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Constraint based Morpho phonology


Academic year: 2020

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Constraint-based Morpho-phonology

Michael Mastroianni

Philosophy Department

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

m m ~ i c l , cmu. e d u

B o b C a r p e n t e r P h i l o s o p h y D e p a r t m e n t C a r n e g i e M e l l o n U n i v e r s i t y

P i t t s b u r g h , P A 15213

carp©icl, cmu. edu

I n t r o d u c t i o n

In this paper, we develop a new generative paradigm with which to capture phonological generalizations. Our framework differs from standard generative frame- works inasmuch as we eschew all derivational analy- ses. Thus, we dispense with procedural transforma- tions of underlying and intermediate representations into surface forms by means of the cyclic application of relatively unconstrained context-sensitive rewriting rules, lnstead, we adopt a strictly monostratal ap- proach, wherein a single level of articulatory representa- tion is subject to linguistic constraints expressed declar- atively using well-understood logical tools.

In order for our enterprise to succeed, we will re- quire a rich representational system. To this end, we follow the lead of autosegmental and metrical phonol- ogy, taking our representations to be organized around natural groupings of articulators. A further similarity to autosegmental analyses and some traditional gener- ative analyses is that we allow underspecification in our lexical rcpresentationsl But in contrast to these other theories, we adopt a single, concrete, surface-based rep- resentational system, rather than abstract underlying and intermediate representations of uncertain status. In particular, our approach is strictly monotonic, disal- lowing stages of analysis in which ill-formed representa- tions are constructed and repaired. Instead, the linguis- tic constraints we impose, both universal and parochial, combined with possibly underspecified lexical represen- tat.ions, conspire to fully determine surface representa- tions. The result is a fully declarative system, albeit one which can be provided with a procedural interpretation in which lexicai (syntactic and semantic) representa- tk)ns are incrementally refined into surface representa- tions, or vice-versa, by the application of constraints, citlmr sc~q,cntially or in parallel.

Wc haw" chosen to employ feature structures for our phonological rel)rcsentations, a natural candidate for cu,straiut-based linguistic theories. Feature structures provide two mechanisms for constructing linguistic rep- resentations. The first is a multiple inheritance hierar- chy of types, which allows the multi-dimensional classi- fication of structures. The second mechanism is that of

fi~atures, whose values are themselves modeled by fea- t . r e structures.

Universal and parochial constraints, including lexi- cal representations, are expressed using attribute-value logic. Expressions in our attribute-value logics are in- terpreted as restrictions on admissible linguistic struc- tures. Being comprised of a representational system of feature structures subject to a collection of attribute- wdue constraints, our grammars are interpreted in a co-inductive, constraint-based fashion. More specifi- cally, the admissible linguistic structures are modeled by those feature structures satisfying all of the con- straints. This contrasts with traditional, inductive or rule-based generative accounts, in which well-formed representations are constructed from a primitive set of well-formed base cases by applying derivational rules.


nisms. A further desirable feature of our m o n o s t r a t a l c o n s t r a i n t - b a s e d a p p r o a c h is its declarative, r e l a t i o n a l nature, which allows the s a m e linguistic constraints to be a p p l i e d s y m m e t r i c a l l y to b o t h generation alld un- d e r s t a n d i n g .

In w h a t follows, we p r o v i d e specifications of the m o s t i m p o r t a n t universal c o n s t r a i n t s involved in syllable and m e t r i c a l s t r u c t u r e , w i t h p a r t i c u l a r c o n s t r a i n t s for En- glish syllabification, M a l a k - M a l a k and Y u p ' i k stress as- s i g n m e n t , and Icelandic u m l a u t i n g . For reasons of space, we are not able to include the full signatures ( d e c l a r a t i o n s of t y p e s ) for these g r a m m a r s , nor will we give all of the c o n s t r a i n t s necessary to define such a g r a m m a r . R e a d e r s interested in complete, i m p l e m e n t e d g r a m m a r s , i n c l u d i n g all of the s i g n a t u r e entries and collstraiuts, should consult ( M a s t r o i a n n i 1993).

F e a t u r e S t r u c t u r e s a n d C o n s t r a i n t s

For linguistic r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s , we a d o p t the feature s t r u c t u r e f o r m a l i s m of ( C a r p e n t e r 1992), which was m o d e l e d on the n o t i o n of f e a t u r e s t r u c t u r e e m p l o y e d in tiPS(3 ( P o l l a r d a n d Sag 1994). F e a t u r e structures are built o u t of two c o m p o n e n t s , types a n d features. A specification of the b e h a v i o r of t y p e s and their corre- s p o n d i n g features is known as a signature.

A s i g n a t u r e is b u i l t o u t of a finite set Type of types. We i n t e r p r e t t y p e s as sets of objects. To use a non-linguistic e x a m p l e , Nat m i g h t be the t y p e of n a t u r a l n u m b e r s , which is i n t e r p r e t e d as the set {0, 1 . . . . , n, . . . } . T h e t y p e s form a m u l t i p l e i n h e r i t a n c e hierarchy under a s u b t y p i n g p a r t i a l ordering E . If the t y p e o" is a s u b t y p e of a t y p e v, then every o b j e c t of t y p e a i s of t y p e r . We write a _E r i f t h e t y p e v i s

a subtype of o', a n d also say t h a t cr is a supertypc of v. For instance, consonants, represented by the t y p e cons

are s u b t y p e s of segments, represented by the t y p e seg,

so we write sea D_ cons. F u r t h e r m o r e the t y p e glide of glides is a s u b t y p e of cons, so cons E glide. T h u s by the t r a n s i t i v i t y of p a r t i a l orderings, glide is a s u b t y p e of t y p e sea, so seg D_ glide. As an a l t e r n a t i v e e x a m p l e , we have a t y p e bool of boolean values, with the t r u t h values + and - as s u b t y p e s , so bool E + and bool E -.

[f a ~ r , we also say t h a t r is more specific than o-, or t h a t cr is m o r e general t h a n r . More specific typ(~s pro- vide m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t an object. Using a t y p e hierarchy allows us to b o t h f a c t o r c o n s t r a i n t s on differ- ent classes of r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s and to s t a t e t h e m at the a p p r o p r i a t e level of generalization.

A t y p e p is known as a unifier of the t y p e s o" and r if it is a s u b t y p e of b o t h of t h e m , so t h a t a _E p and r E_ p, in which case cr a n d r are said to be unifiable.

