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Academic year: 2021



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Código Erasmus País Institución Página Web Página Web - internac. Fecha límite de solicitud Formalidades de solicitud Requisitos linguísticos


Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Santa María de los Buenos Aires

http://www.uca.edu.ar http://www.uca.edu.ar/in dex.php/site/index/es/un iversidad/Uca-internacional/ 1º semestre (marzo-julio): 15 de noviembre 2º semestre (agosto-diciembre): 15 de mayo Requisito de admisión:

-Haber completado por lo menos 2 años de estudios universitarios.

-Tener un buen rendimiento académico.


Formulario de solicitud de intercambio en : http://www.uca.edu.ar/uca/common/grupo39/file s/application_form_2012.pdf

Docs a entregar con la solicitud: -copia del pasaporte

-certificado Analítico

-Carta de Motivación (en español) -Carta de presentación de la Universidad -Constancia de seguro médico (obligatorio)


Argentina Universidad de Ciencias

Empresariales y Sociales http://www.uces.edu.ar sin especificar Español

Argentina Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ) www.unaj.edu.ar Sin especificar Español

Argentina Universidad Nacional del Litoral http://www.unl.edu.ar

30 mayo: para empezar en Agosto

30 Nov.: para empezar en Marzo


Argentina Universidad Torcuato di

Tella http://www.utdt.edu.ar

- 1º sem. (para empezar en Marzo).: For partner schools:

Deadline to confirm number of exchange spots: August 15

Confirmation from UTDT of number of spots available: September 1

Nomination deadline: October 1

For all students: Application deadline: November 1 - 2º sem.: (para empezar en agosto). For partner schools:

Deadline to confirm number of exchange spots: January 31

Confirmation from UTDT of number of spots available: February 15

Nomination deadline: March 15

For all students: Application deadline: April 15

Online application form:

http://www.utdt.edu/ver_contenido.php?id_conte nido=1392&id_item_menu=2537

Course Preference Form [download]

Mandatory Health Insurance Form [download] Health Form [download]

Photocopy of Passport (pages 1, 2, 3)

Official University Transcript (including the most recent semester)

Documentation of Spanish Language Proficiency

2 Photographs (passport size)

Statement of Purpose for participating in exchange program (in Spanish)

Acknowledgement of Risks and Release of Responsibility [ download ]

Exchange Student Checklist [download]


Brasil Pontificia Universidade

Católica do Rio de Janeiro http://www.puc-rio.br

1º sem.: 15 oct. 2º sem.: 15 may

Application form (http://www.puc-rio.br/ensinopesq/ccci/forms-hp.html) 1 foto

expediente académico nomination letter pasaporte

carta de presentación personal copia del seguro


Brasil Universidade Católica de


Brasil Universidade de São Paulo http://www.usp.br

1º sem.: March 15th till 30th each year

2º sem.: September 15th till 30th each year

Application Form with two photos: white backdrop; size 3 cm (wide) x 4 cm (tall). Stick one on this form and attach the other one in a small envelope.

• Current School Transcript (Official academic record of courses and grades).

• C. V. (One page Résumé of academic and professional accomplishments).

• Photocopy of the main page of your passport.

• Financial statement mentioning that you or your sponsor can support you with at least R$ 6.000,00 per semester.

• 2 Letters of Recommendation signed by


Brasil Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina http://www.udesc.br http://www.udesc.br/internacional 1º sem.: 15 Abril2º sem.: 15 Oct.

1) application form

http://www.udesc.br/?idFormulario=46 2)Photo 3x4;

3)Photocopy of passport and identity, 4)proof of registration at the university, 5)transcripts of records.

Mas info en http://www.udesc.br/?id=474

Portuguese intermediate level

Brasil Universidade Estadual de

Campinas (UNICAMP) http://www.unicamp.br


.br/mobilidade/ sin especificar Portugues Brasil Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) http://www.uem.br sin especificar sin especificar


Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE)

http://www.unioeste.br 2 meses antes de comienzo

de semestre académico. Portugues


Universidade Estadual Paulista 'Júlio de Mesquita Filho' (UNESP)


http://www.unesp.br/are x/internationalstudents2. php

1 Nov for 1st semester or anual period

15 May for the 2nd semester

Applicants must complete the UNESP Exchange Student Application Form (available online):

https://sistemas.unesp.br/arex/publico/trocarIdio ma.aplicar.action?idioma=ES

A copy of the student's transcript record, resume and the completed/signed Exchange Student Application Form must be mailed to AREX at the deadline indicated


Brasil Universidade Federal da

Bahia (UFBA) http://www.ufba.br http://www.aai.ufba.br/

1º sem.: 5 Nov. 2º sem.: 4 May.

1) Formulario de solicitud UFBA; 2) Carta de presentación; 3) Carta de la Universidad; 4) Copia del Pasaporte;

5) Certificado médico que no sufren de enfermedades físicas y mentales reconocidos por el Consulado de Brasil;

6) Carta de recomendación de un profesor de la Universidad de origen;

7) Identificación del Estudiante; 8) Histórico de notas oficial y uno en portugués; 9) Plan de estudios (https://alunoweb.ufba.br/SiacWWW/ListaCurso sGradePublico.do?cdGrauCurso=01) (http://www.twiki.ufba.br/twiki/bin/view/SUPAC/ Matricula# ); 10) Foto (3x4) Portugues

Brasil Universidade Federal de

Santa Catarina http://www.ufsc.br http://www.sinter.ufsc.br

Online Nominations: Para ingresso em Março: limite 14 out.

Para ingresso em Agosto: limite 25 abril

Nomination candidatos por la ORI on- line:http://sinter.ufsc.br/es/ingresso-de- estrangeiros/inscricoes-on-line-para-alunos-estrangeiros/

formulario online para estudiantes: http://sinter.ufsc.br/es/ingresso-de- estrangeiros/inscricoes-on-line-para-alunos-estrangeiros/

Mas info sobre procedimientos en:

http://sinter.ufsc.br/ingresso-de- estrangeiros/procedimentos-para-intercambio-de-graduacao-na-ufsc/

Portugués intermedio / avanzado

Brasil Universidade Federal de Uberlandia (UFU) http://www.dri.ufu.br http://www.dri.ufu.br/es/node/54

- 29 de março – para iniciar o intercâmbio no primeiro semestre

- 30 de agosto – para iniciar o intercâmbio no segundo

- histórico escolar, devidamente traduzido para o português;

- duas cartas de recomendação de professores; - carta de motivação; - plano de estudos; - formulário de inscrição: http://www.dri.ufu.br/node/58 - cópia do passaporte;

tenha proficiência oral e escrita em português


Brasil Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) http://www.ufc.br http://www.cai.ufc.br/

applications at least TWO MONTHS before the beginning of the study period

application form:


students must be able to communicate in the Portuguese language, corresponding to level B1 in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF).

Brasil Universidade Federal do

Espirito Santo (UFES) http://www.ufes.br sin especificar Portugues Brasil Universidade Federal do

Paraná (UFPR) http://www.ufpr.br sin especificar Portugues

Brasil Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) http://www.ufrj.br http://www.scri.ufrj.br/

1er semestre (Feb - July).: 10 Oct.

2nd semester (Aug - Dec): 30 Marzo

- Formulário de Candidatura para Estudantes Internacionais (Application Form for

International Students – available in

download/international students/SCRI Mobility Programs/application form);

- Copy of the Passport: it must be effective for the whole period of mobility. Applicants with a tourist visa will not be accepted;

- Motivation Letter, written in Portuguese; - Recommendation Letter: (issued and signed by a professor from the applicant’s course or similar representative). The letter may be written in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish;

- * Original Proof of enrolment: an official document stating that the student is regularlyenrolled in his/her Home Institution; - * Up-to-date Official Transcript of Records; - Up-to-date Abridged Resumé, written in Portuguese;

- *Abridged Version of the Research Project – For graduate students with a research project already defined.

