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Intron Homing With Limited Exon Homology: Illegitimate Double-Strand-Break Repair in Intron Acquisition by Phage T4


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Copyright1999 by the Genetics Society of America

Intron Homing With Limited Exon Homology: Illegitimate Double-Strand-Break

Repair in Intron Acquisition by Phage T4

Monica M. Parker, Maureen Belisle and Marlene Belfort

Molecular Genetics Program, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health and School of Public Health, State University of New York, Albany, New York 12201-2002

Manuscript received May 12, 1999 Accepted for publication August 30, 1999


The td intron of bacteriophage T4 encodes a DNA endonuclease that initiates intron homing to cognate intronless alleles by a double-strand-break (DSB) repair process. A genetic assay was developed to analyze the relationship between exon homology and homing efficiency. Because models predict exonucleolytic processing of the cleaved recipient leading to homologous strand invasion of the donor allele, the assay was performed in wild-type and exonuclease-deficient (rnh or dexA) phage. Efficient homing was supported by exon lengths of 50 bp or greater, whereas more limited exon lengths led to a precipitous decline in homing levels. However, extensive homology in one exon still supported elevated homing levels when the other exon was completely absent. Analysis of these “one-sided” events revealed recombination junctions at ectopic sites of microhomology and implicated nucleolytic degradation in illegitimate DSB repair in T4. Interestingly, homing efficiency with extremely limiting exon homology was greatly elevated in phage deficient in the 39-59exonuclease, DexA, suggesting that the length of 39tails is a major determinant of the efficiency of DSB repair. Together, these results suggest that illegitimate DSB repair may provide a means by which introns can invade ectopic sites.


EVERAL group I introns undergo a process termed mon to both models, but subsequent repair synthesis is mechanistically different. Each pathway implicated in homing, whereby the intron is efficiently inserted

into intronless cognates of the intron-containing allele T4 intron homing predicts a requirement for homology between donor and recipient molecules on both sides (Dujon 1989). Homing occurs by a gene conversion

process that depends on expression of a site-specific of the break. The efficiency of homing depends on exon length, suggesting that homing may require a minimal endonuclease encoded within the intron (reviewed in

Lambowitz and Belfort 1993; Mueller et al. 1993; length of homology (Quirket al. 1989a), as is the case in a phagel-td intron model system (Parkeret al. 1996). BelfortandPerlman1995). The intron endonuclease

makes a double-strand break (DSB) in the intronless Homing of the td intron occurs via the recombination-dependent mode of DNA replication of T4 (Mueller allele at or near the site of intron insertion. Intron

sequences are copied from the intron-containing allele et al. 1996a). Although the requisite UvsX protein, an analog of the Escherichia coli strand transferase, RecA, during repair of the DSB, resulting in inheritance of

has been well characterized (Kreuzerand Morrical the intron.

1994), several exonuclease activities that appear to be Homing of the intron in the td (thymidylate synthase)

involved in replication and recombination in T4 have gene of bacteriophage T4 is initiated by I-TevI, the td

poorly defined roles. Models of intron homing predict intron endonuclease, which makes a DSB in an

intron-a requirement for intron-a 59-39nucleolytic activity to generate less td allele 23 and 25 nucleotides (nt) upstream of the

invasive 39 ssDNA tails, as well as a 39-59 exonuclease intron insertion site (Bell-Pedersenet al. 1990; Figure

activity to degrade the “resection segment” produced 1A). Repair of the DSB results in precise acquisition of

by the eccentric cleavage of I-TevI (Figure 1A;Clyman the intron at the exon I-exon II junction. At least two

andBelfort1992). The gp46/47 complex, a required pathways of DSB repair have been implicated in td

function for T4 recombination and homing, has been intron homing (Muelleret al. 1996a), classic

double-implicated as a 59-39 exonuclease (Mickelson and strand-break repair (DSBR; Figure 1) and

synthesis-Wiberg 1981; Kreuzer et al. 1995; Mueller et al. dependent strand annealing (SDSA; Figure 1). The

ini-1996a). Although a specific role for this complex has tial steps of DSB formation, exonucleolytic processing

remained elusive, it likely makes a significant contribu-of the ends and homologous strand invasion, are

com-tion, albeit possibly indirect, to DNA end processing during recombination (Mosig 1998). T4 RNase H, which possesses 59-39 DNA exonuclease activity

(Hol-Corresponding author: Marlene Belfort, Wadsworth Center, New York

lingsworthand Nossal 1991), may also play a role

State Department of Health, P.O. Box 22002, Albany, NY 12201-2002.

