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Academic year: 2021



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(1)SAINT MARGARET OF SCOTLAND. CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 TWENTY FOURTH SUNDANY IN ORDINARY TIME. CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST. Saturday 4:30 p.m. & Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Monday thru Friday at 6:30 a.m. Holy Days and holidays as published in Sunday Bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:45 to 4:15 p.m..

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(5)   PASTOR: Rev. John Rogers Vien 314-776-0363 ext. 1006 frjrvien@stmargaretstl.org. . . RECTORY: 3854 Flad Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63110 Office: 314-776-0363 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8am - 4pm. S. M   There is a promise of marriage between:. Amy Scibona and Nickolas Steinauer I. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Ruth Pera: ffc@stmargaretstl.org. P M S



(8)  S a i nt M a r g a r et o f S co t l a nd Church is a diverse, urban, Catholic parish. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and the example of our patroness, we are called to be a vibrant voice and beacon of the Catholic faith in our neighborhoods.. Staff Directory Available At: www.stmargaretstl.org/Staff ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: For emergency assistance call: 314-772-2219 PARISH/SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.stmargaretstl.org. We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action by:. PARISH EMAIL: parishoffice@stmargaretstl.org. <Praying. and celebrating as a Eucharistic community, <Educating children and adults to live a full Christian life in today’s world, <Serving others with unconditional generosity, and <Living just lives and working for a more just society.. FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/SMOSstl BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE: Monday, 2:00 p.m. E-mail submissions to: communications@stmargaretstl.org. S  M S



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(13)  August 2021 Total General Fund Contributions: General Fund Budget Goal: Amount Over/(Under) Budget: Number of Sundays:. $51,893.00 $61,430.00 $(9,537.00) 5. FY22 YTD (July’21 - August ‘21) Total General Fund Contributions: General Fund Budget Goal: Amount Over (Under) Budget:. $101,445.21 $110,571.00 $(9,125.79). St. Margaret of Scotland Parish School is a diverse, urban, vibrant, and inclusive Catholic community. We promise a challenging learning environment for children, prekindergarten through eighth grade, in which they realize their academic potential and giftedness in body, mind and spirit. Our students embody the example of our patron saint as responsible leaders and caretakers of our community through works of service and social justice.. .

(14) . A N W. . Seven years ago, I had the great fortune to travel with Fr. O’Toole, the St. Margaret of Scotland Choir, and others to Scotland, where we toured the country, focusing on the places associated with the life and times of St. Margaret. (Although, I must admit, one of my favorite things was seeing Loch Ness and looking for Nessie, the sea monster!) Of course I had no idea at the time that I would someday be the Pastor of St. Margaret of Scotland, so I consider that trip to be most fortuitous, as I was able to meet many people from this parish and pray at many places associated with our patroness.. .  F. J V

(15) . I love to travel and consider it a great blessing when I can go to a new and different place, not just to relax, but also to learn and be re-energized. Like all of you, I missed being able to travel over this last year and a half, and I am looking forward to traveling once again. Last year, in 2020, I was organizing a group trip to Austria and Germany, culminating in seeing the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany. Some of you may be familiar with the Passion Play in Oberammergau, a hamlet in southern Germany. The townsfolk have been hosting and performing the Passion Play every ten years since the 1630’s, when they prayed to be spared from an outbreak of the bubonic plague. In thanksgiving to God, the town vowed that they would continue to perform the Passion Play, telling the story of the last week of the life of Jesus and detailing the story of his Passion and Suffering, Death and Resurrection. The production involves over 2000 performers, musicians, and stage technicians, all residents of the village. As you can imagine, the Oberammergau Passion Play is a source of both great pride and big revenue for the town. Because of the pandemic, the 2020 Passion Play was  delayed, and will be performed next year, in 2022. I. 2EHUDPPHUJDX%DYDULD*HUPDQ\. had long wanted to see the Oberammergau Passion Play, but it takes a bit of planning, since it only occurs in years ending in 0! So I have organized a tour through Corporate Travel in Detroit, Michigan, to attend the Passion Play next year, and I would like to invite you to join! We will depart St. Louis on Friday, July 15, 2022, and arrive in Vienna, Austria the next day. On Sunday, July 17, we will tour Vienna and the Cathedral. Monday, July 18 brings us to the Maria Taferl Shrine, Melk Abbey, and a Danube River cruise. On Tuesday, we head to Mariazell and visit a monastery and shrine. On  Wednesday, we will visit the chapel where “Silent Night” was composed and head to Salzburg, Austria. The next day we will tour Salzburg and take a “Sound of Music” tour. On Friday, July 22, we will arrive in Oberammergau, and attend the Passion Play. On Saturday we will depart for the USA from Munich. (This is the basic trip, and some may choose to arrive early or stay later to visit other cities and sites in Europe.). As of now, I am planning to make this trip next July, along with several members of my family, some close friends, and parishioners from both St. Pius V and Mary Queen of Peace. There is still room for others to join us, and I would like to invite my St. Margaret of Scotland family to join us. Corporate Travel is offering a $100 discount to St. Margaret parishioners who register before October 1. If you are interested, please be in touch with me by email and I will send you a brochure and get you in contact with Corporate Travel. I hope you will consider traveling with me next year to experience the historic Passion Play! .

