District Governor’s Newsletter – February 2017
Fellow Lions, Lioness's and Leos
It’s hard to believe that half my term of office is over and by
the time you read this District Governor Elect Malcolm will
have sat in on his first council meeting. First VDG Elect David
Wilson and I have a few visits left to do and speaking for
myself I’m waiting for the weather to improve, so don’t worry
AYR, ALLEDALE and PONTELAND - I’ve not forgotten you.
On the subject of visits, sometime during March and April we will have DG Michael Walsh and his wife
visiting the south of Scotland and Northumberland. DG Michael hails from Tasmania and if you would
like to offer him a visit to your Club, or just show him some sights, you can find him at
[email protected]. I believe AYR, TYNEDALE and DUNDEE are Clubs he would like to visit if he can.Now that all the hard work of Xmas is over and we’ve celebrated with our families, what’s left to
occupy the short days of winter as we huddle around the fire watching the rain fall outside? Its all very
dreary….. but it shouldn’t be. Now is a great time to do some organising and get the fire of fellowship
burning brightly.
Spring is Charter season with a lot of Clubs holding their anniversary celebrations at this time of year.
Is your Club planning to attend another Clubs charter dinner? If you came to the Morpeth convention
you will have seen what a good time partying lions have. So why not venture forth to another Club?
The winter is also a great time to get cheap venues as the wedding scene is at its lowest ebb. We have
a plethora of fun activities we can organise and, to give you just a few examples, we have bingo at
MACHARS, race nights at DUMBARTON and casino nights at MORPETH and SUNDERLAND. Of course
you could think outside your box and try such ideas as curry-n-quiz nights or murder mystery parties,
both of which are great fun and make money. And why not invite the Soroptomists, the Inner Wheel
and the other bunch whose name escapes me but I’m sure it begins with R?
Have you all seen the email regarding Lion centenary beer mats? I hope some Clubs will order these
although I appreciate some of you with low balances in your admin accounts will struggle to afford
them but, just like the MIAB bottles, you can always share with another Club.
Whist on the subject of finance, it’s the time of year to pay Club dues again and could I ask you to
check that your Club has done so. You’d be surprised just how many Clubs assume the cheques been
sent when in reality someone’s not sure what to do. Contact David Wells if you need advice or help.
And whilst on the subject, have you remembered to send a copy of your accounts to David? We set a
deadline of the end of December for these to be sent in. This gave you 6 months, so they should be
ready by now. Please remember that what we’re trying to do here is help you get your accounts into
the easiest format for the CIO roll out and to assess if you have any difficulties that may affect your
application. Your help is much
Best wishes and let’s go and do
DG Dave and Hilary
District Governor (105NE)
DG Team Travels
Rotary quiz challenge 17/01/2017 Dumfries visit TBA Filey visit 19/01/2017 Mid Tyne charter 24/01/2017 cabinet meeting 19/02/2017 Darlington visit 24/01/2017
Council meeting 27/28/29/1 Dunfermline visit 24/02/2017
GMT Scotland 05/02/2017 Peterlee visit 20/03/2017
Morpeth charter 18/02/2017 cabinet meeting 19/02/2017
Cabinet meeting 19/02/2017
UN day 15/03/2017
Edinburgh charter 16/03/2017
Sunderland charter 18/03/2017
Easingwold Charter 24/03/2017
PDG dinner 06/04/2017
Council Meeting 20/21/04/17
MD Convention 22/23/04/17
Lioness visit 24/04/2017
Ryedale charter 28/04/2017
Alnwick charter 09/06/2017
Ayr and Prestwick visit TBA
Allendale visit TBA
Ponteland visit TBA
District News
Lions UN Day at Holyrood
Lions UN Day at the Scottish Parliament will be held on 15 March 2017 from 6 to 8pm
It would be great to have as many Lions from across the District as possible attending, to celebrate our Centennial year.
If you would like to attend, can you please submit a list of names, with the name of your Club, to Lion Andrew Kerr Sutherland (President, City of Edinburgh Lions Club) [email protected] by 1 March 2017. If you would like to go on a tour of the Parliament building, please add this to the list.
