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RYAN WHITE PROGRAM SERVICE PROVIDERS CONTACT LIST FY (YR 25) (12-month Part A/MAI Continuation Contracts - All Services)


Academic year: 2021

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AIDS Healthcare Foundation CONTACTS FOR ADMINISTRATION: Medical Case Management (MCM) Address for Agency's Headquarters (HQ): Official Contact for Programmatic, Day-to-Day and Fiscal Issues (at HQ): Outpatient Medical Care (OMC)

6255 W. Sunset Boulevard, 21st Floor Ms. Arin Babakhani

Los Angeles, California 90028 - 7422 Senior Director of Grants and Contracts Administration Outreach Services

(323) 860-5291 Phone

Address for Local Administrative Office and Ms. Erbstein-Baner (Southern Bureau): (323) 860-5283 Fax Prescription Drugs

700 S.E. 3rd Avenue, 4th Floor email: [email protected]

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 -1154

Contact for Day-to-Day Administration and Fiscal Issues:

Address for Mr. Watters: Ms. Silvana Erbstein-Baner

AHF One River Plaza Senior Grants Manager

305 S. Andrews Avenue, Suite 601 (954) 522-3132, Phone

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 - 1851 (954) 522-3260 Fax

email: [email protected] Address for Site #1 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC):

AHF Jackson North Additional Contact for Day-to-Day Administration and Fiscal Issues (at HQ):

100 N.W. 170th Street, Suite 208 Ms. Kelly Burns

North Miami Beach, FL 33169 - 5510 Grants and Contracts Consultant

(310) 623-7341 Cell

Address for Site #2 (Pharmacy): email: [email protected]

AHF Biscayne

2900 N. Biscayne Boulevard Additional Contact for Day-to-Day Administration and Fiscal Issues

Miami, FL 33137 - 4122 Located at Local Administrative Office:

Ms. Amy Pinter, R.N., C.C.M.

Address for Site #3 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): Compliance Manager,

AHF Coconut Grove (Kinder) Southern Bureau Grants and Contracts

3661 S. Miami Avenue, Suite 806 (239) 470-9999 Phone

Miami, FL 33133 - 4214 (855) 553-6920 Fax

email: [email protected]

Address for Site #4 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC):

AHF Mount Sinai Administrative Contact (for OMC) - Located at One River Plaza:

4308 Alton Road, Suite 950 Mr. Harry Watters

Miami, FL 33140 - 4560 Associate Director of Healthcare Center Operations

(954) 767-0887, Ext. 2561 Phone

Address for Site #5 (Outreach Services): (954) 767-0802 Fax

South Beach Wellness Center email: [email protected]

1511 West Avenue

Miami Beach, FL 33139 - 2318 Administrative Contact (for MCM) - Located at Local Administrative Office: Ms. Diane Spicer

Address for Site #6 (OMC and MCM): Director of Ryan White MCM Programs

Homestead Healthcare Center (954) 522-3132 Phone

925 N.E. 30th Terrace, Suite 310 (954) 522-3260 Fax

Homestead, FL 33033 - 7613 email: [email protected]

Emergency or After-hours Information Number (ALL AHF Sites): 1-866-352-2535 or 786-497-4000

PLEASE NOTE: * Services listed are for Part A eligible clients from the General HIV/AIDS Population, unless otherwise indicated. ** Services identified as MAI are funded with Minority AIDS Initiative resources for minority communities

[e.g., Black/African American (including but not limited to Haitian), Hispanic, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, etc.]. ALSO NOTE: Ryan White Part A/MAI-funded services are from March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016.


