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Cooling for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: Do We Have the Answer?


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Cooling for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic

Encephalopathy: Do We Have the Answer?

Haresh Kirpalani, BM, MSca,b, John Barks, MDc, Kristian Thorlund, BScd, Gordon Guyatt, MD, MSca,e

Departments ofaClinical Epidemiology,bPediatrics,andeMedicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada;cDepartment of Pediatrics, Mott Hospital, University

of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan;dCopenhagen Trials Unit, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.


HE NEONATAL community deserves congratulations for responding vigorously to Silverman’s1 call for

randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to evaluate neonatal therapies. Although more trials are still needed,2existing

RCTs present new challenges in interpretation. One of the most vexing is when to proclaim innovative thera-pies as “standard of care.”

The neonatal critical care community faces this chal-lenge in evaluation of hypothermia as treatment for hypoxemic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).3–5 National

bodies have made declarations that the neonatal com-munity should consider hypothermia experimental pending completion of current ongoing trials.6–9

Al-though the influence of these bodies is considerable, individual physicians and sites apparently feel pressure to “do something” in the very dire circumstances of HIE in the newborn. In an informal sample of convenience, we have found that some centers are performing cool-ing, either with or without informed consent. Although many clinicians concur with the leading bodies that state there is a need for additional trials, it is confusing for practicing neonatologists when some members of these bodies also publicly state that they are actively providing cooling therapy.

If leading centers are promoting active cooling, they have, in effect, adopted cooling as a standard of care. This may not only have legal implications but also raises ethical issues for those who believe the right thing to do currently is to continue performing RCTs. The counter-vailing argument is that to not offer cooling as standard therapy for such a devastating disease as HIE is itself, unethical. These opposing viewpoints are not easily re-solvable except by considering what the overall benefit of eliminating residual doubt, one way or the other, would be. Our concern is that advocacy of hypothermia

as a standard of care represents an excessively low threshold for accepting promising therapies and will ul-timately lead to resources devoted to useless interven-tions that should be devoted to developing and imple-menting useful ones.

We argue for a conservative approach to declaring a therapy to be standard of care. Although individual cli-nicians may choose to implement a therapy for which the magnitude of benefit remains uncertain, designating a therapy as a standard for quality care mandates the presence of very strong evidence. In this commentary, we explain the reasoning behind our approach and pro-pose guidelines for considering when a body of meta-analytical data is strong enough to argue that it is un-ethical to further randomize into ongoing, or new trials. Why do we advocate a conservative stance? The his-tory of physicians’ repeated endorsement of therapies that later proved useless or harmful,10including

thera-pies that seemed promising in RCTs,11provides one

com-pelling rationale. Ioannidis11 reported, after reviewing

Abbreviations:RCT, randomized, controlled trial; HIE, hypoxemic-ischemic encephalopathy; NICHD, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; TOBY, Trial of Whole Body Hypothermia for Perinatal Asphyxia; RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval; aEEG, amplitude-integrated electroencephalography; ICE, Infant Cooling Evaluation

Opinions expressed in these commentaries are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the American Academy of Pediatrics or its Committees.

This work was presented in an earlier version to the Canadian Paediatric Society;’s 83rdAnnual

Meeting; June 13, 2006; St Johns, Newfoundland.



Accepted for publication May 18, 2007

Address correspondence to Haresh Kirpalani, BM, MSc, Division of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104. E-mail: kirpalanih@ email.chop.edu


highly cited publications of efficacious studies, that 32% were later found to have been contradicted or to have had initially stronger effects. The studies that were highly cited and not refuted had a median sample size of 1542, as opposed to those that were either contradicted or claimed initially stronger effects, which had a median sample size of 624.

In addition to the sobering lessons of subsequent re-versal of initially promising results, our arguments for caution regarding hypothermia rest on limitations in the internal validity of the 2 pivotal trials, the Gluckman et al Cool Cap study,3 and the Shankaran et al National

Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) whole-body– cooling study,4and 1 smaller pilot

study of 65 infants by Eicher et al.5We are aware of 1

other pilot study12 and 1 completed but unpublished

study.13 A final study, the Trial of Whole Body

Hypo-thermia for Perinatal Asphyxia (TOBY),14has completed

recruitment but still has to achieve target end points of 18 months’ outcome. We consider the implications of results of these smaller and unpublished studies in “Have the Pooled Studies Achieved an Optimal Information Size?” below.

Researchers in the Cool Cap study found, with a subgroup analysis, a reduction in 18 months’ adverse outcome. Using whole-body cooling, Shankaran et al found an overall reduction in adverse outcomes at 18 months (relative risk [RR]: 0.72 [95% confidence inter-val (CI): 0.54 – 0.95];P⫽.01). Although similar in basic goals, the 2 studies had important differences6,7 in how

they achieved cooling (whether head3or whole-body4,5

cooling) and in the entry criteria. The Cool Cap trial used amplitude-integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) to discern whether infants were affected enough to ran-domly assign them.3These differences do not necessarily

preclude a pooled analysis of all enrolled infants irre-spective of subgroup, making a total of 478 infants; infants cooled had a 0.76 RR (as compared with control infants) for the outcome of death or disability at 12 to 18 months.15

Although these results seem compelling on the sur-face, 4 key concerns remain: (1) the potential for biases that arises within an unblinded study; (2) concern about the management of control-group patients; (3) how to interpret subgroup analysis; and (4) the relatively small number of patients studied to date.

