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Astrological terms under Letter A

Abhijit - The asterism occupying 2700 40' to 2800 54' 13" of the zodiac. It is represented by three stars, which includes Vega, the brightest star of the northern hemisphere.Brahma presides over the star. It is important in Muhurtha (auspicious time ) determination.

Abhimani - Abhimani means a planet in strength and moving towards its exaltation sign.

Abscission of Light - Prevention of the culmination of an aspect by the intervention of another. Used in Horary Astrology.

ACD - Adjusted Calculated Date - This is the local date of birth adjusted to GMT.

Acharya - A spiritual teacher. One who instructs people in the Vedas. When affixed to proper names it means learned and venerable.

Achchadana - Meaning cover, concealment. Special aspect of Jupiter and Venus. Kapil Nadi, a classical text on astrology suggested Jupiter to have 3rd and 11th aspects as Achchadana, while Venus gets it as its 5th aspect.

Achrematistikos - From the Greek "chrematistikos", meaning profitable. In this case the "a" at the front causes it to mean the opposite. In other words: not a profitable place.

Accidental Dignity - Planet dignified by favorable position, motion or aspect, but not in Essential Dignity.

Accidental Debility - a planet weakened by house placement or by aspect to a malefic object. Accidental Ascendant - This Ascendant is determined according to the time and date of the questions, and the querent's natal horoscope is rotated according to this new or accidental Ascendant in order to make horary deductions from the natal chart.

Acquisition - This is the 11th sign counting from the lot of fortune counting fortune itself as the 1st and going in a counterclockwise direction. Similar in nature to the 11th house.

Acronical place- The position occupied by a planet when it is opposite the Sun.

Acronycal - Of a planet rising before sunset, or the setting before sunrise, of a planet that is in opposition to the sun, hence in a favorable position for observation.

Active Influence - The results of an aspect between two or more astrological factors or sensitive points producing an action that can materialize as an event.

Adana Lagna - Also known as Nisheka Lagna. Ascendant at the moment of impregnation. Adhi Yoga - An auspicious planetary combination formed by benefices in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon sign while Mercury is not combust and Jupiter does not form Sakata yoga . It makes an individual polite, trustworthy, affluent and capable of defeating his adversaries.


Adhomukha - The sign occupied by the Sun in a natal chart. Admetos - Sixth symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology.

Adjusted calculation date - The day on which the planetary position shown in an Ephemeris coincides with the progressed positions of the planets. The adjusted calculation date (also called the artificial birthday) remains the same from year to year.

Advantage, Line of - An imaginary axis that connects the third decan of the third and ninth houses. The Moon's North Node east of this axis is thought to be in a favorable or advantageous position.

Affinity - A mutual attraction or innate congeniality between planets.

Affliction - A term from traditional astrology used to describe adverse aspects, especially those formed by malefics.

Aftershock - A "retriggering" of an old aspect or planetary storm by the passage of faster moving planets across sensitive degrees. This releases the original energies in a series of smaller steps. This series of contacts allows you to bring important lessons home at a very personal level, spaced out over a long period of time.

Age, astrological - A period of about 2,150 years, or one-twelfth of the Great Year of

approximately 25,800 years. It represents the time required for the vernal equinox to retrograde through the thirty-degree arc of one constellation. According to many astrologers, the Earth is now moving from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age.

Air - One of the 4 classical elements, representing the traits of rational thinking, communication and relating to others. The air signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Air Element - One of the four astrological elements. A masculine element, it stands for intellect, media, matters to do with communications and so on. The other elements are, Fire, Water and Earth.

Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, traditionally associated with the air element .

Akashic records - Akashic is a Sanskrit term referring to the etheric substratum of the universe. A permanent record of every event, sound, sight, or thought that has occurred during the history of creation is stamped upon this electro-spiritual substance.

Alcocoden - Alchochoden, "the giver of the years", meaning the planet which in the natal chart reveals the number of years that the person is going to live.

Aldebaran - A malefic Fixed Star in the 10th degree of Gemini. One of the four Royal Stars. Alfridaria - Derived from the mixed Arabic and Persian "al firdar", the alfridaria, or alfridaries, are a system of planetary periods of Persian origin. Originally intended for the long term forecasting of historical events, they can also be used in predicting for individual charts.


Almuten - A planet which, because of its placing, dignities, fortitudes and aspects, comes to have more importance than the ruler, be it of the whole chart or of any particular house of the chart. Almuten of any house - is that planet who has most dignities in the sign ascending or

descending upon the cusp of any house, whereon, or from whence, you require your judgment. Almuten of a figure - is that planet who in Essential and Accidental dignities, is most powerful in the whole Scheam of Heaven.

Alpheta - Giver of Life. The alphetical places corresponds with the places of Hyleg. Anabibazon - Dragon's Head (north lunar node).

Anangke - One of the three fates referred to by hellenistic philosophers, meaning agnoia, or unwit. Also known as ignorance. Thought to be associated with Saturn.

Anareta - A planet severely afflicting the Hyleg at birth and by direction. Usually a malefic, but any planet can be the Anareta. It is believed to portend the cause of death.

Anaretic Degree - The 29th degree of any Sign. It is also known as the degree of fate. Anaretic place - the final degree (between 29° and 30°) of any sign, also called the degree of fate. Planets and house cusps that occupy anaretic degrees indicate fundamental issues with which one must deal.

Anaxagoras - Greek 500-428 B.C., studied in Egypt and thought the Sun went under a flat Earth each night.

Angles -The Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Medium Coeli; the four cardinal points in a horoscope.

Angular - Pertaining to the Angles. Angular houses are generally the strongest and angular planets must be especially noted.

Angular houses -The first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses. In a quadrant system, the angles form the cusps of these houses. They are also referred to as cardinal houses because they are ruled naturally by cardinal signs and express cardinal qualities.

Animal signs - Refers to the animal signs which are: Aries, Taurus, Leo, the second half of Sagittarius and all of Capricorn.

Animoder of Tetrabiblos - A method of birth time rectification, now obsolete, presented by Ptolemy. Sometimes refered to as the Sunrise Indicator.

Antipathy - Inharmonious relations between planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite signs. Also, conflict between the natal horoscope of two people corresponding with the aversion they feel for each other.

Antiscia - From the Greek, literally shadows on the other side, opposite shadows; mirror or reflection points. A degree and its antiscion are equidistant from a particular reference point such as the MC-IC or summer-winter solstice axis. The use of antiscia is common to Uranian


Antiscion - the shadow of a planet.

Aphelion - The point in a planet's orbit that is most distant from the Sun.

Aphesis - The greek word for releasing, as in the releasing of a debt. Often used in connection with time lords governing periods of an individuals life.

Aphetic places(alphetical places) -Those parts of a horoscope from 5° above the Ascendant to 25° below, from 5° below the Descendant to 25° above, and from 5° preceeding the ninth house cusp to the middle of the eleventh house. Benefics that occupy these areas are said to be life supportive. Also called hylegiacal places.

