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Investigations on enzyme catalyzed peptide synthesis


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A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of Warwick

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Jean-Marc RICCA

Submitted for the degree o f Doctor of Philosophy

University o f Warwick





Abbreviations 5

Acknowledgement 7

List o f figures 8

Declaration 10

Publication 11

Summary 12

General introduction 13

1- introduction 13

2- use o f enzymes in peptide synthesis 16

2-1. introduction 16

2-2. chronology 17

2-3. thermodynamically controlled peptide synthesis 19

2-4. kinetically controlled peptide synthesis 24

2-5. major developments in enzyme-catalyzed 26

peptide b ond formation

Chapter I : applications of Chymotrypsin suspended 39

in organic solvents

1-1. Peptide synthesis catalyzed b y chymotrypsin 39

in organic solvents

1-1.1. introduction 39

1-1.2. materials and methods 41

1-1.3. results and discussion 45

1-2. Hydrolytic reactions catalyzed b y chymotrypsin 83

suspended in organic solvents with low water content


1-2.2. materials and methods 85

I- 2.3. results and discussion 87

Chapter II : kinetics o f Chymotrypsin controlled syntheses 114

of peptide bonds in organic solvents

II-l. Introduction 114

II-2. Methods and experimental procedures 120

II-3. Results and discussion 122

II- 3.1. effect of the water content 122

II-3.2. kinetics o f chymotrypsin-catalyzed synthesis 130

o f N-acetyl-L-tyrosyl-L-phenylalaninamide in


II-4. Conclusions 142

Chapter III : Chymotrypsinogen and Chymotrypsins as 145

catalysts for peptide synthesis

Chapter I V : Enzymatic synthesis of leucine-enkephalinamide 160

Chapter V : Design o f competitive inhibitors o f proteases 208

V-l. Introduction 208

V-2. Hydrolysis of carbon-carbon bonds b y Chymotrypsin 221

V-3. Synthesis o f 3-keto esters derived from amino acids 227

V-4. Diastereoselective reductions o f 3-keto esters 234

Experimental details 249



5 -ABBREVIATIONS z BOC Ac Bz Bzl Bu Ph Et Me NMe Mca FMOC OTMB ATOIi ATEE THF CDI MTPA PEG DMF DMSO EEDQ TFA CT CDP-Y PPL NAD(P)H HLADH RNA NCYC TMS IgE benzyloxycarbonyl tert-butyloxycarbonyl acetyl benzoyl benzyl butyl phenyl ethyl methyl methylamide monochloroace ty1

9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl trimethylbenzyl ester N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl N-acetyl-L-tyrosinate tetrahydrofuran carbonyldiimidazole (-)-2-methoxy-2-trifluoromethylphenylacetyl polyethylene glycol

dime thyl formamide dimethylsulfoxi.de

N-ethyloxycarbony1-2-ethyloxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline trifluoroacetic acid

Chymotrypsin carboxypeptidase Y pig pancreatic lipase

dihydronicotinamideadenine dinucleotide(phosphate) horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase

ribonucleic acid

national collection of yeast cultures tetramethylsilane iimiunoglobulin E NMR ppm J s d t q b NOE IR M c M P BP GLC HPLC hrs TLC

nuclear magnetic resonance parts per million coupling constant singlet doublet triplet quartet broad

nuclear Overhauser enhancement infrared

specific rotation concentration (g/100ml) melting point boiling point

gas-liquid chromatography

high performance liquid chromatography hours



-MS mass spectrometry

FAB fast atom bombardement

CID collision induced decomposition

ee enantiomeric excess

de diastereoisomeric excess

kcat maximal velocity per unit of enzyme concentration

K m substrate concentration at half-maximal velocity

Ki inhibition constant

Vsyn initial velocity for peptide bond formation

Vhyd initial velocity for hydrolysis

Notations o f the standard amino acids :

alanine Ala tyrosine Tyr

aspartic acid Asp cysteine Cys

leucine Leu tryptophan Trp

glycine Gly histidine His

lysine Lys ornithine O m

serine Ser valine Val

arginine Arg threonine Thr

proline Pro methionine Met



-I would like to thank Professor D.H.G. Crout for the guidance and

encouragement which h e has provided throughout the course o f this


Further I want to thank Dr. K. Muller for the molecular modelling


I must also thank Dr. 0. Howard for his assistance w ith the NMR

studies and Dr. D. Despeyroux for the tandem mass spectrometry


Thanks are due to Dr. M. Donelly for the Karl-Fischer analysis of

the powdered enzymes and Dr. D . A Taylor for the electron

micrographs o f the chymotrypsin surfaces.

The financial support of Rhône-Poulenc Recherches is gratefully



Chapter I

Figure 1. 400 M H z NMR spectrum o f the diaminopropanol


Figure 2. The active site o f chymotrypsin according

to the model of Cohen.

Chapter II

Figure 1. Effect o f the water content (heterogeneous


Figure 2. Effect of the w a ter content (biphasic


Figure 3. Effect of the water content for

D-nucleophiles (heterogeneous catalysis).

Figure 4. Effect of the water content for

D-nucleophiles (heterogeneous catalysis).

Figure 5. Initial velocities pattern as a function of

the concentration o f the starting ester.

Figure 6. Double-reciprocal Lineweaver-Burk plot

showing the initial velocity pattern with

ATEE a s the varied-concentration substrate.

Figure 7. composition o f the reaction mixture with

various concentrations o f the nucleophile

(0-160mM) and fixed concentrations o f ATEE

(80mM) and water ( H O m M ) (reaction time 20


Figure 8. Variation o f Ln[Vsyn/(Vm-Vsyn) ] against

U \ PheNH2 .

Figure 9. Initial-velocity ratio o f peptide bond

formation to hydrolysis as a function of

substrate concentrations.

Chapter III

Figure 1. Activation scheme for the Chymotrypsins.

Figure 2. A v i e w o f the complete polypeptide c h ain of

a -Chymotrypsin.



-Chapter IV

Chapter V


Figure 1. Full mass spectrum of synthetic leucine-


Figure 2. CID mass spectrum of synthetic leucine-

enkephal inamide.

Figure 3. Full mass spectrum of the enzymatically-

synthesized leucine-enkephalinamide.

Figure 4. CID mass spectrum corresponding to the ion

at m / z 689.3.

Figure 5. CID mass spectrum corresponding to the ion

at m / z 688.

Figure 6. FAB mass spectrum of PPL-catalyzed

synthesis of leucine-enkephalinamide.

