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Effect of atypical antibiotic resistance on microorganism identification by pattern recognition


Academic year: 2020

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Copyright©1978 AmericanSocietyforMicrobiology PrintedinU.S.A.

Effect of Atypical

Antibiotic Resistance



Identification by Pattern



Division of Laboratory Medicine, Departments of PathologyandMedicine, Washington UniversitySchool

ofMedicine, St. Louis,Missouri63110'; DepartmentofMedicine,St. LouisUniversitySchoolof Medicine, St.Louis,Missouri63104';andLaboratoryof Chemometrics, University of Washington,Seattle,


Received for publication 23 August 1978

Weclassified microorganisms from the clinical laboratory by usinginformation

provided by the Gram stain and antibiotic sensitivity profiles obtained withthe

Bauer-Kirby technique. Approximately 4,000 microorganisms, routinely identified

andtested for antibioticsensitivities inalargehospital microbiology laboratory,

were used as a data set forseveral pattern recognition classification methods:

K-nearest-neighbor analysis, statistical isolinear multicomponent analysis,

Baye-sian inference, and linear discriminant analysis. K-nearest-neighbor analysis

yielded the highest prospective classification accuracyfor gram-negative

orga-nisms, 90%. When those organisms displaying an atypical antibiotic resistance

patternwere excluded from thedata, thegram-negative classification accuracy

improvedto 95%. These results are inferior to currently accepted biochemical

identification methods. Microorganisms with atypical antibiotic resistance

pat-ternsarelikelytobemisidentified andare commonenough (17% ofourisolates)

to limit the feasibility of routine identification of microorganisms from their


Prior attempts to classify micororganisms on

the basis of their antibiotic sensitivities have

metwithvaryingsuccess(6, 10, 18,20).None of

these studies has shown aprospective

identifi-cation accuracy greater than 86%, not high

enoughto allow routine use of antibiotic

sensi-tivitiesfororganismidentification. Thequestion

of what effect multiply resistant organisms

would have on the classification accuracies of these methods has remained unanswered.


have beenapplied successfully toclassification

problems in a variety ofdisciplines, including analytical chemistry (14), image processing(19), wave form analysis (11), and optical character recognition(21). These methodsappeared

prom-isingwhen applied to the problem of microor-ganism identification from antibiotic sensitivity data(18);however,thisstudyhad thelimitation

of a small data base which did notinclude

mul-tiply resistant bacterial strains. Other methods

used in the identification of microorganisms

from theirantibioticsensitivities have required

assumptionsto be made about the distribution ofsensitivitydata(10, 20) or about the statistical

independence of sensitivity measurements for

tPresentaddress: University of Virginia MedicalCenter, Charlottesville,VA22901.

different antibiotics(6). Since these assumptions

are unlikely to hold for antibiotic sensitivity

data, we believed that a study using pattern

recognitionmethods which did not require these


Ourstudywasdesignedto assessthe accuracy ofmicroorganismidentification from antibiotic sensitivity data and to evaluate the effect of

multiple antibiotic resistance on these identifi-cations.


Routine antibiotic sensitivities were measured in the BarnesHospital MicrobiologyLaboratory by the technique of Bauer et al. (1). Microorganismswere identified in the laboratory by using biochemical methodology. Enterobacteriaceae were identified with theAnalytab Products Co.API20E system; when necessary, the identification wassupplemented with conventional biochemical tests, as recommended by Edwards and Ewing (9). Pseudomonadaceae were identifiedwithconventionalbiochemical tests, as de-scribedby HughandGilardi(12).Staphylococcal spe-cies were identified with Gram stain, catalase, and coagulase tests.Streptococci were identified by using catalase, growth in bile, hydrolysis of esculin, and growth in 6.5% sodium chloride. Sensitivity zone di-ametersandorganismidentificationsfor 4,213 consec-utive, unselectedspecimens werecollected over a 3.5-monthperiod from the on-line computer system serv-689