For instance, the types for a p p r o x i m a n t s and conso- nants, approx a n d cons, are unifiable, as they have a c o m m o n s u b t y p e glide. A p a i r of t y p e s is unifiable if the i n f o r m a t i o n t h e y c o n t a i n is consistent. T h u s the t y p e s + and - are n o t unifiable, as it is impossible for an o b j e c t to be of b o t h types. Similarly, the types

nasal and obslruen! have no unifiers, as there are no

segments which can be assigned to b o t h types. One way to view unification is as a t y p e - t h e o r e t i c analogue of conjunction. For instance, glide has all of the infor- m a t i o n contained in the c o n j u n c t i o n of approz and cons,

plus p e r h a p s some more. A p a i r tr and r of unifiable types m u s t have a most general unifier, cr tA r, such t h a t 0" _E o" IA r , r E_ a I.J r and for every unitier p of tr and r , o" IA v E P. For instance, cons-approz, the t y p e of consonant a p p r o x i m a n t s , is t h e m o s t general unifier of

cons and approx. As a n o t h e r e x a m p l e , we use non-low

as the t y p e of non-low heights, a n d non-high for the t y p e of non-high heights, and so we have the m e d i u m height, reed = non-high IA non-low, as their unification. We further define a most general or universal type, _k, with the p r o p e r t y t h a t , for any t y p e r ill our ordering, .l. E r .

To construct f e a t u r e s t r u c t u r e s , we also need a fi- nite set Feat of features. T h e r e m a i n i n g c o m p o n e n t of a s i g n a t u r e relates the features to the t y p e s by m e a n s of a p p r o p r i a t e n e s s conditions. T h e s e deter- m i n e the features which can and m u s t occur on each type, as well as c o n s t r a i n i n g the t y p e s of their val- ues. T h i s is the sense in which we are dealing with a t y p e d system, r a t h e r t h a n s i m p l y a s o r t e d one. A n appropriateness assignment is a p a r t i a l function

Approp: Feat x Type ~ Type. A s t r u c t u r e o f t y p e a is required to have a value for the feature f if and only if Approp(ff, a) is defined, and in a d d i t i o n , the value m u s t be at least as specific as Approp(f, tr). For in- stance, we have Approp(LABIAL, place) ---- bool, which s t a t e s t h a t the f e a t u r e LABIAL, r e p r e s e n t i n g w h e t h e r there is closure o f the vocal t r a c t a t t h e lips, m u s t re- ceive a b o o l e a n value in a f e a t u r e s t r u c t u r e representing the place of a r t i c u l a t i o n . To t a k e a n o t h e r e x a m p l e , we have Approp(NUCLEUS, syllable) = vowel, l which s t a t e s t h a t the value of a s y l l a b l e ' s nucleus f e a t u r e m u s t be a vowel. In a d d i t i o n , Approp(MELODY, vowel) is unde- fined, which indicates t h a t vowels do n o t receive m e l o d y values.

We require the a p p r o p r i a t e i m s s a s s i g n m e n t t.o re- spect the i n h e r i t a n c e hierarchy a c c o r d i n g to s t a n d a r d o b j e c t - o r i e n t e d principles. In p a r t i c u l a r , s u b t y p e s in- herit the features and value restrictions of all of their s u p e r t y p e s , which can be a r r a n g e d in a m u l t i p l e inher- itance hierarchy. In such a s y s t e m , we require t h a t if a E r and Approp(f, a) is defined, then Approp(f, r ) is defined a n d Approp(f,u) C Approp(f,r). For in- stance, s o n o r a n t s inherit the m e l o d y f e a t u r e from con- sonants, and h e a v y - o p e n - s y l l a b l e s i n h e r i t the nucleus feature from syllables, b u t f u r t h e r c o n s t r a i n it to be a

1For simplicity, w e ignore the case of languages which allow non-vowels to be the nuclei of syllables. We could generalize, for instance, by assuming

Approp(NUCLEUS, syllable) = approximant.nasal

to account for the more general case, or we could refine

our hierarchy to include a new supertype of vowels whose subtypes include liquids and nasals, say vocalic-nasaL



• place



¢ ~OILONAI,:[ bool]





I,t,ACl,:: DOItSAi,:










Figure 1: Most General Structure of T y p e vowel

heavy nucleus. 2

Feature structures are defined relative to a signature. A feature structure is taken to be a finite, rooted and directed graph, in which nodes are labeled with types and arcs with ffi~atures. Feature structures are typi- ca.lly displayed as attril)ute-value matrices, where the I)ra.('keting indicates the nodes, and features indicate the arcs. Feature structures must satisfy the appropri- ateness conditions, so t h a t a node of type o" such that

Approp(f, rr) is delined must be connected by an arc la-

Iwh,d f to a node of type r such t h a t Approp(f, cr) E r.

A feature st.ructurc meeting this condition is said to be

totally u,Hl-typcd. 'l'he most general feature structure of

type vowel respecting the appropriateness conditions is given in l,'igure I. This structure represents the feature geometry c o m m o n to all vowels.

In addition to conditions of well-typedness, we re- (luirc every feature structure representing a g r a m m a t - ical linguistic structure to be fully resolved in the fol- lowing way. Every type must be a maximally specific one, in the sense of not having any further subtypes. For instance, occurrences of the type bool must be re- solved to either + or -, and occurrences of type cons to either an obstruent, glottal-pharyngeal, nasal, liquid or glide. This a m o u n t s to a closed world interpretation of our type hierarchies, wherein every type can be equated logically with the disjunction of its subtypes (see (Car- I)enl,er 19!)2)). For instance, this equates souorant with 1.1,' di~iun('tion of the types glottal-pharyngeal, nasal

and approx, so t h a t ew~ry sol|oraut rrlltst t)c either glot- tal, nasal or al)l)roximanl.. Anot.her example involves Iwight, where the subtypes of height, high, reed and

~ln addition, our hierarchies respect Carpenter's (1992) introduction condition, which requires the set of features for which a feature f is appropriate to have a most general type. This constraint is motivated computationally, in that it forces the type inference algorithm to produce a unique most general result. But this constraint can be easily relaxed (King and GStz 1993) or reconstructed from a hierarchy which does not meet it (Carpenter and Pollard 1992).

low, exhaust the possibilities. 'l'h(~ closed worhl asSmnl)-

tion is iml)licit ill every approach to generative g r a m m a r with which we are familiar. Simply sl.al,e(I, it says l.hal. I.he only I,ossilfilities a.re I,he Ol,.S Sl,,cilied as su,'h by I.Im Kl'alllll|ltr. III SylllJt× I'~Jl' ill,l.allC,', ;I li:d, ,,1" I,hr;l~,' sl.ructurc schen,es is typically Lakeli Lo b~: cxhallstive; if a string can not be analyzed according to the rule schemes given, the theory classifies it as ungramnmti- cal.

