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C++ Project on Payroll Management System


Academic year: 2021

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//Payroll Management System #include<iostream .h> #include<conio .h> #include<iomanip .h>

#include<graphics .h> //graphics functions #include<string .h>

#include<dos .h>

#include<fstream .h> //for file handling #include<stdio .h>

struct date_rec //record to get data

{ int dd; int mm; int yyyy; }current_date;

//this class defines data related to monthly pay file

class payfile //base class

{ private: int emp_num; char emp_name[25]; char emp_designation[20]; int days_worked,dw; float basic_pay; float DA; float HRA; float CCA; float con_veyance; float gross_pay; float PF; float income_tax; float other_deductions; float net_pay; public:

payfile() //no arguments constructor {


basic_pay=DA=HRA=CCA=con_veyance=gross_pay=0.0; PF=income_tax=other_deductions=net_pay=0.0; }

void get_pay(); //this function reads the private members of payfile

void update_pay_file();/*this function calls get_pay() and generates monthly pay file on disk*/

void reports(); /*this function reads the monthly pay file

from disk and generates salary statements*/

/*when a new employee is registered,this function writes its record using payfile()constructor on disk to make a entry in monthly payfile*/

void add_pay_object(int code,char name[25],char desig[10],float basic); /*when an employee leaves the company,this function deletes

the entry from monthly pay file*/ void del_pay_object(int code);

/*this function modifies designation of an employee in monthly pay file*/ void modify_pay_object(int code,char desig[20]);

/*this function modifies the basic in pay file*/ void modify_basic(int code,float basic);


void payfile::modify_basic(int code,float basic)


fstream file;

file.open("payfile.dat",ios::in|ios::out);//opening file file.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set pointer to the begining file.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read first record int n=file.tellg(); while(!file.eof()) { if(code==pay.emp_num) { pay.basic_pay=basic;

pay.gross_pay=pay.basic_pay+pay.DA+pay.HRA+pay.CCA+pay.con_veyance; pay.net_pay=pay.gross_pay-(pay.PF+pay.income_tax+pay.other_deductions);


file.write((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay)); file.flush();

file.seekg(0,ios::end); }

file.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay)); n=file.tellg();


file.close(); }

void payfile::add_pay_object(int code,char name[25],char desig[20],

float basic) { fstream outfile; pay.emp_num=code; pay.basic_pay=basic; strcpy(pay.emp_name,name); strcpy(pay.emp_designation,desig);

outfile.open("payfile.dat",ios::app);//open fees file in append mode outfile.write((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//make entry in fees file outfile.flush();

outfile.close();//close fees file }

void payfile::del_pay_object(int code)


fstream outfile,infile;

outfile.open("tempfile.dat",ios::app); //open temporary file infile.open("payfile.dat",ios::in);//open pay file for reading

infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of the file infile.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read the first record



if(pay.emp_num!=code)//if this record is not to be deleted

//write in the temporary outfile.write((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));

infile.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read next record }

infile.close();//close pay file

outfile.close();//close temporary file

remove("payfile.dat");//delete old monthly pay file

rename("tempfile.dat","payfile.dat");//temporary file becomes new pay file }

void payfile::modify_pay_object(int code,char desig[20])


fstream file;

file.open("payfile.dat",ios::in|ios::out);//open file for reading/writing file.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of the file file.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read first record


while(!file.eof()) {

if(code==pay.emp_num) //record found



file.seekg(n-sizeof(pay)); //set fili pointer to the record to be changed file.write((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay)); //update record


file.seekg(0,ios::end);/*if record found set file pointer to end of file to stop further searching*/ }

file.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay)); //if record not found read next record n=file.tellg();//tell where we are


file.close(); }

void payfile::get_pay()//this function reads the private members of payfile {

char ch,month[9]; int mon;

cout< <"\n ENTER MONTH ( 1 to 12 ) --->"; cin>>mon;


{ //get month name

case 1 : strcpy(month,"JANUARY"); break; case 2 : strcpy(month,"FEBRUARY"); break; case 3 : strcpy(month,"MARCH"); break; case 4 : strcpy(month,"APRIL"); break; case 5 : strcpy(month,"MAY"); break; case 6 : strcpy(month,"JUNE"); break; case 7 : strcpy(month,"JULY"); break; case 8 : strcpy(month,"AUGUST"); break; case 9 : strcpy(month,"SEPTEMBER"); break; case 10 :strcpy(month,"OCTOBER"); break; case 11 :strcpy(month,"NOVEMBER"); break; case 12 :strcpy(month,"DECEMBER"); break; } int n;