Aphrodite - One of the greek gods, has references to the planet Venus. Apogee - The point in a planet's orbit that is most distant from Earth.

Apotelesma - The greek word for astrological influence literally meaning "outcomes".

Application - The approach of one planet to another planet to the exact degree to form an aspect or the approach of a planet to the cusp of a house.

Applying aspect - One in which the significator is moving toward partile as opposed to a separating aspect in which the significator is moving away from partile.

Approaching aspect - An aspect in which the significator is moving toward the promittor in natural order of the zodiac . An approaching aspect is thought to have an outward, socially-oriented significance as opposed to a departing aspect.

Aquarian Age -The Great Year that begins around the turn of the twenty-first century and lasts for two thousand years. Universal developments of an Aquarian nature are expected to take place during this era.

Arabian Parts- Developed during the Middle Ages in Arabia, each part derived from three points in a horoscope, indicates a sensitive point that relates the three factors involved. There are hundreds of Arabic Parts. The most popular one is the Part of Fortune.

Arc -In astrology, the curved path of a stellar body and the angular measurement of this path. Aries - One of the greek gods, has references to the planet Mars.

Articulate signs- Signs that symbolize speaking facility, namely Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Ascendant -The degree of the zodiac rising over the eastern horizon of the birthplace at the moment of birth. This degree forms the first house cusp of a horoscope and is of great personal significance in the character and life of the individual.

Ascending node -The zodiacal point at which a planet crosses the ecliptic from south to north. Also called the north node.

Ascending planet - Any planet in the eastern section of a horoscope is ascending, i.e., moving toward the Midheaven. The term is usually reserved for those planets in the fourth quadrant.


Ascension (long and short) - Due to the obliquity of the ecliptic, some signs rise over the horizon faster than others. Signs of long ascension require more time to rise than signs of short ascension. In the northern hemisphere, the signs of long ascension are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. South of the equator, these are signs of short ascension.

Ascensional times - Similar to progressions, refers to the number of degrees that pass over the meridian in the time that a given zodiac sign rises. Used in connection with forcasting events, also known as circumambulation, or primary direction.

Aspect -The angular relationship between two planets or a planet and an angle. Zodiacal aspects are based upon zodiacal longitude; parallels and counter parallels are based on declination, the position of points of interest relative to the celestial equator. Zodiacal aspects are also called harmonics.

Aspect pattern - Particular combinations of aspects that form special planetary configurations. Asterism - Smaller constellation.

Asteroids- Small planets or pieces of planets, most of which are found in the Asteroid Belt, that part of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Astral Traveling - This roaming of the spiritual self while the physical body remains inert; involves the body's chakras.

Astral twins- Two persons who may be unrelated and born at different times and in different places whose horoscopes are very nearly alike. This term is sometimes applied to persons whose Sun, Moon and Ascendant coincide zodiacally even though other planets occupy different

positions in the two horoscope.

Astroanalyst -The astrological equivalent of a psychoanalyst.

Astrolabe - An ancient instrument employed for measuring the angular position of Sun and stars, used also to project the celestial sphere on the plane of the equator.

Astrologer - One who practices astrology. Astrologian - One who teaches astrology.

Astrologist - Non-professional who believes in or studies but does not necessarily practice astrology.

Astrology - The science of relationships as measured by correlations between the movements of celestial bodies and circumstances and events on earth. The art of interpreting the meanings of these relationships. Some branches of astrology are : electional, esoteric, horary, medical, meteorological, and mundane.

Athazer - A term applied by the ancients to the Moon when it forms an exact conjunction, semi-square, semi-square, quincunx or opposition with the Sun or is separated from the sun by 12° or 160°. Aura - A subtle quality or atmosphere emanating form a living being, object, or place.


Avatar Point - A nickname for the 15th degree of the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Many astrologers consider these 4 points to be "entry points" for important spiritual energies. Average daily moon - The average motion of a planet during a 24 hour period. Traveling slower than average is a debility. The following list gives the Average Daily Motion of the seven visible planets from a geocentric point of view:

Average Daily Motion - The average motion of a planet over a 24 hour period. Travelling slower than average is held to be a debility.

Aversion - A lack of acknowledgement between zodiac signs based on aspects of 30 and 150 degrees.This aspect was considered very unfortunate by the ancients, but is not held to be unduly evil by modern Western astrologers.

Ayanamsa - The difference between the starting point of the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs, due to the precession of the equinoxes. There are several in use in India today, but the official government-sanctioned Lahiri ayanamsha is the most widely used.

Azimene - Deficient or "Weak" degrees which are traditionally held to cause tendency to lameness, deformity, or other disability such as blindness.

Astrological terms under Letter B

Badhakadhipati - Lord of obstructions. A planet, which invariably creates difficulties whenever it gets a chance to do so. Such a planet has the capacity to destroy the auspicious effects of lucky planets.



12th of the 60-year cycle of Samvatsara . It is ruled by Brahma. Individuals born during this year are bestowed with religious learning, skill in different arts, and humility in disposition.

Bahya Rasi


Also known as Bhoga Rasi. A term used in Jaimini Astrology for deciding the planetary ruler ship operating at any time. It is identified by counting the Dvara Rasi or the house under consideration from the ascendant, and extending the distance further by the same


Bajra Yoga


A planetary combination under which all benefices are located in the 1st and 7th houses in a natal chart. It makes the individual good-natured and lucky during the first and the last phase of his life.

Balsamic Moon


The Moon less than 45° behind the natal Sun according to natural zodiacal order. A natal balsamic Moon is associated with one's commitment to destiny.

Balsamic Phase


When a more quickly orbiting planet trails a planet with a slower orbit and appears to "catch up" with the slower body, and the planets are within 45 degrees of one another in their orbital cycles, astrologers say that the faster moving planet is in its Balsamic Phase. Deals with your dedication to your destiny.

Barren Planets


Sun, Uranus, Saturn and Mars. These planets (along with the Dragon's Tail, or Moon's South Node) tend to prevent the birth, or cause early death, of children when located in either of the parents' fifth or eleventh houses.


Barren signs


Gemini, Leo and Virgo, traditionally associated with infertility. Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius are considered semi-barren.



When two planets are within orb of an aspect, they are said to behold one another. Beholding signs


Signs which have the same declination, or are at equal distances from the tropics, i.e., Aries and Virgo, Taurus and Leo, Gemini and Cancer, Libra and Pisces, Scorpio and Aquarius, and Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Benefic -

Said of planets and aspects considered to be positive or helpful influences.

Traditionally, Jupiter is the Greater Benefic and Venus is the Lesser Benefic; the Sun, Moon and Mercury are moderately benefic.

Benefic Aspects


Planetary relations which permit the unobstructed flow of the cosmic energy conducive to harmony.

Benefic planet


In horary these are traditionally Venus (the lesser benefic) and Jupiter (the greater benefic). In addition, the Part of Fortune and the Moon's North Node are considered benefic as well as several fixed stars, most notably Regulus and Spica.



(280 B.C.) Babylonian. a priest of Baal. He founded a school of astrology on the Island of Cos.