E-mail: [email protected] in intron homing (Muelleret al. 1996a; Huanget al.


Figure 1.—Proposed pathways of td intron homing. The td homing site (A) comprises the intron insertion site (IS) at the junction of exon I and exon II, and the I-TevI cleavage site (CS) located 23 and 25 nt upstream. The recipient allele receives a DSB (B), which is processed by exonucleases (C). A 39 single-stranded end in-vades a donor allele and synapsis with homolo-gous sequences occurs (D). In DSBR, repair syn-thesis leads to formation of a D-loop (E) and, after ligation, double Holliday junctions can isomerize independently (F). Cleavage by resolvase results in noncrossover or crossover products. Only the crossover products are shown (G). In SDSA, a replication bubble proceeds along the donor tem-plate DNA (E9), and the newly synthesized strand anneals with complementary sequences and serves as template for repair synthesis (F9). Re-lease of the invading strand and ligation leads to gene conversion without crossing over of flanking markers (G9). Thick lines, homologous DNA in recipient and donor alleles; thin lines, flanking DNA of recipient; wavy lines, flanking DNA of donor; shaded lines, intron DNA; half arrow, 39 end of DNA; arrowheads, resolvase cleavage. Al-ternatives to these pathways have also been pro-posed (Luder and Mosig 1982; George and Kreuzer1996).

suppressing (Sup8) host, were provided by K. Kreuzer (Duke 1999). Although DexA, a 39-59exonuclease (Gruberet

University, Durham, NC). CR63cI857kanRcarrying a

tempera-al. 1988), and 43Exo, the 39-59 exonuclease activity of

ture-sensitive phagelrepressor was made by transduction of T4 DNA polymerase, are not required for homing, in strain CR63 with a P1 lysate containing galK::cI857kanR. E. coli

vivo and in vitro analyses suggest a role for these func- strain OK305 (E. coli B cd2sup1), a Sup8host lacking cytidine

tions in 39end processing (Muelleret al. 1996a;Huang and deoxycytidine deaminase activities (Hall et al. 1967), was provided by D. Hall (Georgia Institute of Technology, et al. 1999).

Atlanta). A sensitive genetic assay was developed to characterize

T4 38 (amB262) and T4 51 (amS29) were used to introduce events in which homology was limited, thereby

ad-38amand 51ammutations into our laboratory stock of wild-type

dressing the mechanism of illegitimate DSB repair in strain T4D, and T4D 38am51amwas confirmed by cross-streak

T4. Additionally, the results are relevant to the evolution complementation tests. The td intron was deleted from this strain through a two-step procedure (Bell-Pedersen et al. of mobile introns, for they suggest a means for intron

1989) by first crossing T4 38am51amwith a plasmid carrying an

transfer to ectopic sites.

intronless td variant, tdOP8, which is resistant to I-TevI cleav-age. T4 38am51amtdOP8 was then crossed with a plasmid carrying

the intronless allele, tdDIn, to generate T4 38am51amtdDIn. T4


38am51amtdDIndexA and T4 38am51amtdOP8dexA containing a

short insertion in the dexA allele were constructed by marker

Bacterial and phage strains: E. coli strains CR63 (supD), the

rescue from pUC18dexA2provided by P. Gauss (Western State nonsense-suppressing suppressor-plus (Sup1) host, and MH1



Intron donor plasmids

Exon I Exon II

Class Plasmid length (bp)a length (bp)