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ing the Barnes Hospital Microbiology Laboratory (17). Included in this data set were 3,448 gram-negative isolates. Organism classes having fewer than 45 iso-lates were excluded. This yielded a data base having eight classes ofgram-negative organisms and three classes of gram-positive organisms (Table 1). These classesencompassed 94% of the isolates in our clinical laboratory. The sensitivity data for infrequently tested antibiotics were not considered in this study. The antibiotics usedin identification were as follows: for gram-negative organisms-ampicillin, carbenicillin, cefamandole, cephalothin,colistin, gentamicin, kana-mycin,tetracycline,andtobramycin; forgram-positive organisms-ampicillin, cephalothin,chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin, methicillin, penicillin, tetracycline, tobramycin, and vancomycin. Pattern recognition methods (13) were used to pre-dictorganism identities from their antibiotic sensitiv-itymeasurements. The basic function of the pattern recognition techniques was to reduce multidimen-sional data (antibiotic sensitivity measurements for multiple antibiotics) to meaningful information (or-ganism identifications). Oncethe data werecollected, pattern recognition wascarried out in several steps: initial data examination, feature selection, classifier training, and classifier testing.

Initial dataexamination.Inthisphase, theraw

sensitivity measurements were plotted to allow ex-aminationof the distributionof antibiotic sensitivity

zonediametersandtogatherpreliminaryimpressions of howclosely the antibiotic sensitivitymeasurements clusteredwithin each group oforganisms.

Frequency histograms of the zone size measure-ments were the first method used to plot the data. These plots were relied upon to detect non-normal distribution of themeasurementsfor each antibiotic. If themeasurementsforindividualantibiotics didnot

follow the normal bell-shaped Gaussian distribution, the necessity for using pattern recognition methods which did not rely on the assumption ofnormally distributed data wouldbe apparent.

To assess how closely the antibiotic sensitivity

measurements clustered within each group of orga-nisms,a means wasneeded forconsideringthe

multi-TABLE 1. Organismclasses studied

Class Organism isolatesNo.of


1 Enterobacter sp. 233

2 Klebsiellapneumoniae 442

3 E.coli 1,452

4 Pseudomonasaeruginosa 525

5 Proteusmirabilis 396

6 S.marcescens 98

7 C. diversus 46

8 P.morganii 52


1 Staphylococcusaureus 433

2 Enterococcus 149

3 Staphylococcus epidermi- 141 dis

ple-antibiotic zone size measurements of each isolate simultaneously. One way of accomplishing this was to represent each organism as a labeled point in an N-dimensional plot(N was equal to the number of anti-biotics).Each of the N axes would then correspond to anantibiotic; e.g., the ampicillin zone diameter mea-surementfor each organism would serve to position thelabeled point for that organism along the ampicil-lin axis and the measurements for the other antibiotics correspondingly for the other axes. If only two anti-bioticswere considered, this would reduce to simple two-dimensional plotting. If three antibiotics were plotted, a perspective display could be used to visualize the three-dimensional plot. However, we were con-cerned with more than three antibiotics and thus with spacesofhigher dimensionality than three. These, of course, cannot bevisualizeddirectly, but can be ma-nipulatedwithmathematicalmethodsthat follow di-rectanalogies to analyzing two- or three-dimensional space.Theprincipal-components technique (3), which we used to visualize our data points in multidimen-sionalspace, is amathematical method which allows one toproject or map the points in higher-dimensional space onto a two-dimensional space (i.e., creating a two-dimensional plot),with thecriterionthat the data structurein thehigher-dimensionalspacebe preserved tothe greatestpossibleextent.In this way (see Fig. 1), we wereable to examine directly the clustering rela-tionships which existed among the antibiotic sensitiv-itydata of ourorganismswhenthey wereconsidered

aspointsin amultidimensional space.

Featureselection.Aftersomeappreciationfor the underlying data structure had been gained through initial data examination, the nextproblem to be solved wastodetermine which antibiotics supplied the most useful information for identifying organisms. In the pattern recognition literature, thiswould be called a problemof featureselection.Inapproaching this prob-lem,weapplied severalfeatureselectionmethods (15, 16) toreduce, ifpossible,the number of measurements

usedinsubsequentanalysesandtoenhance the

infor-mation representation of the data by selectingonly those measurementswhichhad value in the identifi-cationoforganisms.Theoverallpurposeof ourfeature

selectionwas to extract thejnost usefulinformation fororganism identification from the fewest measure-ments.

