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Year 5 Home Learning Week beginning 1 st February 2021


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Year 5 Home Learning

Week beginning 1


February 2021

PE and

Active30 Whole class

reading Maths English Wider



Joe Wicks PE with Joe https://www.yo utube.com/resul ts?search_query



LO: Answer Comprehension questions

(Unseen Text - Cats)

Lesson 1 – LO: Recap what fractions are

Lesson 1 – LO: Practice spelling pattern: - LO: Investigate the meaning of new words


LO: Learn about the organisation of the Roman Army and create a poster https://youtu.be/0SCsK kjvbJY


Daily Mile &



uk/teach/supermove rs/pshe-super-mood- movers-friends-and- family/z4yq8hv

LO: Read for pleasure

(The Giant’s Necklace)

Lesson 2 -.

LO: Recap what equivalent fractions are

Lesson 2 - LO: Practice spelling pattern LO: Use brackets in sentences

Science –

LO: Understand what happens when objects fall


Joe Wicks PE with Joe https://www.yo utube.com/resul ts?search_query



LO: Answer retrieval and multiple-choice questions

(The Giant’s Necklace)

Lesson 3 - LO: Learn about fractions greater than 1

Lesson 3 – LO: Use brackets in a sentence LO: Write a diary entry

RE –

LO: To explore what the bible teaches about honesty


Daily Mile &



uk/teach/supermove rs/pshe-super-mood- movers-taking-care- of-the-world/zyxc3j6

LO: Answer retrieval and multiple-choice questions

(The Giant’s Necklace)

Lesson 4 – LO: Learn about improper fractions to mixed numbers

Lesson 4 –

LO: Identify where brackets go in a sentence

LO: Write a stream of consciousness


LO: Understand that online information isn’t always truth and free from prejudice.


Joe Wicks PE with Joe https://www.yo utube.com/resul ts?search_query



LO: Answer retrieval and multiple-choice questions

(The Giant’s Necklace)

Lesson 5 -

LO: Practice arithmetic skills

Lesson 5 – LO: Practise using different types of fronted adverbials LO: Make a prediction

J2E- Add pictures to create background


How to use your home learning packs

This week’s learning:

• Whole class reading: You will be reading a story called The Giant’s Necklace and answering some exam style questions, just like we do in school.

• English: Your SPaG focus is Fronted Adverbials and English lessons are based on the story The Giant’s Necklace.

• Maths: We are starting a new unit based on Fractions. There are teaching links provided in the learning and answers are found on the back of the booklet.

• IPC- We are learning about the Roman Army; how powerful they were and how the Army was set up which added to their success.

• Science- We are learning about gravity, understanding what happens when objects fall.

Note: On the top of each activity there are success criteria and may be some

additional help to complete the activity. This shows you how to do the activity and what you should know by the end of it. The answers for the worksheets will be on the back of the booklet. You may want to take the answers out and provide them after they have completed the work.

In this pack, you will find work for a week of learning across the curriculum. Try to do every lesson for each day to keep up your learning while you are at home. You may find it helpful to cross off each lesson on the timetable once you have

completed it. Follow the success criteria for each lesson so you know what to do.


Additional tasks J2E

Login to J2E and complete the task in your child’s shared files. You can also message your teacher on messages

On J2E you can upload a picture of your childs work in three different ways for the class teacher to have a look at and leave a comment.

Please click on this link to show you how to do that.


TTRockstars- Please login to your account and practice your times tables.

Feedback from last week’s learning:

In Maths you were learning how to divide numbers by one. You have learnt that this can be done in two ways. Either by partitioning or using the bus stop

method. Continue to practise these questions to get more secure on division.

In SpaG you learned about expanded noun phrases and non-defining relative clauses; how both can be used to add information in a sentence. In English you learned how to use these within setting descriptions to create atmosphere.

Continue to use these techniques in further writing.


Monday - PE with Joe Wicks

Follow the link below to join in with Joe Wick’s online PE lesson, he is live at 9am, but you can join in at any time.

You can also search for Joe Wicks on YouTube to join in.


