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PRAY FOR AMERICA! The Baptism of the Lord January 10, I have baptized you with water. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.


Academic year: 2021

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St. Patrick Parish 708 Delaware Colesburg, IA 52035 PO Box 365 Edgewood, IA 52042 563-928-7200 ——- St. Mark Parish 203 S Locust PO Box 365 Edgewood, IA 52042 563-928-7200 ——- St. Mary Parish 314 W Mission PO Box 437 Strawberry Point IA 52076-0437 563-933-6166 ——- St. Joseph Parish 330 First SW PO Box 626 Elkader, IA 52043 563-245-2548 ——- Sacred Heart Parish

306 White PO Box 135 Volga, IA 52077 563-928-7200

The Baptism

of the Lord

January 10,


I have baptized you

with water. He will

baptize you with the

Holy Spirit.

Mark 1:8


Feast of the Baptism of the Lord




Introductory Rites

Entrance Procession


River of Glory

Dan Schuttee

Penitential Rite


Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you,

we glorify you,

we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King,

O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us;

you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;

you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord,

you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

with the Holy Spirit,

in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Opening Prayer

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading

Isaiah 55:1



Responsorial Psalm


Isaiah 12:3, 2, 4



Isaiah 12: We Shall Draw Water


Second Reading

Mark 1:7



Gospel Acclamation

Mass of Christ the Savior

Dan Schutte

Gospel Reading

Luke 2:1




Profession of Faith

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,

At the words that follow, up to and including “and became man,” all bow. and by the holy spirit, was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried

and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored

and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

General Intercessions

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparation of Gifts

Eucharistic Acclamations




Closing Rites


Sending Forth


City of God

Dan Schutte

Copyright Acknowledgements

River of Glory: © 1991, OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE #A-626030. Isaiah 12: We Shall Draw Water: Text: Based on Isaiah 12:3, 2, 4–6. Text and music © 1986, 1988, Paul Inwood. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Pub-lished by OCP. All rights reserved. City of God: Text: Based on Isaiah 9; 40:1–9; 1 John 1. Text and music © 1981, OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE #A-626030.


Salt for the Week

Thirsty and broke.

The prophet Isaiah speaks out on behalf

of the Lord and gives a wonderful

invitation! Except instead of appealing to

our stomachs and our bank accounts,

Isaiah is referencing our spiritual hungers and

thirsts and our bankrupt hearts. The Baptism of

the Lord, celebrated early in the new year, lends

itself to our personal reflection. In last week


message, we focused on the Magi—wise because

they gave themselves totally into searching for the

Christ Child and were generous with what was

most valuable to them.

This week our new year journey continues.

By His baptism in the Jordan, Jesus embarks on a

new journey—His ministry of salvation. Filled with

the Spirit, He freely offers the Good News, asking

only that we listen and respond. But it starts in

much the same way as the Magi last week: it

begins with a search.

We pray like the voice that came from the

heavens, that God will look at us and say

You are

my beloved son/daughter; with you I am well


Worship This Week Monday, January 11

Rdgs: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97; Mk 1:14-20 No Morning Eucharist (Fr. John day off) Tuesday, January 12

Rdgs: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8; Mk 1:21-28 8:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Patrick)

(Followed by Adoration & Reconciliation) Fritz Clemen


8:00 a.m. Word & Communion (Sacred Heart)

Wednesday, January 13

St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of Church Rdgs: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105; Mk 1:29-39

7:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Mark) Larry Funke


Thursday, January 14

Rdgs: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95; Mk 1:40-45 8:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Mary)

(Followed by Adoration & Reconciliation) Priscilla Moorman


7:00 p.m. Adoration & Reconciliation (St. Mark)

Friday, January 15

Rdgs: Heb 4:1-11; Ps 78; Mk 2:1-12 8:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Joseph)

