Human fat cell lipolysis is primarily regulated
by inhibitory modulators acting through distinct
H Kather, … , K Aktories, K H Jakobs
J Clin Invest.
The effects of adenosine deaminase and of pertussis toxin on hormonal regulation of
lipolysis were investigated in isolated human fat cells. Adenosine deaminase (1.6
micrograms/ml) caused a two-to threefold increase in cyclic AMP, which was associated
with an increase in glycerol release averaging 150-200% above basal levels. Clonidine,
N6-phenylisopropyladenosine, prostaglandin E2, and insulin caused a dose-dependent
inhibition of glycerol release in the presence of adenosine deaminase. Pretreatment of
adipocytes with pertussis toxin (5 micrograms/ml) for 180 min resulted in a five- to sevenfold
increase in cyclic AMP. Glycerol release was almost maximal and isoproterenol caused
either no further increase or only a marginal additional increase of lipolysis after
pretreatment with pertussis toxin, whereas cyclic AMP levels were 500 times higher than in
controls. The effects of antilipolytic agents known to affect lipolysis by inhibition of adenylate
cyclase activity, i.e., clonidine, N6-phenylisopropyladenosine, and prostaglandin E2, were
impaired. In contrast, the antilipolytic action of insulin was preserved in adipocytes
pretreated with pertussis toxin. As in controls, the peptide hormone had no detectable effect
on cyclic AMP after pertussis toxin treatment. The findings support the view that the
antilipolytic effect of insulin does not require adenylate cyclase or phosphodiesterase
action. In addition, the results demonstrate that, upon relief of endogenous inhibition, human
fat cell lipolysis proceeds at considerable (adenosine deaminase) or almost maximal […]
Research Article
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Human Fat Cell Lipolysis
Primarily Regulated by Inhibitory
Modulators Acting through
Distinct Mechanisms
H. Kather, W. Bieger, G. Michel,K.Aktories,and K. H.Jakobs
KlinischesInstitutfarHerzinfarktforschungander Medizinischen Universitdtsklinik, MedizinischePoliklinik derUniversitdt, and PharmakologischesInstitut der UniversitdtHeidelberg, D-6900Heidelberg,FederalRepublic ofGermany
The effects of adenosine deaminase and ofpertussistoxin on hormonal regulation of lipolysis were investigated in isolated humanfat cells.Adenosine deaminase(1.6 5tg/ml)caused a two-tothreefold increaseincyclic AMP,which was associated with anincreaseinglycerolreleaseaveraging150-200% above basal levels. Clonidine,
prostaglandinE2, andinsulin caused adose-dependent inhibition ofglycerol
releaseinthe presenceof adenosinedeaminase.
Pretreatment of adipocytes with pertussis toxin(5,ug/ml)
for 180 min resulted ina five-to sevenfold increase in cyclic AMP.Glycerolreleasewasalmostmaximaland
causedeither no further increase or only a marginal additional increase oflipolysis after pretreatment with pertussis toxin,
whereascyclicAMPlevelswere500 times
than incon-trols. Theeffectsof
agents knowntoaffect lipolysisby inhibition ofadenylate cyclase activity, i.e., clonidine,
N6-phenylisopropyladenosine, and
Incontrast, the
inadipocytespretreated with
toxin. As incontrols, thepeptidehormonehadnodetectable effecton
AMP afterpertussis
toxintreatment.Thefindingssupportthe viewthattheantilipolyticeffect of
insulindoes notrequire adenylatecyclaseor
action.Inaddition, theresults demonstratethat, upon relief of
humanfat celllipolysis proceeds
atcon-siderable (adenosine
oralmost maximal(pertussis toxin)rates. A certaindegree
ofinhibition, therefore,
appears tobe necessaryforhumanfat celllipolysistobesusceptible
for hormonalactivation.Introduction
tissue respondsto avariety
of humoral, hor-monal, and neural factors (1). Mostof these regulatoryinflu-encesappear to bemediated via activationorinhibition of
ad-enylate cyclase (1,
stimulators ofcyclic
AMP (cAMP) formation include
agonists and asingle peptide hormone, namely
a2-Adrenergic amines, adenosine,and
oftheE type, areinhibitorsofcAMPproduction
(3-7). Insulin also inhibits lipolysis (1).However, themechanismbywhich theantilipolytic effect ofinsulin ismediated isnotunderstood. It iscontroversial, for instance, whether insulin regulates adenylate cyclase andReceivedforpublication11June 1984 and in revisedform 31 May1985.
whether themodulationof intracellular cAMP concentrations
by the hormoneplays aprimaryrole (1).
