Assessment Of The Personal Skills Of BSIT
Students: A Basis For Training Plan Development
Ruth G. Luciano, Ph.D., Niño G. Herrera, MSIT and Maria Isidra P. Marcos, Ed.D.
Abstract: This study aims to assess the “soft” or personal skills of B.S. Information Technology (BSIT) students of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST), Nueva Ecija, Philippines during the school year 2018-2019. To describe the skills of the students, percentage, weighted mean and ranking were used. The personal skills of the students were categorized as advanced, proficient, developing and beginning. Generally, the results showed that BSIT students are proficient on team work, presentation skills, leadership skills and problem-solving skills. Communication skills ranked last. To help improve the personal skills of BSIT students a training plan was developed. In designing this plan, the researchers prioritize the areas where improvements are much needed. These areas are communication, problem solving and leadership skills. The researchers intend to work with the Head of the Student Affairs Office of the College of Information and Communications Technology (CICT) to ensure that this proposed training plan shall be implemented.
Index Terms:communication, leadership, problem-solving, proficiency, presentation skills, soft skills, teamwork
The I.T. transformed the world into fourth industrial revolution, where most computer scientists, researchers and inventors are reinventing the wheel, new technologies are added, and technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Autonomous Robots, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, augmented reality and virtual reality change the age of information into age of experience. These new ideas increased the demand of Information Technology (IT) personnel; new ideas mean new job opportunities and new job descriptions; jobs requiring skills in programming, database and networking. To the business world those technical jobs are called hard skills because these are tangible and quantifiable in nature. The professional networking website “LinkedIn” created a list of in-demand hard skills for the year 2019, i.e. cloud computing, artificial intelligence, analytical reasoning, user experience or ux design, mobile application development, game development, social media marketing, animation, business analysis, journalism, digital marketing and data science among others. At present, there are many skilled IT personnel who are underemployed or worst unemployed due to lack soft skills proficiency. Lewis (2019) found out that 57% of senior leaders today believe that soft skills are more important than hard skills [1]. They also enumerated the in-demand soft skills of the year 2019. These skills are creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability and time management. These findings imply that soft skills complement hard skills which are the occupational requirements of a job and many other activities. Soft skills are increasingly recognized not just by IT businesses but by other industries as well. Soft skills help an individual to climb the corporate ladder and create a positive environment in the workplace.
In 2017, World Bank conducted a research entitled “Developing
Socio-emotional Skills for the Philippines Labor Market” they found out that socio-emotional skills or soft skills are associated with especially large income increases for women, young workers and less-educated workers, higher levels of socio-emotional skills are correlated with a greater probability of being employed [2]. This research also revealed that one-third of employers’ in the Philippines agreed that many job vacancies are not filled because of lack of applicants’ soft skills and behavioral skills. Employers and businessmen have recognized that hiring the persons with good soft skills creates productivity and hiring the wrong person is very costly. According to Steve Jobs, as cited by Nelson “…passionate employees can manage themselves; understand the company’s mission and earnestly strive for a common goal” [3]. Several researchers investigated numerous ways in which recently graduated students struggle when they started in their first jobs. As cited by Patacsil and Tablatin (2017), the ten (10) commonly noted soft skills related to jobs in the fields of business and computer technology are: communications, critical and decision-making, interpersonal, negotiation, problem solving, self-confidence, self-management, teamwork and work ethics [4].
