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Immaculate Conception Church


Academic year: 2021

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Immaculate Conception Church

Marlborough, MA


Our parish mission is to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19).


Eucharistic Adoration

Monday through Saturday 6:30 a.m.—

7:30 a.m. before daily Mass.

First Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. & First Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. in Upper Church

Weekend Mass Schedule English ~ Saturday: 4:00 p.m., Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Upper,

11:00am Lower and 5:00 p.m.

Portuguese ~ Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

Spanish ~ Sunday: 1:00 p.m.

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m.

In Upper Church.


We are happy to have you join our parish family. Please introduce yourself to Father

after Mass.

We hope that you and your family will consider making Immaculate Conception

Parish your home parish.

Registration forms are available at the back of the church, on our website

(www.icmarlboro.com), or by calling the parish office at 508-485-0016.

Cenacle Holy Hour of Prayer Monday ‘s (except holiday’s) at 6:00 p.m.

St. Mary’s Chapel, Lower Church Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is ordinarily celebrated the second Sunday of the month. Instructions for parents and

godparents are usually held the Sunday prior to Baptism at 3:00 p.m. in Upper Church. You are invited to call the parish office at 508-485-0016 to make arrangements for your child’s sacrament.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Tuesday’s from 5:00pm - 6:00pm in the parking lot and Saturday’s 1:00pm - 3:00pm in the Lower Church. Other times by appointment.

Sacrament of Marriage

Arrangements should be made by calling the parish office at least 6 months prior to the intended date of the wedding.

Sacrament of the Sick

Please call the parish office for the sacrament and notify the parish office in case of hospitalization.


Thank You for your generous support.

March 14, 2021: $11,192.00

Special Collections

March 6 & 7: Catholic Appeal Commitment Weekend

March 21: Maintenance & Development Rev. Steven Clemence, Pastor

frsteven@icmarlboro.org Rev. Przemyslaw Kasprzak Rev. Adriano Albino de Castro

Deacon Charles Rossignol Deacon Elcio F. Dos Santos, Jr.

Ms. Jill Mazanec, Finance & Operations Manager 508-485-0016

Jason Gaudette, Director of Music 508-485-0016

Mrs. Lee Ann Rempelakis, Parish Secretary 508-485-0016

Mrs. Margie Sáez, Religious Education 508-481-7535

Mrs. M. Neurene O. de Menezes, Brazilian Secretary


Mrs. Elizabeth Alcantar, Spanish Secretary 508-787-0506

Contact Us


11 Prospect Street Marlborough, MA 01752 Parish office:

9 Washington Court

Business Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Tel: 508-485-0016 /Fax: 508-480-9644 Email: parish@icmarlboro.org

St. Vincent de Paul Help Line:

Phone: 978-763-0578

Email: icmarlborosvdp@gmail.com

Saturday, March 20, 2021 4:00pm Arnold Holtman Sunday, March 21, 2021 7:30am Sophia Tsao

11:00am UC People of the Parish

11:00am LC Arthur Bastien ~ 7th Anniversary 5:00pm David Publicover ~ 1st Anniversary Monday, March 22, 2021

7:30am Special Intention Tuesday, March 23, 2021 7:30am Special Intention Wednesday, March 24, 2021

7:30am Maria Do Carmo Terra Moura Thursday, March 25, 2021

7:30am Christine York Friday, March 26, 2021

7:30am Dolores F. Boulay ~ 6th Anniversary Saturday, March 27, 2021

7:30am John T. Callahan 4:00pm John Michael Shoro

Sunday, March 28, 2021– Palm Sunday 7:30am Don Matchinski

11:00am UC People of the Parish

11:00am LC William Spitzer

5:00pm Peter & Gloria Moffa


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we enter into the final weeks of Lent and then go into Easter, we are working to provide a safe preparation with overflow and social distancing. We are finalizing the minor details of the Easter Schedule and will publish it next week. The Holy Week Schedule is below. Stay tuned.

God bless, Fr. Steven

Palm Sunday - March 28 7:30am Upper English 9:00am Upper Portuguese 9:00am Lower Portuguese 11:00am Upper English 11:00am Lower English 1:00pm Upper Spanish 1:00pm Lower Spanish 5:00pm Upper English

Holy Thursday – April 1 8:00am Morning Prayer 6:00pm Upper English

6:00pm Lower English 7:30pm Upper Brazilian 7:30pm Lower Spanish

12:00am End of Adoration Good Friday Passion of the Lord – April 2

8:00am Morning Prayer

2:00pm Stations of the Cross - English 3:00 & 6:00pm English

7:30pm Upper Brazilian 7:30pm Lower Spanish

Tower of David

Towers are for two purposes, either strength and defense, or for beauty and ornament. In this emblem Our Lady is represented as a tower, the Tower of David. Towers may be also considered under two aspects—

first in the primitive sense of the word, as a stronghold of defense and security in war. To address Our Lady as "Tower of David" really means, "Our Lady of Soldiers" or "Our Lady of Victories." This title is no doubt inspired by that text of the Canticle of Canticles (Song of Solomon 4:4): "Thy neck is as the tower of David;

a thousand bucklers (small round shields) hang upon it, all the armor of valiant men.” We do not need to be

told what a great war it is, in which we need the defense of this strong tower, the Mother of God. It is the

great battle for our salvation; between eternal bliss and damnation, heaven and hell.