Monday - Reading

LO: Answer comprehension questions Success Criteria

1) Read the text and underline key words, google new words 2) Read each question carefully and highlight key words

3) Decide on the question type

4) Find the key words from the question in the text and read the surrounding sentences

5) Think about possible answers

6) Check your response makes sense and answers the question

Read the text below, Cats, answer the questions that follow. Remember to use the Success Criteria to help you.




Comprehension Answers – Cats

1) 9 million

2) 1. The first carnivores that looked like cats walked the earth.

2. African wildcats began to enter towns in search of food.

3. Romans introduced cats to Europe.

4. Cats were used during the First World War to control rats on ships.

5. Over 9 million cats now live in Britain 3) Siamese

4) Bengal 5) Friendly

Tail up, rubs side of head and body around your legs, might roll over.


Crouched position, tail tucked under, eyes large and darting around.


Tail up, ears facing forward, walking towards you.

6) Type

7) ‘they kept the snakes away’

8) The author likes cats, she uses phrases such as: ‘…more about these wonderful creatures’, ‘A cat is the very best pet you can own’, ‘your precious cat’.

The author wants people to look after their cats. The author is telling us how to look after our cats.

9) Acceptable answers include:

The author has written this text because they want to help people decide if a cat is the right pet for them.

Reasons for opinion:

The summation that the author likes cats and knows a lot about them.

The author shares interesting facts about cats.

The author shows people how to look after their cat.

The author shows tell people how to understand their cat.

10) Cornish Rex; because they will often play ‘fetch’ with their toys.


Monday - Maths – Lesson 1

LO: Recap what fractions are S.C.

1) How many parts are there in the whole shape or number line?


2) How many parts have been shaded/do you need to shade in?


3) Shade in the fraction or draw the arrow on the number line

Use this video link to help…


Fluency – These are based on what we have already covered in class.


Introduction to fractions


Main learning








Reasoning and problem solving










Monday Maths Answers Fluency answers


Problem solving – I do not agree with Amir because 𝟐𝟖𝟑 is actually 9 and 𝟏𝟑 whereas 𝟑𝟕𝟓 is 7 and 𝟐𝟓 so 283 is actually greater because there are 9 whole and a third parts.

I notice that 5/5 makes 1 whole because the whole number line has been split into 5 parts and the number 1 stands for 5 out of 5



Monday - English

LO: Investigate the meaning of new words Success Criteria

1) Read the text or listen to the recording of the model text “The Giant’s Necklace”

2) Find or listen out for the new words written below

3) Use a dictionary (book or online) to find the meaning of the word 4) Try to use the word in your own sentence

The Giant’s Necklace by Michael Morpurgo Use an online dictionary here: www.dictionary.com


Word (and word class)

Meaning Can you use it in your own sentence?

Pursuit (noun)

Vowed (verb)

Relentlessly (adverb)

Scornful (adjective)

Persistence (noun)

Flaw (noun)

Tickled pink

(colloquial phrase)

Simulated (adjective)


Monday – j2e Task

LO. Add pictures to create a background


Tuesday – PE- Supermovers and Daily Mile

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/pshe-super-mood- movers-friends-and-family/z4yq8hv

Tuesday – Reading for Pleasure LO: Read for Pleasure

Read the next 5 pages of the story; think about Cherry, her appearance, her personality, her characteristics. Would you like to go to Boat Cove on holiday? Why/why not?


Tuesday – Maths

LO: Recap what equivalent fractions are S.C.

1) Look at the fractions eg.

2) What has the denominator been multiplied by? Eg.

3) Multiply the numerator by the same number to get equivalent fraction

Use this video link to help…


Fluency – These are based on what we have already covered in class




Introduction to equivalent fractions



Main learning





Reasoning and Problem Solving








Tuesday Maths Answers Fluency Answers


Reasoning answer

Not all of Rosie’s fractions are equivalent because 𝟒𝟖 is not equal to 𝟏𝟎𝟔 and 𝟒𝟖 is also not equal to 𝟏𝟓 . The other two fractions are equivalents of 𝟒𝟖 because both the numerator and denominator have either been multiplied by 2 or divided by 2. The equivalent fraction for 𝟏𝟎𝟔 is 𝟑𝟓 whilst the equivalent fraction for 𝟏𝟓 is 102 so therefore, Rosie’s method only works when you multiply or divide the numerator and denominator but it will not work if you add or subtract the same amount from the top and bottom number.