Wild type pMPtdSG2::supF 744 1016

DExonII pMPDEII-1 744 100

pMPDEII-2 744 50

pMPDEII-3 744 24

pMPDEII-4 744 8

pMPDEII-5 744 0

DExon I pMPDEI-6 100 1016

pMPDEI-7 50 1016

pMPDEI-8 25 1016

pMPDEI-9 10 1016

pMPDEI-10 0 1016

DExon I1 DExon II pMPDEIDEII-16 100 100

pMPDEIDEII-15 50 50

pMPDEIDEII-14 25 24

pMPDEIDEII-13 10 8


aLength reflects the amount of homology to exon I of the I-TevI-cleaved recipient allele where the cleavage

site is located 23 nt upstream of the exon I-exon II junction.

on an E. coli optA host (Gausset al. 1987). T4 38am51amtdOP8 was chloroform and phage lysates were titered on MH1 (Sup8) and

CR63 (Sup1) to determine the concentration of the suppressor-crossed with T4K10DrnhD10-777 (WoodworthandKreuzer

1996), provided by K. Kreuzer, and plated on CR63(l) to containing Su1and total phage, respectively.

Analysis of homing products:To distinguish homing events select against T4K10 (38am51amdenA denB) phage. T4 38am51am

td-OP8rnhD10-777 was confirmed by the polymerase chain re- (Td2) from plasmid integrants (Td1), lysates were plated on an OK305 (Sup8) host to select for nonsense-suppressed (Su1) action (PCR) and crossed with pBStdDIn to generate T4 38am

-51amtdDInrnhD10-777. phage and to screen for thymidylate synthase-negative (Td2)

phage using the halo phenotype (Hallet al. 1967). Su1Td2

Plasmids:Plasmid pMP is a derivative of pKK061, which has

a T4 origin of replication (ori34) in pBR322 (Selicket al. 1988). phage were plaque purified and homing events were confirmed by the absence of an intact copy of the tdDIn allele us-To generate pMP, the EcoRI site of pKK061 was filled in using

the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I, and the EcoRV- ing PCR. Recombination junction sequences were PCR ampli-fied using intron variant SG2::supF-specific oligonucleotides to-BamHI segment of the pBSKS1 polylinker (Stratagene, La

Jolla, CA) was inserted at these sites in pKK061 to introduce a new W165, 59-GCAGCTGGATATAATTCCGGGGTA-39, and W248, 59-TGGTGGTGGGGGAAGGATTCGA-39, and T4-specific oligo-EcoRI cloning site. The tdSG2::supF allele and its exon deletion

variants (Table 1) were amplified from phage T4K10 tdSG2::supF nucleotides W731, 59-CCTGAACTTAGTATCACAAGCG-39, and W657, 59-ATTCCATATCCCGTTCGTGC-39. Oligonucleotides by PCR and cloned into the EcoRI and BamHI sites of pMP to

generate pMPtdSG2::supF. The tdSG2::supF allele contains a td W731, W248, W165, and W657 are represented as P1, P2, P3, and P4, respectively, in Figure 4. PCR products were purified intron in which the I-TevI open reading frame has been replaced

with the XbaI-to-BanII fragment of pBSPLO1containing a supF by centrifugation through a Centricon 100 column (Amicon, Beverly, MA) and sequenced.

gene under control of a T4 gene 23 promoter (Selick et al. 1988). A point mutation, SC79, was introduced into the intron core to inhibit splicing and render the td gene thymidylate

syn-thase deficient (Td2;ChandryandBelfort1987). The intron RESULTS is flanked by the entire td coding sequence and adjacent T4

Genetic assay for intron homing in T4: An in vivo sequence extending to 766 bp upstream and 1016 bp

down-stream of the intron. The I-TevI expression plasmid pACYC-lPL- genetic assay was developed to quantitatively analyze exon

ORF has the HindIII-to-BamHI fragment of pKC30 (Rosenberg homology effects on intron homing during T4 infection et al. 1983), providing phagelregulatory elements, in pACYC184 (Figure 2). I-TevI was supplied from a plasmid (pACYC-(Chang and Cohen 1978). The I-TevI open reading frame l

PL-ORF) under control of the lPL promoter and a

(ORF) and flanking intron sequences are in the SmaI site of the

lcI857 repressor gene carried on the host chromosome. pKC30 fragment.

