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A. Energetic medicine resists technology as Doctors resist a learning curve.


Academic year: 2021

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The Biofeedback Medical Device is not for Mediocre Minds

A. Energetic medicine resists technology as Doctors resist a learning curve. 1. Mediocre Minds seek to protect their ego, not advance Technology

a. “Great Spirits get incredible resistance from Mediocre Minds” Albert Einstein

b. “Mediocre Minds have trouble with mathematics and seeing technology, They then fall into rumor and stories to attack competition to protect their own ego. Mediocre minds hold back medicine” NV

c. “Obstacles and limits exist only in the mind” Helen Keller 2. Stress Diagnosis and Reduction as a form of Medicine

a. The work of Hungarian doctor Hans Selye showed the world a proper medicine based on stress reduction and stress control. He showed the negative effects of stress on the body and the physiology.

b. Stress starts by producing an Alarm response in the patient which will provoke symptoms. If the stress continues the body will go into an Adaptation stage which is symptom free.

c. The disease progresses as the symptoms reduce. Allopathy and symptom reduction fails as a proper medicine


a. The patient can have deep disease and be symptom free. This device and software can analyze stress and treat stress.

b. Stress can be of many types from toxicity, trauma, deficiency, perverse energy, pathogens, allergy, heredity, mental factors and others.

c. Stress reduction, behavioral medicine, communication, humility, and respect should be the core of medicine.

3. Matter is Energy

A. Energy equals mass time the speed of light squared

a. Einstein said that matter is irrelevant the field is all

b. All things are energy fields that permeate the entire universe c. Vast quantities of energy field are effecting us constantly d. These energy fields can have negative effects on our health 2. Many Energy Fields exist beneath our awareness

a. Some of these energies have spiritual or subspace sources b. There are subtle spiritual energy fields effecting us constantly

c. Our conscious verbal minds operate in the gross world and can not easily recognize these subtle energies directly

d. Our unconscious minds react constantly to these fields as we are drawn towards our nutrition and repelled from our toxins

e. These energy fields are exceptionally complex and quite changeable. Only with an interactive autofocused system can they be trully dealt with properly.

f. Energetic medicine to be effective must have autofocusing capacities. 3. Some of these energies can effect our souls bodies and minds

Some of these energies can greatly effect our souls bodies and minds

a. These effects can be measured electrically with the Biofeedback device

b. These effects can be detected by the unconscious of a therapist but this can result in therapist manipulation conscious or unconscious


c. The Biofeedback medical device offers a true measure of the patients fields without the alterations of the speed of the therapist point probe.

d. Only the Biofeedback can autofocus and effectively correct the energetic disturbance. 2. The Soul is developed by guided self observations

a. Soul development is Enhanced with nonjudgmental awareness b. And Recognition of a power greater than oneself

c. And Establishing an honest way of life, quality of mind, compassion for all things d. And Subtle contact not struggle with the energy fields of the universe

3. The development of the soul is slowed by greed anger and delusion a. The Human conscious mind is so easily distracted

b. The petty mind is over critical

c. The ego rationalizes conflicts such as the approach of a new technology d. The petty mind sees new technology as a threat, the clear mind sees it as an

opportunity. The Biofeedback is an opportunity, the petty see it as a threat.

e. Motivation determines perception, Greed clouds perception, Perception determines beliefs

f. If your motivation is not the benefit of your patients then you will probably have difficulty accepting new technology

g. The Biofeedback device can interact with the mind of the patient and clear the thoughts and perceptions.

4. Advances in Technology in the Biofeedback Medical Device (Measured variables and technique) Compare with other systems

a. 52 channels of information exchange

b. Measurement of voltage, amperage, resistance, capacitance, inductance, resonant frequencies, reactance and reactivity

c. Measures EEG, ECG, EMG, GSR, and multiple phases of Reactivity

d. Measures at biological speeds of millisec or faster and calibrates to the individual

1. Advances in Technology in the Biofeedback Medical Device (Interactive autofocusing functions) Compare with other systems

a. No therapist manipulation by point probe

b. Advanced therapies such as TENS, RIFE, BICOM MORA like, Bioresonance, Scalar, Allergy testing and desensitizing, NLP, all included and more

c. Cybernetic loop interlinking Diagnostics with Therapeutics

d. Allowing autofocus and self adjusting capacities for diagnosis and therapy e. So many other programs too long to list

2. How can the Biofeedback Medical Device help your practice The advance in technology is incredible

a. This system uses Biofeedback and TENS to detect stress and treat the same. The finest Energetic Medical Technology available today.

b. The razors edge of technology Compare.

c. Measuring the energy fluctuations of your patient and then correcting the abnormalities at biological speeds is perhaps the most profound advance in Medicine in the last two hundred years.

d. Advanced record keeping and computerized assay of reactivity data makes this system easy to afford, learn, use, and grow with


There are several very important points to remember about energetic Medicine.

a. Study and learn these points as that they are ultimately important for the progress of this art in medicine. In other professional endeavors new research and discoveries are universally circulated and discussed.

b. In Homeopathy and Energetic Medicine however new discoveries are often ignored. The educated however seek out and investigate new technologies with zeal. The small mind is threatened with technology outside their awareness.

c. There are several very important points to remember about energetic Medicine. d. Mediocre minds can not assess technology and then rely totally on a sales person to

help them. The sales person can manipulate them and not discuss the total advances in technology.

e. The research and trends in homeopathy are revealing many interesting new concepts. This is leading to a new Paradigm in medicine.