Message from District Governor Elect Malcolm Hogg
Firstly, my thanks for giving me theopportunity to lead what I’m sure will be a hardworking, committed team. It is an honour and privilege.
At this time of year, incoming District Governors are forming their Cabinets.
In a District as widespread as ours, it is impossible for the DGE to know all the Lions in our Clubs. Consequently, Lions willing to take on a role beyond their own Clubs may well be below the radar.
A healthy Cabinet needs a balance between experience and new blood, with new thoughts and ideas to stimulate change and innovation. Some of our Cabinet members have held their posts for many years and we benefit from the vast experience they have. The downside is that the expertise rests solely with these officers. A change in circumstance may force an officer to relinquish their post, resulting in an officer being appointed who has little experience in the demands of role.
It is my intention to encourage “shadowing” of all Cabinet and District specialist officer positions so that seamless transitions take place, in the event of illness or a change of circumstances preventing any officer from being able to fulfil their duties.
Fed up of reading
these editorials?
So let’s both have a month off, eh?
Except to say that this on the Lions UN Day is getting URGENT, so please respond soonest if you would like to attend. And don’t forget that the Edinburgh 50th Charter is the following evening, so you can make it a mini-break in the City if you want.
Send us a copy of anything you post on your Club website or Facebook page
Lion Chris Southworth Spotlight Editor/LION liaison
Some posts have traditionally been allocated to District specialist officers, in line with international projects.
Some of these may not be appropriate in the UK, due to public health authorities running more effective initiatives. These posts have been combined with others or, in some cases, have become redundant.
Additionally, I intend to empower Zones to take more responsibility for driving growth and retention. In my view, there is no-one in our District, more important than Zone Chairs. They should know what is going on in Clubs, what training needs have been identified, where support is needed, reporting this back to the DG team and Cabinet. They should coordinate recruitment drives and extension in their Zones. Liaison between Clubs and Cabinet will ensure Cabinet functions reflect needs of Clubs as well as meeting the requirements of LCI and MD. Zone teams will be encouraged, as this will be an inevitable consequence of re-Districting as will the enhanced roles of Regional coordinators.
These two aspects will, hopefully, encourage more Lions to come forward and take a greater role beyond Club level, even from Clubs with no history of becoming involved in Zone or District leadership. Job descriptions will be available on the District website and from Club secretaries in mid-February. Volunteer Lions are welcome to contact me by email or phone to find out more information or to put their names forward.
Don’t be shy!
It is easy to become discouraged and negative given the uncertainty facing us this session. The role of Cabinet and District officers is to support Clubs and help them grow. DG teams, Cabinets and District Officers do not grow membership – that is down to Clubs and their leaders. Your District specialist officers’ roles are to help them do so, essentially ensuring that Clubs are operating within legal constraints and the requirements of the International Association whilst assisting their development with ideas, enthusiasm and training. Bearing in mind Lions desire to Serve, action to develop current and possible new Clubs or Club Branches can only enable MORE Service.
Malcolm Hogg, DGE 2017-2018
[email protected], 01358 743804
Lions MBNA Affinity Cards
Some of you will remember and indeed some of you may still hold a Lions Affinity Card issued by the MBNA Bank. However, I have today received notification via the MD Treasurer that the
Agreement between MBNA and the Lions will be terminated from 15 June 2017.
As a District we still do receive a small amount of income every year as our share of the income that MD Lions receive. However, if we do get any payment this year that will be the last one.
Cardholders do not need to do anything and their current cards will be replaced with a standard MBNA card when they expire.
Lion David Wells MAAT IPDG and District Treasurer
District Year Book competition
At District Convention in November 2016 it was agreed that the Scrapbook Competition will now be renamed
“Lions Year Book Competition”, together with a revisions of the rules.
It is hoped that this will encourage more Clubs to take part in the competition and showcase their Club’s achievements/activities for the Lionistic year prior to Convention.
