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Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Homocystinuria


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The authors wish to express their appreciation to Dr. H. A. Hunter, Professor of Oral Pathology,

Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, for

his assistance with the histological study of the

deciduous tooth; and also to Dr. J. R. Bensimon for his assistance in the compilation of the pedi-gree.


1. Oliver, W. J., et al.: Hypoplastic enamel in nephrosis. PEDIATRICS, 32 :399, 1963.

2. Shafer, W. C., Hine, M. K., and Levy, B. M.:

A Textbook of Oral Pathology. Philadelphia:


B. Saunders, 1961, p. 39.

3. Engfeldt, B., Bergman, C., and Hammarlund-Essler, E. : Studies on mineralized dental tissues. I. A microradliographic and auto-radiographic investigation of teeth and tooth germs of normal dogs. Exp. Cell Res., 7:381, 1954.

4. Hals, E. : Dentin and enamel anomalies:

histo-logic observations. In Genetics and Dental

Health, Witkop, C. J., Ed. New York:

McGraw Hill, 1961, p. 246.

5. Weinmann, J. R., Svoboda, J. F., and Woods, R. W. : Hereditary Disturbances of Enamel

Formation and Calcification. J. Amer. Dent. Assoc., 32:397, 1945.

6. Darling, A. I. : Some observations on

amelo-genesis imperfecta and calcification of the

dental enamel. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 49:

759, 1956.

7. Witkop, C. J.: Hereditary defects in enamel

and dentin. Acta Genet., 7:236, 1957.

8. Schulze, C. : Acta Cenet., 7:231, 1957.

9. Mohr, 0. L. : Woolly hair a dominant mutant character in man. J. Hered., 23:345, 1932. 10. Cates, R. R. : Human Genetics. Vol. 2. New

York: Macmillan, 1957, pp. 1351-1359.







In the three years since homocystinuria

was first described by Field and Carson and

their 2 it has become evident that

this newly discovered inborn error of

methio-nine metabolism may be less rare than had

originally appeared. At least 20 cases of

homo-cvstinuria have been reported2S to date from

the United Kingdom and the United States.

We ourselves have encountered 8 children

with homocystinuria in 3 unrelated families

in British Columbia.9 As interest in the

dis-ease increases and efforts to detect it are

more routinely made, it is possible that

homo-cystinuria may be found to approach

phenyl-ketonuria in frequency among the

biochemi-cal causes of mental defect.

Since homocystinuria involves an enzymatic

block in the metabolism of an essential amino

acid methionine, limitation of the dietary

in-take of methionine during infancy and

child-hood might produce beneficial clinical results

comparable to those of the low-phenylalanine

diet in phenylketonuria. Any appreciable

cor-rection of the derangement in sulfur amino

acid metabolism in an infant with




important to achieve, since

the infant not only is likely to become

men-tally defective, but will later suffer dislocated

lenses and skeletal abnormalities, and may

die of major intravascular tliromboses.

We wish at this time to report our

experi-ence in the diagnosis of a case of

homocy-stinuria in the newborn period, and in the

successful bypassing of one part of the

bio-chemical error through treatment of the

in-fant with a low-methionine diet. Whether or

not this treatment will prevent mental defect

in our patient may take several years to

de-termine. We hope, meanwhile, that this

pre-liminary report may stimulate other

physi-cians to test newborn infants routinely for

homocystinuria, and to try prompt dietary

treatment on cases detected.


C. S., a baby boy, was the product of a normal pregnancy and delivery. Birth weight was 3.5 kg, and the infant appeared in good condition. Two

older siblings had homocystinuria, and it was

realized in advance that this infant might prove

to have the disorder. Cord blood was saved for

later examination, and a urine specimen was ob-tamed at the age of 4 days, as well as a specimen of venous blood on the fifth day of life. The urine excreted on the fourth day of life, as well as all subsequent urine specimens examined prior to in-stitution of a low-methionine diet, yielded strongly

positive cyanide-nitroprusside screening tests, and

the presence of homocystine was readily

demon-strable on two-dimensional paper chromatography. The concentrations of methionine and other amino

acids in the infant’s plasma were determined on a

Technicon amino acid analyzer. Serum methionine concentration in cord blood was found to be 0.45

mg/100 ml. This had risen to 19.30 mg/100 ml

on the fifth day of life, and to 27.80 mg/100 ml

on the ninth day of life. Plasma methionine

con-centrations in normal newborn infants are

re-ported to be less than 0.6 mg/100 mI.10





Age (days) , . JT eight (kg) . Diet Supplemental Dietary . Cystine (ing/kg/day) Plasma . . * Methionine Plasma . * Cysti ne Plasma FIo,,io-. cystlne* . Urinary . liomocystine

Birth 3.5 0.45 Tr.t Of

4 Cow’s milk None + +

5 formula 19.30 0.24f Tr.t

9 27.80 Of .27f ++++

16 4.0 28.7O 0 .50



Low-methionine 13 .95 0.79 Tr. +


‘29 4.0 100 4.99 0.3 .c21



Breast milk 4.38 0.53 0


41 4.4 150 4.06 0.80 ‘Fr.