Intron homing assay:CR63cI857kanRcells carrying a wild-type The intron donor allele was on a compatible plasmid,

intron donor plasmid, pMPtdSG2::supF, or an exon deletion pMPtdSG2::supF. In this allele the td intron ORF has variant (Table 1), and pACYC-lPL-ORF were grown in tryptone- been replaced with a supF gene, encoding an

amber-yeast extract broth with 100mg/ml ampicillin and 25 mg/ml

suppressing tRNAtyr under control of the T4 gene 23

chloramphenicol at 308to an OD650of 0.2. Cultures were shifted

late promoter (Selicket al. 1988). The donor allele is to 428for 30 min, then infected with T4 phage at a multiplicity


Figure2.—Genetic selection scheme to monitor homing. The intron recipient, T4 38am51amtdDIn, was used to infect CR63cI857

carrying an I-TevI expression plasmid and an intron donor plasmid, pMPtdSG2::supF. The intron donor has a supF nonsense-sup-pressing gene in the intron, a mutation in the intron core (m) rendering an intron-containing td gene Td2, and varying lengths of exon I and/or exon II (n) (Table 1). Induction of I-TevI was followed by T4 infec-tion. Lysates were assayed on a Sup8 host to select for Su1phage that had inherited the intron and a Sup1 host to quantitate total phage. Open bars, td exons; shaded bar, intron variant tdSG2::supF; Apr,

ampicil-lin resistance; Cmr, chloramphenicol

resis-tance. Shaded background highlights hom-ing products. Td phenotypes:%, Td1; *, Td2.

rendering the intron splicing defective. The intron re- type” (Table 1). Intron homing with the wild-type donor was efficient, with an average ratio of Su1/total phage cipient was phage T4 38am51amtdDIn, which contains a

Td1intronless td allele (tdDIn). Additionally, the recipi- equaling 6.8 31021 (Figure 3, A and B). Background

recombination, which was determined with an isogenic ent phage harbored amber mutations in genes 38 and

51, encoding essential packaging functions. These muta- recipient phage, T4 38am51amtdOP8, containing an

I-TevI-resistant, intronless td allele (tdOP8), resulted in a mean tions prevent plaque formation on a nonsuppressing

(Sup8) host (Selicket al. 1988), resulting in a nonsup- ratio of 7.2 3 1023 Su1/total phage (Figure 3, A and

B). Thus, intron homing levels were two orders of mag-pressed Su2Td1 phenotype (Figure 2). Plasmid

integ-rants would contain the suppressing supF allele and two nitude above background, I-TevI-independent recom-bination levels when homology in both exons was non-copies of the td gene (the donor allele and an

uninter-rupted recipient allele) and would display a Su1Td1 limiting.

Analysis of homology effects on intron homing in T4: phenotype. In contrast, true homing events are

distin-guishable by their Su1Td2phenotype, because inheri- To determine the relationship between homing and length of homology, intron donor plasmids were con-tance of the splicing-deficient intron converts the

recipi-ent tdDIn gene to Td2(Figure 2). Td2plaques can be structed with truncated exons (Table 1). The length of homology to recipient exons ranged from 0 to 1016 bp readily distinguished from their Td1 counterparts by

white halos on OK305 cells (Hall et al. 1967). In our on one or both sides of the intron. Due to the eccentric position of the I-TevI cleavage site in the td homing assay, the ratio of Su1/total phage was used to quantitate

levels of intron inheritance. The Td phenotype was used site (Figure 1A), homology with exon I of the cleaved recipient occurs upstream of the DSB (Figure 1; Table only when homing approached background

recombina-tion and to isolate homing products for physical analysis. 1). When homology was limiting in one exon, intron homing levels remained elevated above background re-In our assay tdSG2::supF, containing full-length td


However, below 50 bp of homology on both sides a dramatic decrease in homing levels occurred (Figure 3B), whereas at 25 bp or less homing occurred at or below the level of background recombination, in con-trast with comparable donor variants in which only one exon was limiting in homology.