Figure 1. Double-reciprocal Lineweaver-Burk plot


1 0

-T h e work described in this thesis is the original w ork o f the

aut h o r except where acknowledgement has been made to results and

ideas previously published. It was carried out in the Department

o f Chemistry, University of Warwick between October 1987 and

September 1990 and has not been submitted previously for a degree


1 1


Part o f the research described in this thesis has appeared in the

scientific literature as follows :

Peptide synthesis catalyzed b y Chymotrypsin in organic solvents.

J.M. Ricca, D.H.G. Crout, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Coranun., 2126


1 2

-S I M M K Y

Enzymes have been found to be catalytically active in organic

solvents. Chymotrypsin was used to synthesize a wide range of

peptides when suspended in organic solvents. This method overcame

such problems as secondary hydrolysis and poor solubility in

aqueous mixtures, and allowed processes to occur that were

impossible in water. Syntheses involving D-amino acid derivatives

w ere possible under these conditions. Molecular modelling studies

h ave been carried out and structure-reactivity relationships have

b e e n drawn by using hydrolytic reactions catalyzed by

chymotrypsin suspended in organic solvents with low water

c o n t e n t .

K inetic studies o f chymotrypsin suspended in organic solvents

h a v e shown that the enzyme does not have a classical Michaelis-

Men t e n behaviour, but shows cooperative effects with respect to

the binding of the substrates. The role o f the essential water

h a s b een investigated.

T h e use of the different chymotrysins in peptide synthesis has

b e e n investigated and 7 -chymotrypsin, inactive in water, has

b e e n found fully active when suspended in organic solvents.

T h e enzymatic synthesis o f leucine-enkephalinamide was carried

out and tandem mass spectrometry was used to determine the

composition of the reaction mixture. The last coupling step used

a n enzyme in an organic solvent.

Potential competitive inhibitors o f proteases have been designed

a n d synthesized. Several methods for the synthesis o f 3-keto

esters w ere investigated and diastereoselective reductions o f 3-


1 3


1 - Introduction

Tremendous advances in peptide synthetic chemistry have been made

s i nce the d a y w hen Qnil Fischer defined the peptide bond as the

amide-like linkage between amino acids and gave the reasons why

h e chose the t erm "peptide"

Peptides and proteins exhibit the largest structural and

functional variations o f all classes of biological

macromolecules • They are o f prime importance in the regulation

a n d maintenance of all biological processes. The essential

structural features o f peptide and protein molecules are chains

o f amino acids linked to one another b y amide bonds. Important

aspects and considerations are the polymeric nature of peptides

a n d proteins a n d their wide range o f properties. The polymeric

character requires the use o f special approaches to synthesis.

T h e spectrum o f peptide properties - from very basic to very

acidic, from highly hydrophilic to totally hydrophobic, from

e a s i l y soluble to completely insoluble - invariably presents

surprises and obstacles during synthesis o f these molecules.

M o d e r n synthetic peptide chemistry really started in 1953 with

the chemical synthesis of the nonapeptide hormone oxytocin by


1 4

-The m o s t frequently used methods of peptide synthesis are those

of a chemical nature. The chemical formation o f a peptide bond

in principle, can b e reduced to four steps (Scheme 1).

S c h e m e 1 : General scheme of peptide synthesis. Z, amine

protecting group; Y, carboxyl protecting group; X,

activating substituent.

. a * * , , * « * ,

R 0

Z -N H -C H -i-O H

carboxyl coaponent

t W SUSP : u r t a s J s d * * »


R o

Z - N H - C H - i - X

3 n1 stag« : peptide bond RruXun





Z - N H - C H - i -




-t -tb s-tage : depro-tec-tion


1 5

-Side chains (R) o f certain amino acids contain functionalities

w h i c h n e e d protection that is maintained throughout the synthesis

and therefore termed semi-permanent protection. In the second

stage, the carboxyl group of the N-protected carboxyl component

is activated. "Coupling reagents" ^ conveniently effect selective

activa t i o n of the carboxyl component in the presence o f the amine

component. Peptide b o n d formation constitutes the third stage. An

efficient condensation procedure should provide for rapid peptide

b ond formation, m inimal racemization, few side reactions, ready

work-up, and high yields. The routine laboratory scale peptide

s y n thesis by solution techniques w ith u p to 15 amino acid

residues, can be considered as a realistic goal. Segment

condensation has b e e n successfully applied to the synthesis of

m a n y peptide hormones with up to about 60 amino acid residues.

T his limit will p r obably be extended b y further refinements or

exi s t i n g methods a n d developments o f novel approaches such as

"the f o u r component segment condensation" ^ or "the amine capture


Fo l l o w i n g B. Merrifield's ingenious innovation o f covalently

b i n d i n g the growing peptide chain to an insoluble polymeric

support solid-phase methodology has become increasingly

p o p u l a r during the last 20 years. In this strategy, excess

r eagents and by-products from the synthetic cycles can be removed

b y s i m p l e filtration a n d washing steps. A reappraisal of solid-

phase peptide synthesis in the early 1970s ^ led to the


1 6

-Merrifield were not necessarily optimal. Higher reaction yields

might b e obtained if the special nature of the chemical

environment within the polymer matrix was considered. These

considerations led to the development of a n e w variant o f solid-

phase pep t i d e synthesis, n a m e l y the FMOC-polyamide method 8 . The

most attractive improvement brought about b y this procedural

simplification is the time-saving and convenient mode of

operation and consequently, the prospect o f fully automated

synthesis ^ .

Nevertheless, the considerable shortcomings of these methods

still impose a n undiminished challenge u pon synthetic peptide

chemistry. These limitations arise mainly from the fact that the

individual steps o f the synthetic pathway are relatively

unspecific in nature. Consequently, the success o f many syntheses

is jeopardized b y the appearance of undesired by-products. 2****

2- Use o f enzymes in peptide synthesis,

2-1. Introduction

Enzymes h a v e been w i d e l y used as catalysts in organic

synthesis Recent experiments in several laboratories have


1 7

-offering several advantages over chemical methods for the

formation o f peptide bonds for synthesis a n d semisynthesis.

The c a pacity o f proteases to effect peptide bond synthesis

stereospecifically and without the need o f side chain protection

was recognized early in the study o f these enzymes as a natural

result o f their catalytic nature Although these early

successes occurred largely from their being driven by

precipitation o f synthesized products, a m ore controlled type of

protease-catalyzed peptide b o n d formation was observed in the

ability o f carboxypeptidases A and B, trypsin, and chymotrypsin

to re-form specific peptide bon d s in trypsin inhibitors *2 .


The concept o f peptide synthesis b y reversal o f mass action in

protease-catalyzed reactions dates back to 1898, when J.H. Van't

Hoff supposed that the protease "trypsin" could be endowed w ith

the inherent capacity to catalyze the synthesis o f proteins from

degradation products originally generated b y its own proteolytic

action 13.

