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General Education Subject Area: Meets general educaton requirements within the subject area of the social sciences.


Academic year: 2021

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New General Education Course Progress Report Donna Wolf, MSN, ARNP-BC

Instructor II, School of Nursing College of Health Professions Florida Gulf Coast University Course Title:

Holistic Health: Self Care in an Age of Entitlement SCNS #: HSC 2100

Catolog Description:

Examine emerging conceptualizations of health and wellness based on a holistic perspective and incorporate concepts of holism, health and wellness to the care of self.

General Education Subject Area:

Meets general educaton requirements within the subject area of the social sciences.

Description of Course Objectives for enhancing student learning in General Education Competency:

Fun and creative experiential learning techniques are employed to provide accelerated and meaningful learning.

Small group activities, self exploration exercises and journaling allow for synthesis of information. Unique and creative use of music, dance, guided imagery, psychodrama, psycho-dramatic sculpture, relaxation techniques, silence, stories, movement and art are incorporated to develop positive connections and cellular memories.

Concepts of sharing, acceptance and honoring others emerge from the class culture.

Patterns of energy exchange within relationships (self, others and the environment) become evident. Self caring strategies for health and wellness are formulated and initiated.

Develop stress reduction and stress management skills in the development of personal health and wellness during college life and beyond.

General Education Subject Area: Social Sciences

Examine the assumptions, relationships and scientific basis for a holistic view of health as related to health and wellness.

Analyze traditional and contemporary paradigms and underlying assumptions related to health and wellness.

Conceptualize a holistic view of person, environment and health.

Explore quantum physics and noetic sciences as related to health and wellness. Analyze diverse concepts of health, healing and wellness.


General Education Competency # 2: Oral Communication

Select a holistic topic, book, healing modality, theorist, ethical issue or medical condition related to holism or holistic health.

Develop the topic for the specific audience of their classmates, with demonstrated respect for diversity. Organize and deliver a clear and effective presentation demonstrating effective command of verbal and nonverbal communication.

Share the selected topic & what you have learned to the class in a fun, creative & dynamic presentation, providing an experiential exploration of your topic.

Provide the class with an experiential exploration of the select topic. Facilitate group involvement during and after the presentation. Lead group activities to process and discuss the “experience.” Use active listening skills in interpersonal settings and activities.

Participate in and lead group activities and experiential learning techniques.

Plan for Assessment of Student Achievement of General Education Competency # 2:

Ongoing group and small group activities will be monitored and assessed by faculty, utilizing the following scale for participation:

4 - Meaningful, related articles, voluntary, responsive 3 - Voluntary, responsive, attentive, stimulates discussion 2 - Answers direct questions, attentive

1 - Present, no verbal contribution

0 - Absent, cut off discussion, inappropriate remarks

Oral presentation will be assessed by faculty member and fellow students in the following areas: Creativity of presentation

Knowledge and mastery of the select topic Accuracy of scientific correlation

Experience of the modality Engagement of the audience Group dynamics and cooperation


Improved learning in the General Education Competency of Oral Communication will occur through the assessment of student group presentations. Ongoing evaluation and continual improvement of the assessment criteria will take place though course evaluation and peer review. External validation of the assessment will also take place by having one or more outside experts assist in the evaluation of a sample of the group presentations.

Description of creative and innovative course design features: This course is developed on an experiential learning design.

The course is designed to help students experience self responsibility for health and wellness.

Students will experience actual techniques in stress reduction and stress management to apply to their real lives.

Content will help students to take personal control of and accountability for their own health and wellness. Content is presented in a manner that provides the students with actual experiences of the subjects utilizing psychodrama and the creative arts.

Students experience course material on a feelings/emotional level and tend to learn on a cellular level through constructive experiences that lead to actual behavior changes.

Weekly workbook assignments encourage the development of the individual student’s unique experience of their own journey towards health, healing and wellness.

The course focuses on experiences of self and self-responsibility for one’s own health, wellness and fulfillment in life.

Course content revolves around wellness concepts and the movement toward wellness.

Guided experiences and accelerated learning techniques lead to self responsibility and accountability for one’s self and one’s relationships with others and their environment.