Tuesday English – SPaG

LO: Practice spellings including the suffix -ible and -able

Have a go at this online quiz: https://www.englishclub.com/esl- quizzes/spelling/spelling-rules-quiz-5-ible-able.htm

How many did you get right? _____


Tuesday English

LO: Use brackets in a sentence


1) Read the model text “The Giant’s Necklace” p7-11 2) Find the key words in the sentence

3) Find the correct part of the text to provide you with extra information 4) Decide which extra information you could include in the brackets

5) Write the full sentence including the brackets

Remind yourself of the 4 main reasons for using brackets:

Why are brackets used?

1. To add extra information Example

That morning he dressed in tracksuit (new, grey) and trainers.

2. A list to interrupt a sentence


The three busiest train stations in Great Britain (Waterloo, Victoria, Liverpool Street) are all based in London.

3. Give an aside (this is a complete thought)


That morning (which was to change his life forever) he dressed in a tracksuit and trainers.


To add a date, or the birth and death of a person – Example


William Tate (February 1798 – 20 April 1873) was the architect who designed Waterloo Bridge Station.

Now have a go at completing these brackets about pages 7-11 of “The Giant’s Necklace”. You may add extra information, add a list or add an aside)

1. Boat Cove (which was _________________________) was the destination for Cherry’s holiday.

2. The path to the beach (which was _________________________ ) descended from the coastal path.

3. The activities that the family did on the beach (including _________

_________, ______________________, and __________________) were fun and relaxing.

4. Cherry was collecting Cowrie shells (__________________________) amongst the rocks on the beach.

5. Cherry had a picnic lunch ( ________________________________) with her family.

6. Cherry was left alone on the beach with strict rules ( ____________

________, ________________________________________, and __

_________________________) so she could continue to look for shells.

7. The sea (___________________________________) crept up on Cherry as she searched.

8. The route back home (___________________________________________) was cut off by the sea.

9. Cherry crossed the rocks (___________________________________) as she tried to return to the beach.

10. Can you write your own sentence about the story using brackets?






Tuesday Science – Forces, Gravity

LO: Understand what happens when an object falls.

Success criteria

Success criteria

 Understand gravity pulls objects because of mass

 Understand mass and weight are different

 Make my own test for air resistance and gravity

Key vocab- complete this as you work through the activities Surface area-___________________________________




In this lesson you will learning about gravity. Gravity is one of the key forces in the universe! It keeps the planets, moons and the sun in orbit. It can even change how light travels and is so powerful it can slow and speed up time. We experience gravity on Earth as a force that pulls objects towards the ground.

Activity 1: Making predictions

Test gravity yourself by using an object from home. Do not use something valuable or fragile. Drop an object (e.g. a small ball) and observe the

forces acting upon it. Before dropping your object choose which

prediction you agree with and explain why using a because sentence.


In my opinion the correct explanation is__________________




Activity 2: Who explained gravity?

Gravity was never discovered. It is as old as the universe and has always been here. However, Isaac Newton was the first scientist to explain how gravity worked using Maths. He invented his own kind of Maths to

explain it called calculus.

Read the information about Isaac Newton and answer the questions.


Weight and mass are actually different ideas in science. Read through this information below so you have a good understanding of how they are different.

Remember to add your definitions to the key vocab at the beginning.


Activity 3: Investigation

You are now going to complete an investigation to see the effect of

surface area on parachutes. Surface area is how much flat space there is e.g. a big piece of paper has more surface area than a small piece of paper.

Parachutes use surface area to slow the effect of gravity.

In this investigation you will be testing what can make a parachute

better. You can use the instructions below or change the experiment using what you can find at home. You will need to create the investigation

using the help sheet below.

