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Head Office Local Office

Executive Director-P&F Engineer-In-charge

Properties & Facilities Dept. Properties & Facilities Dept.

Air India Ltd. Air India Ltd.

Safdarjung Airport, GSD Complex, IGI Airport, T2

New Delhi-110003 New Delhi-110037

Ph: 24642547/24624475 Ph: 25652050

FAX: 24621267 email: [email protected]

TENDER NO. PF/DL/EM//2019/03 DATED 15.02.2019

इि दरा गांधी अंतररा य एयरपोट, ट मनल-2, नई द ल ि थत एअर इं डया ई.एम.एफ बि डंग म स ल एयरकंडीश नंग लांट तथा वट लेशन स टम इ या द के संचालन स हत यापक अनुर ण हेतु सेवाय दान करना ।

Rendering Services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air-conditioning plant &

ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

ठेकेदार का नाम /






Phone :

Email :




Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019



The tender for this work shall be submitted in two separate sealed covers. The tenderers are required to convey in writing in the ‘Acceptance Letter’ OR "Regret Letter" which shall be issued in duplicate along with the tender, their unconditional acceptance to Air India Ltd.’s tender terms and conditions in its entirety. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to collect the ‘Acceptance Letter’ in duplicate from the issuing authority prior to submission of the tender OR "Regret Letter".

‘Cover No. 1’ superscribed ‘Acceptance of Air India Ltd.'s Tender Conditions regarding tender for

………(as per subject tender)…..and bearing on the bottom left corner the name of the tenderer.

1. Receipt of Earnest Money Deposit/Demand Draft (In favour of Air India Ltd. payable at Delhi.

2. "Acceptance letter" in duplicate fully completed.


3. "Regret Letter" on your Company's letter head. Format enclosed for ready reference.


‘Cover No.2’ to be submitted under separate sealed cover will contain only the tender document and superscribed…. (as per the subject of the tender)…. and bearing on the bottom left corner the name of the tenderer.


Both the sealed covers no. 1 & 2 shall be properly pinned together and submitted. Tender will be opened in the presence of any intending tenderer who may wish to be present at the time on the date at the place indicated. Only the sealed cover no.1 shall be opened first.

The offer from only those tenderers, who have submitted in Cover No. 1 their letter of Acceptance, conveying their unconditional acceptance of Air India Ltd.'s Standard Conditions of Contract together with the receipt of Earnest Money Deposit shall be considered valid and Cover No. 2 containing the tender quotation for the subject work from such tenderers only shall be opened.

Those tenderers who do not fulfill the above requirements of Cover No. 1 or Cover No. 2 shall be rejected. The offer from those tenderers, who are unable to unconditionally accept Air India Ltd.'s Standard Conditions of Contract, will also be rejected.


ACCEPTANCE LETTER Executive Director

Properties & Facilities Dept., Air India Ltd.

Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi.


We hereby unconditionally accept the tender terms and conditions in its entirety for Tender no.

PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated: 15-02-2019.

We also confirm that payment of Earnest Money Deposit has been made in the form of Cash/demand draft and receipt of the same is enclosed where applicable.

We understand that if RATES against each item of Schedule of Quantities are not WRITTEN in both FIGURES as well as WORDS, the tender will STAND REJECTED.






ACCEPTANCE LETTER Executive Director

Properties & Facilities Dept., Air India Ltd.

Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi.


We hereby unconditionally accept the tender terms and conditions in its entirety for Tender no.

PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated: 15-02-2019.

We also confirm that payment of Earnest Money Deposit has been made in the form of Cash/demand draft and receipt of the same is enclosed where applicable.

We understand that if RATES against each item of Schedule of Quantities are not WRITTEN in both FIGURES as well as WORDS, the tender will STAND REJECTED.








The contractor shall abide by the security arrangements of Ministry of Civil Aviation, Air India Ltd., DIAL, AAI, Bureau of Civil Aviation Security and any other authority. The contractor who is awarded the job shall satisfy himself about the character and antecedents of labourers engaged by them and obtain Police verification /clearance certificate in respect of character and antecedents of all his labourers to be engaged by him before commencing the work at site.

This will be part of contractual agreement as the entire Airport has been declared as “Prohibited Area”.

The contractor shall obtain such Police clearance certificate from the Police authorities, against a nominal fee per certificate and will submit the same to the office of Engineer-In charge, Air India Ltd., P & F Department, to be forwarded to the security department along-with request for issuance of entry passes. All expenses towards arranging the police clearance certificate for his employees as above shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor would ensure that the staff must have security passes to enter the premises to perform duties.





Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 TENDER FORM

Sub : Rendering services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air- conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

1. This tender shall consist of the following documents:

i. Tender Form ii. Tender Notice

iii. Contract Administration Performa

iv. General Instruction & format of regret letter v. Terms & Conditions of contract

vi. Scope of work

vii. Preventive Maintenance Schedule viii. Schedule of Quantities

ix. Declaration

2. The tender documents duly completed and signed must be returned to the Engineer-in- charge, Properties & Facilities Dept. , Air India Ltd., Air India Complex, IGI Airport, Terminal – 2, New Delhi, on the date and by the time stipulated in the tender notice, duly superscribing on the envelope the work as mentioned in the tender notice and tender number.

3. A tender not sent by Registered Post will not be accepted except if delivered by hand by an accredited representative of the firm. The tender will be opened on the same day at 1530 hrs.

in the office of the Engineer-in-charge, Properties & Facilities Dept, Air India Ltd. in the presence of intending tenderers, who may wish to be present.

4. Air India Ltd. reserves to itself the right to accept or reject any tender either in whole or in part without assigning any reason for doing so and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.