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(18)  . T W  I O P Tuesday, September 14 PTA mtg., 7:00 p.m. - School Wednesday, September 15 Centering Prayer, 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. - St. Vincent de Paul Chapel School Board Mtg., 7:00 p.m. - School Thursday, September 16 Eucharistic Adoration, 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Church. Monday, September 13 6:30 a.m. Rosalie Buckley + Tuesday, September 14 6:30 a.m. Eugene Buckley + 8:15 a.m. Raymond Austermann Jr. + Wednesday, September 15 6:30 a.m. Jack Stirnemann + Thursday, September 16 6:30 a.m. Walter &Peggy Kramer + Friday, September 17 6:30 a.m. Charles Willett + 8:15 a.m. The Casey Family + Saturday, September 18 4:30 p.m. Mark Dmytryk + Sunday, September 19 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish 10:00 a.m. Joe Severtsen +. Sunday, September 19 Pray the Rosary, 7:30 a.m. - Church Respect Life Mtg., 9:00 a.m. - Church Hall. Did you know prayer request are available through our parish website? If you have a prayer intention for yourself, family member or someone you know and would like for the parish to keep you in their prayers. Go to St. Margaret of Scotland parish website www.stmargaretstl.org under Pray you may enter your request. If you are unable to do this please contact the Parish Office at 314-776-0363 and we will be happy to assist you with your request.. To mark a special occasion or to remember a beloved family member or friend, living or deceased, with a Mass intention please call the Parish Office at 314-7760363. The bishops of Missouri ask the faithful to make a $10 offering for each Mass if they are able.. TIME TO REVITALIZE OUR MINISTRIES Through the past year and a half, the service of our Liturgical Ministries – like everything else in life – has been affected, challenged, even impeded by the Corona virus. As we go forward we will have to continue to mitigate the risk. But we will have to go forward. A freshly reconstituted Worship Committee recently had a productive conversation about the need to begin to rally for a more complete involvement of our parishioners in liturgical roles. We are very grateful to those who have performed roles as lectors, servers, music ministers, ushers, and Eucharistic ministers in these challenging times. Now it is time for those who have served in these roles in the past to determine if they are now comfortable to return to their service. We will contact those on our parish ministry list to see if you are ready to be scheduled for Advent, Christmas, and beyond. It will also be an ideal time to bring new volunteers into these roles, to do a little training and to build up our liturgical life. It will be different than the pre-pandemic practice in several ways: Holy Communion under both species will not resume in the near future; greeting must be essentially “touch free;” singers probably won’t be able to give up the “singers mask” for quite a while. Last year there was no training of new servers, so we hope to have a bumper crop of 5th and 6th grade volunteers. Older servers are also welcome to refresh their skills or join in for the first time. Think and pray about the role you might play. The ministry of the assembly is the most fundamental way that we take up the “work of the people” that is liturgy. Watch this space for updates and more information. Peter Hesed Pastoral Associate / Director of Music .

