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Recommendation: Approve. Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Division of Florida Colleges. Date 8/20/13. Recommendation: Approve


Academic year: 2021

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Baccalaureate Degree Program Proposal

Recommendations from the Division of Florida Colleges Baccalaureate Review Team

for Consideration by the Commissioner of Education

A collaborative review was conducted by the Baccalaureate Review Team members, including staff from the

Division of Florida Colleges and the Florida Colleges Budget Office. Written recommendations were submitted to

the college by the Review Team, college staff revised the proposal, and submitted the final proposal, which is now

complete and ready for consideration by the Commissioner of Education.

Direct questions or concerns to Abbey Ivey at (850) 245-9492 or

[email protected]





Degree Program

Date Submitted


Indian River State




No alternative proposals were received for this program.


“Within 45 days following receipt of a completed proposal by the Division of Florida Colleges, the Commissioner of

Education shall recommend approval or disapproval of the proposal to the State Board of Education.”

Section 1007.33 (5)(e), F.S.



A Planning


Indian River State College’s (IRSC) proposed Bachelor of Science (BS) in Accounting

will address the unmet workforce needs in IRSC’s service district and will prepare

graduates for positions such as Accountant and Auditor, Management Analyst, Financial

Manager and Budget Analyst. IRSC states Florida Atlantic University (FAU) closed its

Treasure Coast campus in 2012, and Barry University (BU) announced plans to close its

campus in St. Lucie County or limit offerings to graduate programs only by 2014. The

college notes the reduction of higher education options in the region has created an

urgent need for IRSC to further expand baccalaureate access to Treasure Coast residents.

A student interest survey and discussions with advisory committees and local economic

development agencies demonstrate support for this program (planning and support

documentation, survey results, and letters of support are included in the Supplemental


IRSC convened three meetings with the higher education providers in the college’s

service district, including FAU, in 2009, 2011 and on December 13, 2012. The college

shared its plans to develop this degree (and the two others being proposed by IRSC at

this time) at the December 13, 2012, meeting. IRSC notes no opposition or concerns

were expressed by these institutions at that time. In April 2013, FAU submitted a letter

of objection with regards to the three programs being proposed by IRSC, citing program

duplication (letter included with the proposal materials). However, IRSC notes FAU had

already closed its campus and terminated its undergraduate programs in the region,

creating an urgent need. The college further states both FAU’s former President and

Provost have since left their positions, and IRSC President Edwin Massey met with

FAU’s Interim President, Dennis Crudele, on July 3, 2013. During this meeting, IRSC

states Interim President Crudele acknowledged IRSC’s rationale in developing these

specific programs and expressed no opposition to these proposed programs in this

instance due to FAU’s suspension of similar programs at the shared campus. Florida

College System Chancellor Randy Hanna had a subsequent conversation with President

Crudele to confirm the lack of objection.

B Program


The projected implementation date of upper division enrollment is January 2014. The

complete timeline of implementation activities is located in Section B of the proposal.



C Workforce


Need Specific to

Program Area

Citing the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) via Economic Modeling

Specialists, International (EMSI), IRSC reports 5,429 current jobs in the Business

Financial Management and Accounting Career Pathway requiring a baccalaureate degree

in IRSC’s service district, with 312 estimated annual job openings. By 2017, the number

of jobs in the region is projected to increase by 19 percent, resulting in almost 400

projected job openings that year.

There is no main campus of a state university in IRSC’s service district. Neither BU nor

Keiser University (KU) offers an on-campus accounting baccalaureate program in the

IRSC service district. While it is not in IRSC’s service district, FAU is the closest state

university (main campus 100 miles from Fort Pierce). FAU produced 377 accounting

baccalaureate graduates in 2011-12, and has produced an average of 291 graduates each

year over the past five years. IRSC notes these graduates will also serve the huge South

Florida FAU service region, which has an estimated 2,401 annual job openings. IRSC

emphasizes these data show there is an urgent, unmet need for accounting baccalaureate

graduates in the IRSC service district.

D Facilities


Equipment Specific

to Program Area

The program will be housed in the IRSC Business Development Center, and students

will also have access to the new Brown Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. No

new facilities will be needed. Equipment and furniture for one new faculty member and

one replacement computer equipment set-up are anticipated.

E Library/Media

Specific to Program


No new library materials will be required for program initiation. A total of $5,000 has

been allocated annually for upgrade costs.

F Academic

Resources Specific

to Program Area

IRSC currently has 13 full-time and 44 part-time faculty members in accounting and

business administration. The college anticipates hiring one additional full-time faculty

member during the first year to teach additional upper-division classes and assist with

program coordination.

G Cost to Students

The cost for four years of study at IRSC and other regional postsecondary institutions:

IRSC = $13,256

FAU = $23,944

University of Florida – Indian River Research and Education Center = $24,572

KU = $78,320

BU full-time = $112,640

BU part-time = $101,400

H Academic


Admission to the program requires an Associate in Arts (AA) degree and completion of

the required common prerequisite courses. This 120-credit hour program will be

composed of 60 credit hours from the AA degree (including 24 credit hours of common

prerequisite courses), and 60 credit hours of upper division coursework. IRSC plans to

explore specialized accreditation through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools

of Business or the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs after the

program has been operational for at least three years.

I Enrollment,

Performance and

Budget Plan

IRSC anticipates 75 enrolled students during the first year and 138 students by the fourth

year of operation. The program will be supported primarily through tuition and fees,

Florida College System Program Funds, and application fee revenue. Private IRSC

Foundation funds are also available, if necessary. The full budget is located on page 23.


Plan of Action if

Program Must be


In the event of program termination, IRSC will phase out the program over

approximately 18 months. Students would be contacted and offered advising to explore

and expedite the most appropriate train-out alternative.


Recommendation: Approve

Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Division of Florida Colleges

__________________________________________ Date


Recommendation: Approve

Chancellor, Division of Florida Colleges


July 2013






Indian River State College




Ian Neuhard


Associate Dean of Baccalaureate Programs




[email protected]



Mary G. Locke, PhD


Provost/Vice President of Instructional Services




[email protected]


Bachelor of Science




120 credit hours

PROPOSED DEGREE SIX-DIGIT CIP CODE (And track, if appropriate):

52.0301, Track 1


January, 2014


The description should be brief, but stand-alone. The first sentence should include degree type,

degree title, areas of concentration (if applicable), and geographic region to be served. (Limit 200


Indian River State College proposes a new Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting to address the documented, unmet, workforce needs in the IRSC service district (Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin and

Okeechobee counties). This discipline includes the Business Financial Management and Accounting Career Pathway which includes jobs such as Accountant and Auditor, Management Analyst, Financial Manager, and Budget Analyst. There are no other institutions of higher education offering a complete, on-site, bachelor’s degree in Accounting within the IRSC service district—a four county geographic region with a population in excess of 600,000 people. The number of annual job openings available to Accounting baccalaureate degree holders in the IRSC service district is 312. State and local data, along with advisory committees, key informant interviews, and letters of support have confirmed this compelling workforce need and documented a strong student demand for this program. Internal assessment has confirmed that IRSC has the capability and capacity to offer a high-quality, affordable, workforce-oriented bachelor’s degree in this discipline.