{ n=31; } else if(mon==2) { n=28; } else {


n=30; }

cout< <"\n ENTER THE NO.OF DAYS WORKED--->"; cin>>days_worked; if(days_worked&lt;23) { dw=23-days_worked; days_worked=n-dw; } else { days_worked=n; dw=0; } cout< <"\n============================================="; cout<<"\n In the month of "<<month;

cout<<"\n There are "<<dw<<" day / days with out pay ";

cout<<"\nTHE BASIC PAY FOR THE MONTH IS "<<(basic_pay/n)*days_worked; cout<<"\n THE DEARNESS ALLOWENCE IS (35% of basic) --->"; DA=(0.35*(basic_pay/n))*days_worked;

cout< <setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<DA;

cout<<"\n THE HOUSE RENT ALLOWENCE IS (@ Rs.600/-pm)--->"; HRA=600;

cout< <HRA;

cout<<"\n THE CCA IS (2% of basic) --->"; CCA=(0.02*(basic_pay/n))*days_worked;

cout< <CCA;

cout<<"\n THE CONVEYENCE ALLOWENCE IS (1% of basic)--->"; con_veyance=(0.01*(basic_pay/n))*days_worked;

cout< <con_veyance;

gross_pay=((basic_pay/n)*days_worked)+DA+HRA+CCA+con_veyance; cout<<"\n PF AMOUNT--->";

PF=gross_pay*0.08; cout< <PF;

if(gross_pay>8000) {

cout< <"\n THE INCOME TAX--->"; income_tax=(gross_pay-PF)*.1; cout< <income_tax; } else { income_tax=0; cout<<income_tax; }

cout<<"\n OTHER DEDUCTIONS--->"; cin>>other_deductions;

net_pay=gross_pay-(PF+income_tax+other_deductions); gotoxy(22,24);

cout< <"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"; getch(); clrscr(); } void payfile::update_pay_file() { fstream file;

file.open("payfile.dat",ios::in|ios::out);//open pay file in I/O mode file.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of the file file.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay)); //read the first record


int n=file.tellg(); //find where file pointer is




cout<<"\n ENTER DATA FOR EMPLOYEE NO.--->"< <pay.emp_num; pay.get_pay(); //get pay data

file.seekg(n-sizeof(pay)); //set file pointer to the correct position file.write((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//write pay data in the file file.flush();

file.seekg(n);//set file pointer to next record

file.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read next record n=file.tellg();//find position of file pointer


file.close();//close monthly pay file }

//this class defines the data and member functionsrelated to employee file

class employee:public payfile //derived class

{ private: int employee_num; char employee_name[25]; char employee_address[35]; date_rec date_joining; date_rec date_birth; char desig_nation[20]; float basic_salary; public: char ch;

int get_rec_no();//this function generates record no.automatically

void get_data(); //this function get a record from the operator

void show_data();//this function displays data

void add_object();//this function writes a record on the disk void show_object();//this function reads a record

//from the disk and calls show_data()

void del_object();/*this function deletes a record from the employee file and calls a member function of base class to update entries in monthly pay file*/

void modify_object();//this function changes information on disk void search_object();//this function searches information on

//the basis of a given field }emp; //object list

//this function generates record no. automatically int employee::get_rec_no()


int found=0;

int recno,temp_recno;

struct node //structure to make an index of the record nos


int rec_no;

node *link;//pointer to next node };

node *start,*ptr,*ptr1,*ptr2;//pointers to node fstream infile;

infile.open("employee.dat",ios::in);//open file in input mode

infile.seekg(0,ios::end);//set file pointer to the begining of the file int n=infile.tellg();//get no. of bytes in the file

infile.close();//close file if(n==0)//if file is empty



{//get all record nos. in a linked list

infile.open("employee.dat",ios::in);//open file for reading start=ptr=new node;//get new node from operating system

infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of the file infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read first record



ptr->rec_no=employee_num;//save record no.in the index ptr->link=new node;//get new node for next record ptr=ptr->link;

infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read next record }

ptr->link=NULL;//end of list //sort record nos.

ptr1=start;//set pointer to the start of the index while(ptr1

->link!=NULL) {

ptr2=ptr1->link;//set second pointer



if(ptr2->rec_no<ptr1 ->rec_no)


temp_recno=ptr2->rec_no;//exchange values ptr2->rec_no=ptr1->rec_no; ptr1->rec_no=temp_recno; } ptr2=ptr2->link;//next node } ptr2=ptr1->link; ptr1=ptr2;//next pass }