Beseiged - Said of a planet placed between two malefics. Energies of a beseiged planet are thought to be restricted.

Bestial signs-

Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn; so designated because they are symbolized traditionally as animals. Also called quadrupedian (four-footed) and inarticulate (animals have voices but lack the power of speech).



An imaginary belt around the ecliptic through which the planets traverse during their sojourn around the Sun. It represents a space approximately 90 above and 90 below the path of ecliptic on which all the planets, including the Sun, traverse.

Bhadrapada, Purva


The 25th asterism extending from 3200 00' to 3330 20' of the zodiac. It consists of 2 stars symbolizing a sword. The Vedic deity Aja Ekapada presides over it. Jupiter owns the asterism. Purva Bhadrapada imparts immensely active impulse: it radically affects the personal life of the individual concerned.



One of the five combinations under Pancha Mahapurushayoga. Mercury in exaltation or in its own sign occupying a cardinal house either from ascendant or from the Moon produces Bhadrayoga. The combination produces gracious behavior. Another kind of

Bhadrayoga is formed by the Moon and Jupiter placed in the 2nd house, the lord of the 2nd house in the 11th house, and the ascendant lord associated with benefices. The combination makes the person learned, intelligent, capable of understanding the feelings of others. He is skilled in many arts.

Bhaskara Yoga


A planetary combination formed by Mercury placed 2nd from Sun, Moon 11th from Mercury, and Jupiter in a trine house from the Moon. These conditions imply that Mercury is 2nd from Sun, Moon is 12th, and Jupiter is either in the 4th or the 8th house from Sun. A person


born under this combination is courageous, powerful, learned, has deep knowledge of religious scriptures, mathematics and classical music.

Bhava Kundali


The horoscope in which planets are shown in different house divisions worked out on the basis of precise delineation of different bhavas, which are neither necessarily

synchronous with zodiacal signs, nor of equal divisions.

Bhava Madhya


The mid-point of the extension of a house division.

Bhava Sandhi


The borderline between two house divisions. Planets situated at these points are considered ineffective.

Bhavat Bhavam


An important principle of predictive Vedic astrology. It suggests that the significance of a house is deciphered by the disposition of the same house relative to it. It implies that the significance of, for example, the 2nd house can be determined also by taking into account the 2nd house from the 2nd house, which will be the 3rd house in a natal chart.

Bhavya Yoga


A planetary combination formed by Moon in the 10th house, the navamsa lord of Moon in exaltation, and the lord of the 9th house associated with the lord of the 2nd house. This combination makes a person rich, respected and learned; he may be renowned as a botanist and a collec-tor of artifacts.

Bheri Yoga


The planetary combination which is formed in 3 ways: (i) all planets occupy the ascendant, in the 2nd, 7th, and 10th houses; (ii) Venus and the lord of ascendant are placed in a cardinal house from the ascendant, and the lord of the 9th house is strong. (iii) Venus and the lord of Ascendant and Jupiter are in mutual angles and the lord of the 9th house is strong. All these combinations make the individual learned in scientific subjects, practical in mundane affairs, and well provided with wealth and luxuries of life.



Longitudinal distance traversed.

Bicorporeal signs -

Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. Also called double-bodied and double signs, they are associated with twins and dual experiences.

Big Aspect


Any aspect between the slow moving planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). These aspects are generally quite potent and influential, especially if they are multi-contact affairs. These energies often act on an unconscious level. See Big Aspects for more information on these influences.

Birth Chart (Chart or Chart wheel)-

A 'map' detailing the positioning of the planets in the Signs at the specific moment of an individual's birth. The chart is rendered by using the

individual's place, date and time of birth as the data source for this planetary snapshot.

Birth Moment


Generally accepted as the first breath taken after the cord has been cut as the person is no longer existing on the mothers blood supply.

Birth Place


Place where the native's first breath was drawn. Longitude and latitude of the birthplace are required to construct an accurate nativity.


Bitter Signs


Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Said to be hot, fiery and bitter.



A minor hard aspect, separating distance roughly 103° (102° 51' 26"), based on the seventh harmonic (multiples of a septile, 51 1/7°, which is 1/7 of 360°.



A minor benefic aspect, separating distance 144°, based on the fifth harmonic (multiples of 72°, a quintile, which is 1/5 of 360°).



One of the dignities also known as terms, thought of as delimiting a certain circumstance within a certain confine of life. Often used in life expectancy calculations.



The planetary arrangement formed by nine planets occupying approximately one-half of a horoscope with one planet roughly opposing the group that is a focal point of action (bucket handle) for planetary energies.



One of the seven horoscope patterns wherein ll ten planets are placed in approximately one-half of a horoscope indicate the Bowl. Interpretation focuses on self-containment directed toward the area of horoscope placement.

Astrological terms under Letter C

Cadent - Also known as Apoklima. It I refers to the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses in a natal chart related with spiritual quest.

Cadent house


Houses 3, 6, 9, and 12. "Falling away" from the angles.



Thirteenth century astrologer and mathematician who devised the house system that bears his name, which divides the prime vertical into equal 30° arcs.



The fourth sign of the zodiac. Cancer, the crab, is a cardinal, water sign. Ruled by the Moon, it is the exaltation of Jupiter.



The tenth sign of the zodiac. Capricorn, the sea-goat, is a cardinal, earth sign. Ruled by Saturn, it is the exaltation of Mars.

Caput Algol


The Gorgon's Head. A malefic fixed star, causing one to "lose one's head in the situation", located in Taurus 26°.

Caput Draconis


The Dragon's Head (Moon's North Node).

Cardinal signs -

Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, which fall naturally at the cardinal points in a horoscope; east, north, west, and south, respectively, points indicated by the angles. Cardinal signs are associated naturally with the angular (cardinal) houses; the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth.

Cataclysmic planet-

Uranus, which combines both magnetic and electric qualities and thus produces sudden upheavals.




"In the heart of the Sun" - within 17 minutes of arc of the Sun's Ecliptic position and therefore corporally joined to the body of the Sun. The sun's radius on the Celestial Sphere was considered to be 17 minutes of arc. Traditionally a Cazimi planet is fortified.



A heavenly body, such as a planet. Celestials are often considered to be beings rather than objects.

Celestial equator


The projection of the Earth's equator onto the Celestial Sphere in the same plane as the Earth's equator.

Celestial sphere


The imaginary sphere whose center is the center of the Earth and on which the fixed stars, planets, Sun, Moon, and the zodiac are located.



The first asteroid to be discovered (1801), named after the Roman goddess of agriculture. Ceres is thought to indicate productive areas in a natal horoscope.



Circle, disc-the perfect symbol of the cosmos. It refers to the natal chart depicting distribution of planets in different houses. In spiritual literature, chakras refer to the seven energy centers extending from the spinal cord to the astral body and to other invisible counterparts of the human aura.

Chakra Dasa


A method of calculating planetary ruler ship. If a person is born during daytime under this system, the sequence of ruler ship, is from the ascendant, if he is born in nighttime, it is from the Moon sign; if born in the afternoon, then from the 9th sign. The lords of these signs enjoy the ruler ship for 10 years which is followed by the lords of subsequent signs, the duration of each being ten years.