Sub : Rendering services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air- conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019

Estimated cost: Rs. 34.93 lakhs / Earnest Money Deposit Rs.69,860/- Dear Sir,

1. Sealed tenders are invited by the Executive Director(P&F). Air India Ltd. for the subject work.

2. Tender documents can be obtained from the office of the Engineer-In-charge, Properties and Facilities Dept., Air India Ltd., Air India Complex, IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi- 110037, on payment of ` _________ (Rupees _____________ only) (NON REFUNDABLE) and on production of payment receipt obtained from Finance. Dept. IGI Airport, Terminal-1, New Delhi, from __________ to ___________ (Except Saturday, Sunday & Holidays) between 10.30 A.M to 04.00 P.M. except on Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays.



The completed tender document accompanied with the receipt of EMD/Demand Draft should be returned to the Engineer-In charge, P & F Dept., before 1500 hours on __________. No tender will be considered without of EMD. The tender will be opened on the same day at 1530 hrs in the office of Engineer-In-charge, P&F Dept., GSD Complex at IGI Airport, Terminal –2, New Delhi, in the presence of any intending tenderer who may wish to be present.


You are requested to send us "REGRET LETTER" in the enclosed format on your Company's letter head, duly signed with rubber stamp, well in advance, so as to reach us before the Tender Opening date.



Tender will be issued between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM in Properties & Facilities Deptt.’s Office at IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi w.e.f _________ to __________.



Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board of National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom or any other body specified by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED Act, 2006, for goods produced and services rendered shall be issued tender documents free of cost and shall be exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). A copy of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Registration Certificate, if applicable is to be submitted along with request letter.

6. Air India Ltd. reserves to itself the right to accept or to reject any tender either in whole or in part without assigning any reason for doing so and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Thanking you,

for Air India Ltd.




Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 Name of work : Rendering services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of

central air-conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

1. Estimated Cost of the work : Rs. 34.93 lakhs 2. The Tender documents consist of the following:

i. Tender Form ii. Tender Notice

iii. Contract Administration Performa

iv. General Instruction & format of regret letter v. Terms & Conditions of contract

vi. Scope of work

vii. Preventive Maintenance Schedule viii. Schedule of Quantities

ix. Declaration

3. The Tenderer is required to pay Earnest Money of Rs. 69,860/- (Rupees sixty nine thousand eight hundred sixty only).

4. The completed Tender Documents in Cover No. 2, accompanies by the Earnest Money Receipt/ DD/ Pay Order and the Acceptance Letter in Cover No. 1, addressed to the ED (P&F), Air India Ltd. , IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi, should be deposited in the Tender Box kept in Admin. office before 3.00 PM on the scheduled date of tender opening.

5. Tenders will be opened on the same day at 3:30 pm in the Office of the Engineer-In charge, Properties & Facilities Dept., Air India Ltd., Air India Complex, IGI Airport, Terl-2, and New Delhi-110037 in the presence of any intending tenderers who may wish to be present.




Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019

6. In case the Tenderer does not wish to quote for the work, he may please send a regret letter on the date of opening of the Tender.


a) Earnest Money Deposit : 2 %

b) Total Security Deposit : 10% (TEN PERCENT)



9. Likely period of Honouring Running

Bill after proper submission : ONE MONTH 10. Likely period for Honouring Final bill

After proper submission : THREE MONTHS

11. Percentage permitted in Rate Analysis for Extra / Deviated items to cover

Overheads and profits. : 20%(TWENTYPERCENT)





Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


1. All entries in the Tender Documents must be made in ENGLISH. They must be hand- written in INK and must not be TYPED.

2. Submission of a Tender by a Tenderer implies that he has read all the Tender documents and has made himself aware of the scope and Specifications, etc. of the work to be done in accordance with the Conditions of Contract and other factors bearing on the execution of the works.

3. Tenderer should quote in figures as well as in words the rates tendered. Special care shall be taken to write rates in figures as well as in words and the amounts in figures should be written in such a way that interpolation is not possible. Erasures and alterations must be avoided, but if made unavoidably, the wrong figures and words must be neatly scored out under the initials of the Tenderer and the correct figures and words neatly re-written but not over-written.


4. In the event of any discrepancy between the rates quoted in words and the rates in figures the former shall prevail.

5. No pages of the tender shall be removed or replaced or added. Tender documents are not transferable.

6. Contractors are requested to note that if they have got firms in different names, they should submit the quotation in the name of only one firm, which is approved by Air India Ltd.

7. The estimated cost given in the tender document is merely as a guideline to the Tenderer and is liable to vary.

8. No escalation shall be granted on any account over the rates quoted in the tender.

However, if there is any statutory revision in the taxes, the same will be paid accordingly.

9. The Tenderer shall bear all expenses in connection with the submission of his tender.

10. Air India reserves to itself the right to accept or reject any tender either in whole or in part without assigning any reason for doing so and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

11. On acceptance of Tender, Earnest Money will be treated as part of the Security for the execution and due fulfillment of the Contract. No interest shall be paid on the said deposit.

12. It will be open to Air India to renegotiate the terms with the lowest tenderer with a view to bringing down the rates quoted and/or keeping in view the quality/nature of work involved.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 13. Procedure for submitting and Opening of Tender

(a) The tender for the subject work shall be submitted in two separate sealed covers.

(b) The following documents shall be submitted in a separate sealed cover marked

“Cover No1” superscribed “Acceptance of Air India’s Condition of Contract”, Name of work and Tender No. bearing on the bottom left corner the name of the tenderer.

i) Receipt of Earnest Money Deposit/Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee.

ii) Acceptance letter in duplicate duly completed.


iii) "Regret letter" in your Company's letter head. Format enclosed for ready reference.

(c) Another separate sealed cover shall be submitted containing only the Tender documents shall be marked “Cover No.2” duly superscribed with the title of subject Tender, Tender No. & Date and bearing the name of the tenderer at the bottom left hand corner of the cover.

(d) Unsigned tender documents are liable to be rejected.