January 22, 2013

PRESIDENT’S SIGNATURE AND DATE: ____________________________ Date:



July 2013



Provide a narrative describing the program and concise summaries for Evaluation Criteria A-J of

the proposal. Label section headings. (Limit 1200 words)

In Section A of the Executive Summary, summarize all results of collaboration and outcomes with

public and regionally accredited private postsecondary institutions in your region and nearby

postsecondary institutions. In the Supplemental Materials, identify individuals or groups included

in the discussions, including meeting minutes, notes on telephone conversations, and any other

contacts regarding collaboration. Provide a reference relating to the information in the

Supplemental Materials.


Indian River State College

Degree Type:

Bachelor of Science

Degree Title:


Part A—Planning Process

IRSC has used an ongoing, four-phase planning process to exhaustively examine internal and external environments in order to identify and prioritize potential new degree programs, assess institutional impact of new degree programs, verify need and demand, confirm institutional capacity to offer this program, and document student interest. IRSC engages in cooperative planning with Florida Atlantic University on an ongoing basis, including a joint Board of Trustees meeting between the two institutions on May 26, 2009. The outcome of the joint Board meeting with FAU was an agreement for IRSC to expand baccalaureate degree access and for FAU to expand graduate degree offerings in the Treasure Coast region. IRSC also facilitates open communication and coordination with all public and private institutions of higher education in the IRSC service district. Specifically, IRSC convened three Research Coast Higher Education Forum (RCHEF) meetings held on October 1, 2009, April 20, 2011, and December 13, 2012. The outcome of the Higher Education Forums was widespread agreement that each institution has a unique student market and a unique role to play in expanding baccalaureate degree access throughout the region (see Research Coast Higher Education Forum meeting materials in Section 4 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 26-51). To date, no emails, telephone calls, letters, or requests for additional meetings, conversations, or joint planning have been received from any of the regional higher education partners after the potential new degree programs were presented at the December 13, 2012 RCHEF meeting. During the past year, Florida Atlantic University made the very significant decision to close its joint-use campus, shared with IRSC since 2002, at St. Lucie West due to financial constraints (see TCPalm article in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 56-57). This action further supports the decision for IRSC to expand affordable, baccalaureate degree alternatives on the Treasure Coast—especially since 70% of students surveyed by IRSC indicated that having a complete program available in the local area was an important factor in deciding whether to pursue a bachelor’s degree (see the Bachelor’s Degree Interest Survey in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 54). Enrollment trends of upper-division baccalaureate degree-seeking students at FAU since IRSC began implementing baccalaureate degree programs in 2008 reflect that total upper-division enrollments at FAU have increased 17% from 14,252 in 2008, to 16,630 in 2012 (see the Florida Board of Governors Data on Enrollment in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 83). Given this trend, it is evident that IRSC’s baccalaureate degree programs have significantly expanded accessible options for students in our region with no adverse impact on FAU’s enrollment. Further, no negative enrollment impacts are expected with regard to this proposed degree since this degree is not offered by FAU or any other postsecondary provider in the IRSC Service District. During the past four months, both the former President and Provost of FAU have left their positions. In a meeting with IRSC’s President held July 3, 2013, FAU’s Interim President acknowledged IRSC’s rationale in proposing new baccalaureate programs to meet the needs of the region’s population and expressed no opposition to IRSC’s proposed baccalaureate programs, including this proposal for Accounting due to the fact that programs are not currently available in the IRSC service district and are, therefore, not duplicative.

Part B—Timeline

Assessment of need and demand has been ongoing since 2005. The timeline going forward is designed to maximize the potential for successful program implementation. If approved, new upper-division courses


July 2013


would begin no sooner than January, 2014 to allow for ongoing curriculum development, accreditation activities, recruitment of faculty and staff, and recruitment and preparation of students between the date of program approval and the Spring 2014 semester.

Part C—Workforce Demand/Unmet Need

This program will serve students in the IRSC service district (Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, and

Okeechobee Counties). It should be noted that Okeechobee County has been designated as a Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern. Increasing educational access and opportunities for economic development are key goals that have been identified by the State of Florida for this portion of the IRSC Service District. This proposed degree program directly addresses this priority.

The current number of annual job openings for Accounting baccalaureate degree holders is estimated to be 312 and, by 2017, over 1,000 additional jobs will be added (see EMSI Jobs data for the IRSC Service District in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 76). There are no baccalaureate graduates from on-campus programs in Accounting currently being produced by other higher education institutions in the IRSC service district (see the Nonpublic Program Listing in Section 10 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 96-99). The University of Florida operates the Indian River Research and Education Center in Fort Pierce; however, degrees in Accounting are not offered at this facility. The closest SUS institution with an Accounting program is Florida Atlantic University (main campus almost 100 miles from Fort Pierce). As an institution, FAU produced 377 graduates in 2011-12 from seven baccalaureate degree programs related to Accounting (see the FL Board of Governors data on degrees awarded in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, p.81). These graduates will primarily serve the huge South Florida region where there are 2,401 annual job openings for graduates with a baccalaureate degree in Accounting (see the EMSI jobs data for the FAU Service Region in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 78-80).

Part D—Facilities and Equipment

The IRSC Business Development Center on the main campus in Fort Pierce will be the hub for both associate and baccalaureate-level instruction in Accounting. This Business Development Center includes interactive classrooms with space for small and large group presentations, simulated board meeting and strategic planning facilities, and a multi-purpose computer/study lab. Each of the spaces is equipped with the furniture and equipment necessary to enhance the student learning experience and provide a real world learning environment. With the addition of the new Brown Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship on the IRSC main campus, students will have access to additional state-of-the-art labs, classrooms, business incubator facilities, small business development consultants, community and corporate training consultants, and computer modeling programs to facilitate and integrate the study of Accounting within the larger context of business management and administration.