Analysis of one-sided heterology events:The apparent homing in the complete absence of either exon I or exon II (Figure 3A) prompted investigation of the na-ture of these events. Independent homing assays for donor plasmids lacking exon I or exon II were per-formed (Figure 4). Su1 phage were screened for Td2 plaques to distinguish true homing events from plasmid integrants, events that are detected increasingly when homology on one side of the break is eliminated (Figure 2). Intron homing was confirmed to have occurred by PCR analysis of plaque-purified phage (data not shown). A single homing product from each of 14 independent infections with theDEI donor pMPDEI-10 and 21 infec-tions with theDEII donor pMPDEII-5 was selected for further analysis.

Phage DNA from independent homing events was amplified by PCR using intron-specific and phage-spe-cific primers flanking the exon that was deleted from the donor (Figure 4A). In each event resulting from the exon I-minus or exon II-minus donor, the PCR product differed in size from the product generated by the wild-type donor (Figure 4B and data not shown). Sequence analysis of recombination junctions revealed that intron homing from the exon-minus donors resulted in dele-tions, representing loss in the recipient phage of the exon that was absent from the donor (Figure 4, C and D). In addition, various amounts of vector DNA from the donor plasmid were coinherited with the intron, Figure3.—Exon-homology dependence of intron homing.

(A) Homing for donors with one exon truncated. The mean explaining why in some cases a PCR product larger than ratios of Su1/total phage from three independent experiments that of the wild-type event was generated despite the were plotted against the length of the exon for donors with

occurrence of a deletion (Figure 4, A and B). deletions in either exon I (m,n) or exon II (d,s). Filled

When exon I was absent from the donor allele, intron symbols, infections with I-TevI-sensitive strain T4 38am 51am

homing was associated with deletions originating at the tdDIn; open symbols, infections with I-TevI-resistant strain T4

38am51amtdOP8. Error bars reflect the standard deviation from

cleavage site (CS) and extending upstream for 584–2119 the mean. The total phage burst was equivalent for all infec- bp (Figure 4C). The absence of exon II from the donor tions with the I-TevI-resistant and the I-TevI-sensitive phage.

allele resulted in deletions extending downstream from (B) Homing for donors with both exons truncated. Constructs

the CS, but overall these were markedly smaller com-are listed in Table 1. Plot and conventions as in A.

pared to those in sequences upstream of the CS, ranging from 18 to 776 bp (Figure 4, C and D). Because the CS is located 23 nt upstream of the 59end of exon II (Figure homing levels were.100-fold above background.

How-ever, when either exon was reduced below 50 bp, hom- 1A), the two events that had only 18 bp deleted resulted in recombinant phage that had a complete exon II. ing levels underwent a sharp decrease, but remained

elevated at least 10-fold above background levels, even Analysis of recombination junctions revealed that in each of the cases examined, a short region of homology when one exon was completely deleted from the donor.

When both exons were limiting, an exon length of existed between sequences in the recipient phage and sequences in the donor plasmid (Figure 5). Of the 14 50 bp was again found to be critical for intron homing

(Figure 3B). Although at 50 bp of homology on both events analyzed from theDexon I donor (Figure 4C), 9 different sequences on the recipient phage and the sides of the break the level of homing was at least

10-fold lower than when a single exon was reduced to this donor plasmid were utilized in the repair event, indicat-ing that the 10-fold elevation of homindicat-ing above back-length, it was still more than three orders of magnitude


Figure4.—Homing products from one-sided heterology events. (A) The proposed formation of homing products from an intron donor lacking exon I (left) or exon II (right). Cleavage and processing of the recipient leads to extensive degradation of the exon that is absent in the donor. The donor is invaded on one side of the intron by homologous exon sequences of the recipient, and on the other side by heterologous sequences of the recipient, leading to intron inheritence. Thin lines, td exons; wavy lines, flanking phage DNA; thick lines, vector sequences; shading, intron.nmarks the recombination junction and the point to which degradation occurs in the recipient. Small arrows, intron-specific (P2, P3) and phage-specific (P1, P4) oligonucleo-tide primers used for PCR. (B) Agarose gel analysis of PCR products. PCR amplification using primers P1 and P2 (lanes 1–6) and P3 and P4 (lanes 7–12) was performed on phage from homing assays with the wild-type donor (lanes 1 and 7), exon I-minus donor pMPDEI-10 (lanes 2–5), and exon II-minus donor pMPDEII-5 (lanes 8–11). Lanes 6 and 12 are control PCR reactions without template DNA. M is a 1-kb ladder with DNA lengths in kilobases indicated on the left. The product names shown below each lane correspond to those shown in C and D. (C) Deletions upstream of cleavage site. The size of the deletion accompanying intron inheritance from a donor allele lacking exon I was determined by sequencing across recombination junctions of 14 independent homing products. Independent events that had identical junctions are indicated by brackets. (D) Deletions downstream of cleavage site. The size of the deletion was determined for 21 independent homing products resulting from a donor allele lacking exon II.

