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Wireless Gauge and Absolute Pressure Transmitters Series XYR 5000, Model WG5xx/WA5xx Specifications - Americas


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Series XYR 5000, Model WG5xx/WA5xx

Specifications - Americas

34-XY-03-01, May 2012


The WG/A5xx is part of the XYR 5000 family of wireless products. These transmitters cover a wide pressure range, and can be used to monitor a variety of processes and assets in hazardous and remote areas. Since there are no wires to run, the transmitter can be installed and operational in minutes, quickly providing information about the variable being monitored. The Smart Response Manager allows the transmitter to adapt to changing process conditions, allowing greater visibility to process variation. Smart Response Manager allows the user to set thresholds which, when exceeded, cause the transmitter to adjust sampling and data transmission rates.

The transmitter combines a high accuracy

piezoresistive sensor with a Radio Frequency (RF) transceiver operating in the 900MHz license-free band. Communication is a digital protocol, using Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). FHSS ensures data integrity by continually switching the carrier wave over a wide range of frequencies. Power is supplied by a C size 3.6 V lithium battery, with an expected lifetime of up to five years.

Enjoy the benefits of wireless technology today:  Improve Product Quality

 Ensure High Uptime

 Reduce Maintenance and Operational Costs  Meet Regulatory Requirements

 Enhance Flexibility

Wireless Transmitters



Gauge Pressure

Model #




(wetted parts)

WG511 0 – 30/2.1 316L SS/304 SS WG512 0 – 250/17.2 316L SS/304 SS WG513 0 – 1000/69 316L SS/304 SS WG514 0 – 5000/344.7 17-4 PH/304 SS WG519 0 – 10000/690 17-4 PH/304 SS  Absolute Pressure

Model #




(wetted parts)

WA515 0 – 30/2.1 316L SS/304 SS

WA516 0 – 250/17.2 316L SS/304 SS

Remote Gauge Pressure without Yagi

Model #




(wetted parts)

WG521 0 – 30/2.1 316L SS/316 SS WG522 0 – 250/17.2 316L SS/316 SS WG523 0 – 1000/69 316L SS/316 SS WG524 0 – 5000/344.7 17-4 PH/316 SS WG525 0 – 100/6.9 316L SS/316 SS WG526 0 – 15/1.03 316L SS/316 SS WG529 0 – 10000/690 17-4 PH /316 SS

Remote Gauge Pressure with Yagi

Model #




(wetted parts)

WG561 0 – 30/2.1 316L SS/316 SS WG562 0 – 250/17.2 316L SS/316 SS WG563 0 – 1000/69 316L SS/316 SS WG564 0 – 5000/344.7 17-4 PH/316 SS WG565 0 – 100/6.9 316L SS/316 SS WG566 0 – 15/1.03 316L SS/316 SS WG569 0 – 10000/690 17-4 PH/316 SS


Wireless General Specifications Wireless


902 MHz – 928 MHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) FCC certified ISM license-free band.

Every data block transmitted is verified (CRC check) and acknowledged by the Base Radio.

RF Transmit Power 31 mW, 17.8 mW typical.

Data Rate Configurable: 4.8 Kbps, 19.2 Kbps, or 76.8 Kbps.

Antenna Omnidirectional Yagi Directional

Internal 3” omni-directional, ¼ wave, monopole.  Length: 18”.  Gain: 6 dBd.  Weight: 1.5 lbs.  Polarization: Vertical.

Signal Range Up to 2000 feet (600 meters) from Base Radio with clear line of sight.*

Up to 5000 feet (1500 meters) from Base Radio with clear line of sight.*

*Actual range may vary depending on site topography. Self Diagnostics

Self-checking software and hardware that identifies and reports out of spec conditions, and field unit low battery voltage

Site Survey Tools

RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator displays the RF signal strength in one of seven ranges.

Link Test Link Test measures the wireless link performance of a transmitter running in normal operating mode. This function looks at wireless performance in both directions, from the transmitter to base radio and vice versa and assigns a rating to that performance or quality of signal.


Automatic Re-transmit

The field unit checks with the base radio to insure successful receipt of data. If data was not received, the transmitter retries on the next RF cycle. Ensures communication confidence in the harshest of industrial environments. At the maximum transmit rate this feature is inactive.