Constraints will be of the following form.

(1) ~

[[ere, ¢ is an arbitrary description, which is taken to constrain the possibilities for objects of type o'. We take constraints on a type to be inherited by all of their subtypes. In general, we allow descriptions to specify types of objects, to specify the values of features by further descriptions, to impose equality and inequality constraints on objects. In addition, descriptions are taken to be closed under the logical operations of con- junction and disjunction, and the string operations of concatenation and Kleene-star. Finally, we allow rela- tional and functional constraints by means of definite clauses. The string operations generalize the not;ion or c,,nsl, rainl, found in (Carpenter 1992) along lines sug- gested by l~eape (1991); such operations were coded by functional and relational constraints by Bird and Klein (1993) and by Mastroianni (1993).

We will follow (Mastroianni 1993) in our treatment of syllable structure and the arrangement of features in segments. This work is closely relal,ed I.o thai. pre- seuted in (Scobbie 1992), (Bird 1992), (Bird and Klein 1993), and (Russell 1993). One m a j o r difference be- tween our work and t h a t of both Bird and Scobbie is t h a t we have given analyses of vowel harmony. Scobbie, because of his adjacency meta-constraint, is unable to do this, and Bird gives no account of such processes, ei- ther. In addition, we give an account of syllabification and stress, neither of which were a t t e m p t e d by Bird or Scobbie. Our work shares with Russell's a concern for the role of morphology both in triggering phonological operations and in interfacing with other components of g r a m m a r . Most of the analyses in these frameworks are compatible with our approach; we believe they are best viewed as instances of the same p a r a d i g m of monos- tratal, constraint-based morpho-phonology.

We will assume t h a t the type 7rot has subtypes which a.re arranged as in Figure 2. We follow (Carl)enter 1992) in our tr['atment of types and inheritanc(,. Thus, all of the subtypes of root have a PI,ACE


alld a.II

consonanl subtypes have a MEIA)DY feature. T h e rep-

r~;sentation of a generic consonant is similar to the vowel illustrated in Figure 1, but without stress or tone fea- tures, and with an additional m a n n e r feature, with all of its appropriate features.


l i t / F i d e




g l o l _ p ~ N E : t o n e

o b M r u c n l c_.~onoran l a p p r o x i m a n l


I g ~


P L A C E : p l a c e

Figure 2: Segmental Signature

hvy-ons-syl hvy-bare-syl

lgt-ons-syl Igt-bare-syl




R.ItYME: O N S E T : o n s e t b a r e - s y l

R H Y M E : IffI-rh

hvy-rh V cls-rh


R H Y M E : r h y m e

F i g u r e 3: Syllable S i g n a t u r e

above are defined as in F i g u r e 4. We define the signa- ture ¢'ntries for




in F i g u r e 5. In a d d i t i o n , we c o n s t r a i n onsets, nuclei and codas to be sequences of segments.

In our c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of the

maximal onset princi-


we m a k e crucial use of a

sonority hierarchy.

T h i s is defined in t e r m s o f our t y p e definitions as follows.

(2) a.

consonant ~ vowel

b. obstruent ~ sonorant

c. glot_phar ~ nasal

d. nasal ~ sonor_approx

~. liquid -.< glide

W(" read I.lmse ('onstraints as s t a t i n g , tbr instance, t h a t consonants are less sonorous t h a n vowels, liquids are I,.ss sonorous t h a n glides, and so on. T h i s interl)reta- tion provides a linear o r d e r i n g of the tnaxirnally Sl)ecific s e g m e n t a l s u b t y p e s of consonants according to their rel- alive sonority:


obstruent -< glottal_pharyngeal -.< nasal -.< liquid -<

glide --< vowel

Wc e m p l o y this ord(,ring of s e g m e n t a l types by s o . o r i t y iu our apl)roach I.o syllal)itication, enabling us l.,, cap- t.lli.I, ih(, rising and falling sonority of Ollsets ilild ('od~ls.




open-lgt-rhy cls-lgt-rhy





(:() I ) A : t'oda N I I (' : vo ~v• l


NUCLEUS : n u c l e u s

F i g u r e 4: R h y m e S i g n a t u r e









F i g u r e 5: Onset, Nucleus and C, o d a S i g n a t u r e s


T h e PHON value of a word will have two features, dealing with s y l l a b i f i c a t i o n / s t r e s s , and m o r p h o l o g y , re- spectively. We will be concerned in this section only with the phonological feature, which will he filled by



We show the f e a t u r e s t r u c t u r e for tile


for the English word


below in Fig- ure


Note t h a t a


has the features ROOTS, VOWELS, a n d SYLLS, which m u s t be of t y p e s

root +,

vowel +,


syllable +,

respectively. 3 T h e t y p e


will be d i v i d e d into s u b t y p e s




A complex


will have an


T h i s


will appeal" a p p e n d e d to a sequence of


Thus, the S Y I , I , S value of a


will be of t y p e

syllable+oapp•ndix. '1

'lqw a p p e n d i x will allow the presence of s o m e eot|sonant

3For any type a, a* is the type of s(~(illCll('f,s Of o b j e c t s of type a, attd a + is t h e t y p e of n o n - e m t p y sequences of o b j e c t s of type a, and • is t h e t y p e of t h e e m p t y sequence. We also allow these operations on descriptions, giving us the full expressive power of regular expressions, similar to the feature structure and automata-b,~ed approa,ches developed in (Bird 1992) and (Bird and Ellison 1992).

4We use • as a concateneation operator. Thus, ¢ • ~, describes a string consisting of the concatenation of strings described by qt aml ¢.

[image:4.596.321.557.105.415.2] [image:4.596.]


ROOTS:[ . ]


( f f ] , [ ] ) ]


ROOTS :[[~] ( [~], [~], [~] ) ]

< vowzLs:[•]


[ closed-light-rhyme]





" h e a v y - b a r e - s y l l a b l e

ROOTS:l[ ( [],13] )]




CODA:[[] Z]


I,'igure 6: Phonological structure of kisses

cluster which wouht otherwise violate the sonority con- st,ra, int.

T h e sonority constraint is captured as follows. An onset is allowable just in case the segments it contains are arranged in increasing sonority, and no phonotactic constraints are violated. Phonotactic constraints are defined separately for each language. Some languages allow exceptional onsets. We handle this by defining exceptional onset types for each language. In English, we have exceptional onsets formed from, e.g., s, k, r. The sonority condition on codas is the reverse; i.e., the sonority must. decrease (in general, sonority decreases with dista.ncc from the nucleus). An appendix can be fi)rmed, ~u~ in cats, when


]lave a


cluster containing two equally sonorous segments at the end of a word. For a Ibrmalization of the constraints on codas aml onsets, see (Mastroianni 1993).