AIDS Healthcare Foundation (continued) Administrative Contact (for Outreach) - Located at Public Health Division Office: See Above Ms. Mena Gorre

Address for Agency's Headquarters (HQ): Director of Linkage Services

6255 W. Sunset Boulevard, 21st Floor (323) 436-8908 Phone

Los Angeles, California 90028 - 7422 (323) 386-8914 Fax

email: [email protected] Address for Agency's Public Health Division (Ms. Gorre):

1710 N. La Brea Avenue Administrative Contact (for Pharmacy) - Located at Local Administrative Office:

Los Angeles, California 90046 - 3010 Mr. Jeremy Zellers

Assistant Director of Pharmacy Operations

Address for Local Administrative Office: (954) 322-3260 Fax

700 S.E. 3rd Avenue, 4th Floor email: [email protected]

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 -1154

On-Call Contacts for Direct Services: Address for Site #1 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC):

AHF Jackson North Contact Located at Site #1 (Pharmacy):

100 N.W. 170th Street, Suite 208 Mr. Winston Tinubu

North Miami Beach, FL 33169 - 5510 Pharmacist in Charge

(305) 758-1984 Phone

Address for Site #2 (Pharmacy): (305) 758-8714 Fax

2900 N. Biscayne Boulevard email: [email protected]

Miami, FL 33137 - 4122

Contact Located at Site #1 (MCM):

Address for Site #3 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): Ms. Lissete Rodriguez

AHF Coconut Grove (Kinder) Medical Case Manager

3661 S. Miami Avenue, Suite 806 (305) 405-0045 Phone

Miami, FL 33133 - 4214 (305) 405-0048 Fax

email: [email protected]

Address for Site #4 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC):

AHF Mount Sinai Contact Located at Site #2 (Pharmacy):

4308 Alton Road, Suite 950 Mr. Gonzalo Clavijo

Miami, FL 33140 - 4560 Pharmacist in Charge

(305) 764-3780 Phone

Address for Site #5 (Outreach Services): (305) 764-3784 Fax

South Beach Wellness Center email: [email protected]

1511 West Avenue

Miami Beach, FL 33139 - 2318 Contact Located at Site #3 (Pharmacy):

Mr. Benjamin Levy

Address for Site #6 (OMC and MCM): Pharmacist in Charge

Homestead Healthcare Center (305) 534-1294 Phone

925 N.E. 30th Terrace, Suite 310 (305) 534-8311 Fax

Homestead, FL 33033 - 7613 email: [email protected]

Contact Located at Site #4 (Pharmacy): Mr. Carlos Palacios

Pharmacist in Charge (305) 538-5914 Phone (305) 538-1730 Fax


AIDS Healthcare Foundation (continued) Contact Located at Site #3 (MCM): See Above Mr. Armando Alvarez

Address for Agency's Headquarters (HQ): Medical Case Management Supervisor

6255 W. Sunset Boulevard, 21st Floor (786) 497-4000, Ext. 259 Phone

Los Angeles, California 90028 - 7422 (305) 854-0111 Fax

email: [email protected] Address for Local Administrative Office:

700 S.E. 3rd Avenue, 4th Floor AND

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33336 - 1154

Ms. Laquitta McCoy

Address for Site #1 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): Medical Case Manager

AHF Jackson North (786) 497-4000, Ext. 259 Phone

100 N.W. 170th Street, Suite 208 (305) 854-0111 Fax

North Miami Beach, FL 33169 - 5510 email: [email protected]

Address for Site #2 (Pharmacy): AND

AHF Biscayne

2900 N. Biscayne Boulevard Mr. Yiovanni Alfonso

Miami, FL 33137 - 4122 Medical Case Manager

(786) 497-4000, Ext. 259 Phone

Address for Site #3 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): (305) 854-0111 Fax

AHF Coconut Grove (Kinder) email: [email protected]

3661 S. Miami Avenue, Suite 806

Miami, FL 33133 - 4214 Contact Located at Site #4 (MCM):

Ms. Christina Bannister

Address for Site #4 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): Medical Case Manager

AHF Mount Sinai (305) 538-1400 Phone

4308 Alton Road, Suite 950 (305) 538-6102 Fax

Miami, FL 33140 - 4560 email: [email protected]

Address for Site #5 (Outreach Services): Contact Located at Site #1 (OMC):

South Beach Wellness Center Ms. Carolyn Mathis

1511 West Avenue Office Administrator

Miami Beach, FL 33139 - 2318 (305) 405-0045, Ext. 3756 Phone

(305) 405-0048 Fax

Address for Site #6 (OMC and MCM): email: [email protected]