Inadditionto theuncertainties regardingthemechanism(s) of action ofsome hormonal regulators, such asinsulin, ithas
beenfrequently difficultto relate theeffects ofhormonesinvitro
tosystemic metabolism in vivo. Itis still notclearwhich
hor-mones areresponsible for lipid mobilization during fasting. Li-polysis could be elevated by the drop in plasma insulin that occursduring fastingor by anincreasedreleaseof lipolytic
hor-mones such asepinephrine (1), twomechanisms ofregulation thatarefundamentally different. Ifa dropininsulin, i.e., relief of inhibition, were responsible for increased rates of lipolysis
starvation, this would imply that unrestrained basalli-polysis proceedsatconsiderable ifnotmaximalrates. By contrast,
could below or even negligible if starvation-in-duced activation oflipolysis were brought about by lipolytichormones.
Invitrobasal ratesof lipolysisare usually low andsubstantial
ratesof lipid mobilization are observed onlyinthe presenceof lipolytic hormones, suggesting thatlipolysis might, in fact, be
primarily regulated by activation. However, fatcells
sponta-neously produce and release inhibitory compounds such as
adenosine and prostaglandins (2-5, 8). In order to discern
whether basal lipolysis proceeds at maximal or near-maximal rates, it is necessary to eliminate the influence of inhibitory compoundsproducedduring incubation in vitro. Adenosinecan
removedbyenzymic degradation using adenosine de-aminase.Recently, atoxinhas beenidentifiedandcharacterizedfrom supernatants of cultures of Bordetella pertussis that elicits a va-riety of biologicalresponses including induction of
lymphocy-tosis, sensitization ofanimals to the lethal effects of histamine,
of insulinsecretion, and lipid mobilization (9). Pre-treatment ofrats or hamsters with pertussis toxin impairs orabolishes
theinvitro effectsonfatcelllipolysis of variousan-tilipolytic
agents,includinga-adrenergic agonists, prostaglandinE2,adenosineanalogues, and nicotinic acid(10-13).Incontrast tothe effect ofthe latter compounds, treatment with pertussis
toxin (10,
preserves the antilipolytic effect of insulin. Thetoxin offeredthe opportunity to eliminate not only the effects
of adenosinebut also ofother endogenous inhibitors such as
Byusingboth adenosine deaminase and the bacterial toxin, we were able to demonstrate that basal human fat cell lipolysis proceeds atconsiderable rates upon relief of endogenous
inhi-bition, suggestingthat lipid mobilization from human fatcells
isprimarilyregulated by inhibition. As in the rat, the antilipolytic
action ofinsulin was preserved afterpretreatment of human
adipocytes withpertussis toxin, indicating that themechanisms
theantilipolytic effects of insulin are alsodifferentfrom those of other inhibitors such as prostaglandin E2,
N'-phenylisopropyladenosine, and
amines in human fat cells.J.Clin. Invest.
©TheAmerican Society for ClinicalInvestigation, Inc.
0021-9738/85/10/1559/07 $1.00
Subjects. Subcutaneous adipose tissuewasobtained from 20 obese sub-jectsundergoing elective abdominalsurgery.The patientswerenot
se-lectedonthebasis ofage, sex,ordisease. Surgerywasperformed after anovernight fast. Anesthesiawasinitiated withashort-acting barbiturate andmaintained withoxygen,nitrous oxide, and halothane. Tissue
spec-imens ( 1-10gof tissue)wereobtainedatthestartof theoperation. Preparation offat cells and preincubation. Tissue specimenswere
cutinto small pieces and fat cellswereisolatedby collagenase digestion
accordingtoRodbell (14)using Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.4,containing 5 mM glucose, 40 g/liter of humanserumalbumin, and
0.5mg/ml of collagenase (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO,typeII). After45 min of incubationat370C thefat cellswerewashed byflotation
(threetimes) and resuspended in thesamemedium (except that
colla-genasewasomitted)ataconcentration of50,000-200,000 cells/ml, and preincubated for 180minat370C underanatmosphereof 95%02and
5%CO2(vol/vol). Where indicated, the mediumwasfortifiedwith5
mlof pertussis toxin. Control cellswerehandled inanidenticalmanner exceptthat notoxin wasadded. Preincubations wereterminated by
washingwith fresh medium without pertussis toxin. Pertussis toxinwas alsoomitted during subsequent incubations.
