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Characterizations of some function spaces associated with Bloch type spaces on the unit ball of \(C^{n}\)


Academic year: 2020

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Characterizations of some function spaces

associated with Bloch type spaces on the unit

ball of



Jineng Dai


and Baobin Wang


*Correspondence: wbb1818@126.com 2School of Mathematics and Statistics, South Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, 430074, China

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


Motivated by characterizations of Bloch type spaces, we define some related function spaces and characterize them in this paper. Our results reveal the reason in theory that some equivalent characterizations of the Bloch type spacerequire extra conditions for



MSC: 32A18

Keywords: Bloch type space; unit ball

1 Introduction

LetBnbe the unit ball of the complex Euclidean spaceCnand∂Bnbe the unit sphere. The

class of all holomorphic functions onBnis denoted byH(Bn). For ≤α<∞, let∞be

the space of holomorphic functionsf onBnsatisfyingsupzBn( –|z|

)α|f(z)|<. When

α= , we writeH∞forH∞.

ForfH(Bn), its complex gradient is defined by

f(z) =



(z), . . . , ∂f ∂zn



As introduced by Timoney in [], the Bloch space on the unit ballBnis the space of all fH(Bn) such thatsupzBnQf(z) <∞, where

Qf(z) =sup

( –|z|)|∇f(z),w|

( –|z|)|w|+|z,w| : =wC



Let  <α<∞. The Bloch type spaceconsists of functionsfH(B

n) satisfying

sup zBn

 –|z|αf(z) <∞.

It is well known that=H

α–forα> . Moreover, whenα> /, a functionfif and only if

sup zBn

 –|z|α–Qf(z) <∞. ()


But it is not true for the case  <α≤/ in the setting of several complex variables. For example (see []), when  <α< /,f if and only ifsup

zBn( –|z|


f(z) <∞,


Gf(z) =sup

( –|z|)|∇f(z),w|

( –|z|)α|w|+|z,w| : =wC



Thus an interesting question arises naturally: what is the property for a holomorphic func-tionf onBnsatisfying () when  <α≤/. Below we define the space


fH(Bn) :sup zBn

 –|z|α–Qf(z) <∞


In Section  of this paper, we prove thatfT/ if and only if the directional derivatives off in the directions perpendicular to the radial direction are uniformly bounded. In par-ticular,is a trivial space consisting of constants forα< /.

In  Holland and Walsh [] gave another characterization for the Bloch space on the unit discD, namely,f belongs to the Bloch space if and only if

sup z,wD


 –|z|/ –|w|/|f(z) –f(w)|

|z–w| <∞.

Ren and Tu [] extended the above form to the unit ballBn. Zhao [] generalized these

results as follows.

Theorem A Let <α≤.Letλbe any real number satisfying the following properties: () ≤λαif <α< ;

()  <λ< ifα= ;

() α– ≤λ≤if <α≤.

Then a holomorphic function f on Bnis in Bαif and only if

sup z,wBn


 –|z|λ –|w|αλ|f(z) –f(w)|

|z–w| <∞. ()

Zhao gave some examples showing that the conditions onαandλin Theorem A cannot be improved.

Motivated by Theorem A, we denote the following function space:


fH(Bn) : sup z,wBn


 –|z|λ –|w|αλ|f(z) –f(w)| |z–w| <∞


whereαandλare real numbers. Our purpose is to characterize the space,λforαand

λwithout satisfying those conditions in Theorem A. Ifλ<  orλ>α, by the maximum modulus principle, it is easy to see that,λconsists of constants. So we always assume

≤λα. In Section  we show,λwhenαandλdo not satisfy the conditions of


space+orBαλ+ in terms of different numbersαandλ. Our results reveal in theory instead of examples that the conditions onαandλin Theorem A cannot be improved.

Throughout this paper, constants are denoted byC, and they are positive finite quantities and not necessarily the same in each occurrence.

2 Characterizations ofTα

Theorem . The following statements are equivalent: (i) fT/;

(ii) There exists a constantC> such that

∇f(z),ζC ()

for allzBnandζ∂Bnwithz,ζ= ;

(iii) For all≤i,jn,

sup zBn zi



(z) –zj



(z) <∞. ()

Proof (i)⇔(ii): ForzBnandζ∂Bnwithz,ζ= , we have

 –|z|–/Qf(z)≥

( –|z|)/|∇f(z),ζ|

( –|z|)|ζ|+|z,ζ| = ∇f(z),ζ . ()

This shows that (i)⇒(ii).

For the converse, if (ii) holds, we have ( –|z|)/|∇f(z),z| ≤Cfor allzB

n(see []).

When /≤ |z|<  and =wCn, by the projection theorem, there existsζ Bnsuch

thatζ,z=  and


wherew=w,z/|z|and|w|=|w||z|+|w|. Thus,


f(z),z + w


C z,w  –|z|–/+C|w|.