Homestead Healthcare Center

925 N.E. 30th Terrace, Suite 310 Contact Located at Site #3 (OMC):

Homestead, FL 33033 - 7613 Mr. Marcelo Escobar

Office Administrator (786) 497-4000, Ext. 259 Phone (305) 854-0111 Fax


AIDS Healthcare Foundation (continued) Contact Located at Site #4 (OMC) See Above Ms. Janette Alvarez

Address for Agency's Headquarters (HQ): Office Administrator

6255 W. Sunset Boulevard, 21st Floor (305) 538-1400, Ext. 2511 Phone

Los Angeles, California 90028 - 7422 (305) 538-6102 Fax

email: [email protected] Address for Local Administrative Office:

700 S.E. 3rd Avenue, 4th Floor Contacts Located at Site #6 (OMC and MCM):

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 - 1154 Ms. Laquitta McCoy

Medical Case Manager

Address for Site #1 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): (305) 246-5422 Phone

AHF Jackson North (305) 246-5424 Fax

100 N.W. 170th Street, Suite 208 email: [email protected]

North Miami Beach, FL 33169 - 5510

AND Address for Site #2 (Pharmacy):

AHF Biscayne Ms. Melanie Harmon

2900 N. Biscayne Boulevard Physician's Assistant

Miami, FL 33137 - 4122 (305) 256-5422 Phone

(305) 246-5424 Fax

Address for Site #3 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): email: [email protected] AHF Coconut Grove (Kinder)

3661 S. Miami Avenue, Suite 806 Ms. Patricia Herrand

Miami, FL 33133 - 4214 Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP)

(305) 256-5422 Phone

Address for Site #4 (Pharmacy, MCM and OMC): (305) 246-5424 Fax

AHF Mount Sinai email: [email protected]

4308 Alton Road, Suite 950 Miami, FL 33140 - 4560

Address for Site #5 (Outreach Services): South Beach Wellness Center 1511 West Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 - 2318 Address for Site #6 (OMC and MCM): Homestead Healthcare Center 925 N.E. 30th Terrace, Suite 310 Homestead, FL 33033 - 7613


Better Way of Miami, Inc. Official Contact: MAI** Substance Abuse

Counseling-800 N.W. 28th Street Mr. Michael Festinger Counseling-Residential

Miami, FL 33127 - 4046 President/Chief Executive Officer

(305) 634-3409, Ext. 144 Phone Substance Abuse

Counseling-(305) 635-3524 Fax Outpatient (SAC-O)

email: [email protected]

Substance Abuse

Counseling-Main Phone Number for Direct Services: Residential (SAC-R)

(305) 634-3409

Additional Contacts for Programmatic Issues: Dr. Ayush Morad Amar

Medical Supervisor (305) 634-3409, Ext. 110 Phone (305) 637-7145 Fax email: [email protected] AND Mr. Ozzie Heredia

Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer (305) 634-3409, Ext. 116 Phone (305) 635-3524 Fax email: [email protected] Contact for Fiscal Issues: Ms. Angela Palmer Chief Financial Officer (305) 779-0650, Ext. 151 Phone (305) 779-0655 Fax email: [email protected]

Borinquen Health Care Center, Inc. Official Contact: MAI** Medical Case Management

3601 Federal Highway Ms. Barbara Kubilus

Miami, FL 33137 - 3795 Chief Special Programs Officer MAI** Outpatient Medical Care

(305) 576-6611, Ext. 1602 Phone

(Note: This agency has multiple service sites. Please call for locations.) (786) 476-2819 Fax MAI** Outreach Services

email: [email protected]

Address for Fiscal Issues (Mr. Vicars): Medical Case Management (MCM)

225 N.E. 34th Street, 2nd Floor Main Phone Number for Direct Services:

Miami, FL 33137 - 3800 (305) 576-6611 Oral Health Care (OHC)

Contact for Fiscal Issues: Outpatient Medical Care (OMC)

Mr. Toney Vicars

Controller Outreach Services

(305) 576-6611, Ext. 6329 Phone

(305) 994-1528 Fax Transportation Vouchers (TV)

email: [email protected] Additional Contact for Fiscal Issues: Mr. Stephen Williams

Chief Financial Officer (305) 576-6611, Ext. 606 Phone (305) 573-1553 Fax


Borinquen Health Care Center, Inc. (continued) Contact for MCM and TV: See Above Ms. Rosemonde Francis

