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CURRICULUM VITAE. Emanuela SALA. 1999: Ph.D. in Sociology (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy).


Academic year: 2021

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Emanuela SALA


1999: Ph.D. in Sociology (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy).

1995 : University Degree (laurea) in Political Sciences (Università degli Studi di Milano).

Professional Experience

October 2007-: Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, Essex University, UK.

March 2003-September 2007: Senior Research Officer, Institute for Social and Economic Research, Essex University, UK.

1999- February 2003: Research Officer (assegnista di ricerca), Department of Sociology and Social Research, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy.

1999-2000: Principalinvestigatorfor the project “The conditions of old people living in Arcore” (I grandi anziani arcoresi).

1998-1999: Junior Research Officer for the project “Processes of inequalities reproduction: the Northern-South Italian situation”, (Processi di riproduzione delle diseguaglianze: il Nord e il Sud d’Italia) Department of Sociology, Università di Milano.

1996-1997: Junior Research Officer for the project “Secondary analysis using institutional data aimed at studying social deprivation in Lombardia” (Analisi secondaria utilizzando dati istituzionali finalizzati allo studio della deprivazione sociale in Lombardia), Irer (Regional Institute of Research of Lombardia), Milano.


Publications: journal articles

“‘It is time computers do clever things! The Impact of Dependent Interviewing on Interviewer Burden’”, Field Methods, (in press), (E. Sala, N. Uhrig, and P. Lynn). “Older carers in the UK: Are there really gender differences?”, Health and Social Care in the Community, 17, 3, 2009, 267-273, (E. Del Bono, E. Sala and R. Hancock).

“The Potential of a Multi-mode Data Collection Design to Reduce non-response bias. The Case of a Survey of Employers”, Quality and Quantity, 43, 1, 2009, pp. 123-136, (E. Sala and P. Lynn).

“The Feasibility of Linking Household Survey and Administrative Record Data: New evidence for Britain”, forthcoming, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 2008, 11(1), pp. 29-44 (S.P. Jenkins, P. Lynn, A. Jäckle e E. Sala).

“Measuring Change in Employment Characteristics: the Effects of Dependent Interviewing”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18(4), 2006 (Lynn P. and E. Sala).

“The Effects of Dependent Interviewing on Responses to Questions on Income Sources”, Journal of Official Statistics, 22 (3), 2006, 357-384 (P. Lynn, A. Jäckle, S.P. Jenkins and E. Sala).

“Patterns of Consent: evidence from a general household survey”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society), 169, 4, 2006, 701-722. (S.P. Jenkins. L. Cappellari, P. Lynn, A. Jäckle and E. Sala).

“Validating Survey Data: Experiences using Employer Records and Government Benefit (Transfer) Data in the UK”. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 2005, 4802-4810 (Jäckle A., E. Sala S. P. Jenkins, P. Lynn).

‘The Contact and Response Process in Business Surveys: Lessons from a Multimode Survey of Employers in the UK’, Proceedings of the RC 33 Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology. Recent Developments and Applications in

Social Research Methodology (CD-ROM), 2005, Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag

(with P. Lynn).

“Donne e uomini anziani in un comune dell’hinterland milanese. Verso una ridefinizione della solidarietà famigliare intergenerazionale?” (Old Men and Women living in a Town Near Milano. Towards a Creation of a New Intergenerational Family Solidarity?), Senectus, 22, 2004, 29-53.

“All’interno della scatola nera. Uno studio sulle carriere di donne e uomini ai vertici delle aziende” (Inside the Black Box. A Study of the Careers of Women and Men at the Top of Corporations), Polis, XVII, 2, 2003, 285-314.


Publications: books

Donne, uomini e potere. Diseguaglianze di genere in azienda, politica, accademia, (2008). FrancoAngeli, Milano.

“Un’inattaccabile fortezza? Carriere dirigenziali al femminile e meccanismi di discriminazione” (An Unassailable Castle? Women Managers’ Careers and Processes

of Discrimination) 2002. Fendac, Milano (ISBN: 88-86260-10-5).