//generate record no. ptr1=start;



ptr2=ptr1; ptr1=ptr1->link;


{ recno=(ptr2->rec_no)+1; found=1; } } if(found!=1) recno=(ptr2->rec_no)+1; //destroy the index ptr=start;




delete ptr;//delete index to save memory }


return recno;//return the calculated record no. }

//this function reads data

void employee::get_data()




cout< <"\n ENTER THE NAME--->"; gets(employee_name);

cout< <"\n ENTER THE ADDRESS--->"; gets(employee_address);

cout< <"\n ENTER THE DATE OF JOINING<<dd/mm/yyyy>>--->"; cin>>date_joining.dd>>ch>>date_joining.mm>>ch>>date_joining.yyyy; cout< <"\n ENTER THE DATE OF BIRTH <<dd/mm/yyyy>>--->"; cin>>date_birth.dd>>ch>>date_birth.mm>>ch>>date_birth.yyyy; cout< <"\n ENTER DESIGNATION--->"; gets(desig_nation);

cout< <"\n ENTER THE BASIC SALARY--->"; cin>>basic_salary;


//this function displays data

void employee::show_data()



cout< <"\n EMPLOYEE NO.--->"< <employee_num; cout<<"\n EMPLOYEE's NAME--->"< <employee_name; cout<<"\n DATE OF JOINING--->"< <date_joining.dd

<<"-"<<date_joining.mm <<"-"<<date_joining.yyyy; cout<<"\n EMPLOYEE's ADDRESS--->"< <employee_address; cout<<"\n DATE OF BIRTH--->"< <date_birth.dd

<<"-"<<date_birth.mm <<"-"<<date_birth.yyyy; cout<<"\n DESIGNATION--->"< <desig_nation;

cout<<"\n BASIC SALARY--->RS."< <setw(15)//set width <<setprecision(2)//set position of decimal point

<<setiosflags(ios::left)//set left justified output <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint)//always show decimal point <<setiosflags(ios::fixed)//set fixed notation for display <<basic_salary;


cout<<"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"; getch();


//this function writes a record into a file

void employee::add_object() { fstream outfile; char choice='y'; while(choice=='y') { clrscr(); char ch;

//update employee file

outfile.open("employee.dat",ios::app);//open file in append mode emp.get_data();//get information from the user

outfile.write((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//write in the file outfile.flush();

outfile.close();//close file

add_pay_object(emp.employee_num,emp.employee_name,emp.desig_nation, emp.basic_salary); cout<<"\n ANY MORE EMPLOYEE TO BE ADDED--->"; cin>>choice;

} }


void employee::show_object() {

fstream infile;

infile.open("employee.dat",ios::in);//open file for reading

infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of the file infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read the first record



emp.show_data();//display record

infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read the next record }


//this function deletes the record of an employee

void employee::del_object()


int code;

fstream infile,outfile;

cout< <"\n ENTER THE MEMBERSHIP NO.TO BE DELETED--->"; cin>>code;

//update emp file

outfile.open("tempfile.dat",ios::app);//open temporary file infile.open("employee.dat",ios::in);//open employee file

infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of the file infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read the first record



if(emp.employee_num!=code)//if this record is not to be deleted

//write in temporary file


infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read the next record }

infile.close();//close employee file outfile.close();//close temporary file

remove("employee.dat");//delete old employee file

rename("tempfile.dat","employee.dat");//temporary file becomes new //employee file

del_pay_object(code); }

//this function modifies information regarding an employee

void employee::modify_object() { fstream file; int mod_choice; int code; do

{//display modify menu clrscr();

cout< <"\n MODIFY MENU "; cout<<"\n---";

cout<<"\n CHANGED ADDRESS ....1"; cout<<"\n CHANGE DESIGNATION ....2"; cout<<"\n CHANGE BASIC SALARY ....3"; cout<<"\n EXIT MODIFY MENU ....4"; cout<<"\n\n ENTER YOUR CHOICE NO.--->"; cin>>mod_choice;





file.open("employee.dat",ios::in|ios::out);//open the file for // reading/writing

file.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of the file file.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read first record

int n=file.tellg();//tell where we are

while(!file.eof()) { if(code==emp.employee_num)//record found { switch(mod_choice) { case 1 : clrscr();

//get new information

cout< <"\n ENTER THE NEW ADDRESS--->"; gets(emp.employee_address);

file.seekg(n-sizeof(emp));//set file pointer to the record //to be modified

file.write((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//update record file.flush();


case 2 : clrscr();