homology. Rather, the phage appeared to be quite pro- ent and the donor to effect repair. In each of the events for which the sequence was determined, a short region miscuous in selecting a site for initiation of repair.


recipi-Figure5.—Recombination junctions re-sulting from one-sided heterology. Su1Td2 phage from intron donors lacking exon I (A) or exon II (B) were amplified with re-cipient phage-specific and donor plasmid-specific primers (see Figure 4). PCR prod-ucts were sequenced and recombination junctions of homing products (P) are shown along with corresponding donor (D) and recipient sequences (R). In some cases se-quencing indicated the size of the deletion, but the exact junction sequence could not be determined (Figure 4, I-a, II-b, -c, -g, -j, and -l). Donor bases are indicated by un-derlining. Recipient bases are indicated by shading. Boxed sequences indicate the in-ferred crossover site. Brackets indicate se-quences with three or more identical nucle-otides, separated from the boxed sequence by a single mismatch. The length of se-quence deleted (D) and the number of times each junction was isolated (n) are indicated above the sequence.

tions were comprised of 4–13 bp of perfect homology, to.700 bp. These levels are consistent with previous analyses of intron homing in rnh phage (Muelleret al. although some junctions had interrupted homologies

(Figure 5B). However, none of the junctions indicated 1996a;Huanget al. 1999). Below 25 bp of homology, homing levels for the rnh recipient phage were equiva-a joining of donor equiva-and recipient DNA in the complete

absence of homology. lent to those of the wild-type phage (Figure 6A), indicat-ing that the absence of this exonuclease does not affect Homology effects on homing in

exonuclease-defi-cient phage backgrounds:Degradation of the resection homing levels when homology is very limiting.

In contrast to the rnh phage, there was a striking segment and processing of DNA ends is required to

allow precise intron insertion (Figure 1A;Mueller et elevation in homing levels in the dexA phage when ho-mology was limiting (Figure 6B). When hoho-mology was al. 1996a,b;Huanget al. 1999). Homing was therefore

examined under conditions of limiting homology in rnh extensive, as in the wild-type donor, the level of homing by the dexA variant was similar to that of the parental mutant phage deficient in the 59-39DNA exonuclease

activity of RNase H and dexA mutant phage deficient in dexA1 phage, but as homology was decreased to 50 bp in both exons, the ratio of Su1/total phage in the dexA the 39-59single-strand DNA exonuclease, DexA.

Homing assays were performed using the wild-type recipient was almost 100-fold greater than that of the parental recipient. At 25 bp of exon homology, homing donor plasmid and plasmids carrying deletions in both

exons (Table 1) with rnh or dexA recipient phage vari- in the dexA recipient was 1000-fold higher than with the parental phage (Figure 6B). When homology in both ants (Figure 6). Homing levels in the rnh recipient were


1989a;ClymanandBelfort1992;Parkeret al. 1996). Because intron homing occurs naturally in the context of the T4 lytic cycle, a systematic analysis of homology dependence within this context was important, not only for mechanistic reasons, but to establish which phage factors might influence homing when homology is lim-iting. A genetic system was developed, which allowed quantitative analysis of intron homing levels under vari-ous conditions of exon homology and phage genotype. The use of a selectable, splicing-deficient intron pro-vided exquisite sensitivity, allowing for detection of rare intron acquisition events and a genetic means for distin-guishing between homing and plasmid integration in recipient parental and relevant mutant phage.

