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Academic year: 2021

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No. 20 !4IE(TRG.l | 6 | 4g(43'd AM p; The General Manager,

North Western Railway!aipur East Central Railway/Hajipur The Director General,

N A I R / V a d o d a r a .



New Delhi, dated The Chief Administrative Offier,

D M W P a t i a l a


02.t2.20t4 '

sub:- 43'd Advanced Management programme to be conducted at NAIR/Vadodara, tCLtF/Malaysia & TNSEAD/S|ngapore.

Further to Board's letter of even number dated 25.1,L,20L4, the following officers are also being nominated as Regular participants for the 43'd Advanced Management programme which would be conducted as per the following schedule:_


22.t2.20r4 - 02.01.2015 26.01.2015 - 30.01.2015 02.02.15 - 06.02.15

S.No. R U I D Service Name(Mr.) Rlv. D.O.B. Year

1 5 1 5 2 4 5 9 I R S E K i s h a n L a l M e e n a * * N W R 26.01.r970 L 9 9 3 2 70337L2 IRSE f,m Prakash M e e n a * * NWR 27.0I.1969

1 9 9 3 3 ss89926 I RSEE Anurag K u m a r G u p t a * * D M W 2 8 . 0 6 . 1 9 6 8 1 9 9 3

4 to40Io7 IRSEE Sanjay Kumar* ECR 0 1 . 0 6 . 1 9 7 0 L994

N a m e s m a r k e d w i t h ( * ) i n d i c a t e s ' " . o n J t i ' i n i ' i n . t | ) w o u l d

be given to these participants as regular nominees. Names marked with (**) indicates third and final n o m r n a t t o n .

3. Debarment:

"nd intit"t" hit *illin*n"tt to o"tti.io"t" in th" 438 AMF. lJn-submission of the annexure may also be taken as unwillingness to participate in the AMPs and may lead to debarment from international

module of the AMPs' The Annexure-l duly filled up may be sent through e-mail (director.training@ymail.com,

with cc to ddtrg.rb@gmait.com) or faxed to 011-23303532 0r 011_23385099.

4' online confirmation: Nominated officers are also requested to fill up the Training forms for the programme uploaded in the respective RUIDs in confirmation

of their attendance of the programme. lt may be ensured that all details in the form are filled and updated, wherever necessary. The online form can be filled up by accessing the website . .. :r, logging in by using the RU;D assigned to the officer concerned and clicking on Training' appearing on the webpage. In case of any problems, the officer concerned may contact the Training Directorate.

4' Aftendance: Aftendance in the programme is compulsory and failure to aftend the same would result in debarment of the officer from attending this programme in future. Exemption would be allowed only in exceptional cases where it has the personal approval of the General Manager of the Railway (in case of officers posted in zonal Railways/PUs)/Board Member {in case of officers posted in Railway Board) concerned.


2/-i 2 :

5. Passport: The officers may be directed to report to Under Secretary (Protocol), Room No.1, Rail Bhavan ( R a i l w a y B o a r d ) ' s o f f i c e , P h o n e n o . 0 L 1 - 2 3 3 8 9 0 4 4 ( P & T ) a n d 4 3 7 7 3 ( R l y . ) ( e m a i l i d : p r o t o c o l r a i l @ g m a i l . c o m ) immediately for completion of necessary formalities like submission of application form for passport.' They should bring with them their passports (personal/official, if any) for surrender/validation. Those who do not have any official passport with them would have to apply for a new passport. Accordingly, these officers should bring at least three unattested passport size colour photographs {in white background) and attested copy of their ldentity Card for applying for passport.

6. Bond: The participant should execute a bond (format as per Annexure-ll) in non-iudicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- value for the period of training to serve the Indian Railways for a period of three years after return from abroad. The bond should be kept by the concerned Railway Administrations in safe custody for a minimum period of 5 years after return of the trainees from abroad. A copy of the Bond is to be f u r n i s h e d t o t h e C o u r s e D i r e c t o r i n N A I R , V a d o d a r a i n c o n f i r m a t i o n o f h a v i n g e x e c u t e d t h e B o n d . R e l e a s e of foreign exchange would be subject to submission of the above mentioned Bond.

7. Training Report: On completion of training, the participants are also required to submit a Report on line through RUID on the training attended to E{Trg} Branch within 15 days after their return from their training.

