Gleneagle State School Explicit Improvement Agenda for 2020 is Reading and Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL).
We e responsible We are respectful We are safe
Fortnightly Newsletter Week 1 – 14 July 2020
Upcoming Events
Date Event Participants Details
Monday 3 Aug Sports Day – Field Events 9 – 12 years Further details to follow – subject to Covid-19 restrictions Friday 7 Aug Sports Day Whole School Further details to follow – subject to
Covid-19 restrictions Monday 10 Aug Public Holiday Whole School Royal Queensland Show Holiday –
Scenic Rim Council Friday 21 Aug Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
Prep, Prep/1 & 1/2 Rescheduled date – subject to Covid-19 restrictions Friday 4 Sept Student Free Day Whole School Changed to Term 3 from Term 4
Friday 18 Sept Last Day – Term 3 Tuesday 6 Oct First Day – Term 4
Wednesday 14 Oct School Photo Day Whole School Image Photography
Monday 2 Nov – Wednesday 4 Nov
School Camp Rescheduled
Year 4-6 Students Thunderbird Park Tamborine Mountain – subject to Covid-19 restrictions
Gleneagle State School
126-146 Mt. Lindesay Highway, Gleneagle Qld 4285 Phone: (07) 5548 9333 Fax: (07) 5548 9300
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
From the Principal
Welcome back to term three. I hope that all staff, students and families enjoyed the winter school break. We certainly have returned to some cooler mornings, but how glorious is the winter sunshine.
It was wonderful to see so many students smiling faces and hearing fun and laughter echoing throughout the school. It was also great to have Mrs Deb Gray, Barbara Eastley, Cassandra Maguire, and Marilyn Savage return this term. Mrs Sarah Grodecki will be on Long Service Leave this term and we will continue to backfill Sarah’s position through our current temporary teacher-aides. We look forward to Sarah returning next term.
As you would be aware, COVID-19 restrictions in Queensland have commenced easing, however it is paramount that we continue to follow all school operating guideline requirements aligned with Queensland Health advice. This includes good health and hygiene, adults social distancing, and our school continuing to limit and monitor the number of adults on site. Any adult who is unwell should not enter the school site. Any staff member or student who is unwell, including those with mild symptoms must remain at home.
In terms of events, we are currently looking in to what future school events we can offer aligned with the COVD-19 safe event checklist. As you can appreciate while restrictions may be easing, we still need to ensure that we can maintain adequate social distancing and hygiene requirements aligned with our facilities and physical and human resourcing to ensure that we prioritise health and safety. We will endeavour to keep you updated throughout the term. As all state schools have now returned to on-site learning, please remember that it is vital that students attend school every day, as ‘Every Day Counts’. Every student every day learning is the key to ensuring that ‘Every Student is
Succeeding’. Of course from time to time, unfortunately students may become unwell, and as mentioned during this
time, all unwell students must remain at home. If your child is absent from school, It is imperative as part of the department’s same day notification protocols that you make contact with our school to inform us of the reason for your child’s absence.
2020 School Opinion Survey
As mentioned in our last newsletter last term, parents and caregivers are invited to participate in this year’s School
Opinion Survey. This year the survey has been modified and provides an opportunity for parents and caregivers to
give feedback about schooling during the COVID-19 lockdown, as well as an opportunity to provide feedback about our school more generally.
Participation in the survey is anonymous and you are encouraged to take this opportunity to have your say. The survey form has been designed so that it can easily be completed on a computer or smartphone. The online survey will be available until Friday, 17 July 2020, and should take less than five minutes to complete.
To access the survey, please click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web browser: Parent survey –
Please contact the school if you have any questions about the survey.
As we progress this term we will continue to ensure that our whole school priority areas for 2020 remain a priority.
2020 school priority areas: Systematic Curriculum Delivery A Culture that promotes learning Differentiation and Inclusive practices
Underlying this whole school approach is collective team efficacy in delivering quality teaching and learning to improve student outcomes.