During Lionistic Year 2014 to 2015, 105NE was the largest contributor in the MD to LCIF.
Sadly at the moment we are not doing so well. When making your donations, please consider making a donation to LCIF. Always remember it is the work of our Foundation which separates Lions from other organisations. Look what we have achieved in the last 10 years: The Number 1 NGO; higher marks on the charity bubble than all other organisations including the Red Cross; nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
One way to make a donation is via a Personal Contributing Members Pin. These can be bought from a Clubs Charity Account and, now the rules have changed, be applied to an area of the Clubs or individual’s choice.
We are on the way to achieving our $30 million target by the end of June, which will be doubled with grants from The Gates Foundation and GAVI. $60 Million to combat measles which currently kills over 400 people per day. Our attack on the disease will not only save millions of lives, but working with the World Health Origination (WHO) is the first step to eradicate the disease.
What donations qualifies for an MJF (Melvin Jones Fellowship)?
This is one issue which comes around every couple of years.
There are several way to recognise a Lion or Member of the Public who has gone the extra mile for your Club. These are via a Bert Mason Award (£320 – Lions only), LCIF Roll of Honour ($100 – Lions only) or a Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF, $1,000 – Lions and Public).
MJFs are only obtained from donations to LCIF. There are four areas of support, Youth, Disasters, Sight and Humanitarian. The latter includes Measles, Water Projects and general Health. More information can be seen on the LCIF web site www.lcif.org.
As Clubs, we also make donations to MD supported projects, these include
MedicAlert, Water Aid, the MD Disaster fund, or MD Foundation. None of these qualify towards MJFs. The full list of these projects has been sent to Club Treasurers. Although very good projects in their own right, some operate outside of Lions control, and in some case’s duplicating the work of LCIF.
Lions Clubs in our District don’t donate to LCIF because they want an MJF. They donate because they want to support Lions international humanitarian work. However, each donation to LCIF is an instalment, credited to the Club, against a future MJF. Currently Clubs in our District have $140,000 on credit, enough for 140 MJF’s.
So, if your Club is in credit, why not use this ‘free’ method of recognising either a Lion or non-Lion by presenting them with an MJF as a way of saying thank-you for going the extra mile?
Any Club or individual wanting to know the credit your Club has, can just ask. Be aware, these credits can only be used for MJFs. Ordering an MJF is simple, all I need is two names, that of the recipient and the person who is going receive the package. I can do the rest.
PDG Lion Roy Chambers, [email protected]
Membership – new Club idea
A powerful way to increase membership is to charter Special Interest Lions Clubs. First and foremost, a Lions Club brings like-minded people together with a passion to serve. Here are three examples:
1. Social (women, retirees, ethnic)
2. Professional (doctors, teachers, attorneys)
3. Healthcare support (vision, medical research, youth outreach)
Once a special interest group comes together and establishes a mission to serve, the feeling of Lionism is inevitable.
As you map out strategies for building new clubs this year, plan to call on personal interest groups in your area and encourage them to become Special Interest Lions Clubs. Emphasize that they will be able to serve two significant purposes rather than just one.
Here's a quick look of some of the Special Interest Lions Clubs that are successfully helping their communities—
and having fun in the process!
• Fairbanks Snowmobile Fun Lions Club
• Victoria Quilters Lions Club
• New York City Suny Optometry Lions Club
• Murfreesboro Downtown Barristers Lions Club
Centennial logos
I have been asked recently if there are any Centennial Logos Clubs can use on their posters and correspondence. Here are a few Links to the International website which should solve many of the requests.
Lions Centennial Web Site: http://lions100.lionsClubs.org/EN/index.php Plaque for a Legacy Project: https://www2.lionsClubs.org/s-164-bronze- centennial-legacy.aspx
Lions Logos:
And beer mats – cheers!
Clubs have been contacted by email about promotional Centennial Beer Mats that are being produced in another District. The design is the 100 years of Lions LOGO on one side. The other side has one of the four Centennial Challenges, namely Environment, Vision, Hunger and Youth, plus one other to be decided. There will be an email address and a contact telephone number (both, for obvious reasons will be MDHQ).