9 . A c c o m m o d a t i o n a b r o a d : A c c o m m o d a t i o n a t S i n g a p o r e a n d M a l a y s i a i s b e i n g a r r a n g e d a n d th e d e t a i l s o f t h e s a m e w o u l d be communicated i n d u e course. R o o m s w o u l d b e b o o k e d f o r t h e n i g h t s o f 2 5 . 0 L . L 5 t o 3 0 . 0 1 . 1 5 ( 6 nights) a t K u a l a L u m p u r a n d fo r the nights o f 3 1 . 0 1 . 1 " 5 t o 0 6 . 0 2 . 1 . 5 ( 7 nights) a t S i n g a p o r e . T h e participants may be briefed that during their stay abroad, only the room charges would be paid by our M i s s i o n s / o r t h e M i n i s t r y o f R a i l w a y s a s th e c a s e m a y b e . A l l o t h e r c h a r g e s l i k e r o o m s e r v i c e , l u n c h , d i n n e r , telephone calls etc. should be settled directly by the participants with the concerned hotel before check-out. Officers entitlement is for a single room only. lf family accompanies the officer, hotel is liable to charge for double occupancy and for an extra breakfast. Any additional charges on account of family accompanying the officer would also be the liability of the officer concerned and charges should be settled in full by the officer before his/her departure. Guidelines for the stav at Singapore/Malavsia is attached at Annexure-lV and strict adherence to the guidelines should be ensured. Officers are requested to sien the Undertakins (Annexure-Vl and send it to the undersigned alonswith the Annexure-!.

10. Travel Plan: The tentative programme for travel to Singapore and Malaysia for the group would be as u n d e r :

D e p a r t u r e f o r K u a l a L u m p u r i n t h e early morning o f 2 5 . 0 1 . 1 5 a n d f r o m K u a l a L u m p u r t o S i n g a p o r e o n t h e e v e n i n g o f 3 1 . 0 1 . 1 5 . While returning, t h e y w o u l d leave Singapore i n t h e e v e n i n g o f 0 6 . 0 2 . 1 5 o n l y a f t e r concf usion of the programme at INSEAD/singapore or in the morning of 07.02.15.

The details of available fliehts and other euidelines are given in the Annexure-lll. However, officers may check the website of Air India for any further details. Officers are requested to furnish detailed travel/flight d e t a i l s f o r a l l the sectors i . e . In d i a - S i n g a p o r e - M a l a y s i a - S i n g a p o r e - l n d i a i n d i c a t i n g m o d e o f t r a v e l , d e p a r t u r e t i m e a n d arrival t i m e a t e a c h p o i n t to the Training D i r e c t o r a t e a n d th e P r o t o c o l B r a n c h .

1 0 . a . A s p e r extant i n s t r u c t i o n s o f G o v e r n m e n t o f I n d i a , p r e f i x i n g o f h o l i d a y s i s n o t p e r m i t t e d .


.3/-: 3 ;

11. Transportation Abroad: All transportation arrangements including airport to hotel on arrival, back to airport and hotel to institution and back (as a group) would be taken care of by the two institutions. However, officer(s) is/are permitted to travel by road/train between Singapore-Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia-Singapore in lieu of air travel subject to the ceiling limit of permissible air fare, provided it does not involve additional expenditure in terms of DA" halt etc. Actual expenditure incurred by the trainee officer(s) on this account is to be reimbursed to him/her on production of original recei pts/certificates.

12. DA etc.: Officers are entitled to DA as per the extant instructions of the MEA. The authorization letter will be issued by Railway Board as per their entitlement for disbursement by the Railway/PU/Board etc. where the officer is posted. The same can be converted into foreign exchange from any authorized money c h a n g i n g a g e n t s ( e . g . T h o m a s C o o k ) .

L3. Ticket:The official passports and air journey tickets of the nominated officers(only) would be arranged by the Protocol office. Tour programme of the officer duly approved by the concerned DRM/PHOD may be sent to Protocol/Trg. Dte. in advance for ticketing purposes. However, it may be ensured that tour programme duly approved by the General Manager is sent to the Board prior to the officer's departure from India. Passports, Visa etc. of the family members of the officers (if any accompanying) are to be arranged by the officers themselves.

14. Insurance: Officers may be advised to get appropriate insurance coverage on their own for the d u r a t i o n o f t r a i n i n g a b r o a d .

15. Pre-course material: INSEAD sends course materials and questionnaire through mail to all participants at their given email id prior to the training. All officers must ensure that the questionnaire sent by INSEAD is filled in immediately on receipt and sent to INSEAD. For the training at INSEAD, officers should go through the course materials provided.

16. A copy of the letter has been uploaded on the official website of Indian Railways, i.e. w w w . i n d i a n r a i l w a y s . g o v . i n .


{ P a d m a S h a r m a ) Dy. Di rector(Trai ni ng) RAILWAY BOARD Phone: Rly: 43532 D o T : 0 1 1 - 2 3 3 0 3 5 3 2 M o b : 9 9 7 1 6 9 L 9 4 7 F a x : 0 1 1 - 2 3 3 0 3 5 3 2 E m a i l i d : d d t r g . r b @ g m a i l . c o m d i r e c t o r . t r a i n i n g @ y m a i l . c o m Copy

to:-(1) Dy.CPO(Gaz.) concerned Railway.