We will use the sonority ifierarchy again in the com- bination of syllabh,s. It is a well-attested generalization that languages teud to put as much material as possi- ble into the onsets of syllables, rather than codas (the

mm:imal onset principle). This principle can be ex-

pressed in our systcm by constraining the SYLLS values of words. We allow two syllables to combine only if the last segment(s) of the first could not be combined into a legal onset in the second syllable. This is used in our constraint on simple-phon, given below.



1tOOTS : [ ] root + • [ ] root + A

vowEI,s : [ ] vowel + • [] ,,owet + a

sVl,l,S : ([~] (syllable A



(syllable')) ^

consistent([g]~ ~ ) ^


We define tire eMinite clause c o n s i s t e n t ( ¢ , ¢ ) as fol- lows.

(5) consistent(syllable, e)

consistent([~]( syllable


:(root* • E]rool) ),

[(syllable A

ROOTS : ([~root • root*) •


(([] -<

V gap([], [])) ^

us-compatible([El, [~ D A consistent([~], [~])

According to this definition, a single syllable is consistent. Recursively, a syllable followed by a se- quence of syllables is consistent if the last root in the ROOTS value of the first syllable cannot be combined into a valid onset with the first root in the ROOTS value of the following syllable, and the second syllable is consistent with whatever follows. A given pair of roots

m a y not be combined into an onset if the second is less sonorous than the first. These definitions merely ex- press the maximal onset principle, m o d u l o phonotactic constraints and certain allowable exceptions. We han- dle phonotactic constraints with the g a p / 2 predicate, where gap(x, y) expresses t h a t x is not allowed before y in an onset. For instance, the sequence tl is an allowable onset with respect to sonority, b u t English disallows it. This can be seen in the word atlas, which syllabifies

as at-las rather than a-tlas. To capture this English-

specific, phonotactic constraint, we take gap(t, l) to be a clause of g a p / 2 in English. Exceptional, yet allow- able onsets can be handled by adding exceptional sub- types. For instance, borrowings t h a t allow tlin an onset nmst be protected from being subject to the English gap constraint, s

The definite clause m a p l e , ¢, X) provides the linking relation between our autosegmental tiers, where ¢ rep- resents th,; vowel tier, '¢ the roots tier and X the struc- ture which combines t.hem. G T h e m a p p i n g constraint on phonology values ensures t h a t the end of the ItOOTS and

5In general, if there is a set S of forms subject to normal constraints and a class 7" subject to exceptional constraints, we can create types for these classes which are subtypes of a.nother class. Then constraints on the classes are iudepen- dent, and constraints they both obey can be expressed on their supertype.


VOWEI,S values of the simple-phon correspond to those of the syllables which c o n s t i t u t e the SYLLS valw'. T h e rccursive clauses for m a p / 3 are as follows follows.

(6) ]nap(z, ~, ~)

map([]vowel + , [~]root + ,

syllable A (VOWELS : [ ] A ROOTS : E l ) )

,,,ap(½vowet o ~ o w e i +,

Drool ° Drool+,

[]syllable • EJsyllable + ) )

m a p ( [ ] , [ ] , ~ A m a p ( [ ] , [ ] ,

We now t u r n to our c o n s t r a i n t defining coraplex-phon.

It is a well-known e m p i r i c a l fact t h a t m a n y languages allow c o n s o n a n t clusters at the end of words which could not a p p e a r t a u t o s y l l a b i c a l l y anywhere else (typ- ically because this would violate the s o n o r i t y condi- tion on codas, i.e., t h a t the sonority m u s t fall as dis- tan('e from the nucleus increases). In English, this phe- nomenon is exemplified by m a n y words ending in the r~gular plural and past-tense, such a.s cats, dogs, and

washed, which are realized as karts, dawgz, and wagl,

r(q)cctively. In each of these e x a m p l e s , the alveolar s t o p or s i b i l a n t which ends the word is of the s a m e sonority as the preceding consonant. T h e s t a n d a r d t r e a t m e n t of such words in a u t o s e g m e n t a l p h o n o l o g y is to allow s o m e kind of appendix to a p p e a r at the end of words. In our analysis, a phon-word b e a r i n g an appendix would be of the t y p e complex-phon. By definition, such a word has a SYLLS value which consists of s o m e ( n o n - e m p t y ) sequence of s y l l a b l e s followed by an a p p e n d i x . Such a s t r u c t u r e will be allowable m o d u l o certain constraints. These can be defined as follows.

(7) complex-phon

ROOTS : [ ] root + . IT]root • [~]appendix A V O W E L S : [ ] V O W e l + A

SYLLS : (EJsyllable . [~syllable* ° El) A

c o n s i s t e n t ( [ ] , [~]) A m a p ( [ ] , [ ] , [ ] ° [ ] ) A

co,nl)atil)le([~], [~]) A

-,Cl)enth([], [ ] )

T h e consistency a n d m a p p i n g checks are as before. T h e c o m p a t i b l e ( X , Y ) clause ensures t h a t the voicing a s s i m i l a t i o n m e n t i o n e d above occurs (two segments are c o m p a t i b l e j u s t in case their VOICE values unify). T w o o b j e c t s satisfy the e p e n t h ( X , Y ) clause j u s t in case t h e y are b o t h alveolar s t o p s or b o t h s i b i l a n t s (at least, for English).

Metrical Phonology

M a l a k - M a l a k

Ih'call t h a t the t y p e vowel is defined as having a fea- ture STm,;SS. Following ( M a s t r o i a n n i 1993), we will

o(curences of each segment on a single tier. But for (:ompu- l.;d.ion;d puri)oses, il. is ea.~icst to construct all the relevant si, rti('tttr(~s on-line rath(:r t, ha.n computing tlmm within par-

I.i,'u la.r ('(~vlsl.railil.s.

suppose t h a t each syllable has a mtcleus c o n t a i n i n g a vowel. 7 T h e basic stress p a t t e r n of Ma.lak-Malak is built from left-headed b i n a r y fcet, with p r i m a r y stress falling on the first stressed syllal)le ((~ohlsmith 1990: p.174). Words are, in general, "right-to-h~ft", m e a u i n g t h a t degenerate feet n o r m a l l y a p p e a r a t the begimfing of the word. s T h e r e is one exception to this i)a.ttcrn, which is t h a t three-syllabh~ words tyl)ically have stress on the first and third syllables.gWe provide examl)les of M a l a k - M a l a k stress p a t t e r n s in F i g u r e ? ? , a d a p t e d I'rom ( G o l d s m i t h 1990: pp. 174-175). For case of reading,