Wishing all school staff, students, families and community stakeholders a fantastic term three ahead Have a great fortnight,
Kind regards,
Jennifer Fenwick Principal
Positive Behavior for Learning
Our School is a registered Positive Behaviour Learning school, which is an evidence based whole-school approach to creating a safe and supportive environment.
Our schoolwide expectations (rules): We are: ‘Safe’, ‘Respectful’, and ‘Responsible’, are explicitly taught to students including what this looks, sounds and feels like across all areas of the school.
We hope the high expectations we set for our school will assist students in demonstrating the expected behaviours both at home and in all areas of the school community.
Our behaviour focus this fortnight is:
Weeks 1 & 2: ‘We are respectful to all school staff’
High Five
The High Five helps us remember strategies we can use when someone is doing something to us that we don’t’ like. It is beneficial for students to work their way through the steps, but sometimes the steps may need to be skipped, e.g., reporting straight away, of course this dependent on the severity of the problem. The High Five has five steps:
1. Breathe and think
Deep breathing helps to slow the heart rate down, lower blood pressure, and improve our focus—releasing control back to our conscious thoughts, and allows us to think about our next steps, the size of the problem and our response.
2. Talk Friendly
Use a calm voice. Maintain eye contact. Confident body language.
Maintain relatively close body proximity.
Use "I" statements - I feel ... when you... because... 3. Ignore and walk
Pretend you didn't hear it. Do not make eye contact.
Maintain positive body posture (calm, confident). Think positive self-esteem statements.
Count to five in your head slowly. Take deep breaths.
Stand tall, head up high. Mouth closed.
Look confident.
Do not use eye contact.
Walk somewhere, preferably towards a congested area or to a safety zone (teacher). Do not look back. Walk confidently, do not run.
4. Talk Firmly
As per Talk Friendly.
Use an assertive voice, slightly raised. Tell them to stop it.
Re-state your "I" statement. eg. I said... State the consequences of continued bullying. 5. Report
Walk away and tell a staff member either on duty or in the classroom. Go to a safety zone.
Bystanders - support and report.
Report, report, report until somebody listens. Reporting Vs Dobbing:
Children need to know the difference between reporting and dobbing. Reporting is helping/getting yourself out of trouble.
Children should in most circumstances attempt to problem- solve themselves first. Unsuccessful after doing Hi 5 steps- see teacher.
Asking the teacher for support:
Teacher dialogue should take the following format: - Is this a serious problem?
- Is this your problem?
- What have you tried already to solve it? (Have you tried the Hi 5?) - Do you want a solution?
- What sort of solution do you want? Reporting straight away
If the issue involves health or safety- children to report straight away to a teacher.
They are not to solve problem themselves. e.g. Incidents of physical danger - Child running out of school gates
Zones of Regulation
In line with our school Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), and teachings from the Australian Curriculum ‘social and personal’ general capabilities, our school has commenced introducing an evidence based social and emotional learning framework called the Zones of Regulation.
Why is our school using the zones?
The Zones of Regulation provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of, and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, managing their sensory needs, and improving their ability to problem solve conflicts. The Zones of Regulation helps to provide students with a toolbox of strategies to assist with regulating their emotions when faced with different interactions, experiences and environments.
Our school has commenced implementing the zones of regulation through whole class lessons, small group and one on one support.
Self-regulation is something everyone continually works on. We all encounter trying circumstances that test our limits from time to time. If we are able to recognise when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do something about it to feel better and get ourselves to a better place. This comes naturally for some, but for others it is a skill that needs to be taught and practiced. This is the goal of The Zones of Regulation (or Zones for short).
The link below provides a short and sharp video explaining how the framework works.
If you would like more information about the zones of regulation see your child’s teacher or contact Mrs Brettell [email protected]
School Information
School BankingSchool banking will resume this Thursday. Students will need to bring their deposit book to the office for the deposit to be made. If your student does not have a school banking account and you would like to learn more, please click the following link. School Banking is a fun and easy way for your student to save money, earn interest, and get some fun rewards.