1. Only complete applications will be processed.

2. All documents marked with “*” must be translated into Portuguese.

3. The translation of the official transcript of records and of the original proof of enrolment may be performed by the applicant.


Brasil Universidade Federal

Fluminense (UFF) http://www.uff.br

http://www.gar.uff.br/aai/ aai.htm 1º sem.: 29 de novembro 2º sem.: 15 de maio Periodo de inscripción online: www.mobilidadein.uff.br/grad uacao (para alunos de graduação)

www.mobilidadein.uff.br/posg raduacao (para alunos de pós graduação)

Formulário de aplicação online (disponible en http://www.aai.uff.br/intercambio-alunos-estrangeiros-exchange-students o en http://www.aai.uff.br/en/node/26) Mas documentos necessários: Carta da Assessoria Internacional da Universidade de Origem;

Carta de apresentação do aluno; Carta de recomendação de um professor; Histórico escolar;


Brasil Universidade Luterana do

Brasil (ULBRA) http://www.ulbra.br

1º sem.: 15 oct. 2º sem.: 15 abril

Formulários de Inscrição impresso e assinado pelo aluno (disponível no site da ULBRA:

http://www.ulbra.br/relacoes-internacionais/formularios-e-documentos Cópia do Histórico Escolar das disciplinas cursadas

Carta pessoal de apresentação e motivação (escrita em português)

Carta de recomendação do coordenador de curso de graduação ou de pós-graduação Breve Curriculum Vitae (escrita em português) Plano de Estudos com as disciplinas a serem cursadas na universidade de destino, assinado pelo coordenador do curso, em formulário próprio (Anexo 1);

Certificado de conhecimento do idioma Duas fotos 3x4 coloridas com fundo branco Cópia do passaporte http://www.ulbra.br/relacoes-internacionais/aluno-estrangeiro nível intermediário/avançado da língua portuguesa

Brasil Universidade Positivo www.up.com.br http://internacional.up.com.br 1º semestre: 30/112º semestre: 31/05

Completar el formulario:

http://www.up.com.br/painelgpa/uploads/imagen s/files/Applying.pdf Enviar los documentos mencionados:

-Histórico Escolar -Pasaporte


Chile Universidad Autónoma de Chile http://www.uautonoma.cl/

http://www.uautonoma.c l/index.php/rr-ii/alumnos-internacionales/

Semestre Otoño (Marzo – Julio): 15 de noviembre Semestre Primavera (Julio – Diciembre): 30 de mayo

Formulario de postulación Incoming Fotocopia de su pasaporte (obligatorio) Historial de Notas

Foto tamaño pasaporte

Carta de recomendación de un profesor de su área de estudios

Copia de seguro médico (obligatorio) Mas info:



Chile Universidad Católica del Norte http://www.ucn.cl sin especificar Español

Chile Universidad de Talca http://www.utalca.cl/

http://www.utalca.cl/htm /asuntos_internacionale s/asuntos_internacinale s.htm Abril-Mayo: para 1º semestre Septiembre-Noviembre: para 2º semestre http://rrii.utalca.cl/ Español

Chile Universidad de Tarapacá http://www.uta.cl sin especificar Español

Chile Universidad de Viña del

Mar http://www.uvm.cl http://www.uvm.cl/dri/

1º sem.: 1 Feb.

2º sem.: 30 Junio Español

Chile Universidad del Desarrollo http://www.udd.cl http://www.udd.cl/relaciones-internacionales/

Semester 1 (March – July): November 15th

Semester 2 (August – December): April 15th

• Nomination letter from home institution • Academic File

• Photocopy of Passport (first page) • 2 ID card-size photographs

• Portfolio (for students applying to the School of Design and the School of Architecture) All accepted students must apply for the Student Visa in the correspondent embassy or consulate.

All students must have a Health Insurance with international coverage to cover their complete exchange period.


Chile Universidad Diego Portales http://www.udp.cl 90 dias antes del comienzo

de curso en destino Español


Colombia Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

http://www.javeriana.ed u.co/

1º sem.: 90 dias antes del inicio de estancia en destino

2º sem.: 90 dias antes del inicio de estancia en destino

1. Formulario de inscripción debidamente diligenciado y con fotografía reciente: http://puj-portal.javeriana.edu.co/portal/page/portal/vice_a cademica/Estudiantes/1docspdfs_estudiantes/T ab/FORM%20APLICACION%20DE%20EXTRA N%20PROGRAMA%20DE%20INTERCAMBIO %20INTERN.pdf 2. Certificados académicos.

3. Carta de recomendación de un profesor de su universidad de origen


Colombia Universidad Autónoma de Manizales http://www.autonoma.edu.co

http://www.autonoma.ed u.co/index.php/es/unida des/relinternacionales/r


90 días antes del inicio de

estancia en destino Español

Colombia Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

http://www.upbbga.edu. co

Para inicio en Enero:antes del 15 de Noviembre Para inicio en Julio: antes del 15 de Mayo

Formulario de la Web

(http://www.upb.edu.co/portal/page?_pageid=11 34,32467156&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

Carta de Aprobación de la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales, Historial Académico, Examen Médico, Examen Psicológico, Carta de Motivación del

Estudiante, Hoja de Vida del Estudiante, Carta de Recomendación de dos Docentes y Carta de compromiso de los Padres.


Corea del Sur Hanyang University http://www.hanyang.ac.kr 18 March

Apply online at http://iss.hanyang.ac.kr Application form


Transcript of records


Corea del Sur Inha University http://www.inha.ac.kr/

http://eng.inha.ac.kr/intr o/non_degree_program s.asp

Admission for Semester 1 (Spring): October 31 of previous year

Admission for Semester 2 (Fall): April 30

Once nominated for exchange studies by home university, directly apply online application website:

https://itislink.inha.ac.kr/ipsiIExchange/IIE61001 /ApplyLoginFGrd.aspx

Required Documents:

- Completed Application Form:

(must be printed out and sent along with the other documents to Inha)

- 1 Photo (3 x 4 cm, color)

- Official Transcripts (in English or Korean) - Certificate of Enrollment

- Recommendation Letter (must be written in a designated format)

- A copy of Passport

- Certificate of Bank Deposit (more than USD 5,000 deposited for at least one month) - Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree (for graduate students only)

- Certificate of Language Proficiency (ex. TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, TEPS, TOPIK etc.) - Housing Application Form (downloadable from the online application website)

On-line course registration: Registration for courses is done online through the University website. (http://sugang.inha.ac.kr)


Corea del Sur Korea University http://www.korea.edu/ http://oia.korea.ac.kr/ FALL ADMISSION: 1º round: 14 March 2º round: 13 June SPRING ADMISSION: 1º round: 11 July 2º round: 24 oct. Online application: http://oia.korea.ac.kr/listener.do?layout=admissi on_3_1

- Students must meet one of the following requirements to apply 1) A certificate from the Korean Language Program at Korea University 2) A certificate of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) 3) Certificate of Korean proficiency (other than 1 and 2) test score 4) A standardized English proficiency test score on one of the following tests: TOEFL, TEPS, IELTS (note: TOEIC is not accepted) 5) Applicant’s language proficiency meets qualifications 1 to 4 state above

Corea del Sur Kyonggi University http://www.kyonggi.ac.k r/KyonggiEng.kgu

Fall Semester (Second Semester): June 5th Spring Semester (First Semester): December 5th

(1) Application Form (KGU Form) (2) Study Plan (KGU Form)

(3) University Dormitory application form (KGU Form) (4) Certificate of Enrollment (5) Academic Transcripts (6) Recommendation Letter (7) Copy of Passport (8) Three Photos (3*4cm) sin especificar

Winter semester: 15 May

Application Form Housing Application Certificate of Enrollment Official Transcript of Grade


Costa Rica

Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnología (ULACIT)

http://www.ulacit.ac.cr/ 90 días antes del inicio de la

estancia en destino Español


Unidos National University http://www.nu.edu/

completed application packet at least four to six months prior to

your desired intake date

http://www.nu.edu/Admissions/InternationalAdm issi/Apply.html

•International Student Application (International Students cannot apply online. Please submit a paper application.)