2 . 0 1 0 .1..o. 1 0

n u n g - k u - ~ u n - t u - w o - r o - w a k - k a

"You (pl.) would have given them meat" (8 syllables)

0 2 0 1 0 1- 0

w u - w u n - t u - n u - n u - w a k - n a

"IIe would have given you (sg.) meal" (7 syllabics)

2 0 1 0 1 0 n6n-kS-r6-n6-yun-ka

"You will lie down" (6 syllables)

o . ? 9 t . o

a~-k l-n ]-yang-k a

"We are all going to stand" (5 syllables)

2 0 . 1 ~0

m u - n a n - k a - r a

"beautiful" (4 syllables)

2 0


"arm, rivulet" O. 2 0 m e l - p a - p u

'~ather" (emphatic)

2. 0 1 m ¢ i - p a - p u


F i g u r e 7: M a l a k - M a l a k Da,ta

we have inserted h y p h e n s between syllables. Ill keeping with our stress features, we have m a r k e d vowels bear- ing p r i m a r y stress with a "2", those b e a r i n g s e c o n d a r y stress with a "1", a n d those which are unstressed with

a t t 0 " •

In G o l d s m i t h ' s s y s t e m , the first s y l l a b l e of a word

rA nucleus could also have a pair of vowels or a vowel- diphthong pair. A vowel-diphthong pair will still only have one STRESS value. We can ensure by constraint that any two vowels which appears ill a nucleus in a language with long vowels have token-identical STRESS va, h l e s .

SAs our system is purely declarativ(,, In our system, pro- cedural notions such as "right-to-hfft" and "h,ft-to-right" arc exppressed declaratively, being characterized ~L~ degenerate-

first and degenerate-last respectively.

9The emphatic forms of thrce-sylIM)lc words follow the usual pattern, with an unstressed lirst and se(:ond syllabic, and stress on the third.


with a,t t,~l(I lululber ~,1' syllal)les is "extra-nmtri('al". In ()tiler words, su(:h syllables are ~msigned to I~et, but these feet are deleted afterwards, as a result of a "stress clash" repair m e c h a n i s m . However, there is no reason why we should a s s u m e t h a t initial degenerate feet a/-

ways assign stress. If we m a k e this a s s u m p t i o n , we have gained "uniformity," in some vague sense, at the ex- pense of p r o c e d u r a l c o m p l i c a t i o n .

We eschew p r o c e d u r a l analyses of the d a t a . T h e em- pirical fact is t h a t there are two cases in M a l a k - M a l a k . The e x c e p t i o n a l case occurs only in the n o n - e m p h a t i c form of words with e x a c t l y three syllables. If we were really dealing with a "stress clash" p h e n o m e n o n here, we would e x p e c t this e x c e p t i o n a l case to be the case for all words with o d d n u m b e r s of syllables. Since this does not hal)l)en , we are perfectly justified in allowing a gouera.I word, aunl ;tit exceptional word, with no ref-

i'r¢'tl('e 1,o " u n i v e r s a l " pIi01tOtliona. W e t i l u s d e f i n e t w o

l.ylms of phon-'word for M a l a k - M a l a k , normal-word, for I.Im general ease, and cxcep-word, for the excel)tional


In order to m a k e our c o n s t r a i n t s as general as pos- sible, we will define several s u b t y p e s of foot. A t the l,op level, there will be degenerate-foot and complex-foot.

We will define two s u b t y p e s of degenerate-foot, a n d sev- eral s u b t y p e s of complex-foot. T h e t y p e degenerate-foot

will have s u b t y p e s degen-stressed a n d decca-unstressed.

T h e t y p e complex-foot will have s u b t y p e s lh-foot and

rh-foot. T h e t y p e lh-foot will itself have two s u b t y p e s ,

lh-primary and lh-secondary.

These t y p e s m u s t be constrained with respect to their S'HtUSS in order to be useflfl. A degen-unstrcssed foot must contain e x a c t l y one syllable bearing a nucleus consisting of a vowel with a STRESS value of 0, and a

doyen-stressed foot m u s t have a NUCLEUS with a STRESS

value of 2. A rh-foot m u s t contain two syllables, the sec- ond of which beat's fidl stress. A lh-foot m u s t contain two syllables, the lirst of which is stressed. A lh-primary

lbot bears p r i m a r y stress, while a Ih-secondary foot bears secondary stress.

()tar c o n s t r a i n t s on the t y p e s normal-word and

cxcep-word are ms follows.

(8) a. normal-word::,

I"EET: ( d e g e n - u n s t r c s s e d V c)* lh-primary . lh.sccondary +

I). rxccp-word ~ FEET: degen-slressed . rh-foot

'l'ho c o n s t r a i n t defining normal-word s t a t e s t h a t the FEI,.YI" value of such a word m u s t be either

1. A degenerate foot c o n t a i n i n g an unstressed syllable, followed by a sequence of left-headed feet, the first of which has a stressed syllable with STRESS value 2, and all the rest of wifich have stressed syllables with STRESS value 1.

2. A sequence of left-headed feet as above, with no de- generate foot at the beginning.

W i t h these c o n s t r a i n t s in place, a word m u s t either be of t y p e normal-word or excep-word. In the first case, a

u,~rmal.word cant (:onsist of a lel'l,-In(~adod I',.)t, i,,a.n'iJng l)U'imary stress followed by a sequence of one or rnoro. left-headed feet b e a r i n g s e c o n d a r y stress, with, Ol:)tion- ally, an unstressed degenerate foot at the very begin- ning. In the second case, a word m a y consist of a sin- gle unstressed syllable followed by a r i g h t - h e a d e d foot. T h i s gives us e x a c t l y the a t t e s t e d p a t t e r n s .