You could change these variables…

-different materials e.g. paper, fabric, metal (tin foil) -bigger or small parachutes

-different shape parachutes


Wednesday - PE with Joe Wicks

Follow the link below to join in with Joe Wick’s online PE lesson. He is live at 9am, but you can join at any time.

You can also search for Joe Wicks on YouTube to join in.



Wednesday – Reading

LO: Answer retrieval and multiple-choice questions

Read the section of the text below, it is continued from where we left the text yesterday.


Answer the following Retrieval questions. Remember the steps:

1) Read the questions carefully

2) Find and highlight the key words in the questions 3) Find the keys words in the text

4) Read the sentences around the key words to help you find the answer 5) Record your answer

1. How did Cherry know that it was night time when she awoke?


2. What happens to the little beach at high tide?


3. What flew down from the cliffs to investigate Cherry?


Answer the following multiple choice questions. Remember the steps:

1) Read the question carefully 2) Read the choices given

3) Find the correct section of the text, reread carefully 4) Check the given choices with the information in the text 5) X the answers which must be wrong

6) Choose the best answer that is left 7) Check the text to make sure

1. Which word best describes Cherry’s collected shells?

a) beautiful b) dirty c) beloved d) old

2. Which word best describes Cherry’s prayers? She prayed that the sea would a) withdraw b) calm c) help d) advance


Wednesday – Reading Answers

Retrieval Answers

1. The sky above her was dashed with stars and the moon rode through the clouds.

2. The little beach vanished completely at high tide.

3. A pair of vacuous whit gulls flew down from the cliff.

Multiple-Choice Answers

1. The answer is c) beloved. This means the same as the word precious.

2. The answer is a) withdraw. This means the same as the word retreating.


Wednesday – Maths

LO: Learn about fractions greater than 1 S.C.

1) How many whole shapes or numbers are there?

2) How many parts has each whole been split into? (this is the denominator)

3) Count the shaded parts in then write the fraction as a mixed number eg. 3 14

Use this video link to help…


Fluency – These are based on what we have previously covered in class


Reasoning and Problem Solving


Wednesday Maths Answers Fluency answers



The improper fractions and mixed numbers are not correct because when you divide the numerator by the denominator in the improper fraction, you do not get the mixed number that has been written on the other side of the equation. For example, when you divide 27 by 4, you get 6 whole and a remainder of 3 so the actual mixed number for 274 should be 6 34 not 5 74.


Wednesday English – Spag

LO: Use brackets in a sentence


Wednesday SPAG answers

Wednesday English

LO: Write a diary entry S.C.

1) Remind yourself of the events of pages 3-11 of “The Giant’s Necklace”

2) Imagine you are Cherry

3) Write down a list of things that you did, saw or said on the last day of your holiday. Make sure they are in the correct order.

4) Think about how you would be feeling during each event.

5) Using the videos below to help you, write a diary entry explaining what you did and how you felt on the last day of your holiday.

a) write in the 1st person b) write in the past tense

BBC Bitesize link about how to write a diary entry (watch the videos and read the section subtitled ‘Learn’)



Dear Diary,


Wednesday - RE

LO: To explore what the bible teaches about honesty S.C

1) Read through the information about who Pharisees were and what they believed, answer questions

2) Read through Luke 6: 37-42

3) Discuss what Jesus teaches about honesty and summarise in the box

In these pictures, I can see that







I think all religions teach us to be….




Eg. Being honest about doing your homework during lockdown even when your teachers may not be able to see you at all times

• ______________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________


Whilst referring to the Pharisees, Jesus once said:


Do you think that the Pharisees were right to change the law to what they wanted to?

According to the Pharisees, normal/common people were seen as religiously unclean. Do you think the pharisees were right to separate themselves from the rest of society on the basis of this belief?

Here is an extract from the Bible where Jesus is teaching people about honesty


Summarise (write the main points) the teachings of Jesus in the box below. What are the basic principles Jesus is referring to?

Jesus is teaching people that they should









Thursday PE- Supermovers and Daily Mile

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/pshe-super-mood- movers-taking-care-of-the-world/zyxc3j6

Thursday - Reading

LO: Answer retrieval and multiple-choice questions

Read the section of the text below, it is continued from where we left the text yesterday.