In phage T4, the occurrence of a DSB stimulates the initiation of recombination-dependent replication at the break site (Kreuzeret al. 1995;Georgeand Kreu-zer1996;Muelleret al. 1996a). Accordingly, infection of cells harboring an intron donor plasmid with full-length exons with phage carrying an intronless td allele resulted in high levels (.50%) of intron inheritance in the presence of I-TevI (Figure 3, A and B). Homing levels remained elevated with as little as 50 bp of homol-ogy on one or both sides of the break, after which they began to decline, although they remained at least 10-Figure 6.—Homology dependence of homing in exo- fold above background, even when one exon was com-nuclease-deficient phage. The in vivo homing assay was

per-pletely deleted from the donor allele (Figure 3A). How-formed with donors containing truncations in both exons and

ever, homology lengths of 25 bp and less on both sides either the parental recipient phage or exonuclease-deficient

variants rnh (A) and dexA (B) (see Figure 2, Table 1). Su1/ of the break resulted in homing levels that were equal total phage ratios were plotted against the length of homology. to or less than background recombination levels oc-(j) T4 38am51amtdDIn, (h) T4 38am51amtdOP8, (m) T4 38am51am

curring in the absence of an I-TevI cleavage site (Figure tdDInrnh, (n) T4 38am51amtdOP8rnh (d) T4 38am51amtdDIndexA,

3B). (s) T4 38am51amtdOP8dexA. The phage burst in the rnh

infec-tions was consistently 10-fold lower than that of the parental It appears that the critical length of homology for infections, as previously reported (HobbsandNossal1996). intron homing in wild-type T4 lies between 25 and 50 bp. This is in agreement with previous studies on sponta-neous recombination in T4, which indicated that 25 to events for donors with 25-bp and 10-bp exons were

con-50 bp of homology is required for efficient recombina-firmed by the halo assay and PCR analysis (data not

tion (BautzandBautz1967;Singeret al. 1982). Like-shown). However, when both exons were completely

wise, 35 to 50 bp of homology is required for efficient deleted from the donor allele, homing levels became

intron homing in a phagelmodel system (Parkeret al. indistinguishable from background recombination

lev-1996). This similarity in homology length requirements els. More than 1010 total phage from several

indepen-likely reflects the functional components of DSB-medi-dent infections were analyzed by the halo assay and/or

ated recombination in these systems. One possibility is PCR but no I-TevI-mediated intron acquisition events

that the strand transferase is limited by its ability to in the absence of flanking homology were observed. For

recognize or bind to short homologies. In vitro analysis all donor alleles, the level of background

recombina-of UvsX indicated that it does not catalyze pairing be-tion, as well as the phage burst, for the dexA and parental

tween molecules with,30 bp of homology (Salinaset phage recipients were similar, indicating that the

exo-al. 1995). However, RecA effects pairing in vitro between nuclease-deficient variants do not have a general

replica-DNA molecules sharing 15 bp of homology (Hsieh et tion advantage over the parental phage (Figure 6 and


molecules sharing only 13 bp of homology (Kingand uninterrupted homology (13 bp), and appeared in 4 out of 14 events (Figures 4C and 5A, I-i), it seems likely that Richardson1986).

Exon deletions and microhomology mark illegitimate the length of microhomology plays a role in determining the site of repair. However, computer analysis indicated homing events: Analysis of those homing events with

one-sided homology revealed that in each case deletions that numerous segments of microhomology exist in proxi-mal upstream regions of the donor and recipient, with at occurred in the recipient phage extending from the CS

to various positions in the exon sequence corresponding least five sites displaying six or seven perfect matches (data not shown). Another factor must therefore also be consid-to the exon that was absent from the donor. Similarly,