(Followed by Adoration & Reconciliation) Carol & Rita Geraghty


Saturday, January 16

Rdgs: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19; Mk 2:13-17 4:00 p.m. Eucharist (St. Joseph) Jane Griffith


6:00 p.m. Eucharist (St. Mary) For the People

Sunday, January 17

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Rdgs: 1 Sm 3:3-19; Ps 40; 1 Cor 6:13-20 Jn 1:35-42

8:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Patrick)

Abbie Mormann


10:00 a.m. Eucharist (St. Mark) Loras Wulfekuhle


Weekend Media


January 17 sponsor

Mary O


Waterloo, Iowa

10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass



streamed on



at vibrantcatholic.com;

Mass can be heard on

KMCH 94.7 FM at 11:00 a.m.

2021 Pastorate Town

Hall Meetings

Mark Your Calendars

Plan to Attend the

Meeting for your Parish.

It is vitally important for you to come! You will

receive new data about your parish and hear

about the progress made on goals set last year.

You will also be able to give your input to the

Pastoral Council regarding goals for the future.

WE NEED YOU! The schedule is

St. Joseph

Saturday, January 16, immediately after Mass

Sacred Heart

Sunday, January 24, immediately after Mass

St. Mary

Saturday, January 30, immediately after Mass

St. Mark

Sunday, January 31, immediately after Mass

St. Patrick


P ea!" Pr$% F&'

St. Mary Luke Baade Kate Breitbach Jack Fridley Bonnie Hayes Shelley Koch Christopher Kraus Karen Nemecek Xavier Roach St. Joseph Maureen Bergan Abby Folsom

Ruth & Don Hamilton Jerry Kessler Shelley Long Judy Moyna Linda Orr Dorothy Petry Kathy Pfeiffer Kayla Segalle Sherry Westemeier Non-Parishioners Cy Haugen

Chris & Mike Jackson Kevin Kubly Sacred Heart Jerry O’Brien Jenny Polkow-Haight St. Mark Linda Burgin Zach Fisher Judy Fry Tony Helle Mark Jackson Tim Kendrick Tracey Ogden Danielle Pape Deb Philipp Sandy Ries Loras Sabers Tryce Sperfslage Jason Sullivan Diane Uhlenkamp Bob Wegmann Tiny Weigel Jim Willenbring St. Patrick Marie Pasker Jake Schilling

Chuck & Carol Steger Jean VonHandorf Our Sympathy and Prayers to~

w Wilma Olsem on the death of Wilma’s

brother-in-law, Lauren German, who passed away on December 29 in Edgewood.

w Don and Rachel Budden on the death of

Don’s brother, Richard “Rick” Budden, who

passed away on January 1 in Petersburg

w Louise and Linus Amling on the death of

Louise’s brother, Fred Bush, who passed

away on January 2 in Guttenberg.

w Elaine Scherbring, on the death of Elaine’s

brother-in-law, Bob Scherbring, who passed away on January 4 in Dyersville.

Teaching Mass—We invite you to join us for Part II of Father John’s two-part series on the Mass. This part will include the Liturgy of the Eucharist and going forth and will be held on January 13 at 6:30 p.m. The session will be livestreamed from our www.vibrantcatholic.com site, our Emmaus Pastorate YouTube Channel, and our Emmaus Pastorate Facebook page.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Do you need help with your heating bill? LIHEAP has been established to help qualifying home owners and renters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs for the winter. For more information/assistance with filing, contact one of the following area locations:

Elkader—563-245-2452 or West Union—563-422-3354

Christmas Thanks!

I am humbled and grateful for all your cards,

letters and gifts to me for this Christmas. You are

very generous in sharing your emotional, spiritual

and financial support, but, most importantly, sharing

your families and your lives is what I hold most dear.

Thanks, too, to those who sent family letters! Yes,

people still do that and I read every one of them! We

have journeyed on some tough paths in 2020, yet

we have found ways to thrive and not only survive.

Let us enter 2021 TOGETHER with a deeper

commitment to Christ and to each other.