•Application Checklist

•Credit Card Authorization Form (if paying Application Fee by Credit Card)

•Financial Statement for International Applicants

•Complete National University Application packet for International Students

Achieving a TOEFL score of i. Undergraduates: 525 (PBT), 197 (CBT) or 70 (IBT) ii. Graduates: 550 (PBT, 213 (CBT) or 79 (IBT) b. Achieving an IELTS score of at least i. Undergraduates: 5.5, with no band lower than a 5

ii. Graduates: 6, with no band lower than a 5 c. Certificate of Proficiency in English with a C grade or higher

d. Certificate of

Advanced English with a C grade



Unidos San Diego State University

http://www.sa.sdsu.edu /

http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/i sc/

1 April for the Fall semester 1 October for the Spring semester

Electronic international EXCHANGE student application at

http://www.isc.sdsu.edu/content/Forms/FutureF orm/ExchangeApplication.pdf

Exchange students must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) equivalent to at least 2.5, based on a 4.0 scale. Required: IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score of 6.5 or higher or a paper-based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 550 or higher or computer-based TOEFL of 213 or higher or a score of 80 or higher on an iBT(internet based test) TOEFL. The TOEFL score must be obtained within two years prior to application to SDSU. Israel College of Management - Academic Studies (COMAS) http://www.colman.ac.il/ English

Fall sem.: 20 May Spring sem.: 20 Dec.

Application form Academic Transcripts

Documentation of your citizenship, e.g. a copy of your passport.

CV/Resume (in English)

(For design students only) Portfolio - four projects saved as PDF files

More info: http://www.colman.ac.il/english/international/inte rlstudents/applynow/pages/applicationforms.asp x?webid=ccb69e78-33c3-4240-b01b-1a1a1aa2d073 advanced English language skills will be required to follow lectures, participate in classroom discussions, and complete written assignments

Japón Aichi Prefectural University http://www.aichi-pu.ac.jp/eng/ sin especificar sin especificar

Japón Yokohama National

University http://www.ynu.ac.jp 1º sem.: 10 April 2º sem.: 30 Jan. http://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/ Application form Letter of recommendation Transcript of records Proof English proficiency

Required TOEFL 80 IBT, IELTS 6.0 or equivalent



Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)


Spring semester January-May

Application Deadline: November 15th Fall semester August-December

Application Deadline: June 30th

Nomination template (excel document attached) sent by partner univ. only send the digital version via e-mail.

Student applications: Register online:

http://sim.itesm.mx/sim/login.jsp. Send by airmail:

• application form – it is very important that this application form is

stamped and signed by student and international coordinator

• up to date transcript with the latest grades from university – this also needs to be signed and stamped by the university.

• A copy of passport.

• Insurance responsive letter (if applicable) please see the international

health insurance part in this document to review if you should add this



México Universidad Anáhuac - México Norte

http://www.anahuac.mx /

90 días antes del inicio de

estancia en destino Español

México Universidad Autónoma de

Baja California http://www.uabc.mx

http://www.uabc.mx/ccii a 30 Mayo: 1º sem. 30 Nov.: 2º sem. procedimientos en http://www.uabc.mx/cciia/visitantes/ Formato de solicitud: http://www.uabc.mx/cciia/files/Formato_para_al umnos_extranjeros.pdf http://www.uabc.mx/cciia/files/equivalencia_par a_alumnos_foraneos.pdf

Expedientes a enviar en formato electrónico únicamente por email.



México Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana http://www.uam.mx/

15 de mayo para agosto-diciembre

15 de octubre para enero-abril y/o enero-abril-julio

NOMINAR ONLINE POR ORI en el Módulo de Nominación:

http://durancell.com.mx/sigap/nominacion/index Internacional.html

Para estudiante:

Carta de postulación institucional (nomination) Solicitud de participante (PDF) disponible en: http://www.vinculacion.uam.mx/pdf/sppmi.pdf Historial Académico con promedio numérico. Carta de exposición de motivos.

Copia de pasaporte vigente. 2 cartas de recomendación de tus profesores/as.

Currículum Vitae

Los documentos serán enviados por tu institución vía digital (en un sólo archivo .pdf) y física (a través de correo postal)

Mas info:

http://www.vinculacion.uam.mx/index.php?optio n=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id =62&Itemid=271#procedimientos


México Universidad de Colima http://www.ucol.mx/

http://www.ucol.mx/inter nacionalizacion/inf_extr anjeros/informacion.php

3 junio para Sem. Agosto-Diciembre

15 octubre para Sem. Enero-Julio


http://www.ucol.mx/srica/?Opc=Opciones&id=6 3&origen=135

1)Llenar solicitud de movilidad para estudiantes extranjeros

http://www.ucol.mx/srica/files/solicitud_mov_est udiante_visitante(5).doc

2)Adjuntar los siguientes documentos: - Carta de presentación dirigida a la Directora General de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación Académica de la Universidad de Colima. Esta carta debe ir firmada por el titular de la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales o equivalente en la universidad de origen del estudiante.

- Historial o expediente académico con las asignaturas cursadas hasta el momento y sus respectivas calificaciones.

- 1 fotografía (blanco y negro o a color) - Fotocopia del seguro médico internacional (este documento también puede ser entregado el mismo día de la llegada del estudiante). - Fotocopia legible del pasaporte.


México Universidad de Guadalajara http://www.udg.mx/ http://www.cgci.udg.mx/ estudiantes_2.php

• Semestre/Semester A (Febrero-Junio):

Nominar en web Guadalajara antes del 17 Oct.

2º Semestre/Semester B (Agosto-Enero)

Nominar en web Guadalajara antes de 16 Mayo


Formulario de candidaturas para estudiantes a rellenar online:

1º paso: el estudiante debe crear/registrar su cuenta en


2º paso: el estudiante rellena el formulario en http://www.cgci.udg.mx/solicitud-pime-entrante

El estudiante debe tener los siguientes documentos en archivos electrónicos -o digitalizados- antes de proseguir con su registro:

1. certificado oficial de calificaciones*. 2. Constancia de dominio de otro idioma diferente al español (sólo en caso de tenerla) 3. Carta de exposición de motivos* presentando las razones por las que pretende realizar estudios en la Universidad de Guadalajara 4. Curriculum vitae*, en español con una extensión máxima de 2 cuartillas.

5. Identificación oficial (sólo en caso de contar con ella)

6. Pasaporte vigente* hasta 6 meses posterior al término de la estancia académica.


México Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México http://www.unam.edu.m x/ http://www.global.unam. mx/es/estud-ext/index.html Semestre Otoño: Pre registrar: 21 abril Student online application: 23 Abril

Validación final: 25 Abril Semestre Primavera: 21 sept.

1. PRE-REGISTER YOUR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT UNDER “Pre-Registrations”: http://www.sicai.unam.mx/extranjeros_incoming /



Candidaturas en formato digital a enviar por correo electrónico desde la ORI.


México Universidad Regiomontana http://www.ur.mx/ 90 días antes del inicio de

estancia en destino Español

Moldavia Alecu Russo Balti State

University http://www.usb.md/en/ sin especificar sin especificar Perú Universidad de Chiclayo http://www.udch.edu.pe


90 días antes del inicio de

estancia en destino Español

Perú Universidad de Piura http://www.udep.edu.pe /

Semestre I: ultima semana de noviembre.