Address for Outreach Services: Medical Case Manager Coordinator

12603 N.E. 7th Avenue (305) 576-6611, Ext.1712 Phone

North Miami, FL 33161 - 4813 (786) 476-2831 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for Outreach Services: Ms. Diada Sonceau Outreach Coordinator (786) 476-1005, Ext. 7113 Phone (305) 675-0874 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for OMC:

Ms. Lauren Locks

Specialty Care Center Clinical Manager (305) 576-1675, Ext. 3234 Phone (786) 476-2812 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for OHC:

Ms. Paola Arias Dental Clinical Manager (305) 576-6611, Ext. 1525 Phone (786) 476-2818 Fax

email: [email protected]

Care Resource Official Contact: MAI** Medical Case Management

3510 Biscayne Boulevard, Third Floor Mr. Richard Siclari

Miami, FL 33137 - 3851 Chief Executive Officer MAI** Outpatient Medical Care

(305) 576-1234, Ext. 206 Phone

Additional Address for OMC and MCM Services: (305) 571-2020 Fax MAI** Outreach Services

1701 Meridian Avenue, Suite 400 email: [email protected]

Miami Beach, FL 33139 - 1890 Medical Case Management (MCM)

Main Phone Number for Direct Services:

(305) 576-1234 Mental Health Therapy/Counseling (MHT)

Additional Contact for Fiscal Issues: Oral Health Care (OHC)

Mr. Keenan Karwan

Director of Finance Outpatient Medical Care (OMC)

(305) 576-1234, Ext. 203 Phone

(305) 576-2020 Fax Outreach Services

email: [email protected]

Transportation Vouchers (TV) Additional Contact (Outreach):

Ms. Carolyn McKay

Director of Information, Evaluation & QA Services (305) 576-1234, Ext. 271 Phone

(305) 571-2020 Fax


Care Resource (continued) Additional Contact (Outreach): See Above Ms. Patty Valdez

Linkage and Access Services Manager (305) 576-1234, Ext. 241 Phone (305) 576-2020 Fax

email: [email protected] Additional Contact (OMC): Ms. Ausline Perry

Director of Medical and Pharmacy Services (305) 576-1234, Ext. 201 Phone (305) 571-2025 Fax

email: [email protected] Additional Contact (OHC): Dr. Curtis Barnes, DMD

Associate Director of Dental Services (305) 576-1234, Ext. 152 Phone (305) 571-2025 Fax

email: [email protected]

Additional Contact [All Other Services (MCM, MHT, SAC-O, TV)]: Mr. Tom Pietrogallo, MSW, LCSW, MBA

Director of Psychosocial Services (305) 576-1234, Ext. 283 Phone (305) 571-2020 Fax

email: [email protected] Additional Contact (OMC): Ms. Deborah Hernandez Medical Care Services Manager (305) 571-1234, Ext. 368 Phone (305) 571-2020 Fax

email: [email protected] Additional Contact (MCM and TV): Mr. Rafael Jimenez

Medical Case Manager Services Supervisor (305) 576-1234, Ext. 251 Phone (305) 571-2020 Fax


Citrus Health Network, Inc. Official Contact: Medical Case Management (MCM)

Address for Admin. and Prescription Drugs: Ms. Maria Alonso

4175 West 20th Avenue Chief Operating Officer Oral Health Care (OHC)

Hialeah, FL 33012 - 5874 (305) 424-3100 Phone

(305) 825-1645 Fax Outpatient Medical Care (OMC)

Address for MCM & OMC: email: [email protected]

4125 West 20th Avenue Prescription Drugs (Rx Drugs)

Hialeah, FL 33012 - 5874 Main Phone Number for Direct Services:

(305) 424-3100 Address for Oral Health Care (By Referral through CHN only):

Hialeah Dental Center Contact for Programmatic Issues (OMC):

University of Florida College of Dentistry Ms. Arelys del Castillo

750 East 25th Street Clinic Administrator

Hialeah, FL 33013 - 3817 (305) 424-3101 Phone

(786) 209-2022 Fax

email: [email protected]

Contact for Programmatic Issues (MCM and OHC): Mr. Thomas Jardon, J.D.