Prayerfully—Father John.


were at it again! Deepest

thanks to all those who worked so diligently and

creatively on the Advent and Christmas

environments in our Churches. Every sacred space

was inviting and beautiful. Countless hours of

planning and work and cleaning have not gone

unnoticed! Be sure to thank your parish liturgy

people for their love of the liturgy.


is an instrumental

part of our experience and memories. We are most

grateful for the musicians from our parishes who

spent much time practicing and preparing for these

important days. Special thanks to John Uhal, our

Director of Liturgy, as well as Lori Keppler, Janine

Berns and Deanne Wulfekuhle for their dedication to



streaming and radio broadcasts from the

Emmaus Pastorate. We are very blessed with much

talent! Praise God!

On behalf of Parish Finance Councils and

Pastoral Councils,

we thank you for your

continued financial support of your parish and the

mission of the Emmaus Pastorate in meeting our

fiscal needs. Especially helpful are all those who

have signed up for ACH, which insures a more

regular income. If you would like more information

about ACH, please call Jennifer Ciesieski







As we begin this new

year, please make every effort to patronize our

bulletin advertisers. We have a great communication

piece at no cost to the Pastorate because of their

generosity. Thank you to all advertisers and let us

show our appreciation by giving them our local

business whenever possible.

St. Patrick Parish is sponsoring a

Super Bowl Sunday Take





Lasagna Meal

for Super Bowl

Weekend, February 6 and 7. Please

support this event. More details will

be available in next Sunday



St. Joseph, Elkader

St. Mark, Edgewood

Sacred Heart, Volga

Sunday Eucharist Celebration

Second & fourth Sundays of month—



St. Mark Gala 2021 Raffle

Prizes will be drawn on March

14. Need not be

present to win.

The Gala Dinner will be held on Saturday,


13, but the drawing will be held the next


Please support St. Mark by your participation!

Tickets—$50 each; available at Parish Office, Community Savings Bank (Edgewood), Del-Clay, Edgewood Farm & Home, Gary’s Feed Store, Kelchen Grain, or Gala committee members.

Grand Prize—2021 Kawasaki, Mule Pro-FXR

Second Prize—


Third Prize—



Stay tuned! More information on our

website (www.vibrantcatholic.com and on Facebook!

Congratulations to the following Second Grade

Students and their Families. Following 10:00 a.m. Mass today they will be receiving God's grace of healing through the sacrament of their First Reconciliation.. May God's healing touch continue to bless their lives—Ruby Helen Bockenstedt (daughter of Brent & Marie); Elaina Kathleen Brady (daughter of Cain & Michelle);Jonathan Michael Dinan (son of Aaron & Cassandra);Cooper Steven Jaeger (son of Daryl & Beth); Wyatt Thomas Keppler (son of Levi & Courtney); Haley Mae Lang (daughter of Andrew & Jennifer); Rebecca Anne Putz (daughter of Derick & Cassie); Patrick Francis Schulte (son of Cameron & Tracy); Wyatt Don Walz (son of Johnathan & Alicia).

St. Patrick, Colesburg Sunday Eucharist Celebration

First & third Sundays of month—8:00 a.m.

Congratulations to Will Diers, Jaxson McCabe, and

McLane Mormann on making their First Reconciliation on December31. Thank you to FatherJohn for celebrating this special Sacrament for our students and to Megan Bonert for teaching them and having them so well prepared.

Thank You to All those who contributed to our

“Christmas Flower Fund.” We are now moving into Ordinary Time in the Church year . Feel free to take any of the Christmas flowers home to enjoy a little longer!! They will be available at the back of church. Thanks again; you help make the Church beautiful for the birth of our Savior.

St. Mary, Strawberry Point

Thank You for your support of the community meal and community food pantry in 2020. We served 799 meals in 10 months, The food pantry served 237 households with 492 persons. This compares to 823 meals in 2019 and 265 households with 527 persons served.