Semestre II: última semana de abril.

Impreso de solicitud propio. Español


Uruguay Universidad de Montevideo http://www.um.edu.uy http://www.um.edu.uy/in ternacional

1 mayo para empezar en agosto

1 de noviembre para empezar en marzo

Application Procedure for Incoming Exchange Students

1. Complete the application form 2. Official home university transcript 3. One academic reference

4. A report by Spanish teacher at home institution. The student

must have a minimum of 4 semesters of Spanish

lessons-5. Short essay stating reasons for studying at the UM

6. Photocopy of Passport

7. Study plan while at UM (a list of desired classes)

8. Certification of Financial Responsibility Before you arrive in Montevideo you need to present proof of

health insurance. Complete the Health Form


Uruguay Universidad ORT http://www.ort.edu.uy

semestre marzo / julio: 15 de diciembre

semestre agosto/ diciembre: 30 de mayo

http://www.ort.edu.uy/index.php?cookie_setted= true&id=AAAKAA Español

A GRAZ01 Austria Karl-Franzens-Universität

Graz http://www.uni-graz.at http://international.uni-graz.at Nominations: 1º sem.: 15 May 2º sem.: 15 Oct. Students applications: 1st June for the winter semester

1st November for the summer semester

1. Learning Agreement

2. Medical assistance and insurance 3. Online application form

http://international.uni- graz.at/en/stud/incoming/nominiert/bewerbung-uni-graz/ 4. Registration form: http://www.graz.at/cms/dokumente/10024916/e 05a999a/Meldezettel.pdf B2 German or B2 English if student chooses courses in English.

A GRAZ02 Austria Technische Universität http://www.tugraz.at http://www.international.


- May 25 (for the winter semester / whole academic year) and

- Oct. 25 (for the summer semester)

The Online Application will be

Nominated students will receive an access code for the online-application and information concerning application procedure via email. Additional documents to be sent together with the printed and signed


GUT needs to receive a proof of sufficient language qualification. Based on the chosen courses on the learning agreement students


A GRAZ09 Austria FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences http://www.fh-joanneum.at

Winter term: June 1st Summer term: November 1st

B2 German or English, depending on the degree programme. A INNSBRU01 Austria

Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck http://www.uibk.ac.at


ernational-relations/studieren_in_in nsbruck.html

July 31 for the first semester

December 31 for the second semester



- Faculty + study programme/s (please check the study programmes offered at Innsbruck University:

http://www.uibk.ac.at/studienabteilung/en/studie nmoeglichkeiten-en.html)

- Date of School Leaving Certificate - Date of admission to your university - Registration number, if you have already studied in Austria + date of admission - Name of your home Erasmus Coordinator - Application online:

http://www.uibk.ac.at/international-relations/llp-erasmus/incoming/application/online_applicatio n.html?style=print


A WIEN01 Austria Universität Wien http://www.univie.ac.at

http://international.univie .ac.at/en/incoming-students/

NOMINATION DEADLINES: (a nominar por ORI en sistema propio de Wien) Winter sem.: 1 may Summer sem.: 1 nov.

DEADLINES for students: students to preregister online:

between 1 May and 15 June (winter semester)

between 1 December and 31 December (summer semester)

For the enrolment at the University of Vienna, the student has to send to the Student Mobility Office:

1. The ERASMUS-Certificate:

http://forschung.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_uplo ad/dle_forschung/Students/Erasmus_Incoming/ ERASMUS-Certificate.pdf

2. Student has to fill in the online pre-registration: http://www.univie.ac.at/zulassung 3. Online registration:

http://esn.univie.ac.at/buddysystem/index.php?a ction=newIncoming

German B1 for area sport.

German B2 for areas Biology and Chemistry


A WIEN20 Austria Fachhochschule Technikum Wien


Winter semester: May 15th Summer semester: November 15th 1. Application form: http://www.technikum-wien.at/en/about_us/uas_technikum_wien_inter national/incoming/ 2. Motivation letter 3. CV 4. Learning agreement 5. Transcripts

Application procedure is available:


Students who wish to attend classes in German need to provide a German competence certificate (level of B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) B

ANTWERP61 Bélgica Hogere Zeevaartschool http://www.hzs.be

http://www.hzs.be/html_ EN/index.html

31 May for the first semester of the academic year. 30 November for the second semester of the academic year.

1. Student Application Form:

http://www.hzs.be/images_EN/erasmus/Erasmu s%20-%20Exchange%20Application%20Form.pdf 2. Learning agreement: http://www.hzs.be/images_EN/erasmus/Erasmu s%20-%20Learning%20Agreement.pdf 3. Transcript of records: http://www.hzs.be/images_EN/erasmus/Erasmu s%20-%20Transcript%20of%20Records.pdf sin especificar

B BRUXEL04 Bélgica Université Libre de Bruxelles http://www.ulb.ac.be

http://www.ulb.ac.be/en seignements/cpe/index2 .html Nominations: 1º sem.: 1 May 2º sem.: 1 Oct. Students Applications: 1º sem.: 1 June 2º sem.: 15 Oct.

1. Written authorisation form (announcement from university about selection). It has to consider:


- Student complete Family NAME(s) and First Name

- Gender

- Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) - E-mail(s)

- Field of study (and if possible the Erasmus Area Code - as mentioned in the agreement) - Period of Stay (1st term or 2nd term or Full Academic Year)

2. Online application form

basic knowledge of French language is highly recommanded (preferably B1)


B GENT01 Bélgica Universiteit Gent http://www.UGent.be

http://www.ugent.be/en/t eaching/internationalisat ion/iro/

Some faculties doesn´t have deadlines, however we expect the five necessary forms 2-3 months before the arrival of the student in Gent.

More information on the following Website:

http://www.ugent.be/en/teachi ng/internationalisation/fci/fci.h tm

1.Exchange Application Form (+ online registration)

2.Exchange Learning Agreement (for Erasmus Placements: Training Agreement)

3.Transcript of Records of your previous study results

4.Language Requirements for Exchange Student

5.A short written statement on why you wish to study at Ghent University

To download documents/forms enter the following Website:

http://www.ugent.be/en/teaching/admission/exc hangestudent/application.htm

Good knowledge of English or/and Dutch in order to communicate and function in an academic context. http://www.ugent.be/en/t eaching/admission/exch angestudent/languagere quirements.htm B KORTRIJ01 Bélgica

VIVES University College Kortrijk-Roeselare-Tielt-Torhout

http://www.katho.be http://www.katho.be/inte rnational

Autumn semester: 31 May Spring semester: 20 Nov

online application form:


B2 Dutch

English – B1 level (required Certificate of English)

B LIEGE01 Bélgica Université de Liege http://www.ulg.ac.be http://www.ulg.ac.be/era smus/in

1st term and full academic year:

- online registration: from 1st March to 15 May

- deadline to send the Application Form duly signed: 31 May

2nd term

- online registration: from 1st October to 1 November - deadline to send the Application Form duly signed: 15 November

ONLINE Application form:

www.ulg.ac.be/en/erasmus/in/application After completing the online procedure, students must print the form, sign it, and send it to our Office, by fax or by regular mail. The official acceptance letter will be sent to your students only after reception of the duly signed applications.

