 through n = n b +n s

are potential sellers having e


=1. Ties between a buyer and a seller

are broken in favor of trade, and ties among buyers or among sellers are broken

randomly. Letp=  b 0 +b 00  =2;whereb 0 isthen s

-thhighestbid, andb 00 the n s + 1-th. Then,t i (0;e;b) = pe i ; while t i (1;e;b)=p(1 e i ): 20




losing bid does not end up setting the price he pays for his winning bids (such asthat suggested by

Vickrey [36]). Theparticularsofhowthepriceischosenand evenwhetherit di ersacrossplayerswill

notmatter,asourtheoremwill applyinanycase.




Players 0 through n draw a realization of (e

i ;v


), and submit bid vectors.

Ob-jects are allocated to the P


i=0 e


highest players, with tie-breaking as in (9). Let



(h;e;b)=p(h e



( P n i=0 e i )-th and ( P n i=0 e i

)+1-th highest bids. Note that players may turn out to

bebuyers orsellers,evenforagivenrealizationoftheirown typevector,depending

on howtheir bid vector compares to those of other players.

(12) A doublediscriminatory auction.

This is the same as (11), except for the payments. If a player ends up as a net

buyerwith h objects, he pays P h h 0 =e i +1 b ih

0. If iends up as anet seller,he receives

P e i h 0 =h+1 b ih

0:The auctioneer (player0) pockets the di erence.

Theorem 2 Each of the auctions described above has an equilibrium in distributional

strategies which have support in the closure of the set of undominated strategies.

In one-sided auctions (or more generally, any auction where there is a non-strategic

sellerwithareservebelowv); theequilibriumabovewillautomaticallyhavetrade. When

there isno non-strategicseller, this isless clear. Forexample in adouble auction,there

may exist degenerate equilibria where all sellers bid at the top of the support of values

and buyers bid atthe bottom.

Existence of equilibria with a positive probability of trade is guaranteed with two

additionalassumptions. First, werequire that changingone player's type doesnot alter

the support of types for another. In particular, we assume that the Radon-Nikodym

derivative of P with respect to 

i P


is always positive. Second, we assume that there is

some competition for gains from trade. It is enough to have the support of buyer and

sellers'valuations overlap for allh and to have either atleast two buyers oratleast two

sellers. A weakercondition is described inSection 5.

Theorem 3 Under the above-mentioned assumptions, each of the auctions described

abovehas an equilibrium thathas support in the closureof the setof undominated

strate-gies and has a positive probability of trade.

3.4 TheGeneral Classof Auctions: Allocations andTie-Breaking


Wenowreturntothe formalde nitionsofallocationsandtie-breaking,whichare needed

in the fullstatement ofour results and tocomplete adescription ofthe class of auctions


An allocation is a vector a 2 f0;`g n+1

 A. The component a


is the number of

objects that are allocatedto playeri.

Consistent Allocations

An allocationis consistent with vectors of endowments and bids (e;b) if

n X i=0 a i = n X i=0 e i : and fb jh 0 >b ih and a i hg)a j h 0 :

The rst condition is simply a balance condition, requiring that all objects be

ac-counted for. Note that this allows for the possible interpretation that objects that are

allocated to the 0 player might be \unsold," for instance in the case where player 0 is

the onlyseller in anauction.

The second condition simply says that if i receives at least h  1 objects and j's

h 0

-thbid exceeds i'sh th

,then j must get atleast h 0

objects. Thus, higherbids are given

priority overlowerbids in allocatingobjects. 23

Let C(e;b)  A denote the set of consistent allocations given endowment and bid

vectors (e;b).


Say that there is a tie given (e;b) if there exista and a 0

in C(e;b) such that a 6=a 0


Say the tieis atb  if #fi;hjb ih >b  g < n X i=0 e i ; and #fi;hjb ih b  g > n X i=0 e i :

So, inthe event ofa tieatb 

,allbids aboveb 

are lled, but thereis somediscretion

in to whom to allocate objects at b 

. Thus, for instance, it is not a tie if there are two


In some auctions, some players enjoy a special status. For example, some of the PCS auctions

subsidizedbidsbyminorityowned rms(seeCramton[5]). Onewayofimplementingthiswould beto

declarethe minority rmawinnerifitsbid isatleast, say,2/3of thehighestbid. Weinsteadinclude

asymmetries byinsisting onthehighestbid winning,but allowingpaymentrules todi er, sothat, for


whichare the next-highest. Here bidder twohas the \tied" bids, but willalways get one

object inany allocation.