The next community meal/food pantry date is January 20. The pantry will be open from 3:00-5:30 p.m. If someone would like a pantry delivery please call Delaine

(563-920-2753) before 3:00 p.m. The community meal will be delivery in Strawberry Point and carry out. Serving will be from 4:00-5:30. If someone would like a meal delivery, please call Kris (563 419 5329) or Delaine before

3:00 p.m. The meal will be BBQ pork, mashed potatoes with butter, applesauce and cookie.

Live Streaming Project—As we continue to stream,

please share on Facebook and create a watch party to invite your friends, neighbors and those in the

surrounding communities to our celebration. Live streaming takes place onwww.vibrantcatholic.com/ mass,on theSt. Mary Facebook page, on theEmmaus Pastorate Facebook page, and on theEmmaus

Pastorate YouTubechannel.

If you would like to donate toward this project, please reach out to Sandy at the Emmaus Pastorate office (563-928-7200)or send your donation marked “St. Mary AV” project to the Pastorate office.

Have a passion for technology, a good understanding of what takes place at Mass and a call to share your faith and gifts with others? Email Lori Keppler

(dbq194re@dbqarch.org) and ask about this new liturgical role to spread God's message online.

A Huge Thank You to those who helped clean the

church for Christmas. It was appreciated more than words can say. Also a big Thank you to all the

hospitalityindividuals and Nick for taking control of the camera for Christmas Mass. It truly was appreciated. Sacred Heart might be a small parish, but we have a big HEART when help is needed. Thank you, parishioners, for all you do!

Thank You to Father Dan Knipper for celebrating

Mass with us on December 27.

BISCUITS 'n GRAVY!! It will be a little different this year, but the Fedeler Family will still be serving up their delicious biscuits 'n gravy, scrambled eggs, and sausages on Sunday, February 14, at Sacred Heart. Serving will be from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and it's a "meals on wheels" or "drive by" take out only affair. Free will offering.

St. Joseph Continued

For the week of January 9, we light the candles for John Michael and Doris Wiley.

Note to Parishioners of all Emmaus Pastorate Parishes—Due to limited space in the bulletin, Tithing Reports starting with the weekend of December 19-20 through this past weekend are included on the reverse side of the listing of those we remembered with our Christmas flowers.