A planetary combination formed by Rahu in the 10th, house lord of the 10th house in ascendant, and ascendant lord in the 9th house. It makes the individual the administrator of a region after the age of twenty; he commands an army and is very respected.

Chaldean order of the planets


Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. The first (geocentrically outermost) Chaldean planet, Saturn, is the "heaviest" or "slowest," and the 7th or last Chaldean "planet," the Moon, is the "lightest" or "swiftest."



Ancient astrologers, originally based in Babylon, a city in Mesopotamia (Iraq), the birthplace of Western Astrology. Subsequently a term for astrologers in general.



A planetary combination in which the ascendant lord in exaltation is placed in a cardinal house expected by Jupiter. Alliteratively, if two benefices occupy the ascendant, the 7th, 9th or 10th houses, Chamar Yoga is formed. It makes the individual wise, philosophical and a good orator. Such an individual is generally born in a royal family.



Moon; also known as Soma (a celestial drink, as well as a Vedic deity), Shita Rashmi (soothing rays), Abaja (born of water), Shitanshu (cool rays or cool lustre), Mriganka (eyes of a doe), and Klesha (anguish as well as worldly occupation).



A son of Rama's brother, Lakshamana, Chandra-Ketu (which means Moon and its south node) ruled over Chakora, a country in the Himalayan region.


Chandra Yoga


A planetary combination constituted by an exalted planet in ascendant expected by Mars, while the lord of the 9th house is placed in the 3rd house. It makes the individual

administer, an adviser, or the commander of an army. The individual is courageous and lives for more than six decades.

Chandrika Yoga


A planetary combination in which the ascendant is occupied by the lord of the sign in which the 9th lord is also placed while Mars is posited in the 5th house. Persons born under it are powerful, attain a high social status in life but do not have male issues.

Chapa Yoga


It is a planetary combination in which all planets occupy the 10th to the 4th houses. Persons born under it are expert thieves, and are socially despised.Chapa Yoga is also formed if the Sun is in Aquarius, Mars in Aries, and Jupiter in its own sign, which makes the individual a globetrotter like a king.

Chart -

A map of the heavens with emphasis on the Solar System. The modern Astrological Chart shows the Eastern horizon as the ascendant and the location of all the planets in relation to where the subject was born.

Chaturmukh Yoga


A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in a cardinal house from the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th house, Venus in a cardinal house in respect of the sign occupied by the lord of the 11th house, and the ascendant lord and the lord of the 10th house themselves placed in the cardinal houses. This combination makes the individual erudite and successful in his undertakings and much respected even among the Brahmins. He is well provided with material possessions and lives a very long life.

Chatursagar Yoga


An auspicious planetary combination formed by all planets, benefices as well as malefic, occupying cardinal houses. It bestows wealth, affluence, and high status in life. Such a person becomes famous and remains so long after his death.



Fourfold division of a zodiacal sign, each consisting of 70 30'. The deities presiding over the four divisions are Sanak, Sanandan, Sanat, and Sanatan, respectively. The planetary ownership of these divisions belongs to the sign lord for the first division, the lord of the 4th sign from it rules over the second division, the lord of the 7th sign from it over the 3rd division, and the lord of the both sign over the 4th division.



Also known as Siddhamsa. It refers to the 1/24th division of a zodiacal sign. Chhaya


The shadowy body of the wife of Sun, Sanjna, kept by her to attend to the needs of her husband while she herself was away on a visit to her father's place. From Chhaya were born Saturn, Savrni (a Manu), Tapti (a river), and Visthi (a son).



Full Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu are Chhadakas for the 2nd and 12th houses from them. Jupiter owning a malefic house and becoming a malefic to the native becomes a Chhadaka for only the 12th house; others thus placed are Chhadaka for the 2nd house only. Chhatra Yoga


A planetary combination formed by all planets situated in the first seven houses of the chart. It makes the individual very happy from the beginning of his life till the very end. Chiron


The most recently discovered asteroid of astrological interest, discovered by astronomer Charles Kowal, Hale Observatories, in 1977.




The 14th asterism extending from 1730 20' to 1860 40' of the zodiac. It is ruled by Mars; its presiding deity is Tvastra, the celestial architect. Its primary motivation arises from Kama, desire; and its basic attribute is Tamas, inertia. It is classified a farmer by caste, a tiger by species, a demon by temperament, and a human by animal type. The asterism is concerned with west direction. It leads to involvement in Mayavic (illusory) existence, but for spiritually advanced individuals the asterism makes them highly creative, enabling them to produce original artifacts. The asterism is symbolised by a pearl.

Chitra Bhanu


The 16th in the cycle of 60 Samvawtsara (q.v.). It is ruled by Brahma. Birth during this year makes the individual brilliant, proud, devoted to gods; but he, sometimes, indulges in dishonourable activities.



One of the four temperaments, associated with the element of fire. The choleric personality is believed to indicate an optimistic, youthful, impulsive temperament, prone to spontaneous outbursts of emotion. See also Melancholic, Phlegmatic and Sanguine. Chrematistikos


From the Greek "chrematistikos", meaning profitable. In other words: a profitable place in which a planet can conduct affairs.



Derived from the greek word "chronos", meaning "time" and "crator" meaning "lord", hence: time lord. It is a planet that has governance over an individuals life for a period of time on a given subject.

Circle of the Same


Refers to the motion of the celestial sphere caused by the daily rotation of the earth.



A form of progression known as primary directions.

Climacterial periods


Years in life, which are multiples of seven or nine based on the Moon's progression and Saturn's transiting cycle. The progressed Moon squares its natal position

approximately every seven years and trines it every nine. Transiting Saturn follows a similar cycle relative to its natal position. Thus, climacterial periods are ages seven, nine, fourteen, eighteen, etc. Primary climacterial periods are the forty-ninth, sixty-third, and eighty-first years (doubly climacterial: 7 x 7, 7 x 9, 9 x 9).

Collection of Light


When a planet receives aspect from two others which are themselves not in aspect




A planet is combust if it lies in the same sign as the Sun beyond the Sun's body (17') but within the moiety or half-orb (8.5 degrees ) of the Sun. Being combust burns up and thus weakens a planet. Traditionally the Moon is especially debilitated when combust.



A bright star-like heavenly body, composed of masses of tiny particles and gases, which follows an eccentric orbit of the Sun that for some comets can take thousands of years to

complete. Most comets form luminous "tails", bits of meteroic material and gases that stream off into space, when they near the Sun.

Commanding signs


Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo - considered more powerful than the other six signs because they are nearer the Zenith. Also called Northern Signs, they have power over the Southern Signs. Presumably, when the observer is south of the Equator, the northern signs would obey and the southern signs command.


Common signs


The Mutable signs.

Composite chart -

A single horoscope made up from two or more natal charts by averaging house cusps and planetary positions of the natal charts. A composite chart gives insight into the relationship that exists between the persons whose natal charts are combined.