(19) 5()/(&7,21%\0LFKDHO+ROGLQJKDXV . We are taught that faith without works is dead. Thus, it’s good to note that we are alive and well here at St. Margaret of Scotland. It’s not hard to remember many good works we’ve seen fellow parishioners do down the years. Last year, American Bishops, in Open Wide Our Hearts, called on parishes to take action against racism. They specifically asked us not to remain silent. Heeding that call, the Living Justice Ministry’s Racial Equity team has spent months writing and re-writing a Statement on Racism. We thank the 40 or more parishioners who helped us polish it. It is now ready to be read at Mass on the weekend of September 18-19. The letter is best understood in historical context. We find ourselves today in a 3rd Reconstruction era. The first Reconstruction failed in 1876 when the KKK and Jim Crow killed it. The 2nd Reconstruction dwindled and died after Martin Luther King was killed in 1968. Voting rights and other gains had been made but broader inequities remain. The killing of George Floyd has made it clear that Reconstruction has not yet succeeded in creating liberty and justice for all. There is work we still need to do. We’re lucky to have examples of St. Louis Catholics who have bravely done this work before. Archbishop Ritter integrated Catholic schools here in 1947. Sister Antona Ebo marched with John Lewis and others in Selma. Neither of them enjoyed universal support from St. Louis Catholics. Too many white congregations in their day preferred silence to action. It took courage to do what they did. We take strength from their examples. St. Louis has an advantage in this effort. While Pope Francis, in Fratelli Tutti, warns that racism is very good at hiding itself, we have Forward Through Ferguson, a detailed document - a CAT scan, if you will - which shows us where the cancer of racism lives in our housing, health, policing, banking, education, and other systems. It can help St. Louis be a national leader in this crucial work. We have a third chance to get Reconstruction right. There is still work to be done. Luckily, we at St. Margaret have the talent, grit and courage to take up this work. We can open wide our hearts and, by our actions, help other parishes find their voices. Help us in this work of actively loving our neighbors, putting our faith to work to help build a more perfect union. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION. 67(:$5'6+,35()/(&7,21. Our Parish prays before the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Drop-ins are welcome and encouraged. We meet in the main body of  Church, please sit towards the front of the church.. “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” MARK 8:34 Living a stewardship lifestyle means not only being responsible for my own life, but for the lives of others as well. We realize that our gifts are not intended for ourselves, rather they are meant to be shared with others. “Taking up my cross” means doing things when someone else needs me and not when it’s convenient for me.. If you would like to volunteer your time, have questions or need more information about this peaceful ministry please contact the Parish Office 314776-0363.. .

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(23)  # S . PARISH GUIDE BOOK We are preparing the 2021-2022 Parish Guide Book for publication. If you are the head of an organization or ministry and would like to make change in the description of your organization/ ministry in the guidebook or have a change of address or family information, please contact Carmela Garza at cgarza@stmargaretstl.org or call the Rectory (314-776-0363) to update your information. Deadline to submit this information Monday, September 20, 2021.. Full Time Spanish Teacher Position (K-8 grades) St. Margaret of Scotland is in need of a full time Spanish teacher position. Ideal candidates will have a knowledge base in Spanish and a clear understanding of student expectations at each grade level. Position requires collaboration with a teacher partner in a professional learning environment. Protecting God's Children required. Please email cover letter and resume to Christine cburke@stmargaretstl.org. L 

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(27) . After many months of not meeting the Ladies Auxiliary will finally meet on Monday, September 20 in the Church Hall. The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm and light snacks will be provided. Please RSVP by Friday, September 17 to Susan Siebert at siebert16352@sbcglobal.net or contact the Rectory 314-776-0363. We would like a count in order to arrange tables/chairs properly for social distancing and have ample desserts/snacks. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and all women of the parish is welcomed..  Free Virtual Event Living the Gospel by Welcoming the Stranger on Monday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m.. Join the St. Margaret of Scotland Living Justice Immigration Team for a virtual presentation on the crises in Afghanistan and at our southern border. Q&A/handouts to follow. Speakers x Anita Barker, International Institute of STL x Jessica Mayo, MICA Project x Teresita Costadoat, St. Francis Community x Gerry Rauch, Catholic Charities volunteer Services. The Ladies’ Auxiliary new officers: President - Margie Besing margaret3035@sbcglobal.net Vice President - Susan Siebert siebert16352@sbcglobal.net. Register at https://www.evenbrite.com/ e/168309529333 and receive a Zoom link shortly before the event.. Treasurer - Carmela Garza cgmexfriend@gmail.com. For more information contact Pat Dougherty at patdougherty48@gmail.com. Secretary - Delaney Clement dambergc@gmail.com If you have any suggestions, comments, or if you would like to join this wonderful group of parishioners, please email any of the officers. We would enjoy hearing from you!. . C  $ M Y 

(28)  G  . If you are a youth and interested in joining the St. Margaret of Scotland Choir & Musical Youth Group ministry or would like more information about this group, please contact Elise Ibendahl at elisemarie75@gmail.com.. :H6KDUH2QOLQH. (YHQW5HJLVWUDWLRQVDQG*LYLQJ 6W0DUJDUHW6W/:H6KDUH2QOLQHRUJ .