Required proof min B1 French or/and English(if all courses chosen are in English) (except for Business and Economic course: B2 required) B LOUVAIN01 Bélgica Université Catholique de Louvain http://www.ucl.ac.be http://www.uclouvain.be/ international.html

First semester: 31 May Second semester: 30 November

1. Application form.

Documents are different for faculties. http://www.uclouvain.be/en-2473.html 2. Learning Agreement + Annex: http://www.uclouvain.be/en-359575.html#contrat_etudes 3. Motivation Letter


B MONS20 Bélgica

Haute Ecole de la Communauté Francaise du Hainaut


15 June for the 1º semester or full year

15 December for the 2º semester BEFORE DEPARTURE: 1. Application form: http://www.hecfh.be/images/adm_centrale/pdf/S tudent_Application_Form_HEH.pdf 2. CV

3. An ERASMUS Exchange Agreement established between the HTL and the student (s) including fixing the amount of the scholarship and the training period. 4. Learning Agreement

5. The Erasmus Charter of the student (s) will be part of documents given to the student (s). 6. A transcript (Transcript of Records) which will allow the student to record the results of examinations taken abroad for them approved by their home institution.


The student must sign a certificate of residence in the host organization as follows:

- at the beginning of his training, his arrival in the host institution;

- at the end of his probationary period, just before the return of the student (s) in his home institution. More information: http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=es&sl =fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hecfh.be% 2F&anno=2 B1 French BG PLOVDIV02 Bulgaria Meditcinsky Universitet - Plovdiv http://www.meduniversi ty-plovdiv.bg

May 30: for the first semester (September -December) November 30: for the second semester (February-May)

application form, Learning agreement and Transcript of records.

More info: http://www.meduniversity-plovdiv.bQ/en/


BG SOFIA16 Bulgaria Tehnicheski Universitet Sofia http://www.tu-sofia.bg http://www.tu-sofia.bg/index.html 1º sem.: 15 June 2º sem.: 15 Nov.

Documents for student´s exchange: 1. Application Form

2. Transcript of records 3. Learning Agreement

All documents are available at this Website:

http://www.tu-sofia.bg/eng_new/ECTS/ectas/mobil.pdf More information: http://www.tu-sofia.bg/eng_new/index.html B1 English BG VARNA01 Bulgaria Varnenski Svoboden Universitet 'Chernorizets Hrabar'

http://www.vfu.bg Winter sem.: 15 June

- Transcript of Academic Records; - 3 original signed and stamped Learning Agreement;

- copy of the student Identity Papers (Identity Card or Passport);

- copy of the European Health Card or of a private health insurance (in Bulgarian or English) in case of non communitarian citizens.

- 3 Photos (4,5 x 3,5 cm)

B1 English or Bulgarian



HES-SO Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale


Please consult the school of the HES-SO in which you wish to study for application deadlines.

Haute école de santé: 31th of March for Autumn semester

30th of June for Spring semester.

• the application form filled in electronically, printed out and signed,

• a curriculum vitae,

• the student cover letter in French detailing its project,

• a nomination letter or a mail from the student home university mentioning that the exchange has been accepted and the ECTS learning or training agreement (when available)

• copy of passport or identity card, • the latest semester transcript of records, • the French level certificate B2

B2 French attestation requested CH ST-GALL08 Suiza FHO Fachhochschule Ostschweiz http://www.fho.ch 1º sem.: 15 May 2º sem.: 30 Nov.

English IELTS, TOEFL or equivalent:

- TOEFL: paper-based 550, internet-based 79 - IELTS: 6.0



NICOSIA01 Chipre Panepistimio Kyprou http://www.ucy.ac.cy

http://www.ucy.ac.cy/~y edds/english/

Nominations deadline: - May 15th for 1st semester or for the full academic year - October 15th for 2nd semester

Application forms deadline: - June 15th for students coming the 1st semester or the whole academic year - November 15th for students coming the 2nd semester Registration deadline: - Fall semester: 27 August – 31 August

- Spring semester: 14-18 January

1. Official Nomination Letter - 2. Student Application Form, Learning Agreement, and Official Transcript of Records More information: http://www.ucy.ac.cy/data/intere/LLP%20Erasm us/ERASMUS%20INCOMING%20STUDENTS/ 2012-2013/ERASMUSAPPLICATIONPROCEDURES DEADLINESfallspringsemester12-13.pdf http://www.ucy.ac.cy/goto/intere/en-US/InternalStudents.aspx

all students are expected to have at least a knowledge of English up to level B2 in the case they do not speak Greek . Knowledge of English must be officially certified (e.g with IELTS, I.G.C.S.E or similar)

CZ BRNO01 República Checa

Vysoké Ucení Technické v

Brne http://www.vutbr.cz

1º sem.: 31 May

2º sem.: 15 Nov. B1 English

CZ BRNO05 República Checa

Masarykova Univerzita v

Brne http://www.muni.cz http://ois.muni.cz


autumn semester: 15 May. spring semester: 15 Oct. Applications:

autumn semester: 15 July. spring semester: 15 November.

Nominations en sistema online propio de Masaryk, MU ELECTRONIC NOMINATIONS: After being nominated by home university, student will receive an information email with all important steps to proceed.


(1) printed online application: https://isois.ois.muni.cz/application/ (2) learning agreement

(3) certificate proving your level of English (B2)

Procedure and all documents are available on the Website: http://czs.muni.cz/en/in/students/studies/erasm us-files/application Required level of English language knowledge is B2


CZ OSTRAVA01 República Checa Vysoká škola bánská - Technická univerzita Ostrava http://www.vsb.cz http://www.vsb.cz/okruh y/studium/organizace/m obility/socrates-erasmus

15 May for the winter semester

30 November for the summer semester

1. Student Application Form (2 originals) 2. Learning Agreement (2 originals) 3. transcript of records 4. Registration form http://www.vsb.cz/9230/en/okruhy/incoming- students/erasmus-programme/Admission-requirements/index B1 English CZ PLZEN01 República Checa Zapadoceska Univerzita v Plzni http://www.zcu.cz/

15 May for 1º semester or whole year

30 Nov. for 2º semester

B2 English

CZ PRAHA01 República Checa Vysoká Skola Chemicko-Technologická v Praze http://www.vscht.cz

http://www.vscht.cz/hom epage/english/main/pro spective_students/socra tes_erasmus

Application deadlines: •20 June (winter semester or full academic year)

•30 November (summer semester)

•Student Application Form + scan of passport •Learning Agreement (if applying for a full academic year stay two separate forms, for winter and summer semester, are necessary) or Training Agreement (only if applying for internship)

•Proof of English Language Skills

•Transcript of Records (study results for the whole period of student´s higher education studies)

•Application for Accommodation (in the ICT Prague Halls of Residence)

•Motivation Letter and CV (only if applying for internship)

Forms to download:

http://www.vscht.cz/homepage/english/main/pro spective_students/socrates_erasmus

good command of English (the minimum requirement is level B1, preferably B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) CZ PRAHA07 República

Checa Univerzita Karlova v Praze http://www.cuni.cz


For winter semester: June 15th

For summer semester: October 31st Documents: 1. On-line registration https://is.cuni.cz/webapps/UKSESSION8138a1 8eed9bc3bf4b9280ad814ba786/index.php?cont roller=se2ApplicationIncoming&action=index&b ack_id=1

3. Documents generated by the on-line registration (Application Form + Learning Agreement) - print it, get them stamped, signed by Erasmus coordinator of your university and send the documents to Charles University per post or fax. B2 English CZ USTINAD01 República Checa

Univerzita Jana Evangelisty

Purkyne v Ústí Nad Labem http://www.ujep.cz

1º sem.: 15 June


D BERLIN01 Alemania Freie Universität Berlin http://www.fu-berlin.de

ENomination and application deadlines:

Winter semester and whole academic year: May 1st; Summer semester: November 1st

1. Pre-enrollment form

2. Online German language test 3. Transcript of Record 4. Learning Agreement

Exchange students have to login to online portal “Distributed

Campus” and find all the tasks and documents there: http://distributed-campus.org/dc-root/

All information are available on the Website:

http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/international/studium_fu/au slandssemester/erasmus_in/infos_incomingstud ents/index.html

B1 German

D BERLIN02 Alemania Technische Universität Berlin http://www.tu-berlin.de

http://www.auslandsamt .tu-berlin.de/menue/betreuu ng_internationaler_aust auschstudierender/para meter/en/ Application deadlines: June 1st for winter semester.