1. Potential for biases arising: Both trials used a compos-ite outcome of death and/or significant (severe in the Cool Cap trial and moderate or severe in the NICHD trial) sequelae in survivors at 18 months. Blinding in the NICU was impossible to undertake for practical and ethical reasons.

Any unblinded trial risks bias in cointervention and the process of establishing outcome events. In this case, the concern is particularly serious and arises

from the question, “How do infants with severe HIE die in the NICU?” A frequent mode of death in this setting is a parental or clinician decision to withdraw care. Thus, there is a possibility that whether infants survive is a decision that, to some extent, is in the hands of the unblinded attending physicians.

Defining neurologic criteria for withdrawal of sup-port is difficult, because there is no agreed-on defini-tion for brain death in neonates. Moreover, the pro-cess is emotionally traumatic for all concerned. Therefore, one might question the possibility of lim-iting bias and increasing the transparency of the de-cision. In fact, in a research context, investigators could build in an independent arms-length review after a withdrawal of care by using review of the medical charts. Investigators could take the crucial step of blinding this adjudication, which could char-acterize the decision in terms of the certainty of a poor prognosis and the involvement of the clinician in the decision. Blinded adjudicated outcome would go a long way toward resolving concerns about dif-ferential application of criteria in intervention and control groups.

The bias we are suggesting might lead to an in-crease in severe morbidity in survivors, which is a result that did not occur. Nevertheless, failure to ob-serve increases in disability in intervention groups does not exclude the possibility of underlying bias.

Two major ongoing randomized trials, the TOBY14

and Infant Cooling Evaluation (ICE),16 also lack a

priori criteria for withdrawal of support or blinded adjudication of withdrawal decisions. Thus, even af-ter those trials are complete, the issue of possible bias in withdrawal of support will remain. Therefore, it will be crucial that these trials report the incidence of death as a result of withdrawal in the intervention and control groups.

2. Were control patients optimally managed? Hyper-thermia after a cerebral insult is associated with worse outcomes.17–19Although attention has focused

on the effect of cooling in the experimental arm, there is a potential that scrupulous attention to en-suring that the infant does not get overheated, rather than cooling, might be the true mechanism of benefit. In the Shankaran et al trial,4in 41 (39%) of the 106

control infants there was at least 1 esophageal tem-perature that exceeded 38°C. The network investiga-tors recently presented further analysis of core- and skin-temperature data from their control group and indicated that the range of median core temperatures in their controls was 36.3 to 38.9°C.

Furthermore, an increase in only 1°C in peak core temperature was associated with a fourfold increase in death or disability.19 Again, we were not told the


Cool Cap study controls, but the report suggested that it may have been as high as 23%.3Avoiding

hyper-thermia may be challenging. Current skin tempera-ture– based servoregulation may not be suited to the task of avoiding core hyperthermia. Some active cool-ing mechanism may be required to avoid excessive temperatures. In addition, the extent to which infants tolerate an upward deflection of temperature is un-known. These issues remain to be ones that the neo-natal community needs to actively investigate. One could argue that avoiding hyperthermia is a novel intervention with even less evidence than cooling. On the other had, one might view avoiding hyper-thermia as a standard of care, as reflected in Neonatal Resuscitation Program guidelines.20 For those who

agree with us that moving to cooling as a standard of care is premature but remain concerned about ethical issues in not cooling, scrupulous attention to avoiding hyperthermia presents a potentially attractive com-promise.

3. Interpretation of subgroup analysis: Methodologists have been aware for more than 15 years of the dan-gers associated with subgroup analysis.21,22In the Cool

Cap study, the primary outcome of death and/or disability at 18 months did not reach the conven-tional threshold of statistical significance (55% vs 66%; P ⫽ .10). However, a subgroup analysis per-formed according to severity at presentation showed a reduction of adverse events in the moderately af-fected group (48% vs 66%;P⫽.02), but this was not the case in the subgroup of infants who were severely affected at entry (79% vs 68%;P⫽.51).

Under what circumstances can we be confident in the findings of a subgroup analysis? Of 7 criteria for judging the credibility of a subgroup analysis,23 the

Cool Cap trial fails to meet 2 key criteria.

First, the subgroup difference was not consistent across studies. Shankaran et al4did not use aEEG at

entry; nonetheless, a comparison by severity accord-ing to clinical assessment enabled an analysis (mod-erate HIE RR: 0.69 [95% CI: 0.44 –1.07],P⫽.09, and severe HIE RR: 0.85 [95% CI: 0.64 –1.13], P⫽.24). Thus, although the apparent effect was slightly greater in the moderate than in the severe group in the Shankaran et al study, the difference was small and does not substantiate the clear difference in effect claimed by the Cool Cap trial researchers. Although they enrolled exactly the same population and clas-sifying patients according to the aEEG might have led to replication of findings, confidence in subgroup ef-fects requires replication, which is not currently available.