Battery Life Saver

To save conserve battery power, all field units will attempt to synchronize with the network using the following technique:

Time Field Unit Synchronization Attempts and Attempt Delay

0 – 1 minute Continuous Synchronization attempts

1 – 10 minutes One attempt with a 10 second delay between attempts 10 – 30 minutes One attempt with a 30 second delay between attempts 30 – 60 minutes One attempt with a 1-minute delay between attempts 1 – 12 hours Three-attempt burst with a 5-minute delay between attempts 12 – 24 hours Three-attempt burst with a 10-minute delay between attempts 24 – 36 hours Three-attempt burst with a 30-minute delay between attempts 36 – 48 hours Three-attempt burst with a 1-hour delay between attempts 48 + hours Three-attempt burst with a 2-hour delay between attempts


Operating/Storage Conditions

Humidity 99% RH (non-condensing).

Temperature Ambient Sensor: Ambient Electronics: Process fluid:

Display (Full visibility): Display (Reduced visibility): Storage:

-40 to +230°F (-40 to +110°C)

-40 to +149/+185°F (-40 to +65/+85°C) (see Model Selection Guide)

-40 to +250°F (-40 to +121°C) -4 to +158°F (-20 to +70°C) -40 to +185°F (-40 to +85°C) -58 to +185°F (-50 to +85°C) Device Configuration Parameter Configuration  RF Channel Setup: 1 to 16.  Baud Rate: 4.8 Kbps, 19.2 Kbps, 76.8 Kbps.  RF ID: 1 to 100.  Password.

 Tag Name (up to 21 characters).

 Normal Transmit Rate: (1–5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 40 sec, 1 min).  Normal Sampling Rate: (1–10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec, 1 min).

 Abnormal Transmit Rate: (1–5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 40 sec, 1 min).  Abnormal Sampling Rate: (1–10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec).

 Pressure Normal Upper Value: Disabled/Enabled. Enabled to change Sampling and Transmit rates during abnormal process conditions.

 Pressure Normal Lower Value: Disabled/Enabled. Enabled to change Sampling and Transmit rates during abnormal process conditions.

 Engineering Units: PSI, bar, mBar, Pa, kPa, Torr, Atm, inH20, inHg, ftH20, mmHg, g/cm2, kg/cm2.

 Pressure Zero.

 Offset: User defined offset will be transmitted instead of actual value.

 Trim: Applies a user-defined one- or two-point correction curve to the actual value.

Configuration Panel

Integrated LCD display with membrane switch buttons for local configuration. LCD display is 7-digit (alternating) high contrast, anti-reflective monochrome. Display cycles between pressure level and RF status.


Models: WG511, 512, 513, 521, 522, 523, 525, 526, 561, 562, 563, 565, 566 WA515, 516

Accuracy (linearity and hysteresis)


0.1% of full span over temperature



Models: WG514, 524, 564, 519, 529, 569 Reference Span: (Accuracy) TDa:

Reference Span: (Temperature) TDt

2500 psig (172 bar) 1800 psig (124 bar)

Accuracy: (± % Span)

(Reference – includes combined effects of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) Terminal Board

=0.312 for Process Variable < TDa or =0.110 for Process Variable = or > TDa

Zero Temp Effect: (± % Span per 50°F [28°C]) =0.30 x Process Variable < TDt)

=0.10 for Process Variable = or > TDt

Combined Zero and Span Temperature Effect: (± % Span per 50°F [28°C])

=0.35 x Process Variable < TDt) =0.15 for Process Variable = or > TDt

Thermal Hysteresis (± % Span) = 0.75

Stability (± % Span per year) = 0.50

Physical Specifications

Process connections 1/2" - NPTM.

Base Material (bob-wetted) 304 SS

Electronic Housing Lexan® V0 Rating and UV Stable.

Vibration and Shock Certified per IEC EN00068 2-6 (Vibration) and 2-27 (Shock)

Random Vibration Certified to withstand 6 g’s, 15 minutes per axis from 9 – 500 Hz.

Net weight Pressure

w/o Yagi

Remote Sensor w/o Yagi Remote Sensor w/Yagi

1 kg (2 lbs.) 6.7 kg (13 lbs.) 7.7 kg (15 lbs.)