Each 5,000 pack will have 1000 of each design. It is my intention, to collect the numbers required from each Club and share out equal numbers of each design. If a Club wants the full 5,000 pack, then I am sure we can have the Club’s telephone number and email address. I will try and accommodate all Clubs, but it will be on a first come basis.
Roy Chambers, 105NE Centennial Coordinator, [email protected]
This list is generated from the LCI membership database, which is updated by Club Secretaries
News from around the Clubs
Welcome to New Members
Lord Provost George Adam (Aberdeen)
Allan Wharry (Aberdeen)
Mark Baker (Alnwick)
Sam Benfield (Alnwick)
Beverley Donoghue (Filey)
Fiona Knowles (Filey)
David Pickersgill (Filey)
David Pattison (Tynedale)
Charter Night invites
Dumfries: President Jim Nelson and the members of Dumfries Lions Club have pleasure in inviting fellow Lions to their 35th Charter Anniversary lunch at the Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries on Sunday February 26th, 12.30 for 1pm. price £17.50 pp. Please contact Bill Walker, [email protected].
City of Edinburgh Lions Club is delighted to be hosting their 50th Charter Dinner in the same
year that we celebrate 100 years of Lions Clubs International. It will be held at the City Chambers, Edinburgh on Thursday 16th March 2017. We look forward to hosting Lions from across the world and welcoming them to our great international City. The evening will comprise a drinks reception, dinner and entertainment at £30 per head. Dress is Black tie or lounge suits with a wee bit of tartan!
Cheques, payable to City of Edinburgh Lions Club, should be sent to PDG Lion Andrew Kerr Sutherland at the usual address. If you would like a hotel room you can contact the Capital Hotel, Edinburgh on 0131 535 9988 and book under ‘Lions Clubs International’ for a special 16 March 2017 rate.
Sunderland Lions Club will hold their 52nd Charter Anniversary Dinner on Saturday 18th March, 7:00 for 7:30 pm, at the Sea Hotel, South Shields. Dress is formal/suit, cost £25 pp. There will be a choice of menu on the evening. Any Lions wishing to attend should contact Lions Kath/Mike Evans on 0191 5292499, [email protected].
Easingwold: The President and Members of Easingwold District Lions Club invite fellow Lions, spouses, partners and friends to join us in celebrating 37 years of Service at their Charter Dinner at the Best Western – Burn Hall, Huby, on Friday 24th March 2017 – 7.00 for 7.30pm. Dress: Formal or Lounge Suits, £25 per head. Please advise attendance by 15th March to: Laurie Kent, [email protected] or Ray Thomas 01904 768159.
Rydale Lions Club invite fellow Lions to join them at their 50th Charter Anniversary Dinner to be held at The FOREST & VALE HOTEL, PICKERING, on Friday APRIL 28TH, 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Lion President David and Janet hope you can join them to celebrate this special evening to commemorate their Golden Anniversary year.
They are delighted to have as Guest Speaker Martin Vander Weyer, mainstay of the Helmsley Arts Centre and business editor of The Spectator. Cost is £35 pp. Please contact Lion Craig Cooper, 28 Northway, Pickering YO18 8NN - or email [email protected] no later than the April 14th please.
All go at Alnwick
Christmas may be over but its been all go at Alnwick Lions Club.
Firstly their Santa was out again to thank Davidson's Electricals of Alnwick for all their help over the years with lighting up his Lions Sleigh each Christmas.
Then a social evening at the White Swan became a Presidential handover event when current Lion President John Hughes, a serving RAF Flight Sargent, found out he was being sent on detachment to the Falklands Islands for 6 months. Lion Louis Warmington currently Vice President has taken over early as Lions Club President And then there was the fantastic news that one of
the Club members, Lion (Warrent Officer) Mark Baker had been awarded the MBE by the Queen in the New Year Honours List.
This award was in recognition in part for his four years hard work whilst working with NATO Forces, which saw him covering the duties associated with three jobs that carried significant responsibilities that positively affected the lives of many people.