Incubations. When glycerol release servedasthe only endpoint (see
Figs. 2 and 3), cell densitieswereadjustedto5,000-20,000 cells/mland
incubationswerecarriedoutin stoppered plastic vials inatotalvolume of0.05 ml underanatmosphere of 95%02and 5% CO2 (vol/vol) fora
further 180min. Hormones and adenosine deaminasewereaddedatthe
startof the final incubations in these latter experiments. Reactionswere
terminated by heating (950C, 5min).
Inexperiments where cAMP levels and glycerol releasewere
deter-mined concomitantly, higher cell densities (approximately10 cells/ml)
andlargerassayvolumes(6ml)wereusedduring thefinalincubations. Preliminary experiments indicated that theonsetof the antilipolytic effect
of insulinwaspreceded byalagof- 10min.Unless otherwisestated,
time-course experimentswere,therefore, started 15 minafterhormones
andadenosinedeaminase had beenadded. At the timesindicated, aliquots
of0.5and 0.05 mlwerewithdrawninthese latter experimentsandassayed
for cAMP andglycerol, respectively.
Pertussis toxin. Pertussis toxinwaspurifiedtoapparenthomogeneity accordingtoCowelletal.(15)fromsupernatantsof Bordetellapertussis
suspensions kindly donated byDrs. L. Robbel and F. Backkolb(Behring Werke, Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany). Preliminary
experi-mentsindicated that for human adipocytes relatively high concentrations (1-5,ug/ml) ofthe toxinwereneededinordertoachievecompletereversal ofthe antilipolytic effects of prostaglandin E2, clonidine, or N6-phe-nylisopropyladenosine within 180 minat37°C.Therefore,a
concentra-tion of5 ug/mlofpertussistoxinwasusedthroughout inthe present studies. As in other cell typesorspecies, pertussistoxinincreased basal
glycerol releasewithalagof 90-120minunder these conditions.
Assays. Theglycerolcontentofthedeproteinizedmediawasmeasured
byabioluminescent methodusinganautomaticluminescenceanalyzer (BertholdLB950T).Amanualversionofthis method has been described indetailelsewhere (16, 17).Theuseofanautomaticanalyzer required
someminor modifications.Briefly,0.05mloftheappropriatelydiluted
samples (2-10 times)wereaddedtoanequalvolumeofamedium
com-posedof 28nmol/litertriethanolamine-HCl, 1.1 mmol/liter KH2PO4,
20 nmol/liter Na3AsO4, 1.1 mmol/liter dithiotreitol, 2.9 mmol/liter MgCl2,1.54mmol/liter ATP,8.0mmol/liter NAD,7U/ml glycerokinase,
19U/ml glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase,2.3U/ml glycerol 3-phosphate-dehydrogenase, and 33 U/mltriosephosphate-isomerase.
Afterincubationfor 120minat37°C,thesampleswerefurther diluted
(sixtimes)and0.01-mlaliquotsof the diluted mediawereassayedfor
NADH.Theassaycocktail for the luciferase reaction contained 0.5mmol/
litertetradecanal 1.1
flavinmononucleotide, 15U/literbac-terialluciferase,and 8.5U/liter NAD(P)H:flavinmononucleotide oxi-doreductase. Theassaycocktailwasprepareddailyand heldat +2°C duringmeasurements. Light productionwasmeasured bya
microcom-puter-controlled automaticluminescence analyzer.The vialscontaining
0.01 mlof sample were automatically moved into the measuringposition.
Thereaction was started byautomatic injectionof the assay cocktail.
Measuringtime was 15 s. Theintegralofcounts between 10 and 15s wastakenas a measureofNADHconcentration.
cAMPwasdetermined afteracetylationusingacommercially avail-able radioimmunoassay (NEN Chemicals, Dreieich,FederalRepublic
ofGermany). Fatcell number was determined bycountingall cellsin appropriatelydiluted aliquots (10 Ml) of the cellsuspension.