It follows that

( –|z|)/|∇f(z),w|

( –|z|)|w|+|z,w| ≤C

for all /≤ |z|<  and =wCn. On the other hand, for ≤ |z|< /, we have

( –|z|)/|∇f(z),w|

( –|z|)|w|+|z,w| ≤

( –|z|)/|∇f(z),w|

( –|z|)|w| = ∇f(z) ≤C.


(ii)⇔(iii): Without loss of generality, we only need to show that

sup zBN z


∂z (z) –z



(z) <∞.

Ifz=z= , there is nothing to prove. If|z|+|z|= , put

ζ =



, –z


, , . . . , 


Obviously,ζ∂Bnandz,ζ= . Therefore,



∂z (z) –z



(z) =|z|+|z| ∇f(z),ζC.

Conversely, suppose (iii) holds. When |z| ≤/, it is clear that () holds. For |z|=

|z|+· · ·+|zn|> /, there existszi (≤in) such that|zi|> /(√n). We may

as-sume that|z|> /(

n). LetV={w∈Cn:z,w= }. ThenVis a subspace ofCnand a

basis ofV is{v, . . . ,vn–}, where

vi= (–zi+, , . . . 


,z, , . . . , 


), i= , . . . ,n– . ()

Therefore, forζ= (ζ, . . . ,ζn)∈∂Bnwithz,ζ= , there exist scalarsk, . . . ,kn–such that ζ is expressed as a linear combination ofv, . . . ,vn–in only one way. That is,

ζ =kv+kv+· · ·+kn–vn–. ()

By () and (), we get

ζ= –kz–kz–· · ·–kn–zn


ζi+=kiz, i= , . . . ,n– . ()

Note that|ζ|=  and|z|> /(

n). Hence, it follows from () that




< √n, i= , . . . ,n– . ()

Thus we have






= n– i= ki

zi+ ∂f

∂z (z) +z


∂zi+ (z)


The desired result follows from () and (). This finishes the proof of Theorem ..

From Theorem . and the result of [], we see thatT/⊂B/. Meanwhile, it is evident thatT


Example  Let

f(z,z) = ( –z)/.

Note that|z|+|z|<  forz= (z,z)∈B. Then



∂z (z) –z



(z) = |z| | –z|/

<( –|z| )/

( –|z|)/ <

  .

On the other hand, when  <α< / andz= (r, )→(, ) ( <r< ),

 –|z|αf(z) = ( –|z| )α

| –z|/

= ( –r)α

( –r)/ → ∞.

ThereforefT/by Theorem ., butf( <α< /).

Example  Let

g(z,z) =zlog( –z).

Then, forz= (z,z)∈B,

 –|z|/ ∇g(z) ≤ –|z|/ z  –z

+ log( –z)

≤ –|z|/

( –|z|)/  –|z|

+ log( –z)


Meanwhile, letz= (r, )→(, ) ( <r< ), we have



∂z (z) –z



(z) = –rlog( –r)→ ∞.


Lemma . Let n> , ≤i,jn and i=j.Suppose that fH(Bn),gH(Bn)and



zif(z) –zjg(z) = .

Then f ≡and g≡.

Proof We may assumei= ,j=  without loss of generality. Leth(z) =zf(z) –zg(z). For each fixedζ = (ζ, . . . ,ζn)∈∂Bn, define the slice function(λ) =h(λζ) on the unit disk D={λ:|λ|< }. Then



λζf(λζ, . . . ,λζn) –λζg(λζ, . . . ,λζn) = .

That is,




Since the function ζf(λζ, . . . ,λζn) –ζg(λζ, . . . ,λζn) is holomorphic on the unit disk |λ|< , by the maximum modulus principle of one complex variable, it follows that

ζf(λζ, . . . ,λζn) –ζg(λζ, . . . ,λζn) = 

for allλD. Therefore, for anyζ∂BnandλD,

h(λζ) =λζf(λζ, . . . ,λζn) –λζg(λζ, . . . ,λζn) = .

When =zBn, letλ=|z|andζ=z/|z|. Then we get

h(z) =h(λζ) =zf(z) –zg(z) = .

Hence, for allzBn,

zf(z) =zg(z).

Sincef andg are holomorphic onBn, we can concludef(z) =g(z)≡. The proof is


An immediate consequence of Lemma . is the following theorem.

Theorem . Let n> andα< /.If f,then f is constant.

Proof By () it follows that |∇f(z),ζ| ≤C( –|z|)/–α for zB

n andζ∂Bn with z,ζ= . Sinceα< /, we get lim|z|→|∇f(z),ζ|= . Using a similar argument as in the proof of Theorem ., we havelim|z|→|zj∂∂zfi(z) –zi


∂zj(z)|=  for all ≤i,jn. Thus

the desired result follows from Lemma ..

3 Characterizations ofSα,λ

In the section we will characterize,λexplicitly for real numbersαandλin several cases.