Answer the following Retrieval questions. Remember the steps:

1) Read the questions carefully

2) Find and highlight the key words in the questions 3) Find the keys words in the text

4) Read the sentences around the key words to help you find the answer 5) Record your answer

1. Where did she remove the soaking bundle from?


2. What made Cherry weak?


3. What did Cherry and her brother quarrel over?


Answer the following multiple-choice questions. Remember the steps:

1) Read the question carefully 2) Read the choices given

3) Find the correct section of the text, reread carefully 4) Check the given choices with the information in the text 5) X the answers which must be wrong

6) Choose the best answer that is left 7) Check the text to make sure

1. In the first paragraph, which word best describes Cherry’s attitude to the climb?

a) excited b) focused c) scared d) happy

2. Which word best describes how Cherry felt when she reached the mouth of the cave?

a) refreshed b) sad c) lonely d) drained


Thursday – Reading Answers

Retrieval Answers

1. She took the soaking bundle out of her sweater.

2. She shouted and screamed until she was weak.

3. Her brother, he had seen the giant fledgling cuckoo first and they had argued/quarreled over the binoculars.

Multiple-Choice Answers

1. The answer is b) focused. This means the same as the word concentrate.

2. The answer is d) drained. This means the same as the word exhausted.


Thursday – Maths

LO: Learn about improper fractions to mixed numbers S.C.

1) Look at the improper fraction eg. 274

2) Divide the numerator by the denominator eg. 27 ÷ 4 = 6 because 6 goes into 27 six times.

3) See what is left (remainder) eg. 3

4) As a mixed number, write the whole number on the left and the remainder as the numerator. The denominator stays the same. Eg. 634

Use this video link to help…



Fluency – These are based on what we have previously covered in class

( , )

Main Learning


He is incorrect because:








Reasoning and Problem solving






Thursday Maths Answers


Fluency Answers



Thursday English- SPAG

LO: Identify where brackets go in a sentence Reasoning and Problem Solving

Whitney is incorrect because the other two children are turning their improper fractions into mixed numbers as they add each quarter on eg.

When they get to adding a quarter onto 1, Whitney has written 54 when she should have written 1 14 instead.


Thursday - English

LO: Write a stream of consciousness S.C.

1) Read the section of “The Giant’s Necklace” that describes Cherry’s ascent of the cliff (page 13-15)

2) Think about the thoughts that would be in her head at the time 3) Think about what she would be able to see, hear, feel or smell 4) Write a continuous stream of consciousness for Cherry

a) Write in the 1st person (I …) b) Write in the present tense

What is a stream of consciousness?

In a book, a stream of consciousness is when the narrator describes what is happening in the flow of thoughts in the minds of the characters. The stream might not be in chronological order and may jump from idea to idea.

Have a look at my example below, which is Theseus’s stream of consciousness as he entered the labyrinth.

My turn

This is it! I can’t believe I am finally entering the labyrinth. My father would be so proud of me. I don’t think I am scared. I’m excited. There are butterflies in my stomach. What was that?! A noise. Probably just a rat. No it’s a mouse. Just a mouse. Oh dear, I am a bit nervous.

Where’s that crown? Ah ha! Got it and now I can see clearly. There are heavy stone walls all around me, the ground is a little damp but nothing to be afraid of here. Not yet anyway. It smells a bit. Is that mould? Rotten flesh? I don’t recognise the smell but I don’t like it. I had better carry on. My feet feel cold. It is cold in here. It’s getting darker…


Your turn

Write a stream of consciousness for Cherry as she climbs the cliff face on page 13 -15 of ‘The Giant’s Necklace’

Thursday SPAG answers


Thursday PSHE- Safer Internet

LO: Understand that online information isn’t always truthful and free from prejudice

➢ You are going to use the internet to make a report about a

famous person.


Is your report truthful and free from prejudice?

➢ When using the internet to source information, you need to

understand that the media will twist information and even

make information up to get viewers, high ratings or even

recognition. Ensure that you only use reliable sources and do

not always believe everything you read on the internet.


