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2/25/2010 ecommerce Summit Speaker Lineup. Hosted by: Reserve Your Hotel Room & Save. Summit Sponsors


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Reserve Your Hotel Room & Save Summit Sponsors

Keynote: Being A Small Business Never Felt So Big!

We are entering the golden age of small business where being a small retailer will no longer be a disadvantage, in fact just the opposite. The enormous scale that gave brands like Walmart and Amazon their efficiencies, will become increasingly burdensome as they struggle to respond to new trends and changing

economics. Technology is allowing small business to enjoy, for free, what, less than a decade ago big companies spent a fortune on. Being small never felt so big!

The “ intimacy” of customer connection – existential alienation is real – people feel disconnected and alone. Those that can really connect, will really connect! With social media, we all have the power to develop our own tribes of loyal customers. Gone are the days of being shut down by deep pocketed competitors who could buy entire media formats.

- Paul Greenberg - Co-Founder & Managing Director, DealsDepot.com.au Selling on eBay - Executive Presentation

We are pleased to announce eBay will once again be sending an army of executives from the various departments to the

eCommerce Summit to spend quality face time with sellers about


eCommerce Summit to spend quality face time with sellers about their issues, suggestions and concerns. Hear about eBay's strategy and how they impact sellers first hand from the decision makers at eBay's annual eCommerce Summit address to sellers.

Merchants Attending eBay Seller and Executive Town Hall

After the eBay presentation, sellers have an opportunity to ask eBay executives questions and offer suggestions during the eBay seller and executive town hall. eBay executives value the tremendous opportunity to visit face to face with the seller community at eCommerce Summits. We recommend sellers take full advantage of this rare opportunity.

Social Media for Business STINKS: Unless You Know These 7 Secrets

Every day, thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurs miss out on millions of dollars in revenue simply because they don’t know how to utilize the Internet for marketing and selling. This is NOT your same old ABC stuff, these are actual eCommerce practices for Social Media that will yield bottom line results and amp up your business.

- John Lawson - Founder, ColderICE.com

Panel Discussion - A World of Opportunities Selling Globally

We invited 3 very special guests to join us to discuss the opportunity for small to medium size online merchants to sell globally without the need to open a remote warehouse or have employees specialized in customs documentation or international shipping.

Kent Allen - Moderator - Principal, The Research Trust

Craig Reed - Vice President eCommerce Solutions, Pitney Bowes

Chris Boyle - President and CEO, Access Technology Solutions

Craig Turnbull - CEO, Bongo International

Customer Service Excellence - Focus on the Buyer

Marsha Collier is well known in the eBay seller community as one of the foremost eBay experts and top selling eBay author with over 1 million copies of her books in print. Marsha will be helping merchant evaluate their customer service strategies to highlight the do's and don'ts as well as the costs of not doing customer service right. - Marsha Collier - Author of the For Dummies series of books on eBay and eCommerce

How to Succeed on Google Product Search, Bing Cashback, and Search Brian Smith with SingleFeed always receives great feedback from


attendees as one of the most valuable sessions at the event. We invited him back for more as he will focus primarily on Google Product Search and Bing Cashback search strategies for merchants.

- Brian Smith - Founder, Single Feed Website Makeovers - Going from Good to Great

Website makeovers are always a popular event for eCommerce Merchants Members so we are taking this one live to Vegas with us. Join us as we invite 3 website design experts to review and share advice with members on how to improve their website for SEO, user experience and increased sales.

Mike Ober - Sr Manager Merchant Development, Yahoo!

Scott Smigler - CEO, Exclusive Concepts

Greg Jameson - President, Webstores Ltd

Winning Website Coupon Strategies

At our eCommerce Summit in Atlanta there was a ton of buzz about the growing trend for buyers to include an online coupon discount into their buying decision. Merchants need to catch the coupon wave and we invited our very own coupon expert Charleen Larson to share coupon strategies that work. This workshop will provide you simple "take-home" coupon tips to get you going right away.

- Charleen Larson - Owner, JCEarrings.com

The Secrets to Online News Releases & Optimization

Another session coming back due to popular demand from attendees. With the nature of a press release, search engines give them a high quality score for content and search rankings. This session will show you tips and strategies to build a press release strategy that offers a valuable ROI and increase your SEO results and buyer traffic.

- Sophie Shiatis - Vice President, PRWeb

Managing Your Pay Per Click Campaigns for Success

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising can be a very effective way to drive brand awareness as well as customizing a targeted message to a targeted audience focused on buying the items you sell. PPC can also be a very complex marketing tool to manage. We have invited PPC experts to share tips on managing your PPC campaigns so you are on target with your profit goals.

Phil Leahy - Moderator - Founder, PeSA Australia


Phil Leahy - Moderator - Founder, PeSA Australia

Bjorn Espenes - Founder, Finch

Alexis Van de Wyer - Director of Advertising, eBay

Being "Found" in Search Engines - SEO Results

Every successful retail website needs to first be "found" by shoppers. Don't leave such and important component to chance. Search engines provide retailers qualified and low cost traffic and following basic search engine optimization techniques you can quickly see the results. We've invited a true expert in the field Dave Cook from theFind to help merchants with their SEO.

- Dave Cook - Sr Director Marketing, TheFind.com The State of eCommerce

It is always important for online merchants to see the big picture and understand the landscape. As Executive Director of the Professional eBay Seller's Alliance, Jonathan Garriss understands the online retail landscape very clearly and will share with merchants what trends to pay attention to and opportunities not to miss.

- Jonathan Garris - Executive Director, PeSA Workshop on the Benefits of Proactive Chat

Proactive chat offers merchants a competitive advantage to capture the buyer's attention in a structured and customer friendly way to optimize browsing traffic converting them into buyer. Ross will share the basis steps to setup a successful proactive chat strategy focused on increasing sales.

- Ross Haskell - Director of Marketing, BoldChat

Customer Panel - What Buyers Want Before They Buy From You

There is no better way to know what buyer want then to ask them. We have invited 4 very experienced online buyers to ask them the tough questions on why they buy online, what criteria do they look for when buying and are deal breakers making them hit the back button?

Product Sourcing - Earning Your Profit When You Buy

All succesful merchants know that a critical success factor for online retail is finding and securing strong and profitable relationships with suppliers. In many cases, merchant's profits are determined at the point of buying the goods. We've invited a panel of experts to help merchants better prepare their sourcing strategies for success.


Annie Xu - General Manager, Alibaba Americas

Online Advertising and Retargeting Your Customers

What's better than having great data on your website? That's right, having customized data designed specifically for the customer. Showing your customers what they want to see can be the difference between a browser and a buyer. Grab buyer's attention by quickly knowing what they are looking for and showing them the way. We've invited experts in the field of targeted online advertising to discuss the latest trends and best practices using dynamic content.

Paxton Song - CEO & Founder, Veruta

Chaukat Shamim - CEO & Co-Founder, Permuto

We will continue to add more speakers as their information comes in. See Ya in Vegas! www.eCommerce-Summit.com



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