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Faithful real representations of cyclically pinched one-relator groups


Academic year: 2020

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ISSN (print): 2251-7650, ISSN (on-line): 2251-7669 Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014), pp. 1-8.


2014 University of Isfahan




Communicated by Derek J. S. Robinson

Abstract. In [4, 5] using faithful complex representations of cyclically pinched and conjugacy pinched one-relator groups we proved that any limit group has a faithful representation inP SL(2,C). Further this representation can be effectively constructed using the JSJ decomposition. In this note we show that any hyperbolic cyclically pinched one-relator group with maximal amalgamated subgroups in each factor has a 2-dimensional faithful real representation.

1. Introduction

In this note we prove directly that any hyperbolic cyclically pinched one-relator group with maximal

amalgamated subgroups in each factor and a certain hyperbolic rank one extension of centralizers has

a faithful representation in P SL(2,R). This is part of a general investigation of real and complex

representations of limit groups.

Recall that a group Gis fully residually freeif given any finite set of elements g1, . . . , gn∈G there

exists a homomorphism φ : G 7→ F with F a free group such that φ(gi) 6= 1 for all i = 1, . . . , n.

If G is finitely generated it is called a limit group. Limit groups played a prominent role in the

solution of the Tarski problems by Kharlampovich and Myasnikov ([7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12]) and Sela

([16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21]). In Sela’s approach they arise as limit groups of homomorphisms into free

group whence the name. An extensive structure theory of limit groups has been developed (see the

above references). Perhaps the primary example of a limit group is an orientable surface group Sg.

Originally this was proved to be residually free by G. Baumslag [3] using what is now called the big

MSC(2010): Primary 20F67; Secondary 20F65; 20E06; 20E07. Keywords: hyperbolic group, limit group, faithful representation. Received: 17 February 2013, Accepted: 19 June 2013.

∗Corresponding author.


powers argument. As a result of these groups being commutative transitive, it follows from a result of

B.Baumslag [2], that they are fully residually free. It is well known that orientable surface groups of

genus ≥2 have faithful representations in P SL(2,R). In [15] it was proved that surface groups can

be embedded in complex semisimple Lie groups.

In [4] it was proved directly using the JSJ decomposition of a limit group that any hyperbolic

limit group can be faithfully represented in P SL(2,C). Further this representation can be effectively

constructed using knowledge of the JSJ decomposition. The results needed in [4] are that facts

that hyperbolic cyclically pinched one-relator groups as well as certain conjugacy pinched one-relator

groups have faithful representations in P SL(2,C). In [5] the restriction to hyperbolic limit groups

was removed using the embedding of any limit group in a nonstandard free group F∗. Our proof here depends on the free product with amalgamation decomposition of a cyclically pinched one-relator

group but relies on the fact that the factors are free. Hence the general proof for limit groups as done

in [4],[5] does not go through. It thus remains an open question whether all limit groups have faithful

real 2-dimensional representations.

2. Faithful Real Representations of Hyperbolic Cyclically Pinched One-Relator Groups

The proof in [4] that a hyperbolic limit group has a faithful 2-dimensional complex representation

depended upon the fact that such a group has a particular type of graph of groups decomposition

- its JSJ decomposition. This decomposition was used effectively to prove that if G is a hyperbolic

limit group then G has a faithful representation in P SL(2,C). In an attempt to extend this to real

representations we extended a result of Rosenberger [13] on faithful representations intoP SL(2,C) of

cyclically pinched one-relator groups to real representations.

Recall that a cyclically pinched one-relator group is a one-relator group with a presentation of the following form

G=ha1, . . . , ap, ap+1, . . . , an;U =Vi

where 16=U =U(a1, . . . , ap) is a cyclically reduced, non-primitive (not part of a free basis) word in

the free group F1 on a1, . . . , ap and 1 6= V = V(ap+1, . . . , an) is a cyclically reduced, non-primitive

word in the free group F2 on ap+1, . . . , an.