The rationale behind this idea involved the applicability o f the

law of m a s s action to enzyme controlled reactions and their

reversibility arising from the presuned catalytic nature o f the


1 8

-During the first decades of the present century many biochemists

believed that a biochemical process that required free energy to

take place c o u l d be accomplished w i t h the greatest efficiency by

living organisms. As a consequence, it was generally assumed

that, for instance, the catabolic pathways o f biological

macromolecules w e r e inversely equal to the anabolic ones.

Moreover, this v iew implicitly suggested the possibility of

preparing pr o t e i n s by "hydrolysis in reverse" via protease

catalysis. T h i s idea of protein biosynthesis b y "reversible

enzymic hydrolysis" had long been considered to be supported by

the phenomenon o f the so-called "plastein reaction". As early as

1901, Savjalov described plastein formation correctly as the

outcome o f a "proteosynthetic" process, namely as the reverse of

the already k n o w n "proteolytic" action of proteases Due to

their complexity, however, the chemical nature o f the plasteins

could not b e e x a c t l y characterized b y the methods o f that time.

After simplifying the experimental conditions, Bergmann's group

was the first t o describe the enzymatic syntheses o f well-defined

dipeptides v i a papain 15 and a -chymotrypsin catalysis

However, the concept of protein biosynthesis b y reversal of

enzymatic proteolysis, which was accepted as plausible until the

beginning o f the 1940's was put in question b y thermodynamic data

on peptide bond hydrolysis. It could be shown that the synthesis

o f peptide b o n d s represents a strongly endergonic process under


1 9

-"peptide bonds cannot be synthesized to a n y significant extent

merely b y mass action reversal o f hydrolysis".

The demise o f the concept o f protease-controlled protein

biosynthesis finally coincided with the recognition o f the

genetic code a n d the decisive role played b y mRNAs and tRNAs

during the process o f in vivo protein synthesis.

Besides their primary role in peptide synthesis, proteases have

also been successfully applied to oligomerization

semisynthesis and protecting group chemistry

2-3. Thermodynamically controlled peptide synthesis.

The thermodynamically controlled formation o f peptide bonds

represents the direct reversal o f the catalytic cleavage of

peptides b y proteases ^ .

Since, however, concentrations are used i n the description below

instead o f activities, this is not a n exact thermodynamic

treatment. I n contrast to the hydrolysis, the synthesis o f a

peptide bond is a n endergonic process, i.e., proceeds w ith loss

of entropy a n d is energetically so unfavorable that the

equilibriun constant Ksyn for the coupling o f two unprotected


2 0

-are unreaetive,for the thermodynamic approach, two equilibria

have to be t a ken into account :

R-COO" + +H 3N-R' M g S R-COOH + H 2N-R R-CONH-R' + H 20

Preceding the "inversion equilibriun" Kinv between the uncharged

substrates and the product is an "ionization equilibrium" Kion.

Taking the concentration o f water into the equilibrium constant,

the total process is given b y :

K s y n = K i o n .Kinv= (R C O N H R ' )((RCOO“ )(+H 3HNR'J)“ 1

For any given p a i r o f substrates and known pH, Kion and Kinv are

fixed. The o n l y function o f the protease is to accelerate the

attainment o f the equilibrium for the formation o f the peptide.

Therefore, r e action conditions should be cho s e n to ensure a high

catalytic a c t i v i t y of the protease. The p H optimum o f the

synthesis lies a p art from pepsin catalyzed couplings, in the pH

range between t h e p K of the a-carboxyl g r o u p and that o f the

amino group o f t h e substrates, i.e., normally between p H 6 and 7.

There are two principal ways b y which one c a n further influence

thermodynamically controlled peptide formation :

- increasing Kion b y alteration o f the p K values o f the


2 1

-- Increasing the concentration of the peptide product via

manipulation b a s e d on the law o f mass action.

2-3.1. Increase i n Kion

For a given set o f reaction conditions, there are two w ays to

decrease the difference in pK values between amino and carboxyl

components in o r d e r to increase Kion. This leads in turn, to an

increase in Ksyn = Kion . Kinv

2-3,1.1. Use o f water-miscible organic solvents

Water-miscible organic solvents decrease the acidity of the at-

carboxy group o f the carboxy component, whereas they only

marginally influence the pK value of the a m ino group o f the

nucleophile. For example, the p K value of acetylglycine in water

is 3.60, while i n 80X (v/v) dimethylsulfoxide it is 6.93 ; the pK

values of GlyNHjg 8.20 and 8.10, respectively, remain almost

constant. A v a r i e t y of other cosolvents can b e u sed to change the

pK value by one t o two units, resulting in a significant increase

in Ksyn. This approach, however, is problematic in so far as the

catalytic a c t i v i t y of proteases decreases with increasing

concentration o f the cosolvent ; thus, the time required to reach

the inversion o f the equilibrium increases. O n l y polyalcohols,

which act as enzyme stabilizers, may b e used at high


2 2

-2-3.1.2. Use of bip h a s i c systems

In systems consisting o f an aqueous phase and a n o n miscible

phase (non-polar o r g a n i c solvent), pK values are influenced in

such a way that K i o n increases Since the enzyme is localized

in the aqueous phase, the activity can be influenced only by the

saturation concentration o f the organic solvent in water, and the

enzyme is therefore inhibited far less than b y solvents miscible

with water. This advantage, however, is counteracted by the

prolonged time r e quired to reach equilibrium. Solubility of the

substrates in the n onpolar organic phase limits the general use

o f biphasic systems f o r the enzymatic peptide synthesis.

2-3.2. Influence o n product formation based on the law of Hass


The first positive experimental results for the use o f a reversal

o f protease-catalyzed peptide hydrolysis were bas e d on the

limited solubility o f the products, which thus are removed from

the inversion e quilibrium (see p age 20)and accumulate ^ . The

product can also b e removed from the equilibrium b y extraction or

specific complexation.

2-3.2.1. Formation o f insoluble products

If sufficiently h i g h concentrations o f substrates a r e employed,


2 3

-peptide concentration that lies above the maximal saturation

concentration, precipitation occurs and thus the product o f the

synthesis accumulates. The apparent equilibrium constant, for a

reaction in which some o f the product precipitates d u e to its

limited solubility in the system, is greater the high e r the

starting concentration o f substrates and the lower the solubility

o f the product in this system. Using one component in excess may

result in almost quantitative reaction o f the other substrate.

This method is very popular in practice since the condition of

low solubility o f the product compared to that of the substrates

frequently holds.