Publications: book chapters

“The role of formal and informal rules in Italian academics’ careers. Are there equal opportunities for men and women?” in Gendered Career Trajectories in Academia in Cross National Perspective, a cura di R. Siemienska R., A. Zimmer, Wydawnictwo Naukowe “Scholar” Kluwer-Publisher, Warsaw (E. Sala e R. Bosisio)

“L’autonomia difficile. Le giovani donne calabresi nella transizione all’età adulta”, (The

Difficult Autonomy. Young Women Living in Calabria in the Transition to Adulthood),

Ch. 3, pp. 53-79 in P. Fantozzi (ed.), Giovani in Calabria, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2004 (C. Leccardi and E. Sala).

Publications: Working Papers

“The Development and Implementation of a Coding Scheme to Analyse Interview Dynamics in the British Household Panel Survey”, Working Papers of the Institute for Social and Economic Research, paper 2008-19, Colcherster, University of Essex (E. Sala, S. C. Noah Uhrig and P. Lynn).

“Gender, older people and social exclusion. A Gendered Review and a Secondary Analysis of the Data”, ISER Working Paper 2007-13, Colcherster, University of Essex , (E. Del Bono, E. Sala, R. Hancock, C. Gunnell, L. Parisi).

“The Impact of Interviewing Method On Measurement Error in Panel Survey Measures of Benefit Receipt: Evidence from a Validation Study”, P. Lynn, A. Jäckle, S. P. Jenkins and E. Sala, ISER Working Paper 2004-28.

“The Contact and Response Process in Business Surveys: Lessons from a Multimode Survey of Employers in the UK”, joint with P. Lynn (2004), ISER Working Paper 2004-12.

“Validation of Survey Data on Income and Employment: the ISMIE Experience”, joint with Jäckle, A., Sala, E., Jenkins, S.P., and Lynn, P. (2004), ISER Working Paper 2004-14.


Publications: Research reports and reviews

“Older people: a gendered review and secondary analysis of the data”, A report prepared by ISER for the Equal Opportunity Commission (E. Del Bono, E. Sala, R. Hancock, C. Gunnell, L. Parisi) 2006.

“Newham Household Panel Survey: Migration, Housing and Quality of Life” A report prepared by ISER, University of Essex, for the London Borough of Newham, London Borough of Newham (2005) (joint with Buck, N. and Uhrig, N.).

“Feasibility Study for Longitudinal Research into Equal Opportunities for Staff in Higher education”, University of Essex (2005) (joint with N. Buck, J. Burton and H. Laurie)

“Newham Household Panel Survey: Household Change, Housing and Migration”, A report prepared by ISER, (2004), University of Essex, for the London Borough of Newham, London Borough of Newham (2004) (joint with N. Buck).

“Donne e uomini nelle carriere dirigenziali del Terzo millennio” (Women and Men in the Managerial Careers of the Third Millennium), 2004, Fendac, Milano (ISBN: 88-86260-11-3).

“Newham Household Panel Survey: The Demographic and Social Situation of Newham”, A report prepared by ISER, University of Essex, for the London Borough of Newham, London Borough of Newham (2003) (joint with N. Buck, Burton, J., Jäckle, A., Merrett, M.).

“Donne all’università” (Women at University), in Polis, XVI, 1, 2002, pp. 135-138. "Old people living in Arcore. Needs and Their Satisfaction by the Public Administration and the family networks” (I grandi anziani arcoresi. Bisogni e loro soddisfazione da

parte dell’Amministrazione Comunale e della rete familiare), (E. Sala and M. Caglio)

(2000), Comune di Arcore, Arcore.