Part E—Library and Media

Through existing IRSC degree programs and joint use partnerships with the four local public library systems, IRSC students already have access to baccalaureate-level books, e-books, media, serials, government documents, legal materials, reference resources and databases in accounting. As a result of this forward-looking investment in academic resources, no new library materials will be required for program initiation. Additional resources will be added as needed to maintain the currency of the collection.

Part F—Academic Resources

IRSC is strongly positioned to begin this new degree program in terms of academic resources. A total of 57 current full and part-time faculty members are qualified to teach in the BS in Accounting program, with nine faculty members holding a terminal degree. It is anticipated that one additional faculty member with a terminal degree in Accounting will be hired during the first year to teach new, upper-division classes and to assist with program coordination. By leveraging existing academic infrastructure, faculty, library holdings, facilities, and business partnerships, IRSC will not incur significant start-up costs in order to deliver very high-quality instruction from the moment of program inception. As an endorsement of academic performance, IRSC was recently ranked as the 10th top public regional college in the Southern United States by U.S. News and World Report based on 16 measures of quality, including student/faculty ratio, average class size, faculty credentials, and student success. See Section 6 of the Supplemental Materials for evidence of quality, affordability, and capacity at IRSC, p. 65.

Part G—Cost to Students

The ability to obtain a bachelor’s degree at a reasonable cost is critical to the students served by IRSC. Cost of attendance and availability of financial aid were cited by a majority of students surveyed by IRSC as key


July 2013


factors in deciding whether to pursue a bachelor’s degree (see the Bachelor’s Degree Interest Survey in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 54). IRSC was recently named the 5th Most Affordable College in America according to the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency List. See Section 6 of the Supplemental Materials for evidence of quality, affordability, and capacity at IRSC, p. 66. The chart below compares baccalaureate costs at public and private institutions serving students in the IRSC service district. None of the institutions shown below offer an on-site baccalaureate degree in Accounting in the IRSC Service District.

Institution Cost for 120 credit hour program

Indian River State College $13,256

Florida Atlantic University $23,944

UF—Indian River Research and Education Center $24,572

Keiser University $78,320

Barry University (full-time) $112,640

Barry University (part-time) $101,400

Part H—Academic Content

Admission requirements include an AA degree, completion of 8 prerequisite courses, and a GPA of 2.0. It is anticipated that 60% of the courses in the first year will be taught by faculty with a terminal degree. The anticipated student-teacher ratio is 20-to-1. SACS has been notified of our intentions, and we will comply with all requests for information and/or a site review in conjunction with a determination of substantive change. The curriculum is a total of 120 credits. The philosophy behind the program stresses that academic concepts, learning outcomes, and professional competencies must be demonstrated through practical application, not merely memorized. Courses have been sequenced in a scaffolding process so that advanced courses build on the content of prior courses. The program is not proposed as limited access. Students who have related AS degrees may also be admitted to the program, provided that they complete AA General Education requirements and complete the necessary prerequisites in order to be admitted. IRSC intends to explore specialized accreditation for this program after the start-up/transition phase has been completed.

Part I—Enrollment, Performance, and Budget Plan

In the first year of operations, a headcount of 75 students is anticipated. Headcount is anticipated to grow to 120 students after three years. FTE in year one is anticipated to be 25.5. As enrollment grows, FTE is projected to reach 41 after three years. The total budget for year one is $152,987. Revenue will result from resident and nonresident student tuition and fees, FTE funding via the CCPF, and application fees. These fund sources (and, if necessary, College Foundation funds and operating reserves) are designed to insure that the program has a solid fiscal foundation without imposing a negative impact on the funding for the lower division mission of the college. See Section 2 of the Supplemental Materials for a detailed Enrollment, Performance, and Budget Plan, p. 23.

Part J—Plan of Action if Program Must be Terminated

If the program must be terminated, IRSC will stop admitting students and phase-out courses over a period of 18 months. IRSC will work with other higher education providers to transition any remaining students. Preference in the distribution of transfer scholarships will be given to any remaining students electing to attend other institutions. All IRSC baccalaureate degree students are assigned to a specific academic advisor for the duration of their degree program. This advisor would be the key point of contact to work with any students affected by a decision to terminate the program. Using the IRSC Information Call Center, the IRSC student email system (Rivermail), and direct mailings from our Educational Services division, all students would be contacted and provided advising to explore and expedite the most appropriate train-out alternative. Teaching faculty would be reassigned to other lower and upper division programs as warranted by their credentials.


July 2013






Internal Process and Meetings

(Limit 800 words)

Indian River State College utilizes an ongoing, four-phase process to assess the need for new baccalaureate degrees. This has been a multi-year process, building upon the work completed in prior years. The first phase consisted of six Cabinet-level think tanks in 2008, led by the College President. The purpose of these sessions was to involve college leaders with the rapid developments brought about by Senate Bill 1716 (which created the Florida College System and authorized institutions to address regional and statewide employment needs), and to develop a clear vision for the future of the institution as a State College. College administrators analyzed the development of Indian River Community College and then looked forward to the year 2018 to project how the move to State College status might benefit our students, support the economic development of our community, and impact each division at the institution. As a result of these careful deliberations and a scan of both internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, IRCC made the decision to expand baccalaureate access and to become Indian River State College. The next phase of the needs assessment process involved the formation of a New Degree Subcommittee to research the potential for additional baccalaureate degrees. This group reviewed data on emerging

workforce needs, existing four-year degree opportunities in the IRSC service district, and student

interest/demand for bachelor’s degrees. The group identified seven major decision factors that guided the formation of a list of potential new degree programs. These decision factors were: documented need and job availability, synergy with existing programs, synergy with future buildings and programs, synergy with development of the Research Coast, opportunities resulting from change at other institutions of higher education, and the opportunity to innovate by creating programs for the 21st Century economy. Cost was also a major decision factor that was addressed by fully leveraging existing infrastructure and linking to programs, projects and buildings that were already funded in order to significantly reduce start-up costs. The third phase of the needs assessment process involved expansion and refinement of the work done by the New Degree Subcommittee. Beginning in the spring of 2009, a Baccalaureate Degree Planning Committee met intensively for several months with the President’s Cabinet to develop a Ten Year

Baccalaureate Plan for IRSC. A New Degree Planning Guide was developed to collect consistent data on every new degree proposed for IRSC. The data includes elements such as current pipeline enrollment, current job outlook for the service district, current job outlook for the state, job outlook for the service district in 2018, job outlook for the state in 2018, current degree production by FAU and the SUS, graduate degree articulation options with FAU and other institutions, existing faculty expertise, costs, linkage with the FAU/IRSC vision that resulted from a joint board meeting in May of 2009, and linkages with the national policy agenda and related stimulus funding. Programs which would overlap or needlessly duplicate

programs already available in the IRSC Service District were specifically excluded from consideration. This work resulted in a listing of potential degree programs that could be implemented over the next ten years to serve the residents of this region. IRSC made further progress in implementing this ten year plan by seeking approval during 2009-10 for three new bachelor’s degree programs. These programs, which were

unanimously approved by the State Board of Education, were Biology, Digital Media, and Human Services. In 2011-12, four additional degrees from the ten year plan were subsequently approved by the State Board of Education in the areas of Business Administration, Public Administration, Criminal Justice, and Information Technology Management and Cybersecurity.