Chemicals.Collagenase(typeII) wasfromSigma Chemical Co. All other enzymes and coenzymes and N6-phenylisopropyladenosine were fromBoehringer Mannheim,Federal Republic of Germany. Ammonium sulfatewasremovedfrom enzyme suspensions by centrifugation. Pros-taglandin E2 and porcine insulin were from Serva AG,
Highly purified human serum albumin was from Behring Werke, Marburg. Epi-nephrine andisoproterenol were purchased from Merck AG, Darmstadt, and RothAG, Karlsruhe, respectively. Clonidinewas agift ofBoehringer Ingelheim.Statistics. Statistical analysiswas by the Wilcoxon test forpaired
ofpertussis toxinandof adenosine deaminaseonbasal and isoproterenol-activated cAMPaccumulation andlipolysis.
The time course of cAMP accumulation during exposure of
hu-manadipocytes tohormonal activators of lipolysis is less well defined than for rat adipocytes. Therefore, experiments were
done inwhich cAMP and glycerol release were measured
con-comitantly at different time intervals (Fig. 1). Basal levels of cAMP averaged 20 pmol/106 cells in this experiment. Removal ofendogenous adenosine resulted in approximately a threefold increase inbasal cAMP levels (Fig. I A), which was associated with a corresponding activation of glycerol release averaging 200%above basal levels (Fig. I C). The time course of cAMP accumulation in cells exposed to isoproterenol (I ,mol/liter) showedarapid increase tomaximum levels that remainedat
the same increased level for 60 min of incubation under all conditions employed. cAMP levels rose to more than 1,000
pmol/ 106 cells in the presence of isoproterenol, while the rate
ofglycerol release seen under these conditions exceeded that induced by adenosine deaminase by only 25%. When isopro-terenol andadenosine deaminase were added together, cAMP levels were further increased (from 1,000 pmol/ 106 cells to
_5,000pmol/106 cells). However,nofurther increase in glycerol
release was observed under these conditions.
Pretreatment of fat cells with pertussis toxin alsoresultedin an increase in cAMP levels which, though moderate in
com-parison to isoproterenol, exceeded that seen inthe presence of adenosine deaminasebyafactor of 2-3(Fig. 2B;TableI).In
the presence ofisoproterenolcAMPlevels rose to 10,000pmol/ 106 cells after pretreatment of fat cells with pertussis toxin. Adenosine deaminase had no effect on cAMP levels under these latterconditions, irrespective of whetherit wasaddedalone or
incombinationwithisoproterenol (Fig. 2 B).
After pretreatment with pertussistoxin,basal rates ofglycerol release werecomparable with those seenin thepresenceof
iso-proterenolincontrols(Fig.2D).Neitheradenosine deaminase
nor isoproterenol had any furtherstimulatory effect. The
ob-servations that both additionofadenosinedeaminase and
pre-treatment of human adipocytes with pertussis toxin induced
jic) 1- 1 01 20 30405060
C. Control
-01 20 304050 60
B. Pertussis ToxinC
0 A
O 10 20304050 60 t(min)
D. Pertussis Toxin
2.C0-O 10 203040 5060
Figure 1. Effects of adenosine deaminase and of pertussis toxinon
cAMP levels andonglycerol release.Fat cellswereisolatedfrom
adi-posetissue ofonesubject. The cell suspensionwasdivided intotwo setswhichwerepreincubated for 180 mininthepresenceorabsence ofpertussis toxin (5 ,g/ml)asdescribed in Methods. After washing,
the cell concentrationswereadjustedto
cells/ml, and bothsuspen-sionsweredivided into aliquots (6 ml) containingnoadditions (.),
adenosine deaminase (1.6 jg/ml; o),orisoproterenol (1I mol/liter) ei-ther alone (-)orin combination with adenosine deaminase (A). Aden-osinedeaminasewasadded 15 min before thestartof the time-course
experiment,andtheglycerol accumulating during this intervalwas
subtracted from subsequent determinations. Isoproterenolwasadded
atthestartof the experiment. At the times indicated aliquots of 0.05 mlwerewithdrawn forassayof cAMP and glycerol, respectively. This
representative experimentwasrepeated five times.