Electromagnetic Compatibility (CE Compliance)

Operates within Specifications in fields from 80 to 1,000 MHz with Field Strengths to 10 V/m. Meets EN 50082-1 General Immunity Standard and EN 55011 Compatibility Emissions Standard.


Environmental protection NEMA 4X, IP 65

Combined FM/CSA FM – Intrinsically safe - Class I, Div. 1, Groups A,B,C,D,E,F,G,T4, Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4, (Ta = -40°C to +85°C) Enclosure 4 CSA - Intrinsically safe - Class I, Div. 1, Groups A,B,C,D,E,F,G,T4, Class I, Zone 0, Ex ia IIC T4, (Ta = -40°C to +85°C) Enclosure 4

Combined CE/ATEX CE EMC Conformity, ETSI EN 300 489-1

Intrinsically Safe, Zone 0/1: Ex II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4 (Ta = -40°C to +65°C) IP65 Non-Sparking, Zone 2: Ex II 3 G EEx nA, IIC T6 (Ta = -40°C to +85°C) IP65




Remote Sensor w/Yagi Remote Sensor 131.5/5.19


97.5/3.84 97.5/3.84


Model Selection Guides are subject to change and are inserted into the specifications as guidance only.

Prior to specifying or ordering a model check for the latest revision Model Selection Guides which are published at: www.honeywellprocess.com/en-US/pages/default.aspx

Model Selection Guide

34-XY-16U-01 Issue 13 Page 1 of 2

XYR 5000 Wireless

Model Selection Guide

Gauge & Absolute

Pressure Transmitters


Select the desired key number.

Key Num ber

_ _ _ _ _ -

-KEY NUMBER Availability

Description Span

Gauge Pressure Transmitter 0 - 30 psig (2 bar) Gauge Pressure Transmitter 0 - 250 psig (17.2 bar) Gauge Pressure Transmitter 0 - 1000 psig (69 bar) Gauge Pressure Transmitter 0 - 5000 psig (345 bar) Gauge Pressure Transmitter 0 - 10000 psig (689 bar) Absolute Pressure Transmitter 0 - 30 psia (2 bar-abs) Absolute Pressure Transmitter 0 - 250 psia (17.2 bar-abs)


Certificate Approval Type Location or Classification

Intrinsically CL I, II, III, Div 1, Gp A,B,C,D,E,F,G T4; Safe CL I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X

Class I, Div 2, Groups A,B,C,D; Suitable for Nonincendive CL II, III, Div 2, Groups F,G, T4;

CL I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X Intrinsically CL I, II, III, Div 1, Gp A,B,C,D,E,F,G T4; Safe CL I, Zone 0, Ex ia IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X

Class I, Div 2, Groups A,B,C,D; Suitable for b Nonincendive CL II, III, Div 2, Groups F,G, T4;

CL I, Zone 2, Ex n IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X Multiple Marking** Ex II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4; Ta -40 to 65° Int. Safe, Zone 0/1, Ex II 3 G EEx nL, IIC T4; Ta -40 to 85° or Non-Sparking, Enclosure IP 65

Zone 2 *

** The user must determine the type of protection required for installation of the equipment. The user shall then check the box [√] adjacent to the type of protection used on the equipment certification label. Once a type of protection has been checked on the label, the equipment shall not then be reinstalled using any of the other certification type.


Standard Warranty Additional Warranty - 1 year Additional Warranty - 2 years


Restriction Letter Available Only With Not Available With Table Selection Table Selection

b Mutually exclusive - select one


Manuals are provided on CD with each shipment. Manuals may also be downloaded free of charge @

http://hpsweb.honeywell.com/Cultures/en-US/Products/Instrumentation/xyr5000wireless/default.htm _ _ I (Approvals) WG511 WG512 Selection II (Options) _ _ _ _ _ _ W1 WG513 WG519 WA515 WA516 WG514

See ATEX installation requirements in the Operator's Manual. Combined FM & CSA AG B1 _ _ _ _ W2 Warranty 3G ATEX*

Battery Holder Only - No Battery Included Battery - Standard Included

_ _ 00


34-XY-16U-16 Issue 9 Page 1 of 1

XYR 5000 Wireless Remote

Model Selection Guide

Sensor GP Transmitters


Select the desired key number.