Tie-Breaking Rules

As discussed in the introduction, we prove existence for a very wide class of

tie-breaking rules, including some fairly strange ones. In particular, we allow for the

pos-sibility that the auctioneer uses more information than just bids and endowments in

determining allocations.

An omniscient tie-breaking rule is a (measurable) function o : B ! (A) such

that o(e;v;b) places probability one on the set of consistent allocations C(e;b). We let

o(e;v;b)[a] denote the probability of allocation a under o at (e;v;b); and o



denotethe probability that i is allocatedh objectsunder o at (e;v;b). 24

Given the requirement of consistency, o only has any discretion where there are tied

bids, and hencethe term \tie-breakingrule" is appropriate.

Let standard tie breaking be the particular tie-breaking rule which is de ned as

fol-lows. Consider a tie at b 

: First, allocate an object to each bid that is strictly above


. Next, allocate an object with equal probability to each player who has an un lled

buy bid at b 

: Repeat until all objects are gone, or until there are no un lled buy bids

at b 

. At this point, iteratively allocate any remainingobjects one at a time with equal

probabilityto those players who have an un lledsellbid atb 


Thetwokeyaspectsofstandardtie-breakingare rstthattheruleistrade-maximizing,

and secondthat a bidder's chanceof winning anh th

object atb 

doesnot depend on i's

other bids. This wouldbefalse,if, forexample,onesimplyrandomlyassignedremaining

objects equiprobably over all bids at b 

; as then an h+1 st

bid of b 

would increase the

chance that ireceives object h:

While we were led to consider omniscient tie-breaking rules for their use as an

in-termediate step in the proof of existence, it alsostrikes us that there may be situations

in which tie-breaking that depends on more than just bids might be appropriate. For

example, thegovernmentmay have objectivesbeyond thoseof revenues that wouldpush

them to favorone playerover another inthe event ofa tie. In this value setting, wewill



but unobservable to the players at the time they bid. Allowing the auctioneer to also condition on

this information in breaking ties would not expand the set of equilibria beyond those achieved with

omniscienttie-breaking: fromthepointofviewoftheplayers,thisisequivalenttotheauctioneersimply


turnsout tobeirrelevant. It isanopen question whether meaningfulties occurin other

settings, and whether the possibility of favoritism etc., would have an interesting e ect

inthose settings.

Competitive Ties and Trade Maximization

It should be noted that not all ties are the same. On the one hand is a situation in

whichtwobuyers aretied atagiven bid, andonlyone ofthem receives anobject. As we

will show, at least one player will always have an incentive to deviate in this situation.

Consider onthe other hand, asituationin which a singlebuyer and a single seller make

a tied bid, but the object istransferred from buyertoseller ata priceunder which both

are happy to trade. Here, C(e;b) has more than one element, since it is also consistent

for tradenot to occur. But,since the object isactually transferred, thereis noincentive

for either playerto change their bid.

Letussay that (e;b) has acompetitivetieifthere exists apsuchthat the numberof

buy bids that are greater than or equalto p is not the same as the number of sell bids

that are less than or equaltop.

Itturnsout thatwhileequilibriumconditionswillnaturallyrule outcompetitiveties,

non-competitive ties may occur in equilibrium. In particular, itis possible that a buyer

and seller have a tied bid. As long as trade always occurs in this situation, this is not

inconsistent with equilibrium. This iscaptured inthe following condition.

A tie-breaking rule o is trade-maximizing at (v;e;b) if the rule does not specify an

allocationinwhichoneplayerhasanun lledbuybidatbandanotherhasanunaccepted

sellbidatb. 25



We willbeworking with distributionalstrategies (see Section 3.5for details). Given

a probability measure m on B, say that the rule o is e ectively trade-maximizing if

it is trade-maximizingona set of (v;e;b) havingmeasure 1under m. So, given the way

in which types are drawn and players randomize over bids, the probabilitythat there is

a non-trade maximizingtie iszero.