Second, one can conduct a statistical analysis to determine if the difference in subgroups is compatible with the play of chance. From an independent

anal-ysis, the US Food and Drug Administration reported that “no conclusions could be drawn from the spon-sor’s pooled subpopulation because the overall treat-ment-by-interaction test was not statistically signifi-cant.”24 The Cool Cap investigators3 themselves

pointed out that the interaction between severity of aEEG changes and treatment outcome shows a P

value of .075, which is above the conventional threshold for significance. Thus, the apparent sub-group effect may represent a “siren song” that is best ignored.25,26 Certainly, we cannot consider it


4. Have the pooled studies achieved an optimal infor-mation size? Up to now, methodologists and system-atic reviewers have given limited thought to the issue of a threshold for when enough data have accumu-lated to conclude that a question has been answered adequately. A number of authors have highlighted the dangers of overestimating treatment effects in individual randomized trials that are stopped early, after an interim analysis.27To guard against this, it is

common to see trial organizers using formal stopping boundaries such as the so-called Lan-DeMets ␣ spending function rule.28Formal stopping rules

rep-resent one response to awareness that repeated looks at data from RCTs violate the fundamental assump-tions that underlie conventional statistical analysis, which invalidates the conventional rule of signifi-cance (P⬍.05) and makes the likelihood of a false-positive finding and overestimation of treatment ef-fects extremely high.29

Systematic reviews and meta-analysis run the risk of a very similar phenomenon. Nowadays, thousands of randomized trials are conducted each year. Inevi-tably, some RCTs, particularly if their sample size is relatively small and they accrue relatively few events, will demonstrate spurious overestimates of effect. In a smaller but still-appreciable number, the first several small trials will produce spurious overestimates of benefit. Thus, meta-analyses represent a parallel sit-uation of accumulating data in which early apparent benefits that come from relatively small numbers of patients may represent misleading chance phenom-ena.

How can one guard against these false-positive conclusions? Pogue and Yusuf30 first proposed a

meta-analytic approach analogous to stopping rules for individual trials. Building on this early work, sub-sequent investigations have suggested a calculation of an optimal information size to estimate the extent of this risk of overestimates of treatment effect that arise from small data sets.31 These approaches remain


To perform a calculation of the “optimal informa-tion size,” one needs to know the control event rate. Pooling the control rate events of the Cool Cap, NICHD, and Eicher et al trials estimates a rate of 61.3%. Because treatment effects are rarely higher than 25% in medicine, one can assume a plausible RR reduction of 20% for death and disability with cooling. Assuming such a plausible 20% RR reduc-tion, an␣error of .05, a␤error of 10%, and a control event rate of 61.3%, the optimal information size in this case would include studies of a total of 692 pa-tients. Using a sensitivity-analysis approach, if the event rate was lower, say at 50%, the optimal infor-mation size would be 1102. Both of these estimates are greater than the 442 patients included in the 2 fully published highest standard relevant RCTs being considered. If the Eicher et al trial5is included, the

total recruited comes to 507. Currently unpublished trials include the TOBY, which enrolled 325 infants who are awaiting outcome at follow-up,14 and the

Shao et al13 trial of 178, which had an unbalanced

randomization with 111 cooled infants versus 67 con-trol infants. Finally, 1 small pilot randomized trial12

enrolled 22 infants. Even ignoring the concerning issues of potential bias we have highlighted, addi-tional reports and studies are required to provide a robust assessment of the effect of cooling. This is one reason to welcome the timely completion of the ICE trial with a sample size of 276 infants.16In addition,

the ICE will provide information on the feasibility and safety of a pragmatic approach to whole-body cooling in transport.

In summary, exciting potential exists in hypothermia for cooling. Is the evidence sufficiently strong that clini-cians impressed with the results may cautiously use this treatment for neonatal encephalopathy while they wait for the many questions around its optimal use to be answered? Certainly. On the other hand, the neonatal community continuing with a conservative approach to declaring a new standard of care will avoid unfortunate mistakes of premature dissemination of experimental management strategies. In both adults and children with traumatic brain injury, cooling has not fulfilled its earlier promise. We should demand strong evidence of robust, consistent effects in highly valid studies that have en-rolled adequate numbers of patients before mandating a new therapy for management of all relevant patients. The evidence for cooling fails to meet this standard.


Dr Barks, as a site investigator for Mott Hospital, re-cruited infants for the Cool Cap study; Dr Kirpalani was a site investigator for McMaster University Hospital and recruited infants for the ICE study.

We acknowledge valuable methodologic advice from Dr Barbara Schmidt and Dr Edmund Hey.


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Haresh Kirpalani, John Barks, Kristian Thorlund and Gordon Guyatt


Cooling for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: Do We Have the


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