Director of Housing and HIV Services (786) 441-5353 Phone

(786) 209-2028 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for Programmatic Issues (Rx Drugs): Mr. David Moskowitz, RPh

Pharmacist (305) 424-3100 Phone (305) 825-1645 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for Fiscal Issues: Mr. Arnaldo Paniagua Chief Financial Officer (786) 441-5354 Phone (786) 209-2154 Fax email: [email protected] Ms. Silvia Suarez Controller (305) 424-3007 Phone (305) 825-1645 Fax email: [email protected] Ms. Gloria Villa

Financial Services Administrator (305) 424-3077 Phone (305) 818-1885 Fax


Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) Official Contact: MAI** Medical Case Management

(Doris Ison Center - Main Site) Mr. Jean Pierre

10300 S.W. 216th Street Vice President of Behavioral Health Services MAI** Outpatient Medical Care

Miami, FL 33190 - 1003 (786) 573-2879 Phone

(786) 256-4193 Cell MAI** Outreach Services

(305) 252-5890 Fax

email: [email protected] MAI** Prescription Drugs

(Note: This agency has multiple service sites. Please call for locations.)

Main Phone Number for Direct Services (Ask for CARES Department): Medical Case Management (305) 253-5100

Oral Health Care Contact for Programmatic Issues:

Ms. Tabitha Hunter Outpatient Medical Care

CARES Manager

(305) 252-4889 or (786) 359-3871 Phone Outreach Services

(305) 254-4986 Fax

email: [email protected] Prescription Drugs

Contact for Fiscal Issues: Transportation Vouchers

Ms. Sybil Thomas Senior Financial Analyst (305) 253-5100 Phone (786) 573-2861 Fax

email: [email protected]

Empower U, Inc. Official Contact: MAI** Medical Case Management (MCM)

Address for Programmatic and Direct Service Issues: Ms. Vanessa Mills

7900 N.W. 27th Avenue, Suite E12 Chief Executive Officer MAI** Outreach Services

Miami, FL 33147 - 4909 (786) 318-2337, Ext. 127 or 105 Phone

(786) 318-2339 Fax Medical Case Management (MCM)

Address for Administration: email: [email protected]

7900 N.W. 27th Avenue, Suite 234B Mental Health Therapy/Counseling (MHT)

Miami, FL 33147 - 4731 Main Phone Numbers for Direct Services:

(786) 318-2337 Phone Outreach Services

(786) 284-3096 Fax (MCM, Outreach, MHT, and SAC-O only)

Substance Abuse Counseling - (SAC-O)

Contact for Administration and Fiscal Issues: Outpatient

Ms. Christine Stroy-Martin Director of Administration (786) 318-2337, Ext. 116 Phone (786) 318-2339 Fax


Food for Life Network, Inc. Official Contact: Food Bank

c/o Care Resource Mr. Richard Siclari

3510 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 209 Chief Executive Officer

Miami, FL 33137 - 3823 (305) 576-1234 Phone

(305) 571-2020 Fax

email: [email protected] Main Phone Number for Direct Services: (305) 576-1234

Additional Official Contact: Mr. Thomas Pietrogallo Director of Psychosocial Services (305) 576-1234, Ext. 283 Phone (305) 571-2020 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for Program Activities Ms. Valjean Thomas Client Services Specialist

(305) 576-1234, Ext. 216 and (305) 376-3663 Phone (305) 571-1833 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for Fiscal Issues: Mr. Keenan Karwan Finance Manager

(305) 576-1234, Ext. 203 Phone (305) 571-2020 Fax

email: [email protected]

Jessie Trice Community Health Center, Inc. Official Contact: MAI ** Medical Case Management

5607 N.W. 27th Avenue, Suite 1 Ms. Ruth Duval

Miami, FL 33142 - 2826 Vice President Ancillary Services Medical Case Management

(305) 694-6268 Phone

(305) 694-6269 Fax Oral Health Care

email: [email protected]

Outpatient Medical Care (Note: This agency has multiple service sites. Please call for locations.) Main Phone Number for Direct Services:

(305) 637-6400, Ext. 15124 Address for Mr. Gayle:

700 S. Royal Poinciana Boulevard, Suite 300 Contact for Fiscal Issues:

Miami Springs, FL 33166 - 6667 Mr. Phillip Gayle


(305) 805-1700, Ext. 23124 Phone (305) 805-1728 Fax


Legal Services of Greater Official Contact: Legal Assistance

Miami, Inc. Ms. Marcia K. Cypen

Executive Director

Main Address for Services (Main Office): (305) 438-2501 Phone

3000 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 500 (305) 576-5112 Fax

Miami, FL 33137 - 4129 email: [email protected]

Address for Ms. Jaurequi and Additional Service Site: Main Phone Number for Direct Services (Both Locations):

South Dade Law Center (305) 576-0080

11285 SW 211th Street, Suite 302

Miami, Florida 33189 - 2237 Contact for Programmatic Issues:

Ms. Jocelyn Jauregui

Senior Attorney/Project Director/Casehandler (305) 438-3819 Phone

(305) 232-3616 Fax email: [email protected] Contact for Fiscal Issues (Main Office): Ms. Rochelle L. Hampton

Resource Development Administrator (305) 438-2505 Phone

(305) 576-5112 Fax

email: [email protected]

Miami Beach Community Health Center, Inc. Official Contact and Contact for Programmatic Issues: Health Insurance Services

Mr. Jose Ortega [Prescription Drugs Co-Payments,

Mailing Address and Additional Service Site: Immune Support Program (ISP) Director- ADAP Premium Plus Insurance Program

11645 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 208 Executive Vice-President of HIV/AIDS Services (formerly known as AICP), Insurance Deductibles, ACA Drug Co-Pay,

North Miami, FL 33181 - 3138 (305) 538-8835, Ext. 1602 Phone ACA Premium, and ACA Deductibles]

(305) 938-4053 Fax

Main Service Site Address: email: [email protected] MAI** Outpatient Medical Care

710 Alton Road

Miami Beach, FL 33139 - 5504 Main Phone Number for Direct Services: MAI** Prescription Drugs

(305) 538-8835

Medical Case Management Contact for Fiscal Issues:

Mr. Anselmo Potter Mental Health Therapy/Counseling

ISP Finance Director

(305) 538-8835, Ext. 1678 Phone Oral Health Care

(305) 938-4053 Fax


Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County, Florida (PHT) Official Contact and Contact for Fiscal Issues (for All Sites): Services at North Dade Health Center (NDHC):

Administrative Office (for Ms. Freeman): Ms. Rachel Freeman, RD, MPH, CDE

Care and Treatment Network Administrator MAI** Medical Case Management

Jackson Memorial Hospital (305) 585-5246 Phone

1611 N.W. 12th Avenue, ACC East Room 112 (305) 545-5693 Fax Medical Case Management

Miami, FL 33136-1096 email: [email protected]

Outpatient Medical Care

Address for Direct Services at NDHC: Main Phone Number for Direct Services at NDHC:

16555 N.W. 25th Avenue (786) 466-1758 Transportation Vouchers

Miami, FL 33054 - 6583

Main Phone Number for Direct Services at P.E.T. Center: Services at Prevention, Education, and Treatment Center

Address for Direct Services at P.E.T. Center: (305) 585-4200 (P.E.T. Center):

615 Collins Avenue

Miami Beach, FL 33139 - 6213 Main Phone Number for Direct Services at SFAN: Medical Case Management

(305) 585-5241

Address for Direct Services at SFAN: Oral Health Care

Jackson Health System Additional Contact for Programmatic Issues (All PHT Service Sites):

ACC East 1st Floor Mr. George Barroso Outpatient Medical Care

1611 N.W. 12th Avenue, Room 113 Associate Administrator

Miami, FL 33136 - 1005 (305) 585-6212 Phone Transportation Vouchers

(305) 545-5693 Fax

email: [email protected]

Administrative Office (for Ms. Nieves): Services at South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN):

The Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Additional Official Contacts (copy to:):

Ambulatory Care Center and Primary Care Clinics Ms. Caridad Nieves MAI** Medical Case Management