//get new information

cout< <"\n ENTER THE NEW DESIGNATION--->"; gets(desig_nation);

file.seekg(n-sizeof(emp));//set file pointer to the record //to be changed

file.write((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//update record file.flush();

modify_pay_object(code,desig_nation); break;

case 3 : clrscr();

//get new information

cout< <"\n ENTER NEW BASIC SALARY--->"; cin>>basic_salary;

file.seekg(n-sizeof(emp));//set file pointer to the record //to be modified

file.write((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp)); file.flush();

modify_basic(code,basic_salary); break;

}//end of switch }//end if

file.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//raed next record n=file.tellg();//tell where we are

}//end while file.close(); }//end if

}//end do while loop



cout< <"\n YOU ENDED THE MODIFY SESSION "; cout<<"\n THANK YOU!";

delay(700); }

//this function searches information on the basis of a given field


{ fstream infile; int search_choice; int phno; int code; char name[25]; do {

int counter=0;//initialize counter to zero clrscr();

//display search menu

cout<<"\n SEARCH MENU "; cout<<"\n---"; cout<<"\n EMPLOYEE CODE ....1"; cout<<"\n EMPLOYEE NAME ....2"; cout<<"\n EXIT ....3";

cout<<"\n\n ENTER YOUR CHOICE NO.--->"; cin>>search_choice;

switch(search_choice) {

case 1 : clrscr();

cout< <"\n ENTER THE MEMBER CODE TO BE SEARCHED --->"; cin>>code;//get record no.

infile.open("employee.dat",ios::in);//open file for reading infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining

// of the file

infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read first record



if(emp.employee_num==code) { //record found

counter ++; //increment counter emp.show_data();//display record }

infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read next record }

infile.close();//if end of file , close file gotoxy(22,20);

cout< <"RECORDS FOUND="<<counter;//display counter getch();//wait for key press


case 2 : clrscr();

cout<<"\n ENTER THE NAME TO BE SEARCHED--->"; cin>>name;

infile.open("employee.dat",ios::in);//open file for reading infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining of

// the file

infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read first record



if(strcmpi(emp.employee_name,name)==0) { //record found

counter++;//increment counter emp.show_data();//display record }

infile.read((char*)&emp,sizeof(emp));//read next record }

infile.close();//if end of file , close file gotoxy(22,20);


cout< <"RECORDS FOUND="<<counter;//display counter getch();//wait for key press


case 3 : clrscr();

gotoxy(22,15);//set position for display cout<<"YOU ENDED THE SEARCH SESSION"; gotoxy(27,18);

cout<<"THANK YOU!";

delay(700);//wait for some time break;

} }



//this function generates reports void payfile::reports()


fstream infile; int report_choice; do

{ //display report menu clrscr();

cout<<"\n REPORT MENU ";



cout<<"\n\n REPORT ON WHAT ? < ENTER CHOICE NO.>--->"; cin>>report_choice; switch(report_choice) { case 1 : clrscr(); emp.show_object(); break; case 2 : clrscr(); cout< <"\n---"; cout<<"\n RAJ CORPORATION "; cout<<"\n---"; cout<<"\n EMP.NO. EMP.NAME DESIG ";

cout<<"\nBASIC DA HRA CCA CONVEYANCE GROSS PAY"; cout<<"\n PF ITAX OTHER DED. ******* NET PAY "; cout<<"\n---\n"; infile.open("payfile.dat",ios::in);//open payfile for reading infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining

// of the file

infile.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read the first record



cout<<" ";//leave some space

cout<<setiosflags(ios::left)//set left justified output <<setw(9) //set width of the output


<<setw(14) //set width of the output <<pay.emp_name;

cout<<setiosflags(ios::left) <<setw(17)


<<pay.emp_designation<<endl; cout<<"EARNINGS:-";

cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)//set fixed notation output <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint)//always show decimal point <<setprecision(2)//set position of decimal point

