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Coefficient-of-determination Discrete Fourier Transform


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Coefficient-of-determination Discrete Fourier


Matthew Marko*







NavalAirWarfareCenterAircraftDivision Joint-BaseMcGuire-Dix-Lakehurst,LakehurstNJ08733,USA1 * Correspondence:matthew.marko@navy.mil

Abstract: This algorithm is designed to perform Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT) to convert temporaldataintospectraldata. ThisalgorithmobtainstheFourierTransformsbystudyingthe CoefficientofDeterminationofaseriesofartificialsinusoidalfunctionswiththetemporaldata,and normalizingthevariancedataintoahigh-resolutionspectralrepresentationofthetime-domaindata withafinite samplingrate. Whatisespecially beneficialaboutthisDFTalgorithmisthat itcan producespectraldataatanyuser-definedresolution.

Keywords:FourierTransform;SpectralDomain;Resolution;CoefficientofDetermination 7

1. Introduction 8

TheFourier Transform[1–7] is one of the most widely used mathematical operators in all of 9

engineering and science [8–10]. The Fourier Transform can take a temporal function and convert it into 10

a series of sinusoidal functions, offering significant clarity on the nature of the data. While the original 11

Fourier Transform is an analytical mathematical operator,Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) methods are 12

overwhelmingly used to take incoherent temporal measurements and convert them into spectral plots 13

based on real, experimental data. 14

The author proposes a numerical algorithm to perform a highly-resolved Fourier Transform 15

of a temporal function of limited resolution. The spectral magnitude is determined by finding the 16

magnitude of the Coefficient of Determination of the function as compared with a given sinusoidal 17

function; this represents the independent spectral value as a function of the sinusoidal frequency. 18

Rather than the spectral domain being proportional to the time step, the user defines exactly which 19

frequencies are necessary to investigate. The spectral domain can be as large or as resolved as is 20

necessary; the resolution possible is limited only by the abilities of the computer performing the 21

transform. 22

2. Fourier Transform 23

The transform starts by first determining the peak total range of the data in the temporal domain, 24

this range will become the base amplitude of the spectral series. The computer then generates a series 25

of sine and cosine functions at each frequency within the spectral domain, and compares each of 26

these sinusoidal functions to the temporal data to be transformed. In the comparison, a correlation 27

coefficient is found and saved. To accommodate fluctuations in phase, each frequency generates both a 28

sine and cosine function; this ultimately results in real and imaginary spectral components. Finally, 29

1 NAVAIR Public Release 2016-755 Distribution Statement A - "Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited"


the magnitudes of the correlation factor data is normalized, and the result is an accurate spectral 30

representation of the temporal function. 31

The Fourier Transform is one of the most utilized mathematical transforms in science and 32

engineering. By definition, a Fourier Transform will take a given function and represent it by a series 33

of sinusoidal functions of varying frequencies and amplitudes. Analytically, the Fourier Transform is 34

represented as [1,2] 35

F(ω) = Z ∞


−2π·i·t·ωdt, (1)

whereiis the imaginary term (i=√−1),f(t)is any temporal function oftto be transformed, andω 36

(rad/s) represents the frequency of each sinusoidal function. The inverse of this function is 37

f(t) = Z ∞


2π·i·t·ωdω. (2)

Conceptually, the spectral functionF(ω)represents the amplitudes of a series of sinusoidal functions 38

of frequencyω(rad/s) 39

f(t) = Σ∞n=0F(ωn)·sin(ωn·t). (3)

Often in practical application, one does not have an exact analytical function, but a series of 40

discrete data points. If it is necessary to convert this discrete data into the spectral domain, the 41

traditional approach has been to use the DFT algorithm, often known asFast Fourier Transform(FFT). 42

The DFT algorithm is, by definition [11,12] 43

Fk = ΣnN=−01xn·e

−2π·i·k·n/N. (4)

whereFkis a discrete spectral data point, andxnis a discrete data point in the temporal domain. With 44

DFT, the spectral resolution is proportional to the temporal resolution, and it is often the case that the 45

limited temporal data will not be sufficient to obtain the spectral resolution desired. 46

If one wants to obtain frequency information, there is a certain minimum temporal resolution 47

necessary to properly distinguish the frequencies; this is known as the Nyquist rate [13–17]. 48

δf = 0.5

δt (5)

As demonstrated in Table1and Figure1, two different cosine functions with frequencies of1and9 49

have exactly the same results when resolved at a temporal resolutionδt=0.1. 50

Table 1.Equal values forf=1andf=9forcos(2π·f·x).