(e) The Tenderer shall ensure that the tender amount is not mentioned in any other document, directly or indirectly. If any such mention is made, the tender will become invalid and shall not be considered. Cover No.2 shall not contain any other document.

(f) Both the sealed Covers No.1&2 shall be properly pinned together to avoid separation and submitted. Tenders will be opened in the presence of Tenderers who may wish to be present at the time, date and at the place indicated.

(g) The sealed Cover No.1 shall be opened first. The offer from those Tenderers who have submitted in Cover No.1 receipt of Earnest Money Deposit and Acceptance letter in duplicate only shall be considered valid. Only then, the Cover No.2 containing financial bid shall be opened and considered. In case, the Cover No.1 is found deficient in any manner, the Cover No.2 containing the Financial Bid shall not be opened for consideration and same shall be rejected & tenderer will be informed accordingly. The sealed Cover No.2 containing price bid will be returned to the tenderer without opening after making proper documentation.

(h) All tenders should be duly signed and stamped on all pages and rates should be clearly shown in figures as well as in words.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


14. The Tenderer whose Tender is accepted is bound to execute a formal agreement with Air India in accordance with the draft agreement.

15. This liability under the contract shall commence form the date of written order to commence work whether the formal agreement is drawn or not. The Contractor shall bear all expenses in connection with the execution of the said agreement including fees for stamps as required.

16. In case, the tenderers desire to have any clarification regarding the terms and conditions of the bid document or any interpretation thereto, they are advised to contact Properties &

Facilities Dept. IGI Airport on telephone no. 25603238 whose decision shall be final in this regard.

17. The necessary fee if required for issuance of entry passes of workers as per work requirement shall be reimbursed by Air India only for Apron & Technical Area on production of valid documents.

18. Contractors are advised to visit the site before quoting the tender rates.

19. The validity of tender is 90 days from the date of opening of tender.

20. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board of National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom or any other body specified by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED Act, 2006, for goods produced and services rendered shall be issued tender documents free of cost and shall be exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

21. The tenders for this contract will be considered only from Contractor to have successfully completed similar work during the last 5 years as on the end of previous months in which tender are invited and as detailed below only shall be considered.

i) Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost.

ii) Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of the estimated cost.

iii) One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost.

Similar works would mean all kinds of Air-conditioning Plant Maintenance &

Repair work of Buildings in Govt./Semi-Govt. / PSU.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15.02.2019


The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion to last date of receipt of applications for bids.

22. Air India Ltd. does not bind itself to accept the lowest quotation and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids received without assigning any reason.




(To be sent under Contractor's Letter head)

Ref. No. Dated


Executive Director

Properties & Facilities Dept., Air India Ltd.

Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi

Sub : Rendering services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air- conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

Ref Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019

Dear Sir,

We regret to inform you that we are unable to quote for the subject tender due to the following reasons:

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

Date: _____________ Signature of the tenderer with rubber stamp




Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


Sub : Rendering services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air- conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

Keeping in view, the technical nature of the work and keeping in view the fact that Air India Ltd.

requires technical expertise for the same, it has invited sealed tenders for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air-conditioning plant and ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, New Delhi. The terms and Conditions of the Contract are as follows:


The scope and nature of the “Services” to be provided by the Contractor shall include operation cum comprehensive maintenance of air-conditioning plant and ventilation system at Air India EMF Building, IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.


i) This agreement would be initially for a period of 12 months from the date of commencement of work.

ii) Both the parties mutually agree to extend the period of this contract. This contract maybe further extended for a period of twelve months on the same terms and conditions.


i) In addition to the Earnest Money Deposit, the Contractor shall pay an amount equivalent to make 10% of the quoted amount, on acceptance of tender, as Security Deposit. This total amount can be furnished in the form of a Bank Guarantee, valid till 3 months after completion of contract period or by way of demand draft to be drawn on any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank or by cash.

ii) That in case of default on the part of the Contractor, to perform and observe any of the covenant, conditions and provisions herein contained, it shall be lawful for Air India in its absolute discretion to forfeit the whole of the security deposit or any part thereof without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to it against the Contractor under this agreement, for such breach.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


iii) The deposit shall not qualify for any interest until full and final settlement of all claims of the Air India. The security deposit shall not be liable to be adjusted towards any liability of the Contractor and shall always be available for adjustment against any claims of Air India under the terms of this agreement.

iv) The security deposit will be refunded only after satisfactory fulfillment of the contract. In case, the Contractor abandons the contract or leaves the contract unperformed, the security deposit shall be liable to be forfeited.


i) The Contractor shall make arrangement to receive complaints round the clock at Air India’s EMF Building on all days of the week including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.

ii) The contractor shall ensure attending all complaints at the earliest as regarding non-availability of the correct temperature conditions etc. in the conditioned space.

iii) The Contractor shall depute adequate number of A.C. Plant Operators and Helpers to ensure smooth operation and rectification/repairs of system as per requirement. In case additional hands are required for liquidating pending complaints and/or for preventive maintenance work additional manpower as necessary will be deployed by the Contractor at no extra cost.

iv) The Contractor shall provide complete test and tool kits such as screw driver set, pliers, hammer, chisel, test lamp holder, line tester, electric hand & hammer drilling machine, hand and hydraulic crimping tools, ring and D spanner set, hacksaw, screw wrench, pipe wrench, allen-key set, Psychrometer, Flaring tool, tube cutter, tube bender, vaccum pump, descaling pump, gas charging set, animometer, dial guage, bearing/pully puller set, miscometer, sprit level, filter gauge, vernier calliper etc. for the staff detailed for duty. The Contractor shall also provide sufficient number of ladders, megers, torchlights, clamp tester, multimeter, earth tester and other testing equipments required at site. The above tools and testing equipments shall be made available by the Contractor for inspection by the representative of Air-India at all time during the contract period.