2-3.2.2. Extraction o f products

In biphasic systems, the product is removed from the equilibriim

if, owing to a favorable position o f the equilibrium, it is

extracted and thus accumulates in a nonpolar phase that is not

miscible with water. I n most cases, however, the product is only

marginally soluble in the organic phase ; it precipitates and is

thus removed from the equilibrium.

2-3.2.3. Specific complexation of the product

If compounds are available that can form specific complexes with

the product, the latter can be removed f r o m the equilibrium by


2 4

-2-4, Kinetlcally controlled syntheses.

Investigation of the catalytic mechanism o f serine and cysteine

proteases using Chymotrypsin and papain a s examples revealed

that, in the presence o f nucleophiles, acyl enzymes intermediates

RCO-E are deacylated competitively b y water and the nucleophile

If the nucleophile is a n aminoacid or peptide derivative, then a

new peptide is formed during the aminolytic deacylation

(Scheme 2).

Scheme 2,



o o


n h







l 4

t NH







R-COOX-H-E --- R -C O -E


2 5

-Especially suitable carboxyl components for this type of

enzymatically catalyzed peptide synthesis are acylamino acid

alkyl esters, if they match the substrate specificity of the

particular protease, since in general they fulfill the condition

k 2 3>k3+k^ . Furthermore, k 2 o f the ester substrate is

substantially greater than k 2 of the peptide formed, which

results in a maximum for product formation before the slower

hydrolysis o f the product starts to become important.

The area in which kinetically controlled synthesis c a n be used in

practice is limited to serine and cysteine proteases which prefer

acylamino acid esters as the carboxy component. The reactions are

characterized by short reaction times and low enzyme


2-4.1. Influence of the reaction medium

Since only the non-protonated form o f the nucleophile reacts in

the amino lytic deacylation o f the acyl-enzyme, it is necessary to

take the effective concentration o f nucleophile instead of the

total concentration into account. This can be calculated from the

p K value o f the nucleophile and the pH o f the meditm. Since the

pK values of u-amino groups o f amino acid and peptide

derivatives lie around 8 it is advisable to carry o u t kinetically


2 6

-2-5. Ma.jor developments In enzyme-catalyzed peptide bond


2-5.1. Enzymatic reactions in aqueous-organic media

Recently, the area o f enzymatic reactions in the presence of

organic solvents, either miscible o r inmiscible with water, has

been rapidly growing and drawing m u c h attention. These reactions

are of great interest w ith respect to both basic studies o n the

medium effects o n enzyme catalysis and the application of

enzymatic reactions to organic synthesis. For example, hydrolytic

enzymes such as a -Chymotrypsin, h ave been employed as catalysts

for various ester syntheses i n aqueous-organic two-phase

systems 2®.It has been considered that in this system the

decreased amount o f water and the low solubility of the products

in the aqueous phase shift the reaction equilibriun towards ester

synthesis. However, w hen a hydrophobic (water-immiscible) organic

solvent is used, the m a i n drawback o f the method is that if one

of the reactant RCOOH such as ami n o acids is sparingly soluble in

the organic phase, it would be concentrated in the aqueous phase.

This often causes a substrate inhibition of the enzyme, leading

to low yields of the esters 2 ^»2®. The synthetic reactions by

hydrolytic enzymes i n water-hydrophilic (water-miscible) organic

solvents have also b een reported 29,30_ gy using limited amounts

of water in solvents, the equilibriun of the reaction can be


2 7

-the enzymes is often impaired at high concentrations o f organic

solvents, and the yields o f products have been rather limited.

For example, it has b een reported that N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl

ester was obtained in 25-30% yields b y chymotrypsin-catalysed

reactions o f N-acetyl-L-tyrosine w ith ethanol in 50-60% water,

but that chymotrypsin was inactivated at lower concentrations of

water 3 1 . However, the dipeptide derivatives Z-L-Tyr-L-LeuNH2

and Mca-L-Tyr-L-LeuNH2 were synthesized b y CX-chymo t ryps in-

catalyzed coupling reactions in solvent systems consisting of

buffer and ethyl acetate 3^. In comparison to a pure aqueous

medium, in which o n l y insignificant synthesis takes place,

product formation is greatly enhanced in a biphasic medi u m owing

to the extraction of the dipeptide into the organic phase.

2-5.2. Immobilized proteases

Proteases can be immobilized without loss o f function, and the

potential o f immobilized proteolytic enzymes for peptide

synthesis has been demonstrated 3 3,34^ pe p tide coupling reactions

can be carried out o n a preparative scale in which immobilized

proteases can be used with the advantage of avoiding reaction

conditions which are normally required for chemical condensation.

The simplified work-up procedure that becomes possible when

immobilized proteases are used, the long-term stability o f the

imnobilized enzyme preparations, and successful réutilisation is


2 8

-advantages in the application of covalently bound proteases can

be sunmarized as follows : the immobilized protease can easily be

recovered from the reaction mixture ; the peptides synthesized

are free from contamination b y proteolytic activities and

denatured protein ; d u e to the increased stability in the

presence of organic solvents, higher concentrations o f such

solvents can be used to influence the position o f the

thermodynamic equilibrium.

Immobilization o f chymotrypsin, trypsin and thermolysin to

various carriers has b een described T h e possibility of using

immobilized trypsin for kinetically controlled peptide bond

formation was investigated b y A. Kbnnecke et al. W ith the

serine type enzyme trypsin, excellent product yields were

obtained starting with ester carboxyl components. Covalently

immobilized trypsin catalyzed the formation o f peptide bonds with

nearly the same efficiency a s the soluble protease and could be

re-used successfully for further coupling experiments.

One of the most interesting aspect o f usi n g immobilized proteases

is the use of organic solvents as the reaction mediun. Papain

entrapped in Amberlite XAD-8 was fully active in

4-methylpentan-2-one and was used to catalyze dipeptide



9-2-5.3. Polyethylene glycol modified enzymes

The hydroxyl groups o f monomethoxypolyethylene glycols

(HO-(C H2-CH2-O)nCH3) m a y be activated b y cyanuric chloride and

several other reagents a n d then coupled to lysine «-amino groups

o f proteins.

This chemical modification of proteins and enzymes with

polyethylene glycol (PEG) has become a n approach applicable to

the solution o f various problems in biological sciences. The

production of IgE caused b y protein allergens such as ovalbumin

and ragweed pollen w a s suppressed b y the treatment with

respective proteins m odified with PEG ^ . Modification of

Escherichia coli asparaginase 3®, yeast uricase ^ and snake

venom batroxobin w i t h PEG decreased their iirmunoreactivity

towards antibodies against respective proteins.