Religious Education Update

We ask the Parish Community to join us in praying for the students in the Religious Education Program who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on March 15th and then First Holy Communion on May 1st.

The First Communicants are: Eric Arsenault, Catherine Brooks, Lorenzo Coppola, Kacey Darrow, Jackson Farr, Lara Fernandes, Margo Harrington, Leah Hughes, Zachary Kirejczyk, Emma Lefevre, Catherine Naples, Katherine Ortiz Enciso, Gabriel Porras, Ariel Ringland, Jacob Stanhope, Valencia Torres, Levi Veneziano and Jocelyn Wadman.

Year 1, Confirmation Prep (grade 9) will meet as scheduled on March 28, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at the former IC Middle School in Meehan Hall.

Questions about Religious Education? Please contact Mrs. Saez at are@icmarlborough.org.

We are very grateful that even during these difficult times, our parishioners have raised over $25,000 toward our 2021 Catholic Appeal goal of $56,634. Our heartfelt thanks to all who have helped make our campaign a success so far. Whether you are attending Mass in person or watching from home, I invite you to join us in supporting the Catholic Appeal.

We recognize that many of you may be navigating your own financial challenges, but ask for your prayerful consideration of a gift to the 2021 Catholic Appeal at whatever level is comfortable for you.

Every gift, regardless of size, is meaningful and can make an impact. Your participation of the Appeal is very much appreciated by our parish and the thousands that are served through the Archdiocesan Central Ministries.

There are many ways you can donate. We have envelopes in the back of the church, you can go on line to www.bostoncatholicappeal.org or you can scan the QR code above. To scan the QR code, put your phone in camera mode, put the square over the QR code and the Catholic Appeal donate page will pop up.

Thank you for your generosity! May God bless you and your loved ones.

IC Parish Bible Study

Sat. 10 a.m. on Zoom. Newcomers most welcome! We are studying the Book of

Romans and then Ephesians during Lent. More info by calling Chris at 508-303-

3717, or by email: thesnyders7@verizon.net.


Lugar: Convento - 9 Washington Court, Marlborough, MA 01752 Horario: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves - 3:30 - 6:30 pm

Asistente Pastoral: Elizabeth Alcantar - Teléfono: 508 787 0506 Email: spansec@icschool.net

TELÉFONO: 508-787-0506

ADORACION EUCARISTICA: Lunes a Sábado: 6:30am-7:30am MISA DIARIA EN LA IGLESIA: Lunes a Sábado: 7:30am

MISA EN LA IGLESIA: SABADO- Ingles- 4pm DOMINGO- Inglés-7:30am,11am,5pm Portugués– 9am Español - 1pm

MATRIMONIOS: Parejas deben contactar la parroquia al menos 6 meses antes de la boda. El curso prematrimonial es obligatorio. Las parejas que quieran regularizar su unión en la Iglesia también deben contactar la parroquia y hablar con el Padre Steven.

BAUTISMOS: Padrinos deben haber recibido el sacramento de Bautismo y Confirmación. Si los padrinos elegidos son una pareja, tiene que haber recibido el Sacramento de Matrimonio. Favor de anotarse con un mes de anticipación y hablar con Elizabeth.


El tiempo de Cuaresma es un tiempo fuerte que nos invita a la conversión en preparación para la Pascua del Señor, la fiesta mas grande de nuestra fe. La confesión se seguira ofreciendo los:

Sábado 1:00-3:00 pm en la capilla (parte de debajo de la iglesia) Martes 5:00-6:00pm en el estacionamiento

O puede llamar a la oficina para hacer una cita con un sacerdote.

EFECTOS DE LA CONFESIÓN -La reconciliación con Dios por la que el penitente recupera la gracia.

-La reconciliación con la iglesia, con los hermanos y hermanas y aquellos que te rodean -La remisión de la pena eterna contraída por los pecados mortales.

-La remisión, al menos en parte, de las penas temporales, consecuencia del pecado.

-La paz y la serenidad de la conciencia y el consuelo espiritual.


Cada viernes, a las 7:00pm, nos reuniremos en la capilla para contemplar los misterios salvífi- cos de Nuestro Señor, en su Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección.

¡La Cuaresma termina muy rápida, no falte!