Concordant in Itinerary


Signs ruled by the same planetary ruler (such as Gemini and Virgo, both ruled by Mercury).


An aspect involving three or more planets.

Conjunction -

The aspect formed when two planets occupy position close together in the zodiac.

Consideration before judgement


A condition in a horary chart that cautions against reading the chart because it might not be radical or fit to judge. Traditional astrologers sometimes refused to read a chart if a consideration before judgment appeared.



A sign or planet believed to have an affinity with a mundane house because it falls in the same numerical order as the house. For example, Aries is the con-significator of the 1st house, Taurus of the 2nd, etc.

Constellation -

A group of fixed stars usually within 8° orb; the first harmonic.

Contraiety of planets


Contrariety happens, when a weighty planet is placed in the midst, between two light planets, the first applying unto the weighty planet, and the third being retrograde, joined himself to the second, and after to the first.



Also called contrascion. The contrascion of a planet is that point at the same distance from but on the opposite side of the equinoctial axis, 0 degrees Aries - 0 degrees Libra. The midpoints of a planet and its contrascion are always 0 degrees Aries and 0 degrees Libra. The contrascion of a planet is always opposite its antiscion.



There can be Contraparallels of Latitude (when two planets have equal but opposite latitudes measured north and south of the Ecliptic) and Contraparallels of Declination (when two planets have equal but opposite declinations measured north and south of the Celestial Equator).



The point lying equidistant from and at the opposite side of the equinoctial axis to a planet.



Measurements, which follow the reverse order of the natural zodiac, used primarily to direct or progress a horoscope backward in time.



An astronomer born in Polish Prussia credited with developing the theory

(sixteenth century) that Earth is a moving planet that revolves around the Sun, a contradiction to Ptolemy's theory (second century) that the Earth is the center of the universe and fixed in space. Cor Leonis


The Lion's Heart. The most royal of the four Royal Stars, aka Regulus.




Prior to the discovery of Uranus, the Sun and Moon were believed to rule one sign each and the other five planets then known to humankind (Mercury through Saturn) to rule two signs each. When the three outermost planets were discovered, they became co-rulers of the signs Aquarius (Uranus), Pisces (Neptune) and Scorpio (Pluto), along with the traditional rulers, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars respectively.

Corporeal Conjunction


When two planets are conjunct in the same sign. Stronger than an "out-of-sign" conjunction.

Corresponding in Course


Signs of equal power, ie when in equal ascension, or the signs that reflect each other's declension, sharing the same number of hours of daylight and of night. Signs being the same distance on either side of the solstice.



The science that considers Earth in its relationship to celestial phenomena. Cosmic Astrology


Sidereal astrology. Its zodiacal signs are fixed stellar constellations. It establishes relationships between our solar system, the fixed stars and the galaxy. Cosmic astrology possesses very accurate predictive base and provides a sound basis for spiritual astrology.

Cosmic cross


An old term for a T-square, sometimes applied to a grand square. Cosmobiology


an astrological system developed by Reinhold Ebertin that emphasized midpoints and the following hard aspects: semi-square, square, sesquiquadrate and opposition. Cosmology


A theory of the origin and development of the universe. Cosmology deals with the philosophy of the origin and general structure of the universe with its parts, elements, laws, and such of its characteristics as space, time, causality and freedom. It forms a branch of astronomy that deals with the general structure and evolution of the universe.



Any planet which is naturally associated with another in the rulership of a faculty or matter under consideration.

Critical days


Those days on which the Moon makes successive 45 degrees transiting aspects to its original position in a chart for an illness or event. Such days are stressful crisis points for the illness or event. Favorable crises occur when the Moon makes successive 60 degrees aspects to its radical position.

Critical degree


A planet's strength in the chart is increased when in any of these degrees, or within an orb of 3 degrees of the critical degree.



The arrival of a planet at the degree of the MC. The culmination of an aspect is when it is completed, regardless of the MC.



The first symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology.

Cusp, cusp line -

The line that separates the house and indicates the beginning of a house.

Cycle -

A planet's zodiacal period; the time it takes a planet to make one complete transit of a horoscope.


Astrological terms under Letter D

Dakshinamurti - An aspect of Shiva. A mystic functionary situated, according to legends, around the Tropic of Capricorn, and guiding the influx of spiritual forces to earth. The nodes of Moon are said to be intimately connected with him.



The beginning of the southward sojourn of Sun after the summer solstice. Danda Yoga


An auspicious planetary combination formed in several ways. If Venus aspects Jupiter placed in the 3rd house, while the lord of the 3rd is in exaltation, Danda Yoga is formed. Dasa Chhtdra


The last portion of a planetary ruler ship. This duration is often inauspicious. Dasamamsa


One-tenth division of a zodiacal sign. Each of it consists of 30 with different planets ruling and different Vedic deities presiding.

Data Yoga


A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in ascendant, Venus in 4th house, Mercury in the 7th, and Mars in the 10th house. It makes an individual very affluent and generous.



Also known as Neecha. It represents the weakest position of a planet. At this position the auspicious effects of the planet are eliminated unless cancelled by Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. The planets are debilitated as follows: Sun in Libra, 100; Moon in Scorpio, 30 Mars in Cancer, 280 Mercury in Pisces, 150; Jupiter in Capricorn, 50; and Venus in Virgo, 270; and Saturn in Aries, 200. Debilitation of a planet occurs 1800 away from its exaltation point. Debility


A weak or afflicted condition of a planet. Being in Detriment or in Fall are potent essential debilities.

Decanate -

The partitioning of each Sign into three equal parts of 10 degrees each. Each part is known as a decanate. Every Sign is composed of 30 degrees.



One of the Greek time lord systems based upon the minor periods of the planets, counted in months: Saturn 30, Jupiter 12, Mars 15, Sun 19, Venus 8, Mercury 20, Moon 25. Decile


Minor aspect of 36°. Considered fortunate, also known as semi-quintile.

Declination -

The arc of measurement in degrees north or south of the celestial equator. Decreasing in light


Waning. Usually said of the Moon as it approaches the Sun in the order of the signs on its way to a conjunction (New Moon) after leaving its opposition (Full Moon). When decreasing in light, the Moon forms a series of sinister aspects to the Sun.



A lying down due to illness. A chart cast for the time a person first becomes ill or takes to the sickbed. Horary rules are used to interpret a decumbiture chart. The Ascendant signifies the sick person.



Range of an expecting planet; the focal point of an expecting planet; the orb within which the aspect of a planet can be effective.



A degree is 1/360 of a circle. In Astrology, degrees are the commonly-used unit of measurement.



A term used in Kala Chakra Dasa. If differs for different quarters of an asterism. Depression


Another name for fall. One of the essential debilities.


The opposite point from the ascendant, located on the cusp of the Seventh House. This point explains the nature of our interactions with others.



Planets appear to be descending between the tenth house cusp via the descendant and that of the fourth, when they begin to ascend. Descending planets are considered weaker than ascending ones.