“Un esercito nascosto nella guerra dei sondaggi”, in La Voce, 29.04.2008, con L. Fumagalli, http://www.lavoce.info/articoli/pagina1000387.html

“Il paradosso dei sondaggi politici elettorali. Quando le intenzioni di voto di quasi il 30% delle famiglie ignorate in tali indagini possono fare la differenza”, Commento a “Sondaggi insondabili. Alcune note metodologiche sui sondaggi politici diffusi dai mezzi di comunicazione di massa Sociologica”, in Sociologica (03-04-2008) http://www.sociologica.mulino.it/news/newsitem/index/Item/News:NEWS_ITEM:122 (Emanuela Sala e Laura Fumagalli).


Conference Presentations


“Interviewer effects o consenting to data linkage on a longitudinal survey of the general population”, Conference of the British Sociological Association, Glasgow.

“Telephone coverage error and Italian polls. The case of the 2006 General elections”, Congress of the International Sociological Association, Gothenborg.


“When change Matters: the effects of dependent interviewing on survey interaction in the British Household Panel Survey”, WAPOR conference, Lousanne, 13 September. “A framework for understanding the quality of survey data”, 3rd European Survey

Research Association (ESRA) conference, Warsaw, July.

- 2008

“The impact of attitudes towards surveys on data quality”, 7th Conference of the RC33 Logic and Methodology, Napoli.

“Claims versus evidence. An evaluation of dependent interviewing”, 7th Conference of the RC33 Logic and Methodology, Napoli.

“Doing Research in the Social Sciences. A Comparison of Italy and the UK”, Sandwich Seminar, University of Essex, 30 April 2008. Seminario della Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences (Career Observatory), Universita’ di Milano, 9 May 2008.


“The development and the implementation of a coding scheme for behavioural coding. The experience of the British Household Panel Survey”, 2ndEuropean SurveyResearch

Association (ESRA) conference, 29 June 2007

“Lessons from a mixed-mode data collection design”, Challenges and Innovations in Establishment Surveys, London, 26 January 2007.

- 2006

“The excluded. On the causes of the low female representation in the Italian Parliament”, International Sociological Association, Durban, 29 July 2006 .

“Older people, gender and social inclusion”, JESS, University of Essex, 12 April 2006 (joint with E. Del Bono).


- 2005

“Women and Politics. Gender Inequalities in the Italian Parliament”. JESS, University of Essex, 9 November 2005.

“The Impact of a Mixed Mode Data Collection Design on Non-Response Bias on a Business Survey”. First European Association for Survey Research Conference (18 July-22 July). Barcelona: European Association for Survey Research (joint with P. Lynn).

- 2004

I Know What You Did Last Summer. The Effects of Dependent Interviewing on Measures of Change in Employment Characteristics and Work Histories”, JESS, University of Essex, 1 December 2004 (joint with A. Jäckle and P. Lynn).

“The Effect of Dependent Interviewing on Measures of Change in Employment Characteristics”, ISER, University of Essex, 17 September (joint with P. Lynn).

“The Contact and Response Process in Business Surveys: Lessons from a Multimode Survey of Employers in the UK”, JESS, University of Essex, 21 July 2004; Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Amsterdam 16–20 August 2004, (joint with P. Lynn).

“Donne e uomini nelle carriere dirigenziali del Terzo millennio (Women and Men in the Mnagerial Careers of the Third Millennium)”, ManagerItalia, Milano, 1 June 2004. “Validation of Survey Data on Income and Employment: the ISMIE Experience”, ISER, University of Essex, 28April 2004 (joint with A. Jäckle).

“Why Are There Still So Few Women at the Top of Italian Corporations? Taking Men Executives into Account”, XXII International Labour Process Conference, Amsterdam, 7 April 2004.

“Donne dirigenti oggi: ancora soltanto discriminazione di genere? (Women Executives: Can We Still Talk about Discrimination?)”, University of Milano-Bicocca,22 January 2004.

“Improving Survey Measurement of Income and Employment”, Project Researchers' Workshop, Manchester, 29-30 January 2004 (joint with A. Jäckle).