(29) Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, offers a special prayer intention each month. Pope Francis’ intention for the month of September is: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle We pray that we all will make courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, rejoicing in our young people who are resolutely committed to this. Let us all join him in prayer this month!. SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM NEWS. Q&A of the Catholic Church. Are you thinking about volunteering in the 20212022 school year or with your child's sport team? All employees and volunteers of St. Margaret of Scotland Parish and School working with/near/ around minors and/or vulnerable adults are required to complete the five components of the Archdiocese’s Safe Environment Program. After creating an account in the Prevent  and Protect STL system, an individual must attend a live Protecting God’s Children workshop, submit a national criminal background screening and agree to regular updates, view two online training modules, and read and agree to the Code of Ethical Conduct. Visit https:// www.preventandprotectstl.org to register and use the passcode “stlprotect” to access the database. For step-by-step instructions, please contact Carmela Garza at 314-776-0363 or cgarza@stmargaretstl.org.. . Different Types of Mass Question: I’ve noticed that when I go to Mass at different parishes, sometimes people say and do different things. Why is that? Answer: The Mass in its current form has taken shape over the course of 2,000 years. Over time, traditions, structures, and prayers have been put into place. There are certain rubrics for the Mass that are normative wherever you go. This means you could attend Mass in Malawi or Thailand or Italy and still watch the same basic liturgy unfold, even if you don’t understand the language. There may be some cultural differences from place to place, things that aren’t specifically listed. For example, in the United States most people go up for Communion in a nice neat line. In Europe, everyone gets up around the same time. It’s a bit of a free-for-all! Some people might take it upon themselves to change things individually. People may not like something that feels too “liberal” or “conservative,” and they may take a well-meaning stance in the opposite direction. When people (including the presiders) do things that are distracting or change the liturgy, it introduces an element that breaks the unity of the assembled community. The important thing to remember is that we gather as the Body of Christ to celebrate the Eucharist. If you are confused, ask! If you are frustrated, pray for the spirit of charity.. )DFHERRNFRP6026VWO. LPI Publications 2021. .

(30) HISTORIC RENOVATIONS • KITCHENS BATHS • ADDITIONS • DECKS. ITALIAN RESTAURANT PLUMBING. COMPANY. Commercial & Residential ( 3 14 ). 4 8 7- 4 5 6 4. Scott Holdridge 314-664-5433. On The Hill • 314-772-4454 1902 Arsenal St. www.scottholdridge.net. Banquet Seating up to 500 • 314-772-6003 www.favazzas.com • www.roseofthehill.com. CONSTRUCTION INC.. Southside. Rich & Susan Wurm. 314-776-7224. Hardware. 6401 Hampton Ave. 351-0204 Good Neighbor, Good Advice.. crewcon@sbcglobal.net www.crewcon.net. – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL. Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Stand By Generator Systems. $20 OFF ANY ELECTRICAL WORK OF $100 OR MORE 314-966-3388 ELAINE A PUDLOWSKI, ESQ.. FRANKEL, RUBIN, KLEIN, SIEGEL, PAYNE & PUDLOWSKI, P.C.. 231 S. BEMISTON AVENUE, SUITE 1111 CLAYTON, MISSOURI 63105. Contact Bob Swagman to place an ad today! rswagman@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2650. O: (314) 725-8000 EXT. 114 | F: (314) 726-5837 FAMILY LAW. EPUDLOWSKI@FRANKELRUBIN.COM. Catherine M.Saracino DMD, MSD, MS. 6555 Chippewa St, Ste 200, St. Louis, MO 63109. (314) 649-8999. St Louis’ Choice for Collision Repair Since 1892 4111 Meramec St | 314.772.8800 NieblingAutoBody.com. RELIGIOUS GIFTS & DECOR | SCHOOL UNIFORMS | BOOKS & BIBLES STATUARY | NATIVITIES | CHURCH SUPPLIES | CANDLES SEASONAL & SACRAMENTAL GIFTS ST. LOUIS HILLS 6759 Chippewa Street. O’FALLON, MO 2985 Hwy K. St. Louis, MO 63109 (314) 644-0643. O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 379-3705. (at Jamieson, across from Ted Drewes). (at Hwy N, by Dierbergs). SHOP ONLINE! catholicsupply.com Bartolino’s Family Restaurants 2103 Sulphur Ave. St. Louis, MO 63139. 5914 So. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63123. 5980 Southwest Ave. St. Louis, MO 63139. 100 N. Tucker Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63101. bartolinosrestaurants.com Residential & Commercial GLASS REPLACEMENT Mirrors • Table Tops • Insulated Glass Window Parts • Safety Glass Same day service on most insulated units. 314-352-2200 | gravoisglass@aol.com 6825 Gravois Ave. St. Louis 63116. . • Full / Complete Remodeling • Room Additions • Kitchens • Baths • Basement Finishes. 314-565-3167. 9 199. Celebrating 20 Years 201 9. For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com . Decks • Garages • Custom Home Building • Services, Interior / Exterior • Historical Rehab Homes •. www.mrdcorp.com St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Louis, MO. A 4C 01-1428.



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