Thenext example illustratesthe importanceofthe trade-maximizationinour

invari-ance result.





[0;1]; where values are independent across players. The price is the midpoint between

the bids.

If in the event of a tie between a buy and sell bid the auction mechanism speci es

that tradeshouldoccur,then itisanequilibriumforbothplayers tobid 2,andfor trade

toalwaysoccurifboth players bid2. Thisrule ise ectivelytrademaximizing. Ifinstead

the auctionmechanismspeci esthatintheeventofatie, tradeoccurswithaprobability

 <1, thenthis isno longeranequilibrium. Now abuyerwould bene tby slightlyraise

his bid, or a seller would bene t fromslightly lowering her bid. In fact,now there is no

longer any equilibriumin which trade always occurs. To see this, suppose the contrary.

Then, almost every bid by the buyer must exceed almost every bid by the seller. But

then, a bid near the bottom of the support of buyer's bids wins almost always, and so

doesstrictlybetter thanahigherbid. Thus, the buyermust bemakingthe same bidb

B ,

regardless of valuation. Similarly,the seller must bemaking the same bid b


, regardless

of value. Suppose that b

S <b


: Then, a seller can raise his bid and still almost always

sell at a better price, a contradiction. Hence b

S = b


= p for some p: But this is a

contradiction sincethesuppositionisthattradeoccurswithprobability<1atatie.

Payments and Bids

Weneedtosaysomethingabouthowbidsdeterminepayments. First,werequirethat

foranygivenallocation,aplayerwhoisanetbuyerisweaklybettero tohavesubmitted

lowerbids, and aplayerwho isa net seller isweakly better o to have submitted higher

bids. Of course, this is holding the allocation constant. Such a change in bid may well

result in the loss ofa pro table trade. Second, wewillrequire that if one is anet seller,

one's buy bids do not matter,and viceversa.

Assumption 7: (Monotonicity)Foranyi,and he

i ,t i (h;e;b) isnon-decreasing inb ih 0 for h 0 > e i and constant inb ih for h 0  e i ; and if h <e i then t i (h;e;b) is non-increasing in b ih 0 for h 0 e i ; and constant inb ih 0 for h 0 >e i :

Note that the condition does not impose any requirements about how a player's

payment depends onthe bids of others.

Having buy payments be independent of sell bids, and vice versa, is useful in our

weak dominationarguments (for instance Lemma 5 below), and also inestablishing the

existence of positivetrade (Theorem 15).


marginal payment when one's h th

bid is involved in atie is a function only of e


;h; and



: One's other bids, and the details of how many other players one is tied with, and

what their other bids were, are irrelevant.

Assumption 8: (Known MarginalTransfers at Ties) Forall i,h, and e

i ,there is p ihe i : [b ; 

b] ! IR such that if (h;e;b) is such that there is a tieat b

ih , then t i (h;e;b) t i (h 1;e;b)=p ihe i (b ih ).

Thisconditionisgenerallysatis edandeasytocheck. Forinstance,fordiscriminatory

auctions, uniform price auctions, and all double auctions (where the price is set in the

range of marketclearingprices forthe submitted demand and supply curves), p

ih (b ih )= b ih . 26;27

It is alsosatis ed for anall pay auction,where the di erence in payments does

not depend on whether the player gets an object and so p

ih (b


)= 0. It is not satis ed

for a third price auction for a single unit, since then, even if the rst two bids are tied,

the price paid may vary depending on the third bid.

Ourinvarianceresultsdonot holdwhen marginaltransfers mightbedecreasing inh:

This e ectivelyinducesavolumediscount,whichcreatesmuchthe samephenomenon as

an upward sloping demand curve: at some bid vectors where the player's two bids are

tied, the player willbe unhappy to win asingle object,but happy to win two.

Assumption 9: (MonotonicMarginalPayments)Foreachi;e

i ;p ihe i (b)isnon-decreasing in h:

This assumption istrivially satis edwhere p

ihe i (b)=b orp ihe i (b)=0.