63 69 t 5.0) Low-methionine formula 20O 1.80



0 .9’2





* Values expressed in mg per 100 ml plasma. Tr. indicates amino acid present, but in an amount insufficient for

accurate quantitation. Normal values for plasma methionine in newborn infants are below 0.60, and for plasma

cystine range between 0.70 and c2.OO.b0

t Values for cystine and homocystine shown are probably too low, due to delay in deproteinizing specimens.

milk formula since birth, was admitted to the Health Centre for Children, Vancouver General Hospital, on the sixteenth day of life, and at this time was started on a special low-methionine for-mula composed of soy bean protein, to which corn oil and dextrimaltose had been added.#{176} The in-fant was given sufficient formula to provide 125 calories per kilogram per day, and sufficient

L-cystine was added to each day’s formula to pro-vide the infant with an additional 100 mg of cystine per kg body weight. After 12 days on this low-methionine diet, the infant’s plasma methio-nine concentration had fallen to 4.92 mg/100 ml, and only traces of homocystine could be detected

in the urine.

Because the infant had failed to gain weight, the special low-methionine diet was temporarily discontinued at this point, and was replaced by breast milk enriched with sufficient L-cystine to provide an additional 100 mg/kg/day. During 13 days on human milk, the infant gained 280 gm

in weight, but the plasma methionine concentra-lion failed to drop below 4 mg/100 ml. The breast milk diet was then discontinued, and the

infant was again fed the special low-methionine

product. Sufficient L-cystine was added during

a Product 3200-K, Mead Johnson & Co.,

Evans-ville, Indiana.

preparation of the formula to provide 150 mg/ kg/day in addition to that present in the soy bean protein isolate. Later, supplemental cystmne was further increased to 200 mg/kg/day. Resump-tion of the special low-methionine diet resulted in eventual lowering of the plasma methionine concen-tration to 1.55 mg/100 ml, and the infant gained weight satisfactorily.

The rise and fall of blood methionine concen-trations, and the presence or absence of homo-cystine in plasma and urine, are shown in Table I, in relation to the diets consumed by the infant.

At the time this is written, C. S. is 10 weeks old. His weight has increased to 5.0 kg. He is

alert, lifts his head when prone, follows objects

and persons with his eyes, and smiles readily in response. He is still somewhat tense and tremu-bus, as he was at 16 days of age, and he has

about 6 beats of ankle clonus. Otherwise he

pre-sents no neurological abnormalities. An

electroen-cephalogram at 9 weeks of age showed no

ab-normality except for a sharp phase reversal of

low amplitude over the left parietal region. No

abnormalities of the lenses, in liver size, or of the bones and joints have been detected so far. The

infant has now been discharged from hospital to

his parents, and is to continue on the



with periodic checks of blood methionine and

urinary homocystine.


Our experience with this homocystinuric

infant makes several things apparent. In the first place, routine screening of those infants


ed a cow’s milk formula for homocystinuria

on discharge from the newborn nursery, or

shortly thereafter, should be effective in

de-tecting the disease. This could readily be

ac-complished by collecting a urine specimen

and performing the cyanide-nitroprusside

screening test.4 The concentration of

methio-nine in blood evidently rises rapidly after

birth in the homocystinuric infant, and should

be high enough on discharge from the

nur-sery to be detected on a blood spot on filter

paper by the one-dimensional paper

chroma-tographic screening test devised by Efron et

al.12 Because of the lower content of

methio-nine in human milk as compared to cow’s

milk, it is likely that the diagnosis of homo-cystinuria might be missed by these screen-ing tests in breast-fed infants.

It is evident that institution of a

low-methionine diet can largely correct the

ele-vated tissue concentrations of methionine

which occur in young homocystinuric infants.

Whether or not this therapy will prove

suffi-cient to prevent the mental defect and other

harmful results of the disorder remains to

be determined. The special low-methionine

formula our patient is receiving contains 26 mg of methionine per 100 ml of normal

dilu-tion. Human milk is reported to contain 6 to

36 mg/100 ml, and cow’s milk 50 to 140

mg/100 ml.13

If the mental defect of homocystinuria is

due to the effect of elevated tissue

concen-trations of methionine on passage of other

amino acids into the rapidly growing brain,

or if it is due to toxic effects of as yet

un-identified metabolites of methionine on the

brain, then a low-methionine diet might

prove beneficial. After diagnosis of the

dis-order in a newborn infant, and until a

spe-cial low-methionine formula can be obtained,

a diet of breast milk would be preferable to

one of cow’s milk. If the mental defect of

homocystinuria proves to be due to absence of cystathionine from brain, secondary to the

basic defect in cystathionine synthetase,6”

use of a low-methionine diet would be

ex-pected to be ineffective in preventing mental

defect, but might still prevent the other

seri-ous clinical manifestations of the disease.