onlymodestly increased,wereconfirmedineight separate
ex-periments(TableI,Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 shows dose-responsecurvesfor isoproterenolin
non-treated and pertussis toxin-non-treated adipocytes.Basallipolyticrates
wererelatively high in these experiments, averaging 1.5 ,umol/
106 cellsper 180 min. It hasbeen common, however, to find higher nonstimulated glycerol release in obese comparedtolean subjects, whereas maximalrates oflipolysisaresimilar in lean andobese subjects (18). In the absence of adenosine deaminase, the ,B-adrenergic amine caused aconcentration-dependent
in-creaseinlipolysis. Maximal activation occurredat1 ,umol/liter
and averaged 200% above basal levels. Removal of endogenous adenosine andpretreatmentof fat cells with pertussistoxin
in-creased basal lipolytic rates without substantially altering the maximalratesachieved in thepresenceof isoproterenol. There-fore, addition of isoproterenol caused eitherasmall (adenosine
deaminase) oronlyamarginal (pertussis toxin) additional in-creaseoflipolysis under these conditions.
Influenceofpertussis toxin and ofadenosinedeaminaseon
theeffects ofantilipolyticagents.Fig.3 shows the effectofvarious
antilipolytic agents in nontreated cells and in adipocytes
pre-treatedwith pertussis toxin.Adenosine deaminase (1.6
waspresentthroughouttheseexperiments. Incontrast to
con-d1 1 , , Iz
-T T '-'i.
JLJ , 1
9 8 7 6 5 00 9 8 7 6 5 00 9 8 7 6 5
Ispoten (-log mol/liter)
Figure2.Influenceof adenosine deaminase and ofpertussistoxin treatment on thelipolyticaction ofisoproterenol.Fat cells were
prein-cubated for 180minin theabsence andpresenceof 5
pertussistoxin. Afterwashing,celldensities wereadjustedto5,000-20,000
cells/ml, andfatcells wereincubated with increasing concentrationsof
isoproterenoleither alone(A)orincombinationwithadenosine
deam-inase(B andC)inatotalvolumeof 0.05 ml for another 180 min.
When present, adenosinedeaminase(1.6 ug/ml) andisoproterenol
were added at the startofthefinal incubations.Values are means±standard error of four(A)tofivepaired experiments (Band C). For other details see Methods. Abbreviation: Adenos.Deam.,
adenosine deaminase.
trols, theantilipolytic effects of those agents known to affect lipolysis via inhibition of adenylate cyclase (N6-phenylisopro-pyladenosine, prostaglandin E2, clonidine) were abolished in fat cells pretreated with pertussis toxin.
Amongthe agents tested, only insulin was capable of
inhib-iting lipolysis in toxin-treated cells. The antilipolytic action of insulin was completely unaffected with respect to effective
con-centration range and degree of inhibition. Time course ofglycerol release andconcomitant determinationsof cAMP levels in the presence and absence of insulin and prostaglandin E2, respec-tively, are shown in Fig. 4. In this experiment the medium
con-tained 1.6
ofadenosine deaminase throughout. In control cells cAMP levels (in the presence of adenosine deaminase) rangedfrom 55 to 65pmol/106cells andglycerolrelease averagedTable I. cAMP Levels inNontreated and Pertussis Toxin-pretreatedHumanAdipocytes
cAMP levels
Additions Control Pertussis toxin
pmol/10cells pmol/106cells
27±5 160±20§
Adenosine deaminase
70±15* 180±25§Values aremeans±SE of eight separate experiments carried out with fat cells from different subjects. cAMP levels were determined at either 10 or 12minof incubation. For experimental details, see Methods and legend to Fig. 2.
* Significantly higherthan basal levels(P. 0.05). §Significantlyhigherthan controls (P.0.05).
I .5
0 500
7.0- A. Prostaiondin E2
c 1 10 9 8 7 6
o(-lg moI/liter)
s 7.0 C. aonickne
;5j 0-
4.0 _+
4.0 3.0
1.0 0
c 13 12 11 10 9 8
(-log mo/liter)
Control 250, 200(
150v o L I I I
-5 0 10 2030 40 50 60
9 8 7 6 5 "c 11 10 9 8 7 6 (-log mol/liter) (-log mol/liter)
Figure 3.Effects ofpertussis toxin on theantilipolytic action of
pros-taglandin E2, insulin, clonidine,andN6-phenylisopropyladenosine.
Untreated andpertussis toxin-treated fatcells wereincubated with
in-creasing concentrations ofvariousantilipolyticagentsfor180 min at
37°C.Antilipolyticagents were added at the startoftheincubations.