Jackson Health System Chief Nursing Officer and Operations

1611 N.W. 12th Avenue, ACC West, Suite 112 (305) 585-6357 Phone MAI** Outpatient Medical Care

Miami, FL 33136 - 1096 (305) 585-0003 Fax

email: [email protected] Medical Case Management

Administrative Office (Ms. Sakran):

Jackson Health System - Office of Research and Grants AND Mental Health Therapy/Counseling

Jackson Medical Towers

1500 N.W. 12th Avenue, Suite 803 Ms. Eve Sakran, MS, CHRC Oral Health Care

Miami, FL 33136 - 1037 Corporate Director of Research and Grants

(305) 585-7596 Phone Outpatient Medical Care

Address for Fiscal Office: (305) 585-6144 Fax

email: [email protected] Outreach Services

SFAN/Care & Treatment Network

1611 N.W. 12th Avenue, Room 111 Contact for Fiscal Issues: Prescription Drugs

Miami, FL 33136 - 1095 Ms. Ruth Hernandez

Assistant Administrator III Transportation Vouchers

(305) 585-6620 Phone (305) 545-5693 Fax


The Village South, Inc. Official Contact: Medical Case Management (MCM)

Administrative Office: Mr. Frank Rabbito

169 East Flagler Street, Suite 1300 Senior Vice President Outreach Services

Miami, FL 33131 - 4196 (305) 573-3784 Phone

(305) 571-9792 Fax Substance Abuse

Counseling-Address for Direct Services (MCM, Outreach, SAC-O, and TV) and email: [email protected] Outpatient (SAC-O) address for Ms. Wakhisi:

3180 Biscayne Boulevard Main Phone Number for Direct Services: Substance Abuse

Counseling-Miami, FL 33137 - 4127 (305) 573-7767 Residential (SAC-R)

Address for Direct Services (SAC-R): Additional Contact for Programmatic Issues: Transportation Vouchers (TV)

400 N.E. 31st Street Ms. Francis Wakhisi

Miami, FL 33137- 4213 Managing Director, Adult Services

(305) 573-3784, Ext. 32404 Phone (305) 341-1772 Fax

email: [email protected] Contact for Fiscal Issues:

Mr. Aurelio Morrell Regional Controller

(305) 573-3784 Ext. 32111 Phone (305) 381-6007 Fax

email: [email protected]

University of Miami Official Contact: MAI** Outpatient Medical Care

(Comprehensive AIDS Program) Ms. Martia West

1800 N.W. 10th Avenue, Suite 2016 Center Administrator MAI** Outreach Services

Miami, FL 33136 - 1018 (305) 243-8126 Phone

(305) 243-5550 Fax Medical Case Management

Mailing Address: email: [email protected]

P.O. Box 016960 (D-91) Mental Health Therapy/Counseling (Level II only)

Miami, FL 33101 - 6960 Contact for Fiscal Issues:

Ms. Sheryl Roberts Outpatient Medical Care

(Note: This agency has multiple service sites. Please call for locations.) Fiscal Manager

(305) 243-6535 Phone Outreach Services

(305) 243-5550 Fax


Automated Medical Case Management Official Contact: Service Delivery Information

Systems, Inc. Ms. Andrae Corrigan System (SDIS)

Official Contact and Mailing Address for contract President

related issues: (323) 460-7700 Phone

803 Wilcox Avenue, #7 (323) 460-7704 Fax

Hollywood, CA 90038 - 3617 email: [email protected]


Address for Local Operations: Local Contacts:

4770 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 850 (305) 438-3788 Phone

Miami, FL 33137 - 3244 (305) 438-3794 Fax Mr. Eugene Snell On-Site Support email: [email protected] Mr. Kevin Palmer On-Site Support email: [email protected]

Behavioral Science Research Corporation Official Contact: Quality Management Services

2121 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Suite 250 Dr. Robert A. Ladner, Ph.D. for the Ryan White MAI**

Coral Gables, FL 33134 - 5221 President Program

(305) 443-2000 Phone

(305) 448-6825 Fax Quality Management Services

email: [email protected] for the Ryan White Part A


Contact for Administrative Issues:

Dr. Francisco Sastre, Ph.D. Staff Support Services for the

Senior Research Scientist Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS

(305) 443-2000 Phone Partnership

(305) 448-6825 Fax


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