Classifiertrainingandtesting.Thenextstep in the patternrecognitionprocesswasthedevelopment of optimalschemes for organism identification from antibiotic sensitivity measurements. Subsets of 446

and563organismsselectedatrandom from the

gram-positive andgram-negativegroups,respectively,were

used indeveloping organismclassification rules.These

organisms were called the "training set." By using

those antibiotic sensitivity measurements ranked highest by the feature selection methods, organism classification rulesweredevelopedfrom theexamples in the training set by application of four different learning methods: K-nearest-neighbor analysis (KNN) (5), statistical isolinearmulticomponent anal-ysis(SIMCA) (22), linear discriminantanalysis (LDA) (2), and a classifierutilizingthe classification rule of Bayes (BAYES) (8). These methodswere represent-ative of the major pattern recognition approaches

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whichhave beenappliedtosimilar problems. Oneof

ourchief objectives in usingseveral different methods

wastominimize the likelihood thatourresultswould

be biased bytheparticularmethod chosen.

Compari-sonof the results obtainedby different methodswas

also expectedtobe valuable.

Those organisms whichwerenot partof the training

setformeda"testset," whichwasused for prospective

evaluation of theperformance of the various classifi-cation rulesdeveloped abovein classifiertraining.This

was animportant evaluation stepsince it tested the

accuracyof theclassifierswhich had beendeveloped

in the preceding steps, using data other than those usedtotrain theclassifiers.

Atypicallyresistantorganism.To evaluate the

effect ofmultiply and/or atypically resistant species, each gram-negative organism group was split into

subgroups by noting the antibiotics to which each isolate was highly resistant. An individual organism was defined to be highly resistant to a particular

antibioticif itgrewtotheedgeof the discimpregnated with that antibiotic. Thus, Escherichia coli highly resistanttoampicillin formedonesubgroup, whereas

E.coli highlyresistanttotetracyclineandcephalothin formedanother subgroup.

Thereisample evidenceinthepatternrecognition literature (4, 7) thattoevolveareliableclassification

rule, one needsat least three tofive times asmany

members in eachgroupof the trainingsetasthereare

dimensions(antibiotics). Thus,sincewehad nine

an-tibiotic measurementsfor each organism, each

sub-grouphadtocontainatleast27members (three times nine antibiotics) to develop a reliable classification

rule for thatsubgroup. Sparsely populated subgroups (N<27)wereexcluded from studyonthis basis. This

resulted in 14subgroups, encompassing sevenof the

original eight organismclasses and83%of theoriginal gram-negative isolates. Serratia marcescens hadno

subgroupswithgreaterthan21members and thuswas

totallyexcluded from thisphaseof thestudy.Except for S.marcescens,the excludedsubgroupsrepresented onlyasmall fraction of theisolatesintheir respective

parent groups and thus were considered to be the organismswithatypicalantibiotic resistancepatterns.

Atrainingprocesssimilartothat described abovewas

carriedout ontheremaining subgroups for three of

the four classificationmethods. Since theperformance of LDA had been theworst of the four algorithms employed for the previous phases (Citrobacter

diver-suswascompletely misclassified bythis methodasE. coli),itwaseliminatedfrom further consideration.


Zone size distributions. Histograms of the

distribution ofzonediameters for individual

an-tibiotics showeda characteristic double-peaked

bimodall) shape formanyantibiotics. One of the

peaks occurredata zonesize of6mm,indicating

bacterialspecies which hadgrowntothe edge of

theantibiotic-impregnated disc. The otherpeak

occurred atvarious zone diameters, depending

ontheantibioticsensitivity of the organism. The

fact thatthe bimodality ofzonesize distributions

for individualantibiotics persisted evenwithin

a singleclass oforganismsshowed that the

an-tibioticsensitivitydata were notdistributed

nor-mally.Thissupportedourchoice of pattern

rec-ognition classification techniqueswhich did not

require normally distributed data.

Gram-positive organisms. Only8 of the 11

available antibioticsensitivitymeasurements for

each gram-positive isolate were necessary to

achieve optimal identification accuracy for the

gram-positive organisms; the addition of

chor-amphenicol, erythromycin, or tobramycin did

not improve the identification accuracy. The

results of SIMCA classification of a randomly selected subset ofgram-positive organisms, us-ing these eight antibiotic sensitivity

measure-mentsfor eachorganism,areshown in Table 2.

Although the overall classification accuracy of

96% indicated that thesespecies couldbe

relia-blyidentifiedfromtheirantibiotic sensitivities,

the routine identification oftheseorganisms by

inspection of colonies and use of the catalase and coagulase tests is both reliable andrapid. Furtheranalysiswasconfmed, therefore,tothe more important problem of identifying

gram-negative organisms.