Themediumcontained 1.6jg/mlofadenosinedeaminase.Values are means±standard erroroffour (CandD)tosix(AandB)paired
ex-periments carriedout induplicatewithfat cellsfrom different sub-jects.Forfurther detailsseeMethods.Opensymbolsrefertopertussis toxin-treated cells;closedsymbolsshow therespectivecontrols. Ab-breviation:PIA,N6-phenylisopropyladenosine.
1.6Mmol/ 106 cellsper60 min.
E2 (50 nmol/liter) depressed cAMP levels to 30 usmol/ 106 cells.Concomitantly,
glycerol releasewasdecreasedto0.4
cells per 60min. Insulin reduced therateof glycerol release from 1.6M4mol/
106 cellsper60minto 1.0Amol/
E2, insulin hadnomeasurable effectoncAMPlevels under the
conditions employed,
thatin humanC. Control
-1 0 10 20 30 4050 60
200k 150
B. Pertussis xin
*___ 4-- --a
0L * * *
-5 0 10 20 3040 50 60 t(min)
-5 0102030405060
Figure4.Effects of insulin and of prostaglandin E2 on cAMP accumu-lation and glycerol release in nontreated and pertussis toxin-treated
adipocytes. Experimentalconditions were similar to thosedescribed
forFig. I except that not only adenosine deaminase (1.6 ug/ml) but alsohormones were added 15 min before the start of the experiment.
Glycerolaccumulating between - 15 min and 0 min wassubtracted
from subsequent determinations. This representative experiment was repeated sixtimes (Table II). For further details see legend to Fig. I and Methods.Symbols: *, control; *,insulin(10nmol/liter);*,
pros-taglandin E2(50nmol/liter).
fat cells insulin can exert antilipolyticeffects although cAMP levels remainunchanged.
In cells treated with pertussis toxin, glycerol release averaged 2.5 ,mMol/106 cells per 60 min. The inhibitory action of
pros-taglandin E2wascompletelyabolished,consistent with the data shown in Fig. 4, whereas the antilipolytic effect of insulin was
preserved in toxin-treated cells. Not only insulin but also pros-taglandin E2 failed todecrease cAMP after the cells had been treated with pertussis toxin.
The lack of effect of insulin on cAMP levels was confirmed in six separate experimentscarriedout with different cell
prep-TableII.Effects ofInsulin andProstaglandin E2oncAMP Accumulation and
LipolysisinNontreated and PertussisToxin-treatedHuman
Control* Pertussis toxin
Additions at 12min at24 min Glycerolrelease at12 min at24mm Glycerolrelease
pmol/10' cells pmol/10' cells jsmol/10'cellsper 60 min pmol/10'cells pmol/10'cells jumol/lO'cells per 60 min
- 65±15 72±20 1.8±0.1 200±30 220±40 2.8±0.3
Prostaglandin E2
(50nmol/liter) 35±10* 40±10t 0.3±0.05* 193±30 200±40 2.9±0.2 Insulin
(10nmol/liter) 73±15 80±15
210±30 215±30 1.8±0.1** Values are
error of six pairedexperiments
outinduplicatewithfat cellsof differentsubjects.Themediumcontained 1.6;g/ml
of adenosine deaminase under both conditions. Forexperimentaldetails,seeMethods andlegendtoFig.
2. *Significantly
lower than control values(P=0.05).300
arations(Table II). For comparison, the effects of prostaglandin E2,which is knownto actvia
of adenylate cyclase,were tested simultaneously. Prostaglandin E2 consistently re-duced cAMP levels by -50% whereas insulin failed to induce a detectableinhibition of cAMP levels under the conditions em-ployed. Theeffects of insulinon cAMP accumulation are com-plex and havefrequently beenshown to depend on the insulin
concentrationused (1).Therefore, additional time-course studies (n= 3)werecarriedoutusing four different insulin
concentra-tions ranging from 10 pmol/liter to 10 nmol/liter. However, evenunder theseconditionsnodecreaseof cAMP levelscould
be detected(notshown).Inordertoexclude the possibility that
insulinonlytransiently decreased cAMP levels, threeother
ex-perimentswere carriedoutin which cAMP levelswere
deter-minedat 1, 5, and 10 minafterthe addition of thehormone
(10 nmol/liter). However, noshort-termchangeincAMP
con-centrationscould bedetected.
ofpertussis toxin and
adenosine deaminase
onbasal andisoproterenol-activated
andglycerol release. Fat cells produce
and extrudeinhibitory
regu-lators such asadenosineorprostaglandins of theE type(1-8).