****Este viernes 26 de marzo Invitamos a los niños de nuestra parroquia ayudar en dirigir

el Vía Crucis****

CENACULO MARIANO Los invitamos a participar con Maria Santisima, con un Rosario,

adoración y meditación con ex- posición del Santisimo.

Jueves de 7pm-8pm En la capilla de abajo MARZO 28 - PROCESION DE DOMINGO DE RAMOS Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento detrás de lo que era la casa funeraria Rowe (57 Main St.) a las 12.00 pm. Y de allí nos dirigiremos en procesión por la calle principal a la Parroquia.

La conmemoración de la entrada del Señor en Jerusalén, según la costumbre anti- gua, se celebra con una procesión solemne, en la que los fieles hacen el canto y el gesto imitando a los niños hebreos que salieron a recibir al Señor cantando

“Hosanna”. Las palmas o ramas son bendecidas para que puedan ser llevadas en

la procesión.


Brazilian Community Information

<><><>Horário da Secretaria<><><><>

Local: 9 Washington Court (Convent School – Ao lado da casa Paroquial) Marlborough, MA 01752 Horários: Segunda à Sexta de 3:00 às 7:00pm

Tel. p/ Contato: (508) 460-1255 Secretária: Neurene

E-mail: bccmarlborough@gmail.com

Facebook e youtube: Paróquia Imaculada Conceição de Marlboro


Batismos: No quarto domingo do mês, e as instruções para pais e padrinhos são realizadas no domingo anterior ao Batismo. Para obter mais Informações ligar na secretaria.

Reconciliação: Nas terça-feira das 17h às 18h no estacionamento. E aos sábados das 13h às 15h, na igreja inferior, Ou ligando para a secretaria para fazer um agendamento.

Sacramento Matrimônio: Os casais devem entrar em contato com a paró- quia pelo menos 6 meses antes do casamento. O Curso de noivos é obri- gatório. Também aqueles que desejam regularizar a união na igreja deve contatar a paróquia.

Sacramento Unção dos Enfermos: Por favor, ligue para o escritório paroquial para o sacramento e notifique em caso de hospitalização.


6:00pm Inglês, 7:00pm Português, 7:00pm Espanhol

Terço dos Homens

Terças -Feira às 20:00h na Igreja superior.

Grupo de Oração

Sextas-Feira 19:30h na igreja superior . Dízimo

O Dizimista que é fiel no seu Dízimo sente aquela alegria e satisfação interior do dever cumprido e segue em frente com passos firmes na sua caminhada de fé. Digam o que disserem, pensem o que pensa- rem – ninguém lhe pode tirar a sua agradável convicção de sentir-se pleno, útil e valorizado – não neces- sariamente pelos homens – mas pelo próprio Deus – origem e destino de todo o bem. Para a paróquia o dizimista é indispensável e para o dizimista consciente, o Dízimo também é indispensável.


Linda Alamshah, Catherine Arsenault, Dede Bernier, Kathy Bernier, Raymond Bourgeois, Meryl Brickman, Jeff Chapman, Geraldine Chimera, Juan Cius, Ryan Comeau, Larry Cooper, David Conrad, Father Francis Cornely, Joseph Cox, John Daglis, Wanda Daglis, Christina Danghon, Alex DiBuono, Elsa DiTullio, Declan Donnelley and Family, Geraldine Donohue, Michael Donovan, Mary Dorr, Madison Doss, Ashton Dougherty, Pina Dunklee, Diane Fagan, Adele Fontana, Ann Marie Forrest, Michael Geraci, Kathleen Halfpenny, Maryanne Honohan, Debbie Iacobucci, Patty Johnston, Baby Wendy Kersting, Agnes & Francis Kevit, Deborah Lazazzero, Neil Licht, Christopher Lill, William Lucey, Helen Lusher, Father Michael MacEwen, Burke Mahoney, Madeline Mahoney, Lester Marshall, Mario

Martins, Anita Mauro, Patrick Mauro, Paul McBrien, McCombs Family, William McGrath, Kathy McGuire Buono, John McIntyre, Robbie McQuaid, The Megan Family, Richard Milner, John Mockus, Tony Mooradian, Larry Mullaney, Jen Murphy, Gordon O’Neal, Michael T. O'Neill, Carlos Perez, Perez Garcia Family, William Plourde, Jackie Powers, John Pucillo, Dan Radwell, Rebecca, Reno Family, Richard Rice, Sandra Richards, William Robinson, Denise Sartori, Dan Savage, Bob St. George, Scott Snyder, Jacqueline Smith, Cathy Suiter, William Sweeney, Holly Temple, Nicole Temple, Pedro Torres, Ann Thompson, Father David White, Al Winzenried, Mary Wood, Charlotte Wright, Wyman Family, Billy Zilembo


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