The psycho-dramatic nature of the course creates thought provoking physical and emotional memories that effect actual behavior change.




SEMESTER: Fall 2011/ Spring 2012


COURSE NUMBER & TITLE: HSC2100 Holistic Health: Self Care in an Age of Entitlement

CREDIT HOURS: 3 credits



COURSE DESCRIPTION: Examine emerging conceptualizations of health and wellness based on a holistic view. Incorporate concepts of holism and wellness to the care of self.

COURSE FACULTY: Donna Bailey Wolf, MSN, ARNP-BC Ben Hill Griffin

Office #129

239 590-7571 or 239-595-1682 [email protected]



Examine the assumptions, relationships and scientific basis for a holistic view of health as related to health and wellness.

Analyze traditional and contemporary paradigms and underlying assumptions related to health and wellness.

Conceptualize a holistic view of person, environment and health.


Analyze diverse concepts of health, healing and wellness.

Analyze modalities and the scientific basis of the modalities in holistic health.


Travis, J., & Ryan, R. (2004). Wellness Workbook: How to Achieve EnduringHealth & Vitality (3rd Ed.). Celestial Arts.

Suggested Readings:

Hay, L. (1999). You Can Heal Your Life . Hay House.

Ruwalt, M. J. (2003). Healing Our World In an Age of Aggression. SunStar Press. Kalamazoo, MI. Siegel, B. (1987). Love, Medicine & Miracles. Harper Perennial.

Siegel, B. (1989). Peace, Love, & Healing. Harper Perennial.



Topical Outline Readings/Assignments

(Complete prior to class)

Introduction/Course Requirements Wellness Workbook (WW) Introduction

Philosophies – Health/Wellness Personal Philosophy

WW – Wellness Index Journal - define holism Wellness & Self Responsibility WW Chap 1

Journal - write personal philosophy of health, healing, illness & wellness

Wellness & Breathing WW Chap 2

Meditation/Imagery Journal – describe your experience of meditation

Wellness & Sensing WW Chap 3

Journal – discuss the power of touch - explore your environment

Wellness & Eating WW, Chap. 4

Journal – personal diet history - explore healthy eating choices

Wellness & Movement WW Chap 5

Movement - Experiential Exercise

Journal- identify an enjoyable form of movement

Wellness & Feeling WW Chap 6

Journal - complete Feelings Journal

Nurture Yourself!

Wellness & Thinking WW Chap 7 Affirmations

– Experiential Exercise Journal – identify 5 beliefs you use to define yourself

Wellness & Play/Work WW Chap 8

Fun – Experiential Exercise Journal – identify your Bliss


Describe ways to create a supportive work place

Wellness & Communication WW Chap 9

Active Listening – Experiential Exercise

Journal - record your self-talk for one full day

Wellness & Sex WW Chap 10

Journal - explore love & sex as connection

Wellness & Meaning WW Chap 11

Experiential Exercise

Journal - define your own unique purpose

Wellness & Transcending WW Chap 12



4 Meaningful, related articles, voluntary, responsive 3 Voluntary, responsive, attentive, stimulates discussion 2 Answers direct questions, attentive

1 Present, no verbal contribution

0 Absent, cut off discussion, inappropriate remarks

Evaluations methods to be determined on first day of class.

Teaching strategies: Discussion

Review/critique articles Practice methodologies Audio-visual resources


Scholarly Paper

Choose a holistic topic, book, healing modality, theorist, ethical issue or medical condition to explore. 1. Holistic health topic

2. Healing modality

3. Holistic nurse theory or theorist 4. Ethical issue

5. Traditional/ Complementary methods for specific diagnoses 6. Holistic book report

Write a formal paper, using current literature to document your findings. Evaluate web sites on your subject matter.