Additionally this award further recognised his work in establishing a British community centre that benefited all personnel from the NATO forces, and finally his consistent dedication to charitable work.
And Lion Richard Hall was awarded by the Alnwick Rotary Club their highest honour, a Paul Harris Fellowship, in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among people of the world.
And finally the Club welcomed a new member, Sam Benfield, who received his Lion membership certificate and badge from Lion President John Hughes. Sam and Will Smith our previous new member together reduce the age profile of the Club dramatically and hopefully will help attract more young members to the Club.
Darlington Lions support South Park parkrun …
Darlington Lions Club president Ian Barnes recently presented the Darlington Lions Club trophy to this year's winner Karen Newton.
Darlington Lions were one of the main sponsors of the Darlington parkrun when founded in 2013 and Lion Ian, who is also a very keen runner, remains the Run Director of the event.
Every Saturday morning at 9am up to 300 runners of all standards and ages run the 5K course around the attractive South Park lake starting and finishing by the bowling greens.
This very popular event is organised entirely by volunteers and each year the Darlington Lions Club trophy is presented to the volunteer of the year as chosen by the running Club committee. This year's winner Karen takes several hundred photographs of the runners every weekend all which appear later the same day on their Club website www.parkrun.org.uk/darlingtonsouthpark.
Lion Ian commented that it was always a fun and community spirited parkrun and he was delighted that each year the event had grown from strength to strength
… and welcome 2
ndVice District Governor on Club visit
2nd Vice District Governor David Wilson visited Darlington Lions Club at their January business meeting .Afterwards he commented on the clarity of the meeting and complimented the Club on their wide variety of activities to assist their fundraising and fellowship endeavours.
Lion David then presented long service awards to Lion Denis Pinnegar for 40 years of service and also to Lion Neil Anderson for 35 years of service.
Darlington Lions Club president Ian Barnes thanked Lion David for making the journey from Filey on such a winter's night to
attend the meeting and wished him a safe journey home over the North Yorkshire Moors and every success and enjoyment in the next few years as the future Vice District Governor and future Distict Governor.
Reflecting well on Easingwold
In 2016 Easingwold Lions began a rolling programme to provide High Visibility Vests for schoolchildren in the Easingwold Area to enhance child safety during school outings. To date they have now supplied 300 High Visibility Vests to ten Primary schools thanks to the kind sponsorship of A Rhodes Haulage Contractors, Moverly Demolition, The Pullman Bus Company, The York Van Centre, Stephensons Coaches and Ebor Trucks.
The Club considered this initiative to be a very worthy way to spend locally donated funds and the vests were welcomed by all the children and staff.
You want to us to ship how much? Aberdeen Lions Supporting Dentaid big time
Aberdeen Lions Club has been actively supporting Lions partnership with Dentaid for a couple of years now, arranging shipment of the odd box or two of unwanted dental supplies from local surgeries to Dentaid’s depot near Salisbury in Wiltshire, from where they are dispatched for use in the developing world.
However, over December and January this commitment was taken to a whole new level.
Firstly, the Club was approached by a local dental surgery that had some 12 boxes of (fairly light) dental supplies to be shipped.
No problem they thought, “we can arrange and fund that”.
But then, while they were doing this, the Club was contacted by a dentist in Orkney (that’s Orkney as in Orkney, as in the Orkney Isles, as in the Northern Isles, as in that bit of the UK that is normally shown in little box on maps as its so far north, as in a place a long way north of even Aberdeen with a big bit of
water in between), who had some 17 boxes of unwanted dental equipment weighing 282 kg (that’s over 44 Stone in old money) that needed to be shipped to Dentaid (in Salisbury, in Wiltshire, in southern England, almost as far from Orkney in the UK that you can get). Could the Aberdeen Lions do it?
Yes, of course, they could! But not without a bit of effort.
First they liaised with the Ornkey dentist who pursuaded Northlink Ferries to ship the items down to Aberdeen harbour free of charge, where the Lions Club then picked them up.