As reportedpreviouslyand showninFig.1and2,evenextremely dilute suspensions ofhuman adipocytes produceadenosine in amountssufficienttodepressglycerol release
( 19).In the presentstudies, bothremoval of endogenous adenosine andtreatmentof adipocytes with pertussis toxin resultedin an
increase ofcAMP. Lipolysiswasconsiderably activated when cAMP levels were increased two- to threefold (adenosine
de-aminase)and proceeded atmaximal ratesaftertreatmentwith pertussis toxin whichwas
with aboutafive-tosev-enfold increase in cAMP levels. These resultsareconsistent with
thewidely held belief that onlyasmallincrease in total
AMPisnecessary tostimulate lipolysis fully. The fact that pre-treatmentof fat cells with
toxin resultedinhighercAMPlevels thanremoval of endogenous
couldsuggesteitherthat sometightly-bound adenosine isnotaccessibletoadenosine deaminaseorthatadenosineisnottheonly inhibitorproduced during incubations in vitro. Support for the latter
comesfrom studies of Changet al.(8), who showed thathuman
adipocytes also produce prostaglandins ofthe Eand F types.
Similarexplanations mayapplyto theobservationthat cAMP levelselevated by isoproterenol (in the presence of adenosine
werefurther increasedby pertussistoxintreatment.The lattereffect of pertussis toxincan also beexplained by
toitsreceptor causes notonly activation ofcAMPformation via the stimulatory nucleo-tide
of adenylate cyclase(Nj),
but alsosimul-taneous inhibition via the inhibitory coupling protein
as proposed by Murayama and Ui (20) for rat adipocytes.Reversal by pertussis toxin of the inhibitory
prostaglandin E2, and clonidine. Asin the rat fat cell, pretreatment of human adipocytes with per-tussis toxin abolishedthe antilipolytic effects of
N6-phenyliso-propyladenosine and prostaglandin E2 (10, 11, 13).
Concomi-tantlythe decreaseofcAMPlevels produced by both agents was reversed. Rat adipocytes contain no functional a2-receptors. In human fat cells the
effects ofepinephrine
and of clonidine were also blocked(Fig. 3).
Pertussistoxin catalyzes the ADP ribosylation in various cell types in-cluding fat cells ofa41,000-molwtproteinthat is apparentlya
subunit of
the inhibitoryguanine nucleotidebinding-proteinofadenylate cyclase(for reviewseeReferences21 and22). The covalent modificationinhibitsthefunctionalabilityofinhibitory
receptors to depress cAMP formation (21-23). cAMP levels were increased in adipocytes pretreated with pertussis toxin and
re-versalofthe antilipolytic effect of prostaglandin E2 was associated
withacorrespondingincrease ofcAMP,suggestingthatadenylate
cyclase is in fact involved. However, several effectsofpertussis
toxin have been describedwhich are independent of cyclic nu-cleotide changes (21, 22, 24). In addition, the concentration of
pertussis toxinused in this study was more than 10-fold higher
thanthat used by others with rat adipocytes (13). Therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility thatmechanisms other than
mod-ification ofadenylate cyclase are also important.
The roleof adenosineandofE-typeprostaglandinsas
phys-iologicregulatorsof adipose tissue is unknown at present. How-ever, thereismounting evidencefrom in vitro experiments
sug-gestingthatlocal regulatorsareimportant in long-term regulation
oflipolysis of different species includinghumans(1-3, 25-29).
Previous studies with adipocytes of starved subjects led us to conclude that the increase in basallipolytic rate seen in starvation
ismainly due to reliefof endogenous inhibition (19). The results
of thepresentstudiesareconsistent with this view. They dem-onstratethat relief of endogenousinhibitory influences results in almost maximal stimulation of glycerol release, suggesting thatthe primary functionalstatewhich is attained in the absence
ofany regulatorsis characterized by highratesof glycerolrelease.