For this, we need the following lemma which plays an important role in the proof of The-orem ..

Lemma . Letα> .Letλbe any real number satisfying the following properties: ()  <λ<α– if <α≤;

()  <λα/ifα> . Let

H(x,y) =x




x τλ+.

Then there exists a constant C >  such that H(x,y)≤ C for any x and y satisfying

 <x,y≤and x=y.

Proof Lett=x/y. Thent∈(, )∪(,∞), and

H(x,y) =H(ty,y) = t


( –t)



Lets=τ/y, we have

H(x,y) =t


( –t)

t ds + =y



G(t) = t


( –t)

t ds + =

 –

λ( –t).

It is evident thatG(t) is continuous on (, )∪(,∞), and

lim t→G(t) =

λ, limt→G(t) = .

For the case (), since  <λ< , we get


t→∞G(t) = .

Noticing that–(λ+) fory(, ], we conclude thatH(x,y) is bounded in this case. For the case (), we easily see that  <λ<α– . Write

H(x,y) =H(x,x/t) = x



It is clear that

lim t→∞


–(λ+) =tlim→∞


λ .

The above limit is /λforλ=α/ and  for  <λ<α/. ThereforeH(x,y) is also bounded in the case () since–(λ+) forx(, ]. The proof is complete.

Theorem . Letα> .Letλbe any real number satisfying the following properties: ()  <λ<α– if <α≤;

()  <λα/ifα> . Then Sα,λ=+.

Proof Letf+. For anyz,wB

n, since

f(z) –f(w) =

d[f(tz+ ( –t)w)]

dt dt







tz+ ( –t)wdt,

we get

f(z) –f(w) ≤C|zw|

(∇f)tz+ ( –t)w dt






( –t|z|– ( –t)|w|)λ+



[t( –|z|) + ( –t)( –|w|)]λ+.

If|z|=|w|, noting thatλ+  <α, we get


[t( –|z|) + ( –t)( –|w|)]λ+ =  ( –|z|)λ+ ≤


( –|z|)λ+


( –|z|)λ( –|w|)αλ.

If|z| =|w|, letτ=t( –|z|) + ( –t)( –|w|). By Lemma ., we have


[t( –|z|) + ( –t)( –|w|)]λ+ =

( –|z|) – ( –|w|)






( –|z|)λ( –|w|)αλ.


f(z) –f(w) ≤ C|zw| ( –|z|)λ( –|w|)αλ,

which shows thatf,λ.

Conversely, iff,λ, it follows that

sup zBn


 –|z|λ|f(z) –f()| |z| <∞.

Thus we get

sup zBn

 –|z|λ f(z) <∞,

namely,f∞and sof+. This finishes the proof of the theorem.

Theorem . Letα> .Letλbe any real number satisfying the following properties: ()  <λ<αif <α≤;

() α/ <λ<αifα> . Then Sα,λ=λ+.

Proof If  <λ<α for  <α≤, then  <αλ<α– . Ifα/ <λ<α forα> , then  < αλ<α/. Applying Theorem ., we immediately conclude that,λ=λ+.

For any pointwBn–{}, we recall that the bi-holomorphic mappingϕwofBn, which

interchanges the points  andw, is defined by

ϕw(z) =

wPw(z) –swQw(z)



 –|w|,P

w(z) =|zw,w|wandQw(z) =zPw(z). Whenw= , letϕw(z) = –z. The

pseudo-hyperbolic distance betweenwandzis denoted byρ(w,z) =|ϕw(z)|.

Theorem . Letα≥.Then Sα,λ=Hforλ= orλ=α.

Proof It suffices to prove forα≥ andλ= . Iff,, that is,

sup z,wBn


 –|w|α|f(z) –f(w)|

|z–w| <∞. ()


sup zBn


|f(z) –f()|

|z| <∞,

which implies thatfH∞.

Conversely, assumefH∞. Then we have (see Lemma  in [])

f(z) –f(w) ≤(z,w) ()

for allz,wBn. On the other hand,

wPw(z) –swQw(z) =|z–w|+ z,w –|z||w|≤ |z–w|,

and so

ρ(w,z)≤ |z–w|

| –z,w|≤ |z–w|

 –|w|. ()

By () and (), we get () sinceα≥. Thusf,. The proof is complete.

Remark . We easily see thatλ+  <αin Theorem ., andλ>  in Theorem .. Com-bining with Theorem ., we conclude that,λ and the inclusion is strict for real

numbersαandλwhich do not satisfy the conditions of Theorem A.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

BW proposed the problem. JD and BW together finished the proof. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author details

1Department of Mathematics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430070, China.2School of Mathematics and Statistics, South Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, 430074, China.


JD was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under 11301404 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WUT: 2015IVA069). BW was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under 11201348, the Fund of China Scholarship Council and the special Fund of Basic Scientific Research of Central Colleges of South Central University for Nationalities under CZQ13015.



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