Similarly, a study conducted by Williams (2015) found out that soft skills directly affect positive social change among college students. The key soft skill needed in today’s market is the communication skills. It is also the most relevant skills most students needed to improve [5]. Although other skills such as negotiation and critical thinking skills–needed improvement, they were not as crucial at the entry-level status suitable for the community college students. In addition, a professional development training program was proposed to help students enhance their soft skills before entering their future careers. Another study on personal skills was done by Radermacher et al. in 2014. Findings revealed that recent graduates struggle communicating with co-workers and customers [6]. These research findings imply the need for the academic community to make sure that students will have effective problem solving and communication skills. The study of Williams (2015) and
Dr. Ruth G. Luciano is currently working as I.T. Instructor at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST), Philippines. E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Niåo G. Herrera is also working as I.T. Instructor in the same University. E-mail: [email protected]
Bringula, Balcoba and Basa (2016), as cited in the study of Patacsil and Tablatin (2017) likewise show that there is a need to enhance the quality of personal skills for future employees who enter the local workforce as employers perceived these skills as relevant employability skills [7]. All the previous studies mentioned above bring to light the importance of personal skills for professional growth. It also shows that technical skills alone are not sufficient for success in the IT profession. Hence, personal skills like communication, problem solving, and teamwork are increasingly important. The present study consequently tried to describe the personal skills of BSIT students that need to be enhanced which served as bases in determining and designing the plan of action that the College has to prepare in order to address the gap.
The normative survey method was used to discover the personal skills of BSIT students in terms of communication skills, problem solving, teamwork, leadership and presentation skills. Normative survey according to Bitonio (2014) is commonly used to explore opinions according to respondents that can represent a whole population [8]. The survey is appropriate in this study because it enables the researchers in the formulation of generalizations. The data on the areas mentioned above were used as bases in designing an intervention plan/training plan for the college.
The total
number of students from first year to third year is big.
Hence, the researchers decided to use forty-five
percent (45%) of the population as their respondents.
In selecting the sample, they got the list of first year to
third year BSIT students, arranged by year and
section, from the MIS Office. Then, they have selected
all the respondents systematically. All students whose
names fall under even numbers were identified as
Table 1 below shows the distribution of the respondents.Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Year Level
Academic Year
N n
First Year 522 261
Second Year 126 63
Third Year 244 83
TOTAL 892 407
Instrument Used Description
The researchers used a survey tool which is composed of 40-item statements covering the five skills under survey,
namely: communication, problem solving, teamwork, leadership skills and presentation skills.
Response Mode
A 4-point Likert Scale as shown below was used to describe the student-respondents assessment of their communication, problem solving, teamwork, leadership and presentation skills.
Numerical Rating
Description Descriptors
4 Always Very Evident 3 Occasionally Evident
2 Rarely Somewhat Evident 1 Never Not Evident
Scoring Guide
The following scale was used in the presentation of data:
Interval/Range Verbal Description
3.25 – 4.00 Advanced 2.50 – 3.24 Proficient 1.75 – 2.49 Developing 1.00 – 1.74 Beginning
Validity and Reliability
The face and content validity of the questionnaire were established through consultation with experts who are considered knowledgeable on this area. Their suggestions and recommendations were incorporated in the questionnaire for its improvement.
To test the reliability of the questionnaire, a dry run was conducted with the I.T. students of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, San Isidro Campus, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. These students were not included as part of the actual respondents. Based on the results of the dry run, changes were made and incorporated to the questionnaire. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument. The reliability coefficient yielded 0.85 which was considered moderately high which indicates that the instrument is reliable.
Data Gathering Procedure
Data gathering procedure was divided into four main phases, namely: (1) preparation of request letters seeking permission to conduct the study, (2) administration of the instrument (3) retrieval of instrument; then, finally (4) organization and analysis of collected data.
Statistical Analysis of Data
ESULTSANDDISCUSSIONDescription of the Personal Skills of BSIT Students
3.1 Communication Skills - The findings depict that IT
students are to a certain extent proficient in terms of their skills to communicate as evidenced by the computed grand mean of 2.49 (Rarely). Listening to others (µ=2.78), can make and send email and use cellular phone wisely (µ=2.75) and expressing ideas clearly and directly (µ=2.48) were the top three communication skills they possess. It further shows that generally BSIT students are in “developing” level in interpersonal communication (listening to the opinion of other people); collaboration (communicating and expressing their own ideas using email and cellular phones); and negotiation (shown through their ability to express ideas clearly and directly). These findings suggest that teachers handling BSIT students must provide a lot of learning activities that would help improve their abilities to receive and transfer information effectively. Said abilities are vital for students’ academic success and future career prospects. Lucanus (2017) stated that in today’s challenging environment, students must not only possess academic expertise, but also the requisite skills to enhance their learning and employability prospects in the future [9].