It was demonstrated that polyethylene glycol-modified enzymes

might become soluble i n organic solvents such as benzene, toluene

and chlorinated hydrocarbons, and exhibit high enzymic activities

in these organic solvents. The modified catalase catalyzed ^

decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and peroxidase catalyzed

oxidation reactions, respectively, in transparent organic

solvents. A similarly m o dified lipase was also soluble in various

organic solvents and h a d the ability to catalyze ester synthesis


3 0

-The first successful attempt to form a peptide bond b y aminolysis

in benzene was described b y Inada in 1984 ^ . Chymotrypsin was

modified in the zymogen form with 2,4-bls(0-

methoxypolyethyleneglycol)-6-chloro-s-triazine (activated PBG2),

followed by activation w i t h trypsin. The modified enzyme was

soluble in benzene and r etained its enzymic activity. Acid-amide

bond formation b y the m o d i f i e d enzyme proceeded efficiently in

benzene : benzoyl-tyrosine- (o l igo) -phenylalanine ethyl esters

were formed from N-benzoyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester and L~

phenylalanine ethyl esters.

Since this original publication, the use o f PEG-enzymes has

dramatically increased a n d the major proteases, chymotrypsin

papain ^ , thermolysin subtilisin and trypsin ^ , have been

successfully employed for peptide synthesis in organic solvents.

In a comprehensive study o n the kinetics and specificity of

serine proteases in pep t i d e synthesis catalyzed in organic

solvents H. Gaertner a n d A. Puigserver showed that the

enzymatic synthesis obey e d Michaelis-Menten kinetics and was

consistent with a ping-pong mechanism modified b y a hydrolytic

shunt. A minimal water concentration was required for the

catalytic activity of mod i f i e d chymotrypsin in water-immiscible

solvents. However, the u s e o f PEG-modified enzymes suffers some

shortcomings including the necessity o f using hydrophobic

solvents with polar compounds, a n d the difficulty o f reisolating


3 1

-2-5.4. Reverse micelles

The solubilization of enzymes v i a reverse micelles provides a

method for the catalytic biotransformation o f water-insoluble

material. Reverse micelles are for m e d by amphiphilic molecules

(surfactants) in organic solvents ; the polar groups (heads) of

the surfactants molecules are dir e c t e d towards the interior of

the spheroidal aggregate, forming a polar core and the aliphatic

chains are directed towards the organic solvent. This is the

"reverse" of the situation in n o r m a l micelles in water. Water can

be solubilized in the polar core o f reverse micelles, forming the

water pool. The chemists are interested in reverse micelles as

versatile microreactors in w h i c h guest molecules can be brought

to reaction with novel chemical properties 5 0 . Interest from

biotechnologists has increased o v e r the last few years because

enzymes can be hosted in rev e r s e micelles without loss of

activity. The possibility o f stabilizing water-soluble enzymes

against the inactivating action o f organic solvents b y means of

surfactants has been wid e l y studied. Several enzymes,

chymotrypsin trypsin pyrophosphatase peroxidase ^

were used to demonstrate that enzymes can be entrapped into

reverse micelles formed b y s urfactants in an organic solvent. The

enzymes solubilized in this w a y ret a i n their catalytic activity

and substrate specificity.

Proteases in reverse micelles h a v e b e e n used for the synthesis o f


3 2

-synthesis o f Z-Ala-Phe-LeuNH2 starting from Z-Ala-Phe-OMe and

LeuNH2 using chymotrypsin as catalyst. Z-Ala-Phe-OMe is soluble

both in water and in isooctane, and the product is much more

soluble in isooctane than i n wate r . Ac-Phe-LeuNH2 has also been

synthesized using proteases i n reverse micelles A hollow

fiber reactor has been utilized for these peptide syntheses. This

system works well but is not su i t a b l e for preparing large amounts

of material.

More recently, Lattes ^ reported the first successful enzymatic

transesterification in a m i c e l l a r medium. A n e w type o f

microemulsion system (Aerosol-OT, water, hexanol) was used to

entrap a-chymotrypsin in a r e v e r s e micelle. N-acetyl-L-tyrosine

ethyl ester can be solubilised i n this medium to give N-acetyl-L-

tyrosine hexyl ester in a good yield.

2-5.5 Direct solubilisation o f e n z y m e s in organic solvents.

Recently, it was shown that preparations of enzymes in organic

solvents might be prepared directly. Crown ethers and cryptands

were found to be selective comple x i n g agents for a number of

proteins, allowing their d i s s o l u t i o n in non-aqueous solvents ^7.

Bovine insulin and cytochrome C were readily solubilized in

methanol b y weak complexation w i t h 18-crown-6 ether. However, the


3 3

-o f the c-omplexing agent had t-o b e used, and n -o inf-ormati-on

concerning the catalytic integrity o f the enzymes was given. A

direct application of this c o n c e p t was obtained b y the

preparation of a lipid-coated lipase w h i c h was soluble in organic

solvents such as benzene No n i o n i c and cationic lipids formed

complexs with lipases, and h i g h activity was obtained in

hydrophobic solvents.

2-5.6. Heterogeneous catalysis in an h y d r o u s organic solvents

In 1966, Dastoli first o bserved enzymatic activities of

crystalline chymotrypsin in an h y d r o u s nonpolar organic solvents

-*9. Since then, several enzymatic transformations in nonpolar

organic solvents have been reported ^0.61 _ Klibanov and Zaks have

examined the role o f water in e n z y m a t i c reactions i n a number o f

anhydrous polar and nonpolar organic m e d i a and concluded that, in

general, enzymes needed a thin l a y e r of water o n the protein

surface to retain their catalytically active conformation in

anhydrous media 60*62^ The most ade q u a t e nonaqueous media are

hydrophobic solvents that do not s t r i p the essential water from

the enzymes. Water-immiscible s o l v e n t s containing w a ter below the

solubility limit are suitable for d r y enzymes. Wit h i n this range

of water content, the enzymatic activity in a n appropriate

organic solvent can be optimized, a n d the catalysis follows

Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Recent findings indicate that the


3 4

-compounds . When water is stripped f r o m the enzyme b y a solvent,

areas of the protein which normally interact with water become

exposed. The addition o f compounds which could mimic the

interaction o f water with the protein should restore, to some

degree, enzymatic activity. The presence of 1% formamide

increased the activity o f alcohol dehydrogenase in butyl acetate

(0.4X water) 15-fold over the a c tivity in the absence o f the

additive 6 3 . Enzymatic peptide synthesis in the presence o f water

mimics, such as formamide, ethylene glycol, or methanol, was

possible using thermolysin in tert-pentyl alcohol ^ . Partial

replacement o f water with water-mimicking cosolvents was found to

be beneficial for enzymatic fragment coupling b y combining high

reaction rates and the absence o f side reactions such as

hydrolysis. This general effect w a s not limited to compounds

interacting with the protein through hydrogen bonding. Crown

ethers considerably enhanced the r a t e o f the chymotrypsin-

catalyzed transesterification o f N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl

ester with 1-propanol in n-octane It was suggested that

complexation o f the airmonium, guanidinium, and potassiun cations

at the outside o f the enzyme, by the c r own ether added, rendered

the enzyme more soluble in the apolar solvent.