St. Joseph (Continued) Secretary

Janie Wiley; 563-245-2548; dbq074sec@dbqarch.org

Bulletin Editor

Joyce Whelan; 563-928-7200; dbq072sec2@dbqarch.org

St. Mary

Pastor/RCIA Coordinator

Fr. John Haugen; 563-543-5873; dbq072@dbqarch.org

Pastoral Assoc/Director Evangelization/Liturgy/Music

John Uhal; 563-245-2548; dbq072s3@dbqarch.org

Dir-F Formation/Pastorate Technology/Media Services

Lori Keppler; 563-880-1758; dbq194re@dbqarch.org

Pastorate Coordinator-Adult Faith Formation

Fran Zichal; 563-880-0873

Pastoral Minister/Liturgy Coordinator/Secretary

Deb Schloss; 563-933-6166; 563-920-8263; dbq194s1@dbqarch.org

Music Coordinator—Susie Tjaden; 563-422-7804

Bookkeeper—Jennifer Ciesielski 563-928-7200; dbq072sec@dbqarch.org

Business Manager

Sandy Klaus; 563-928-7200; dbq072bm@dbqarch.org

Bulletin Editor

Joyce Whelan; 563-928-7200; dbq072sec2@dbqarch.org

Sacred Heart

Pastor/RCIA Coordinator

Fr. John Haugen; 563-543-5873; dbq072@dbqarch.org

Pastoral Assoc/Director Evangelization/Liturgy/Music

John Uhal; 563-245-2548; dbq072s3@dbqarch.org

Coordinator of Faith Formation

Melissa Fettkether; 319-551-7941; dbq204ff@dbqarch.org

Pastorate Coordinator-Adult Faith Formation

Fran Zichal; 563-880-0873

Pastorate Technology & Media Services

Lori Keppler; 563-880-1758; dbq194re@dbqarch.org

Liturgy Coordinator—Linda Deutsch; 563-774-2360

Music Coordinator—Jennifer Ciesielski 563-928-7200; dbq072sec@dbqarch.org

Business Manager

Sandy Klaus; 563-928-7200; dbq072bm@dbqarch.org

Bulletin Editor

Joyce Whelan; 563-928-7200; dbq072sec2@dbqarch.org


Theresa Palas; 563-245-2548; dbq074bk@dbqarch.org

St. Patrick

Pastor/RCIA Coordinator

Fr. John Haugen; 563-543-5873; dbq072@dbqarch.org

Pastoral Assoc/Director Evangelization/Liturgy/Music

John Uhal; 563-245-2548; dbq072s3@dbqarch.org

Director of Faith Formation—Deanne Wulfekuhle 563-542-1358; dbq044re@dbqarch.org

Pastorate Coordinator-Adult Faith Formation

Fran Zichal; 563-880-0873

Pastorate Technology & Media Services

Lori Keppler; 563-880-1758; dbq194re@dbqarch.org

Liturgy Coordinator

Rosalee Boeckenstedt; 563-920-4816

Music Coordinator—Steve Steinfadt; 563-590-4919

Admin Secretary/Bookkeeper—Jennifer Ciesielski 563-928-7200; dbq072sec@dbqarch.org

Business Manager

Sandy Klaus; 563-928-7200; dbq072bm@dbqarch.org

Bulletin Editor

Joyce Whelan; 563-928-7200; dbq072sec2@dbqarch.org

St. Mark

Pastor/RCIA Coordinator

Fr. John Haugen; 563-543-5873; dbq072@dbqarch.org

Pastoral Assoc/Director Evangelization/Liturgy/Music

John Uhal; 563-245-2548; dbq072s3@dbqarch.org

Director of Faith Formation

Jody Kerns; 563-928-7200; dbq072re@dbqarch.org

Pastorate Coordinator-Adult Faith Formation

Fran Zichal; 563-880-0873

Pastorate Technology & Media Services

Lori Keppler; 563-880-1758; dbq194re@dbqarch.org

Liturgy Coordinator—Linda Williams; 563-590-1524

Music Coordinator—Jane Christiansen 563-245-2585; dbq072s2@dbqarch.org

Admin Secretary/Bookkeeper—Jennifer Ciesielski 563-928-7200; dbq072sec@dbqarch.org

Business Manager

Sandy Klaus; 563-928-7200; dbq072bm@dbqarch.org

Bulletin Editor

Joyce Whelan; 563-928-7200; dbq072sec2@dbqarch.org

St. Joseph

Pastor/RCIA Coordinator

Fr. John Haugen; 563-543-5873; dbq072@dbqarch.org

Pastoral Assoc/Director Evangelization/Liturgy/Music

John Uhal; 563-245-2548; dbq072s3@dbqarch.org

Coordinator Faith Formation/Pastoral Minister

Janine Berns; 563-880-2107; dbq074s@dbqarch.org

Pastorate Coordinator-Adult Faith Formation

Fran Zichal; 563-880-0873

Pastorate Technology & Media Services

Lori Keppler; 563-880-1758; dbq194re@dbqarch.org

Liturgy Coordinator

Mary Kay Rentschler; 563-880-1316


Theresa Palas; 563-245-2548; dbq074bk@dbqarch.org

Business Manager

Sandy Klaus; 563-928-7200; dbq072bm@dbqarch.org

Pastoral Council Chairs

St. Patrick Parish

John Wessel






St. Mark Parish (Co



Mark Hauser






Jim Lueken






St. Joseph Parish

Jay Farmer






St. Mary Parish

Jerry Ketoff






Sacred Heart Parish



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