December 1st for summer semester

1. Exchange Application 2. Learning Agreement

3. German Language Proficiency Certificate (for all ERASMUS/European students at least completed A2 level!) -

Application forms are supposed to be filled in by computer and to

be sent in a printed version to our office. After students are officially nominated they will receive an email, concerning the necessary information on the application procedure. To download all documents enter the Website:


betreuung_internationaler_austauschstudierend er/parameter/en/

We require an official language certificate for German, at least A2-level


D BERLIN13 Alemania Humboldt-Universität zu

Berlin http://www.hu-berlin.de

http://www2.hu-berlin.de/aia/stud_ausl/p rogrammstud.htm

Winter Semester: May 31 Summer Semester: Nov. 30

1. Online application form: https://www.uni-exchange.eu/

2. Online registration on the Website: http://www.hu-berlin.de/

3. German Placement Test. While registering online applicants will be asked to enter their C-Test (Deutsch-Einstufungstest) result. 4. transcript of records: http://www.international.hu-berlin.de/ins_ausland/studierende/studium/euro pa/erasmus/beispiel-transcript-of-records/view B.2.1 German is required. Documentation certifying merely attendance of German courses or lessons is not sufficient. The C-test for level of German is online at: http://www.sprachenzent

rum.hu-berlin.de/standardseite/s elbstlernzentrum/einstuf ungstests-online


D BRAUNSC01 Alemania Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig http://www.tu-braunschweig.de

01st June (15th July for EU citizens) for the winter semester or the academic year

01st December (for all EU citizens: 15th January) for the summer semester

1. Letter of acceptance send by home university

2. Online Application Form: https://moveonline.tu-braunschweig.de/moveonline/incoming/welcom e.php?_language=en 3. Learning Agreement: http://www.international.tu-braunschweig.de/download/doc_io_in_exchang e_learning_agreement.pdf

4. The Transcripts of Records obtained in previous years of study

5. A valid enrollment certificate from your Home University (e.g. student ID),

6. If you intend to do research or thesis work (i.e. not participate in classes), please indicate the title of your thesis/ project including the name of your supervisor at TU Braunschweig in the learning agreement OR enclose a

confirmation of supervision issued by the institute and/or professor who will be supervising you here at TU Braunschweig, 7. A copy of your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

Postal Address for all documents: Technische Universität Braunschweig International Office

Bewerbungen Incoming Exchange Students Postfach 3329

38023 Braunschweig Germany

Solid basic knowledge of the German language. D CHEMNIT01 Alemania Technische Universität Chemnitz http://www.tu-chemnitz.de 1 sem.: 15 July 2 sem.: 15 Jan. B1 German

B2 English (if courses chosen in English)



DORTMUN02 Alemania Fachhochschule Dortmund

http://www.fh-dortmund.de http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/service be/verw/dezernate/vi/St ud_Ausland/index.php

Winter semester: June 1st Summer semester: December 1st

1. Student Application Form: http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/studi/interN/medien/2010/Stude nt_application_form_beschreibbar.pdf

2. Learning Agreement:

http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/studint/interStudint/Medien/Lea rning_Agreement_neu.pdf

3. Changing of Learning Agreement (if necessary): http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/studint/interStudint/Medien/Cha nges_to_Learning_Agreement.pdf 4. Registration Form: http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/studi/interN/medien/2010/regist ration_form_beschreibbar.pdf 5. Transcript of records: http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/studi/interN/medien/Transcript_ of_Records_2010.pdf 6. Letter of Confirmation: http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/studi/interN/medien/Abschlussb escheinigung_ERASMUS_Exchange_students. pdf More information: http://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/studint/interStudint/Stud_DO/ex change_students.php B1 German

D EMDEN02 Alemania Hochschule Emden/Leer http://www.hs-emden-leer.de/

31 May for Winter Term / Full Academic Year

30 Nov for Summer Term

1. Application Form 2. Learning Agreement 3. Transcript of Records 4. CV (in German/English)

5. Motivation Letter (in German/English)

Further information and downloads on:

http://www.hs-emden- leer.de/en/studying/information-and-service- offices/international-office/international-exchange-students-eg-erasmus/application.html

Solid knowledge of the German (min. B1) language and English (min. B2)


D ERLANGE01 Alemania Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg http://www.uni-erlangen.de http://www.fau.eu/intern ational/

•15 May for winter semester •15 November for summer semester

1. Official Nomination from home university. 2. Online application Form (The link to the online server will be sent directly to you as soon as we receive the official nomination from home university)

3. Evidence of one to two years of study in your own country (transcript of records). A translation in German or English is required, when the transcripts of records have not been issued in German or English

4. Certificate of enrolment at your home university

5. Certificate indicating your level of German 6. Current photo

7. Learning Agreement (during the stay)

FORMS TO DOWNLOAD: http://www.uni-erlangen.org/international/students/exchange/fo rms

B2 German recommended (A2 required)

D ESSEN02 Alemania Folkwang Universität der Künste http://www.folkwang-uni.de/ http://www.folkwang-uni.de/international

winter semester (October-February): 1 May summer semester (April-July): 15 Nov. procedures: http://www.folkwang- uni.de/en/home/hochschule/study/studies-exchanges/incomings/ 1. Application Form 2. Learning Agreement 3. Statement of purpose

4. CD / DVD for Music (3 tracks, 5 minutes each), Theatre or Dance and for Design: Portfolio (no larger than A4)

The complete application should be sent by mail.


D ESSEN04 Alemania Universität Duisburg-Essen http://www.uni-duisburg-essen.de http://www.uni-duisburg-essen.de/internationales /index.shtml NOMINATIONS DEADLINE: winter term: May 1st summer term: November 1st

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Winter term and a full academic year: June 1st Summer term: December 1st

Nominations by partner.

Once the students have been nominated they can apply for the admission at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

All information about the application procedure can be found at:

http://www.uni-due.de/international/en_exchange_students.sht ml Basic knowledge of German is obligatory. D FRANKFU01 Alemania

Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität



Winter semester: 15 May Summer semester: 15 November

Students applications: Winter semester: 1 May until 15 June

Summer semester: 1 November until 15 December

Nominations by partners. Students applications:

1. Application form:

http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/international/doku/exchprog/Antraga ufZulassung11.pdf

2. A copy of confirmation of enrollment from your home university

3. An official transcript from your home university

4. A letter of invitation from a professor of Goethe University

5. A letter of motivation by yourself (about one page, type written)

More information:

http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/english/international/exchprog/prep arations/index.html

A sound knowledge of the German language is required. German language proficiency has to be confirmed by sending university. D FREIBUR01 Alemania Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau http://www.uni-freiburg.de/ http://www.verwaltung.u ni-freiburg.de/europa WS 15th June SS 30 Nov http://www.studium.uni- freiburg.de/termine-en/fristen-en/

online application form:

https://www.verwaltung.uni-freiburg.de/move/moveonline/incoming/welcom e.php

B1 or better recommmended


D GIESSEN01 Alemania Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen http://www.uni-giessen.de http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internati onal-pages/index_html/view? set_language=en

Winter Semester: 15 June Summer Semester: 15 December

All necessary application forms and up-to-date information

for incoming ERASMUS students can be found on



1. Online application form:

https://www.erasmus.uni-giessen.de/move/moveonline/incoming/welcom e.php

2. "Application for a Place in a Hall of Residence":

http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internationales/erasmus/in/bew erbung/unterbringung/resolveuid/9a7107d76b64 44cf5d7d98d8bcf00982

Please pay attention that you have to send the printed Housing application form together with the other application forms to the Erasmus-office at the Institut for Romanistik for

signature!!! This is important because otherwise we cannot guarantee you a place in the students residence hall.