To see an example where in the absence of such a condition one might get a rather

odd equilibrium and how this mightdepend onthe tie-breaking rule, consider a case in

which each ofthree players has marginalvalue 4for 2objects. Half the time,one object

is available, and half the time, four. Assume that payment rules are such that, when

there isatieat abid ofb 

;aplayerpays 6fora rstunit and 1for asecond. Then, itis

an equilibrium for allthree players to bid (b 


) always, aslong as tiebreaking is that

when there is a tie and a single object, each player receives the object one third of the

time, while when there is a tie and four objects, each player receives two objects with

probability two thirds, and no object with probability one third. Then, by submitting

(b  ;b  ); a player earns 1 2  1 3 (4 6)+ 2 3 (8 6)  = 1 3 : 26


i isinatie,t i (0;1;b i )= b i andt i (1;1;b i )=0:So,p i1 =0 ( b i )=b i : 27

This also holdsfor Vickrey auctions wherethe priceisthe highestbidamong other players. Note




there is only one, and paying at least 6. In the most favorable case, it always has him

also win two objects whenever there are four available. Hence, he earns at most

1 2 (4 6)+ 1 2 (8 6)=0

from this deviation. Lowering just the second bid results in sometimes winning a rst

objectataloss, and neverwinningasecondobject. Lowering both bidsresults inpayo

0. The problemhere is that the player would e ectively like toraise his second bid and

lowerhis rst, which is infeasible.

3.5 Strategies and Equilibrium

Given the de nitions from the previous subsections, an auction is a speci cation of



). That is, an auction consists of a probability measure, a tie-breaking rule,

a payment rule,and areservepricevector. Inwhatfollows,insome casesit willbeclear

that these are given and we omit mention of them.

We now turn to formal de nitions of the game induced by the auction in terms of

strategies and equilibrium.


rule t, bid pro le b, valuationvector v, and endowment pro lee as

u i (o;t;b;e;v)= ` X a i =0 o(e;v;b)[a i ]U i 0 @ 0 @ X ha i v ih 1 A t i (a i ;e;b) 1 A : (1) Strategies

A(distributional)strategyforplayeriisa(Borel)probabilitymeasure m

i onB



that has a marginaldistributionof P

i on

i .

See Milgrom and Weber [24] for discussion of distributional strategies.

Given apro le ofdistributional strategies m




, playeri'sexpected payo can

bewritten as:  i (m;P;o;t;b 0 )= Z u i (o;t;b;e;v)dm 1 (b 1 je 1 ;v 1 ):::dm n (b n je n ;v n )dP(e;v):

When someoftheargumentsare xed,weomitthemfromthe notation,andforinstance


Apro leofdistributionalstrategiesm





0 ) if  i (m;P;o;t;b 0 ) i (m i ; c m i ;P;o;t;b 0 )

for all i and strategies c


i .

Weak Dominance

Aswewish toproveexistenceof equilibriathatsatisfyare nement thatwillruleout

some trivial equilibria, we establish that players use strategies in the closure of the set

of undominated strategies. The formalde nitions are as follows.

Say that bid vector b

i is weakly dominated ate i ;v i by b 0 i if u i (o;t;b i ;b 0 i ;e;v)u i (o;t;b i ;b i ;e;v); for any e i ;v i ;b i

, with strict inequality at least one such pro le, where o is standard

tie-breaking. Wesay thatb



i ;v


if itisnot weaklydominatedbyany

other bid.

Note that we include the bid of player 0 in this de nition, which is not completely

standard, as,atthetimethataplayersubmitshisbid,healreadyknowsb



for a stronger result and actually simpli esthe proofs.

Itisworthdiscussingwhyourde nitionofweakdominanceisrelativetostandard

tie-breaking. Withnon-standardtie-breaking, somepretty odd behaviorsare undominated,

especially in the multiple unit demand case. Consider an example where two players

each value two units. The auction rule is that allobjects are sold at the lowest winning

bid. Most of the time, 2 objects are available. Occasionally, there is only 1. Finally,

player 2 always submits two bids of 3. The tie breaking rule, for whatever reason, is

that if there is a tie at3, and player 1's rst bid is 6, then both objects goto player 1.