C e n t r a l S i b e r i a n Y u p ' i k

( G o l d s m i t h 1990) gives us some d a t a fi'om Central Siberian Yup'ik, which is taken from ( K r a u s s 1985). We r e p r o d u c e this d a t a below. Stressed vowels are m a r k e d with a "1", and unstressed vowels are m a r k e d with "0". 1°

1 0 1 0 1 0

a. a a n g - q a g h - l l a g h - l l a n g - y u g - t u g

"he wants to make a big ball"

0 1 . 0 0 11

b. a n g - y a g h - I l a g h - l l a n g - y u g - t u g "he wants to make a big boat"

0 l o c. q a - y a - n i

'"his own kayak"

0 1 0

d. q a - y a a - n l

"in his (another's) kayak"

0 1 i 0

e. sa-gu-yaa~m

"in his (another's) drum"

o i .o . i 9 f. q a - y ~ p l g - k a , - m

"his own future authentic kayak"

0 1 0 ~ 0

g. q a - y £ - p i g - k d a - n i

"in his (another's)future authentic kayak"

0 1 0

h. a - t e - p i k

"real name"

0 1 . . . 0 . 0

i. a n g - y a g h - l l a - k a

"my big boat"

0 1 . . . 0 . 0

j. a n g - y a g h - l l a - k a a

"it is his big boat"

F i g u r e 8: Y u p ' i k D a t a

In Yup'ik, final syllables b e a r no stress. Heavy syl- lables are stressed, except when t h e y a p p e a r word- finally. T h e s t a n d a r d foot is right headed; a word with no heavy syllables has all r i g h t - h e a d e d feet, and a word with a heavy syllable has r i g h t - h e a d e d feet to the left of t h a t syllable, with a l t e r n a t i n g stress after t h a t . Note t h a t "heavy-syllable" m u s t be defined here as a syllable containing a long vowel. 11 We define a

X°For simplicity, we will not be distinguishing between primary and secondary stress here, though see our earlier discussion of Malak-Malak for indications of how such dis- tinctions can be treated in general.



non-fin- fin-hvy- fin-lfl-


Ig/-:lgT~ "dgn ' dgn

b / / w e a k - c o m p l e x


fin-degen SVbLS:lgt-syll* syll rh-foot



SYLLS:s!lllable 2 .





F i g u r e 9: Metrical F o o t S i g n a t u r e (Yup'ik)





which m u s t h~ve a


as its R.IIYME value. A



I)o ;~ rhyme

which Ilas a long vowel as its nucleus. T h e heaviness of a


will be i n d e p e n d e n t of th~ pres- ence of a coda. Thus, we will have




as further s u b t y p e s , with and w i t h o u t codas, respectively (for present purposes, we will a b s t r a c t away fi'om a definition of the t y p e


In the s t a n d a r d m e t r i c a l t r e a t m e n t presented in ( G o l d s m i t h 1990), the final syllable is m a r k e d as be- ing "e×trarnetrical" before foot c o n s t r u c t i o n proceeds. We will directly m i m i c this, w i t h o u t , however, using ordered procedures. Instead, we require t h a t the final sylla.hle I)(~ unstressed and contained in a degenerate fo,~t. T h i s gives us the s a m e results as the s t a n d a r d ;i.na.lysis, I)ut a.ltows us to keel) our I,'EE'r values of t y p e

foot +.

In order to do this elegantly, we will split our l.ype


into two s u b t y p e s ,




T h e only o t h e r t y p e of


in Yup'ik is the i a m b i c foot,


We give the s i g n a t u r e entry tk~r the Yup'ik


in F i g u r e 9 ) 2'la

We now t u r n to stress azsignment in Yup'ik. T h e ba- sic p a t t e r n is t h a t all c o m p l e x feet are iambic, and all non-final h e a v y s y l l a b l e s are stressed. Thus, any heavy syllables which would not form the second element of an l a m b are p u t into stressed d e g e n e r a t e feet. Degener- ate feet consisting of light syllables only a p p e a r at the

the signatures for some languages, we will want to define


as being heavy, while in others we will want those syllables with long nuclei, whether open or closed, to be considered he~Lvy.

12Note that, for any type ~r, we take a n to be the type of a sequence of n objects of type ~r.

~3We have chosen to define all complex feet in Yup'ik to I)e binary by defining an appropriateness constraint in the signature that the S Y L L S value be of type



nativ('ly, we could have creat(:d a universal type signature, all.wing arl)il.rarily long f('t't, and iml~oscd a constr~fint re- :dricl.ing, YUl)'ik I'oel. I.o I~c I,in~l.ry. I",il.hcr way, w~ alh,w I.he hlll~lry/niln-l,inary di.~l.itlci.l.n I,~ I,l' silnl)ly llara.nll'l.vriz('d.


p e n u l t i m a t e syllables of words. Tilts can I)~, forma.lizcd as follows.

(9) a.



b. final-foot


c. non-fin-heavy


Now we need to detine const,raints on the c o n s t r u c t i o n of words from feet. T h i s is done with ore' c o n s t r a i n t , as follows.




( rh-foot V non-fin-heavy*) ,final-foot

T h i s c o n s t r a i n t says t h a t we m u s t have an unstressed degenerate foot, as the final foot. T h e p e n u l t i m a t e foot m a y be either a


or a non-final d e g e n e r a t e foot. Finally, any preceding feet, m u s t consist exelusiwqy of





These definitions cornbine to give us a granutl;tr in which well-formed words m u s t end in ;ul Ullstressed syllable (by the definition of


All syllables not contained in the


of a word m u s t be con- t a i n e d in an i a m b i c foot, or be a stressed syllable con- t a i n e d in its own d e g e n e r a t e foot (by the definition of allowable, the c o n s t r a i n t on


and th(' def- initions of


a n d


T h i s gives us e x a c t l y the d a t a presented above.

Morphology: Icelandic Umlauting

We now briefly t u r n our a t t e n t i o n to m o r p h o l o g y . As we mentioned above, the


value of a word will Imw' two features, one for syllabification and stress, I'IIONOl,O(|Y, and another, MORP|IOLOGY, for morl>hoh)gical informa.- lion. So far, we haw; only discussed the I>IIONOI,OGY values. We will define a t y p e


which will include affixes, infixes, stems, a n d words. All o b j e c t s of t y p e


will have, m i n i m a l l y , the features ItOOTS, and SYNSEM, filled by o b j e c t s of t y p e s

root + a.nd synsem,

re- spectively. We will divide the t y p e


into s i m p l e and complex s u b t y p e s . As an e x a m p l e of a MORPHOLOGY value, we give the f e a t u r e s t r u c t u r e for the word


in Figure 10J 4

For Icelandic, which e x h i b i t s v o w e l - h a r m o n y (um- l a u t i n g ) , we will a d d a feature VOWELS, a feature HARM, and a feature WORD. These features will t a k e values of t y p e s

vowel +, harm,



respectively. T h e addi- tion of these features conforms fairly well to s t a n d a r d practice in a u t o s e g m e n t a l phonology, with the VOWELS feature c o r r e s p o n d i n g to the vowel tier. T h e feature HARM indicates whether vowel h a r m o n y is present, and the feature WORD indicates whether the o b j e c t in ques- tion is a full-fledged word ( r a t h e r t h a n , say, a p a r t i a l l y - inflected word). W i t h these p r e l i m i n a r i e s , we can con- tinue with our analysis of Icelandic u m l a u t i n g , which we t r e a t ~ a cnse of vowel harmony. [image:8.596.63.303.128.280.2]


eolnple~:- word

ItOOTS:[ (f, l, .'~, I, z) ]