DSB repair in a phage T7 in vitro system was associated ered to account for the observed bias. Indeed, the up-stream and downup-stream ends produced by the cleavage with deletion of nonhomologous DNA occurring at the

ends (LaiandMasker1998). Sequence analysis of the reaction are not equally available for exonucleolytic degra-dation because I-TevI remains bound to the downstream recombination junctions indicated that numerous short

stretches of homology between the donor plasmid and cleavage product, providing protection (Mueller et al. 1996b). This bias in exonucleolytic processing is likely to the recipient phage ranging from 4 to 13 bp were used

in repair of the DSB (Figure 5). This differs from a account in large measure for the lengthier degradation tracts in exon I than exon II (Figure 4, C and D), much similar analysis conducted on one-sided repair events

occurring in a phage l-td intron model system where as it does for lengthier coconversion tracts in the upstream than the downstream exon (Muelleret al. 1996b). two out of four junctions examined appeared to form

in the complete absence of homology (Parker et al. Exonuclease activity influences homing levels with limiting homology: The gp46/47 complex and RNase 1996). Similarly, analysis of restriction

endonuclease-mediated illegitimate recombination events in E. coli re- H likely contribute the majority of 59-39end processing occurring during recombination and replication in T4. vealed that only 1–4 nt of homology were present at the

junctions, with only a single nucleotide of homology ap- Because the gp46/47 complex is required for phage viability and the homing reaction (Epsteinet al. 1963; pearing in 5 of 10 cases (Kusano et al. 1997). Indeed,

illegitimate DSB repair events occurring in E. coli, yeast, Wiberg 1966;Mueller et al. 1996a), we were unable to determine its influence on homing when homology and mammalian systems have been attributed to an

end-joining mechanism (for example, Moore and Haber was limiting. However, the essential nature of gp46/47 makes the complex less likely than nonessential exo-1996;Kusanoet al. 1997). The propensity of phage T4

to utilize short regions of homology to effect DSB repair nucleases to influence homing efficiency under subopti-mal conditions such as limiting homology. We therefore in the absence of extensive homology indicates that the

T4 recombination machinery can catalyze strand transfer examined T4 RNase H, which has 59-39 DNA exo-nuclease activity and has been implicated in DNA repli-between very short regions of homology. Correspondingly,

spontaneous deletions in T4 have been associated with cation, repair, and intron homing (Hollingsworth andNossal1991;Muelleret al. 1996a;Woodworth recombination between direct repeats ranging from 4 to

15 bp in length (Pribnowet al. 1981;Owenet al. 1983; andKreuzer1996;Huanget al. 1999). Homing levels in rnh phage infections were somewhat decreased com-Mosiget al. 1998). The interesting question of whether

this mechanism involves UvsX is difficult to address in vivo pared to the wild-type phage for the majority of homol-ogy lengths analyzed (Figure 6A). However, it remains because of the requisite role of this protein in intron

homing (Clyman and Belfort 1992; Mueller et al. unclear whether these subtle decreases in homing levels in rnh phage are directly related to loss of exonuclease 1996a).

A comparison of the deletions produced in several inde- activity or due to an indirect effect on replication or repair (WoodworthandKreuzer1996;Huanget al. pendent events indicated that the extent of degradation

was markedly greater on the upstream side of the cleavage 1999). If the effect of RNase H on intron homing is direct, rather than through DNA replication, the en-site than on the downstream side (Figure 4, C and D).

The two most likely interpretations of this result relate to zyme is likely to generate 39 invasive ends through its 59-39 DNA exonuclease activity (Huang et al. 1999). the distribution of microhomologies on one hand and to

access to exonucleolytic degradation on the other. First, Therefore, an rnh deficiency may lead to shorter 39tails available for the search for homology.

regions of microhomology between the phage and the

donor may be distributed such that on the downstream Conversely, when donor alleles with limiting homol-ogy in both exons were analyzed in phage deficient in side the more lengthy regions are located closer to the

break than on the upstream side. Indeed, hot spots of the 39-59exonuclease DexA, homing levels were signifi-cantly elevated above those generated with the parental spontaneous deletion formation in T4 display

microho-mology between direct repeats, and the frequency of recipient phage (Figure 6B). The most likely explana-tion for this result is that in the absence of DexA, the 39 events occurring at particular sites corresponds well with

their length of microhomology (Allgood and Silhavy tail, containing homologous td sequences, is not readily degraded and consequently is utilized more efficiently 1988). Because the most upstream junction, located.2


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