x f=1 f=9


There are many approaches to implementing Fourier transforms on data of limited resolution. 51

One method is to introduce a scaled coordinate system and identifying the Fourier variables as the 52

direction cosines of propagating light have been used to spectrally characterize diffracted waves in 53

a method known as Angular Spectrum Fourier transform (FFT-AS) [18–21]. Another technique of 54

numerical Fourier Transform is Direct Integration (FFT-DI) [22], using Simpson’s rule to improve the 55

calculations accuracy. Finally, one of the simplest approaches to taking the Fourier transform with a 56

limited temporal resolution is to use Non-uniform Discrete Fourier Transforms (NDFT) [23–31] 57

Fk = ΣNn=−01xn·e−2π·i·pn·ωk. (6)

where 0<pn <1 are relative sample points over the range, andωkis the frequency of interest. 58

3. Algorithm 59

This algorithm, which the author calls theCoefficient of Determination Fourier Transform(CDFT), is 60

an approach to obtain greater spectral resolution; the full spectral domain, or any frequency range or 61

resolution desired, is determined by the user. Greater resolution or a larger domain will inherently 62

take longer to solve, depending on the computer resources available. One advantage of this approach 63

is that the spectral domain can also have varying resolutions, for enhanced resolution at points of 64

interest without dramatically increasing the computation cost of each Fourier Transform. 65

At each discrete point in the spectral domain, the algorithm generates two sinusoidal functions 66

Fn(t) = A·cos(2π·ωn·t), (7)


Fn(t) = A·sin(2π·ωn·t),

whereFn(t)is to represent the real spectral components, ˆFn(t)is to represent the imaginary spectral 67

components,ωnis the discrete frequency of interest,tis the independent variable of the data of interest, 68

andAis the amplitude of the function, 69

A = max{f(t)} −min{f(t)}, (8) defined and the total range within the temporal data.


The next step is to take each of these functions, and find theCoefficient of Determination(CoD) 71

between the function and the temporal data, all with the same temporal domain and resolution 72

[9,32–35]. The CoD is a numerical representation of how much variance can be expected between 73

two functions. To find the CoD between two equal-length discrete functionsFn(t)and fn(t), three 74

coefficients are first calculated 75

SSt = ΣNn=1(Fn(t)−F¯n)·(fn(t)−f¯n),

SS1 = ΣNn=1(Fn(t)−F¯n)2, SS2 = ΣNn=1(fn(t)−f¯n)2,

whereNis the discrete length of the two functions, and ¯Fnand ¯fnrepresent the arithmatic mean value 76

of functionsFnand fn. The CoD, represented asR, is then determined as 77

R = √ SSt SS1·SS2


and the closer the two functions match, the closer the value of the CoD reaches 1. If there is no match at 78

all, the CoD will be equal to 0, and if the two functions are perfectly opposite of each other (Fn=−fn), 79

the CoD goes up to -1. In practice, the CoD is often represented as theR2value, 80

R2 = SS

2 t

SS1·SS2. (10)

This process is repeated for every sine and cosine function generated with each frequency within the 81

spectral domain. The coefficients of determinations can be used to represent the spectral values, both 82

real (cosine function) and imaginary (sine functions), for the given discrete frequency point. These 83

functions ofRvalues for the real and imaginary components are then normalized to the maximum 84

real and imaginary values, and multiplied by the amplitudeAdetermined in equation8. The final 85

outcome is a phase-resolved spectral transformation of the input function, but with a spectral domain 86

as large or resolved as desired. 87

Finally, this spectral transformation can easily be converted back to the temporal domain. By 88

definition, the temporal domain is merely the sum of the series of sinusoidal waves, and thus the 89

inverse Fourier transform can simply be defined as 90

f(t) = ΣNm=1{real(Fm)·cos(ωm·t)}+{imag(Fm)·sin(ωm·t)}. (11) 4. Initial Demonstration of Algorithm


To demonstrate the capability of this algorithm, six functions are generated based on the two 92

similar functions demonstrated in Table1and Figure1; the two functions are used with a temporal 93

range of 0 to 1, with the same temporal resolution ofδt=0.1, and frequencies of bothf=1andf=9. The 94

cosine functions are modified to have a phase shift of±2π/3. 95

The Fourier transform was taken of all six of these functions with both the CDFT algorithm, as 96

well as the NDFT algorithm defined in equation6. The spectral magnitude and phase from both 97

methods are plotted in Figure2. By using equation11to get back to the temporal domain, all six 98

functions matched with the spectral magnitude and phase from the CDFT; there is no coherent match 99

for the NDFT. This is realized by finding the coefficient of determination between the recovered 100

temporal data and the original temporal data; theR2results are tabulated in Table2. While the NDFT 101

may give a clear picture of the spectral domain of the function, it is impossible to recover the function 102

back to the original temporal domain without excessively computationally intensive matrix analysis. 103