v) The Contractor shall arrange and make available at site all the tools and plant as mentioned above within one week from the date of commencement of work.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019



i) If the performance of the Contractor is not satisfactory and fail to attend the complaints in time as stipulated elsewhere, fails to provide adequate tools and plants, or fails to attend to any of the works as contained in the Scope of work, recovery from monthly bills commensurate with the non-performance, shall be effected. The decision of Engineer-In charge in respect of magnitude of non-performance and recovery thereof shall be final and binding on the contractor.

ii) The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and deeds of its staff. Air- India will in no way be responsible for violation of any applicable law, rules and/or other loss caused either by the Contractor or its staff. The Contractor shall keep Air-India completely indemnified in this regard.

iii) Air-India reserves its right to recover from periodical payments to be made to the Contractor, any loss or damage that may be caused to the plant, equipment, machinery, building or any other property of Air-India by negligence or any other reason whatsoever by the Contractor.

iv) Since the operation cum comprehensive maintenance and supervision of the plant, machinery and equipment shall be round the clock on all the days during summer & monsoon season and the general shift during the winter season of the year, the contractor has to position his staff accordingly so that there is no interruption in the work after the contractor ensures that he does not violate any of the labour laws as prevailing from time to time.

v) The deployment, rostering, supervision, attendance monitoring, granting of leave, maintenance of discipline, of the staff deployed by the Contractor pursuant to this contract shall be sole responsibility of the Contractor.

vi) All necessary registers required as per statutory labour laws shall be maintained by the Contractor for the staff deployed by it and the same should be available for inspection and verification by the representative of Air-India and Labour Enforcement Officer, as and when asked for.

vii) The Contractor shall inform Air-India at least one week in advance about any change in the persons who are to be deployed at site and their ‘shift’ of work.

viii) The contractor shall be bound to submit periodic reports of the performance to Air-India. The Staff will be entirely under the control and supervision of the Contractor including their performance and discipline. However, if any Staff is removed or changed by the Contractor, the intimation thereof shall be given to Air-India so that the security pass of the terminated staff is taken back and a new one provided to the newly engaged staff.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


ix) The Contractor shall visit the work site on regular basis to monitor the work and his staff and ensure smooth execution of maintenance work.

x) Canteen, Transport and Medical facility of Air-India shall not be used by any of the staff of the Contractor who should ensure that his staff do not avail of these facilities of Air-India. Failure to do so will be deemed to be a breach of this contract and necessary action as may be deemed fit by the Management/Security of Air-India will be taken against the Contractor or his staff.

xi) The Contractor shall be responsible to comply with all the provisions of the applicable laws and other enactments and amendments made thereto, from time to time. It shall remain exclusively and solely liable for all obligations under all applicable laws such as (a) The Contract Labour (Regulation &

Abolition) Act, 1970, (b) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, (c) The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, (d) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, (e) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, (f) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, (g) The Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 & (h) The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, (i) The Fatal Accident Act, (j) The Delhi Shops & Establishment Act, and any other laws, rules/by laws, Notifications that are prevalent or may be promulgated in this matter. The Contractor shall also be responsible to comply with all provisions of any other labour laws as or may be in force and applicable.

xii) None of the staff of the Contractor employed for this contract shall be liable to claim any sort of employment in Air-India.

xiii) The Contractor shall ensure that the workman employed is medically fit and in sound mind & health.

6. POLICE VERIFICATION AND COMPLIANCE OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: i) The Contractor shall abide by the security requirements of Ministry of Civil

Aviation, Airports Authority of India, Air India Ltd., Bureau of Civil Aviation Security and any other Authority. The Contractor who is awarded the service contract shall satisfy himself about the antecedents of its employees and obtain police verification/clearance certificate in respect of character and antecedents of all his employees to be deployed by him to provide services to Air-India. The Contractor shall furnish necessary police verification/clearance certificate in respect of all its staff before commencement of the work at site. This will be part of the contractual agreement, as the entire Airport has been declared as ‘Prohibited Area’. The Contractor shall obtain such police clearance certificate



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


from the police Authorities, against a nominal fee per certificate and will submit the same to the office of the Engineer-In charge, to be forwarded to the Security Dept. along with a request for issuance of entry passes. All expenses towards arranging the Police Clearance Certificate for his employees as above shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor would ensure that its staff must have Security passes/ identity card to enter the premises of Air-India to perform duties.

ii) The Contractor shall provide, for security reasons, along with recent passport size photographs, the following details of the staff, proposed to be deployed viz. Total no. of Staff, their name, age, residential address, category and scale of pay for the purpose of proper identification of the staff.

iii) The staff of the Contractor is subject to security check by the security staff of Air-India at any time. The staff of the Contractor shall wear these security passes at all time, while on duty within the AI premises, plainly visible to Air-India security staff and watchman. Any such staff failing to do so, shall upon request of the Engineer-In charge, P&F Deptt. or his representative, be taken off the duties, immediately and all not be re-assigned duties by the Contractor in the AI premises thereafter.

iv) The Contractor shall remove from the premises his employees who are found to be failing in his/their duties or whose presence is otherwise objectionable in the opinion of the Representatives of AI Ltd.’s Security Staff.

v) The Contractor or its staff, on completion of their respective shift in Air- India premises, shall deposit their security passes as informed to the Contractor, at security gate and collect the same next day from security gate before resuming their shift.

vi) Qualification of Staff:

a) Air-India expects the Supervisor to be a Diploma Holder in Mechanical/Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineering trade and shall have experience in the field of operation and maintenance of Air conditioning Plant.

b) The A.C. Plant Operator is expected to have Diploma/ ITI certificate in Mechanical/Refrigeration and Air conditioning trade and have experience in operation and maintenance of A.C. Plant.

c) Supervisor, A.C. Plant Operator and Helpers on duty shall be available in maintenance office during complete shift time, and they shall carry out duties as per requirement.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT

vii) The Supervisor available in A.C. Plant Room shall maintain record of complaints received and the record of material received and issued for the maintenance. He shall also guide the A.C. Plant Operator for attending the breakdown complaints and doing preventive maintenance of the installations as per the requirements.