<<setw(12)//set width of the output <<pay.basic_pay <<setw(10) <<pay.DA <<setw(10) <<pay.HRA <<setw(10) <<pay.CCA <<setw(10) <<pay.con_veyance <<setw(12) <<pay.gross_pay <<endl; cout<<"DEDUCTIONS :- "; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setw(10) <<pay.PF <<setw(10) <<pay.income_tax <<setw(10) <<pay.other_deductions <<setw(15) <<"************" <<pay.net_pay <<endl;

infile.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read next record }

infile.close(); gotoxy(22,24);

cout<<"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"; getch();//wait for keypress


case 3 : clrscr(); char ch,month[9];

cout<<"\n ENTER CURRENT DATE <<dd/mm/yyyy>>--->"; cin>>current_date.dd>>ch

>>current_date.mm>>ch >>current_date.yyyy; switch(current_date.mm) { //get month name

case 1 : strcpy(month,"JANUARY"); break; case 2 : strcpy(month,"FEBRUARY"); break; case 3 : strcpy(month,"MARCH"); break; case 4 : strcpy(month,"APRIL"); break; case 5 : strcpy(month,"MAY"); break; case 6 : strcpy(month,"JUNE"); break; case 7 : strcpy(month,"JULY");


break; case 8 : strcpy(month,"AUGUST"); break; case 9 : strcpy(month,"SEPTEMBER"); break; case 10 :strcpy(month,"OCTOBER"); break; case 11 :strcpy(month,"NOVEMBER"); break; case 12 :strcpy(month,"DECEMBER"); break; }

infile.open("payfile.dat",ios::in);//open pay file for reading infile.seekg(0,ios::beg);//set file pointer to the begining

// of the file

infile.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read first record




cout< <"\n---"; cout<<"\n RAJ CORPORATION ";

cout<<"\n SALARY SLIP FOR THE MONTH OF "<<month<<"-"<<current_date.yyyy; cout<<"\n ---";

cout<<"\n EMPLOYEE NO. :"<<setiosflags(ios::left)//set left // justified output <<setw(10) <<pay.emp_num; cout<<" NAME:"; cout<<setiosflags(ios::left) <<setw(20) <<pay.emp_name;

cout<<"\n\n EARNINGS DEDUCTIONS "; cout<<"\n --- ---"; cout<<"\n BASIC : RS."<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)

<<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.basic_pay; cout<<" PF : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.PF; cout<<"\n DA : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.DA; cout<<" ITAX : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.income_tax; cout<<"\n HRA : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2)


<<setw(12) <<pay.HRA;

cout<<" OTHER DEDUCTIONS : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.other_deductions; cout<<"\n CCA : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.CCA; cout<<"\n CONVEYANCE : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.con_veyance;

cout<<"\n\n GROSS PAY : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)

<<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2)

<<setw(12) <<pay.gross_pay;

cout<<" TOTAL DEDUCTIONS : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)

<<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2)


<<pay.gross_pay-pay.net_pay; cout<<"\n NET PAY : RS."; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<setiosflags(ios::showpoint) <<setprecision(2) <<setw(12) <<pay.net_pay; cout<<"\n---"; cout<<"\n SIGNATORY AUTHORITY";

cout<<"\n---"; cout<<"\n---"; gotoxy(22,24);

cout<<"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"; getch();//wait for keypress

infile.read((char*)&pay,sizeof(pay));//read next record }

infile.close(); break;

case 4 : clrscr(); gotoxy(22,15);

cout<<"YOU ENDED THE REPORT SESSION "; gotoxy(27,18); cout<<"THANK YOU!"; delay(700); break; } }


while(report_choice!=4); }

//this is the main function void main()


int main_choice; do

{ //display main menu clrscr();


cout<<" MAIN MENU "; gotoxy(22,8);

cout<<"---"; gotoxy(22,10);

cout<<"REGISTER A NEW EMPLOYEE ....1"; gotoxy(22,11);

cout<<"REMOVE AN EMPLOYEE ....2"; gotoxy(22,12);

cout<<"MODIFY INFORMATION ABOUT AN EMPLOYEE ....3"; gotoxy(22,13);

cout<<"SEARCH FOR INFORMATION ABOUT AN EMPLOYEE ....4"; gotoxy(22,14);

cout<<"UPDATE MONTHLY PAY FILE ....5"; gotoxy(22,15);

cout<<"REPORTS ....6"; gotoxy(22,16);

cout<<"EXIT ....7"; gotoxy(25,20);

cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE NO.--->"; cin>>main_choice;

switch(main_choice) {

case 1 : emp.add_object();//call function to register a new employee break;

case 2 : emp.del_object();//call function to delete the record of // an employee


case 3 : emp.modify_object();//this function can modify information break;

case 4 : emp.search_object();//this function searches information // about an employee


case 5 : pay.update_pay_file();//this function generates // monthly pay file


case 6 : pay.reports();//this function generate reports break;

case 7 : clrscr(); gotoxy(25,10);

cout< <"YOU ENDED THE SESSION "; gotoxy(27,12);

cout<<"THANK YOU!"; delay(1000);


} }



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