Suspending enzymes in organic solvents can dramatically alter a

number of their fundamental properties. It was found that the

enzyme remembered the p H o f the last aqueous solution it has been


3 5

-corresponding ionisation states w h ich then remain both in the

solid state and in organic solvents

The substrate specificity o f chymotrypsin and subtilisin were

significantly modified by placing them in organic solvents It

was postulated that the major driving force o f substrate binding

is hydrophobic interactions between the side chain o f the amino

acid residue and the binding pocket o f the enzyme. For that

reason, the substrate specificity o f chymotrypsin in organic

solvents was reversed and there was a significant increase in

reactivity towards hydrophilic substrates.

Enzymes were found to be extremely thermostable in water-

restricted environments Whereas lipase in water at 100°C is

inactivated almost instantly, the h a l f life o f the enzyme at this

temperature in tributyrin was greater than 12 hours.

It was also reported that the lyophilisation o f chymotrypsin from

aqueous solutions containing ligands (such as N-acetyl-L-

phenylalanine) had a significant effect o n the activity o f the

enzyme in organic solvents It was postulated that the

activation was the result o f the ligand locking the enzyme in its

active conformation.

A dramatic change o f stereoselectivity was also observed b y

suspending subtilisin in anhydrous organic solvents The

enzyme readily incorporated D-amino a cid residues as donor esters

in d r y tert-pentyl alcohol. Klibanov explained this result b y

recognizing that when a substrate interacts with the enzyme,


3 6

-product ive binding of the L-ester to the active site of

subtilisin results in the release of m o r e water molecules from

the hydrophobic pocket of the enzyme than that of the D-isomer.

The process of water release is less favourable in hydrophobic

media compared with water. Thus, the re a c t i v i t y of the L-ester in

hydrophobic media decreases substantially a n d the discrimination

between the D- and L-esters is diminished.

The change in free energy during enzyme-substrate (ES)

complexation in water is considered to r e q u i r e , in addition to

other changes, the disruption of a n u m b e r o f hydrogen bonds

associated with the substrate and the e n z y m e active site ^°. A

transition from aqueous to organic solvents for the complexation

o f polar substrates with their natural e n z y m e s may result in a

tight binding o f either the substrate o r the product to the

enzyme, and a severe substrate or pro d u c t inhibition or both

could occur. This argument was used t o explain w h y several

carbohydrate-converting enzymes have b een r eported to be inactive

in organic solvents

Novel enzymatic reactions in gases and supercritical fluids have

been exploited using the heterogeneous ca t a l y s i s concept This

latter approach has the merit of facilitating the recovery o f the

products and is environmentally acceptable.

Hydrophilic organic solvents such as DMF t e n d to strip water from

enzymes and inactivate them. By site-directed mutagenesis, it was

possible to prepare a subtilisin mutant w h i c h was several hundred


3 7

-50 times more stable in dry »IF 7^. This m u t a n t was used b y C.H.

Wong for the synthesis of dipeptides 7^.

2-5.7. catalytic antibodies and artificial enzymes.

The idea o f transition state binding led t o an experimental

approach toward the design and synthesis o f immunogenic transtion

state analogs for the hydrolysis of esters a n d peptides 7 . For

application in synthesis, the most interesting developments are

the demonstrations of stereospecific transesterifications,

lipase-like hydrolysis, and aminolysis in w a t e r 7 ^.

A novel and interesting variant of enzymatic peptide synthetic

methodology was suggested by Nakajima 7 6 . H e u s e d aminoacyl-t-RNA

synthetases, enzymes which are involved i n ribosome-mediated

protein synthesis and which demonstrated h i g h specificity for

their cognate amino acids, to prepare a s e r i e s of dipeptides.

Unfortunately, this method is far from the preparative scale.

Sasaki reported the design o f an artificial catalyst for the

synthesis o f peptide bonds 7 7 . He used a c r o w n ether as scaffold

to which two thiol groups were fixed as ca t a l y t i c functions. The

educts were covalently linked b y chemical m e a n s to the enzyme

mimic via thioester bonds. Intramolecular aminolysis resulted in

the formation o f a peptide b ond with the g r o w i n g peptide still


3 8

-The peptidyltransferase, a ribosomal protein that catalyses

peptide bond formation in vivo should be a n ideal choice to serve

this function in vitro. However, its proteosynthetic activity is

dependent upon the presence of other ribosomal h e l p e r proteins,

so, when isolated from its environment, the enzyme cannot

preserve its original functions. Attempts h ave b een made to

design and synthesize synthetase mimics but i t is too early


3 9





1-1.1. Introduction.

As illustrated in the introduction, great interest has been shown

in the use of proteases to catalyze peptide b o n d formation. The

drawbacks inherent to catalysis in an a q u e o u s environment

(unfavourable thermodynamic equilibrium, n a r r o w substrate

specificity, and undesirable proteolysis of the peptide) have

b een overcome b y the use o f proteases in biphasic aqueous organic

mixtures 32, reverse micelles 33 or chemically modified enzymes

in organic solvents ^ 5 . However, recently it h a s been found that

enzymes can be catalytically active in anhydrous organic solvents

and, under these conditions, show a new range o f properties, e.g.

relaxed stereospecificity and mod i f i e d substrate

specificity 62,66,79,80,81^ Although the use o f chymotrypsin as a

suspension in organic solvents for esterification ®2 and


4 0

-b een used to catalyze peptide bond formation under these


That the internal configuration of protein m o l ecules could be

radically altered b y organic solvents has b e e n shown In

the early sixties, some interest was shown in catalytic

properties of protein crystals. Carboxypeptidase

ribonuclease-S and Chymotrypsin 87,88 have a l l been reported

to show typical catalytic activities when suspended in aqueous

sulfate solutions.

In 1966, Dastoli reported the chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis

of Ac-L-TyrOEt in methylene chloride containing 0 . 25% water ^ .

Crystals recovered from suspension in dichloromethane for up to 5

d ays showed no measurable loss in reactivity u p o n assay with

acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester in aqueous solution.