Annexure-l Details of Officers nominated for 43'd AMP

1 ) S e r i a l n u m b e r i n t h e l i s t ( R e g u l a r / S t a n d b y ) : 2 ) C o m p l e t e n a m e ( n o abbreviations);

3 ) E - m a i l a d d r e s s ;

4) Complete office address including building, street & city name and pin code;

5 ) S e r v i c e :

6 ) D e s i g n a t i o n ( n o abbreviations);

7 \ P h o n e n u m b e r i n c l u d i n g c o u n t r y a n d c i t y c o d e ; Railway Phone No.

P & T N u m b e r : F a x n u m b e r : 8) Date of birth: 9 ) M o b i l e n u m b e r :

10) Food preference (vegetarian or non-vegetarian);

1-1-) Whether attended any AMP conducted by NAIR in the past'

1 2 ) F o l l o w i n g d e t a i l s r e g a r d i n g s p o u s e / c h i l d r e n a c c o m p a n y i n g ( i f a n y ) f o r t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l m o d u l e t o b e fu r n i s h e d : N a m e S p o u s e C h i l d r e n Age Veg/Non-Veg

13) Details of training programmes attended/undertaken in the past(if required a separate sheet may be attached):

a ) W i t h i n In d i a b ) F o r e i g n T r a i n i n g

I certify that presently I am not undergoing any major/minor penalty proceedings

I accept the terms and conditions mentioned in Board's letter No.20t4lE(1RG.l/6/43(43'" AMP) dated 02.12.2AL4. I confirm that I am willing to attend the 43'o AMP.

Signature ( N a m e ) : Railway:





K N O W A L L MEN BY THESE P R E S E N T T H A T I resident of I n

the district of at present employed as in the Ministry/Office of

do hereby bind myself and my heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the President of lndia {hereinafter called the 'Government') on demand, 'all charges and expenses' that shall or may have been incurred by the Government for my (Detoils of troininq proaromme to be mentioned) i.e. all monies paid to me or expended on my account during the period of training viz. (trainina period to be mentioned) such as pay and allowances, leave salary, cost of fee, traveling and other expenses, cost of international travel and cost of training abroad met by the govt./agency concerned, etc. at (ploce of traininq/venue to be mentioned) in (Name of the Countrv to be mentioned) together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates, for the time being in force on Government loans or, if payment is made in a country other than India, the equivalent of the said amount in the currency of that country converted at the official rate of exchange between that country and India AND TOGETHER with all costs between the attorney and the client.

W H E R E A S I , am being deputed for the (Details of traininq proaromme with venue ond ddte to be mentioned) by the Ministry of Railways, Government of India,

AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Government I have agreed to execute this bond with such c o n d i t i o n s a s w r i t t e n h e r e u n d e r :

-NOW THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION lS THAT, in the event of my failing to resume duty, or resigning or retiring from service or otherwise quitting service, without returning to duty after the expiry or termination of the period of the said training, OR failing to complete the training programme, OR quitting the service at any time within a period of THREE years after my return to duty, I shall forthwith pay to the Government or as may be directed by the Government. On demand the said sum together with interest thereon f r o m th e date of demand a t G o v e r n m e n t r a t e s f o r the time being i n f o r c e o n G o v e r n m e n t l o a n s .

AND upon my making such payment the above written obligations shall be void and of no effect, otherwise it s h a l l b e a n d re m a i n i n f u l l fo r c e and virtue.

The Bond shall in all respects be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force and the rights and liabilities hereunder shall, where necessary, be accordingly determined by the appropriate Courts of India. Signed and delivered this the day of_ month ofthe yearTwo Thousand and Fourteen. S i g n e d a n d d e l i v e r e d b y _(Name a n d d e s i g n a t i o n )

Witness: 1.. 2 .



I N S T R U C T I O N S / G U I D E L I N E S F O R F O R E I G N T R A V E L

1. Flights available for travel to and from Singapore from various destinations in lndia

are given below in the table for ready refeience. !

-Officers may take any flight of Malaysian airlines (MH), or Air Asia for Singapore and Kuala Lumpur (to and fro). However, flight bookings are to be made for both ways (return tickets) and not for one way only. Booking by Protocol Dte. will be done only for the above flights, subject to availability.

Officers may finalize their tour programme on any of the above flights. Options of flights once exercised would be treated as final and no request for change subsequently will be entertained.