The strength of CDFT transform lies in its inverse operator defined in equation11, with which the true 104

temporal function can be obtained back from the spectral domain obtained with highly resolved CDFT. 105

Table 2. Correlation between the original temporal function and the temporal function retrieved (equation11) from the spectral plot obtain with both CDFT and NDFT (Figures2).

f (Hz) Phase R2CDFT R2NDFT

1 0 0.9999 0.1197

1 2·π/3 0.9967 0.0091 1 -2·π/3 0.9964 0.0163

9 0 0.9999 0.1197

9 2·π/3 0.9964 0.0163 9 -2·π/3 0.9967 0.0091

5. Parametric Study 106

A parametric study of this transform was conducted, to demonstrate that it can be used for high 107

resolution measurements of the spectral frequency with a limited temporal resolution. To demonstrate 108


Figure 4.Spectral results of the randomly generated functions, for frequencies of (a) 2.0256 (Hz/Rev) and (b) 13.0467 (Hz/Rev), but for different phases, magnitudes, and random noises.

measured window. Both the independent and dependent temporal variables are arbitrary values to 110

demonstrate the transform function; the independent scale ranges from 0 to 1 and has 180 data points. 111

The arbitrary dependent data had random averages between -1000 and 1000, with an amplitude of 112

200 and random noise to represent the typical randomness found in typical test data. Each of these 15 113

random frequencies was phase shifted by three random phases. All forty-five arbitrary functions were 114

transformed into the spectral domain with this transform, with a frequency domain ranging from 0 to 115

20 cycles per unit time duration, and a frequency resolution of 1 mHz; two examples of these spectral 116

results are presented in Figure4. As a further test of the robustness of the transform, the spectral data 117

was then converted back to the temporal domain, and the new temporal function was compared to the 118

original function with the coefficient of determination method to ascertain errors from the transform. 119

This Fourier transform was remarkably effective at finding the peak primary frequency, often 120

with accuracy’s down to tens of mHz. The functions of the peak frequencies (Figure5), both which 121

were used for the initial function and the peak of the Fourier transform, matches with anR2value 122

of 0.999991; effectively identical. The functions of the random phase angle at the peak frequencies 123

(Figure6), both which were used for the initial function and the phase of the Fourier transform at the 124

peak frequency, matches with anR2value of 0.9982; demonstrating that this transform can be used to 125

capture both spectral magnitude and phase with great accuracy. 126

Finally, the inverse of this Fourier transform was conducted for each spectral output, and the 127

errors between the original functions and the transformed-inverse-transformed function are minimal. 128

As expected, not all of the fine random noise is captured; this would require a near infinite spectral 129

domain, which would further increase computational costs, but the overarching shapes, magnitudes, 130

and phases of the functions are consistently captured. Taking the coefficient of determination squared 131

of each function pair, the value ofR2is never less than 0.92. Two examples of the original function 132

(lines) and the transformed-inverse-transformed function (stars) are represented in Figure7. The 133

tabulated results of all fifteen studies, for each of the three phase magnitude shifts, are demonstrated 134

in Tables3-5. 135

6. Conclusion 136

This effort has demonstrated a practical, working, invertible method of numerically conducting a 137

Fourier Transform, obtaining high-resolution in the spectral domain from limited resolution in the 138

temporal domain, and retaining the ability to go back to the temporal domain from the spectral data 139

with equation11. While the CDFT transform inherently is more computationally expensive than 140

traditional DFT and NDFT methods, any desired spectral resolution and spectral domain can be used 141

to characterize the input data; the transform can even convert the function to a spectral domain of 142

varying resolution, so that peaks can be accurately identified without too much computational expense. 143

The algorithm was tested at fifteen different random frequencies, all with three different random 144


Figure 6.Angle Prediction Results,R2=0.9982


Table 3.Comparison of Results, for Phase Shift Angle 1.

