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A Studyof GUI Control Technology and Temperature Variation Technology Convergence Electric Conveyor Oven


Academic year: 2022

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A Studyof GUI Control Technology and Temperature Variation Technology Convergence Electric Conveyor Oven


1Department of Computer aided Mechanical Design Engineering, Daejin University, 1007, Hogukro, Pocheonsi,Gyeinggido, 11159, Rep. of Korea

1[email protected]


Studies on electric conveyor oven bread baking heat supply technologies are mainly limited to sheath heaters, and as for the baking time and feed rate control technology, many studies on analog modes have been reported. In this study, the recipe of bread baking time and temperature that will enable the tastiest bread baking by changing bread baking time and temperature according to the types of bread using Graphical User Interface (GUI) control was studied for the first time at home and abroad. Anelectric conveyor oven in which GUI technology and bread baking temperature variation technology were converged was developed and the characteristics and performance of the developed conveyor oven were studied. According to the results of this study, the thermal equilibrium between the thermal energy supplied from the halogen lamp and the thermal energy obtained by the air inside the electric conveyor oven was maintained well at ± 5%, and the experimental natural convection heat transfer coefficient value and the theoretical natural convection heat transfer coefficient value were relatively well coincided in the entire range of the experiment.Electric energy consumption was greatly reduced as the load factor was adjusted according to the types of bread by GUI control.In addition, the user (recipe setting type) interface using touch-LCD automatically adjusted the baking(heating) temperature and time according to the desired bread type with a single click.Under all five conditions of bread baking heat load factors of the oven at 10%, 30%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, the oven temperature linearly rose in proportion to the heating time indicating that the oven was operating normally. The recipe is implemented by GUI control so that it can change the time and temperature according to each type of bread and can burn the most delicious according to the characteristics of bread.

Keywords: Conveyor Oven, GUI(Graphical User Interface) Control, Temperature Variable Technology,Natural Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient , Thermal Energy

1. Introduction

Electric conveyor ovens, which are bread baking machines, are mainly used in hotels, buffets, resorts, condos, and franchiseshops[1,2]. Electric conveyor ovens have not been well studied both at home and abroad due to the low demand[3,4]. Studies on bread baking heat supply technology are mainly limited to sheath heaters, and studies on bread banking time and conveying speed control technology in the analog mode are frequently reported[5]. In addition, studies on sheath heaters are conducted for use of the heaters at constant temperatures because temperature changes in sheath heaters are slow[6-9].

Recently, some studies reported that the heat supply method for supplying heat to the air inside the electric conveyor oven using halogen lamps does not require preheating when


at home and abroad. Examples of application of the recipe using GUI control include bagels and pastries, which are much different in baking temperatures. Bagels should be baked at high temperatures for longer times compared to other types of bread because they are highly dense and thick. Pastries may be burnt easily if they are heated at high temperatures for a long time because they are not much dense and have syrup or sugar on their surfaces. Therefore, bread such as pastries should be heated at a relatively low temperature and finally heated at a high temperature for a while to preserve the characteristic of being moist inside and crunchy outside. This product usinghalogen lamps was studied to meat such cooking conditions.

2. Experimental Methods

Figure 1 shows a GUI technology and bread baking temperature variable technology convergence electric conveyor oven. As shown in Figure 1, the electric conveyor oven consisted of a heat supply system, a bread feeding conveyor, a GUI controller, a conveyor oven body, and a control panel for controlling the baking temperature, the bread feed rate and the baking time. In addition, the user interface using Touch-LCD was configured to facilitate easy and intuitive use by enabling automatic adjustment of baking temperature and time according to the desired types of bread with just one click. The recipe was configured to be able to change baking time and temperature according to individual types of bread by GUI control for the first time in the world so that bread can be baked the most deliciously according to the characteristics of bread to conduct the experiment.

Figure 1. GUI technology and temperature variable technology convergence electric conveyor oven

Figure 2 shows the display monitor controlled by the GUI. At present, study reports on electric conveyor ovens at home and abroad indicate those electric conveyor ovens that can bake one type of bread at a time. However, in this study, the experimental device was constructed to select and bake six types of bread by GUI control, and the study results were derived. The experimental device was constructed so that the bread baking temperature and the rate of bread feed by the conveyor would be variable by GUI control.