B a sed on this initial observation, we postulated that, if

Chymotrypsin is able to catalyze hydrolytic reactions in organic

solvents, peptide synthesis was envisageable b y aminolysis o f


Substantial evidence indicates that chymotrypsin-catalyzed

hydrolyses proceed in two steps The first reaction is

acylation of serine-195 of the enzyme and the second is a

subsequent deacylation. Uater is not unique i n the latter


4 1

-(nucleophiles N) for example may result in changes i n the rates

and products (Scheme 1). Therefore, peptides are e x p e c t e d to be

synthesized enzymatically when amino acid derivatives, peptides

or their derivatives are used as nucleophiles N in S c h e m e 1.

Ac-Phe-X + Chymotrypsin -j££ » Ac-Phe-X. Chymotrypsin

If water is restricted in the reaction mixture, one c a n expect

high yields of peptides to be obtained

1-1.2. Materials and methods.


Crystalline bovine pancreatic a -Chymotrypsin (EC

(type II) was purchased from Sigma as a lyophilized p o w d e r with


4 2

-1.0 m o j oI o f benzoyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester (BTEE) per m i n u t e at

p H 7.8 at 25°C). The amount o f bound water was determined b y the

Karl-Fischer method and found to be 5.4% (w/w) for t h e native

enzyme and 1.5% (w/w) for the enzyme extensively d r i e d in a

desiccator over P2O5. The enzyme was used in this s t udy without

further purification.

Amino acid derivatives, peptides and their derivatives.

Ac-L-TyrOEt, Bz-L-TyrOEt, Ac-L-PheOEt, Ac-L-TrpOEt, Bz-L-AlaOEt

were obtained from Sigma; amino acid amides were p u r c h a s e d from

Bachem AG.

Esterification of the substrates was carried out with saturated

solutions o f hydrochloric acid in the given alcohol. V a r i o u s Z-

amino acid esters were prepared b y reaction o f the e s ter w i t h N-

(benzyloxycarbonyloxy)succinimide in chloroform. BOC-derivatives

were prepared by reaction o f the ester with di-tert-butyl

dicarbonate in aqueous medium or in organic solvents. Protec t i o n

of the amino groups o f the substrates b y an acetyl g r o u p was

carried out b y reaction with neat acetic anhydride i n the

presence o f a base or b y acetyl chloride.

Z-dipeptide substrates were prepared b y reaction of the p r o tected

Z-amino acid and the amino acid ester with EEDQ i n dry


0-alanine amide, L-phenyllactic amide, and «


their BOC-derivatives according to a procedure d e v eloped by


Enzymatic synthesis of peptides.

In a typical experiment, to a solution of the protected amino

acid ester and the amino acid amide (40 mM, 1:1 molar ratio) in

anhydrous dichlorome thane (distilled over calcium hydride

immediately prior to use) was added 1 mg/ml of chymotrypsin,

followed b y the addition o f 0.25% (v/v) of water. The resulting

suspension was then stirred at room temperature for a certain

period of time. In all cases investigated, the desired compound,

if formed, precipitated during the course of the reaction. The

solvent was then evaporated under reduced pressure, the residue

was thoroughly washed with water, and the product recrystallized

from hot methanol.

If hydrochloride or trifluoroacetate salts o f the a m ino acid

amides were to be used as substrates, the salt was first


4 4

-C o mputer graphics,

The computer-assisted molecular modelling systems RIMG and MOLOC

h ave b een developed at Hoffmann-LaRoche, Basel. There are built

around two novel generally applicable united-atom force field

methods, which are complementary to each other. One method uses

automatic referencing to input structures, the other is b a sed on

a small generic set o f fixed external parameters. Both modelling

systems provide interactive modelling and nonlinear optimisation

techniques in a well balanced and highly functional combination.

T hey contain algorithms for different graphic representations o f

m o l ecular structures and packing as well as efficient procedures

for structure refinement, energy evaluation, and conformation

analysis. They incorporate extensive tools for complex

geometrical as well as logical manipulations o f molecular

structures and provide facilities for fast on-line storage and

retrieval o f molecular structures and structural fragments.

The two specially designed relational data base systems R O CSD

(Roche Cambridge Structural Data Base), containing the converted

data o f the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Files, and ROPDB

(Roche Protein Structural Data Base), holding the converted d ata

o f s ome 300 protein structures from the Brookhaven Protein Data




-1-3. Results and discussion.

The procedure w a s carried out on a 0.4-4 nmol scale. No activity

was found with l ess than 0.2% of water, indicating that a minimal

amount of water is absolutely essential for enzymatic catalysis.

This essential w a t e r presumably allows the enzyme to maintain its

native conformation, as well as sufficient flexibility, and hence

to retain its catalytic activity 80.

The role o f the essential water will be extensively discussed in

Chapter II, all the literature in this area have reported the

effect of water i n terms of total water or in terms of added

water. In fact, o n e can distinguish two different states of water

in this type o f non-aqueous enzymology, i.e. the water bound to

the enzyme powder a n d the water freely dissolved in the organic

solvent. This differentiation is useful because o nly the enzyme-

bound water seems to decide its catalytic activity. Lysozyme has

been used in most studies in this area ^1. Using a variety o f

experimental techniques, it has been shown that the hydration o f

a protein consists o f a number of distinct stages : below

0.07 g/g (water p e r protein) water predominantly interacts with

charged groups. Bet w e e n 0.07 and 0.25 g/g, water forms clusters

which grow and c o v e r most of the surface. Within the range o f

hydration, for lysozyme, there is a significant increase in the

mobility o f the protein matrix. The enzymatic activity o f

lysozyme becomes detectable at as low as 0 .2 g/g (at which only


4 6

-in parallel with the prote-in's motional properties. At 0.38 g/g

(about 300 water molecules per protein molecule) the protein

molecule is fully hydrated and the enzymatic activity reaches 10%

of that in water. The amount of water necessary for an enzyme to

function in organic solvents is one o f the major questions of

non-aqueous enzymology. The fact that the distribution o f water

between the enzyme and the organic solvent governs enzymatic

activity implies that enzymes suspended in hydrophobic solvents

require substantially less water for activity than those

suspended in hydrophilic ones.

Zaks and Klibanov ^ 3 , by studying the dependence on the amount of

water bound to the enzyme, showed that in hydrophobic solvents

water tends to partition into the enzyme so that even very small

concentrations o f water in the solvent « 1 % ) yield u p to 30%

water on a protein. In a similar study concerning lipase-

catalyzed intramolecular esterification in benzene, Yamane ^2

established that the degree of hydration of enzyme molecules

necessary to exhibit full activity had a saturation level. At a

higher free water content, the enzyme powder phase contains more

water than the saturated level. In fact, the optimal water

content is a function not only of the organic solvent, but o f the

enzymes as well, a n d to a lesser extent o f the enzymatic process.