Then there was the Christmas rush to contend with. With shipping prices through the roof, the items were stored in the Lion President’s garage until the New Year. However, prices were still exhorbitant even then (it was 282kg to the other end of the mainland after all) so liasion with Dentaid came up with the idea of putting the items on an auction site (www.uship.com) where shippers bid for the consigment.
This resulted in a bid (that the Lions could afford – see link) from a ‘man with a van’ in Glasgow who was picking up another shipment from Peterhead (north of Aberdeen) to take down to southern England and would add the Dentaid boxes.
Sound dubious? Sounds risky?
Well, no. The shipper was excellent and all the boxes arrived safely at Dentaid as planned, courtesy in total of Orkney Dentist, Northlink Ferries, Aberdeen Lions and of course Sergio, our ‘man with a van’.
Hows that for a project?
Busy times at Tynedale too
As with most Clubs December and January have been busy months.
Lions selected the right channel for Charlotte Straker Hospital:
When the television in the residents lounge went on the blink just before Christmas, the vice chairman, of the Charlotte Straker Trust, Dr. Bill Cunningham knew who to contact and we stepped up to the mark. A 55” TV was bought and then installed by Lion Jonathan Hill, in time for the residents to enjoy their Christmas programmes.
Santa’s Sleigh was a winner:
This year, thanks to Nissan Dealer, Wylam Garage of Hexham, Santa got a new Rudolph. Sean the owner lent the Lions a Nissan Navarra and provided the fuel. This enabled them to have more drivers to share the workload over the 15 nights that they were out collecting and, thanks to regular updates on their facebook page, they collected just over
£3,600. Helping with the collections and benefiting from that help were, Hexham Scouts (£200),
Stocksfield Scouts (£351), Stocksfield CC (£338) and Queen Elizabeth High Rowing Club (£300).
West Nothumberland Food Bank:
As well a providing regular help during December, collecting food donated by the public, through collection points, stacking/packing at the warehouse, members also assisted at Tesco in Hexham, handing out appeal leaflets to support the Food Bank and raise awareness of the good work its is doing.
Christmas Social:
The Christmas gathering was held this year at the home of Lion Roger Marsh and his wife Ann. It was well attended by over 50 Lions and their partners. There was plenty to eat and drink with everyone enjoying the occasion. One of the many social events the Club holds regularly.
Tynedale Talking News Paper:
For over 30 years the Club has been supporting the TTN helping with their street collections, supplying readers and giving them financial support.
20th January was a big day when the new digitised equipment, provided by the Club, was used. This enables the recording to be downloaded in real time, direct to memory sticks which are the sent out to the visually impaired person, making the recording easier and quicker.
Centennial Projects:
As part of their Centennial projects they are organising a Charity Golf Day in September (further details will be on www.tynedalelionsClub.org) and considering a number of requests for legacy projects.
Allendale brewery are also brewing a special beer for them “Lions Pride “ which will be on sale at the Tynedale Beer festival on the 15th, 16th and 17th June 2017.
Morpeth take on (and beat) all comers …
‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again’ is a well-known saying that a team of Morpeth Lion quizzers certainly took to heart. For five years Morpeth Lions Club has joined local teams from the Inner Wheel, Rotary and Soroptimists Clubs in the annual 4-Way Rotary Quiz.
Traditionally the Soroptimists have won most years, with Inner Wheel & Rotary boasting one win each. There was a year when the Lions might have won having answered a tie breaker correctly – only to have the tie break questions extended to the best of three!! That was cruel!
This year however the Lions team was boosted by the inclusion of DG Dave Wheeler and his wife Hilary. Their class showed when the team won each round and ended up 10 points ahead of the opposition.
Accordingly the Club was awarded the Rotary salver to keep for one year; after which they can be sure that the opposing teams will be out to beat them. All, however, in the friendliest of atmospheres.
… and donate funds from recent ‘Dickens’ Draw
Almost £3,900 was distributed to 28local Charities and organisations, at Morpeth Lions meeting recently. They had taken part in Morpeth Lions Dickens of a Draw.