3. Learning Agreement:http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internationales/erasmus/in/bew erbung/forms/resolveuid/b5456b07141b75aa74 370a5699ad87cf

There are no language requirements for ERASMUS students. However, we strongly recommend German language skills of at least B1 level in order to being able to follow classes and

communicating in everyday life!

D Alemania Georg-August-Universität http://www.uni- http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/sh/208

1st June for the winter semester

Application/registration form: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/49307.html

More information: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/48917.html

Documents for enrollment:



HAMBURG01 Alemania Universität Hamburg

http://www.uni-hamburg.de/ http://www.uni-hamburg.de/Internation ales/index_e.html 1º sem.: 15 May 2º sem.: 15 Nov.

1. Open a user account (online registration): www.stine.uni-hamburg.de You will receive a user name and password on your e-mail. 2. Application form:


3. Proof of health insurance. More information: www.uni-hamburg.de/kv

4. One letter of confirmation from the program/ERASMUS coordinator

or professor acting as advisor at Universität Hamburg 5. Learning Agreement: http://www.verwaltung.uni- hamburg.de/5/lernvereinbarung-01-02-2011.pdf 6. CV (in German/English): http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/document s/curriculum-vitae/templates-instructions 7. Confirmation arrival (available on the Website below)

8. Confirmation departure (available on the Website below)

9. Transcript of Records

Documents and forms to download: http://www.verwaltung.uni-Required B1 Germán (recommended B2) D HAMBURG06 Alemania Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg http://www.haw-hamburg.de

Winter semester (Sept. - Feb.): 30. April

Summer semester (March - July): 30. October

HAW Hamburg application form (includes housing form and learning agreement form) Proof of payment of the semester contribution

students choosing classes in German should provide proof of German (at least B1)

D INGOLST01 Alemania Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften FH Ingolstadt http://www.haw-ingolstadt.de/ http://www.thi.de/en/stu dies/international.html

Winter semester: 15th June Summer semester: 15th January

1. Fill in the application form:

https://mobility.thi.de/mobility/BewerbungServlet ?identifier=INGOLST01&kz_bew_pers=S&kz_b ew_art=IN&aust_prog=AUST&studj_id=3037&s em_id=2173&sprache=en

2. Register with mobility online 3. Upload CV & latest transcript

Communication skills in German.


D KARLSRU01 Alemania Karlsruher Institut für Technologie http://www.kit.edu/ http://www.aaa.uni-karlsruhe.de/english/ nominations to partner: May 15 for the 1º Semester November 15 for 2º Semester

STUDENTS APPLICATIONS: June 1 for 1º Semester December 1 for 2º Semester

After nomination, student will get an e-mail with the link of online application portal.

- Two print-outs of the online application form (http://www.intl.kit.edu/istudies/3378.php) - Learning Agreement:

http://www.intl.kit.edu/download/Learning_Agree ment.pdf

- German Language Certificate

We require ERASMUS exchange students to have at least an A2-level in German

(recommended: B1-level) at the time of application (i.e. on June 1st / December 1st) in order to be able to follow lectures at KIT – the majority of courses at KIT are held in German only.

The Departments for Architecture, Chemistry, Biology and Mechanical Engineering require a B1-level in German! If a student wishes to attend English-taught lectures or write his/her final thesis in English, proof of English knowledge (B1-level recommended) should be provided. D KARLSRU08 Alemania Karlshochschule International University http://www.karlshochsc hule.de http://karlshochschule.d e/en/international/welco me/ Nominations: Fall semester (sept – February): 30 April

Spring semester (Feb – July): 15 November

Students application deadline:

1. Nomination from partner. 2. Student online application form: http://application.karlshochschule.de/en/. Upload online:

Official transcript of records Course list

Resumé (curriculum vitae)

For courses followed in English, required proof:

- level of B2 or above according to the CEFRL or

- IELTS of 6.0 or above or


D KIEL01 Alemania

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel http://www.uni-kiel.de


1 June for the Winter Semester

1 December for the Summer Semester

1. The application form for accommodation if you wish to apply for a room in a student residence.

2. Learning Agreement 3. Language certificate 4. Online Application Form: https://moveon.uv.uni-kiel.de/move/moveonline/incoming/welcome.ph p?_language=en DOWNLOADS: https://moveon.uv.uni-kiel.de/move/moveonline/incoming/procedure.p hp http://www.international.uni-kiel.de/en/studium-im-ausland/erasmus-formulare B1 German D

KOBLENZ02 Alemania Universität Koblenz-Landau


http://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/university/ind ex-eng.html

Application deadline for winter semester: May 31st. Application deadline for summer semester: November 30th.

1. Application form (to be filled in, printed and sent to the International Office at Koblenz campus respectively Landau campus) 2. (Proposed) Learning Agreement (changes are possible upon arrival)

3. Copy of Passport or National Identity Card

more information and downloads: http://www.uni-


Knowledge of English/German (depends from courses). Courses are taught in German, only a few in English.

D KOLN01 Alemania Universität zu Köln http://www.uni-koeln.de/

http://verwaltung.uni-koeln.de/international/co ntent/index_eng.html

July 15 for the winter term January 15 for the summer term

1. Application Form: http://verwaltung.uni-koeln.de/international/content/studium_und_pra ktika_im_ausland/e3199/e3213/Zulassungsantr ag-Erasmus.pdf

2. Students who want to attend a German language course have to fill in the Pre-Registration Form. Please send the form to the International Relations Office together with your registration form:

http://verwaltung.uni-koeln.de/international/content/e2826/e3199/e34 39/e22265/AnmeldDeutschEngl_11_12.pdf



KONSTAN01 Alemania Universität Konstanz


http://www.uni-konstanz.de/internation al

15 May for winter term (October - February) or academic year

15 November for summer term (April - July).

- Online application for admission

All forms can be download from the following Website: http://www.international.uni-konstanz.de/en/start/ Good knowledge of German or English D LEIPZIG02 Alemania Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (FH) http://www.htwk-leipzig.de/ http://www.htwk-leipzig.de/english/pages /support.htm

15 June for entry in the following winter semester 15 December for entry in the following summer semester

1. Application for admission to non-degree studies

2. Learning agreement – programme of study 3. Transcript of records, copy of Bachelor Diploma (Master students only)

4. Proof of German / English language skills 5. Proof of health insurance (EU students only)

6. Registration for the introduction course “German Language and Culture” 7. Curriculum vitae

8. One passport-size photograph (35 mm x 45 mm); no scan please!

(downloads and additional information are available at www.htwk-leipzig.de/en/apply/non-degree-students) German proficiency of B1/B2 level required D LUDWIGH01 Alemania Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein http://web.fh-ludwigshafen.de http://www2.fh-ludwigshafen.de/internat ionales/aaa.nsf/en/anm eldeverfahre

Winter semester: 31st May Summer semester: 30th November

1. Registration:

https://fh-ludwigshafen.moveonnet.eu/moveonline/incomi ng/welcome.php

2. Online application form: 3. Accommodation request 4. Learning Agreement 5. Transcript of Records 6. Foto More information: http://www.hs-lu.de/international/exchange- students-from-partner-institutions/application.html B2 English, or B2-C1 German for courses offered in German


D MAGDEBU04 Alemania Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal (FH) http://www.hs-magdeburg.de Nominations:

Winter semester: 15 April Summer semester: 1 Oct. Students' applications: Winter semester or the whole academic year - May 15 Summer semester - November 1 1. Transcript of Records 2. Learning Agreement 3. Language Certificate 4. CV

5. Application for a room at the residence of the Studentenwerk (if applicable)

DOWNLOADS and more information: https://www.hs-magdeburg.de/international- relations/students/incoming/exchange-studies/1-application#application-forms