Test Max Freq Max Freq sin(Phase) sin(Phase) R2 Original CFT Result Original CFT Result (Temporal) 1 2.0256 2.095 -0.72837 -0.56129 0.92791 2 10.6771 10.678 0.88707 0.88349 0.94843

3 5.5118 5.537 0.82648 0.76277 0.94092

4 11.1441 11.146 0.32585 0.30499 0.93117

5 4.1527 4.137 0.020562 0.14696 0.93132

6 13.0467 13.05 0.94015 0.94829 0.93359

7 11.9742 11.973 -0.31888 -0.32338 0.92769 8 11.3472 11.339 0.78318 0.78725 0.93398 9 12.5892 12.578 -0.35645 -0.31945 0.93956

10 11.128 11.122 0.90871 0.90812 0.92836

11 3.9531 3.954 -0.20131 -0.20166 0.93636

12 5.6981 5.677 0.080619 0.14678 0.93363

13 16.1721 16.158 0.38625 0.41684 0.94243

14 12.2989 12.32 0.57446 0.63023 0.93483

15 10.0715 10.085 -0.43758 -0.3967 0.92398

Table 4.Comparison of Results, for Phase Shift Angle 2.

Test Max Freq Max Freq sin(Phase) sin(Phase) R2 Original CFT Result Original CFT Result (Temporal) 1 2.0256 2.026 -0.062681 -0.056313 0.93311 2 10.6771 10.658 0.25575 0.18466 0.93944

3 5.5118 5.511 0.54959 0.54223 0.9434

4 11.1441 11.166 -0.90216 -0.87023 0.93194 5 4.1527 4.141 -0.92686 -0.92268 0.92885 6 13.0467 13.031 -0.64986 -0.6287 0.92476 7 11.9742 11.97 -0.95715 -0.95146 0.93294 8 11.3472 11.344 0.16368 0.17658 0.92725 9 12.5892 12.593 -0.25732 -0.23808 0.94473

10 11.128 11.145 0.86293 0.90011 0.93841

11 3.9531 3.97 0.65591 0.69795 0.94498

12 5.6981 5.7 -0.62372 -0.63233 0.93151

13 16.1721 16.169 0.76013 0.75789 0.93039

14 12.2989 12.31 -0.99804 -1 0.93751

15 10.0715 10.084 0.9865 0.98098 0.9411

peak frequency and phase angle remarkably, with a higher degree of accuracy than one can expect 146

with traditional DFT methods. 147

Supplementary Materials:The following are available online, Run_Initial_Study.zip 148

Acknowledgments: The author would like to acknowledge Lou Vocaturo and Kevin Larkins for useful 149

discussions. 150

Author Contributions:M.M. is the sole author of this manuscript. 151

Conflicts of Interest:The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or 152

interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results. 153

Abbreviations 154

The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript: 155


Table 5.Comparison of Results, for Phase Shift Angle 3.

Test Max Freq Max Freq sin(Phase) sin(Phase) R2 Original CFT Result Original CFT Result (Temporal) 1 2.0256 2.009 -0.81562 -0.79053 0.93367

2 10.6771 10.666 0.58339 0.5697 0.92987

3 5.5118 5.53 0.72393 0.68535 0.93461

4 11.1441 11.154 -0.99286 -0.99909 0.92839

5 4.1527 4.122 -0.3222 -0.20013 0.95071

6 13.0467 13.04 -0.90228 -0.88856 0.94272 7 11.9742 11.958 -0.86461 -0.82531 0.93705 8 11.3472 11.347 -0.85766 -0.86378 0.93519 9 12.5892 12.588 -0.66127 -0.67959 0.92307 10 11.128 11.152 -0.9832 -0.96008 0.9276

11 3.9531 3.969 -0.9574 -0.96818 0.9428

12 5.6981 5.734 -0.99907 -0.9842 0.94156

13 16.1721 16.183 0.85337 0.82142 0.93247 14 12.2989 12.296 -0.86634 -0.85394 0.92086 15 10.0715 10.075 -0.94753 -0.9473 0.94203

MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute DOAJ Directory of open access journals

DFT Discrete Fourier Transform FFT Fast Fourier Transform

NDFT Non-uniform Discrete Fourier Transform

CDFT Coefficient of determination Discrete Fourier Transform CoD Coefficient of Determination


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Table 1. Equal values for f=1 and f=9 for cos(2π· f ·x).
Figure 1. Equal values for f=1 and f=9 for cos(2π· f ·x).
Figure 2. Spectral results of the function cos(2π·x) with a δs=0.1, with both the proposed CDFT inmagnitude (a) and phase (b), as well as NDFT in magnitude (c) and phase (d).
Figure 3. Demonstration of the function cos(2π·t), both the original function (solid green lines), andthe output (blue circles) obtained from equation 11 and the CDFT spectral results, obtained with alimited initial temporal resolution of δt = 0.1.


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