In the most recent phase of the needs assessment process, Cabinet members met in December 2012 and January of 2013 to review the ten year plan and determine if additional new degrees should be proposed. Updated data on need and demand for ten potential degree programs was collected and analyzed. This analysis showed a strong workforce need, and an existing gap in baccalaureate degree production, for programs in Accounting and Elementary Education. Cabinet members also reaffirmed the plan to move forward with transitioning the current Organizational Management concentration in Healthcare Management to a complete degree in Healthcare Management to better address local workforce needs. Recent

developments at other higher education institutions contributed significantly to these decisions. Barry University, which maintains a small, storefront presence in St. Lucie County, announced that it would close this site by 2014, or possibly limit their offerings to graduate degrees only. Florida Atlantic University also


July 2013


announced in the Spring of 2012 that it would close its section of a joint-use campus with IRSC in St. Lucie West due to budget constraints, eliminate on-site baccalaureate programs in this region, and consolidate graduate programs at its Harbor Branch facility (see TCPalm article in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 56-57). This reduction in higher education options has created an urgent need for IRSC to further expand baccalaureate access for residents of the Treasure Coast. This is especially true since 70% of students surveyed by IRSC indicated that having a complete program available in the local area was an important factor in deciding whether to pursue a bachelor’s degree (see the Bachelor’s Degree Interest Survey in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 54). Enrollment trends of upper-division baccalaureate degree-seeking students at FAU since IRSC began implementing baccalaureate degree programs in 2008 reflect that total upper-division enrollments at FAU have increased 17 percent from 14,252 in 2008 to 16,630 in 2012 (see the Florida Board of Governors Data on Enrollment in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 83). Given this trend, it is evident that IRSC’s baccalaureate degree programs have significantly

expanded accessible options for students in our regions with no adverse impact on FAU’s enrollment. Further, no negative enrollment impacts are expected with regard to this proposed degree since this degree is not offered by FAU or any other postsecondary provider in the IRSC Service District.

Additional data from the student interest survey confirmed strong student support for these programs. Over 5,000 responses were collected with over 85% of students indicating a desire to pursue a baccalaureate degree from IRSC. The most popular write-in response for new degree programs was Accounting (see Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials for a summary of survey data, p. 53). Discussions with advisory committees and local economic development agencies, as reflected by formal letters of support from these and other business and industry partners, provided convincing evidence that jobs are readily available and the need for this degree program is urgent (see Section 11 of the Supplemental Materials for Letters of Support, pp. 120-150).


External Process and Meetings

(Limit 1200 words)

The college must engage in discussions and coordination with public universities and

regionally accredited private postsecondary institutions, as outlined in section 1007.33,

Florida Statutes (5)(a). The proposal must provide evidence of these discussions and


IRSC has engaged in ongoing discussions related to need, demand, and impact of the proposed program with the other institutions of higher education in our service district. It is important to note that IRSC’s service district is one of the few regions of the state which does not include the central campus of an SUS or private college or university (see Map of Florida with SUS Institutions in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 55). During the past year, Florida Atlantic University made a very significant decision to close its joint-use campus, shared with IRSC since 2002, at St. Lucie West for budgetary reasons. Nevertheless, IRSC continues its long history of collaboration with FAU and other postsecondary providers. Most notably, the Board of Trustees of Florida Atlantic University and the Board of Trustees of Indian River State College conducted a joint board meeting in May of 2009 to engage in collaborative planning for the future of higher education in our region. At that meeting IRSC shared its ten year plan for baccalaureate degree program development and it was publically agreed that FAU would focus primarily on increased graduate degree programs and research on the Treasure Coast, while IRSC would focus on increasing baccalaureate degree production. Additionally, on October 1, 2009, April 20, 2011, and December 13, 2012, IRSC convened meetings with all of the higher education providers in the IRSC service district (FAU, Barry University, Keiser University, and UF-IRREC) to review and discuss current economic trends and workforce needs, current degree offerings, future degree offerings, and opportunities for coordination and academic progression among the institutions.

At the December 13, 2012 meeting, IRSC shared a list of 8 potential, new baccalaureate degree programs including Accounting, Elementary Education, and Healthcare Management (see the Powerpoint slide in Section 4, p. 34). During this meeting, it was stated that Elementary Education was a high priority due to the termination of FAU’ s on-site Elementary Education program in our region along with the closure of the FAU Treasure Coast Campus due to budgetary constraints. It was also stated that a degree from the

Finance/Accounting/Marketing group was very likely due to the growing number of job openings in this career cluster as evidenced by the handout provided at the RCHEF meeting entitled “The Top Jobs for 2013.” This objective data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as reported by Forbes.com, listed the number


July 2013


two job as “Accountants and Auditors” (see the RCHEF handout from Forbes.com in Section 4 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 40-43). It was noted that IRSC already has a program in Healthcare

Management as a concentration within the Organizational Management degree, and any efforts in this area would be limited to reorganizing the curriculum under a different CIP code.

No opposition or concerns were expressed related to any of the potential, new, baccalaureate degree programs by any of the meeting participants from FAU, Keiser University and UF--IRREC. The

representative from Keiser University expressed excitement about the possibility of new graduate degree articulation opportunities with existing and potential, new, IRSC baccalaureate degree programs. IRSC has consistently engaged in a pattern of outreach and open communication to all of the regional higher education providers with regard to baccalaureate degree offerings and potential, new, baccalaureate degree proposal development. The specific requirements of Section 1007.33 F.S. were fully addressed at the December 13, 2012 meeting of the Research Coast Higher Education Forum through presentations and discussions of need, demand, and impact of potential, new degree programs in light of data trends and the decreasing availability of local baccalaureate degree options.