Friday - PE with Joe Wicks

Follow the link below to join in with Joe Wick’s online PE lesson. He is live at 9am, but you can join at any time.

You can also search for Joe Wicks on YouTube to join in.


Friday – Reading Read the section of the text below following on from yesterday.


LO: Answer retrieval and multiple-choice questions Answer the following Retrieval questions. Remember the steps:

1) Read the questions carefully

2) Find and highlight the key words in the questions 3) Find the keys words in the text

4) Read the sentences around the key words to help you find the answer 5) Record your answer

1. What made Cherry think that she was moving downwards?


2. What hurt Cherry’s feet and what did she do?


3. What were the men in the cave using as candlesticks?


Answer the following multiple-choice questions. Remember the steps:

1) Read the question carefully 2) Read the choices given

3) Find the correct section of the text, reread carefully 4) Check the given choices with the information in the text 5) X the answers which must be wrong

6) Choose the best answer that is left 7) Check the text to make sure

1. In the first paragraph, which word best describes what persuaded Cherry stand up and enter the tunnel?

a) ignorance b) fear c) excitement d) questioning

2. Which word best describes what Cherry did when the men both opened their canteens?

a) left b) spoke c) laughed d) cried


Friday – Reading Answers

Retrieval Answers

1. She felt she was moving downwards as the blood was coming to her head and her weight was heavy on her hands. (Either reason or both)

2. Cherry’s feet hurt against the stone, so she moved slowly.

3. They wore round hats with turned up brims that served also as candlesticks.

Multiple-Choice Answers

1. The answer is d) questioning. This means the same as the word inquisitiveness.

2. The answer is b) spoke. This is similar in meaning to the word interrupt.


Friday - Maths

LO: Practice arithmetic skills

Remember to keep using TTRockstars. Practicing being fast with your times tables is so important for your maths!


1) Look at the calculation

2) Decide on the most efficient strategy

3) Check your answer with an inverse or a different method


Friday Maths Arithmetic Answers

Friday English – SPaG


L.O. Spelling test and practise using fronted adverbials

Your Zoom teacher will test you on Friday. If you cannot access Zoom please ask an adult to test you. Instructions are at the end of the booklet.

1 Thanks to the __________________ weather, the football game had to be cancelled.

2 My Grandma’s new sofa is extremely ___________________.

3 This was __________________ the worst birthday I had ever had!

4 Nada was _____________________ sure that she had got all the answers right.

5 The boy was behaving ____________________ towards his friend.

6 The amount of snow that had fallen was __________________.

7 It is ____________________ that there is life on other planets.

8 Harry Kane is a very ___________________ captain.

9 The sandwich tasted ____________________.

10 I have improved my times tables skills ____________________

since I was in Year 3.



Friday English

LO: Make a prediction

Think about what has happened so far in ‘The Giant’s Necklace’

Make a prediction about what will happen next.

Some things to think about to help you make a prediction (beware not all of these may be possible for every story e.g. a story with no pictures)

What do you think will happen next?








Friday Spelling test script for adult

1. Read the word underlined out loud for your child.

2. Read the whole sentence and ask them to write their answer in the space on their sheet 3. Go through all the spellings at the end of the test and score out of 10

e.g. Say out loud

“Question one. The word is terrible. Thanks to the terrible weather, the football game had to be cancelled.”

1 Thanks to the terrible weather, the football game had to be cancelled.

2 My Grandma’s new sofa is extremely comfortable.

3 This was possibly the worst birthday I had ever had!

4 Nada was reasonably sure that she had got all the answers right.

5 The boy was behaving horribly towards his friend.

6 The amount of snow that had fallen was considerable.

7 It is possible that there is life on other planets.

8 Harry Kane is a very dependable captain.

9 The sandwich tasted horrible.

10 I have improved my times tables skills considerably since I was in Year 3.

Friday SPAG answers

Time Manner Possibility frequency



Friday – IPC - LO: Learn about the organisation of the Roman Army and create a poster


Draw your poster here:

TASK: You have been asked by Maximus

Teachusalotus to produce an advert to get people to join the Roman Army


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