That planet in a primary or other direction that brings life to an end by making a malefic contact with the apheta.



A planet is weaker and in its detriment when it is in the sign opposing that which it rules.



Also known as Devarshis. The sages of the highest order. They dwell in the region of gods.

Devendra Yoga


A planetary combination formed by ascendant placed in a fixed sign, ascendant lord in 11th, the lord of 11th in ascendant, and the lords of 2nd and 10th houses in mutual exchange. This combination is powerful in making the individual extremely beautiful , loved by pretty women, owner of vast wealth and villas. He attains a very high social status. Dhana Karaka


The planet producing wealth, viz., Jupiter.



Planetary combinations for wealth.



The sign that a planet rules naturally is its sign of dignity. A planet is essentially dignified when it occupies its natural sign of dignity or its sign of exaltation; it is accidentally dignified when placed in its natural house. It is in domal dignity when in its own sign.

Direct motion


Movement of a planet in the order of the zodiac signs from Aries to Taurus to Gemini, etc. Retrograde motion is opposite to direct motion.



A term synonymous with progression.

Directions by house


The houses are assigned compass directions with the Ascendant pointing East; the Descendant, West; and in the northern hemisphere above the Tropic of Cancer, the IC, North (away from the Ecliptic or path of the Sun); and the MC, South (toward the Ecliptic). Direct Station


The point in a planet's retrograde cycle when it is standing still , preparing to change from retrograde motion to direct motion. Coming at the end of a retrograde cycle, it often indicates a situation that has been stagnant or "stuck" for awhile, reached a crisis point, and is now beginning to resolve.




Another name for the quincunx aspect.



The planet that rules the sign or dignity another planet occupies. For example, if Mars is in Libra, the dispositor of Mars is Venus.

Dissociate aspect


An aspect within orb but out of sign. Dissociation disperses and thus weakens the strength or focus of an aspect.



The planet that is the current bound lord in a circumambulation.



From the Latin diurnus, daily. Refers to the southern (upper) hemisphere of a horoscope, the "day" section of a horoscope, that part of the heavens that appears above the Earth's horizon.

Diurnal arc


The time expressed in right ascension that it takes a planet or degree of the zodiac to move from its rising point on the horizon to its setting point.

Diurnal planets


Saturn, Jupiter, Sun.

Diurnal signs


Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, signs whose natural positions are in the diurnal or southern hemisphere of a horoscope.



Also known as "twelfth part". This is the division of a sign into 13 equal sections, based upon the Moon's monthly cycle against the background stars.

Domal Dignity


A planet in its own sign.



A zodiac sign where the planet is most comfortable and therefore has authority. Double-bodied Signs


Gemini is known as one of the double-bodied signs (dual signs) because it has two "bodies" in its symbol, the symbol of the Twins. The other dual signs are Sagittarius (part man, part beast) and Pisces (two fishes).

Draconic Chart


The natal Dragon's Head (ascending node) becomes 0-degrees Aries of the Draconic chart, or 'draconic equinox' and other planets and points are adjusted accordingly. Dragon's Head


Caput Draconis, or Moon's North Node. The sign and degree occupied by the moon when crossing the ecliptic from south to north lattitude. It is usually considered somewhat benefic, and is the opposite of the Dragon's Tail (Cauda Draconis), the South Node, which is considered malefic. In Indian astrology, the Dragon's Head is called Rahu and the Dragon's Tail is called Ketu and both are considered malefic, though less so for ketu.

Dragon's Tail


Cauda Draconis, or Moon's South Node.

Duad, dwadasama, dwadachamsha


A twelve-fold subdivision of the signs(each composed of 2 1/2°) developed by Hindu astrologers. The first duad of each sign is sub-ruled by the natural planetary ruler of the sign; the second duad is sub-ruled by the ruler of next sign in the zodiac and so on. These "signs within a sign," by virtue of their planetary rulers, account for subtle shadings of expression found in different degrees of the same sign.


Dual Signs


Gemini; Sagittarius; Pisces.



Division in Indian Astrology of the zodiac into segments of two and a half degrees. Popularised in the modern era in the West by Alan Leo, this division was also used by the ancient Greeks, in the dodecatmoria.

Astrological terms under Letter E



Sometimes called Terra. Our planet revolves on its own axis every 24 hours and completes its orbit around the Sun in around 365.25 days. The course of the Earth's orbit lies between that of Venus and Mars. The Moon is the Earth's natural satellite and orbits the Earth in approximately 29 days.

Earth Element


One of the four astrological elements. A feminine element, it stands for materiality, solidity, matters to do with security and so on. The other elements are, Fire, Air and Water.

Earth Signs

-Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Signs belonging to this Element represent a practical nature such as stability, solidarity and practicality.



A term used in Horary Astrology. It refers to a planetary combination involving two swift moving planets in which the fast moving one has overtaken the slow moving one. If the forward planet is a benefic, final success, or fruition of the action is likely a malefic overtaking. A benefic will frustrate the efforts of the individual. If both the planets are malefic, the result will be inauspicious.



Christian festival of Christ's resurrection, coinciding approximately with the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

East points


The point on the Celestial Equator rising on the Eastern Horizon at birth. The East Point is the intersection of the Eastern Horizon, Prime Vertical, and Celestial Equator. The Ascendant is the intersection of the Eastern Horizon with the Ecliptic.



The apparent path of the Sun on the Celestial Sphere in Earth centered astronomy. The Ecliptic is inclined at 23.5 degrees to the Celestial Equator.

Eclipse -

An occultation, commonly used in reference to a darkening of the Sun or Moon. Solar eclipses occur at the times of those new Moons when the Moon, Sun and Earth are aligned so that the Moon blocks the Sun (totally or partially) from Earth's view. Lunar eclipses occur at certain full Moons during which the Sun, Earth and Moon are so aligned that Earth blocks the Sun's light from the Moon, and the Moon is invisible to earthlings.

Eighth House-

Also known as the House of Sex. It describes shared resources, inheritance, alimony, taxes and surgery. It is also the House of regeneration, death and rebirth.

Ekawali Yoga


The planetary combination in which all planets occupy different houses in a sequential manner. It makes the individual an emperor.



Chart cast to ascertain the most auspicious time for important events, such as marriages, moving house and so on. Used in Horary Astrology.


Electional astrology-

A system by which one determines the most advantageous time to carry out a specific action (marriage, travel, business) by first erecting a suitable horoscope and working "backward" to calculate the time that is appropriate to the chosen horoscope.

Electional chart


A horoscope chart cast to determine the best time to take action. Electional astrology is the reverse application of horary procedures.


-Ancients believed that the universe consisted of four primary elements, air, earth, fire and water from which the triplicities , a four-fold division of the zodiac, are derived. Signs

belonging to the same triplicity exhibit similar qualities symbolized by the element with which they are associated.

Elevated planet

-A planet placed high in a horoscope. The most elevated is the planet closest to the Midheaven; it is considered strong by position and accidentally dignified.

Eleventh House


The eleventh chart segment. Governs friendships, hopes and wishes, personal goals, associations, group aspirations, cooperation, bettering the community and humanitarianism.