Sports Day Field Events Mon 3 Aug– Please Help
We are seeking assistance from parents who can assist our staff with running the 9-12 year old Field Sports Day for 2020 on Monday 3 Aug, including time and distance marshalling. Your assistance will allow our students to participate whilst keeping in line with our current Covid-19 distancing restrictions.
2021 Enrolments
If you are aware of a family that is intending to enrol in 2021 or alternatively, if you have a younger sibling who will commence Prep would you please contact the office.
Prep information packs for 2021 are available for collection from the office. The Transition Day will be finalised and announced in Term 3, restrictions permitting. Our flyer is included below.
D Block
Construction has now been completed for D Block and our students across years 2/3, 3/4, and 5/6 have begun to transition to their new classrooms. We thank you all for your patience during our construction period.
Excursion to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
We are excited to announce that the excursion to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has been confirmed for Friday 21 August 2020. This confirmation is based on our State remaining in Stage 3 of the ‘Roadmap to easing Queensland’s Restrictions’ (attached below). We will be sending home an updated permission slip shortly.
School Camp – Change of Date to Term 4 – Monday 2nd November-Wednesday 4th November 2020
This year our year 4, 5 & 6 students have the opportunity to attend school camp at Thunderbird Park, Tamborine Mountain. There will be a host of fun activities for them to enjoy. The change of date to November, we hope will ease some financial burden our families have been facing in recent times. The booking is based on our State remaining in Stage 3 of the ‘Roadmap to easing Queensland’s Restrictions’ (attached below). We will be sending home the balance invoices shortly.
The details for direct deposit are:
Account Name: Gleneagle State School
BSB: 064 400
Account Number: 0009 0103
Reference: Last Name-Camp
Active Kids
Active Kids takes place on a Tuesday 1st break for Prep-3 and Thursday Year 4-6. Fynn and Jayden, our Sports Captains, lead this fun activity. This is a great way to be active and have fun playing organised games.
Student Council
Student Council are currently selling ice blocks Friday, first break for $1.00. The Student Council can be found in the undercover area, near the office at first break. Please support the student council and enjoy a refreshing ice block.
Absences & SMS for schools
If your child is absent from school, it is regulation that you MUST call the school Absence Line on (07) 5548 9360. This line is available 24/7. Alternatively, you can text the office on 0426 305 671 or report to the office. This will ensure your child is accounted for. You will receive a text message if your child is absent and you haven’t notified the office.
Food Packaging
We request that parents check lunch packaging, ensuring it can easily be opened and is age appropriate. We ask you to consider sending nude foods and use recyclable containers for canned foods etc. Please “start” any difficult to open individually packaged foods. Your cooperation will ensure the health and safety of both students and staff. Please label all containers clearly.
Head lice
It has been brought to our attention that there have been cases of HEADLICE in some of our classroom’s. As a matter of URGENCY, please check your child’s hair and hat for head lice and if necessary, take the appropriate action. If your child does have head lice, please ensure you provide proper treatment before returning to school.
From the P & C
Monthly MeetingsThe P&C Association is an important component of the school community. All parents and interested members of the community are invited to attend monthly meetings and to become actively involved in the Association. Meetings are fun and a great way to meet other parents. Information about dates and times of meetings is provided in the school newsletter and on the school website. The P&C Association has contributed some excellent facilities and resources for our students and continues to maintain these and develop others.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 16July, 2020. This meeting will adhere to departmental guidelines including social distancing measures.
School Uniform Policy
The P & C, in consultation with members of our school community, have been preparing a school uniform policy for Gleneagle State School following departmental guidelines. The policy, once endorsed, will apply during school hours and travelling to and from school, and for co-curricular and extracurricular activities unless otherwise stated. Come along to our next meeting to have your say.
School Uniforms
Uniforms can now be purchased online through the school locker using the following link