Morpeth Lion President, Chris Offord explained ‘We are very pleased to organise the Dickens of a Draw which enables local charities and Clubs to raise much needed funds for themselves.
With the Lions arranging the prizes and the 10,000 books of tickets for those looking to fundraise during the festive period, it is an excellent opportunity. We as an organisation are always looking for opportunities to help local organisations to help themselves. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who kindly donated prizes, as without their support it would not be possible for organisations to raise much needed funds.’
In addition the Club agreed donations totalling £700 to the Special Olympics 2017 event, a Lions Indonesian earthquake appeal, the Lions International Measles campaign, Samaritans Northumbria, British Red Cross and Amble RNLI.
Membership successes in Filey
In late October, Filey Lions Club held and open meeting where the Lions invited people who they thought might make good Lions.
The evening was well attended and a great success, which has now culmminated in four new members.
All in all a great few months for Filey Lions with more new members waiting to be sworn in.
In Memoriam
Bell: Brenda (91)Morpeth Lions Club announce the death of Brenda Bell - a Lion in all but name. As wife of PDG George Bell they attended countless Conventions and endeared themselves to many. Holidays abroad saw them making firm friends of Lions and partners wherever their caravan took them. Deepest sympathies go to their family.
Nelson; Lion Jerry (71)
Morpeth Lions Club. Jerry was a dedicated Club member for nine
years including two years as Treasurer. The spirit of Lionism shone through in everything he did. He was a true gentleman with a lovely unassuming nature who bore his final illness bravely. Our deepest sympathies go to his wife Lilian and their family. He is missed by us all.
Multiple District and around the World
International Convention
Over 100 delegates have registered from MD 105 for the Lions Clubs International Convention. The attached link gives early details of what’s happening and how to contact the appointed MD 105 Travel Agents. If you have any queries please contact Lions MDHQ [email protected] by email or phone 0121 441 4544
Lions Clubs Centennial Coin
In celebration of 100 years of humanitarian service, Lions Clubs International is working with the United States Mint to produce a limited- edition crafted silver dollar coin. Sales of the coin begin 18 January 2017.
The coin features Lions founder Melvin Jones and the Lions Clubs logo on the front and a family of lions with a globe behind them on the reverse. Each coin is packaged in its own presentation case and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
Supplies of the coin are limited. For further information please get in touch with Lions MDHQ on 0121 441 4544.
Earlier this month, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia. While the quake lasted only 15 seconds, more than 100 buildings collapsed and more than 100 people have perished. Thousands of people were left homeless and rescuers used their bare hands to pull people from the rubble. Hospitals were overflowing and patients were being treated outside in tents. The situation is still dire.
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) responded immediately, issuing a US$100,000 Major Catastrophe grant to assist with both immediate and long-term needs. Local Lions sprang into action, offering food, blankets, medical supplies and clean water to the victims. Lions around the world have continually supported LCIF's disaster relief area of funding, which has allowed the foundation to respond with immediate financial support.
Thank you for your dedication to helping those in need.
Our thoughts go out to the victims of the Banda Aceh earthquake and to the Lions still working to help them.
Please consider making a donation to the disaster relief fund so we can continue offering aid in times of catastrophe.
Lions Measles Appeal – One Shot One Life
Help us to raise approximately £100,000, sufficient to provide over 100,000 measles vaccinations by 30 June 2017. This will enable Lions Clubs International to reach their US$30million target. For every £1 donated, 50p will be matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as 50p from UKAid to support GAVI in their efforts to eradicate measles worldwide. Your Lions Club should forward donations to their District Treasurer / Charity Treasurer indicating it is for Measles. Reference the payment LCIF-Measles when paying by BACS into your District account or endorse the back of the cheque with the same information.
Your next Spotlight (March)
Send articles to Chris and to Richard for the website/Twitter/ Facebook sites.
Copy deadline for your next Spotlight on 105NE is Saturday 25th February to allow for compilation.