Officers may note that Tour Programmes duly approved by their respective General Managers(Additional Members in case of officers posted in Railway Board) may be submitted to Protocol Branch for issuance of air ticket and foreign exchange. Tickets would be handed over by Protocol Branch only on receipt of tour programme approved by the General Manager of the concerned Railway. However, for blocking

seats, tour programmes approved by DRM/PHOD may be furnished as an advance


Officers may please note that in terms of extant instructions ex-lndia leave cannot be availed before the commencement of deputation/training period. However, closed holidays (Saturday/Sunday) during such ex-lndia leave may be allowed to be prefixed/suffixed, subject to the condition that no extra financial implications like payment of hotel charges/per diem allowances etc. are involved.

Scanned copies of passport and tour programme may be sent to Protocol through email/fax at protocolrail@gmail.com / fax no. 011-23389044.


? 4 .

5 .

6 . F l i g h t N o



t i m e



A r r i v a l t i m e Arrival City

At 342

D a i l v

0 1

1 0

C h e n n a i



At 380

D a i l v


D e l h i



At 342

D a i l y


M u m b a i

0755 Singapore

At 7261

1 , 3 , 5 , 6


Kolkata 0635+1 Singapore F l i g h t N o .



t i m e



Arrival time Arrival City

At 343

D a i l v

0 9 1




C h e n n a i

A I 345

D a i l v




C h e n n a i

A t 3 8 1

D a i l v



1 1 3 5


At 343

D a i l v 0 9 1 5 Sinqapore 1345 M u m b a i


ANNEXURE.IV Guidelines for participants of the Advanced Management Programme

HOTELS:-The accommodation is being arranged in the hotels by the Ministry of Railways/lndian High Commissions in the respective countries from among the ones in their respective panels. Incidental

charses:-Hotels charge around SS SOO per room as a guarantee upon check in, which shall be returned upon check out. Guests also have the option to provide credit card pre-authorization upon check in if they choose not to guarantee with cash.

Cookine:-Cooking in any form by use of electric cooker, rice cooker etc. is not permitted in the rooms. Participants must avoid cooking in the rooms. Any deviation would be viewed seriously and may attract penal recovery and/or DAR action.

Use of Electrical

Appliances:-The electric kettle/appliances provided by the hotel in the room is to be used with extreme care so that water/tea/coffee does not spill on the carpet. Any such soiling would invite penalty for damage by hotel authorities. ln any such event, the bill should be settled by the participant before/at the time of check-out.

Number of occupants per

room:-The High Commission concerned would be booking only single occupancy rooms, as per the entitlement of the officers. The following are the

norms:-o Single occupancy - One person only

o Double occupancy - Two persons and one child below 5 years o Triple occupancy - Two persons and one child above 5 years

o Extra room is to be booked in case of two persons and more than two children as the hotel will not accommodate four members in one room.

o The High Commission's liability is to pay to the hotelfor single occupancy. Check in/Check out

timines:-Standard check in time is 1400 hrs. and the checkout time is 1200 hrs. Late checkout till 1800 hrs. can be arranged at an additional half day charge and for a guaranteed early check in a full n i g h t c h a r g e s h a l l b e a p p l i e d .


: 2 : Breakfast

Charges:-Breakfast with standard items is included in the room rate and any other additional breakfast item not listed would be charged directly to the guest. This would be settled upon check out.

t .


Breakfast:-Breakfast would be available at the common breakfast room (there would be no room service and even if there is, it would be charged for). Therefore, officers may check before ordering food to the room.

Breakfast is meant to be consumed in the common breakfast room only. Mini

Bar:-Consumption of items from the Mini Bar is chargeable. Usually if any item is removed from its slot in the mini bar for a designated time (indicated in the mini bar), it gets automatically billed. Therefore, unless you wish to consume any item, it is advisable not to touch it. lf anything is consumed, the bill is to be settled before/at the time of checkout.

Television in the

rooms:-Before using the television, please check about paid channels. In some hotels they block paid channels but in some they do not. So one must be doubly sure otherwise you end up paying a huge Bill (that too in foreign currency)

Internet:-The hotel rooms would normally be web enabled. Before use of the web services, it must be checked from the hotel reception regarding charges for the same. All payments will have to be settled before checkout.


Press:-lroning Press may be available at the hotel. The hotel reception would guide you about it. Please check before usage.


Calls:-Even local calls from the hotel rooms are expensive. lf you make any local/international calls from your hotel rooms, you need to settle the bills before you vacate the room.

Tipoine:-Tipping is generally 10% of the bill in a restaurant. But it is a personal decision At the hotel also, it is not mandatory to tip.



I 1


L. I have fully read and understood the guidelines issued vide Annexure-ll for AMP courses being held in Singapore and Malaysia.

2. I intend to act fully on the laid down norms without any deviation or departure.

3. I also understand that failure on my part to adhere to the guidelines would not only attract penalty clause but I am liable for D&A action.

4. I undertake to do nothing or act in a manner which is unbecoming of Railway officers as provided in the Railway Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966 as amended from time to time.

(Signature with date)

N a m e :

Designation: Railway:


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