If player 1's rst bid is anything else, the second object is allocated at random. Then,

whenplayer2has valuevector(5;4);itisundominatedforhimtobid(6;3);even though

his rst bid is higher than his rst value. Under standard tie breaking, of course, one's

rst bid is irrelevant to the probability that one's second bid is lled if one is involved

in a tie, and such a bid vector is indeed weakly dominated. Although this example is

clearly arti cial, either explicitly or implicitly, either approach to existence, via either

JSSZ orReny,requiresustoadmitthis typeofthingasapossibility. Thustoreallyhave

the appropriate bite on weakly dominated strategies, we rule them out under standard

tie-breaking rules.

Itiswell-known thatexistence ofequilibriumingames withcontinuousactionspaces



weight zero on weakly dominated bids. It is, however, coherent to require that the

dis-tributional strategy put probability 1onthe closure of the set of non-weakly dominated


To formalizethis, letW 0 i  i B i be the set of e i ;v i ;b i such thatb i isundominated for i given e i ;v i :Let W i bethe closureof W 0 i .

Assumption 10: (UndominatedStrategies). Foreach player i2N; there is a

measur-able map ! i :  i B i !  i B i

such that for each (e

i ;v i ;b i ); ! i (e i ;v i ;b i ) = (e i ;v i ;b 0 i ) whereb 0 i =b i if(e i ;v i ;b i )2W i ;andb 0 i weaklydominatesb i given(e i ;v i )if(e i ;v i ;b i )2= W i .


i ;v i ;b i )2= W i then b i

isreplacedby abid thatweakly dominatesitand resultsinanelementofW

i :

Of course, for this to be satis ed, one needs to know that W

i is in fact non-empty relative to each (e i ;v i

): For general games with continuum action spaces, this need not

beso. Consider agamewithactionspace[0;1];andpayo sequaltoactionforallactions

less than 1, but equal to -1 for action 1. Then, all actions are weakly (in fact strictly)

dominated. The question in the auction setting is whether similar things might arise,

especiallyonceoneconsiderswhathappenstopayo satties(whereitiseasytoconstruct

bid vectors relative towhichthere is nobest response).

We have not found a sensible auction-like example where A10 fails. For example, in

a rst price auction(or a discriminatory multiple unit auction), any bid less than value

is undominated: any higher bid may simply result in bidding more in situations where

one might already have won, while any lower bid may result in the loss of a pro table

purchase. W thus includes all bids in which one bids at or below value. Similarly, in

a second price auction, a bid equal to value is not weakly dominated. And, in either

case, replacing buy bids abovevalue(or sellbids belowvalue) by bids at value isclearly

measurable. 28

Inanallpay auction,abidofzero isnotweaklydominated,andreplacing

bids above value by 0 is again clearly measurable. Using these two ideas, it is easy to

check that A10is satis ed forall the auctionsdiscussed inSection 3.3.

A useful observation is the following:

Lemma 5 Under A1-A10,given(e

i ;v

i );let b


be any bidvector suchthatp

ihe i (b ih )<v ih for someh e i , or p ihe i (b ih )>v ih for some h>e i . Then (e i ;v i ;b i )2= W i . 28

In anunfair rstprice auctionin which player1pays, say, 2/3of his bid, onewouldreplace bids




i =2:


Thatsuch abid vectoris weaklydominated at(e i ;v i );so that(e i ;v i ;b i )2= W i can be

seen as follows. If one raises a sell bid where p

ihe i (b ih ) <v ih

; then the only change can

be to either sell one less object, which originally sold at a loss, or to raise the market

price asaseller,eitherofwhichbene tstheplayer. ByA7,therecanbenochangeifone

was a net buyer before the change in bid. A similar argument applies when one lowers

a buy bid where p

ihe i (b ih ) > v ih

: Note that the same argument will be true for nearby

(e 0 i ;v 0 i ;b 0 i ): Hence, a neighborhood of (e i ;v i ;b i ) is outside of W 0 i ; and so (e i ;v i ;b i ) 2= W i :

A slightly more detailedproof appears in the appendix.

We say thatapro le ofdistributionalstrategies m isundominated  if each m i places probabilityone on W i .

4 Invariance and Existence

We nowstate our rst main result.