Clearly such a group is the free product of the free groups ona1, . . . , apandap+1, . . . , anrespectively

amalgamated over the cyclic subgroups generated by U and V. If neitherU norV are proper powers

in the respective free groups on a1, . . . , ap and ap+1, . . . , an then the resulting group is hyperbolic

(see [4]). Hyperbolic Surface groups are cyclically pinched one-relator groups and general hyperbolic

cyclically pinched one-relator groups share many properties with surface groups. It is well-known

that hyperbolic surface groups have faithful representations in P SL(2,R). In [13] it was shown that

a general hyperbolic cyclically pinched one-relator group has a faithful representation in P SL(2,C).

Here we extend this to faithful real representations.

Theorem 2.1. Let G = ha1, . . . , an, b1, . . . , bm;u = vi with n ≥ 2, m ≥ 2 and u = u(a1, . . . , an)


v = v(b1, . . . , bm) a nontrivial, not primitive and not a proper power element in the free group F2 = hb1, . . . , bmi.

Then there exists a faithful representation φ:G→P SL(2, R)

Proof. We prove the existence of a faithful representation intoSL(2,R). Since a hyperbolic cyclically

pinched one-relator group as in the statement of the theorem is centerless this faithful representation

can be extended to a faithful representation into P SL(2,R).

We first embed F1 into a free groupH1 =ha, bi of rank 2 and F2 into a free groupH2=hc, di also of rank 2. It follows that U, V are both nontrivial and not primitive inH1, H2 respectively.

We now considerH1 =ha, bi. ChooseA, B ∈SL(2,R) withtr(A) =x >2 an algebraic number and tr(B) =y > 2 also an algebraic number. Then tr(AB) =r and we will choose r later in a suitable


The mapa7→A, b7→B defines a homomorphismφ1 :H1→SL(2,R). LetU =φ1(u) be the image of u. From [5],[6] and also from [14] page 97 we get the following: the trace tr(U) is a nonconstant

polynomial f(r) in r with coefficients in Z[x, y]; and without loss of generality we may assume that

the highest coefficient is positive. Moreover all the coefficients are algebraic numbers.

We now argue analogously forH2=hc, di. ChooseC, D∈SL(2,R) withtr(C) =z >2 an algebraic

number and tr(D) =w >2 an algebraic number. We let s=tr(CD) and, just as forr, we will later

choose sin a suitable manner.

As before the map c 7→ C, d 7→ D defines a homomorphism φ2 : H2 → SL(2,R). Let V = φ2(v) be the image of v. As before tr(V) is a nonconstant polynomialg(s) inswith coefficients in Z[z, w];

and without loss of generality we may assume that the highest coefficient is positive. Moreover all the

coefficients are algebraic numbers.

We make the following observations.

(1) f(X)→ ∞ifX → ∞and

g(X)→ ∞ ifX→ ∞

(2) If we choose a sufficiently large transcendental numbert >4 then by the intermediate value

theorem there exist r∈R ands∈Rsuch that f(r) =t=g(s).

The real numbers r, s have to be transcendental because the polynomials f(X) and g(X) have

algebraic coefficients (if r were algebraic thenf(r) would also be algebraic).

After a suitable conjugation of φ1(H1) andφ2(H2) in SL(2,R) we may assume that

U = t1 0 0 t−11


=V, t=t1+t−11 ,

with t1 a real transcendental (recall that t >4). We have the following facts.

(a) hA, Bi is a free group of rank 2 becauser is transcendental.


Therefore φ1 and φ2 are monomorphisms and hence embeddings of the respective free groups into

SL(2,R). F1 is a subgroup of H1=ha, bi andF2 is a subgroup ofH2 =hc, di. Hence

φ1|F1:F1 →SL(2,R)


φ2|F2:F2 →SL(2,R)

are embeddings with

φ1|F1(u) =U =V =φ2|F2(v). Recall that

U = t1 0 0 t−11



Then the combination of φ1|F1 and φ2|F2 defines a homomorphism



φ|F1=φ1|F1 and φ|F2=φ2|F2.