We have not attempted to give

cystathio-nine to our patient because of the prohibitive expense of L-cystathionine, and because this

amino acid has a high renal clearance and

may not even penetrate into the brain when

supplied orally. On the other hand,

admin-istration of supplemental L-cystine in the

treatment of homocystinuria seems strongly

indicated. Since the homocystinuric patient

cannot form cysteine from methionine, the

former becomes an essential amino acid.

Westa1l’ found it necessary to provide 150

mg/kg/day of L-cystine to a homocystinuric infant under treatment with a low-methionine diet in order to achieve normal cystine con-centrations in plasma. In our own patient, plasma cystine concentrations were low, and

weight gain was slow initially, possibly due

to administration of insufficient supplemental



At the age of 6 months, C. S. continues to show

normal growth and behavioral development. Neuro-logical examination, slit lamp examination of the eyes, and roentgenograms of the bones disclose no abnormalities. Plasma methionine concentrations, however, have recently ranged between 4 and 7 ing per 100 ml, despite further reduction of dietary

methionine, and a small amount of homocystine is regularly detectable in urine.


Homocystinuria was diagnosed in a

new-born infant by detection of homocystine in

urine on the fourth day of life, and by the

demonstration of a marked elevation of serum

methionine concentration on the fifth day.

Treatment with a special low-methionine diet has reduced the concentrations of methionine

in blood to near-normal levels. This

meta-bolic disease should be searched for by

rou-tine screening of newborn infants, and may

possibly respond favorably to dietary therapy.






Departments of Pharmacology

and Paediatrics

The University of British Columbia



We thank Dr. Wilfred C. Chin of Kamloops, B.C., for referring the patient to us; Dr. Warren

M. Cox, Jr., Mead Johnson Research Center,

Evansville, Indiana, for generously supplying the

experimental low-methionine diet; and Dr. R. C.

Westall, University College Hospital Medical

School, London, for his helpful advice.

Supported by grants from the Medical Research

Council and the Department of National Health

and Welfare, Canada.


1. Field, C. M. B., Carson, N. A. J., Cusworth, D. C., Dent, C. E., and Neill, D. W.: Homocystinuria. A new disorder of metab-olism. Abstract Tenth Internat. Congr. Pediat., Lisbon, 1962, p. 274.

2. Carson, N. A. J., Cusworth, D. C., Dent, C. E., Field, C. M. B., Neill, D. W., and

Westall, R. C. : Homocystinuria: A new inborn error of metabolism associated with mental deficiency. Arch. Dis. Child., 33: 425, 1963.

3. Komrower, C. M., and Wilson, V. K.:

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4. Cerritsen, T., and Waisman, H. A.:

Homo-cystinuria, an error in the metabolism of methionine. PEDIATRICS, 33:413, 1964. 5. White, H. H., Thompson, H. L., Rowland,

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Homo-cystinuria. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Ass., 89: 24, 1964.

6. Mudd, S. H., Finkelstein, J. D., Irreverre, F.,

and Laster, L. : Homocystinuria: An

en-zymatic defect. Science, 143: 1443, 1964.

7. Finkelstein, J. D., Mudd, S. H., Irreverre, F.,

and Laster, L. : Homocystinuria due to cystathionine synthetase deficiency: The

mode of inheritance. Science, 146:785, 1964.

8. Carson, N. A. J., Dent, C. E., Field, C. M. B.,

and Caull, C. E. : Homocystinuria. J.

Pediat., 66:565, 1965.

9. Dunn, H. C., Perry, T. L., and Dolman, C. L.:

Homocystinuria, a recently discovered cause

of mental defect and cerebrovascular

throm-bosis. Neurology. In press.

10. Chadimi, H., and Pecora, P. : Plasma amino

acids after birth. PEDIATRICS, 34: 182, 1964. 11. Dickinson, J. C., Rosenbium, H., and

Hamil-ton, P. B. : Ion exchange chromatography

of the free amino acids in the plasma of the newborn infant. PEDIATRICS, 36:2, 1965.

12. Efron, M. L., Young, D., Moser, H. W., and MacCready, R. A. : A simple

chromatograph-ic screening test for the detection of disorders of amino acid metabolism. A technic using whole blood or urine collected on filter

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13. Spector, W. S., Ed.: Handbook of Biological

Data. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1956,

p. 199.






Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Homocystinuria


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Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Homocystinuria


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