Theorem 6 If an auction (P;o;t;b


) satis es A1-A10 and o is trade-maximizing, then

it has atleastoneundominated 

equilibrium. Moreover,ifm issuchanequilibrium,then

the probability of competitive ties under m is 0; and m remains an equilibrium under

any omniscientand e ectivelytrade-maximizingtie-breakingrule,includingstandard


Our route for the proof of Theorem 6 is as follows. We begin with invariance: we

show thatany undominated 

equilibriummust have zeroprobability ofany playerbeing

involved inacompetitivetieandwould alsobeanequilibriumifwechangedthe method

of tie-breaking to any other e ectively trade-maximizing omniscient tie-breaking rule.


strategies for some omniscient tie-breaking rule, this implies existence of (the same)

equilibrium under any tie-breaking rule, omniscient or standard. This second step is

fairly easily established viaeither of tworesults, either JSSZ, orReny.

The discussion of invariance appears in the next subsection (4.1). The step from

invariance to existence is in subsection (4.2), with additional details in the appendix.

Those not interested inthe proof can proceed directlyto Section5 to nd results

estab-lishing theexistence ofequilibriawith apositiveprobabilityof trade,animportantissue


The fact that ties are the critical worry for establishing existence of equilibrium follows

from the fact that ties are the only potential points of discontinuity. So, intuitively, if

we establish that players prefer to avoid ties, then we show that the discontinuities are

not important,which inturn allows us to establishthe existence of equilibrium. Let us

gorightto the heart of the matter.

Lemma 7 Considerany auction(P;o;t;b


) satisfyingA1-A10 and any pro le of

strate-gies m. For each " >0 and any bidder i2N there exists m 0 i within " of m i 29 such that m i ;m 0 i is tie-free for i 30 and  i (m i ;m 0 i ) i (m i ;m i ) ".

Lemma 7 shows that for any pro le of strategies, any player can nd a close-by

strategy that doesnot involve any ties anddoesnearly aswellas heroriginal strategy. 31

Note that the Lemma 7 does not put any requirements on o or on m, and so it

allowsfortie-breaking that isnottrade-maximizingandforstrategies that areinweakly

dominated strategies.

Lemma 8 Fix an auction (P;o;t;b


) satisfying A1-A10. Let m be undominated 

, and

either have a positive probability of ties where o is not trade-maximizing or a positive

probability of competitive ties. Then, there exists some bidder i 2 N and a strategy m 0 i such that m i ;m 0 i

is tie-free for i and

 i (m i ;m 0 i ;P;o;t;b 0 )> i (m;P;o;t;b 0 ):

Lemma8shows thatforanypro leofstrategiesplacingprobabilityoneontheclosure

of the set of undominatedstrategies, but involvinga positiveprobability of competitive


deviation. This implies that if there exists an undominated 

equilibrium, then it must

not involve any such ties.

The proofs of Lemmas 7 and 8 appear in the appendix. The idea behind Lemma 7

is fairly straightforward. Essentially, one bumps bids b

ih for which v ih > p ihe i (b ih ) up

slightly and bids for which v

ih  p



(b) down slightly in such a way as to avoid bids

madebyotherplayers withpositiveprobability. Any changeintradethisbringsabout is

atmostslightlyunpro table. Forexample,if abuybid isbumped up, andwinsanextra

object, then the payment for the object is approximately p


i (b


): Since the change in



30 That is,m i ;m 0 i



It is importantto remarkthat this isnotthe sameasestablishing better-reply-securityasde ned

by Reny [27]. Better-reply-security does not hold here, as we discuss in moredetail below. We are

notconsideringallpayo sthat maybereachedin theclosureofthegraphof thegame; onlyonesthat


a ected. The detailed proof is slightly more involved, because (a) it has to be checked

that one can always perform this perturbation consistently across di erent h, (b) one

needs toperformthis perturbationinameasurable fashionacrossbids andtypessothat

the composition of the original distributional strategy and the perturbation remains a

validdistributionalstrategy,and (c) thepossibilitythat odd tiebreakingmightresultin

a smallchange inanon-marginalbid a ecting whether ornot a marginalbid wins must

betaken account of.