- 2003

Family Forms and Fertility Patterns of Men and Women Executives in Italy”, The Second Demographic Transition in Europe, European Science Foundation, Belgium, 20


“Between Gendered Doors and Leaky Pipeline. Higher Education Policies and Career Patterns of Men and Women in Italian Universities”, workshop “Long and winding roads? Career patterns in European Higher Education”, European Consortium for Political Research, Edinburgh. 28 March 2003 (joint with R. Bosisio).

Management responsabilities

2006- In charge of Keeping Track. A Guide to Longitudinal Resources


Other research activities

Organisation of the Panel Survey Methods Workshop, University of Essex, 14-15 July 2008 (A. Jaecke, M. Cooper and P. Lynn)

Organisation of the session: “Methods of Evaluating the Quality of Data Collection in Surveys”, ESRA conference, Naples 2008.

Organisation of the UK Househousehold Longitudinal Study Consultative Conference, University of Essex, 10 January 2008.

Organisation of the “Survey Evaluation Methods using Behaviour Coding and Sequence Analysis session at the second European Survey Research Association conference, Praga, 2007 (together with N. Uhrig).

Organissation of the workshop “Behavioural coding and sequence analysis”, University of Essex, February 2007.

Teaching Experience

2008: Lecturer for the course “Research Methods”, University of Milano-Bicocca.

2006-to date: Introduction to the BHPS using SPSS.

2005: Lecture on “The role of female politicians in the decision-making processes of Italian parliament, Corso di Educazione alle Politica, University of Milano-Bicocca.

2002: Lecturer for the course: “Introduction to the Data analysis with SPSS”, University of Milano-Bicocca.

2000-2002: Teaching assistant for the course “Advanced Course in Sociology”, prof. A. Schizzerotto, University of Milano-Bicocca.

1999: Teaching assistant for the course “Methodology for the Social Sciences”, prof. A. de Lillo, University of Milano-Bicocca.


1998: Teaching assistant for the course “Methodology for the Social Sciences”, prof. G. Di Fraja, Università IULM, Milano.

1997-1998: Lectures on how to use the personal computer and, in particular, Spss, Università di Milano.


2006- date: Member of the International Sociological Association 2004- date: Member of the Social Research Association.

Institutional roles

2006-date: Vice president for Membership of the RC33 (Logic and Methodology) of the International Sociological Association.

Research grants

Research Funding


Organisation of a workshop on behavioural coding and sequence analysis. Research Methods Programme, Initiative “Promoting methods-based networks”, £ 5,000 (PI: Emanuela Sala and Noah Uhrig)


“The Impact of Dependent Interviewing on Interview Dynamics: Implications for Longitudinal Survey Design”, Economic and Social Research Council, £ 100,000 (PI: Emanuela Sala and Noah Uhrig)

“Older people, gender and social inclusion”, Equal Opportunity Commission, £ 20,000 (PI: Emilia del Bono and Emanuela Sala)


“A Feasibility study for longitudinal research into equal opportunities for staff in higher education”, Higher Education Funding Council for England, £ 9,000, (with N. Buck, J. Burton, H. Laurie and P. Lynn).


“Women and Men at the Top of the Corporations”, ALDAC, Milano, 17,000 euro, (with A. de Lillo and C. Leccardi).


“The conditions of old people living in Arcore”, (1999), Comune di Arcore, 8,500 euro, (with M. Caglio).


Attendance to conferences

2006: International Sociological Association Conference (Durban) -Overseas Conference Grant (British Academy), £ 600

-Financial support (RC32 of the International Sociological Association), $150 2005: First European Association for Survey Research Conference (Barcelona) Overseas Conference Grant (British Academy), £ 200

2004: Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology (Amsterdam) Overseas Conference Grant (British Academy), £ 200

2003: TheSecond Demographic Transition In Europe (Belgium); the workshop “Long and winding roads? Career patterns in European Higher Education”.

Financial support from the organising committees: European Science Foundation and European Consortium for Political Research.


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