The distance of a planet from the Sun, as viewed from Earth. The maximum elongation for the inferior planets is 28° for Mercury, and 48° for Venus.

Embolism lunation


The Moon's position when the natal lunar phase angle (relative position between Moon and sun in a natal horoscope) is repeated. It is believed that women can conceive during the time each month that the natal lunar phase angle recurs.



A planet coming from under the Sun's beams so as to be seen after an eclipse or occultation.



A planet placed in its domicile, or home sign.



Emplacement horaries depend on the house position of the significators to answer the question.

Ephemeris (ephemerides) -

An almanac that lists the zodiacal positions of the planets and other astronomical data.

Equal House horoscope -

One in which twelve equal houses are derived by taking successive arcs of 30° each, beginning with the Ascendant and completing the zodiac circle.

Equation of Time


The difference between true and mean time at any given moment. This difference arises due to Sun not always crossing the Meridian at 12 o' clock. The time by watch is regulated by mean solar time, which is constant in length, and is equal to the annual mean of the true solar days.

Equator -

The plane perpendicular to Earth's polar axis, which divides Earth into two


Equatorial arcs


A method of progressing house cusps, based upon the Earth's rotation, in which one year of life corresponds to the passage of 1° right ascension over the meridian, approximately four minutes of time.

Equinoctial Point


the points of intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic. Each point refers to the Sun's crossing of the celestial equator, and is known as Equinox.

Equinoctial Signs


Aries and Libra. These signs hold the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.


-this occurs when the center of the Sun is directly over Earth's equator. The Sun crosses the equator twice each year, once at the vernal equinox when it enters 0° Aries and again at the autumnal equinox when it enters 0° Libra. The days and nights are of equal duration all over the world on equinoctial dates. The vernal equinox occurs on the first day of spring, the autumnal equinox on the first day of autumn.

Esoteric astrology


A study that deals with the human spirit and hidden nature as opposed to exoteric astrology, which deals with human characteristics and life on Earth.

Essential diginity


A region of the zodiac where a planet has a special affinity and is therefore more powerful. Essential dignity can occur by ruling sign, exaltation, triplicity, term, or face.

Event chart -

A horoscope drawn up according to the date, time and location of a particular happening, interpreted to gain insight into influences surrounding the event and an outlook for possible developments stemming from that event.



Essential dignity of a planet, possibly even more powerful than being in its own sign. Exoteric astrology


any branch of astrology that studies observable events and characteristics such as natal astrology, mundane astrology, etc., as distinguished from esoteric astrology, which studies the unknown or occult aspects of humanity.

Extra-Saturnian planets


The three planets not visible to the naked eye that orbit outside the planet Sauturn, namely: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto


Astrological terms under Letter F

Face - The weakest form of essential dignity. Each sign is divided into three 10 degrees faces, and a different planet has dignity in each face of the sign.

Fall - A sign opposite the one in which a planet is exalted. A significator in its fall may indicate an unfortunate, helpless, insolvent, or cruel person. A planet in its fall may literally refer to a person who has fallen, been disgraced, or suffered some kind of limitation.

Falling amiss


A planet falls amiss when it is in one of the unfavorable houses (2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th) or is unfamiliarly configured to it's own domicile. It is closely connected with the word achrematistikos because a planet that falls amiss is unprofitable and slack in activity.


Feminine planets- Traditionally the Moon and Venus. In addition, Mercury is feminine when joined with a feminine planet and masculine when joined with a masculine planet.

Feminine Signs-

The Earth and Water Signs, comprised of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Indicates passive and receptive energy.

Feral signs


Ferall signs are Leo and the last part of Sagittarius.



A classification of the signs based on their susposed productivity. Fertile signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are said to be good for planting when occupied by the Moon, and are indicators of offspring when occupying the cusps of the fifth or eleventh houses. Semi-fertile or moderately fruitful signs are Taurus, Libra, and Capricorn. Barren or sterile are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The barren signs are good for cultivation when occupied by the Moon, and are indicators of not having children when occupying the cusps of the fifth or eleventh houses.

Fiery Element


One of the four astrological elements. A masculine element, it stands for action, positivity, matters to do with spirituality and so on. The other elements are Water, Air and Earth. Fiery Signs


Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fiery signs. Sun and Mars are fiery planets. They show courage, strength, determination, aggression and confidence in oneself.

Fifth House-

Also known as the House of Pleasure. It describes romance, creativity, children, fun and speculation. It also rules the dramatic and one's artistic ability.



Another name for aspect, or depending upon the context, the birth chart itself. Finger of God


Also called the Finger of Fate or Yod. Comprises two planets in sextile (60°) aspect to each other, each making a 150° aspect focused on the same third planet. Indicative of a special life purpose, it creates the sensation of steadiness, special passion, deep aspiration and a strong inner drive to accomplish something very important and special.



A general time lord system, probably Persian in origin and based upon sect similar to the decennia. .

Fire Signs-

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Signs belonging to this Element represent a fiery nature.

First House-

Also known as the House of Self. It describes the outer personality. It is the image we project to the world, our mask.



The signs of the quadruplicity: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Fixed Houses


2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses.

Fixed Signs-

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This Quality represents stubbornness and inflexibility.

Fixed stars


These do not move across the ecliptic, as do planets. Those near the ecliptic and of significant magnitude have considerable influence. Fixed stars do not lie within the zodiac; they are all beyond it in the constellations.




One of the three modalities which finds expression through the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs share a common dynamic, namely that of blocking action, maintaining status quo and they provide stability.

Flat chart -

Alternate term for natural chart.

Focal point


Any point in a horoscope where several influences converge or disperse, such as the position of the squared planet in a T-square formation, the action point in a yod, the handle of a bucket, etc. See also T-square.



A malefic Fixed Star in the 4th degree of Pisces. One of the four Royal Stars. Forecast


Plotting the movements of the planets to determine upcoming trends.

Fortuna Chart


Chart constructed using the degree of the Part of Fortune as the ascendant. Fortunes


Another term for the benefic planets.

Fourth House


Also known as the House of Home. It describes the residence, real estate, ancestry and the past. It is also speaks about parental influence.

Fruitful Signs


Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.



When a planet applying to an aspect is deflected by a third before the aspect is complete, it is described as having been frustrated. Used in Horary Astrology.

Full Moon


That point in the lunar cycle when the Moon exactly opposes the Sun; begins the waning phase.

Astrological terms under Letter G





















































Gada Yoga - A planetary combination formed in two ways: Moon posited in 2nd house along with Jupiter and Venus, or the lord of 9th house additionally aspects them; and (ii) all planets,

excluding the nodes are posited in adjoining cardinal houses. Gada Yoga makes the individual engaged in philanthropic and religious activities but fierce in appearance and free from any enemy. He earns much money. He is also happily married.

Gaja Yoga


A planetary combination in which the lord of the 7th house from ascendant, which would be 9th from the 11th house, is in the 11th house along with Moon, and the lord of the 11th house aspects them. A person born under this combination is always happy, rich, religious, and lives in luxurious style.