4-5 typed pages Reference list APA Format

60 Points:

► Define subject or issue 15

► Discuss current theory/philosophy 20 ► Your previous notions/feelings/thoughts

and what you learned 20


Group Presentation

Topic: _______________________________ Date: ______________

Student(s): ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Share the subject of your paper & what you have learned to the class in a fun, creative & dynamic presentation & an experiential exploration of your topic. This assignment is to give the class an

experience of your chosen modality. Limited use (< 5 minutes) of lecture or Power Point. Approx. 20-30 minutes. 60 Points: Creativity 20 __________ Presentation of Subject 20 __________ Group Involvement 20 __________ Comments:



Discussion / Seminar / Videos / Experiential Exercises/ Presentations / Psychodrama


Participation 60 points

Presentation 60 points

Formal Paper 60 points

Workbook Exercises P/F

Holistic Access Tool P/F

Journal P/F


Total 180 points


Grades will be awarded according to School Policy:

Numerical Grade Range Letter Grade

90 – 100 A 80 – 90 B 70 – 80 C 60 – 70 D* <60 F* COURSE POLICIES: Attendance Policy:

Participation is a course requirement.

Students are required to meet as a class once a week. Attendance will be taken. Assignments:

Workbook Assignments will be checked at the beginning of each class. Journals will be due as directed.

Email Policy:

Email correspondence is through Angel or Gulfline only. Late Assignment Submission Policy:

Assignments will NOT be accepted after due date. Cell Phone Policy:

Cell phones are NOT permitted in class. If a cell phone rings the student will be asked to leave with the phone and NOT return for the remainder of the class. The student will NOT receive credit for attendance for that class.

PDAs and Computers:

PDAs and computers will be allowed in class when appropriate to class content. Students mayNOTt use computers and PDAs for personal use during class.

Make-up Work:



Academic Behavior Standards and Academic Dishonesty

All students are expected to demonstrate honesty in their academic pursuits. The university policies regarding issues of honesty can be found in the FGCU Student Guidebook under the Student Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures sections. All students are expected to study this document which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the policy. The FGCU Student Guidebook is available online at http://studentservices.fgcu.edu/judicialaffairs/new.html

Disability Accommodations Services

Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please contact the Office of Adaptive Services. The Office of Adaptive Services is located in Howard Hall 137. The phone number is 239-590-7956 or TTY 239-590-7930

Student Observance of Religious Holidays

All students at Florida Gulf Coast University have a right to expect that the University will reasonably accommodate their religious observances, practices, and beliefs. Students, upon prior notification to their instructors, shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holy day of their faith. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence. Students shall not be penalized due to absence from class or other scheduled academic activity because of religious observances. Where practicable, major examinations, major assignments, and University ceremonies will not be scheduled on a major religious holy day. A student who is to be excused from class for a religious observance is not required to provide a second party certification of the reason for the absence.

In lieu of including the full policy in the course syllabus, provide a link to General Counsel Policies at: http://www.fgcu.edu/generalcounsel/policies-view.asp

Resources For Faculty General Education

Information on General Education program requirements is available online at http://www.fgcu.edu/General_Education/index.html


Information on integrating service-learning into the course and course syllabus is available online at http://www.fgcu.edu/Connect/


Information on distance learning courses is available online at http://itech.fgcu.edu/distance/

Online Tutorials

Information on online tutorials to assist students is available online at http://www.fgcu.edu/support/

ANGEL Learning Management System and Demonstration Site


http://elearning.fgcu.edu/section/default.asp?id=xxxDemoonlinecoursestudent Library Resources

Main page: http://library.fgcu.edu/

Tutorials & Handouts: http://library.fgcu.edu/RSD/Instruction/tutorials.htm Research Guides: http://library.fgcu.edu/RSD/Guides/index.html

Faculty Support: http://library.fgcu.edu/faculty_index.html Contact Us: http://library.fgcu.edu/LBS/about/contactus.htm

http://studentservices.fgcu.edu/judicialaffairs/new.html http://www.fgcu.edu/generalcounsel/policies-view.asp http://www.fgcu.edu/General_Education/index.html at http://www.fgcu.edu/Connect/ at http://itech.fgcu.edu/distance/ http://www.fgcu.edu/support/ at http://elearning.fgcu.edu/frames.aspx http://elearning.fgcu.edu/section/default.asp?id=xxxDemoonlinecoursestudent : http://library.fgcu.edu/ : http://library.fgcu.edu/RSD/Instruction/tutorials.htm : http://library.fgcu.edu/RSD/Guides/index.html ort: http://library.fgcu.edu/faculty_index.html : http://library.fgcu.edu/LBS/about/contactus.htm


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