2. Energetic Medicine Points to learn

1. There are many more things beyond classic homeopathy, there are Sarcodes, Nosodes, Isodes(detoxosodes), Allersodes, Combinations.

2. Combination Homeopathy works, The rapid growth of complex homeopathy has shown that it is possible to engineer a homeopathic for more specific action.

1. Energetic Medicine Points to learn

a. 1. There is a static trivector field in a homeopathic that can be detected for quality control. a. 2. There is a field of quality control in homeopathy and homeopathy can be different

with each manufacturer.

b. The QQC control allows for the finest in homeopathy

c. The static trivector field of a homeopathic that can be detected and reproduced by the computer for product testing

1. Energetic Medicine Points to learn

a. 4. There is a reactive trivector field in the human. This trivector field can be used to detect the reaction of a patient to the static field of a substance (Electro- Physiological Reactivity , EPR).

b. There is a trivector signature field around all things. These fields can counteract each other so measuring multiple items can produce the goobly goop mixture effect. c. Some devices primarily use this multiple confusion testing technique. This Biofeedback

device tests the items individually for maximum results. 2.

a. 5. This reaction happens most intensely for one hundredths of a second and it can only be measured with a trivector detector. Volts, amps, and resistance make up the reactivity.

b. Resistance meters can not detect proper reactivity or frequency oscillation. The one channel point probe resistance devices are just not very reliable,

c. 6. It has been shown that subtle muscle effects can distort kinesiological or point probe results. Only a non biased device can truly measure reactivity. Systems that depend on subtle muscle control are mostly therapist controlled.


a. 7. This EPR technology is not experimental anymore. It is part of the traditional medicine in several countries and completely legal. It is taught in medical schools.

b. Experimental devices have many problems such as periodic govt. inspections, possible device rejection, and seizure.


c. Always use devices registered by at least one country. This guarantees that your device has met at least one independent evaluation of device safety and efficacy.

d. The USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, China, Japan and others all allow the importation of medical devices for personal use by practitioner

4. Energetic Medicine Points to learn

a. 8. Radionics works through a subspace effect of consciousness. A subspace interface can be designed and utilized in patient analysis.

b. 9. Individual clinical studies are a must for real devices, Look for peer reviewed medical journal articles and read them on the devices you use.

c. 10. The cybernetic loop of a treatment and diagnostic unit in one makes an autofocus system possible. This allows for the best in focused individual bioresonance medicine to occur.

5. Energetic Medicine Points to learn

a. 11. The Quantum Med CI device measures the patient reactions to various

homeopathics in the test kit. It is inappropriate to ask why the computer didn't find something.

b. It is more appropriate to ask why the patient didn't react to it. This lack of EPR might be the cause of appropriate to ask why the patient didn't react to it. This lack of EPR might be the cause of the disease.

c. Focus on the patient's reaction patterns not the computer. Focus in on the patient reaction patterns and try to correct them when you can.

6. Energetic Medicine Points to learn

a. 12. Remember the rules of Fractal systems

b. A. things never repeat. B. small changes have large effects.

c. The numbers that appear for items in the matrix are soft numbers. They are probability relative numbers that reference the other numbers in the test. They are not meant for comparison from week to week. The Soc is the number that should lower visit


a. 13. The body is an electromagneticstatic being with frequency patterns that have resonance, reactance, and self correcting capacities. We can use energetic techniques for diagnosis and treatment of disease

b. As you work in energetic medicine, you will find that others will be envious of what you can do. There envy can turn to enmity, as their egos become threatened.

c. This device is many generations ahead of its' time. It is like traveling back in time to meet doctors and therapist using archaic technology. The modern traditional medicine people are so far behind to make even simple conversation difficult.


a. Meeting an energetic medicine practitioner who uses archaic one channel resistance devices will sometimes have even more defensive egos.

b. Words like voltage, amperage, subspace, capacitance, inductance, xrroid, autofocus, cybernetic loop, and others these therapists don't know can make interaction difficult. c. If the technician who works on your TV does not have a voltmeter or does not know

what a volt is then don't let him work on your TV. Same for energetic medicine. d. Give them time to see the new vision of what true energetic medicine technology can


9. Energetic Medicine Points to learn

a. Technology increases in every part of our lives


technology and as such should be reviewed by all c. Don’t be afraid of technology explore it

d. Your patients deserve it


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