To see Lemma8,assume that thereis apositiveprobabilityof a competitivetieor a




5, a player will not submit a buy bid b

ih = b  where v ih < p ihei (b ih

) or a sell bid where

v ih >p ihe i (b ih

): Sincethe distributionof valuesis atomless,thereiszero probabilitythat

v ih =p ihe i (b 

): Hence, almost allthe buyers atthat tie would strictly prefer to buy, and

almost all sellers would prefer to sell. But, no matter what the omniscient tie-breaking

rule, if there is apositiveprobability of acompetitivetieor anon-competitiveand

non-trade-maximizing tieat some b 

, then at least one player who would bene t from trade

is sometimes \losing" the tie, and so strictly bene t by the deviation described above.

When we put Lemmas 7and 8 together, we end up with the following implication.

Theorem 9 (Invariance)Ifanauction(P;o;t;b


)satis esA1-A10,andanundominated 

pro le of distributional strategies m is an equilibrium, then under m there is zero

prob-ability of a competitive tie or non-competitive ties where o is not trade-maximizing, and

m remains an equilibrium for (P;o 0



) for any trade-maximizing tie-breaking rule o 0


Note that the conclusion that we can switch from o to o 0

and still have m be an

equilibrium, is not a direct implicationof Lemma 8. It may be that m is a equilibrium

undero,buto 0

wouldinducesomeplayertodeviatetoestablishanewtie. Thispossibility

is ruled out using Lemma 7,as the followingshort proof shows.

Proof of Theorem 9: The fact that m must be free of competitive ties and

non-competitive ties whereo is not trade-maximizingfollows directly from Lemma8. Let us

argue that m is alsoan equilibrium for (P;o 0



). Given that any ties occurring with

positiveprobability underm must be non-competitiveand whereo is trade-maximizing,

m must lead to the same payo vector u under both o and o 0

. Now, suppose to the

contrary of the theorem that m is not an equilibriumunder o 0

. Then there exists i and

m 0 i such that  i (m i ;m 0 i ;P;o 0 ;t;b 0 ) >u i . By Lemma 7 we can nd m 00 i which is tie-free

for i and such that 

i (m i ;m 00 i ;P;o 0 ;t;b 0 ) >u i . Since m i ;m 00 i

is tie-free for i it follows

that  i (m i ;m 00 i ;P;o;t;b 0 ) =  i (m i ;m 00 i ;P;o 0 ;t;b 0 ) > u i

, contradicting the fact that m

is an equilibriumato.

The conclusions of Theorem 9 can fail if one ventures beyond private values. This


Theorem 9 establishes that any undominated 

equilibrium can only involve


tie-breaking rule. Thus, to prove Theorem 6 we need only prove that there exists an


equilibriumfor some tie-breaking rule.

Wethinkthatitisinstructivetoo erproofsviabothJSSZand Reny,asatthis point

they are both fairly straightforward. Moreover, this clari es the relationship between

thesetwomethodologies,whichmaybeuseful infurther applicationsandin

understand-ing existence issues morebroadly.

4.2 Two Proofs of Theorem 3

We rstconstruct anauxiliarygamewheredominatedstrategies are penalizedaccording

to their distance from the set of undominated strategies. Equilibria in this game must

involve undominatedstrategies. It is also easyto see that these remain equilibria when

the penalty of domination is removed (being careful with some details regarding the

tie-breaking rule). This is stated inthe following Lemma.

Considerthe gameG(P;o;t;b



i with typee i ;v i ;he pays apenalty c i (e i ;v i ;b i

)in additionaltothe payo he receives from(P;o;t;b


), where



is the distance of a point fromthe set W

i .


Lemma 10 Consider an auction (P;o;t;b


) and the auxiliary G(P;o;t;b


) that

penal-izes weakly dominated strategies. Let m be an equilibrium of G(P;o;t;b


). Then, m is


and isan equilibrium of the original auction (P;o;t;b

0 ).

If G(P;o;t;b


) has an equilibrium m for some o, then by Lemma 10, so does the

original auction. Then by Theorem 9, m remains an equilibrium for any other

trade-maximizing o. This would then complete the proof of Theorem 6.

Proving Theorem 6 using JSSZ's Endogenous Tie-Breaking Rules.

Theorem 1inJSSZ impliesthat thereexists anequilibriumm inanaugmented form

of G(P;o;t;b


) where players also (truthfully) announce their types and tie-breaking

depends on those announcements. Those strategies remain an equilibrium when we

ignoretypeannouncements,and changethetie-breakingruletodirectlydependontypes






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