• syn.scm


n [ agr


L PErtS :[


I "sem



I OPERAND:[/ sh] J

S U B C A T : [ , ]

l,'igure 10: MOItI'tlOLOGY vahle for fishes

Vowel harmony is gem;rally taken to be. a i)roccss in which the vowels off (typically) a stem assimilate to some feature of some vowel(s) of (typically) an affix. In general, all of the vowels assimilate, or all of the vowels which do not precede some blocking element (if the h a r m o n y is with the vowels in a suffix). In the literature, u m l a u t i n g and vowel reduction in Icelandic are not typically referred to as vowel harmony. How- ever it is clear that, in fact, these processes do match the standard definition of vowel harmony. The process works ~ follows. Suppose we have a noun whose final syllable has a as its nucleus in the nominative singu- lar. One.such word is fatnadh (suit). When realized with the tin.live-plural Suffix, -urn, there is a vowel har- ninny elfiwt. T h e [imd a, and any other as in the word whicln a.n. not s,,i)aratcd ['rOlll I, h a t a I)y some syllal)le

uncle-us which is lit)l, all a, is realized as u, if it is not stressed, and J if it is stressed (in general, the first sylla- ble is stressed). Under a derivational analysis, we have a vowel harmony effect in which an underlying a assim- ilates to a surface u when appropriately situated in a string of surface as, unless it is the first vowel in the stem, in which case, it partially assimilates, to 5. Thus the combination of underlying fatnadh with -urn, the results in the surface form fb'tnudhum. There exists a class of nouns (mostly borrowings) which systematically differ from this paradigm. In this class of exceptions, the h a r m o n y process stops at some point, even though it would continue filrther under the standard paradigm (typically, only the final a assimilates). In such cases, the I~otltmost a which assimilates is realized as 6. One example of such a word is akarn, which is realized as

akgrnum in the dative-pluralJ 5

Icelandic exhibil.s the ffllrther property that this har- mony process can sometimes occur without a u being present. This can b e exemplified by the declension

15In the following, all of the examples of such exceptions will be of this sort, for the simple reason that we are unaware of any ca.ses in which the.assimilation stops further forward in the word. Our analysis will be able to accommodate either case with no Mtera, tions, so this is not a problem.

paradigm for barn (child) given below. As we can sec

Table 1:

s i n g u l a r

nominative barn

accusative barn

dative barni

genitive barns

p l u r a l

nominative b6rn

accusative b6rn

dative b6rnum

genitive barna

Declension i)aradignl for barn

from Table 1, there are cases when the harmonic form of a stem is used as an inflected form of the word. We can handle this neatly in our formalism, as we shall show below.

We will need to divide the type harm into subtypes

bool, nil, trigger, plus-nil, and minus-nil. Plus-nil sub-

sumes + and nil, while minus-nil subsumes - and nil.

We will define several new subtypes of agr, in order to account for the nominative and accusative cases shown in Table 1 above• T h e type agr must have a new feature CASE, with values of type case. T h e type case has subtypes nora-ace-case and gen-dat-case.

Nora-ace-case has subtypes nominative and accusative,

while gen-dat-case Ill.us subtypes genitive and dative. Wc

will (leline two new itnme(liatc sul)tyl)cS of agr, gen-dal,

and nom.acc. As t.he names imply, ob•iects ol7 type

gen-dat must have c a s e values of type gen-dat-case,

while objects of type nora-ace must have CASE values of type nora-ace-case. Nom-acc and gen-dat each have

plural and singular subtypes• In order to illustrate how

we use these new features and types, the lexical con- straint for the word fatnadh is given in Figure 11. The


[]([]vowel, []voweO ^

ROOTS: (f,~], t, n,[~, dh) A WORD:[4_-]bool A

HARMONY: [~]bool A

SYNSEM: (SEM: suit A


AGR: []nom-acc A


harmonize(O, (a, a), D A

allowable(O, 5], D

Figure 11: Lexical constraint for fatnadh

[image:9.596.] [image:9.596.358.463.165.275.2]


a l l o w a b l e ( + , minus-nil, nom-acc-sing).

a.llowablc( +, plus-nil, nom-acc-pl).

allowable(-, harm, gcn-dat).

h a r m o n i z e ( - , [~¢, E])- h armonize(nil, [~]¢, El).

h a r m o n i z e ( + , ¢, ¢ ) h a r m o n i z e 2 ( ¢ , ¢ ) .

ha rmonize2([i]vowel + • a, ~ v o w e l + • u)

harmonize2([~], [~]). h a r m o n i z e 2 ( a , 5).

h a r m o n i z e 2 ( ~ ( ¢ * n-a-vowel), El).

As in H P S G , we t r e a t the lexicon as a d i s j u n c t i o n of the descriptions of its m e m b e r s . As shown by P o l l a r d aml Sag (1987), this allows a g r e a t deal of r e d u n d a n c y in h~xical d e s c r i p t i o n s to be factored into c o n s t r a i n t s at s u i t a b l e levels of generality using m u l t i p l e inheritance. For instance, the h a r m o n y c o n s t r a i n t s given above will not need to be expressed on a w o r d - b y - w o r d basis.

T h e goals allowable(C, ¢ , X) and harmonize(C, ¢, X) in the lexical c o n s t r a i n t ensure the following:

(12) allowable(¢, ¢ , X)

l. n o m i n a t i v e - s i n g u l a r words m u s t have either

- or nil as their HARM values.

2. n o m i n a t i v e - p l u r a l words m u s t have either +

or nil as their HARM values.

3. all n o m i n a t i v e words have + as their WORD value.

4. all genitive and d a t i v e s t e m s have - as their WORD value, and m a y have any HARM value.

harmoniz('(¢, ¢ , X)

1. if a word has a hARM value of nil or -, its VOWELS value h a r m o n i z e s with itself. 2. if a word has a HARM value of +, and its

VOWELS value is a singleton list containing a, t h e n it h a r m o n i z e s with a singleton list c o n t a i n i n g 5.

3. recursively, if a word has a HARM value of +, a n d its VOWELS value is a list h e a d e d by a, then it h a r m o n i z e s with a list headed by u o n l y if the two l i s t ' s tails harmonize.

4. a list of vowels h e a d e d by some other vowel t h a n a or u h a r m o n i z e s w i t h itself.