Good knowledge of German (at least level B1 of the CEFR). B2 English D MUNCHEN02 Alemania Technische Universität München http://portal.mytum.de/ welcome http://portal.mytum.de/in ternational/index_html

- 31 May for the winter term or the whole academic year - 31 October for summer term

Enomination + application documents: 1.An one-page letter of motivation in German stating your reasons for applying to TUM 2.Curriculum vitae (in German)

3.Erasmus study program 4.Transcript of records

5.Online application (signed by applicant and bearing signature and stamp of the international office of the home university):

http://moveonline.zv.tum.de/move/moveonline/i ncoming/welcome.php?_language=en 6.One passport photo

More information:

http://portal.mytum.de/studium/bewerbung/inco mings/Austauschstudenten/Incoming_Erasmus/

A good command of German and English (at least B2)


D MUNSTER01 Alemania Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster http://www.uni- muenster.de/Welcome-e.html http://www.uni-muenster.de/en/studies/ international_exchange. html Nomination: Winter sem.: May 1 Summer sem.: Nov. 1 Application forms: Winter sem.: June 1 Summer sem.: Dec. 1


1. Nomination from the home university 2. Online Application Form- the link to this portal will be sent to you by the International Office at Münster University

3. Transcript of Records 4. Learning Agreement

To downloads documents enter this Website:


The following documents are needed for enrolment:

• Notification of admission • Passport or Identity Card

• Certificate of matriculation at home university

• Evidence of medical insurance

German knowledge, B1 German recommended


OSNABRU01 Alemania Universität Osnabrück


Winter term: 01 July Summer term: 01 January

online application:

application form + confirmation of enrolment at home university

details about the application procedure can be found under the address

www.uni-osnabrueck.de/standard_en/2141.html DOWNLOADS: http://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/standard_en/2381.html

Good knowledge of German (at least B1), as most of the courses are held in German (except for some courses in English in Cognitive Science and English/American Studies)


REGENSB02 Alemania Hochschule Regensburg


http://www.fh-regensburg.de/index.ph p-id=1725.html

1 June for the winter semester

15 December for the summer semester.

Online application form and learning agreement:

https://www.oth- regensburg.de/en/international/neu-incoming-d-e/exchange/application.html#c19220

More information:

https://www.oth-regensburg.de/en/international/incoming/exchan ge.html

Good command of German.



ROSTOCK01 Alemania Universität Rostock


http://www.uni-rostock.de/international _students/index.asp

Winter Semester: 15. July Summer Semester: 15. January

1. Application form 2. Passport photo

3. Certificate of registration at your home university

4. Learning Agreement. 5. Transcript of Records

More information and documents to download:

http://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/index.php?lang=en&mainmenue=11 4&submenue=117


Exchange students must at least have a sound basic knowledge of German. Students who want to study for a degree need to meet the language requirements of the programme.

D SIEGEN01 Alemania Universität Siegen http://www.uni-siegen.de Nominations:1º sem. And full year: 15 May B2 German and English


STUTTGA01 Alemania Universität Stuttgart


http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/ia/index_en g.html

May 1 (winter semester) December 1 (summer semester) 1. Online application: http://www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/internat/bewerber/program/Erasmus / 2. Transcripts of Records

3. Proof of your German proficiency 4. 2 passport-sized photos 5. Learning Agreement

More information:

http://www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/internat/bewerber/program/applicati on/index.en.html

Either: proof of 4 years or 900 hours of coursework in German or Level C1 according to European Reference Frame

Or: proof of a German proficiency which corresponds to B 1 according to the European Reference Frame AND participation in the intensive German course at the University of Stuttgart

Or: proof of a English proficiency which corresponds to B 2 (students who take only English courses)



STUTTGA06 Alemania Hochschule der Medien

http://www.hdm-stuttgart.de Nominations: 1º sem.: 1 May 2º sem.: 15 sept. Students online applications: 1º sem.: 31 May 2º sem.: 15 Oct. Nomination to partner. Student online application:

https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/english/exchange_students/online_ application

An up-to-date Transcript of Records from the home institution

Certificate of proficiency in English (if they wish to study a Minor or English taught courses) OR certificate of proficiency in German (if they wish to study in a regular German taught study program)

Letter of Motivation (approx. one page) copy of passport or national identity card 2 passport-sized photos (photos via regular mail only-no scans accepted!)

B2 German. Certificate of proficiency in English or German required.


TUBINGE01 Alemania

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen http://www.uni-tuebingen.de http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/intrel/exch ange.html

Winter semester: 31 May Summer semester: 31 December

1. Application Form

2. Certificate of foreign language proficiency 3. Transcript of Records

4. Learning Agreement

Instructions and Application Forms (Admission & Housing)

for International Students: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/en/international.html http://www.uni- tuebingen.de/en/facilities/verwaltung- dezernate/division-iii-international-affairs/section-1/studying-in-tuebingen-erasmus-exchange.html B1 German D

WIESBAD01 Alemania Hochschule RheinMain http://www.hs-rm.de

Nominations Deadline: winter semester: 15 May summer semester: 15 November

Students ONLINE application

Online nomination by home univ.

As soon as they are nominated, students will receive a link to the online application web site.

Students must complete the online application form on the website.

After completing the application form, they have

At least basic knowledge of German



WISMAR01 Alemania Hochschule Wismar

http://www.hs-wismar.de/390+M54a7 08de802.html http://www.hs-wismar.de/intoffice+M52 087573ab0.html

autumn semester: 15th May spring semester: 30th October http://www.hs-wismar.de/menue/template/1026370423_Layou t_Eng.pdf http://www.hs-wismar.de/fileadmin/users/InternationalOffice/A ntragsformulare/1026371539_Antrag_Ausl_engl isch.pdf http://www.hs-wismar.de/menue/template/1026810083_forme. doc B2 German B1 English D WUPPERT01 Alemania Bergische Universität Wuppertal http://www.uni-wuppertal.de

winter semester: May 15 – July 15

summer semester: November 15 – January 15 http://www.internationales.uni-wuppertal.de/incoming/internationale_studieren de/studienbewerber/bewerberinfos/Zulassungsa ntrag-en.html B1 German. Students wishing to matriculate at UW for one English taught Master-programs must present proof of adequate proficiency in the English language (B1, TOEFL, IELT, Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English - Level 4). D ZWICKAU01 Alemania Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (FH) http://www.fh-zwickau.de 1º sem.: 30 May

2º sem.: 30 Nov. B1 German


ODENSE01 Dinamarca Syddansk Universitet http://www.sdu.dk

http://www.sdu.dk/Infor mation_til/Internationale _studerende.aspx

Autumn semester: May 1st Spring semester: November 1st

1. Online application

2. English Language Requirement Form for Exchange Students: http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles//Files/Information _til/Studerende_ved_SDU/Ophold_i_udlandet/D IK_dok/English/ApplicationForms/Language%2 0Requirement%20Form.pdf 3. Required enclosures 4. Requirement forms 5. Accommodation form

Document to download and more information are available on the Website:

http://www.sdu.dk/en/Uddannelse/Optagelse/Ex change+and+Guest+Students-ny/How_to_apply_guest_exchange Good standard of English. English Language Requirement Form for Exchange Students: English Language Requirement Form for Exchange Students: http://static.sdu.dk/medi afiles//Files/Information_ til/Studerende_ved_SD U/Ophold_i_udlandet/DI K_dok/English/Applicati onForms/Language%20 Requirement%20Form.p df DK

RISSKOV06 Dinamarca Via University College http://www.viauc.dk

First semester: May 1 Second semester: Nov. 1

1. Application form 2. Learning Agreement http://www.viauc.com/healthsciences/relaxation andpsychomotortherapy/Pages/Howtoapply.asp x B1 English


Foto tamaño pasaporte


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