Additional community-based support for the proposed programs was sought and obtained in the form of: • Business leaders documented their endorsement of IRSC’s new baccalaureate degrees through

formal letters of support (see Section 11 of the Supplemental Materials for examples, pp. 120-150).

• Economic development partners documented their endorsement of IRSC’s new baccalaureate degrees through formal letters of support (see Section 11 of the Supplemental Materials for examples, pp. 120-150).

Indian River State College continues to actively collaborate with public and private institutions of higher education in order to improve access, articulation, transfer, and degree completion. The chart below details several major activities, initiatives and accomplishments:

Postsecondary Institution Collaboration Activities

Nova Southeastern University Graduate Articulation Agreement signed for Business Administration and Organizational Management programs Strayer University Graduate Articulation Agreement signed for Organizational

Management program; Strayer MBA program began on IRSC Main Campus in January, 2012

Florida Atlantic University Currently negotiating Articulation Agreement for FAU Master’s Degree in MS in IT & Management degree program, MBA in Operations Management and MBA in MIS

Florida Atlantic University Currently negotiating articulation agreement from IRSC Associate Degree programs into the FAU baccalaureate program in

Geomatics Engineering

Florida Atlantic University IRSC/FAU Link program agreement finalized (modeled after the UCF Direct Connect Program)

Florida Atlantic University Joint review of IRSC BSN program to identify articulation pathways for FAU MSN and Doctor of Nursing Practice programs; regular visits by FAU Nursing faculty and administrators to promote their programs.

Florida Atlantic University Joint Organizational Management/Business Administration Curriculum Review to assist students impacted by FAU’s decision to eliminate the FAU Business Administration Degree program on the Port St. Lucie Campus

Florida Atlantic University Joint Board of Trustees Meeting with IRSC Board of Trustees and FAU Board of Trustees in May of 2009 to engage in collaborative planning for the future of higher education in our region.

University of Phoenix Currently negotiating baccalaureate to graduate articulation agreements for multiple programs

Capella University Currently negotiating articulation agreement for Master’s Degree in Nursing


July 2013


Northwood University Currently negotiating articulation agreement for Master’s Degree in Business Administration

Palm Beach State College Joint planning to link PBSC Human Services Associate Degree Program to articulate with IRSC BS in Human Services

Barry University Currently negotiating Articulation Agreement between IRSC Organizational Management program and BU Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Master of Arts in Administration Barry University Currently negotiating Articulation Agreement for Barry University

Master and Doctoral programs in Organizational Learning and Leadership

Kaplan University Currently negotiating Articulation Agreement between IRSC BSN degree and Kaplan University’s Master of Science in Nursing Degree

Chamberlain College of Nursing Discussions underway regarding bachelor’s to masters articulation in the field of Nursing

Palmer Chiropractic College Discussions underway regarding bachelor’s to masters articulation in the field of Biology

Florida Institute of Technology Partner with IRSC in COSSEE grant from the National Science Foundation

Florida State University Joint Use facility for FSU College of Medicine on the IRSC Main Campus

Florida Atlantic University, Keiser University, Barry University, UF—IRREC

Research Coast Higher Education Forum hosted by IRSC on October 1, 2009, April 20, 2011, and December 13, 2012 to review and discuss current economic trends and workforce needs, current degree offerings, future degree offerings, and opportunities for coordination and academic progression among the institutions 16 FCS Institutions Meeting held in conjunction with the June 8, 2011 CIA meeting in

order to discuss ways to facilitate and encourage intra-institution transfer of credit, articulation, policy consistency, financial aid, student services, course substitutions, new degree proposals and accurate collection and reporting of data. Follow-up meetings held in conjunction with the October, 2011 and February 2012 CIA meetings. These discussions led to the development of the Guiding Principles and Policies document for the Florida College System Baccalaureate Programs.

Numerous—see list The following institutions participated in IRSC’s Graduate School Fair over the past three years: Barry University, Bethune Cookman University, Capella University, Chamberlain College of Nursing, DeVry University, Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida State University, Kaplan University, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Lynn University, Nova Southeastern University, Savannah College of Art and Design, Strayer University, University of Florida, University of North Florida, Walden University

Although no concerns were voiced at the RCHEF meeting in December 2012 regarding IRSC’s plans to propose a bachelor’s degree in Accounting, as well as other baccalaureate programs to meet regional demand, IRSC received a copy of a letter from FAU’s former Provost in April 2013 objecting to all three of IRSC’s degree proposals. While the letter cited duplication, FAU had already closed its campus and terminated its undergraduate programs in the region effective July 1, 2012 due to budgetary constraints, creating an immediate and urgent demand for IRSC to address this critical need area. During the past four months, both FAU’s former President and Provost have left their positions. As a result, IRSC President, Dr. Edwin Massey, initiated a meeting with FAU’s Interim President, Dennis Crudele, on July 3, 2013 to discuss the baccalaureate proposals and other ongoing collaborative projects. Interim President Crudele

acknowledged IRSC’s rationale in developing the programs to address regional workforce needs, and expressed no opposition to the proposed programs. IRSC’s proposed programs clearly meet the intent of Section 1007.33, F.S. which is to address the economic development needs and educational needs of place-bound, nontraditional students by expanding access to baccalaureate degree programs through Florida College System institutions. Furthermore, under Section 1007.33, F.S., state universities are authorized to


July 2013


submit an alternative proposal to offer the baccalaureate degree program that has been proposed. To date, no alternative proposal has been submitted by FAU, or any other institution, to provide an Accounting degree in the IRSC Service District. With no other program in this discipline available in the region, IRSC now has an urgent responsibility to meet the documented needs of students and employers in its service district.



1. Provide date or date range for each of the following activities:

â–Ş Assessment of Need and Demand

September 2012 to February 2013 (ongoing since 2005)

â–Ş Curriculum Development

February 2013 to May 2013

â–Ş Accreditation Activities

Include SACS and DOE Teacher Preparation Program Approval and other

accreditation activities, as appropriate for the program.

February 2013 to December 2013 (this includes IRSC’s notification letter to SACS dated April 5, 2013 and completion of all future substantive change documents as determined necessary by SACS in accordance with the Procedure for the Review of Substantive Changes Requiring Notification and Approval Prior to Implementation). See Section 8 of the Supplemental Materials for a copy of the April 5, 2013 initial notification letter to SACS, p. 73.