Key Number

_ _ _ _ _ -

-KEY NUMBER Availability

Remote Sensor GP Transmitter 0 - 30 psig (2 bar) Remote Sensor GP Transmitter 0 - 250 psig (17.2 bar) Remote Sensor GP Transmitter 0 - 1000 psig (69 bar) Remote Sensor GP Transmitter 0 - 5000 psig (345 bar) Remote Sensor GP Transmitter 0 - 100 psig (6.9 bar) Remote Sensor GP Transmitter 0 - 15 psig (1 bar) Remote Sensor GP Xmtr with Yagi antenna 0 - 30 psig (2 bar) Remote Sensor GP Xmtr with Yagi antenna 0 - 250 psig (17.2 bar) Remote Sensor GP Xmtr with Yagi antenna 0 - 1000 psig (69 bar) Remote Sensor GP Xmtr with Yagi antenna 0 - 5000 psig (345 bar) Remote Sensor GP Xmtr with Yagi antenna 0 - 100 psig (6.9 bar) Remote Sensor GP Xmtr with Yagi antenna 0 - 15 psig (1 bar)


Certificate Approval Type Location or Classification

Intrinsically CL I, II, III, Div 1, Gp A,B,C,D,E,F,G T4;

Safe CL I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X Nonincendive Class I, Div 2, Groups A,B,C,D; Suitable for

CL II, III, Div 2, Groups F,G, T4;

CL I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X Intrinsically CL I, II, III, Div 1, Gp A,B,C,D,E,F,G T4; Safe CL I, Zone 0, Ex ia IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X

Nonincendive Class I, Div 2, Groups A,B,C,D; Suitable for b CL II, III, Div 2, Groups F,G, T4;

CL I, Zone 2, Ex n IIC T4; Enclosure Type 4X Multiple Marking** Ex II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4; Ta -40 to 65° Int. Safe, Zone 0/1, or Ex II 3 G EEx nL, IIC T4; Ta -40 to 85° Non-Sparking, Zone 2 Enclosure IP 65

* See ATEX installation requirements in the Operator's Manual.

** The user must determine the type of protection required for installation of the equipment. The user shall then check the box [√] adjacent to the type of protection used on the equipment certification label. Once a type of protection has been checked on the label, the equipment shall not then be reinstalled using any of the other certification type.


Battery Holder Only - No Battery Included Battery - Standard Included

Standard Warranty

Additional Warranty - 1 year Additional Warranty - 2 years


Letters Table Table Selection

b Mutually exclusive - select one


M l id d CD ith h hi t M l l b d l d d f f h @

Not Available With

ATEX* Battery AG WG523 WG524 00 _ _ B1 _ _

Available Only With

_ _ W1 _ _ W2

Description Span Selection

Combined FM & CSA (CSA Pending) WG525 WG526 WG521 WG522 _ _ I (Approvals) WG565 WG566 Selection Warranty _ _ 00 3G WG563 WG564 II (Options) _ _ _ _ WG561 WG562


Sales and Service

For application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.


(TAC) [email protected] Australia Honeywell Limited Phone: +(61) 7-3846 1255 FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481 Toll Free 1300-36-39-36 Toll Free Fax:


China – PRC - Shanghai Honeywell China Inc. Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568 Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826 Singapore Honeywell Pte Ltd. Phone: +(65) 6580 3278 Fax: +(65) 6445-3033 South Korea Honeywell Korea Co Ltd Phone: +(822) 799 6114 Fax: +(822) 792 9015


Honeywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 80012026455 or +44 (0)1202645583 FAX: +44 (0) 1344 655554 Email: (Sales) [email protected] or (TAC) [email protected]


Honeywell Process Solutions, Phone: 1-800-423-9883 Or 1-800-343-0228 Email: (Sales) [email protected] or (TAC) [email protected]


Honeywell do Brasil & Cia Phone: +(55-11) 7266-1900 FAX: +(55-11) 7266-1905 Email: (Sales) [email protected] or (TAC) [email protected]


For More Information

Learn more about how Honeywell’s XYR 5000 Wireless Gauge and Absolute Pressure Transmitters can be used to monitor a variety of processes, visit our website www.honeywellprocess.com/xyr-5000 or contact your Honeywell account manager.

Honeywell Process Solutions

1860 West Rose Garden Lane Phoenix, Arizona 85027

Tel: 1-800-423-9883 or 1-800-343-0228 www.honeywellprocess.com

34-XY-03-01 May 2012


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