In our study, dichloromethane rapidly established itself as the

most suitable solvent. With peptide substrates, a compromise has

to be reached bet w e e n the need for a highly hydrophobic solvent




-character of the substrates. The best established solvents like

tert-pentyl alcohol and isooctane could not be used because of

the insolubility o f the substrates.

If the importance o f water for enzymatic activity is well

understood, only sparse reports have been published to explain

firstly the absence o f enzymatic activity in anhydrous solvents

which could provide valuable insights into protein structure,

folding and dynamics, and second the effect of the solvent on the

protein structure. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was used to show

that the catalytic triad of a -lytic protease was intact when the

enzyme was suspended in acetone and isooctane ^3. Even if this

reveals that part o f the catalytic site remains intact, this

technique does not provide information about the structural

integrity o f the enzyme.

If the molecules o f solvents can diffuse into the crystal

lattice, they might then interact strongly with the structure by,

for example, disturbing hydrophobic clusters, reinforcing

hydrogen bond networks, o r directly interacting with the binding

o f the substrates. The tridimensional structure of the enzyme can

therefore be m o dified and slight changes in the conformation of

selected residues mig h t have profound consequences for the

reactivity and specificity of the enzyme.

This concept was demonstrated b y experiments carried out with V -

chymotrypsin w h ich showed that an enzyme inactive in water can

become active w h e n suspended in organic solvents due to the


4 8

-This example will be discussed in Chapter III.

In order to provide support for this hypothesis, the behaviour o f

chymotrypsin in organic solvents was investigated and by

combining the experimental results with molecular modelling, a

qualitative analysis o f the tridimensional structure was


In n o cases was any peptide formation detected in the absence of

water. Under the aforementioned conditions, n o hydrolysis of the

final peptide was observed, indicating that the added water is

not available for hydrolysis.

T o examine specificity at the P^' position (notation of Schechter

and Berger ^ ) , experiments were performed with various amino

acid derivatives as nucleophiles. The results are sumnarized in

Table 1.

Table 1 ; Effect o f the nucleophile specificity o n synthesis.

Donor ester Nucleophile Product Yield ( X ) Reaction

time (hrs)

Ac-L-TyrOEt L-PheNH2 Ac-L-Tyr-L-PheNH2 96 6

L-LeuNH2 Ac-L-Tyr-L-LeuNH2 95 6

L-LeuOMe -



" L-ValNH2 Ac-L-Tyr-L-ValNH2 92 18

" L-AlaNH2 Ac-L-Tyr-L-AlaNH2 84 18

" L-MetNH2 Ac-L-Tyr-L-Me tNH2 86 12

" L-ProNH2 -



" 6-AlaNH2 -




4 9

-Hydrophobic and b u lky amino acid amides as nucleophiles were

found to be suitable substrates for peptide synthesis, but the

imino acid derivative, L-prol inamide, was not accepted as a

substrate under any o f the conditions tested.

It is worth noting that amino acid esters (e.g. methyl L-

leucinate) were not readily accepted as nucleophiles. The

explanation for this observation was provided b y molecular

modelling experiments. Picture 1 shows a color-coded display of

putative hydrogen b o nds for Ac-L-Tyr-L-AlaNMe, covalently bound

to serine-195 (tetrahedral oxyanion intermediate) of



5 0

-The oxyanion is well engaged in the oxyanion hole (two hydrogen

bonds to backbone NH). T h e C-terminal peptide-NH of the amide

engages in a strong hydrogen bond to the backbone-CO of

phenylalanine-41. The N-terminal peptide-CO forms an

intramolecular hydrogen b o n d to the N H group of the scissile

peptide bond.

Picture 2 shows the color-coded display o f hydrogen bonding

between Ac-L-Tyr-L-AlaOBz 1 and the active site domain of


Picture 2

One can note the lack o f a n y hydrogen bond between the benzyl


5 1

-The loss o f one strong h ydrogen bonding interaction to the

peptide-CO of phenylalanine explains why amino acid esters are

not suitable nucleophiles. T his loss may account for a loss in

the free binding energy between 2-4 kcal/mol in water, and due to

the new organic environment w h ere hydrophobic interactions will

be diminished but hydrogen bonding greatly enhanced, the figure

might well be m uch higher.

The importance o f the hydrogen bonding between the amide moiety

a n d the backbone-CO o f Phe-41 was further demonstrated b y using

d-alaninamide as a nucleo p h i l e . /3-Alaninamide having one more

methylene unit should therefore lose this stabilising

interaction. As shown in Table 1, no reaction was observed when

fl-alaninamide was u s e d as a nucleophile.

T h e specificity o f a-chymotrypsin for hydrophobic amino acid

nucleophiles is often explained in terras o f hydrophobic

interactions between the side-chain of the nucleophile and the

peptide backbone. I f that explanation were correct, one might

then assume that b y replacing w a ter with another reaction mediun,

one would change the substrate specificity. This is not

experimentally observed as sho w n b y the results given in Table 1.

One can consider the suspended enzyme in organic solvents as

being shielded from the b ulk o f the solvent. Firstly, the enzyme-

b o und water will protect the enzyme molecule from any detrimental

effect o f the solvent. Second, the enzyme being in a quasi­

crystalline state, the penetration o f the solvent into the


5 2

-Therefore, one might assune that if molecules can diffuse into

the enzyme molecule, n o direct solvation phenomenon will be

observed, but rather the solvent will coordinate with tb® enzyme

matrix at specific binding sites such as hydrophobic clusters,

isolated hydrophobic side-chains etc.

The enzyme will then still remain in a highly organized state,

the only difference with a n aqueous environment being the

presence at specific points o f solvent molecules. According to

Dewar ^ , the proper substrate o f an enzyme is generally believed

to fit its active site closely. If so, adsorption of the

substrate in the active site will necessarily lead to the

expulsion of all molecules o f solvents (i.e. water) from between

them, leaving bare substrate in contact with bare enzyme. Any

subsequent reaction between the enzyme and the adsorbed substrate

will then take place in the absence of solvent, i.e., as it would

in the gas phase, n o water separating the groups that are

directly involved in the reaction. Recent work has shown that gas

phase chemistry differs greatly from solution chemistry. In

particular, many reactions that take place slowly in solution

take place with little o r n o activation, and hence extremely

rapidly, in the gas phase. According to Dewar, this suffices to

explaining the high rates observed in enzymatic reactions. But,

more interestingly, a substrate too big to fit into the active

site o f an enzyme cannot react w i t h it, while a substrate which

is too small cannot squeeze out all the molecules of solvent.


Table 1.Table 1 ; Effect of the nucleophile specificity on synthesis.
Table 2 : diamino acid derivatives as substrates
Table 3 : Effect of the nature of the donor ester.
Table 4 : fragment condensation.


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