Figure 2. GUI controller display monitor

Figure 3 shows a halogen lamp that supplies thermal energy to the air inside an electric conveyor oven. The experimental device was constructed to evenly supply thermal energy by installing 0.8 kW halogen lamps on the upper and lower parts of the electric conveyor oven, respectively[14]. The bread baking temperature was configured to increase up to 300°C, and a variable temperature control system was installed so that the bread baking temperature was variable to calculate the experimental data[15]. As such, the experimental device was configured so that eco-friendly bread baking is implemented with the radiant heating by halogen lamps and that the taste and quality of the bread being baked can be greatly improved with the heating with even temperature distribution by radiant heating.

Figure 3.Baking temperature variable halogen lamp

3. Results and Discussion

Figure 4 shows the thermal equilibrium between the thermal energy supplied by the halogen lamp of the electric conveyor oven and the heat energy absorbed by the air inside the electric conveyor oven. The thermal energy (W) supplied by the halogen lamp was obtained by equation (1).

𝑄ℎ = 𝐼𝑉 (1)

Where Qh represents the thermal energy (W) supplied by the halogen lamp, I


Where Qa represents the thermal energy absorbed by the air inside the electric conveyor oven. m represents the mass (kg)of the air inside the electric conveyor oven, T1 represents the initial temperature (K) of air, and T2 represents the final temperature (K) of air. As shown in Figure 4, the thermal equilibrium between the thermal energy supplied by the halogen lamp and the thermal energy obtained by the air inside the electric conveyor oven was well maintained at ±5%. Therefore, the experimental results of this study are considered to be reliable.

Figure4.Thermal equilibrium between the thermal energy supplied by the halogen lamp of electric conveyor oven and the thermal energy absorbed by the air inside the

electric conveyor oven

Figure 5 shows a comparison value between the theoretical natural convection heat transfer coefficient and the experimental natural convection heat transfer coefficient in the electric conveyor oven. Equation (3) shows the experimental natural convection heat transfer coefficient.

hex =𝐴(𝑇𝑎−𝑇𝑠)q (3)

Where q represents the natural convective heat transfer rate (W). A represents the heat transfer surface area(m2) of the halogen lamp surface. Ta represents the room air temperature (K) and Ts represents the wall temperature (K) of the halogen lamp.

Equation (4) represents the Rayleigh number.

𝑅𝑎 =𝑔𝛽 𝑇𝑠−𝑇𝑎 𝐷3

𝜈𝛼 (4)

Where g represents the gravitational acceleration (m/s2) and β represents the volume coefficient of thermal expansion (1/K). ν represents the kinematic viscosity (m/s2) and α represents the thermal diffusivity (m/s2). And D represents the halogen lamp diameter (m).

Equation (5) shows Nusselt number of natural convective heat transfer.

Nu = 0.826 + 0.387 𝑅𝑎1/6

[1+ 0.492Pr 0.5625 ] 0.296 (5)

Where Pr represents the Prandtl number. The theoretical natural convection heat transfer coefficient was obtained using equation (6).

0 50 100 150

0 50 100 150

Qa (W)

Qh (W)


hth =kf

𝐷𝑁𝑢 (6)

Where kf represents the thermal conductivity of air (W/mK). As shown in Figure 4, the experimental natural convection heat transfer coefficient value obtained from Equation (5) and the theoretical natural convection heat transfer coefficient value obtained from Equation(6) relatively well coincided in the entire range of the experiment.

Therefore, the reliability of the experimental results in this study is considered to be verified.