3.2 Problem Solving Skills - The findings imply that given a
lot of opportunities, IT students will be able to become effective problem solvers, a skill necessary to become successful IT professionals in the future. This further suggests that teachers should create a classroom environment in which students are problem solvers. This helps tie struggles to strategies so that the students will not only see value in working harder but in working smarter by trying new and different strategies and revising their process. In doing so, they will be more successful the next time around.
3.3 Teamwork - Data show that IT students are proficient in
terms of working with team as evidenced by the grand mean of 3.08 described as “proficient”. Among the top three (3) items on their list are: knowing what is expected of him/her (µ=3.16); working hard to provide the team with more and better information (µ=3.13); and treating other members of the team/class with courtesy and consideration at all times (µ=3.12).
The data above indicate that BSIT students can take on some of the responsibility for their own learning and can take personal action to solve problems, resolve conflicts, discuss alternatives, and focus on thinking as a vital element of the curriculum. The findings further imply that students must be provided with opportunities to use their newly acquired knowledge in meaningful, real-life activities and assist them in working at higher levels of thinking.
3.4 Leadership Skills - Findings reveal that
student-respondents are proficient in leading a team/group. This is evidenced by the computed grand mean of 2.98 described as
“proficient” and by the rating they have given to each of the items under this area/category. Particularly highest ratings were given to the following: responding quickly to people’s request and concerns (µ=3.03); being goal-oriented (µ=3.02); and detecting ahead of time how people will respond to a new idea (3.01) and knowing detailed aspects of work (µ=3.01).
These findings suggest that students must experience leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities and achieving tasks effectively. They should also be provided with opportunity to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills. Bishop Tyler as cited by Ravasini (2017) said “...we believe all members of our community should be capable of exercising leadership in different contexts [10]”. The more leadership is encouraged, the more it flourishes.
3.5 Presentation Skills - Data on the presentation skills of IT
students show that IT students are proficient in terms of presentation skills as evidenced by the top three items they have rated, i.e.: rehearsing the presentation (µ=3.12); preparing notes containing keywords (µ=3.11) and writing down ideas first before preparing the presentation (µ=3.10). The findings indicate that BSIT students are proficient in terms of their ability to present output. These further show that developing presentation skills in the classroom is important to improve communication and create positive learning experiences. According to Kumar (2018), “...communication and presentation skills are a part of each other. To be effective in communication you need presentation skills [11]”. Presentation skills help you to communicate more effectively and professionally with your audience, boss, team members, students, and teachers.
3.6 Personal Skills of IT Students: A Summary
Table 2 summarizes the personal skills of the BSIT students of NEUST. Teamwork, presentation skills and problem-solving and leadership skills were the top three (3) personal skills they possess. Communication skills ranked last with a computed weighted mean of 2.49 (Developing). These findings emphasize the need to improve the personal skills of the students particularly their ability to communicate with other people. In employer surveys, communication skills consistently rank at the top of the list of personal skills hiring managers are looking for in new hires. They want new employees to be able to listen, act and then explain those actions [12].
Table 2. Summary of the Personal Skills of I.T. Students
Personal Skills 1
st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Overall
Rank Wm VD Wm VD Wm VD Wm VD Communication
Skills 2.49 D 2.49 D 2.47 D 2.49 D 5
6552 Ability to Work
in Team (Teamwork)
3.20 P 3.15 P 3.09 P 3.08 P 1
Leadership Skills 3.11 P 3.04 P 2.96 P 2.98 P 3.5
Skills 3.16 P 3.07 P 3.10 P 3.04 P 2
Grand Mean 3.01 Proficient
Wm – Weighted Mean VD – Verbal Description
P – Proficient D - Developing
It is also noteworthy to mention that data further emphasize that among the three groups of respondents, first year students had evaluated themselves higher in all aspects in general and in teamwork and presentation skills in particular. These findings connote that somehow the additional 2 years they have spent in senior high school have helped them develop their abilities to work closely and collaboratively with their classmates and to enhance their skills in presenting their ideas and expressing themselves clearly.