viii) A.C. Plant Operators and Helpers on duty shall be available in the Plant Room during the complete shift time. The Plant Room/installation/plant/machinery shall not be left without adequate number of attendants at any time during the contract period. The Contractor shall carry out the instructions given by representative of Air-India from time to time with respect to the work under this contract. Air-India expects the Contractor to ensure that the staff deployed by him should maintain polite and courteous behavior towards the staff of Air-India Ltd.

ix) The Contractor should ensure that his staff should not be under the influence of liquor or any other intoxicants while on duty. In the event of such happenings, the staff will have to be removed from the services by the Contractor and any damage caused by such of the Contractor’s employees will be borne totally by the Contractor.

x) The Contractor shall obtain all required licences and arrange for inspections as may be necessary under law and shall bear the expenditure incurred in connection thereto.

xi) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 whenever applicable and shall obtain the licence from the Labour Licensing Authority, if applicable and submit a copy of its labour Licence Certificate to Air-India within 15 days from the date of commencement of the present contract. The Contractor shall renew the Labour Licence Certificate from time to time as required under Law and shall submit proof of the renewal in time to Air-India. The Contractor shall keep AI completely indemnified against any/all liabilities arising due to non- compliance or delay in compliance of the said Act.

xii) The Contractor shall inform its P.F./ESI Registration Code No. to Air-India and shall also submit a declaration at the end of each month regarding compliance of requirement of Provident Fund Act and the ESI Act, with regard to staff deployed pursuant to this contract. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any payment whatsoever in connection therewith including the expenses required to be incurred in connection with the preparation and submission of returns etc. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain necessary code numbers as immediate employer, payment of contributions at the appropriate time to the ESIC & PF Authorities and ensure availability of facilities under these Acts.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT

The Contractor shall keep AI completely indemnified of all liabilities and obligations arising out of The Employees State Insurance Act and The Provident Fund & miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 to the extent it may be applicable to the present contract.

xiii) The contractor shall take out workmen Compensation Policy covering all his workmen and submit the same to Air-India Ltd. This policy shall be in the joint name of Air-India Ltd. and the Contractor with Air India’s name appearing first in the policy. The insurance shall cover the period of contract.

xiv) The Contractor shall abide by the safety precaution as laid down by Air- India Ltd. without deviation.

xv) The contract is for providing technical service and not for engagement of any staff deployed for running the plant/installation. Such staff shall be duty and under no circumstances shall be deemed to be on the duty of Air India Ltd.. Air India Ltd. shall have no relationship or nexus of any kind whatsoever with such staff deployed. Such staff shall not be entitled to claim any right, privilege or benefit from Air India and in the event of any such claim.

xvi) The deployment, restoring, supervision, attendance monitoring, granting of leave, maintenance of discipline and general administration of the staff deployed pursuant to this contract shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility.

xvii) Contractor has to ensure proper safety of the plant, equipments and machinery and shall not provide staff who is already tired/fatigued and ill or has already done extended duties or is under the influence of alcohol.

xviii) Air India is neither responsible nor liable to pay any compensation or injury/death caused to my/our staff in the event of any accident while on duty.

xix) None of Contractor’s employees present or future will be entitled to claim for any sort of employment with Air India Ltd. Contractor shall keep Air India indemnified against any such claims of his employee including any legal cost incurred on this behalf.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


xx) Contractor has to inspect the sites/locations and have made fully acquainted with the work involved and shall deploy workforce for this tender in a manner so as not to cause violation of any of the terms of the agreement or any labour laws for the time being in force.

Since, the Operation, maintenance and supervision of the plant, machinery and equipments shall be round the clock on all days, Contractor has to deploy staff in three shifts having one Operator, One Helper in each shift and Supervisor in General shift with sufficient arrangement for relievers, in a manner so as not to cause any violation of the terms of the present agreement or violation of any of the labour laws for the time being in force.

xxi) This bid is open for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the Tender and it shall remain binding upon contractor and may be accepted by Air India at any time before the expiry of that period. Unless and until a formal agreement is executed, this bid together with written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract. Air India have the right to accept or reject any or all bids received without assigning any reason thereof.

xxii) Air India does not bind itself to accept the lowest quotation and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.


The Contractor shall make payment of monthly salary/wages to its workmen on or before 10th day of subsequent month in presence of representative of Air-India Ltd.

The Contractor will submit the monthly bills to Air-India Ltd. every month after making payment of salary wages to the workmen.

Air-India advises the Contractor not to delay payment of wages/salary to his workmen under any circumstances and to ensure availability of adequate funds with him to pay wages/salary to his workmen in the eventuality of delay in payment of his monthly bills.

The bills of the Contractor shall be cleared subject to his submitting adequate proof of his having complied with all applicable labour laws viz. Payment of Wages to the staff deployed for the purpose of this contract, deposit of P.F. & ESI contributions before the appropriate authority and like benefits to its staff, wherever applicable.

AI shall make payments to the Contractor on monthly basis subject to the terms and conditions of the present agreement and in no case such monthly payment shall exceed 1/12th of the contract amount.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


The payment made to the Contractor shall be subject to deduction of taxes in force.

However, GST will be paid extra as per Govt. norms.

No escalation shall be granted on any account over the rates quoted in the tender.

However, if there is any statutory revision in the taxes, the same will be paid accordingly.


The contractor shall not sub-contract/assign any part of the “Services” to be performed, without prior written permission from AI.


If in the opinion of AI, the Contractor has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in performing, completing or in executing the contract, then AI may after giving an opportunity of being heard, terminate the contract to the Contractor.


Notwithstanding the term of the agreement, the contractor would be at liberty to terminate the agreement by giving the Engineer-In charge a written notice of two clear months. However the right of termination can be exercised by the contractor only after an initial period of three months.