â–Ş Recruitment of Faculty and Staff, if needed

July 2013 to January 2014

â–Ş Systems, Facilities and Resource Upgrades and Development, if needed

For example,



quipment, instructional and media materials, advising and

information system upgrades, development of online resources.

February 2013 to January 2014

Major activities include: create and test degree audit features, update online application, develop curriculum guides and informational materials, develop course syllabi and online resources, purchase additional library resources.

â–Ş Student Recruitment and Advising

July 2013 to January 2014

2. Estimated date upper division courses are to begin:

January 2014




July 2013


Guidelines for Demand and Supply

1. Geographic region to be served

This program will service the IRSC Service District (Indian River County, St. Lucie County, Martin County, and Okeechobee County), which also correlates to the Region 20 Workforce Development Board. This is a large geographic region with a population of over 600,000 people. It is the only such region in the state of Florida without a main campus of a state university (see the map in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 55).


Number of current jobs

The number of current jobs in the IRSC Service District in the Business Financial Management, and Accounting Career Pathway requiring a baccalaureate degree is 5,429 (based on data from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity via EMSI, 4th Quarter 2012). The Business Financial Management and Accounting Career Pathway includes jobs such as Accountant and Auditor, Management Analyst, Financial Manager, and Budget Analyst. Jobs requiring a master’s degree or higher for entry have been deleted from this total.

IRSC utilizes EMSI (Economic Modeling Specialists, International) as a source of comprehensive, current, objective data related to workforce demand. EMSI provides state-of-the-art software to analyze almost 90 sources of local, state, and federal labor market data. For more information on EMSI, see Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 85-94. For detailed listings of job titles and job openings, see the table in the IRSC Service District Career Cluster Report in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 75-77.


Number of current job openings

The number of current, annual job openings in the IRSC Service District for graduates with a baccalaureate degree in the Business Financial Management and Accounting Career Pathway is estimated to be 312 (based on data from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity via EMSI, 4th Quarter 2012).


Projected number of job openings five years from current year

Projected job openings are determined by examining growth in a career cluster or specific occupation. By 2017, the total number of projected jobs in the IRSC Service District is expected to increase 19% to 6,441 (based on data from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity via EMSI, 4th Quarter 2012). For the year 2017, almost 400 job openings that require at least a bachelor’s degree for entry are anticipated

(calculated by applying a 19% increase over the estimate of current job openings cited in Question 3 above).

5. Number of most recent graduates in the discipline area from the State University

System, by institution(s) in the geographic region specified in the application

Degrees Awarded by State University System

There are no on-campus baccalaureate degree programs or graduates in Accounting produced from State University System institutions in the IRSC Service District.

The closest SUS institution is FAU (main campus almost 100 miles from Fort Pierce). FAU produced a total of 377 graduates from seven Accounting CIP Codes in 2011-12. The average number of Accounting graduates produced by FAU over the past five years has been 291 (see the FL BOG data on Degrees Awarded in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 81). It is important to keep in mind that these graduates will primarily serve the huge South Florida FAU Service Region, including Broward and Palm Beach counties. The number of annual job openings in the seven-county, FAU Service Region (requiring less than a master’s degree for entry) in the Business Financial Management and Accounting Career Pathway is projected via EMSI, 4th Quarter 2012, to be 2,401 (includes projected job openings in the IRSC Service District). See the EMSI Career Cluster Report for the FAU Service Region in Section 9 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 78-80.


July 2013


There are no graduates in Accounting from the UF Indian River Research and Education Center.

6. Number of most recent graduates in the discipline area from nonpublic

postsecondary institutions in geographic region

(if available)

, by institution

Barry University does not have an on-campus or online baccalaureate degree program in Accounting available in the IRSC Service District.(see listing of online degree programs from the Barry University website in Section 10 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 99). Likewise, Keiser University does not have an on-campus baccalaureate degree program in Accounting available in the IRSC Service District (see the listing of on-campus and online degree programs at the Port St. Lucie campus from the Keiser University website in Section 10 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 96-98). High cost factors limit the accessibility of these nonpublic programs for many students in the IRSC Service District. Potential graduates from online programs are not included in this analysis since it is impossible to accurately account for online program and course availability, as well as course taking activity, in a given geographic region. However, it is instructive to know how many Accounting graduates are being produced overall by the statewide, nonpublic universities with a physical presence in our geographic region. IPEDS data for 2010-11 shows the following graduates in Accounting from all campuses at Barry University and Keiser University (IPEDS data is provided in Section 10 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 107-119):

Barry University 8 graduates (all campuses--statewide) Keiser University 32 graduates (all campuses--statewide)

Given the number of annual job openings in the IRSC Service District, it is evident that the graduates from these institutions would not significantly alter the Gap Analysis presented below.

7. Data and a one-paragraph description of the employment gap based on 2

through 6

Provide the gap between employment numbers needed and graduates in the

programs in the geographic region. (Limit 300 words)

Jobs for Accounting Degree Holders in the IRSC Service District

Accounting Degree Production in the IRSC Service District

Gap Between Employment and Baccalaureate Graduates in the IRSC Service District

312 0 312

The data presented above clearly show that there is an urgent, unmet need for Accounting baccalaureate degree graduates in the four-county IRSC Service District.

8. Other measures as selected by institutions, which may include brief qualitative or

quantitative data/information such as local economic development initiatives or

evidence of rapid growth or decline not reflected in local, state, and national data

(Limit 300 words)

There is strong evidence to suggest that many public, state university programs are struggling with capacity issues. Three of the ten largest public universities in the United States are in Florida. Transfer admissions are not keeping pace with associate degree production in Florida, and students with GPA’s between 2.0 and 3.0 are sometimes not able to secure admission to state universities in Florida (see the Sun Sentinel article from March 18, 2011 in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 59-60). Data from the Division of Florida Colleges shows that the proportion of FCS students who applied to a state university increased by 28.4% between 2006 and 2010. However, during that same period of time, the proportion of students who were subsequently admitted to a Florida state university decreased from 72.3% to 68.7% (see the FCS

Transparency, Accountability, Progress and Performance report in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 58). For many students, access to a Florida, public university is severely restricted by geography, cost, and selectivity. IRSC’s proposed program in Accounting will help to address both local employment needs, and statewide baccalaureate capacity issues.