Based on the results collated for problem number 1, the researchers were able to develop a training plan that can be utilized in designing detailed students’ activities for the College (see Appendix A, page 6).
In general, researchers found out that “teamwork” and “presentation skills” are the top 2 personal skills possessed by BSIT students. On the other hand, “communication”, “leadership” and “problem-solving” skills need improvement; hence, a training plan was developed.
Considering the salient findings of the study, the researchers recommend the following: (1) intervention plan/activities may be adopted for classroom and non-classroom activities or programs to reinforce the development or improvement of the personal skills of the students. The training plan as proposed by the researchers can be considered in designing activities for the College. The Head of the Student Affairs and Development in-charge of the College may use the output of this study as bases in designing the students’ programs and activities; (2) Conduct a comparative study once the student-respondents reach their fourth and final year in college to see how the College shaped up their personal skills through the different classroom and non-classroom based activities/programs; and (3) Ensure the sustainability of the research by conducting it with every batch of first year students to continuously improve and develop the training plan (intervention activities) of the College as far as students’ co- and extra-curricular activities are concerned.
The authors wish to acknowledge and extend their sincere appreciation to: (1) the participants of this study especially to
the BSIT students of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) who served as respondents of this study and the NEUST administrators for the encouragement that inspired the authors to publish the results of their study. The authors would also like to extend their profoundest gratitude to all those who had, directly and indirectly, contributed in the completion of this noble undertaking.
[1] Lewis, Gregory (2019). The most in-demand hard and soft skills of 2019. Available online at https://business. linkedin.com/talent-solutions/ blog/trends -and-research/ 2018/the-most-in-demand-hard-and-soft-skills-of-2018. Date retrieved: June 15, 2019.
[2] Developing Socio-emotional Skills for the Philippines Labor Market Available at: https://www.worldbank.org
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[3] Brooke, Nelson (n.d.). The one quality Steve Jobs always looked for in employees. https://www.rd.com/advice/ work-career/top-employee-qualities-steve-jobs/.Date retrieved: January 26, 2019
[4] Patacsil, Frederick and Christine Tablatin (2017). Exploring the importance of soft and hard skills as perceived by it internship students and industry: a gap analysis. Available online at: https://files.eric. ed.gov/ fulltext/EJ1156115.pdf. Date retrieved: June 15, 2019.
[5] Williams, A.C. (2015). Soft Skills Perceived by Students and Employers as Relevant Employability Skills. Walden University. Available online at: http://scholarworks. aldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2426&context=diss ertations. Date retrieved: June 15, 2019)
[6] Radermacher, A., Walia, G., & Knudson, D. (2014, May).Investigating the skill gap between graduating students and industry expectations. In Companion Proceedings of the 36th international conference on software engineering (pp. 291-300).ACM. Available online at: https://doi.org/10.1145/2591062. 2591159. Date retrieved: June 15, 2019.
[7] Patacsil, Frederick and Christine Tablatin (2017). Exploring the importance of soft and hard skills as perceived by it internship students and industry: a gap analysis. Available online at: https://files.eric. ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1156115.pdf. Date retrieved: June 15, 2019.
[9] Lucanus (2017).Importance of Oral Communi cation Skills for Students. Available online at: https://collegepuzzle. stanford.edu/oral-communication-skills-are-important-for-students/. Date retrieved: May 29, 2019.
[10] Ravasini (2017).Importance of Student Leadership in Education. Available online at: http://www.btac.nsw. edu.au/2017/02/student-leadership-important-education/. Date retrieved: May 29, 2019.
[11] Kumar (2018).Importance of Presentation Skills. Available online at: http://www. klientsolutech. com/ importance-of-presentation-skills/. Date retrieved: May 29, 2019.