Similarly Air India would be at liberty of terminating the agreement by giving the contractor a written notice of one clear month.


Notices demand or other communication shall be made in writing and sent by registered post at the last known address of the parties.


Any matter, dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in any way touching or concerning this contract/agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration. Such reference shall be made to the sole arbitration of a person to be appointed by the Managing Director of Air-India or in case the designation of the Managing director is changed or his office is abolished, by the person for the time being entrusted, whether or not in addition to other function, with the functions of the MD of Air-India. Any such reference shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 .Any such arbitration proceedings shall be heard at Delhi.

The language of the proceedings shall be English. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties hereto this agreement. Such reference shall in no way operate as a waiver of the obligations of the parties hereto to perform their respective obligations under the agreement.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019



This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of India and no suit or other proceeding relating to the agreement shall be filed or taken by the Contractor in any court of law except at Delhi, to hear and determine all action and proceedings in connection with and arising out of the agreement and the Contractor shall submit to the jurisdiction of the aforesaid court of law for the purpose of any such action and proceedings.


If the contractor needs any clarification as to the scope of the “agreement” and other conditions of contract, the contractor is at liberty to get them clarified during the pre-bid meetings.

**** *** *** *** *




Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 SCOPE OF WORK

Sub : Rendering services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air- conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.


1.1 The work is to be carried out in Air-India premises at EMF Building, IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.


2.1 Scope of work includes operation, general maintenance and preventive maintenance of Air conditioning Plant & Ventilation System at Air-India, EMF Building, IGI Airport, New Delhi.

2.2 The scope of work also include operation and maintenance of water circulating pumps, pipe lines, AHUs, air distribution system, electrical distribution system, motors, electrical controls, safeties, heaters, valves etc.

and other equipments/components connected in Air conditioning &

Ventilation System of the above installation.

2.3 The contractor shall make arrangement to receive complaints in the A.C.

Plant Room at EMF Building and arrange attending the complaints/deficiency in the system, without loss of time.

2.4 The Contractor shall provide complete test and tool kits such as screw driver set, pliers, hammer, chisel, test lamp holder, line tester, electric hand &

hammer drilling machine, hand and hydraulic crimping tools, ring and D spanner set, hacksaw, screw wrench, pipe wrench, allen-key set, Psychrometer, Flaring tool, tube cutter, tube bender, vaccum pump, descaling pump, gas charging set, animometer, dial guage, bearing/pully puller set, miscometer, sprit level, filter gauge, vernier calliper, flow meter etc. for the staff detailed for duty.

The Contractor shall also provide sufficient number of ladders, megers, torchlights, clamp tester, multimeter, earth tester and other testing equipments required at site. The above tools and testing equipments shall be made available by the Contractor for inspection by the representative of Air- India at all time during the contract period.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 SCOPE OF WORK


3.1 This is to be carried out on every Saturday, Sunday or holiday as per requirement. Additional labour if required shall be arranged by the contractor for which no extra payment shall be made.

3.2 Maintenance coverage indicated above shall be provided round the clock on all days of week including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays during summer

& monsoon season and in general shift during the winter season.

3.3 The contractor shall carry out preventive maintenance of Air conditioning installations by attending check points as per standard engineering practice and recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.

3.4 All type of operation cum comprehensive maintenance works are included in the scope of this contract. Some of them are as follows:

(i) Checking condition of compressor, motor starter, pumps and other equipments/machinery installed in the system.

(ii) Operating the A.C. plant and other equipments as per recommended sequence of operation.

(iii) Recording of A.C. Plant operation parameters in the log- book.

(iv) Checking and setting all the controls and protective devices as per the requirement.

(v) Cleaning and removing mug from the strainers provided in the condenser & chilled water piping system.

(vi) Cleaning, oiling greasing of bearing/bushes etc. of various plants and machineries installed in the system.

(vii) Charging refrigerant gas in the A.C. System.

(viii) Carrying out alignment of motors, connected with various equipments in the air conditioning, ventilation system using dial gauge and other equipments.

(ix) Replacing defective/worn-out electrical parts and accessories in the electrical panel boards and electrical distribution system for the air conditioning, ventilation system etc.

(x) Replacing defective/broken parts and accessories such as plumbing fittings, valves etc. in water circulating/distribution piping for A.C.


(xi) Descaling of chillers, condensers, cooling coils of AHUs, Gate/Globe/NRV/Butter fly valves etc. installed in the system using acid circulating pump, rods, brushes and other tools and equipments.

(xii) Overhauling of water circulating pumps and replacing worn-out parts and accessories.

(xiii) Cleaning of all the equipments/plants/machineries/electrical panel boards and accessories.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 SCOPE OF WORK

(xiv) Checking temperature and airflow in air-conditioned area and regulating the system as per requirement.

(xv) Carrying out leak test in the refrigeration system and doing required rectification. If required filling the system with nitrogen to detect the leak and vacumise the system with vacuum pump before charging with refrigerant gas.

(xvi) Cleaning of cooling tower periodically.

3.5 The contractor will provide experienced staff/workers in the eventuality of breakdown in the system. He should endeavour to restore system in the shortest possible time. No additional payment will be made separately for such an eventuality.

3.6 The contractor shall not leave the A.C. Plant without an attendant at any time during the contract period.





Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 Sub : Rendering services for operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air- conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

S.No. Details Qty.