July 2013


Recent research also suggests that many community college students achieve greater academic success through the support of face-to-face classes and on-campus, academic support systems, as opposed to online instruction alone. The Community College Research Center at Columbia University released a report in April of 2013 showing that students generally prefer to take classes in traditional brick and mortar settings when the content was perceived to be difficult, such as math and science courses (see the articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed in Section 5 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 61-63). Finally, Okeechobee County has been designated as part of the South Central RACEC (Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern) in Florida. As part of Florida’s REDI (Rural Economic Development Initiative), it is a goal for state agencies to “assist communities in improving access to housing, health care, and

educational opportunities.” IRSC maintains a full-service branch campus in Okeechobee County. Therefore, approval of an IRSC bachelor’s degree in Accounting will help to increase educational opportunities and economic development in this targeted region of the state.



1. Provide a brief description of the existing facilities and equipment that will be

utilized for the program.

(Limit 150 words)

The IRSC Business Development Center on the main campus in Fort Pierce will be the hub for both associate and baccalaureate-level instruction in Accounting. This Business Development Center includes interactive classrooms with space for small and large group presentations, simulated board meeting and strategic planning facilities, and a multi-purpose computer/study lab. Each of the spaces is equipped with the furniture and equipment necessary to enhance the student learning experience and provide a real world learning environment. With the addition of the new Brown Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship on the IRSC main campus, students will have access to additional state-of-the-art labs, classrooms, business incubator facilities, small business development consultants, community and corporate training consultants, and computer modeling programs to facilitate and integrate the study of Accounting within the larger context of business management and administration.

2. Provide a brief description of the new facilities and equipment that will be needed

for the program, if any.

(Limit 150 words)

No new facilities will be needed. Equipment and furniture for one new faculty member and one replacement computer equipment set-up are anticipated.



1. Provide a brief description of the existing library/media resources that will be utilized

for the program.

(Limit 150 words)

IRSC libraries provide access to books, eBooks, media, serials, government documents, legal materials, databases, and references/resources for specialized programs. Students are also able to reciprocally borrow materials directly from the four local county public library systems, the Florida College System, and the State University System. Internet access to the libraries’ catalog, eBooks, streaming media, and aggregated journal/newspaper databases is available 24 hours per day. IRSC subscribes to journals, periodicals, and newspapers predominantly through online databases. Students and faculty have access to innumerable scholarly journals, periodicals, trade magazines, and newspapers through these online databases. Examples of databases pertinent to accounting include EBSCO’s Business Abstracts and Regional Business News; Gale’s DemographicsNow, General BusinessFile ASAP, and Small Business Resource Center; Hoover’s Premium; JSTOR; Newsbank’s Access Business News; Sage Journals; Springer eJournal Collection; and the U.S. Government Printing Office’s FDsys Federal Digital System. Library resources are supplemented by a daily courier service and a state/national interlibrary loan program.


July 2013


Accounting Books eBooks Databases Media eJournals

336 840 11 55 217


Provide a brief description of the new library/media resources that will be needed for the

program, if any.

(Limit 150 words)

Through existing IRSC degree programs and joint use partnerships with the four local public library systems, IRSC students already have access to baccalaureate-level books, e-books, media, serials, government documents, legal materials, reference resources and databases in accounting. As a result of this forward-looking investment in academic resources, no new library materials will be required for program initiation. Additional resources will be added as needed. Projected annual upgrade costs are outlined below:

Accounting Books eBooks Databases Media eJournals

Planned Acquisitions n/a n/a n/a n/a

Projected Costs n/a n/a n/a n/a

Ongoing Costs $2,500 n/a $2,500 n/a




Number of existing full-time faculty

Three full-time faculty members in Accounting: James Reap (Dept. Chair), Don Lucy, and James Howse. Ten full-time faculty members in Business Administration: Dr. Frank Harber (Dept. Chair), Dr. Herbert Ricardo, Dr. Christopher McChesney, Dr. Ronald Carlson, Dr. Jill Novak, Dr. Angie Bailey, Donna Arnold, John Butler, Ray Carpenter, and Arlene Green.

2. Number of existing part-time faculty

Eleven part-time faculty members in Accounting: John Adams, John Klett, Michael Mitchell, Tracy Stant, Karen Capelli, Arthur Davie, Edward Sizemore, Jon Tofte, Corey Dehays, Sikita Goodrich and Susan Williams.

Thirty-three part-time faculty members in Business Administration: Wesley Harvin, John Adams, Michelle Campagnola, Michael Galdys, Michael Mitchell, Edith Pacacha, James Peppler, Prashanth Pilly, Ralph Burdsall, Lisa Graff, Gwendolyn McLeod, Tanya Fender, Ashley Minton, Alexis Rinehart, Karen Smith, Marsha Thompson, Rebekah Wright, Selena Anderson, Louis Babino, Frank Irizarry, Benjamin Reid, Stephen Shields, Michael Zito, Jaime Drysdale, Marcus Marsocci, Emily McHugh, Ryan McMillan, Eleanor Eberhart-Chin, David Little, Edith Marcelle, Lisa Schuyler, Jack Burns, and Karlin Daniel.

3. Provide a brief description of the anticipated additional faculty that will be needed for

the program, if any.

(Limit 150 words)

IRSC is strongly positioned to begin this new degree program in terms of academic resources. A total of 57 current full and part-time faculty members are qualified to teach in the BS in Accounting program, with nine faculty members holding a terminal degree. It is anticipated that one additional faculty member with a terminal degree in Accounting will be hired during the first year to teach additional upper-division classes and to assist with program coordination.


July 2013


4. Anticipated instructional support personnel needed

List titles of personnel including administrators, advisors, librarians, lab managers, etc.

None. IRSC will utilize existing instructional support personnel to administer this program.

5. As applicable, provide additional information related to academic resources.

(Limit 150 words)

IRSC will leverage existing infrastructure, faculty, library holdings, facilities, and other academic resources including the new Brown Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to support the proposed degree in Accounting. As an endorsement of IRSC’s academic performance, the college was recently ranked as the 10th top public regional college in the Southern United States by U.S. News and World Report based on 16 measures of quality, including student/faculty ratio, average class size, faculty credentials, and student success. See Section 6 of the Supplemental Materials for IRSC’s ranking by U.S. News and World Report, p. 65.



1. Anticipated cost for four years of study at FCS institution

(Tuition and fees x credit hours)

Indian River State College was recently named as the 5th Most Affordable College in the United States according to the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency List released on June 14, 2012 (see Section 6 of the Supplemental Materials, p. 66).