Gaja Kesari Yoga


An auspicious planetary combination formed by certain relationships between Moon and Jupiter. Gaja Kesari-yoga is both protective from evil consequences of other maleficent as well as productive of auspicious results.


Galactic Centre


The centre of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, currently located at Sag 26°54'.It has a significant effect when aspected, inclining people to take a central role in affairs and to have a sense of cosmic destiny.



The conjunction of Pisces and Aries, Cancer and Leo, and Scorpio and Sagittarius. Gemini - The third sign of the zodiac. Mutable and airy. Ruled by Mercury. Emblem: The Twins. Genethlialogy - The study of Birth Charts in Natal Astrology.

Genethliacal - Pertaining to Birth Charts in Natal Astrology. Geniture - The Birth Chart.

Geocentric - The Earth as the centre of observation and influence. Astrological aspects are geocentric, as they relate to the Earth.

Geocentric System


The conception of the universe with Earth as its center. It is the system based on the pre-Galilean view of the stellar world. This unrealistic view is opposed to the Heliocentric System The present day Ephemeris's provide coordinates of stellar relationships as seen from Earth.

Ghatika Lagna - The Ascendant in the Indian system of horoscopy which is expressed in relation with the daily sunrise and sunset time described in traditional time counts such as ghati, pala, etc. Glyph


A symbol for refering to a planet, zodiac sign, aspect or other astrological concept. Gochara


the transit or passage of a planet in relation with other planets during the course of their usual movement. At any moment of time, a planet's position is different from its natal position. This divergence requires to be taken into consideration for astrological predictions. Golden Linkage


One of 5 linkages most favorable to have with anyone in terms of achieving success together.



The planetary combination formed by exaltation of the lord of the ascendant, and strong Jupiter placed in its Mool Trikona in association with the lord of the 2nd house. It makes the individual hail from an elite family and bestows upon him happiness, attractive appearance, and high social standing.




Graha, Poura


The nature of planets when they are in opposition to another planet.

Grand Cross-

A configuration in which four planets form mutual squares. It creates much tension.

Grand Hexagram


A group of 6 or more planets that lie 60 degrees apart in a 6 pointed star pattern. Very dynamic and full of great opportunity, if you are willing to put in the needed effort and can handle this higher volatile energy.


Grand Trine-

When three planets, generally of the same Element, meet each other to form a triangle. The energy of this configuration is harmonious.

Grand Quintile


A very rare pattern of 5 or more planets separted by 72 degree aspects (quintiles) that lie in a 5 pointed star design.

Greater Benefic


A term reserved for the planet Jupiter. Greater Malefic


A term applied to Saturn.

Great Year -

The astrological year based on the time it takes Earth's axis to complete on revolution around the pole of the ecliptic, about twenty-five thousand years. A Great Year is divided into twelve "months" of about two thousand years duration.

Gregorian calendar-

The calendar now used internationally, devised by Pope Gregory in the 1580s to replace the Julian calendar.

Guru -Chandala Yoga


A planetary combination relating Jupiter and Rahu. When these two planets are associated together in a house, it produces inauspicious results. It makes the individual depraved and inclined to indulge in socially and morally unethical activities.

Astrological terms under Letter H



The second symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology.

Hala -Yoga


It arises when all the planets are located in a group of triangular houses other than the ascendant. It will lead to all planets occupying the following three formations: (i) 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses; (ii) 3rd, 7th, and 11th houses; and (iii) 4th, 8th, and 12th houses. Persons born under this combination are engaged in agricultural activities in an important way.

Halley's Comet


Named for the English astronomer, Edmund Halley. One of the most brilliant comets viewed from Earth, it reappears approximately every seventy-seven years.



an alternate term for mid-point, the point in the zodiac that lies exactly midway between two planets.

Hamsa -Yoga


One of the five Maha Purusha Yogas formed by Jupiter in exaltation or in its own sign and in strength occupying a cardinal house either from ascendant or from the Moon sign. It makes the person fortunate, well built. He gets a beautiful wife and possesses all comfort. He is religiously inclined and favourably disposed towards spiritual studies. The combination is said to bestow a life of more than 82 years.

Hard Aspect


Aspects which create tension and friction. Squares, oppositions and quincunxes are all hard aspects.

Harihara Brahma Yoga


Refers to 3 sets of planetary combinations: (i) Benefics placed in the 2nd, 8th, and 12th houses from the sign in which the lord of the 2nd house is placed; (ii) Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury posited in the 4th, 9th, and 8th houses from the sign where the lord of the 7th house is situated; and (iii) the Sun, Venus and Mars in the 4th, 10th, or 11 house from the


ascendant lord. These combinations make the individual truthful, effective speaker, victorious, well-versed in religious scriptures, and philanthropic.



The term for the Aspects describing the relationship between two points, bodies or Signs.

Harmonious aspect


Aspects in which the planets involved are mutually supportive; their energies operate together comfortably and productively. The sextile and trine are major harmonious aspects; also called easy aspects.

Harmonic Chart


Chart based on any chosen division of the zodiac. For example, the fourth harmonic features planets in square aspect. In the harmonic chart, these planets are shown in conjunction.



A very powerful form of accidental dignity, based on sect, planetary joy, being above the horizon etc. Hardly used in modern astrology.

Heavy planets


A term used to refer to the slower-moving whose influece is considered more serious than the other planets. They are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.



One of the three fates referred to by the ancient Greeks, also known as immutable fate.

Heliacal rising


"Rising with the Sun" - occurs when a planet or star, which was hidden by the Sun's rays, again becomes visible.



Measurements based upon the Sun as the central point of reference or observation; Sun-centered.

Heliocentric System


The system in which cosmographic coordinates are given on the assumption that the Sun is at its center. It is a realistic approach.



One of the Greek gods, has references to the planet Mercury.



The original name for the planet Uranus, which was discovered in 1781 by the British astronomer Sir William Herschel.

Higher Octave planets


The three outermost planets, which symbolize the higher or spiritual level of expression in contrast to the lower or physical level symbolized by the inner planets with which they are linked. Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, objective intellectualism. Neptune, linked to Venus, expresses spiritual love; Pluto, the higher octave of Mars, is associated with spiritual evolvement; Mars with physical development.

Holistic -

That which seeks to take the whole body, soul and mind into consideration in any prognosis or interpretation.



The rising of a radical sign; an hour; it represents a part of the zodiacal sign divided into two parts, each of which is owned by Sun or Moon. Sun's Hora is considered masculine and Moon's Hora is feminine.


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5.- To review several strategies on how to introduce an innovation into the market, from the traditional product development cycle to a pure intellectual property licensing

The study found the following factors linked to higher reentry rates: younger children (ages under 1 year) and children between the ages of 12 and 14 had the highest reentry

Apple in fifth grade do not possible manner by the directions for children in this book ever wondered if they know that encircles the reading.. Extension beyond the grade book,

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The research presented in this thesis examines the idea that observations from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) can be used to predict scintillation