Gram-negàtive organisms. Feature selec-tion did not reduce the number ofantibiotics needed for optimal gram-negative identification. C. diversus andProteusmorganii had toofew isolates to form both a



setanda (prospective) testset;hence, the

pro-spective identification study included only six

organism classes.The accuracy ofretrospective

and prospective identification, using the data

from the nine antibiotics, is shown in Table 3.

The bestresultswere obtained withKNN,90%

in the training and test sets. BAYES analysis did wellonthetrainingset,91%overall, butwas

less accurate (87%) in the prospective

identifi-cation of the test set organisms. LDA and SIMCA performed more poorly in identifying gram-negative organisms.

Effect of atypical resistancepatterns. In

an attempt to understand why some isolates

weremisidentified,thosemisclassifiedby KNN

were examined for high resistance (as defined

above) to each of the antibiotics. The majority

of the isolates in the E. coli group, forexample,

were nothighlyresistant to any of the

antibiot-TABLE 2. Percentages of gram-positiveorganisms correctlyidentified

Organism N %identifiedCorrectly

S.aureus 273 99

Enterococcus 94 96

S.epidermidis 79 89

aClassificationperformed by SIMCAalgorithm, us-ing fourprincipal components.


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TABLE 3. Percentagesofgram-negativeorganisms correctlyidentified

%Correctly identified by: Data set


Training, all 90 82 91 77


Training, six 90 82 91 78


Test, six classes 90 85 87 82

a C. diversus and P. morganiiwere excludedfrom

the six-class datasets.

ics. However, most misclassified E. coli were

highly resistantto one or moreantibiotics.

In-spection of principal-component projections of

the E. coli sensitivity data indicated that there

were several distinct clusters within this class

(Fig. 1). Each cluster was foundto correspond

toasubgroupof E.coltwhichwashighly

resist-ant to the same antibiotic(s). The other orga-nismclassesexhibited asimilarphenomenon of

subgrouping according to the pattern of high


antibiot-ics. This observation formed the basis for our

subgroupingscheme (described above) and

pro-videdamechanism for identifying theatypically

resistant organisms. The results of KNN,

SIMCA, and BAYES classification after

exclu-sion of the atypicallyresistantsubgroupsof

or-ganisms (Table 4)indicate that the classification

accuracy for all three methods was improved.

KNN now correctly classified 95% of the

orga-nisms. The remaining misclassifications were

due largely to organisms of different species

which were highly resistant to the same anti-bioticorgroupofantibiotics.


We evaluated several pattern recognition

techniquesfororganismidentification basedon

antibiotic sensitivity patterns. Our data base


iso-lated inalarge hospital microbiology laboratory

and included all multiply resistant organisms


Our overall prospective identification

accu-racyforgram-negative organisms (90% correct)

was comparable to the 90%accuracy obtained

byMacDonald (18),who also usedpattern

rec-ognition methods and Bauer-Kirby data. The

prospectiveidentification accuraciesobtainedby


82%for LDA (6) and 86% for BAYES (10). An

accuracyof 97%wasreportedforquadratic

dis-criminantanalysis (20),but thismethodwasnot testedprospectively toensure that it identified unknown isolates as accurately as it identified






b-Second Principal Component

FIG. 1. Clustering of E. coli sensitivity data.

Shownis acomputerplot of E. coli sensitivity zone

sizemeasurementswhich have been projected by

us-ingprincipal-component analysis from

nine-dimen-sional (i.e., nine antibiotics) space onto the two-di-mensionalplane generated by the second and third principal components. This projection offers the viewer anoptimal glimpseatthe spatial relationships which exist among sensitivity data ofthe E. coli

isolates.Only the fivemostpopulous subgroupsofE.

coli(definedbypatternsofhigh antibiotic resistance)

areplotted here. Each subgroup is depicted by a

differentplotting symbol. Three distinct clusters of

organisms canbe viewed from this projection

repre-senting: (lower left) nonresistant organisms

(dia-mond) or organisms resistant to tetracycline

(octa-gon); (middle)organismsresistant toampicillin and carbenicillin(star)ortokanamycin and tetracycline (square); (upper right) organisms resistantto ampi-cillin, carbeniampi-cillin, and tetracycline (triangle).