Now, uis not a proper power inF1 andv is not a proper power inF2. Hence exactly as in [14] and [13] we get from the homomorphism φ:G→SL(2,R) an injective homomorphism ρ:G→SL(2,R).

To see this let

tr(G) ={tr(φ(g));g∈G}

and then choose a real transcendental number τ which is not algebraic over K = Q(tr(G)). Now


T = τ 0

0 τ−1



Define a homomorphism ρ:G→SL(2,R) byρ(g) =T φ(g)T−1 ifg∈F1 andρ(g) =φ(g) ifg∈F2. Since ρ(u) =φ(u) =U =V this does indeed give a homomorphism.

For g∈ Gwe write gij for the entry of ρ(g) in the ij-th position. Then ρ(g) = (gij). We mention

that g12 6= 0 and g21 6= 0 if g ∈F1\ hui or g ∈F2 \ hvi since F1, F2 are nonabelian and u and v are not proper powers in F1 and F2 respectively.

We now show that ρ is injective. Every element g ∈ G is conjugate either to an element of F1 or

F2 or to an element of the form

g=x1y1· · ·xkyk

with k ≥1 andxi ∈ F1\ hui and yi ∈F2 \ hvi for i= 1, . . . , k. To prove thatρ is injective we may assume that g = x1y1· · ·xkyk as above. We now show that tr(ρ(g) is transcendental over K which

proves thatρ is injective. For this we claim thatg11is a Laurent polynomial of degree 2k≥2 overK,


<2koverK. We prove the claim by induction onk. Ifk= 1 theng=xy withx=x1, y=y1. Recall that

ρ(x) =T φ(x)T−1 = τ 0 0 τ−1


α11 α12

α21 α22 !

τ−1 0 0 τ


with α126= 06=α21 becauseφis injective on F1. Then:




g22=α22y11+α21y21τ−2. Note that possibly y22= 0. This proves the claim fork= 1.

Now let k ≥ 2. We write g = xy with x = x1y1· · ·xk−1yk−1 and y = xkyk. By the inductive

hypothesis and the casek= 1 already proven the claim holds for bothx andy. Multiplication ofρ(x)

with ρ(y) now proves the overall claim. Hence in particular tr(ρ(g)) is transcendental over K which

proves that the homomorphism ρ is injective.

3. Faithful Real Representations of Hyperbolic Extensions of Centralizers

A rank one extension of centralizers of a groupG is a group Γ =hG, t;rel(G), t−1ut=ui

where hui is a maximal cyclic subgroup ofG. It is known (see the references in [4]) that the class of

limit groups consists of subgroups of the class of groups built up by iterated extensions of centralizers

starting with free groups. The proof given in [4] that extensions of centralizers of groups admitting

faithful complex representations also have faithful complex representations carries over to the real


Theorem 3.1. Let G be torsion-free, finitely generated and admit a faithful representation into

P SL(2,R). Suppose further that G has cyclic centralizers. Let hwi be a maximal cyclic subgroup

of G. Then the extension of centralizers

Γ =hG, t;rel(G), twt−1 =wi

admits a faithful representation into P SL(2,R).

Proof. Let G be finitely generated and admit a faithful representation into P SL(2,R), let hwi be a

maximal cyclic subgroup of Gand let

Γ =hG, t;rel(G), twt−1 =wi.

We claim that if the centralizer of w in G is hwi then hwi is malnormal in G. Suppose that


g andwhave the same fixed points as mappings onC∪ {∞} and henceg, w commute. It follows that

g∈ hwi and hencehwi is malnormal inG.

Choose a representation φintoP SL(2,R) so that

φ(w) = α 0 0 α−1



φ(w) = 1 1 0 1



Suppose first thatφ(w) = α 0 0 α−1


. Lettr(G) ={tr(g);g∈φ(G)}. Choose a real transcendental

number τ which is not algebraic over K=Q(tr(G)). Extendφ toζ so that φ=ζ|G and

ζ(t) = τ 0 0 τ−1



Then the mapζ : Γ7→P SL(2,R) is injective.