Therefore,acertaindegreeof inhibitionappears tobe necessary
for fat cell lipolysistobesusceptibleto activation.
of insulin. In contrast to all otherinhibitorstested, theantilipolytic action of insulin waspreserved after pretreat-mentof adipocytes with pertussis toxin.Inaddition, althoughthe
effectwasclearlymanifested, the peptide hor-monehadnoinhibitory effectsoncAMPaccumulation regard-lessofwhether the cells had or had not been treatedwithpertussis toxin.The ,-oligomer of pertussis toxin has been shownto have
insulinlike effects onglucose oxidation in rat adipocytes (24).
The observations ofthe present studies, however, are almost
certainlynotrelatedtothissubunit, which mediates bindingof theholotoxintothe cellsurface, because basalglycerolrelease
should have beendecreased rather thanincreasedifthe
3-oligo-mer, inadditiontoitseffectson glucoseoxidationalso had
in-sulinlikeantilipolytic effects.
The antilipolytic effect of insulin hasoftenbeen correlated
witha decreasein cAMP concentrations in adipose tissue, and some
haveproposed that this decrease incAMP level fully explainsthe antilipolytic action of thishormone infat
cellsof differentspecies including
human adipocytes (30-33; for reviewseeReference 34).ThecAMP response of adipocytes to lipolytic agentsoften
does not reach a steady state, but shows a peakfollowed bya
decline(1,35).Thesharpness ofthepeakhas been foundtobe very variable (1, 35). A possibleexplanation for this variability comesfrom studies of Engfeldt et al. (35), who showed that
phosphodiesterase activity isreduced by collagenase digestion ofhuman adipose tissue. In the present studies, cAMP accu-mulation in cells exposed to isoproterenol showed a rapid
reported from hamster adipocytes (36). Insulin is knownto
ac-tivate alow-Km phosphodiesterase (1). In view of thefindings
ofEngfeldt et al. (35), wecannot exclude the possibility that phosphodiesterase activity was sufficiently reducedtopreclude anyinsulin-induced activation of phosphodiesterase. In addition, incultured 3T3-Ll adipocytes insulin activation of
phospho-diesterase is prevented by pertussis toxintreatment(37). If
ap-plicable to human adipocytes, these latter findings wouldexplain
why cAMP levels were not changed by insulin aftertreatment
with pertussistoxin. In addition, the effects of insulin were
as-sessed only with glucose inthe medium.Hence,wedo notknow whether changes of cAMP would have occurred in the absence ofglucose. We, therefore, do not suggest that insulin has not
effects oncAMPlevels at all. However, ourobservations dem-onstrate that changes in cAMP levelscannotofferasatisfactory explanation for the mechanisms of the antilipolytic action of
insulin underall conditions.This conclusion is consistent with recent reports in which rat adipocytes were employed that had been made permeable by digitonin, orpharmacologic
manip-ulationstobypass endogenouscAMP production and utilization
(38-40). These latter studies consistently showedthatthe
anti-lipolytic effect of insulin doesnot require adenylate cyclaseor
phosphodiesterase action(38-40).
In conclusion,the results show that the antilipolyticeffect ofinsulin is not necessarily related to measurable decreases of cAMP. Additional evidence that the mechanisms underlying
theantilipolytic actionof insulin is different from the
mecha-nisms ofotherantilipolyticcompounds comes from the
obser-vationthat pertussis toxin blocks the inhibitory action of
pros-taglandin E2, N6-phenylisopropyladenosine, and clonidine
without affectingthe antilipolytic action of insulin. The peptide
hormoneis theonlyantilipolyticregulatorshown to be physi-ologically important in vivo. In vitro, lipolysis is severely
re-strained by endogenous inhibitors, of which adenosineis prob-ablythe mostimportant. Unrestrained lipolysis proceeds at al-mostmaximalrates,suggestingthat acertaindegreeof inhibition might benecessaryfor fatcelllipolysisto besusceptible to stim-ulation. Further information about the concentrations of
aden-osine and prostaglandins within adipose tissuein vitro and in
vivo, therefore,would be of great valuein gainingmoredetailed
into the mechanisms that adjust lipid mobilizationtothe actual demands oftheorganism.
Theauthors aregrateful to Miss E. Messmer and Miss U. Biehl for skillful technical assistanceand are indebtedtoMrs. C. Brownfor careful preparation ofthemanuscript.Wewishto thank Dr. P. D.Wood, Stan-fordUniversity, Stanford, California,forproofreadingthemanuscript.
This work wassupported by grants of the Deutsche
Forschungsge-meinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg; theThyssen-Stiftung,Cologne; and theBundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany.
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