Figure 5.Comparison of the theoretical natural convection heat transfer coefficient and experimental natural heat transfer coefficient of the electric conveyor oven

Figure6 shows the results of experiments conducted under five conditions of the bread baking heat-load factors of the oven at 10%, 30%, 60%, 80% and 100%. As shown in Figure6, under all five conditions of bread baking heat load factors of the oven at 10%, 30%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, the oven temperature linearly rose in proportion to the heating time indicating that the oven was operating normally. The temperature rise of the oven was proportional to the amount of heat supplied. In addition, since the baking temperature range of the bread was 170 ~ 220°C, the temperature rose sufficiently so that all six types of bread can be baked. The optimum bread baking temperature was implemented by the GUI control. As a result of this study, electric energy used can be reduced drastically by adjusting the load factoraccording to the types of bread with GUI control

Figure 7 showsthe control system for the recipe of bread baking time and temperature that will enable the tastiest bread baking by changing bread baking time and temperature according to the types of bread usingGUI control presented in this study for the first time at home and abroad. As shown in Figure 7, the oven temperature increased linearly in proportion to the heating time in all five conditions of load factorsof 10%, 30%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, and the oven operated normally. In addition, the electric energy was greatly reduced by controlling the load factor according to the type of bread by GUI control. Furthermore, the user (recipe setting type) interface using touch-LCD automatically adjusted the baking(heating) temperature and time according to the desired bread type with a single click. In addition, the touch-LCD user (recipe setting) interface automatically adjusts the baking temperature and time according to the desired bread type with a single click.

0 5 10 15

0 200 400 600

h (W/m2K)

Ts - Ta (oC)

hth hex


Figure 6. Characteristics of bread baking temperature made by conveyor oven GUI control

Examples of application of the recipe using GUI control include bagels and pastries, which are much different in baking temperatures. Bagels should be baked at high temperatures for longer times compared to other types of bread because they are highly dense and thick. Pastries may be burnt easily if they are heated at high temperatures for a long time because they are not much dense and have syrup or sugar on their surfaces.In addition, the GUI control was configured so that the user can set his/her desired conditions thereby enabling the user to apply more diverse recipes and study results were derived with such a configuration. The sheath heaters were used while maintaining a constant temperature due to the slow temperature changes. However, this study realized rapid temperature changes by using halogen lamps. Accordingly, safety was enhanced, and unnecessary use of electricity was minimized because preheating when not in use was not require.

Figure 7.GUI control system that can change bread baking time and temperature according to bread types by GUI control

Figure8 shows the GUI control and baking temperature variable characteristics of six types of bread. As shown in Figure8, the user interface using the touch-LCD (recipe setting type) automatically adjusted the baking temperature and time according to the type of bread desired with just one click. The recipe was implemented to change baking time and temperature according to the types of bread by GUI control so that bread can be baked the most deliciously according to the characteristics of bread. Each recipe can change the temperature three times at the maximum and the temperature drift times were adjusted. In addition, the user is enabled to set the desired conditions so that more diverse recipes can be applied.


Figure 8.GUI control and baking temperature variations of six types of bread

4. Conclusion

This study of GUI control technology and temperature variable technology convergence electric conveyor oven derived the following results. Thethermal equilibrium between the thermal energy supplied from the halogen lamp and the thermal energy obtained by the air inside the electric conveyor oven was maintained well at ± 5%, and the experimental natural convection heat transfer coefficient value and the theoretical natural convection heat transfer coefficient value were relatively well coincided in the entire range of the experiment. Therefore, the reliability of the experimental results in this study was secured. Electric energy consumption was greatly reduced as the load factor was adjusted according to the types of bread by GUI control. Theuser interface using the touch-LCD (recipe setting type) automatically adjusted the baking temperature and time according to the types of bread desired with just one click. Under all five conditions of bread baking heat load factors of the oven at 10%, 30%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, the oven temperature linearly rose in proportion to the heating time indicating that the oven was operating normally. The temperature rise of the oven was proportional to the amount of heat supplied. The recipe is implemented by GUI control so that it can change the time and temperature according to each type of bread and can burn the most delicious according to the characteristics of bread. The recipe was implemented to enable changing baking time and temperature according to individual types of bread by GUI control so that bread can be baked the most deliciously according to the characteristics of bread.


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0 50 100 150 200 250

0 20 40 60

Temperature (oC)

Time (sec)

Baguette Toast

Keurowasang Pastry

Moring Bread Bagel


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