1. Compressor : Kirloskar make model AC-570 each of 45 TR capacity 02 2. Compressor Motor : NGEF make model AM22554 each 50 HP, 1475


02 3. Condenser : Batliboi make, model CN-40 each 45 TR capacity 02 4. Chiller : PAT make, shell and tube DX cooler Model No. 2006 each 45

TR capacity

02 5. Condenser Pump : Kirloskar make 5HP, 2870 rpm, model KDS-527++,

Head Range 17-26 mtr., 10 lps

02 6. Chiller Pump : Kirloskar make 5HP, 2870 rpm, model KDS-538+,

Head Range 6-38 mtr., 7.4 lps


7. Cooling Tower: MIHIR make model 9051 capacity 50 TR 01 8. Cooling Tower Fan Motor: NGEF make 3HP, 720 rpm, 3 phase 01 9. Air Handling Unit : PAT make AH-7 with 7.5 HP motor

AH-5 with 3 HP motor

01 02 10. Piping with fitting, valves and control for condenser and chilled water


Lot 11. Refrigeration piping with fittings valve and controls Lot 12. GSS Ducting with supply/return air grills, diffusers suitably insulated Lot 13. Electrical panel boards, switches, starters, motors with control wiring

of the various equipments



01 Set




Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


The maintenance shall also include a minimum of 12 monthly preventive maintenance visits by qualified personnel who are thoroughly familiar with the type of AC equipments and system installed at Admin. Building, Air India, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi as per details given below:-

Chiller Monthly inspection and service

1. Check Refrigerant level, leak test with soap solution. If abnormal, trace and rectify as necessary, inform department in writing on the rectification.

2. Inspect level and condition of oil. If abnormal, trace fault and rectify as necessary. Inform department in writing on the rectification.

3. Check the liquid line sigh glasses for proper flow.

4. Check all operating pressure and temperature.

5. Inspect and adjust, if required, all operating safety controls.

6. Check capacity control, adjust if necessary.

7. Lubricate vane/linkage/bearings.

8. Visually inspect machine and associated components, and listen for unusual sound or noise for evidence of unusual conditions & rectify, if required.

9. Check lock bolts and chiller spring mound.

10. Review daily operating log maintained by operating personnel of vendor.

11. Providing written report to department, outlining services carried out, adjustment made, rectification carried out and if the deficiency is of a major nature, arrange with department for shut-down to rectify equipment.

Chiller Annual inspection prior to expiry of AMC period

1. Perform all functions for monthly check.

2. Check all flanges for tightness.

3. Change oil and oil sump.

4. Replace filter.

5. Check oil temperature control.

6. Check motors terminals.

7. Check connections in starter. Please note that oil filter gasket replacement shall be deemed to be included in the contract.

8. Check motor earthing, meggar motor and connection wiring on each leg.

9. Check motor temperature cut-out, tighten motor terminals.

10. Check starter contracts are shield and transformer.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019

Chiller Annual inspection prior to expiry of AMC period

11. Check dashpot oil, clean dashpot and replace oil when necessary.

12. Test and calibrate overload setting.

13. Inspect, calibrate and adjust to original specifications all gauges, safety and operating controls including low temperature and high pressure cutout, oil pressure switch, load limit relay and electrical interlocks.

14. Inspect condenser tubes for fouling. If fouling exceeds original specifications, the contractor shall carry out cleaning of the tubes at his own expense.

15. Removal of old compressor oil from the compressor crankcase, cleaning the crankcase with Petrol, Replace the compressor oil filter, strainer etc.

16. Topping up R-22 / R-134 a gas into the existing system to bring up the operating pressure up to normal level. There after carrying out a thorough leak test.

17. To align the two halves of compressor motor drive coupling with dial gauge meter. To ensure all bolts are correctly tightened.

18. Complete servicing of starter. This includes (but not limited to) changing worn out defective components, cleaning all contacts with CCL4, tightening of all cable end terminations and internal contacts.

19. Servicing motor including cleaning, greasing, replacing worn out parts and defective bearings, if any.

20. Drain old compressor oil from the compressor and replace with new oil after isolating the compressor from the refrigeration system. Oil to be filled under vaccum.

21. Carrying acid descaling of condenser followed by rodding to clean the tubes of all scale. To note the head pressures before and after descaling.

22. Electrical servicing, cleaning of contacts of contactors of Y- starters of compressors. Tighten all terminals.

23. To carry out a thorough leak check of the chilling unit with soap solution and plug all leaks.

Thereafter top up R-22 / R-134 a gas and bring the operating pressure to normal on chilling units.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019

Water Pumps

Monthly inspection

1. Inspect all water pumps.

2. Check all seals, glands and pipelines for leaks and rectify as necessary.

3. Re-pack and adjust pump glands as necessary.

4. Check all pumps bearings and lubricate with oil or grease as necessary.

5. Check the alignment and condition of all rubber couplings between pumps and drive motors and rectify as necessary.

6. Check all bolts and nuts for tightness and tighten as necessary. Grease all pump bolts, nuts.

Water Pumps

Annual inspection prior to expiry of AMC period

1. Perform all function for monthly checks.

2. Check motor earthing, meggar Motor and connecting wiring on each leg.

3. Tighten motor terminals.

4. Check starter contracts.

5. Test and calibrate overload setting.

6. Overhauling, greasing, paint the pump with bases, pump bodies with two coats of synthetic enamel paint (after any overhauling work is completed). The gland packing to be replaced with graphite asbestos new gland packing. Any worn out parts found during stripping and overhauling to be replaced with new.

Bearings to be greased with new wheel bearing grease.

Expansion Tank

Annual inspection prior to expiry of AMC period

1. Inspect expansion tank, Drain, clean and flush out tanks as necessary.


& Repair of Compressors

& other equipments

The quoted price of maintenance shall cover the cost of compressor/Motor/Starter/Condesnser/Chiller/Panel/AHU/P umps/Cooling Tower overhauling or repair when required including all pars, consumables and labour. It will be comprehensive. Bidders are advised to check the condition of all equipment before quoting. No extra price will be payable at a later date.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 Air

handling units and Fan coil units

Monthly inspection

1. Inspect all air handling and fan coil units.

2. Check all air filters and clean or change filters as necessary.

3. Check all water coils, seals and pipelines for leaks and rectify as necessary.

4. Check and re-calibrate modulating valves and controls.

Adjust and rectify as necessary to ensure compliance to the original specifications.