TABLE 4. Percentagesof gram-negativeorganisms

correctlyidentified afterexclusionof atypically resistantorganisms

%Correctlyidentified Classification method

Trainingset Test set

KNN 96 95

SIMCA 95 93

BAYES 98 94

those in thetraining set.The totalnumber and typesofantibiotics towhichbacterial sensitivi-ties were measured and the methods for

deter-mining sensitivities were not the same in all

studies. Our investigation ofgram-negative

or-ganisms employed 9 antibiotics, whereas

Dar-land(6) andMacDonald (18)used 12. Friedman

and MacLowry (10) used eight dilutions of 11

antibiotics in a tube dilution system, whereas

o w

o o; w

Q wQ





on February 7, 2020 by guest



IDENTIFICATION ACCURACY AND ATYPICAL RESISTANCE 693 Sielaff et al. (20) utilized the light-scattering

indexes of 18 antibiotics measured byan

Auto-bacI. Furtherdifferences existedin the number

andthe typesof bacterial species used in each of these studies. The effects of these other

vari-ables are not known; therefore, comparison

amongthese studies is difficult.

Many investigators have suspected that the

occurrence of multiple- or atypical antibiotic

résistance patterns would adversely affect the

accuracyoforganismidentification. Some have

excludedmultiply resistant organisms from their

studies (6, 18), whereas others have reportedno

apparent effect ofmultiple resistance on their

identification accuracy (20). Since KNN

classi-fication hadcorrectly identified thegreatest

per-centageof unknownorganisms inourstudy,we

reasoned thatanexamination of the

KNN-mis-classified organisms would be helpful in

deter-mining thefactors responsible forourlowoverall

organism identification rate. Our investigation

of the antibiotic resistance patterns of

KNN-misclassifiedorganisms established that atypical

antibiotic resistancewas amajor factor reducing

the accuracy of organism identifications

ob-tained from antibiotic sensitivity profiles,

re-gardless of what computer classification


ac-cordingtopatternsofhigh antibiotic resistance

showed that organisms having common

anti-biotic resistancepatternswerereadily identified,

whereas thosehaving atypicalpatterns

(includ-ing multiply resistant species) were quite often

misidentified. Organisms falling into the

sub-groupsthatwecharacterizedashaving atypical

antibiotic resistance patterns comprised about

17% ofourisolates and accounted forover

one-half of the incorrectly identified organisms.

Ex-cluding theatypically resistant groupsof

orga-nisms from ourdata baseimproved the overall

KNNorganism identification accuracy from 90

to95% (Table 4).

The high prevalence of atypically resistant

organisms and the fact that these organisms

accountforthemajority of organism

misidenti-fications help explain the disappointing

orga-nism identificationrates noted in moststudies

(including this one). Several possible approaches

to obviate this problem merit further

explora-tion.First,a meansmight be devisedtoseparate

organisms with atypical resistance patterns.Ail

otherorganisms could then be given provisional

identifications with an acceptableerrorrate. A


agentsother thanclinically employed antibiotics

for organism sensitivity testing and

identifica-tion. In thisway,theatypical resistancepatterns

resulting from resistance transfer plasmidscould

be minimized. However, with this method the

advantage of organism identification from

rou-tinely obtained antibiotic sensitivites would be lost. A third possibility would be to identify organisms by using data from routine antibiotic sensitivities combined with a subset of the more traditionally employed biochemical tests. In this manner, the additional information available

from antibiotic sensitivity data might allow a

reduction in the number of biochemical tests needed for organism identification.

Given the 90% correct overall identification ratenotedin ourstudy,it does not appear

prac-ticaltoidentify microorganisms



their antibiotic sensitivity profiles as aroutine

practice. Anadditionalconcernisthat, although

sensitivity patterns areapproximatelythe same

across thecountry, there isenough interhospital

variation to cast doubt on the general

applica-tion of thismethod. This variation and the

in-trahospital variationwith time wouldprobably

require that each hospital developitsowndata

base and periodically update its classifiers. If

means canbedevelopedto overcomethe

detri-mental effectsofatypically resistant organisms


microor-ganism identificationusingantibiotic


measurements might be auseful additiontothe

armamentarium of theclinicalmicrobiology



We acknowledge the support of National Institutes of HealthNational Research Service Award fellowship 5F32 6M05009-02 (J.C.B.), National Science Foundation grant BMS-71-01597A01 (J.J.M.), and Public Health Servicegrant RO1-MB-00184-02 (A.M.H. and B.R.K.).


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