Suppose next that φ(w) = 1 1 0 1


.Choose a transcendental numberτ which is not algebraic over

K =Q(tr(G)). Extend φtoζ so thatφ=ζ|G and

ζ(t) = 1 τ 0 1



Then the mapζ : Γ7→P SL(2,R) is injective.

That this map is injective follows in a similar manner as in the proof of Theorem 2.1. Using the

normal form theorem for HNN groups we can consider a reduced word g=g1tr1· · ·gktrk withk >0, ri= 1 orri=−1 fori= 1, . . . , k andri =ri+1 ifk >1 andgi+1 is in the associated subgrouphwifor

i= 1, . . . , k−1. As in the proof of Theorem 2.1, write ζ(g) = (gij). Then tr(ζ(g)) is transcendental

overK org216= 0 or g126= 0

4. Groups of F-Type

In [6] Fine and Rosenberger introduced groups of F-typeas a natural generalization of Fuchsian groups. In particular a group of F-type is a group of the form

G=ha,. . . , ap, ap+1, . . . , an;aeii = 1, i= 1, . . . , n, U =Vi

where ei = 0 or ei >1 for i = 1, . . . , n, 1 < p < n, U =U(a1, . . . , ap) is of infinite order in the free

product on a1, . . . , ap andV =V(ap+1, . . . , an) is of infinite order in the free product onap+1, . . . , an.

This is a generalization of both a cyclically pinched one-relator group and the Poincare presentation of

a finitely generated Fuchsian group. In [6] it was proved that such a group has a faithful representation


groups (see [6]. The proof of Theorem 2.1 goes through without modification even if the generators

have finite order. Hence we have the following which further enhances the similarity to Fuchsian

groups. Recall that Fuchsian groups are defined as discrete subgroups ofP SL(2,R).

Theorem 4.1. Let Gbe a group of F-type. If the wordsU,V are not proper powers in their respective free product of cyclics factors then G has a faithful representation in P SL(2,R).

5. Obstruction to the Full Case of Limit Groups

The crux of the proof in [4] that all hyperbolic limit groups have faithful 2-dimensional complex

representations depended upon considering extensions of centralizers of groups B with the property

that any subgroup ofB which has cyclic centralizers admits a faithful representation intoP SL(2,C).

This in turn depended on the following:

Lemma 5.1. Let H1, H2 be groups with cyclic centralizers and u1, u2 maximal cyclic elements in

H1, H2 respectively. Suppose that H1, H2 admit faithful representations in P SL(2,C) then the

amal-gamated free product H =H1 ? {u1=u2}

H2 also admits a faithful representation in P SL(2,C).

This lemma implies that free products of groups with cyclic centralizers admitting faithful

repre-sentations inP SL(2,C) also admit a faithful representation in P SL(2,C).

Corollary 5.2. Free products of groups with cyclic centralizers admitting faithful representations in

P SL(2,C) also admits a faithful representation in P SL(2,C).

If these could be proved in the real case the whole proof would go through. However our proof of

Theorem 2.1 depends strongly on the fact that the factors are free groups. Hence it does not seem that

this proof extends to Lemma 3.1 as it does in the complex case. Therefore the question of whether

limit groups have faithful constructible 2-dimensional real representations remains open.


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Benjamin Fine

Department of Mathematics, Fairfield University, North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06430, United States

Email: fine@fairfield.edu

Martin Kreuzer

Fakultaet fuer Informatik und Mathematik, University of Passau, Innstr. 33, 94032 Passau, Germany

Email: Martin.Kreuzer@uni-passau.de

Gerhard Rosenberger

Fakultaet fuer Informatik und Mathematik, University of Passau, Instr. 33, 94032 Passau, Germany

Email: rosenber@fim.uni-passau.de

Fachbereich Mathematik, University of Hamburg, Bubdestrasse 55, 21046 Hamburg, Germany


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