5. Purge air from all water coils.

6. Check all fan bearings and lubricate with grease as necessary.

7. Check the tension of all belt drives and adjust as necessary.

8. Check and clean all the condensate pans, trays and drains.

9. Check measure and re-calibrate all sensors, if necessary.

10. Check, clean and service smoke detectors. Carry out a system test to ensure that the smoke detector will trip the AHUs.

11. Check spring vibration isolators for abnormal vibration.

Rectify, if necessary.

12. Coil to be cleaned by (a) spray of high-pressure clean water (not exceeding 30 psi (b) with chemical spray, if necessary.

Air handling units and Fan coil units

Annual inspection prior to AMC period

1. Perform all functions for monthly checks.

2. Tighten motor terminals.

3. Check starter contacts, replace all defective contacts.

4. Test and calibrate overload settings.

5. Thorough cleaning, greasing of AHU motor. Any defective or noisy bearings of motor and fan shall be replaced.

6. New matched set of Vee belts for all AHUs.

7. Alignment of pulleys and proper tensioning of Vee belts.

8. Applying epoxy paint on the bottom surface of the fan section from inside.

9. Apply epoxy paint on the cooling coil casing and all CHW pipes/Coil header inside the AHU (Except Copper Parts).

10. Replace all defective temperature indicators with either dial type of stem type thermometers.

11. Replace all defective water pressure gauges with new pressure gauge, siphon & ball valve.

12. Check existing flexible canvas connection and replace any torn canvas with new.

13. Paint motor body and MS base (if there) with epoxy paint.

14. To inspect the 3 way flow control valve, Actuator, Temperature controller and replace any defective components. To make the 3 way flow control valve work normally.

15. Chemical Cleaning of CHW coil with Vaniclean.

16. Servicing of Electrical panel of AHU, including replacement of any defective internals.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019


Distribution system

Monthly and annual inspection prior AMC period.

1. Check operation of all modulating and fixed dampers controlling air flow through unit. Lubricate all damper bearings and linkages as necessary.

2. Carry out space temperature checks on air-conditioned areas with thermo hydrograph. Balance air flow as necessary to compliance with requirements. These checks include the calibration of sensors, thermostat, etc.

3. Check noise level of discharged air from diffusers.

Switch Board

Six- monthly and annual inspection prior to the expiry of the AMC period

1. Clean and adjust all switch gear, contactors and relay and associated electrical equipment at intervals not exceeding six months.

2. Check and ensure operation of thermal over load and protection devices.

3. Check and ensure tightness of all equipments fastenings and cable terminations within switch boards.

4. Vaccum clean all switch board cubicles.

Piping System

Six- monthly and annual inspection prior to the expiry of AMC period

1. Check all piping system for leaks and repair these where they have occurred.

2. Check for damages & deterioration of insulation or sheathings. Rectify as necessary.

Main Electrical Panel in AC Plant

Annual inspection prior to AMC period

1. To inspect the contacts of all contactors and replace defective contacts with new contacts kits.

2. To inspect and tighten the end terminations of all cables. Clean all lugs with CC14.

3. To inspect the overload setting of all starters and reset, if required.

4. Replace all defective ammeter, Voltmeter and indicating lamps.

5. Replace any defective part or component of switch gear/control gear to enable the same work normally.

6. To fix missing name plates on panel modules with Ampere ratings. To clearly write the motor kW rating on the panel modules. Use new name plates instead of painting. Black letters on white background plate.

7. Check the earth connections and tighten where required.



Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 Consumable The vendor shall also supply the following consumable

materials as and when required as part of AMC.

1. All oils and greases required for lubrication of compressors, fan bearings, motors bearings, pivots and other moving parts.

2. All refrigerant required for topping up. Refrigerant loss due to any reason shall be made good by the contractor.

3. All consumable filter elements/ rolls.

4. All chemicals for descaling and chemical washing of CHW coils.

5. All spares of compressors, cooling towers, package units and other equipments as required in the system.

6. All carbon brushes required to replace worn brushes in electric motors.

7. All electrical contact points required to replace worn out electric contact points in switchgears, motor starter gears, electrical control gears and electric relays.

8. All electric fuses required to replace blown fuses. Just before the expiry of the AMC of the contract, the contractor shall carry out a complete system operability test on all the systems or sub-systems as called for in the contract.

The purpose of the test is to verify that the performance of all the systems or sub-systems in the contract is in accordance to the specifications.

All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Air India representative.

Exclusions (To be done by Air India

1. Any modification in civil work, False ceiling/ Boxing / ducting work, cutouts in walls/ slabs and making good of same, if required.

2. Repairs due to corrosion including condenser water pipeline etc.

3. Free power and make up water supply at respective panels/points. Power supply to be 415 volts ± 10% 50 Hz, 3Ø, 4 wire AC supply.

4. Adequate lighting in machinery areas.

5. Space for keeping incoming materials of vendor. Vendor is responsible for safe custody of all incoming materials himself.

Special Note 1. In case any work requires shutdown, vendor will take prior permission of Air India before carrying out shutdown work. In any case no inconvenience shall be cause to the building occupants and visiting public due to malfunctioning of AC system.




Tender No. PF/DL/EM/2019/03 Dated 15-02-2019 Sub : Rendering services operation cum comprehensive maintenance of central air- conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.



Description of item Qty. Rate (Excluding GST)

Per month For 12 months 1 Rendering services for operation cum

comprehensive maintenance of central air-conditioning plant & ventilation system etc. at Air India EMF Bldg., IGI Airport, Terminal-2, New Delhi.

Note: GST will be paid extra as per Govt. norms


Total for 12 months

Rebate, if any ______%


IN WORDS (Rupees ____________________________________________________________



Place :


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