Based on current tuition and fee rates, the cost for four years of study at Indian River State College for a Florida resident, before the application of any scholarships or financial aid, would be:

Lower-division courses: $103.83 x 60 credit hours = $6,230 Upper-division courses: $117.10 x 60 credit hours = $7,026

TOTAL IRSC COST $13,256 for 120 credit hours

2. Estimated cost for four years of study at each state university in service district

There are no state universities providing a bachelor’s degree in Accounting in the IRSC service district. FAU is the closest state university (main campus approximately 100 miles from Fort Pierce). Based on current tuition and fee rates, the cost for four years of study at Florida Atlantic University for a Florida resident, before the application of any scholarships or financial aid, would be:

Lower-division courses: $199.54 x 60 credit hours = $11,972 Upper-division courses: $199.54 x 60 credit hours = $11,972

TOTAL FAU COST $23,944 for 120 credit hours

The University of Florida’s Indian River Research and Education Center (UF—IRREC) is located in the Indian River State College Service District. This facility does not offer baccalaureate degrees in Accounting. Based on current tuition and fee rates, the cost for four years of study at UF--IRREC for a Florida resident before the application of any scholarships or financial aid would be:

Lower-division courses: $204.76 x 60 credit hours = $12,286 Upper-division courses: $204.76 x 60 credit hours = $12,286


July 2013


3. Estimated cost for four years of study at each nonpublic institution in service district,

if available

Keiser University does not offer an on-site bachelor’s degree in Accounting in the IRSC Service District. Keiser University does not publish tuition per credit hour. Keiser offers courses “one at a time” in four week blocks and charges tuition per semester. In a 16 week semester, a student could complete four courses. Thus it would take 10 semesters to complete a 120 credit hour degree. Keiser University also charges a per semester “education fee” of $440 for bachelor’s degrees. Based on current tuition and fee rates, the cost for four years of study at Keiser University, before the application of any scholarships or financial aid, would be:

$7,392 x 10 semesters = $73,920

$440 x 10 semesters = $4,400

TOTAL KEISER UNIVERSITY COST $78,320 for 120 credit hours

Barry University is a religiously affiliated institution that does not offer a bachelor’s degree program in Accounting in the IRSC service district. Full time tuition (12 -18 credits per semester) is $14,080. The part-time tuition is $845 per credit hour. Based on current tuition and fee rates, the cost for four years of study at Barry University, before the application of any scholarships or financial aid, would be:

$14,080 x 8 semesters (15 credits per term) = $112,640

TOTAL BARRY UNIVERSITY COST $112,640 for 120 credit hours (full-time)

Lower-division courses: $845 x 60 credit hours = $50,700 Upper-division courses: $845 x 60 credit hours = $50,700

TOTAL BARRY UNIVERSITY COST $ 101,400 for 120 credit hours (part-time)

IRSC Service District Cost Comparison

Institution Cost for 120 credit hour program

Indian River State College $13,256

Florida Atlantic University $23,944

UF—Indian River Research and Education Center $24,572

Keiser University $78,320

Barry University (full-time) $112,640

Barry University (part-time) $101,400

Note: Published tuition and fees for all institutions are available in Section 10 of the Supplemental Materials, pp. 100-106.



1. List the admission requirements for the program.

• Earned AA degree from an accredited institution

• 2.0 cumulative GPA

• Completion of Common Prerequisite Courses for CIP 52.0301

Students who have previously completed any AS degree and desire to enter this program will have their transcripts evaluated against the AA degree audit. Once any outstanding course requirements have been met, an AA degree will be awarded and the students will be eligible for admission to the BS degree in Accounting. Any first-year student who expresses interest in this program will be advised to follow the AA degree pathway with the Common Prerequisites for this program integrated into their General Education and elective course selections. Advising in this way will ensure that students progress to graduation in the most efficient way possible and without excess hours.


July 2013


2. Faculty credentials – Estimated percentage of upper division courses in the program to

be taught by faculty with a terminal degree

The Principles of Accreditation 3.5.4, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools


In accordance with the guidelines established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, at least 25% percent of the upper-division courses in the program will be taught by faculty with a terminal degree. For the Accounting baccalaureate degree at IRSC, it is anticipated that approximately 60% of the upper-division courses will be taught by faculty with a terminal degree. Additionally, any new faculty hired to teach in the Accounting program will be required to possess a doctoral degree.

3. Anticipated average student/teacher ratio in first year based on enrollment projections

as stated in the

Enrollment, Performance and Budget Plan


Enrollment is projected to be 75 students in the first year. Based on prior new program implementation at IRSC, it is expected that the student/teacher ratio will be approximately 20 students to 1 faculty member in the first year.


Summary of SACS accreditation plan, Florida Teacher Education Program Approval

plan, and/or other specialized accreditation plan(s), as appropriate

Prior to initiating its first four-year degree programs, Indian River State College commenced the application process for substantive change by following the Procedure for the Review of Substantive Changes Requiring Notification and Approval Prior to Implementation. On June 21, 2007 the Commission on Colleges accredited Indian River State College as a Level II (baccalaureate degree-granting) institution and the first

Baccalaureate programs were implemented Spring, 2008. Following an onsite visit and review of

membership at Level II, the Commission on Colleges affirmed accreditation of IRSC in December 2008. In April of 2013, IRSC submitted written notification to SACS requesting to commence the approval process for offering new Baccalaureate programs in Accounting and Elementary Education (Healthcare Management is not a new baccalaureate degree program at IRSC). As directed in Procedure One:Procedure for the Review of Substantive Changes Requiring Notification and Approval Prior to Implementation, this letter was submitted well in advance of our desired implementation date of January 2014. See Section 8 of the Supplemental Materials for a copy of this initial notification letter, p. 73.

IRSC engages in ongoing, integrated and institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes that incorporate a systematic review of programs and services through a dynamic web-based, budget-connected system called Strategic Planning Online (SPOL). The Planning and Assessment Cycle of activities results in continuous improvement and quality enhancement of all IRSC educational programs, administrative and educational support services. These processes enable Indian River State College to remain in a state-of-readiness with regards to SACS requirements.

IRSC will explore specialized accreditation for the Accounting program through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) or the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) after the program has been operational for at least three years. The pursuit of specialized accreditation is a rigorous, time-consuming, and expensive process. It is important that programs have advanced beyond the start-up phase and have a history of successful student completion before engaging in external accreditation review. Students who graduate prior to this non-mandatory, discipline-specific

accreditation are fully eligible to be hired for accounting jobs commensurate with their academic credentials.

5. Curriculum

Course listing format: Course Number (e.g. MAC 1105), Course Title, # of Credits

a. Are there similar programs listed in the

Common Prerequisites Counseling Manual


for the CIP code

(and track, if appropriate)

you are proposing?


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