It should be n o t e d t h a t n-a-vowel s u b s u m e s all of the vowels except a and u. Thus, the line referring to it causes the h a r m o n y process to t e r m i n a t e whenever some other vowel t h a n a or u occurs. The lexica[ con- s t r a i n t s t a t e s t h a t we can have molTh which is a nom- inative singular third person noun with s e m a n t i c s suit

iff we have HOOTS: (f, oq, t, n, o~2, dh), and VOWELS (~1, c~2). F u r t h e r m o r e , the value of the HARMONY fea- ture, (a, a), a n d (cq, or2) m u s t harmonize. As we can see fi'om Figure 14, if the HARMONY value is either - or nil,

then ( a l , or2) m u s t a c t u a l l y be (a,a). If tim IIAR.MONY value is +, then (¢Yt,c~2) m u s t be (il,u). All nmmbers of the sequence of vowels excel)t tim lirst m u s t bc u, while the first n m s t be 6. T h e WORD fl,al.urc exists p r i m a r i l y to prevent, e.g., fglnudh I)y itself from be- ing recognized as a word. We could change our signa- ture again, so t h a t o b j e c t s of t y p e word had + as their WORD value. However, this is not really necessary. T h e WORD feature will come up a g a i n in the c o n s t r a i n t s on

suffix and complex-word. As the r e a d e r can check, the

c o n s t r a i n t above gives us fatnadh, with WORD value +, HARMONY value -, and AGR value nom-acc-sing, and

fb'tnudh, with WOaD value -, HARMONY value + and

AGR value nom-acc-sing.

As the reader m a y have noticed, we h a n d l e d the gen- eral h a r m o n y case by specifying t h a t the entire value of the VOWELS feature h a r m o n i z e with s o m e sequence of as. To h a n d l e the special cases, such as akarv, w(, merely need to specify t h a t the l~st (qenlent of the VOWELS feature h a r m o n i z e with a singleton list. con- t a i n i n g an a. To h a n d l e cases where s o m e o t h e r as h a r m o n i z e further forward in the word, we wouhl only need to force some final s e g m e n t o f the VOWELS va.hw to h a r m o n i z e with some list of as. As an e x a m p l e , we give the lexical c o n s t r a i n t for the word akarn in F i g u r e 12. It should be n o t e d t h a t , in this scheme, words which do

VOWZLS: ff]([]vowel,5]voweO


ROOTS: @ , k,[], r, n) ^

WORD: ['4]bool A

HARMONY: [~bool) ^

SYNSEM: (SEM: acorn A

SYNCAT: ( n ^

AGR:[~]7~oln-acc A

s u s c ^ ' r : ~) ^ harmonize(E], (a), ([~])) A


~, ~)

F i g u r e 12: Lexical c o n s t r a i n t for akarn

not have an a as their final vowel (i.e., as the head of their vOWELS value) m u s t have nil as their HARMONY value.

T h e c o n s t r a i n t s defining suffixes will be very s i m i l a r to those defining words, ttere, all suffixes with a first vowel u m u s t have trigger as their HARMONY values (the rest have nil). T h e c o n s t r a i n t defining the d a t i v e - p l u r a l affix -urn is given in F i g u r e 13. T h e way in which tile FIRST, SYNCAT, SUBCAT, etc., are passed to a COml)lex- word are e x a c t l y as in the English case ( M a s t r o i a n n i 1993). Here, the only differences are with respect to the WORD and HARMONY vahles. 16

We now turn our a t t e n t i o n to the task of delining constraints on complex-word. For this, we a d d two new

16All affixes are defined in the signature to have - as their WORD value; strictly speaking, this makes the reference to WORD:- in Figure 13 redundant. However, it does make the constraint to follow more readable.



~mOTS: ([], E]") A



trigger A


dative-op A


sere) A

SYNCA'r: (It A

AGR: (NUM: p l ; A

PEas: third A







(n A


horn-ace)) A



Figure 13: (',onstraint on tim dative-plural suffix


fi'a.tures, STEM and MOD, with values of type word and allix, respectively. T h e constraint on combining stems and sui[ixcs is given in Figure 14. The definite clause c,,mpatil)h'(¢, ¢) is defined as follows.


COmlm.tihle( trigger, +)



corn pati hie(nil,


compatible(nil, nil)

The constraint in Figure 14 allows the dative affix to combine with




but not




which is the d'esired result. Furthermore, the dative affix can combine with any word which has a I[ARMONY value of


Thus, it can combine with any word which has a final vowel other than a.

These deIiuitions allow us to deal with vowel h a r m o n y without resorting to some undefined non-local process. In this way, we have improved significantly on the pre- sentation in (Scohhie 1991). We have also done this in a i)urcly mouostratal theory, without recourse to rule ordcri,gs, extrinsic or otherwise.

C o n c l u s i o n

The phonological theory which we have outlined has several mlvantages, I)oth theoretical and practical, over the standard autosegmeutal theories.

1. Our theory is properly formalized (see (Bird and I,add 1991) for an explanation of the formal short- comings of autoscgmental phonology).

2. Because we have kept the features geometry em- ployed in our segmental and metrical representations closely tied to observable acoustic phenomena, our theory can be given a semantics in terms of gestural scores (we follow (Scohhie 1991) in this).

3. With our monostratal, declarative architecture, we ('an do hoth generation and analysis using the same gralnulars.

,I. Our uniform coustraint-based architecture allows us to:



+ * ~ v o w e r A


+ • [4Z]rool+ A


harm A

WORD: q- A


[~]operator A




[~syncat A


[8_-]subcat-list) A


(word A













TL:[@ ) ^


[~harm) A

corn l'atih le([~], lED.

Figure 14: Constraint on combining




(a) employ the same g r a m m a r s for both generation and analysis; and

(b) naturally interleave the processing of phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic information.

It might be claimed t h a t our approach is in some way too unconstrained. But the generality of the constraint- based representational system should not be confused with the restrictions on the linguistic theory. Our ap- proach to phonology is quite restrictive in that all of the techniques we have used merely represent the empMcal generalizations in an intuitive manner. This should be contrasted, for example, with derivational theories in which simple constraints such ms the sonority contour and the maximal onset principle are indirectly captured through ordered context-sensitive rewriting schemata. But, as with most work on linguistics, we have not spelled out the precise boundaries between the univer- sal and the language specific.

R e f e r e n c e s

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Figure 1: Most General Structure of Type vowel
Figure 2: Segmental Signature
Figure 8: Yup'ik Data
Figure 9: Metrical Foot Signature (Yup'ik)


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